A new initiative dubbed the Garage Sale Trail taking place across the country is expected to recycle items that are no longer wanted. - Sebuah inisiatif baru yang dijuluki Garage Sale Trail yang berlangsung di seluruh negera ini diharapkan dapat mendaur ulang barang-barang yang tidak lagi diinginkan.
Country is the term at the heart of Australian Indigenous heritage and continuing practices. The environments we are part of, carry history spanning tens of thousands of years of First Nations presence, culture, language, and connection to all living beings. So, how should architects, government bodies and creative practitioners interact with Indigenous knowledge when designing our urban surroundings? - Negara adalah istilah di jantung warisan Pribumi Australia dan praktik berkelanjutan. Jadi, bagaimana seharusnya arsitek, badan pemerintah, dan praktisi kreatif berinteraksi dengan pengetahuan Pribumi ketika merancang lingkungan perkotaan kita?
The Indonesian government has designed a mega National Strategic Project (PSN) food estate in Merauke. The project will open 2.29 million hectares of forest and land in Merauke. - Pemerintah Indonesia telah merancang sebuah mega Proyek Strategis Nasional (PSN) food estate di Merauke. Proyek ini akan membuka lahan sebesar 2,29 juta hektare kawasan hutan dan lahan di Merauke.
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