The Ascension starts within each human being through fully and willingly disconnection from the collective human mind, while whole heartedly requesting the complete connection to the Crystalline Grid of the Pure Light of the Creator. For this, we have to constantly request The Divine Intervention of the Pure Light of the Creator in our beings, our minds, our lives and in our Entire Planet Earth!! Let’s rise in Freedom, Joy and Harmony! ***The new humanity strongly and permanently vibrates in the Heart!! Namaste!!
Have your wounds truly, really and completely healed through the usage of the words “sorry!, apology, or forgiveness?” Has your mind, your heart, your body, and/or your relationships -your life- achieved harmony and peace by saying or receiving an apology?!? Never!!! Because it is simply superficial and empty in essence!! Start seeing yourself first, from within, and invest in a continuous effort to RECONCILE yourself!! That’s the ultimate and everlasting solution to all difficulties and chaos! ***Reconciliation is the true path to inner peace and fulfillment!*** Namasté!
Love is multiple expressions of the true and endless essence that drives the Life force in ourselves, in All, in everything! Understanding each expression helps us to gracefully navigate our reality in this physical realm. Namasté!
Resolving the pending situations and emotions you have right now, releases your Soul and Spirit after leaving the physical form. Let the unattended emotions out, and be at peace and acceptance, gratitude and appreciation for your life, for your body, and your experience. This is going to let you fly free in expansión back to your Soul’s journey after transitioning this world. The Light with you...eternally! Namasté!
This episode delves into the “concept” known as the Age or Era of Aquarius, and how this affects us all as creation. Enjoy, and remember, The Light within us, with us, for us...all...eternally! Namasté!
This powerful and beautiful insight is a wonderful reminder of the really important things in life. It grounds us and center us to the Life force in our experience. Enjoy practicing it! Namasté!
December, the month of MIRACLES is giving us powerful and magical reminders to ignite, expand and strengthen our Inner Fire called FAITH!! The energy that makes us create, live, dream, and manifest our desires in this physical world. Connect to Faith and create a beautiful new year. Ignite and nourish your Faith in Life and start attracting that which you really want to live! Namasté!
Everything in this physical realm is temporary; BUT our Soul, our Spirit is eternal!! Choose to connect to that eternity that you are and remove fear!
Only ourselves have the amazing power to change our lives, our existence...our reality! From our inner peace, the entire Planet can also experience peace. From our change, the entire world can change...IT starts with our thoughts and decisions.
Absolutely Everything in your life can be different!! Yes, of course! Because YOU and Only YOU are the creator of your experience. Not liking what you are living? Then, raise your vibe and awareness to feel your inner Light, and open up to experience miracles!
Our Soul communicates with us through our cells and emotions, and by carefully listening and acting upon it, the true expression of the Light can be fully manifested in this lifetime. What is your Soul telling you?