我们立下的第一个flag已经完成了!拼了老命为大家录了一期沪语节目,难度比想象中的大多了!虽然电视剧《繁花》的 热度下降了,但希望大家学习上海话的热度不要熄灭!我们也知道我们洋泾浜的,所以欢迎大家留言指正和帮忙告诉我们,到底那几个词的上海话哪能刚?
感谢联通沃派,这个寒假希望小宝贝和大宝贝们都休整好了,如果你这个寒假做了比Jenny去看Taylor Swift演唱会更有意思的事情,也记得留言里告诉我们,让我们眼红一下!
这次又是熟悉的话题,工作就像谈恋爱,有起起伏伏,有分分合合,这次贝贝辞职之后很快又为ex boss干了一些活儿,然后就被offer了回去继续工作,但,跟工作“分手”之后这么快就复合,会不会有点尴尬?有没有听众可以跟我们分享一下,如果你有二进宫的经验,怎么才能当无事发生一样回去工作呢?
说到最近的好莱坞新闻,Taylor Swift最近被评为了Person of the Year instead of Man of the Year, 她的全球影响力毋庸置疑了,她的演唱会记录电影也即将上线,不知道Swifty们有没有准备好,去电影院Party了呢?如果你也准备盛装打扮出席的话,可以发一点照片给我们看哦!
It's the end of the year again, first of all, we'd like to say Merry Christmas/Happy New Year~!
This time, it's a familiar topic again, work is just like a relationship, there are ups and downs, there are breakups, this time, after Beibei quit her job, she did some more work for her ex boss, and then she was offered to go back to her job, but wouldn't it be a bit awkward to get back to her job after breaking up with it so quickly? Can any of our listeners share with us how you can go back to work as if nothing happened if you've had the experience of going back to work?
Speaking of recent Hollywood news, Taylor Swift was recently named Person of the Year instead of Man of the Year, her global influence is undeniable, and her concert film will be released soon, so we wonder if all the Swifties is ready to party at the movie theater? If you're ready to dress up for the occasion, send us a few pics!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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微博: @贝贝iRIs
你也可以在各个社交媒体上找我们玩哦~Find us here:
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来这里找Jenny玩:Instagram: @jennyjzhou
微博: @弄堂里的Jenny
Vlog视频: https://bit.ly/3hkRUz4B站:https://bit.ly/2Xz1VjJ
Instagram: @irisuperwoman
微博: @贝贝iRIs
Sophie Turner和Joe Jonas的离婚闹得沸沸扬扬,双方各执一词也已经反转了好几次,你曾经磕过这一对CP吗?以及,最近在播的离婚综艺《再见爱人》你有追吗?
你也可以在各个社交媒体上找我们玩哦~Find us here:
邮箱:[email protected]
来这里找Jenny玩:Instagram: @jennyjzhou
微博: @弄堂里的Jenny
Vlog视频: https://bit.ly/3hkRUz4B站:https://bit.ly/2Xz1VjJ
Instagram: @irisuperwoman
微博: @贝贝iRIs
七夕节快乐!Happy Chinese V-day everybody!
你也可以在各个社交媒体上找我们玩哦~Find us here:
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来这里找Jenny玩:Instagram: @jennyjzhou
微博: @弄堂里的Jenny
Vlog视频: https://bit.ly/3hkRUz4B站:https://bit.ly/2Xz1VjJ
Instagram: @irisuperwoman
微博: @贝贝iRIs
Is it necessary to block your ex'es parents after your split? 贝贝今天要跟大家分享的这个故事就有点离奇,虽然道理大家都懂,但如果真的在你自己身上发生了,你会有勇气和对方对峙吗?
你也可以在各个社交媒体上找我们玩哦~Find us here:
邮箱:[email protected]
来这里找Jenny玩:Instagram: @jennyjzhou
微博: @弄堂里的Jenny
Vlog视频: https://bit.ly/3hkRUz4B站:https://bit.ly/2Xz1VjJ
Instagram: @irisuperwoman
微博: @贝贝iRIs
Happy quitting! 不知道你是不是和好意思姐妹一样最近都开始享受生活了呢?如果是我们节目的老粉,你一定知道“工作就像谈恋爱”这个concept,不知道这几年你有没有换工作呢,是不是也觉得工作和男朋友一样都可以想换就换呢?但Jenny说,工作可以换但老公不可以换!We'd love your opinions too!
今天给大家推荐的并不是美剧,而是真实的“北美爱情故事”!Selena Gomez和Hailey Bieber又因为社交媒体的内容让粉丝产生了争论,而最新的舆论是大家都倒向了Team Selena, 而对于Justin和Hailey结婚的真正原因Jenny也给我们一个很合理的猜测!
你也可以在各个社交媒体上找我们玩哦~Find us here:
邮箱:[email protected]
来这里找Jenny玩:Instagram: @jennyjzhou
微博: @弄堂里的Jenny
Vlog视频: https://bit.ly/3hkRUz4B站:https://bit.ly/2Xz1VjJ
Instagram: @irisuperwoman
微博: @贝贝iRIs
春节又到了,节目中没说全的吉利话,在这儿补充,祝所有听众朋友 "兔"然暴富!大展鸿"兔"! "兔"然有钱!Good Luck 兔 you!
过年剧荒的时候推荐大家看这一部美剧 “白莲花度假村 the White Lotus",应该在这寒冷的冬天给你们送去炙热的度假风情,让你们欲罢不能!
First of all, 让我们恭喜Jenny订婚!!!Let's congratulate Jenny on her engagement!!!
当然如果你目前身体无恙可以自由出入,Jenny推荐你去电影院看一下《阿凡达2》, 她说这十几年的等待是非常值得的!当然如果你和贝贝一样甚至连《阿凡达1》都没看过的话,可以试试Jenny推荐的另一部的真人秀《Dubai Bling》, 比之前的《璀璨帝国 Bling Empire》更抓马哦~
Thank you again for another year of supporting Shameless Sisters! We know that we've been skipping episodes but we didn't give up on this channel all because of you! We are sorry that a lot of people are getting covid and we're sending love and hugs to you please take good care of yourself and your family! Leave the virus and anything bad in 2022 and you'll have an amazing 2023!
If you do have some spare time Jenny recommend you to see the movie <Avatar 2> she said it was worth the wait! But if you don't vibe with Avatar at all, try the Netflix series <Dubai Bling> we promise it's more dramatic than <Bling Empire>!
你也可以在各个社交媒体上找我们玩哦~Find us here:
邮箱:[email protected]
来这里找Jenny玩:Instagram: @jennyjzhou
微博: @弄堂里的Jenny
Vlog视频: https://bit.ly/3hkRUz4B站:https://bit.ly/2Xz1VjJ
Instagram: @irisuperwoman
微博: @贝贝iRIs
Maroon5的主唱Adam Levine最近被ins博主爆出不忠,而且居然原因是他即将出生的孩子想要以情人的名字命名?!Jenny一套看渣男面向的理论,听听看你身边是不是有长得像狐狸的男生?
你也可以在各个社交媒体上找我们玩哦~Find us here:
邮箱:[email protected]
来这里找Jenny玩:Instagram: @jennyjzhou
微博: @弄堂里的Jenny
Vlog视频: https://bit.ly/3hkRUz4B站:https://bit.ly/2Xz1VjJ
Instagram: @irisuperwoman
微博: @贝贝iRIs
本周的美剧推荐是好莱坞真人秀,Bling Empire的第二季上线了!
一如既往的狗血和抓马,当然还有各种bling bling闪瞎我们的眼睛!
最近上海依旧还在封控中,请大家好好保护好自己,也要注意好心理健康!可以听听我们的节目,看看我们推荐的电视,今天给大家推荐的是比较轻松的真人秀,Married at First Sight, 一眼成婚?听上去就非常抓马,如果换成是你的话,你会做这么疯狂的事情吗?
Love comes in many forms and all shapes and sizes, especially during times like these it's really the little things that count. Bei Bei celebrated her birthday recently and was so lucky to get a cake deliver, it was obviously the most delicious birthday cake she had ever tasted. We also hear from our listeners Christine, who celebrated her birthday with her cats and Mike who managed to find a girlfriend during lockdown! Imagine getting locked down with someone you just started dating...could be disaster or it could be the most crazy lucky love story you ever heard.
We would love to hear your stories about dating in lockdown, if it's been great for your relationship or you literally just want ONE. SECOND. ALONE. Also, if you've been on any dating shows, know someone who has or work in the industry we would LOVE to hear from you! Next week's episode is all about dating IRL....reality being reality TV... -
This is a special episode dedicating to all the amazing people stuck with the lockdown in Shanghai. We've been seeing so much negativity on social media everyday so we hope this show can deliver some positive vibe and optimism to you all. We asked a couple of our friends who live in Shanghai to share their lockdown situation at the moment, although it may not be thorough, but all the stories are true. And we are totally aware of people struggling with more serious issues other than coffee shortage, so if there's anything we can help with, just leave a comment below or DM us.
We're in this together, and we believe in the great people of Shanghai. Let's get through this together!
We are back with a vengeance! A few months into 2022 and A LOT has happened in the world and in the workplace. Today Bei Bei and Jenny are letting off some steam and having a 'little' rant about things that our wonderful co-workers do to annoy us. Bei Bei's got poisonous flowers in her office and Jenny has an 18 year old micro-managing her. To destress you from work we obviously also have a great TV show recommendation: Dopesick!
Enjoy this episode about bad co-workers and evil marketing! Don't forget to leave a comment and join in on the chat! -
Ain't nothing like love, money and lies. This week's episode is full of love from Valentine's Day to White Valentine's Day, Kanye and Kim to the crazy good but evil Tinder Swindler!
你也可以在各个社交媒体上找我们玩哦~Find us here:
邮箱:[email protected]
来这里找Jenny玩:Instagram: @jennyjzhou
微博: @弄堂里的Jenny
Vlog视频: https://bit.ly/3hkRUz4B站:https://bit.ly/2Xz1VjJ
Instagram: @irisuperwoman
微博: @贝贝iRIs
Sit down, get comfortable and get a snack - we have a delicious new episode for you!
Breakups, surprise new it couples and 10 minute songs about ex-boyfriends. We dive straight into the new Hollywood it boy that everyone seems to be dating - Pete Davidson and his surprise coupling with Kim Kardashian! Also, discussing the attraction of dating a younger guy - what were your experiences?
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