
  • In this episode of the Shift with Intention podcast, Jaime is joined by Jill Kneemiller, licensed professional counselor and one of the writers in Shift with Intention and Soar!

    Sometimes you ask for whatever it is you want to come to you and you've got to just trust that it's what's for you. It's easier to think that we get whatever it is we expect so you have to expect different things for yourself as well. What's even more important is what we say during these times.


    You're going to keep getting the same things - Jill: "First of all, pay attention to what you're saying. Because if you're just going about your life and saying the negative statements, and that's just all you're doing, walking around and saying those phrases over and over again."

    What's meant for us will always show up - Jaime: "I really just try to safe often, 'I'm blessed beyond measure.' Even when it's not amazing. There's always something amazing you can find even if you're just mad as hell about your job."

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    Connect with Jaime:

    Jaime Zografos | Facebook | Shift With Intention Facebook | Jaime Z Enterprises

  • Men and women naturally perceive relationships differently. Though we are our own unique selves there are also things to consider when it comes to experiencing relationships that can be similar to those of others. In this episode of the Shift with Intention podcast, Jaime is joined by Dave Hughes, Managing Director at Excelera Consulting.

    Understanding relationships between men and women, more specifically what relationships look like for each of these persons. What do men look for early on in relationships? How does that differ from the women's perspective? Let's dive right in!


    Ask the right questions but be honest - Dave: "I think honesty is the best thing right out of the gate and you really hope that the person you're reaching out to is going to communicate in that fashion. What I learned over time was, you're just going to have to go for it once in a while you're going to have to try something different."

    You can see others in relationships that are trying to figure it out - Dave: "I think that guys at whatever age, whether it's 47 or 21 or 16. You go back to your earliest relationships and could you really explain why you felt the way you felt about somebody."

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  • In this episode of the Shift with Intention podcast, Jaime is joined by Jill Kneemiller, licensed professional counselor and one of the writers in Shift with Intention and Soar!

    There are so many times when people want to give up on whatever their dreams or passions lie. Jaime and Jill share their experiences and stories on what certain parts of their life could look like if they didn't give themselves the chance to have one more try.


    Are you okay with not giving it one more chance? - Jill: "I think what you really have to do is think about 'What happens if I give up and am I okay with it?' Am I okay with not giving it one more chance? If I don't give up one more chance, am I okay with how things are today?"

    You know intuitively if you should keep doing something - Jaime: "One more time isn't necessarily just keeping a toxic relationship. But maybe it's more like, “Hey trike a relationship again but not that on.” So it doesn't mean keep going down this road because whatever It's to keep being true to what you are.

    Connect with Jill:

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    Connect with Jaime:

    Jaime Zografos | Facebook | Shift With Intention Facebook | Jaime Z Enterprises

  • In this episode of the Shift with Intention podcast, our host Jaime Zografos talks about the 3 rules of Socrates when speaking with someone or in a group - "Am I sure that what I'm going to say is true?", "Is what I'm going to say a good thing?", and “Do I really need to say it or is it useful?”

    Jaime also talks about achieving a win-win in relationships through communication as related to the 3 rules. She also touches on asking for something and how to react when it actually shows up in your life.

    Is what I'm going to say a good thing? - Jaime: "If we have a conflict to discuss with somebody, it doesn't mean that everything that comes out of our mouth is going to be good good good. It does mean that with what we're saying, we're trying to get to a good place. I think we can wrap up things in a bow a little bit and say them appropriately."

    Being the smartest in the room means you're playing small - Jaime: "You shouldn't be the smartest person in the room. You should be surrounding yourself with people smarter than you so that you can grow, and learn, and be to the level that they are."

    Connect with Jaime:
    Jaime Zografos | Facebook | Shift With Intention Facebook | Jaime Z Enterprises

  • In this episode of the Shift with Intention podcast, our host Jaime Zografos shares the mindsets that make you grow. She talks about choosing to do hard things, blaming effectively, and changing actions to change the results you get.

    We must all learn to do things scared because doing so will result in the benefits of self-confidence, self-worth, and self-esteem. Jaime also talks about always doing your best, as well as the book The Four Agreements.

    Change opens up enormous possibilities - Jaime: "If we don't embrace the change and what that looks like, and that may mean your life looks slightly different, that means you may have less time for yourself, that means you don't have to lower your expenses to be able to do something else. Embrace that change because the possibility on the other side could be enormous."

    Switch the narrative and blame effectively - Jaime: "I remember as a kid, I was 16 years old and once I had a job, I had to pay for my stamps to mail off a bill or something. And I'm so mad, why am I having to pay for a stamp? And I think it was 28, 30 cents back then, I have no idea, but I was so furious about it."

    "I'm like, this is ridiculous. I do not make my kids pay for stamps, but what it taught me is how to be resourceful and always take care of me and know I have to work for everything, and it's made me be able to be the entrepreneur that I am now. And so that is blaming effectively."

    Connect with Jaime:
    Jaime Zografos | Facebook | Shift With Intention Facebook | Jaime Z Enterprises

  • In this episode of the Shift with Intention podcast, our host Jaime Zografos reflects on the song 'Til You Can't by Cody Johnson. If you have a passion for something, then chase that dream because dreams don't chase you back. The same goes for loving the people you love until you can't because the regrets of inaction are far more common than the regrets of action.

    Make your dreams happen and stop standing in your way - Jaime: "I'm going to encourage you to think about what it is that you're not doing, and then go chase it, and figure out a way to make it happen because you're the only one standing in your way. You can make anything happen. You're the only one standing in your way, I promise."

    Think about the inaction you're not taking - Jaime: "That's life. Go play full out in everything you do. Go laugh and bring that joy to your life. Life is such a phenomenal medicine for us, and go chase your dreams and look inside and find out the inaction that you're not taking. And then take the phone call when mom and dad call."

    Connect with Jaime:

    Jaime Zografos| Facebook |Shift With Intention Facebook| Jaime Z Enterprises

  • In this episode of the Shift with Intention podcast, our host Jaime Zografos talks about recognizing situations where we need to make changes so that other things, better things, can show up.

    Sometimes we stay in situations way past their expiration date and we simply confine ourselves from getting the best for us. When we get out of that situation, we usually ask ourselves why we didn't leave sooner. It's still fine to ask ourselves that, but we have to look toward the future too!

    Have the courage to do things scared - Jaime: "I think doing things scared helps you increase your confidence and your belief in yourself. It's okay to do things scared. No one else knows you're scared unless you tell them."

    Do something different to take care of yourself - Jaime: "Pay attention to the things that aren't really working in your life and how painful they are at times. Those can be cyclical and so don't necessarily wait til the 85th cycle of this same pain to make that change."

    Connect with Jaime:
    Jaime Zografos | Facebook | Shift With Intention Facebook | Jaime Z Enterprises

  • In this episode of the Shift with Intention podcast, our host Jaime Zografos talks about experiencing the transitions in our life and learning to recognize our strengths and vulnerabilities during these periods.

    We always have choices available to us. But we have to ask ourselves if A is the right thing and B is the wrong thing, how often do we choose A? Oftentimes this is what makes it difficult during transitions because we never exactly know which is the best for us. This is why you've got to let it flow.


    Have the mindfulness to reflect on yourself during a transition - Jaime: "Quiet yourself to be able to look at how you're really showing up for yourself in the transition. Mine is going to be more acceptance that this is a transition that you're in. It is so okay to keep going through the transition because you always land exactly where you're supposed to land."

    Don't try to push transitions along - Jaime: "Just be mindful that the transition has its own speed and you cannot change the speed of that transition. The best thing you can do is learn what you're supposed to learn in that transition. "

    Connect with Jaime:

    Jaime Zografos | Facebook| Shift With Intention Facebook| Jaime Z Enterprises

  • In this episode of the Shift with Intention podcast, our host Jaime Zografos talks about identifying the green flags and red flags of any kind of relationship we have.

    She dives into discovering the patterns that would trigger you to avoid relationships or cut ties with somebody. At the same time, you should also understand that you have many positives and qualities that make you easy to love.


    Circle backs can be just as damaging in any relationship - Jaime: "I think that circle backs are comical. When you make a decision, be strong in the conviction of your decision. And that means do the research, introspection, or thought process. But if you're giving up a friendship, relationship, or quitting a job, list that out so you're not the circle backer."

    Givers give until givers are done - Jaime: "Marry a giver and be a giver. If you're a giver and they're a giver, chances are, you're always going to be giving to the relationship. Of course, there's going to be problems but at your core, if you're a giver then you're going to get through a lot of stuff."

    Connect with Jaime:

    Jaime Zografos | Facebook | Shift With Intention Facebook| Jaime Z Enterprises

  • Welcome to the Shift with Intention podcast. Today, we take a look at some of this season's most memorable moments. From my own shift in self-talk, as I overcame cancer and kept my cup filled, to our guest's own experiences in writing down intentions, controlling thoughts that make you suffer, and validating yourself and others, these nuggets of life and wisdom will serve to inspire you!


    Whitney Wiser: https://www.instagram.com/whitneywiserfit/Matt Orzech - https://www.linkedin.com/in/matt-orzech-6647016/Jill Kneemiller - https://www.linkedin.com/in/jill-kneemiller-ma-lpc-29a62a46/April Abbonizio - https://www.linkedin.com/in/april-abbonizio-18bb30b1/


    Embrace the unexpected blessings of a detour - Jaime: "If you guys have a cup and everybody in the relationship is filling the cup, so now you have a cup full, we'll call it. And who's pulling from the cup and who's putting in the cup? So let's say both parties and a friendship or intimate relationship are putting in the cup. Great. And then who's pulling from the cup? Is only one person pulling from the cup? Is one person taking and taking and taking because they need that right now? And that's okay. And then, you know, do they fill it back up?"

    Be intentional about positivity because the default is negative - April: "You have to be intentional because habitually we want to be negative. And so, just be intentional about telling yourself. Give yourself affirmations. You are loved, you're valued, you're beautiful, comes from within yourself, not just other people."

    Connect with Jaime:

    Jaime Zografos | Facebook | Shift With Intention Facebook | Jaime Z Enterprises

    Grab a copy of Shift with Intention and Soar! from Amazon.

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  • In this episode of the Shift with Intention podcast, our host Jaime Zografos talks about experiencing joy for ourselves and the joy that we also share outwards to others.

    She shares about the idea of baby love wherein sometimes, like babies, we often fall to "crying" about something just for others to make us happy. And nobody really wants that! So Jaime talks about how we can address this and really adopt a mindset of really "getting to" that true happiness.


    Joy can mean differently for someone else - Jaime: "It took me years to be able to even understand what the word really meant, it's more than happy. It is pure joy that you allow yourself to be. Experiencing your own joy and sharing in somebody else's, they're both gifts. "

    None of us want to be "baby loved" - Jaime: "We want to be in a relationship that we get to give and make someone feel good. As grown adults, that is where joy comes. When you get to make somebody feel loved, or cared about, or special, or cherished."

    Connect with Jaime:

    Jaime Zografos | Facebook | Shift With Intention Facebook | Jaime Z Enterprises

  • Welcome to another episode of the Shift with Intention podcast. In this solo episode, our host Jaime Zografos talks about ways we can teach people how to treat us better, find solutions to problems that arise from mistreatment, and see the signs of the universe.

    She shares the value and impact of having someone treat you the way you need to be treated. Sometimes, however, that also requires a change on your part. Jaime also dives deep into shifting your mindset in order to trigger that growth for yourself and with the way people treat you.


    You need to change your behavior so others change theirs around you as well - Jaime: "Allow people to treat you how they treat people and then see if that's acceptable to you. People are who they are, you can't change them. What you can do is change your behavior with them."

    Don't talk to someone the same way if you know it doesn't work - Jaime: "Try a different behavior on how to talk to them. And sometimes that changes them and it's not manipulative. It's just being a little bit wiser on 'I think I have a little bit more awareness than this person so if I change my behavior, maybe it will change the way they respond to me.' It's brilliant."

    Connect with Jaime:

    Jaime Zografos | Facebook | Shift With Intention Facebook | Jaime Z Enterprises

  • Welcome to the Shift with Intention podcast! Today, Jaime goes on a solo episode to talk about our blueprints for life and the inevitable detours that follow. A detour can be frustrating, but in reality, it can open doors that get you to your same destination—or better!

    Mind your self-talk, be kind to yourself, and remember to speak to yourself the same way you would your best friend. Jaime closes out the episode with a lesson on manifesting by asking, believing, and finally receiving.


    Embrace the unexpected blessings of a detour - Jaime: "Sometimes the detours are fun and sometimes the detours are, you know, you learn like five lessons on the detour, getting to where your blueprint, where you eventually wanted to go. And sometimes you meet somebody on the detour that is going to help you on the path and I think that part of believing, that there's another way and to just trust that even though it doesn't look the way you thought it was supposed to look, that detours are really a good thing and detours bring us to the same destination or a better destination."

    Ask, believe, and then receive everything you want from life - Jaime: "It may not be like the blueprint that you want and we may have to go on detours to get it. Just tying this all together, but you asked for it and you will receive it and you have to believe that you're going to receive it. And that's the biggest thing. So asking is kind of easy, right? You just have to remember to ask. You can repost it-notes all over your house to remember, to ask, believe, and then receive."

    Connect with Jaime:

    Jaime Zografos | Facebook | Shift With Intention Facebook | Jaime Z Enterprises

    Grab a copy of Shift with Intention and Soar! from Amazon.

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  • Welcome to the Shift with Intention podcast! Today is a solo episode where Jaime shares her certificate of graduation from the therapist she had been seeing for the past couple of years. It's also the best time to explore some nuggets of wisdom that she has picked up and how these can help you too.

    She discusses the Drama Triangle and how to resolve conflicts by asking questions instead of blaming others as a kneejerk reaction. Jaime also talks about determining her value system and the process of pattern recognition that leads to growth and positive change.

    Lastly, Jaime highlights the 7 Elements of Trust (BRAVING) by Dr. Brené Brown: Boundaries, Reliability, Accountability, Vault (confidentiality), Integrity, Non-judgement, and Generosity, and how walking the talk improves your interpersonal relationships.


    Overreacting to something means that it's your stuff to heal from - Jaime: When we have a reaction that is bigger than what a normal reaction to that problem would be, that means it's our stuff. And that was in 2012 I learned that. So now we're in 2023 and I've utilized that so much and shared that with people close to me."

    "And so like let's say, your kid decides that he's going to cancel on an event with a grandparent or something, and this wasn't the situation but this is a situation of somebody I was helping, and that person was like, are you kidding me? You can't do that and kind of overreacting to the situation at hand. And so that means that that's their trigger or their stuff to heal."

    The Drama Triangle is comprised of the bully, victim, and rescuer - Jaime: "We move around the triangle until one of us moves out of the triangle into a clear and healthy communication pattern. So in non-healthy relationships, and no judgment, we all look at them. So please don't take any of this as judgment. The reason I have this is because I used to be in the drama triangle. So we move around the triangle until we don't, just like everything in life. So the parts of the triangle. We have the bully, we have the victim, and we have the rescuer."

    Connect with Jaime:

    Jaime Zografos | Facebook | Shift With Intention Facebook | Jaime Z Enterprises

  • In this episode of the Shift with Intention podcast, we're celebrating Valentine's week with Jill Kneemiller, licensed professional counselor and one of the writers in Shift with Intention and Soar!

    To love someone fully, you have to be able to love and understand yourself first. Jaime and Jill have a conversation on love languages, self-love, and the delicate details of loving one's self. They talk about how we start with self-love before pouring it into others whether it's family, friends, partners, and more.


    Your value does not depend on others' opinions of you - Jill: "I know what my value is regardless of if somebody else sees it. It doesn't matter because I know me and what I bring to the table and I know what my value is. I know who I am and I know I'm worthy of love and that's why I give it to myself."

    We are responsible for filling our own cups - Jaime: "Make sure that you love yourself enough to be okay to give love to someone else. In relationships, you don't need to have someone else fill up your cup all the time."

    Connect with Jill:

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    Connect with Jaime:

    Jaime Zografos | Facebook | Shift With Intention Facebook | Jaime Z Enterprises

  • Welcome to the Shift with Intention podcast with today's guest Jennifer Graham, a best-selling author in Shift with Intention and Soar! with more than 30 years of experience in interior design. When you catch an ailment that impairs even just one of your senses, it becomes easy to question your ability to go on in life.

    With Jennifer's shift, it became possible for her to overcome those doubts with great resolve. Although she also recognizes that it wasn't only one shift but multiple ones that helped her keep moving.


    There are tools to help improve your thinking patterns - Jennifer: "If you catch yourself before you spiral or even if you are triggered by something. You can go back and visit it and say, 'Oh here's what happened.' You can dissect it a little bit better than you can just being triggered and emotional about it."

    Find the things that give you energy - Jennifer: "You can do hard things if they're the things that you do well. You can do them without getting tired. You can do them without stressing out. If that's what you were just gifted with, you could do it endlessly and not get tired."

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    Connect with Jaime:

    Jaime Zografos | Facebook | Shift With Intention Facebook | Jaime Z Enterprises

  • Welcome to the Shift with Intention podcast with today's guest Michael Graham, President of Comprehensive Benefits and #1 International Best-Selling Author in Shift with Intention and Soar! It's never easy to deal with loss, especially when it can happen too frequently over the length of our lifetime.

    Michael's shift was all about changing for the better. He had to deal with a lot of ups and downs but he also picked himself up again and again. And knowing that he had to change to go on was always a constant reminder to himself.


    Change or be changed - Michael: "I just didn't want to keep having everybody else tell me what my life was going to be. I was at that point where I needed to change to decide my own life."

    Continue to meditate on reflective questions - Michael: "If you didn't concern yourself with what other people thought, what are you capable of doing?"

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  • Welcome to another episode of the Shift with Intention podcast. In this special solo episode, our host Jaime Zografos shares nuggets of wisdom based on a few experiences that prompted a shift in her life.

    She talks about finding and placing yourself in an environment to thrive, honoring your relationships with a balanced effort, and simply allowing life to take its natural course.

    Jamie shares a story about being alone when her daughter went on a trip and how this led to her decision to move out and sell the house. She also provides insight into knowing when to "seize your day" and when to let the day take over so that you can rest or even have fun.


    A metaphor from planting and looking at daylilies - Jaime: "I'd keep removing all the dead and right under that, that new growth. Which is like us too. If you remove all the dead, all the lessons, and all the things you've learned, all the new growth starts coming up."

    Claiming something and letting life take its course - Jaime: "Surrender. We are not in control of this life. We are given paths to choose and we are in control of choosing that path."

    Connect with Jaime:

    Jaime Zografos | Facebook | Shift With Intention Facebook | Jaime Z Enterprises

  • Welcome to the Shift with Intention podcast with today's guest April Abbonizio, owner of a medical thermography clinic and one of the authors of Shift with Intention and Soar! April's shift happened after she had already been married for 17 years with 2 kids.

    Then, she had come to the conclusion that she didn't love her partner anymore. However, after making new friends who convinced her to try again, she opened up to her partner who agreed to work on their relationship with her. They went through counseling and therapy to do the internal work necessary for this shift.

    April learned to let go of the expectations that she had to be the perfect wife and mother, an unrealistic expectation that weighed heavily on her. Learning how to communicate not only saved her marriage but also helped open up relationships in other areas as well.


    A shift in mindset and communication helps you stay happy - April: "Just shifting that negative into a positive, and honestly, it helps you stay happy. Like it helps that internal joy inside of you because we're so in tune, I think, in a habit of thinking and saying things in a negative way, and so if we can just shift that so that's not the first thing that we think of, we just turn it around into a positive, it makes every aspect of your life better."

    Before finding validation from others, validate yourself first - April: "I think everybody should know that there's a purpose in the world for them, that they are valued. And I felt like, for a while, I felt so devalued and so, what is my purpose? Why, you know? I wanted to feel validated and it wasn't that he wasn't validating me, it was because I did not have the mindset to validate myself."

    Connect with April:

    LinkedIn | Email | Phone: 314-882-7529

    Connect with Jaime:

    Jaime Zografos | Facebook | Shift With Intention Facebook | Jaime Z Enterprises

  • Welcome to the Shift with Intention podcast with today's guest Zach Babcock, CEO, and Founder of Podcast Penthouse and host of the Underdog Empowerment Podcast. Zach shares his emotional story of growing up in psych wards, rehabs, and juveniles and doing over 5 years in prison as an adult.

    But after all the curve balls that life threw at him, from his father's untimely death and getting in trouble with drugs, he made a radical shift that earned him his first million 6 years after getting out of prison. He shares the amazing benefits of MDMA-assisted psychotherapy and the hard work of integrating into society afterward.


    MDMA-assisted psychotherapy turned Zach's life around - Zach: "Before I turned my life around, I would do drugs to numb it. I would put myself in crazy situations for thrills to feel alive and stuff and all this stuff. And then I turned my life around and I was still doing the same shit. I was just doing positive stuff. I was going all in on the business and dominating. Build, build, build. Be successful and all this stuff and it wasn't enough. And when I did this MDMA-assisted psychotherapy, it was the first time ever in my life that I had a release."

    Zach realized that becoming the dad he never had is his happiness - Zach: "I don't have balance in my life but I do have harmony. What I mean by that's before this, before 2021, I used to spend 16 to 18 hours a day just working, 6 to 7 days a week. And like yeah, I'd spend some time with my family but there's not much time left after that. And I was just grinding. The whole reason I started moving down this direction in the first place is that I wanted to be the dad that I didn't have growing up. And so, now, I am that dad and it's my favorite part about my life really is showing up every day, present as fuck, spending quality time with my kids and doing shit with them and helping them grow."

    Connect with Zach:

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    Connect with Jaime:

    Jaime Zografos | Facebook | Shift With Intention Facebook | Jaime Z Enterprises