Here's a Film Club episode to kick off a mini season of Collins, Dev, The Treaty, and the Civil War.
Joining us for this week to talk shite about the Michael Collins movie is Tony Cantwell, from the Young Hot Guys podcast and the TV show Good Boy(go watch it on the RTE Player!).
Then joining us live on March 6th for the live episode in The Laughter Lounge is Donal Fallon of Three Castles Burning! There we'll be discussing the life and times of Eamon De Valera, and wrapping up the series before we get back to another regular season of Shite Talk!
If you want to see clips from this episode you can follow Shite Talk on Instagram, TikTok, or YouTube and you can find tickets for our upcoming LIVE SHOW here:
06 March 2025 - Laughter Lounge, Dublin -
We've got our biggest show to date coming up on the 06th of March and since it's the fifty year anniversary of Ireland's six-time-Taoiseach we're going to be doing a Dev special.
You can get tickets for the show here:
06 March 2025 - Laughter Lounge, DublinOr sign up for the Patreon to get a discount code for the show*:
*Basically if you're buying a ticket you can get free access to all our Patreon stuff
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Here's a new recording of one of the episodes we did live last year; the story of Jimmy Hasty, the one armed football player.
If you want to see clips from this episode you can follow Shite Talk on Instagram, TikTok, or YouTube and you can find tickets for our upcoming LIVE SHOW here:
06 March 2025 - Laughter Lounge, Dublin.
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Happy 2025! We did a "Reeling in the Years" style review of 2024, this is the first part covering events from January to June, and part two will be up on the Patreon later this week. Part two is much more fun to be honest, the first half of the year had very little craic in it.
If you want to see clips from this episode you can follow Shite Talk on Instagram, TikTok, or YouTube and you can find tickets for our upcoming LIVE SHOW here:
06 March 2025 - Laughter Lounge, Dublin.
Also, if ye fancy it, leaving reviews of the podcast on whatever app you listen on is something you can do to support us that's completely free and helps us a lot too.
Hope ye have a great 2025 and thanks for listening x
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This week we had Brinsley McNamara of Weird Ireland on to chat about all things Irish History.
Brinsley's book Weird Ireland: An Unofficial Guide to the Island is on sale in all good bookshops! And a few of the bad ones too.
You can follow Shite Talk on Instagram, TikTok, or YouTube and you can find tickets for our upcoming LIVE SHOW here:
06 March 2025 - Laughter Lounge, Dublin.
If you want an add free version of the episode, as well as all the bonus stuff AND a discount on the LIVE SHOW tickets, you can get it all for a fiver on Patreon
Also, if ye fancy it, leaving reviews of the podcast on whatever app you listen on is something you can do to support us that's completely free and helps us a lot too. Enjoy the episode! -
Here's an episode about James McClean and the Poppy fiasco thats been melting the heads of English football fans for about 12 years now.
You can follow Shite Talk on Instagram, TikTok, or YouTube and you can find tickets for our upcoming LIVE SHOW here:
06 March 2025 - Laughter Lounge, Dublin.
If you want an add free version of the episode, as well as all the bonus stuff AND a discount on the LIVE SHOW tickets, you can get it all for a fiver on Patreon
Also, if ye fancy it, leaving reviews of the podcast on whatever app you listen on is something you can do to support us that's completely free and helps us a lot too. Enjoy the episode! -
With the results in we're doing one last review of the General Election and then we're done with politics (at least until next years Presidential election).
But if you want to hear more political bits (like Mattie McGrath) you can head over to Patreon.
And / or you can follow Shite Talk on Instagram, TikTok, or YouTube and you can find tickets for our upcoming LIVE SHOW here:
06th March 2025 - Laughter Lounge, Dublin.
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Hello! For this episode Kevin & Jason talked about the Leaders' debate, the campaign issues so far, and a final guess at who'll be in charge of the country next year.
If you want to hear more political bits (like Mattie McGrath) you can head over to Patreon.
You can follow Shite Talk on Instagram, TikTok, or YouTube and you can find tickets for our upcoming LIVE SHOW here:
06th March 2025 - Laughter Lounge, Dublin.
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Hello! This week we'll be doing some special political episodes ahead of the General Election on Friday, first up is an episode Kevin recorded with James Moran of the Celtic Ligers podcast.
James is a great man but once we started talking we accidentally recorded for four hours, a lot of which is going up on Patreon.
You can follow Shite Talk on Instagram, TikTok, or YouTube and you can find tickets for our upcoming LIVE SHOW here:
06th March 2025 - Laughter Lounge, Dublin.
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Hello! We're back after an accidental hiatus and we've got a refreshed version of one of the first stories we ever covered, the murder mystery of the Carlow-Hollywood director; William Desmond Taylor.
We retold this story live in Carlow over the summer and got some updated information from local writer, and all round lovely man, Marc-Ivan O'Gorman.
All the facts of the story covering William's life and death are all in this free episode but if you want to hear the completely unproven theories about who killed him you can get that episode (and all the other stuff) for a fiver on Patreon.
You can follow Shite Talk on Instagram, TikTok, or YouTube and you can find tickets for our upcoming LIVE SHOW here:
30th January 2025 - Laughter Lounge, Dublin.
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Hello! This weeks episode is all about one of Ireland's all time rock stars, Thin Lizzy's Phil Lynott!
We had the pleasure of recording this episode in the Rock and Roll Museum in Dublin, which we couldn't recommend more. The tour is great, and they have jam rooms for musicans to rent for 20 quid an hour, with amps and instruments already in there, feckin' steal.
You can follow Shite Talk on Instagram, TikTok, or YouTube and you can find tickets for our upcoming LIVE SHOW here:
30th January 2025 - Laughter Lounge, Dublin.
If you want an add free version of the episode, as well as all the bonus stuff AND a discount on the LIVE SHOW tickets, you can get it all for a fiver on Patreon
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Hello! This weeks episode is all about one of Ireland's all time great musicians, the guitarist's guitarist, Rory Gallagher.
We had the pleasure of recording this episode in the Rock and Roll Museum in Dublin. The guides there gave us a load of extra info about Rory (and every other musician with even a sliver of Irish ancestry!), as well as showing us all the amazing memorabilia they have for Rory, Phil Lynott, Micheal Jackson, and a whole host of other musicians. Go check them out!
You can follow Shite Talk on Instagram (and now TikTok) to see clips from each episode, and you can find tickets for our upcoming LIVE SHOW here:
30th January 2025 - Laughter Lounge, Dublin.
If you want an add free version of the episode, as well as all the bonus stuff AND a discount on the LIVE SHOW tickets, you can get it all for a fiver on Patreon
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Hello! A few weeks ago David Simon (of the Wire fame) went on a big twitter rant about Michael Collins and how he would have figured in to the Israel / Palestine conflict. We recorded a short episode of us reading / reacting to Simon's tweets and if you'd like to hear the rest of it, it's over on Patreon
You can read the original twitter thread here
You can follow Shite Talk on Instagram (and now TikTok) to see clips from each episode, and you can find tickets for our upcoming LIVE SHOW here:
30th January 2025 - Laughter Lounge, Dublin.
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Hello! Here's the second and final part of the Tom Crean story, covering his time onboard The Endurance with Ernest Shackleton and his Trans-Antarctic Expedition.
You can follow Shite Talk on Instagram (and now TikTok) to see clips from each episode, and you can find tickets for our upcoming LIVE SHOW here:
30th January 2025 - Laughter Lounge, Dublin.
If you want an add free version of the episode, as well as all the bonus stuff AND a discount on the LIVE SHOW tickets, you can get it all for a fiver on Patreon
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Part 1 of a tale about one of the hardiest men Kerry has ever produced, the Antartic explorer Tom Crean.
Tickets to our live show in January 2025 can be found over at LaughterLounge.com.
If you want bonus content, or want to support us outside of coming to a live gig, or get 20% of tickets for the live gig, sure go over and sign up to the Patreon! -
Hello! We are back, and for the first episode of season 12 we talked about everybody's favourite poet, wizard, and sex pest; William Butler Yeats.
Joining us for the occasion is the wonderful Shannon Basso Gaule, Carlow's other favourite comedian.
You can follow Shite Talk on Instagram to see clips from each episode and you can find tickets for our upcoming live show here:
30th January 2025- Laughter Lounge, Dublin.
Also while you're clicking things, if you want an add free version of the episode, as well as all the bonus stuff, you can get it all for a fiver on Patreon
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Hello! Well, after five months, we're finally done with Bertie. This is a preview of the final Bertie episode where we talked about some of his biggest slip ups from the last decade. If you want to listen to the rest of the episode (along with all the other bonus stuff) you can find it on Patreon.
We'll be back with our regular programming for the rest of the year but hopefully you all enjoyed the Bertie series, and please Vote Ahern 2025
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Here's the penultimate episode of the Bertie series, The Celtic Pelican. The wheels are coming off the county as the Celtic Tiger gets put down and replaced with a Celtic Pelican, right when the country needs him most, Bert is distracted by his own personal affairs and ends up stepping down as Taoiseach just before the economy implodes.
If you want more context for the Mahon Tribunal / Sean Quinn & Anglo stuff you can head over to the Patreon and hear all about it there for a fiver.
You can follow us on Instagram to see video clips from each episode and ALSO you can find tickets for all of our upcoming live shows here - Shite Talk Live or from the links below:
10th May - Seven Bridge Street, Galway 17th May - Commercial, Limerick 22nd May - London Irish Centre (with The Troubles Podcast)23rd May - Spirit Store, Dundalk .
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Well hello, here's part 3.5 of the Bertie series, the Mahon Tribunal. We've been doing the rest of the Flood / Mahon Tribunal stuff behind the paywall so if you want to get the full story you can head over to the Patreon and get it all there for a fiver.
You can follow us on Instagram to see video clips from each episode and ALSO you can find tickets for all of our upcoming live shows here - Shite Talk Live .
25th April - 4 Dame Lane, Dublin 3rd May - Coughlan’s, Cork 10th May - Seven Bridge Street, Galway 17th May - Commercial, Limerick 23rd May - Spirit Store, Dundalk .
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Hello, we're back with part three of the Bertie series and in this episode we talk about his second term in government and start seeing some of his big failings as a leader. Hope ye enjoy this episode and have a lovely St Patrick's weekend!
You can follow us on Instagram to see video clips from each episode and ALSO you can find tickets for all of our upcoming live shows here - Shite Talk Live .
21st March - Accidental Theatre, Belfast 25th April - 4 Dame Lane, Dublin 3rd May - Coughlan’s, Cork 10th May - Seven Bridge Street, Galway 17th May - Commercial, Limerick 23rd May - Spirit Store, Dundalk .
Also while you're clicking things, if you want an add free version of the episode, as well as the bonus McCracken / Ben Dunne tribunal story, you can get it all for a fiver on Patreon
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