Class 77: Rambam's Introduction; exploring the lives and teachings of our Chachamim (Sages), focusing in this class on the life of Rabban Gamliel; cultural appropriation of Judaism; sensitivity of Rabban Gamliel; Rabban Gamliel's unique request for burial; a tangent on Jewish burials and the behavior of the Chevra Kadisha; and more! (3/8/2022)
Thank you to Baruch (Barry) Savin for contributing to the description above.
If you wish to volunteer with our video team and help add a more detailed description to this YouTube Shiur, please send us an email to [email protected]. Tizku L’Mitzvot!
Shiviti Night Kollel
Rambam’s Mishneh Torah - Edition and Commentary of Rabbi Yosef Kapach (Qafih)
Rabbi Yonatan Halevy's official YouTube channel!
Subscribe for the newest audio and video coming out of the Shiviti Bet Midrash!
Class 76: Rambam's Introduction; exploring the lives and teachings of our Chachamim (Sages), focusing in this class on the life of Rabban Gamliel; the dispensation for his family to study Greek; world travels on behalf of the Jewish people; decree to kill Rabban Gamliel; early Christians; and more! (2/22/2022)
Thank you to Baruch (Barry) Savin for contributing to the description above.
If you wish to volunteer with our video team and help add a more detailed description to this YouTube Shiur, please send us an email to [email protected]. Tizku L’Mitzvot!
Shiviti Night Kollel
Rambam’s Mishneh Torah - Edition and Commentary of Rabbi Yosef Kapach (Qafih)
Rabbi Yonatan Halevy's official YouTube channel!
Subscribe for the newest audio and video coming out of the Shiviti Bet Midrash!
Class 75: Rambam's Introduction; exploring the lives and teachings of our Chachamim (Sages), focusing in this class on the life of Rabban Gamliel; the replacement of Rabban Gamliel with Rabbi Elazar Ben Azaryah; the resolution; and more! (2/15/2022)
Tonight's Shiur is dedicated in loving memory of Helen Khorshidi (Rivka bat Monir) z"l, mother of Farshid Farajzadeh, may he live and be well. May her Neshamah have an Aliyah in Gan Eden, Amen!
Tonight's Shiur is dedicated in loving memory of Yaakov ben Eliezer and Leah z"l, grandfather of Elke Weiss. May his Neshamah have an Aliyah in Gan Eden, Amen!
Thank you to Baruch (Barry) Savin for contributing to the description above.
If you wish to volunteer with our video team and help add a more detailed description to this YouTube Shiur, please send us an email to [email protected]. Tizku L’Mitzvot!
Shiviti Night Kollel
Rambam’s Mishneh Torah - Edition and Commentary of Rabbi Yosef Kapach (Qafih)
Rabbi Yonatan Halevy's official YouTube channel!
Subscribe for the newest audio and video coming out of the Shiviti Bet Midrash!
Class 74: Rambam's Introduction; exploring the lives and teachings of our Chachamim (Sages), focusing in this class on the life of Rabban Gamliel; a tangent on the laws of Giyur (conversion); cut short for a private session off camera; and more! (2/8/2022)
Tonight's Shiur is dedicated in loving memory of Daniel Schwartz (Yitzchak Daniel ben Moshe Ze'ev) z"l, a founding member of the Shiviti Bet Midrash and Kehillat Shaar HaShamayim. May his Neshamah have an Aliyah in Gan Eden, Amen!
Thank you to Baruch (Barry) Savin for contributing to the description above.
If you wish to volunteer with our video team and help add a more detailed description to this YouTube Shiur, please send us an email to [email protected]. Tizku L’Mitzvot!
Shiviti Night Kollel
Rambam’s Mishneh Torah - Edition and Commentary of Rabbi Yosef Kapach (Qafih)
Rabbi Yonatan Halevy's official YouTube channel!
Subscribe for the newest audio and video coming out of the Shiviti Bet Midrash!
Class 73: Rambam's Introduction; exploring the lives and teachings of our Chachamim (Sages), focusing in this class on the life of Rabban Gamliel; service of the heart and the challege of standardized prayer established in Yavneh; some history of "Nosach Sepharad" and the Chabad Siddur "of the Arizal"; Rabbi Gamliel and Rabbi Yehoshua debate if the evening prayer is obligatory;
Rabbi Elazar ben Azarya replaces Rabban Gamliel as head of the Yeshiva; Rabban Gamliel becomes a student; and more! (2/1/2022)
Thank you to Baruch (Barry) Savin for contributing to the description above.
If you wish to volunteer with our video team and help add a more detailed description to this YouTube Shiur, please send us an email to [email protected]. Tizku L’Mitzvot!
Shiviti Night Kollel
Rambam’s Mishneh Torah - Edition and Commentary of Rabbi Yosef Kapach (Qafih)
Rabbi Yonatan Halevy's official YouTube channel!
Subscribe for the newest audio and video coming out of the Shiviti Bet Midrash!
Class 72: Rambam's Introduction; exploring the lives and teachings of our Chachamim (Sages), focusing in this class on the life of Rabban Gamliel; save Yavneh and it's Sages before destroying Jerusalem; Sepharadic autonomy until 1948; the need for a Sanhedrin; a unique attitude towards the jobs offered toRabbi Elazar Ḥisma and Rabbi Yoḥanan ben Gudgeda; Rabbi Yehoshua challenges the day of Yom Kippur; and more! (1/25/2022)
Thank you to Baruch (Barry) Savin for contributing to the description above.
If you wish to volunteer with our video team and help add a more detailed description to this YouTube Shiur, please send us an email to [email protected]. Tizku L’Mitzvot!
Shiviti Night Kollel
Rambam’s Mishneh Torah - Edition and Commentary of Rabbi Yosef Kapach (Qafih)
Rabbi Yonatan Halevy's official YouTube channel!
Subscribe for the newest audio and video coming out of the Shiviti Bet Midrash!
Class 71: Rambam's Introduction; exploring the lives and teachings of our Chachamim (Sages), focusing in this class on the life of Rabbi Yehoshua Ben Chanina! (1/18/2022)
Tonight's Shiur is dedicated in loving memory of R' Chaim Natan ben HaRav Avraham Nechemiah Rabinowitz. May his Neshamah have an Aliyah in Gan Eden, Amen!
If you wish to volunteer with our video team and help add a more detailed description to this YouTube Shiur, please send us an email to [email protected]. Tizku L’Mitzvot!
Shiviti Night Kollel
Rambam’s Mishneh Torah - Edition and Commentary of Rabbi Yosef Kapach (Qafih)
Rabbi Yonatan Halevy's official YouTube channel!
Subscribe for the newest audio and video coming out of the Shiviti Bet Midrash!
Class 70: Rambam's Introduction; exploring the lives and teachings of our Chachamim (Sages), focusing in this class on the life of Rabbi Yehoshua Ben Chanina! (12/21/2021)
If you wish to volunteer with our video team and help add a more detailed description to this YouTube Shiur, please send us an email to [email protected]. Tizku L’Mitzvot!
Shiviti Night Kollel
Rambam’s Mishneh Torah - Edition and Commentary of Rabbi Yosef Kapach (Qafih)
Rabbi Yonatan Halevy's official YouTube channel!
Subscribe for the newest audio and video coming out of the Shiviti Bet Midrash!
Class 69: Rambam's Introduction; exploring the lives and teachings of our Chachamim (Sages), focusing in this class on the life of Rabbi Eliezer Ben Hyrcanus, in particular his teachings scattered throughout Rabbinic literature. Class highlights: Torah study for women, Tefillah with proper intention, and more! (12/7/2021)
If you wish to volunteer with our video team and help add a more detailed description to this YouTube Shiur, please send us an email to [email protected]. Tizku L’Mitzvot!
Shiviti Night Kollel
Rambam’s Mishneh Torah - Edition and Commentary of Rabbi Yosef Kapach (Qafih)
Rabbi Yonatan Halevy's official YouTube channel!
Subscribe for the newest audio and video coming out of the Shiviti Bet Midrash!
Class 68: Rambam's Introduction; exploring the lives and teachings of our Chachamim (Sages), focusing in this class on the life of Rabbi Eliezer Ben Hyrcanus, in particular the end of his life and his final passing. (12/6/2021)
If you wish to volunteer with our video team and help add a more detailed description to this YouTube Shiur, please send us an email to [email protected]. Tizku L’Mitzvot!
Shiviti Night Kollel
Rambam’s Mishneh Torah - Edition and Commentary of Rabbi Yosef Kapach (Qafih)
Rabbi Yonatan Halevy's official YouTube channel!
Subscribe for the newest audio and video coming out of the Shiviti Bet Midrash!
Class 67: Rambam's Introduction; exploring the lives and teachings of our Chachamim (Sages), focusing in this class on the life of Rabbi Eliezer Ben Hyrcanus, in particular the aftermath of his famous debate and falling out of grace with the new Sanhedrin in Yavneh. (11/30/2021)
If you wish to volunteer with our video team and help add a more detailed description to this YouTube Shiur, please send us an email to [email protected]. Tizku L’Mitzvot!
Shiviti Night Kollel
Rambam’s Mishneh Torah - Edition and Commentary of Rabbi Yosef Kapach (Qafih)
Rabbi Yonatan Halevy's official YouTube channel!
Subscribe for the newest audio and video coming out of the Shiviti Bet Midrash!
Class 66: Rambam's Introduction; exploring the lives and teachings of our Chachamim (Sages), focusing in this class on the life of Rabbi Eliezer Ben Hyrcanus, in particular his famous debate and falling out of grace with the new Sanhedrin in Yavneh. (11/29/2021)
If you wish to volunteer with our video team and help add a more detailed description to this YouTube Shiur, please send us an email to [email protected]. Tizku L’Mitzvot!
Shiviti Night Kollel
Rambam’s Mishneh Torah - Edition and Commentary of Rabbi Yosef Kapach (Qafih)
Rabbi Yonatan Halevy's official YouTube channel!
Subscribe for the newest audio and video coming out of the Shiviti Bet Midrash!
Class 65: Rambam's Introduction; exploring the lives and teachings of our Chachamim (Sages), focusing in this class on the five students of Rabban Yochanan Ben Zakkai; in particular the life of Rabbi Eliezer Ben Hyrcanus. (11/16/2021)
If you wish to volunteer with our video team and help add a more detailed description to this YouTube Shiur, please send us an email to [email protected]. Tizku L’Mitzvot!
Shiviti Night Kollel
Rambam’s Mishneh Torah - Edition and Commentary of Rabbi Yosef Kapach (Qafih)
Rabbi Yonatan Halevy's official YouTube channel!
Subscribe for the newest audio and video coming out of the Shiviti Bet Midrash!
Class 64: Rambam's Introduction; exploring the lives and teachings of our Chachamim (Sages), focusing in this class on the five students of Rabban Yochanan Ben Zakkai; students who enriched the transmission and increased the knowledge of the Torah; students are unique when they understand their rabbi's spiritual mission and adopt it as their own; students who were willing to risk their lives for their rabbi; and more! (11/15/2021)
If you wish to volunteer with our video team and help add a more detailed description to this YouTube Shiur, please send us an email to [email protected]. Tizku L’Mitzvot!
Thank you to Barcuh (Barry) Savin for his assistance with writing the class description. Tizke L'Mitzvot!
Shiviti Night Kollel
Rambam’s Mishneh Torah - Edition and Commentary of Rabbi Yosef Kapach (Qafih)
Rabbi Yonatan Halevy's official YouTube channel!
Subscribe for the newest audio and video coming out of the Shiviti Bet Midrash!
Class 63: Rambam's Introduction; exploring the lives and teachings of our Chachamim (Sages), focusing in this class on the five students of Rabban Yochanan Ben Zakkai; students who enriched the transmission and increased the knowledge of the Torah; students are unique when they understand their rabbi's spiritual mission and adopt it as their own; students who were willing to risk their lives for their rabbi; and more! (11/9/2021)
If you wish to volunteer with our video team and help add a more detailed description to this YouTube Shiur, please send us an email to [email protected]. Tizku L’Mitzvot!
Thank you to Barcuh (Barry) Savin for his assistance with writing the class description. Tizke L'Mitzvot!
Shiviti Night Kollel
Rambam’s Mishneh Torah - Edition and Commentary of Rabbi Yosef Kapach (Qafih)
Rabbi Yonatan Halevy's official YouTube channel!
Subscribe for the newest audio and video coming out of the Shiviti Bet Midrash!
Class 62: Rambam's Introduction; exploring the lives and teachings of our Chachamim (Sages), focusing in this class on the five students of Rabban Yochanan Ben Zakkai; students who speak as their rabbi does; lessons to teach us not to stubbornly defend our own opinions, but rather be willing and able to reassess and retract them; and more! (11/8/2021)
If you wish to volunteer with our video team and help add a more detailed description to this YouTube Shiur, please send us an email to [email protected]. Tizku L’Mitzvot!
Thank you to Chava Lee for her assistance with writing the class description. Tizki L'Mitzvot!
Shiviti Night Kollel
Rambam’s Mishneh Torah - Edition and Commentary of Rabbi Yosef Kapach (Qafih)
Rabbi Yonatan Halevy's official YouTube channel!
Subscribe for the newest audio and video coming out of the Shiviti Bet Midrash!
Class 61: Rambam's Introduction; exploring the lives and teachings of our Chachamim (Sages), focusing in this class on the five students of Rabban Yochanan Ben Zakkai; what makes the students more qualitative than others; students who do not leave their rabbi's side; students who not only learn from their rabbi but also emulate his good character traits; Torah scholars increase peace in the world; and more! (11/2/2021)
If you wish to volunteer with our video team and help add a more detailed description to this YouTube Shiur, please send us an email to [email protected]. Tizku L’Mitzvot!
Thank you to Barcuh (Barry) Savin for his assistance with writing the class description. Tizke L'Mitzvot!
Shiviti Night Kollel
Rambam’s Mishneh Torah - Edition and Commentary of Rabbi Yosef Kapach (Qafih)
Rabbi Yonatan Halevy's official YouTube channel!
Subscribe for the newest audio and video coming out of the Shiviti Bet Midrash!
Class 60: Rambam's Introduction; exploring the lives and teachings of our Chachamim (Sages), concluding our focus on Rabban Yochanan Ben Zakkai and beginning to discuss his five students; a leader that knows how to pick his battles; thinking deeper about the relationships between rabbis and students; and more! (11/1/2021)
If you wish to volunteer with our video team and help add a more detailed description to this YouTube Shiur, please send us an email to [email protected]. Tizku L’Mitzvot!
Thank you to Barcuh (Barry) Savin for his assistance with writing the class description. Tizke L'Mitzvot!
Shiviti Night Kollel
Rambam’s Mishneh Torah - Edition and Commentary of Rabbi Yosef Kapach (Qafih)
Rabbi Yonatan Halevy's official YouTube channel!
Subscribe for the newest audio and video coming out of the Shiviti Bet Midrash!
Class 59: Rambam's Introduction; exploring the lives and teachings of our Chachamim (Sages), continuing our focus in this class on Rabban Yochanan Ben Zakkai. (9/2/2021)
If you wish to volunteer with our video team and help add a more detailed description to this YouTube Shiur, please send us an email to [email protected]. Tizku L’Mitzvot!
Shiviti Night Kollel
Rambam’s Mishneh Torah - Edition and Commentary of Rabbi Yosef Kapach (Qafih)
Rabbi Yonatan Halevy's official YouTube channel!
Subscribe for the newest audio and video coming out of the Shiviti Bet Midrash!
Class 58: Rambam's Introduction; exploring the lives and teachings of our Chachamim (Sages), continuing our focus in this class on Rabban Yochanan Ben Zakkai. (8/31/2021)
If you wish to volunteer with our video team and help add a more detailed description to this YouTube Shiur, please send us an email to [email protected]. Tizku L’Mitzvot!
Shiviti Night Kollel
Rambam’s Mishneh Torah - Edition and Commentary of Rabbi Yosef Kapach (Qafih)
Rabbi Yonatan Halevy's official YouTube channel!
Subscribe for the newest audio and video coming out of the Shiviti Bet Midrash!
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