Nic and Echo return with (get this) even MORE space news! Will they ever run out???
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0:14 A DART-y Party
7:02 A Quadricentennial of Dust and Wind
11:30 The News Inflates Astrobiology (again)
16:40 Jumpiter
22:10 shuttlepodcast.space
22:40 Water Doesn’t Rock (we go off-topic, too)
34:54 Samantha Cristoforetti
38:04 Space Launch System Doesn’t Launch or Space
40:09 "Shaun the Sheep Will Be Going to Space"
42:42 A New Mascot
47:40 Echo is a Scared Physicist
47:55 Voyager is OK (for now)
53:45 Would Space Lettuce Taste OK?
55:40 Space Garbage’s Days Are Numbered
59:05 Astrobiomedical Mechanical Engineering
Nic and Echo recorded this episode on the 17th of September, but did not get it out until September 30th, which makes some of these points valid only in the past (oops).
Echo also hadn’t heard the news that NASA would scrub the SLS again before launch (oops again)
Echo learned the OBAFGKM mnemonic from page 41 of a book: A History of the Universe in 21 Stars (and 3 imposters) by Giles Sparrow, which is a highly recommended read (a few typos never hurt anyone)
Cristoforetti TED Talk: https://youtu.be/99i3T1Cw8z8
48:23 What In the fuck was that noise I made?
Echo’s car actually died shortly after this-- sorry I have no idea what the hell is going on
Description // Echo and Nic talk about space. What else did you come here for??
Website // shuttlepodcast.space
Patreon // https://www.patreon.com/shuttlepodcast
Episode 5 of the ShuttlePod Cast, where Nic and Echo realize what 5 months away will do to one's naturality in a certain setting... also, they talk about space.
Join the Discord (please): https://discord.gg/HVZuXyA
Follow the Twitter (not as please): https://twitter.com/ShuttlePodCast
Image links:
Regolith Mustard: https://www.nasa.gov/feature/biological-physical/scientists-grow-plants-in-soil-from-the-moon
Funny Formation: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_pEt5vKfNnAgCITIdDbVdVNlFL-2qod1/view?usp=sharing
0:00 A Welcome
0:41 Oh, Dear
1:14 The Sky Is Falling (but Only If You Can See It)
3:08 There's a Green Thumb Under That Latex Glove
9:04 Echo Talks About A Cool Rock (again)
12:25 Tea Cup Ride of Terror
17:17 Voyager Gets Dizzy
23:07 Downtime Isn't Downtime, but Is Downtime Downtime?
27:39 Planetary Disks
31:26 Water You Talking About?
36:40 That's Not Ozone, but Good Try
43:51 United Aurorab Emirates
46:35 Doing a Bye-bye
NB: Hello :)
Please don't touch a spider
Echo makes these descriptions please don't complain to Nic about it it's not his fault that these are extraordinarily silly
Join the Petition: https://www.change.org/p/add-emojis-for-the-planets-of-the-solar-system-to-unicode?recruiter=1267870390&recruited
Audio recorded in Audacity
Episode 3 of the ShuttlePod Cast, where Nic and Echo discuss the crazy things that can happen on gas giants, the Perseverance rover's collection of AWESOME space dirt, and circumtriple planetary systems (along with much more)! Enjoy!
Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/HVZuXyA
Follow our Twitter: https://twitter.com/ShuttlePodCast
NB: this episode is very late (sorry)
Audio recorded in Audacity
Episode 3 of the ShuttlePod Cast, where Nic and Echo talk about various bodies of mass in and outside the solar system, along with many other things.
Join the Discord: https://discord.gg/HVZuXyA
Follow our Twitter: https://twitter.com/ShuttlePodCast
0:00 Hello
0:20 What a Protoplanet Is
4:23 Echo Preludes Lowell
6:40 Nic Talks About Pluto With Chemistry
8:54 NASA Juno
11:08 Hiding Ice Is Really Nice
14:06 Pizza In SpaaaAAace!
16:35 A four hour daytime and a cyanobacterial playtime
19:50 The Exoplanet Report
22:13 Old Data, New Hypotheses
25:05 Echo Postludes Lowell
31:37 Reprogrammable Satellites (and a Space Jam tangent)
36:00 The ISS's dance with DEATH!!!1!!
39:59 Shameless Plug
41:43 Farewell
NB: You're probably reading this part of the description because you heard someone blaspheme upon everything that is common knowledge in science and phraseology. We aren't perfect, but Echo will definitely own up to the part in the episode where he called Jupiter "the red planet." We had him write "Jupiter" on a chalkboard 50 times and think about what he'd done, and he says he's learned. We'll have to see if that pans out. Echo still stutters when he does math out loud, though; that's unaffected.
Audio recorded in Audacity