Gorgo and Piwko delve deep into his beginnings and upcome.
Slavski back uwu :3
Giving you our top ten countries with (in)valid reasons.
Pretty much just a justin's microphone roast
Tate's ban & much more from the slavski lads.
Coming out of Wroclaw this time around. Gorgo & Artur do a little special.
Justin is an L and has failed us yet again.
Sound guy comes in clutch <3
Justin explains his mass disappointment with the UK ( no wonder )
Harry and Artur (sound guy) chit chat about randoms until JD rolls back from London.
The lads get together a bit late and are both a bit clapped.
Just Czech Things rolls up to talk about his so far insta career
Gorgo & JD go into viewers questions and shed light on the subjects.
Gorgo & JD talk about his sandwich business and women of the world.
Gorgo & JD secure a last minute guest to save the day on their return to the cast.
We talking about that polish life with our guest Artur
Gorgo & JD chat shit about slavic languages for an hour.
Vaccination , Footie and Food.
Gorgo & JD delve into their backstory and dabble in the differences between the Canadian and Czech hood & its inhabitants.
Gorgo and Justin dive into cultural appropriation , clout , climate change and much more.