
  • In this episode of the Spiritual Biz with Kimberly Maska podcast, our guest Nathan Crane, an accomplished entrepreneur and author, shares his journey from a troubled youth to becoming a successful spiritual entrepreneur. He emphasizes the importance of aligning one's divine purpose with creating a business to impact people’s lives.

    Key Points

    Early Entrepreneurial Spirit and Challenges

    Nathan recalls his early entrepreneurial activities as a child, from garage sales to mowing lawns, which taught him the value of money and hard work. He faced severe challenges, including addiction and homelessness, which led him to a great spiritual awakening and a complete lifestyle change.

    Overcoming Limiting Beliefs About Money

    Nathan discusses the common limiting beliefs about money and sales in the spiritual community and how these beliefs can hinder personal and professional growth. He shares his journey of transforming his mindset about money, understanding it as a neutral energy, and learning to manage it effectively to support his spiritual and business goals.

    Integrating Spirituality with Entrepreneurship

    Nathan discusses the importance of balancing spiritual growth with entrepreneurial ventures. He emphasizes that spiritual entrepreneurs can make a significant impact while achieving personal freedom. He shares his experiences of starting and failing multiple businesses until he finally succeeded.

    Resilience and Adaptability in Business

    Nathan explains how flexibility allows spiritual entrepreneurs to navigate the inevitable ups and downs of business life. By staying open to new ideas and being willing to pivot when necessary, entrepreneurs can avoid stagnation, continue to grow, and achieve long-term success.

    Practical Advice for Financial Growth and Management

    Nathan shares his journey of learning to manage money effectively, highlighting the importance of saving and investing. He offers practical tips and recommends essential books for those seeking financial education.

    Closing Thought

    Nathan's journey reminds us that integrating spirituality with business isn't just about sharing knowledge—it's about valuing your offerings enough to charge for them. As Nathan wisely puts it, "Sales for me is literally just telling the truth to people and helping them realize that what I have can serve them in their lives at a greater depth." By valuing our services, we empower ourselves to reach more people and make a tangible difference in their lives. Stay inspired and keep aligning your business with your divine purpose to make the world a better place.

    Learn more about his work here:

    Website: https://nathancrane.com/

    Instagram: @nathancranepodcast

    Facebook: nathancraneofficialpage

    Twitter: @nathancrane

    TikTok: @mrnathancrane

  • In this episode of "Spiritual Biz with Kimberly Maska", our guest Althea Lucrezia Avanzo, a Light Language Channeler, shares her experiences and insights on embracing growth, unlearning societal programming, and the nuances of running a spiritual business. From the importance of gratitude and compassion to setting firm boundaries.

    Key Points

    The Growth of Channeling Gifts

    As Althea's spiritual journey evolved, so did her channeling abilities. She emphasizes the importance of starting where you are, understanding that growth is a continuous process. Many lightworkers are hesitant to share their gifts, waiting for perfection, but the key is to start and let your abilities develop along the way.

    Unlearning Programming

    Althea discusses the significance of unlearning societal programming to truly embrace one’s soul mission. She believes gratitude and compassion are essential tools for this process, helping to shed layers of ingrained beliefs and step into one's true purpose.

    Transforming a Passion into a Business

    The catalyst for Althea's transition into a full-time spiritual business was the lockdown. Already running a Reiki business on the side, she pivoted to online offerings during the pandemic. Her dedication eventually led to exponential growth, highlighting the importance of perseverance and adapting to circumstances.

    Setting Boundaries

    Althea underscores the connection between boundaries and abundance. She explains that having clear boundaries in personal and professional life is crucial for sustaining a spiritual business. This alignment and integrity are what allow the business to flourish without energetic leakages.

    The Importance of Discipline and Structure

    Success in spiritual entrepreneurship requires a balance of surrendering to divine guidance and maintaining practical discipline. Althea emphasizes structure and consistency in spiritual practice and business efforts, highlighting the cyclical nature of energy exchange and manifestation. She believes this is what grounds her work and ensures the purity and efficacy of her channeling.

    Closing Thought

    Althea's journey is an example of how consistency, and steadfast commitment lead to spiritual business success. Her insights inspire spiritual entrepreneurs to set clear boundaries, live authentically, and celebrate each step on their unique journey. Trust in your growth, honor your milestones, and know that the universe guides you toward your highest purpose.

    Learn more about her work here:


    Instagram: @lightcodesbyala

    Instagram: @althealucrezia (personal)

    Youtube: Althea Lucrezia

    Tik Tok: @lightcodesbyala.official

  • エピソードを見逃しましたか?


  • In this episode of Spiritual Biz with Kimberly Maska podcast, we explore the remarkable journey of Huenu Solsona, the visionary founder of Orykl, a marketplace for channelers. From navigating personal loss to igniting a passion for spiritual growth, Huenu's story is one of resilience, purpose, and unwavering determination. Join us as we uncover the insights and inspirations behind Huenu's entrepreneurial path.

    Key Points:

    A Journey of Spiritual Awakening: Huenu's entrepreneurial journey traces back to a pivotal moment in 2009 when her brother's tragic passing sparked profound existential questions. This event ignited her spiritual quest, propelling her towards profound thinkers like Eckhart Tolle and Deepak Chopra.

    From Pain to Purpose: Amidst grief, Huenu found solace and direction in spirituality. As she explored meditation, yoga, and metaphysical teachings, she discovered a newfound sense of purpose—a driving force to contribute positively to the world.

    The Birth of Orykl: Huenu's entrepreneurial vision crystallized during a meditation session in 2020, culminating in the inception of Orykl—an innovative platform connecting seekers with channelers. The name itself, received as a divine download, symbolized a conduit for spiritual wisdom.

    Nurturing a Global Community: Orykl isn't just a marketplace; it's a hub for elevating human consciousness. By fostering a community of talented channelers and offering courses on spiritual development, Huenu aims to empower individuals worldwide to unlock their innate potential.

    Embracing Uniqueness: Inspired by a transformative trip to Antarctica, Huenu emphasizes the importance of embracing one's uniqueness. By authentically expressing ourselves, she believes we can carve our own paths to success while making meaningful contributions to the world.

    Closing Thought:

    Huenu Solsona's entrepreneurial odyssey exemplifies the incredible transformation that arises from aligning passion with purpose. Through Orykl, she not only facilitates spiritual growth but also embodies the essence of conscious entrepreneurship—where authenticity, innovation, and service converge to create a brighter, more enlightened future. Join us next time for more insightful conversations on the Spiritual Biz Podcast.

    Learn more about Huenu Solsona’s work here:


    Social media: Orykl

    Email: [email protected]

  • In this episode of Spiritual Biz with Kimberly Maska: From a life of material wealth and societal acclaim to a transformative journey of self-discovery and spiritual mastery, Robert Althuis shares his insights on navigating the intersection of material success and spiritual fulfillment.

    Key Points:

    The Illusion of Success: Robert reflects on his past life of opulence, highlighting the emptiness he felt despite external markers of success. Swimming among the big sharks of the business world, he found himself disconnected from his true self, succumbing to the seduction of money and power.

    The Catalyst for Change: A spontaneous spiritual awakening served as a catalyst for Robert's transformation. Amidst personal crises and calamities, including business failure and divorce, he reached a breaking point where he surrendered to seeking help and going down the path of self-discovery.

    The Path to Spiritual Mastery: Through therapy, introspection, and a commitment to spiritual growth, Robert found himself drawn to a path of spiritual mastery. Embracing love and truth as foundational principles, he began to assist others, including CEOs and visionaries, on their awakening journeys.

    The Flawed Paradigm of Success: Robert critiques the prevailing economic paradigm, highlighting the disconnection from the heart that underpins societal issues like chronic illness and environmental degradation. He emphasizes the importance of reconnecting with the heart as a gateway to higher consciousness and intelligent outcomes.

    Integration of Spiritual and Material Realms: Drawing from his experience as a serial entrepreneur, Robert emphasizes the integration of spiritual principles with practical business endeavors. He underscores the importance of mastery, commitment, and service in creating businesses that align with one's spiritual path.

    Closing Thought:

    As Robert shares his journey from material success to spiritual mastery, he invites listeners to cultivate gratitude for the present moment and embrace the path of self-discovery and service. Through aligning with the principles of love and truth, individuals can embark on a transformative journey toward a life of fulfillment and purpose.

    Learn more about Robert's work here:


    [email protected]

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/robertalthuis

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/moreloveplustruth

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/robert-althuis-ceo-coach-regenerative-capitalism-awakened-leadership/

    YouTube: www.youtube.com/@robertalthuis

    Tiktok: www.tiktok.com/@robertalthuis

  • In this episode of Spiritual Biz with Kimberly Maska, we dive into the journey of spiritual entrepreneurship with our special guest, Sweta Vikram. Sweta, an Ayurvedic doctor, shares her insights and experiences, guiding us through her path from personal awakening to professional empowerment.

    Key Points:

    From Hobby to Business:

    Sweta reflects on her pivotal moment in 2018 when illness led her to reevaluate her life's purpose. Amidst accolades for her novel "Louisiana Catch," she realized the necessity of self-care as the foundation for helping others. This awakening prompted her transition from corporate and nonprofit backgrounds to nurturing her own wellness while impacting the world.

    Inner Growth and Authenticity:

    As a spiritual entrepreneur, Sweta emphasizes the importance of inner reflection and authenticity. She shares candidly about navigating ego, acknowledging the genuine desire to make a difference while ensuring personal and financial well-being. This journey of self-awareness shapes her approach to business and client relationships.

    The Entrepreneurial Landscape:

    Sweta discusses the joys and challenges of entrepreneurship. She appreciates the flexibility to align work with personal well-being but emphasizes the discipline required to maintain balance. From managing schedules to navigating financial uncertainties, she highlights the importance of resilience and adaptability in this journey.

    Marketing and Client Engagement:

    Sweta's approach to client engagement focuses on authenticity and trust-building through social media and content creation. She emphasizes the significance of sharing genuine experiences and expertise, fostering connections that resonate with her audience's needs and values.

    Navigating Money Beliefs:

    Acknowledging the significance of money beliefs in entrepreneurship, Sweta underscores the importance of aligning financial goals with personal values. She encourages entrepreneurs to confront scarcity mindsets and cultivate abundance consciousness, recognizing that prosperity emanates from within.

    Closing Thoughts:

    In closing, Sweta offers sage advice to aspiring spiritual entrepreneurs, emphasizing the importance of intentionality, authenticity, and compassion in their journey. By aligning personal values with professional pursuits, entrepreneurs can create sustainable businesses that nourish both themselves and their communities.

    Learn more about her work here:





  • In this episode of Spiritual Biz with Kimberly Maska, Jeffrey Wilson joins us to share how he healed from Lightworker Syndrome. His unbelievable journey from dealing with depression, ADD, bipolar disorder, and chronic fatigue syndrome, all symptoms of the Lightworker Syndrome, to becoming an incredible vibrational healer.

    Together with the host Kimberly Maska they discuss:

    How Jeffrey discovered vibrational healing.

    The complexity of human beings and how it affects your spiritual business.

    How lightworkers can overcome the fear of being seen, another symptom of Lightworker Syndrome.

    The incredible ways the Universe brings people together to heal.

    How Jeffrey created a program to heal faster so you’re able to help more people.

    How more and more people acknowledge the power of alternative healing methods.

    Jeffrey also encourages the lightworkers to step into their natural state which is happy, healthy, joyful, fearless, loving and alive, and help others do the same.

    Join Jeffrey's upcoming challenge here: CLICK TO JOIN!

  • In this episode of Spiritual Biz with Kimberly Maska, guest Mariangela Parrodi introduces her NEW book “The Mystic Woman’s Compass” and talks about the challenges in life that can help you grow. Get your BOOK HERE: https://amzn.to/45NVQBr Learn more: https://alkymia.com.au/

  • In this episode of Spiritual Biz with Kimberly Maska, Hakim Isler joins us to share his fascinating journey to becoming a modern-day ninja. Yes, you read that right, ninja. He is a sixth-degree black belt and shares how he uses his sixth sense to navigate this earthly plane.

    Together with the host Kimberly Maska they discuss:

    How he experienced a spiritual awakening while being Naked and Afraid.

    The secret fighting art of ninjas… it’s not what you think.

    How he made his childhood dream a reality and lives it today.

    Mastering your sixth sense so you can see with your eyes closed.

    How he has taken his love of nature and turned it into a thriving business.

    Tips on following your passion and creating a business that supports your dreams.

    Hakim also talks about the wilderness therapy program that he holds at The SOIL Foundation, which was inspired by veterans. With wilderness therapy, all people can challenge themselves and use nature to help recover from emotional challenges.

    To learn more about Hakim Isler visit https://www.hakim-isler.com/

  • In this episode of Spiritual Biz with Kimberly Maska, guest Danielle Rama Hoffman discusses her journey of creating a new card deck called Magdalene Manifestation Cards. Danielle introduces what the Magdalenes are and how they discovered a new way of manifestation in this 3D world.

    Together with the host Kimberly Maska, they discuss:

    Why so many lightworkers struggle to manifest the things that they desire?

    How listening to your intuition can help you manifest better.

    How to create more by doing less.

    And on the business side, the process of creating and launching a card deck.

    Danielle also shares some tips on what accelerates a business and how she makes her business flow easily.

    The show wraps up with a channeled message from the Magdalenes about the energy of joy and how to increase it.

    Get your Magdalene Manifestation Card deck here: https://smpl.ro/al/Tbp3WDX6K5v68VmLjpeuZwLS/47636-Kimberly

  • There is one big truth about prosperity. The truth is we can't do it alone. And I mean that in two different ways… first, we can do it alone, meaning our human can only do so much. The reason why so many people struggle with prosperity and abundance and money in general is because they're trying to do it alone. It's incredibly stressful because they take on all the worry, all the angst and all the problems having to do with the creation of money.

    And we're not meant to do that. We are meant to work in partnership with source God, infinite, intelligence, the Universe, whatever word feels best for you. We were meant to consciously co-create with Source. Most of the time we are unconsciously creating the Source, which is why things can look like a mess in our 3D world, because we left Source out. We forgot about connecting with Source before we do anything. We're trying to do it on our own. Just us, this little human, this little spirit in a meat sack on this planet, trying to push and push and push to get it all done. And it doesn't work that way. That's why we struggle with so hard to do it by ourselves. We truly need to step back and connect with Source, God, infinite, intelligence the universe.

    Without that connection, we will continue to struggle. And then the fruits of our labor, the money, the abundance that we create, will never be satisfying. It's not going to feel good. And it's going to go away very quickly because we didn't bring it in with our connection with Source.

    Now, the second part, what I mean by you can't do it alone, is that prosperity is meant to be created and shared through your partnerships, your connections. All the relationships you make, whether it's a relationship with a client, a relationship with a colleague or a relationship with a mentor, all of those relationships create your business. And when you have trouble with your relationships, whether it's with clients or mentors or all of your colleagues, whatever that relationship wobble might be, it's going to show up in your business. You begin to share the energy, the ideas, the thoughts with others and the prosperity begins to flow to all of you.

    Prosperity is meant to be a co-creative process. With Source and with all the people that we have relationships with. And the results of your prosperity are meant to be shared as well. Meaning our abundance and money. When we're not sharing our money, being a distribution center for money to others, which means tithing in my world, we stop the flow of abundance.

    It is time to know that we have to be connected with Source to co-create and that our relationships are incredibly important for our prosperity. And the only way to truly be prosperous is to share that energy with the world and to share the abundance so that everyone can thrive. We need to be distribution centers for wealth.

    Key Points:

    Prosperity is a co-creative process We need to be co-creating with Source and with humans The results of our prosperity are meant to be shared

    Turn your divine purpose of raising consciousness into a spiritual business so you can serve on this planet. Learn the 5 shifts my spiritual coaching clients use to create a prosperous life with their spiritual business here: www.spiritualbizsuccess.com

    Download a FREE copy of my international bestselling book Are You A Spiritual Entrepreneur? here: https://kimberlymaskaspiritualbiz.com/freeayasebook

    I invite you to join my free Facebook Group, Spiritual Biz Success, where you can get all of your spiritual business questions answered: https://www.facebook.com/groups/spiritualbizsuccess


    Happy Life by Fredji
    SC: https://soundcloud.com/fredjimusic
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/fredjimusic/
    Promoted by MrSnooze https://youtu.be/rhV_DIoebmU

  • When I talk with Spiritual Coaches about emailing their list, a lot of resistance pops up. They don’t want to be a “pest” by emailing too often.

    They have experienced receiving “too many” emails from someone and they don’t want to do the same thing.

    I get it, I really do.

    But here is the thing… when you are speaking to your soul tribe and you provide valuable content that helps them shift consciousness and get to their goal, then you can NEVER email them too much.

    If someone had the answers you were looking for, wouldn’t you want to get as much information from them as possible?

    The key is you need to be speaking to your soul tribe, the people who WANT to hear from you.

    Key Points:

    You need to be emailing your list 3-4 times a week minimum When you deliver value they will want to hear from you It is your responsibility to deliver great content and products so you can truly serve

    Turn your divine purpose of raising consciousness into a spiritual business so you can serve on this planet. Learn the 5 shifts my spiritual coaching clients use to create a prosperous life with their spiritual business here: www.spiritualbizsuccess.com

    Download a FREE copy of my international bestselling book Are You A Spiritual Entrepreneur? here: https://kimberlymaskaspiritualbiz.com/freeayasebook

    I invite you to join my free Facebook Group, Spiritual Biz Success, where you can get all of your spiritual business questions answered: https://www.facebook.com/groups/spiritualbizsuccess


    Happy Life by Fredji
    SC: https://soundcloud.com/fredjimusic
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/fredjimusic/
    Promoted by MrSnooze https://youtu.be/rhV_DIoebmU

  • We must have an understanding and acknowledgement that everything is divine substance, everything.

    And since Source, divine substance, flows through us as well, that means that everything is part of us. All divine substance we see, is part of us, it belongs to us, it is the energy of us.

    When we see something and say, “I want that thing” we are creating separation, because that “thing” is part of us. It is made up of the same divine substance that we are made of.

    To understand this will open up the doors of prosperity for you.

    Key Points:

    Everything is made of divine substance We create separate when we see things outside of ourselves All divine substance we see belongs to Source and no one else.

    Turn your divine purpose of raising consciousness into a spiritual business so you can serve on this planet. Learn the 5 shifts my spiritual coaching clients use to create a prosperous life with their spiritual business here: www.spiritualbizsuccess.com

    Download a FREE copy of my international bestselling book Are You A Spiritual Entrepreneur? here: https://kimberlymaskaspiritualbiz.com/freeayasebook

    I invite you to join my free Facebook Group, Spiritual Biz Success, where you can get all of your spiritual business questions answered: https://www.facebook.com/groups/spiritualbizsuccess


    Happy Life by Fredji
    SC: https://soundcloud.com/fredjimusic
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/fredjimusic/
    Promoted by MrSnooze https://youtu.be/rhV_DIoebmU

  • We know there are certain steps we need to take to manifest our desires and create prosperity, but our “human” seems to get stuck in the process. Doesn’t it?

    If you have been listening to Abraham Hicks, have read The Secret and follow all of the manifestation gurus but still can’t successfully manifest what you want, it is because you are missing this one key step… the deep appreciation for the creation process.

    We get so focused on creating what we want in the 3D we miss having fun with CREATING. When we begin to create for the fun of creating, that is when we begin to master our ability to manifest our desires, thus leading us to prosperity.

    Key Points:

    Our focus needs to be on the creation, not on the 3D manifestation Deep appreciation for the process will speed up your manifestations When our joy comes from creating and not from the “thing” we create, we are on our way to mastery

    Turn your divine purpose of raising consciousness into a spiritual business so you can serve on this planet. Learn the 5 shifts my spiritual coaching clients use to create a prosperous life with their spiritual business here: www.spiritualbizsuccess.com

    Download a FREE copy of my international bestselling book Are You A Spiritual Entrepreneur? here: https://kimberlymaskaspiritualbiz.com/freeayasebook

    I invite you to join my free Facebook Group, Spiritual Biz Success, where you can get all of your spiritual business questions answered: https://www.facebook.com/groups/spiritualbizsuccess


    Happy Life by Fredji
    SC: https://soundcloud.com/fredjimusic
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/fredjimusic/
    Promoted by MrSnooze https://youtu.be/rhV_DIoebmU

  • This is our final episode in my 30 episode Prosperity Series because I am determined to help you break free from the mental disease of poverty so you can be the prosperous being you are meant to be.

    And my big question to you is, are you 100% committed to your prosperity?

    100% committed, this is a very interesting concept. The other day in my Spiritual Biz Coaching program, which has about 20 people in it, I came to the group and I said, “I have a proposition for you. Who wants more prosperity in their lives?” And everyone raised their hand. And my next question was, “Who is 110% committed to creating that prosperity in their lives?” And everyone raised their hand. And then I said, “Who wants to create magic in their lives?” And everyone raised their hand. I said, “Great. I am beta testing this new program, Prosperity Patterns, and I love for you guys to be a part of it, but you have to make a commitment to me. You have to commit to tithing 10% of your gross income.” And then I told them all about what I was creating and gave them the opportunity to send me a message and let me know they were 100% committed to their prosperity.

    The amazing thing was not everyone did it. I was actually quite surprised, but the number of people that didn't do it. I had to chuckle because everyone said they were 110% committed, that they wanted more prosperity, they wanted magic, but then they weren't willing to take the step to do the tithing piece, which is a key component in creating the energetic flow of money. I really thought everyone would have joined in the program, which was FREE.

    What would you have done? Are you really, really committed to having a prosperous life? Or are you just sort of committed? Are you committed enough to your prosperity that you would tithe 10% of your income? Most people say they want prosperity, but they aren’t ready to do the work.

    The deep inner work must be done if you desire to have prosperity in your life. Prosperity takes work, until it doesn’t take work. It’s easy, but it’s not easy. It takes commitment to be in our highest vibration and to master ourselves so that we can master our thoughts around money. It is a commitment that needs to happen constantly all day long. Yes, we'll slip up every now and then and have a low vibration thought, but we need to be able to course correct and come back to our high vibration with our thoughts and feelings. That takes commitment. It takes energy to be aware of what you're doing and to be able to course correct your vibration so you can hold yourself in the highest light and create a prosperous life. You have to be 110% committed.

    Are you committed enough to your prosperity to tithe 10% of your income? Or are you only sort of committed to your prosperity? Does tithing feel like too much to you? If you are feeling fear around tithing, then that means you're not trusting Source. When you know, in every cell of your body, that Source is flowing through you in every moment, I don't know why you wouldn't take the leap. The only thing keeping you from being 110% committed and taking the leap is fear. And yet, that fear is probably what got you in the position of scarcity in the first place.

    Fear repels money and all sorts of amazing opportunities. You have to do the inner work to be able to trust the process, to trust Source and to trust yourself. When you trust, all of a sudden everything will shift.

    If you feel a little or a lot uncomfortable around tithing, just make a 30 day commit to do it. Tell God, Source, Infinite Intelligence, “Hey, I'm going to commit to this, but you've got to show me that this is going to work.” When it comes to tithing, this is the only time in the Bible that God says, “prove me”. If you can do it for 30 days, I absolutely know you're going to see the difference in your life.

    Just this past weekend, I told my husband how much fun I was having with tithing! Because when you give the energy of money back out to the Universe, all sorts of amazing experiences come in. I had a woman pay for part of my drink at the store, I received a free lip gloss and someone is paying for our dinner on Wednesday. It's really fun. But what is even more fun is giving the money away.

    When you allow yourself to receive, you trust in the process it all works. You must be 110% committed to remove the fear and commit to yourself that you deserve and want a prosperous life. And when you are 110% committed, it will happen. It can't not happen. You've asked the Universe for something, you've gotten into alignment, you’re following the spiritual laws… it has to show up for you unless you are in doubt and fear.

    Don’t let fear keep you from having a prosperous life. I said it in a couple episodes ago, the only reason why people fail is because they give up, they stop doing the process. They stop their creation statements. They stop tithing. They get worried. They sit in fear. Then prosperity runs in the other direction.

    You need to commit to yourself to be prosperous. It's not that hard, but it is. I know that I know it's difficult to take 10% of your income and put it out to the Universe.

    I'm going to come clean with something so that you understand that I know how hard it is to do this. There was a point in time when I was first tithing and my company first started making seven figures. It was our very first of a seven-figure year, and I'm watching the money come in…a hundred thousand dollars a month. That means I was tithing $10,000 a month. And at some point, my human got in the way and said, “Wow, this seems like an awful lot of money to be putting out to the Universe, maybe I should dial it back and tithe off of net income instead of gross income.” I did just that. And what happened? Of course my income dropped. I watched it continue to drop until it clicked about what I had done. I went back to tithing my gross income and my income popped back up again.

    See, I get how unnerving it can be to see the money coming in, knowing that there are bills to be paid, and you start second guessing the spiritual laws. We think, “Maybe I'll do 5%. Or maybe I'll start with 3%. Maybe I'll do my net income instead of gross income.” And again, if it isn’t 10% it isn’t tithing.

    If you aren’t going to tithe 10%, then you need to have a conversation with God, Source, Infinite Intelligence to know what's right for you. But if you're 110% committed, just jump in, just tithe 10% of your gross income. You won't regret it. It's basically a universal law that it will come back to you. You're releasing the energy of money out so that it will flow back.

    If you're 110% committed, take a picture of this podcast posted out in social media and I will come by and support you on your journey. This wraps up our 30 episode prosperity series, the podcast of course continues talking more about your spiritual business. I hope you've gained a ton of information from this series and just know that you've been put on this planet to play the game. The only way to win the game is to be prosperous, which means that you are in peace, mind, body and spirit. Everything flows as you need it and you're never in lack. You deserve to be prosperous, so commit to yourself and make it happen.

    As your prosperity stories happen, I want to hear about them. Who knows, maybe you'll be included in my Prosperity Patterns book. So send them on over to [email protected] or tag me out on social media. I'll catch you in the next episode.

    Key Points:

    You deserve to have a prosperous life If you are 100% committed to your prosperity, you should be tithing If you aren’t tithing, it is only coming from fear & lack


    Download a FREE copy of my international bestselling book Are You A Spiritual Entrepreneur? here: https://kimberlymaskaspiritualbiz.com/freeayasebook

    I invite you to join my free Facebook Group, Spiritual Biz Success, where you can get all of your spiritual business questions answered: https://www.facebook.com/groups/spiritualbizsuccess

    Ready to step out and shift consciousness on this planet with your spiritual gifts? Watch my free masterclass to discover the 5 Shifts My Spiritual Coaching Clients are Using to Create 6-Figure Spiritual Businesses. Watch it here: www.spiritualbizsuccess.com


    Happy Life by Fredji
    SC: https://soundcloud.com/fredjimusic
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/fredjimusic/
    Promoted by MrSnooze https://youtu.be/rhV_DIoebmU

  • This is episode 29 in my 30 episode Prosperity Series because I am determined to help you break free from the mental disease of poverty so you can be the prosperous being you are meant to be.

    And today we're talking about creation statements.

    I was on a walk last week and I got this huge ping, I call it a ping when I receive a download of information from Source, Infinite Intelligence, to use the word creation statement. You see, we have the word affirmation and we have the word prayer, but neither one of those has ever resonated with me.

    We all know about affirmations and they are beautiful, but it has always felt like something was missing for me. Plus, so many times people are affirming day and night, but they're not seeing any results manifest in their 3D reality, so it leaves a little bit of a sour taste in their mouth.

    Then we have the idea of prayer. Now, if you grew up with a strong religious background, the word prayer may not resonate with you at all. People immediately think of religious dogma, when you say the word prayer, therefore, that word doesn’t resonate. Plus we haven’t been taught to pray properly so a lot of people end up praying “wrong”. They ask God for things out of need and scarcity instead of using prayer as their own creative power.

    That is where creation statements come in. We have to remember that we are incredibly powerful beings, we are creative beings. That's one of the characteristics that make us unique. We are the only animal on this planet, that we are aware of, that can create from their thoughts, vibration and words.

    Now, let’s look at the Bible. Before I move forward I will say that I used to see the Bible as “some book” written by a “bunch of guys”. But as I have matured as a spiritual being and studied the writings in the Bible, it is clear that it is a tool for living on this planet, if you decode it properly. And if we look at the opening line, God's first words were, “Let there be light.” He spoke light into creation.

    Now let’s look at the word/sound Om. It is believed by many that this sound is the Universe and that the Universe was created from this first sound. And since we know everything vibrates we can see the importance of our words, spoken aloud, to create a vibration that then manifests what we say in our 3D reality.

    I believe what has happened with affirmations and prayers, is we have forgotten that we are CREATING when we think or say them. That is why the term creation statement is so perfect. You, as a powerful creator, speaking your desires into creation. When you speak a creation statement you want it to be powerful and have creative forces behind it. Begin with a phrase such as, “LET THERE BE…” We were given those words to use for a reason. Again, if you read the Bible without attaching religious dogma to it, you can see that it is filled with instructions on how to be prosperous and how to use our creative ability. So start using the phase, “LET THERE BE…” I really don't know why we don't use that more often.

    The key point I am touching upon is to SPEAK your creations into reality. I can say that in my life I have mostly meditated quietly and silently occupied my mind with prayers and affirmations. I was not one to say them out loud. However, as of late, I’ve started speaking into creation and it's incredible. It really is amazing to see things appear into your reality quickly because of the power behind speaking your desire into creation.

    I would imagine you are already doing some form of affirmations or prayer. What you want to do now is turn them into creation statements. Start each creation statement with, “LET THERE BE…” or conclude them with, “IT IS DONE…” or “DIVING INTELLIGENCE MAKES IT SO…” Be very definitive in how you're saying your creation statements.

    Here is an example if you have some debt you would like to transmit into abundance. Take a look at the bill you want to have resolved and say, “LET THERE BE IMMEDIATE AND COMPLETE RESOLUTION OF THIS FINANCIAL OBLIGATION. IT IS DONE BY THE POWER OF DIVINE INTELLIGENCE.” Can you feel the power behind this vs. a standard affirmation of “My bills are paid” or a prayer consisting of, “God please help me pay my bills”?

    If you do have affirmations that you have been working on, take a look at them and begin to write out how you can shift them. One of the other creation statements I like is, “LET THERE BE MONEY FLOWING TO ME EVERY SINGLE DAY. THIS IS DONE BY THE DIVINE INTELLIGENCE OF SOURCE.” It’s simple and to the point. After you shift your affirmations into creation statements, repeat them out loud.

    I usually take about three creation statements and chain them together to create a short paragraph. Then I begin to memorize them by first writing them down and then speaking them out loud, knowing the power of my spoken word. Use your speaking ability to create what you desire. Once you have your creation statement ready to go, spend a minimum of five minutes a day speaking it out loud. You will speak your creation into reality if you do this every day for a minimum of five minutes.

    Personally, I do it for 15 minutes and it's an incredible feeling. It is so different from meditating silently on your desires. The first couple of times I did it, I had spirit bumps everywhere and my eyes were welling up with tears. It was amazing because I could actually feel the creative power flowing through me.

    If you are unable to speak your creation statements out loud because you're in a situation where you don't have a private space, then the next best thing is to write them out. Spend 5, 10, 15 minutes, if you can, writing out the creation statement so you can put your creative energy into it.

    It is so important for you to stand in your power as a creative being. Use the tool that you were given, your voice.

    I'd love to hear how you have taken your old affirmations and turn them into creation statements. Write up a couple, put them out on social media and tag me and I will come on by and say, “Hi.” You're not going to want to miss an episode. Subscribe to this podcast and leave a review if you like what you're hearing. I'll catch you in our last episode of the prosperity series, episode 30.

    Key Points:

    Use your creative power and speak forth your desire Turn your affirmations into creation statements Turn your prayers into creation statements


    Download a FREE copy of my international bestselling book Are You A Spiritual Entrepreneur? here: https://kimberlymaskaspiritualbiz.com/freeayasebook

    I invite you to join my free Facebook Group, Spiritual Biz Success, where you can get all of your spiritual business questions answered: https://www.facebook.com/groups/spiritualbizsuccess

    Ready to step out and shift consciousness on this planet with your spiritual gifts? Watch my free masterclass to discover the 5 Shifts My Spiritual Coaching Clients are Using to Create 6-Figure Spiritual Businesses. Watch it here: www.spiritualbizsuccess.com

  • This is also episode 28 in my 30 episode Prosperity Series because I am determined to help you break free from the mental disease of poverty so you can be the prosperous being you are meant to be.

    And today we're talking about having the courage to ask for what you want.

    This is such an interesting topic for me. When my clients join my programs I always ask them, “How much income do you want to create with your spiritual business?” They almost always limit their income and are almost embarrassed to tell me how much money they desire. I believe we've been conditioned to ask for less, because we will be shamed if we ask for more. Am I right? We’ve been conditioned to feel embarrassed about wanting more, which is crazy because the very mantra of the Universe is MORE.

    The universe is in a constant mode of expansion. And yet we, as human beings, seem to restrict ourselves, which is why we struggle so much. We're actually going against the overall energy of the Universe. We're trying to restrict ourselves while the universe is trying to expand, and we get out of alignment with what's really supposed to be happening.

    I want you to take a moment and think about what you really, really want. Not what somebody else wants for you, or what you THINK you should want, but what you REALLY want. Then I want you to think bigger. If you have a dream of having a spiritual center, dream of having five spiritual centers across the country. If you're dreaming of having a million dollar income, dream of having a $10 million dollar income. THINK BIGGER. When we think bigger, the universe meets us there because we're expanding together. For me personally, when I “fail” at something (although I don't see much as a failure, it's all an opportunity to grow and learn), if I step back and look at it, 99% of the time it is because I didn't think big enough. I only asked for a little bit, and because I only asked for a little bit, I only got a little bit. I still crack up when I do that to myself.

    You need to think bigger. Ask for more. Now you’ve probably heard me say that, when we ask for more and it feels out of alignment, sometimes we start to talk ourselves out of the thing we want. Let's say you want it to create a $100 million dollar company. That might feel like way out of alignment for you because you can’t even picture how it would happen. You might wonder, “How do I do that? Do I want to do that? Do I want that responsibility?” All of your limitations will pop in and create a wobble within yourself, but if that is what you want, then focus on it. And maybe it won't be a $100 million dollar company, maybe it'll be a $50 million company. I know I would personally take either one!

    So, what is it that you really desire? We spend so much time holding ourselves back or apologizing for what we really want, it's a little insane. Focus on your desire and envision it, because when you can begin to “see” what you want, it’s going to come to you. If you connect with Source and hold the vibration long enough, you will see it manifest into the 3D. The reason why people's goals don't show up is because they stop asking for what they desire. They stopped doing their affirmations or prayers or creation statements, whatever you want to call them, they stopped focusing and they gave up. That's why people fail.

    The only reason why people fail is because they give up on their desire. Because if you continually persisted, you would always hit your goal. Somehow they've conditioned that out of us. They've conditioned us to think that because we failed once it is time to give up. You have to keep moving forward. In fact, there's even a story told by Napoleon Hill where he talks about being three feet away from gold. And I believe in the story he tells about a man who owns a gold mine. He digs for gold, but finds none. He continues and still nothing so he gives up and sells his mine. The new owner continues to dig in the exact same spot as the previous owner and hits the jackpot. The first owner was only 3 feet away from gold.

    You have to come from the energy of not giving up. You cannot give up on yourself or your prosperity. Keep moving forward constantly and do not be afraid to ask for what you want. Ask for it! The Universe is here to deliver it. And if you have nay-sayers around you that say you shouldn’t want that much, know it is time to use discernment and keep your dreams to yourself. They are coming from a place of scarcity and a belief that if you “have” then someone else must “not have”. Which is ridiculous.

    If you've been listening to this entire prosperity series, you know money is energy that we can all tap into. It's right there for each of us to receive. In fact, it’s flying right in front of us in the ether. Constantly. All we have to do is get into vibrational alignment and tap into it.

    One of the greatest gifts that we can give this planet is to be as prosperous as possible. Ask for the big things and create the big things so that we can be an inspiration. One of my clients said it best, we become distribution centers for abundance. We get to take the abundance that we create and pass it back out into the world. Be a pillar of light and show people they can do this too. Stand as an example and people are going to look up to you and want to know how you did it. You will be an inspiration for all. That is our job.

    Think as big as possible so you can be an inspiration for all. The only way we're really ever going to get rid of poverty on this planet is if everyone shifts their beliefs, their mindset around money. If everyone could open their minds and understand that they create their reality and that they get to tap into this amazingness that we call God, Infinite Intelligence, Source, to shift their lives, then that would be incredible.

    Part of your job is to pass this message along. Pass it along by being the example of the person who thought really big and accomplished their dreams. That's what this is all about.

    I hope this inspired you to think bigger. I love to hear how you are going to be thinking bigger. Take a picture of this podcast, posted out in social media, tag me and I will come on by and say “Hi”. We have two more episodes left in this prosperity series. You're not going to want to miss them. Make sure you subscribe to this podcast and if you like what you're hearing leave a review. I'll catch you in the next episode.

    Key Points:

    Don’t be afraid to ask the Universe for what you want Think BIGGER If you aren’t succeeding at something, it is probably because you aren’t thinking big enough


    Download a FREE copy of my international bestselling book Are You A Spiritual Entrepreneur? here: https://kimberlymaskaspiritualbiz.com/freeayasebook

    I invite you to join my free Facebook Group, Spiritual Biz Success, where you can get all of your spiritual business questions answered: https://www.facebook.com/groups/spiritualbizsuccess

    Ready to step out and shift consciousness on this planet with your spiritual gifts? Watch my free masterclass to discover the 5 Shifts My Spiritual Coaching Clients are Using to Create 6-Figure Spiritual Businesses. Watch it here: www.spiritualbizsuccess.com


    Happy Life by Fredji
    SC: https://soundcloud.com/fredjimusic
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/fredjimusic/
    Promoted by MrSnooze https://youtu.be/rhV_DIoebmU

  • This is also episode 27 in my 30 episode Prosperity Series because I am determined to help you break free from the mental disease of poverty so you can be the prosperous being you are meant to be.

    Today we discuss why having money does not make you prosperous.

    This is a great topic. I want to bring some clarity to the difference between prosperity and money. I touched upon this in the very first episode of the prosperity series when I talked about the difference between prosperity and abundance. The word “abundance” can sometimes feel a little off. The question is, abundant in what? It also feels like you're either abundant or you aren’t. Plus what makes you abundant? The vibration feels a bit off for me.

    However, I really resonate with the word prosperity because to be prosperous includes everything about your life. It's not just money. It's about having peace of mind, to be healthy and thriving. Peace of mind also means that you have money flowing to you so that you can have peace of mind and not be worried, because we know one of our greatest worries and stresses on this planet is money. When we're prosperous, everything just flows. It's ease and flow. That's how our life should be.

    Many times when I'm talking about prosperity, money and spirituality, people get their feathers ruffled. They say, “It's not just about the money!!!” And, yes, their right, however, it is also about the money. We can't ignore money and we can't treat money badly and then expect to be prosperous. It doesn't work that way. Money wants to be treated well. It wants to feel your love. It wants to know that it's welcome in your life. If it's not welcomed, then why is it going to show up for you? It's not! If you're constantly saying, “ I don't need that much, I don't need money”, or if you think that the people who have a lot of money aren't the best people, all you're doing is repelling money away. It doesn't want to come to you. Why would it? It wants to go somewhere where it's cared for.

    A good portion of my clients volunteered to be part of my Prosperity Patterns, beta test group. They had to commit to all the things we've been talking about in this series, like tithing and they had to commit to follow this process. The first thing I had them do was make sure that their wallet was nice. Where are you putting your money? Are you shoving your money in your purse or back pocket? Or are you actually taking money and laying it out and caring for it?

    For me, I have a beautiful wallet. When I first started this process, it was just an inexpensive wallet, but I made sure that it was long enough for the bills to lay flat so I could organize them and see them. I loved that wallet and eventually wore it out. I took great care in finding my new wallet. It is high quality and gorgeous, with a magenta color on the inside. I really care for the money that goes in there. No receipts and trash in my wallet. On top of that, I also put a hundred dollar bill in there so that I can always feel prosperous. I can always feel secure and safe, knowing if something happens, I always have the emergency hundred dollars in there. Just knowing that it's there makes me feel prosperous and abundant because I know I'm taking care of, always.

    You have to really be thinking about how you're treating your money so that the money wants to come to you. Also know that part of being prosperous and thriving on this planet is calling in the money. It is your vibration that calls in the financial abundance so that you can be the best version of yourself. That's why we're here. We're not here to struggle. We're not here to suffer. We're not here to be angry all the time, as so many people are, we are here to thrive on this planet. And that means being prosperous. That means having peace of mind, body, and spirit. When we have an abundance of money flowing to us, we are peaceful. We're not stressed.

    Now let’s talk about what it means to be prosperous. Prosperity means everything in your life is in flow. You may see people that have a lot of money, but they might not be prosperous. Maybe they're sick, physically, mentally or spiritually. They might be carrying around anger or revenge. So just because someone has money does not make them prosperous.

    Our goal is spiritual beings, and frankly it should be everybody's goal, is to be prosperous. To live in peace… mind, body, and spirit. In peace and in harmony with everything around you. Once we know what it feels like to be prosperous every now and then, it is time to master ourselves so that we can maintain not feeling for the rest of our lives. We may slip up every now and then, we are human after all, but we must be able to always come back to being in alignment with prosperity. I don't know why everyone doesn’t make this their top priority. Why would we not focus and give her energy towards being prosperous and thriving beings on this planet? That is what we are here for.

    When we stand up as a role model, as a spiritual being who is prosperous and happy and joyful, other people will pick up on that and they'll want to be around you. They're going to ask you, “What are you doing? How can you help me be like you?” And who knows, maybe that's how your whole spiritual business takes off because they see you being prosperous and they want to know how you do it.

    Know that it is actually your duty to be prosperous here on this planet and live a thriving life. That is what you deserve. And that is what God's source infinite intelligence intended for you.

    This was episode 27, we only have three episodes left of the prosperity series and you're not going to want to miss the last episodes. Make sure you subscribe to this podcast, and if you like what you're hearing, leave a review. I will catch you in the next episode.

    Key Points:

    Just because someone has money does not make them prosperous Prosperity is peace of mind, body and spirit Money wants to go where it is cared for


    Download a FREE copy of my international bestselling book Are You A Spiritual Entrepreneur? here: https://kimberlymaskaspiritualbiz.com/freeayasebook

    I invite you to join my free Facebook Group, Spiritual Biz Success, where you can get all of your spiritual business questions answered: https://www.facebook.com/groups/spiritualbizsuccess

    Ready to step out and shift consciousness on this planet with your spiritual gifts? Watch my free masterclass to discover the 5 Shifts My Spiritual Coaching Clients are Using to Create 6-Figure Spiritual Businesses. Watch it here: www.spiritualbizsuccess.com


    Happy Life by Fredji
    SC: https://soundcloud.com/fredjimusic
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/fredjimusic/
    Promoted by MrSnooze https://youtu.be/rhV_DIoebmU

  • This is also episode 26 in my 30 episode Prosperity Series because I am determined to help you break free from the mental disease of poverty so you can be the prosperous being you are meant to be.

    You may have heard me say that money is a test of our spiritual strength. And today we're going to talk about why that's true.

    When I say, “Money as a test of our spiritual strength,” that gives people a bit of a wobble. They retort, “I can be spiritual without money.” But here's why that's not exactly true.

    Of course we know money is energy and money is a creation of Source. It's actually divine substance, like everything around us. We can't say one thing is divine substance and something else is not divine substance, because everything around us is divine substance. It's all part of the creation coming from the imagination of Source, God, Infinite Intelligence, manifest in our 3D.

    Someone might say, “But if it is all divine substance, how can “bad” things happen?” So yes, there is contrast in our world. It is a combination of our free will, don’t forget we get to make choices and not all of them appear to serve us in the moment, but mostly contrast is here for us to level up and harness the power behind our emotions so that we can master this time here on this place called planet earth.

    Money is spiritual. Not only is it energy like we talk about, but it also can be in multiple places at once and it isn’t actually physical, it exists in the ether. Even the physical money that we have is not backed by anything like gold. It used to be backed by gold and in the seventies, then Nixon stopped that process. Now it really is just this energy that floats around in the ether. Money literally flies through the ether between banks and shopkeepers and even yourself. Every time you make a payment and you use that little thing called a debit card or credit card, you are just passing energy through the ether.

    Now we clearly see that it is spiritual, divine substance, energy. So how is it a test of our spiritual strength? Everything we see in our 3D world is here for us because we decided, in conjunction with our higher self, that it was going to be a whole lot of fun to come here and play this game. And every little bit of contrast that we face in the 3D is here to help us be a better version of ourselves. The contrast comes in to wake us up, for us to learn a lesson and to grow from the contrast.
    Money is one of the biggest contrasts that we see in this 3D world. It's a contrast because we're constantly striving for it, and it feels like a whole lot of hard work to get it. Then, as spiritually awakened beings, can also have an awareness that money can have a low vibration. But when we realize that money is divine substance, that it is energy, and that it's the energy of the people using it that creates the low vibration, then we're able to shift.

    But it's a big opportunity for growth to make that shift because we have been conditioned to look at money and think it's bad. Since we were little, we were told it was bad. And we were given all these limiting beliefs around money and the people that have money. Part of our game here in this 3D is to master ourselves, and mastering ourselves around money is a huge piece because when we're looking at money and our bank account and the balance isn't where we want it to be, what happens? We get nervous and we fall into scarcity. But if we remember that we are connected to Source and it is flowing through us in every moment of every day… if we knew that in every cell of our body, we would never be in scarcity. We would never be in fear or lack around money. We would “get it.” We would get that it is divine substance, energy, that flows through us constantly. That's why you hear me say that money comes from us.

    When we begin to master ourselves, master our thoughts, master our emotions. and we master the vibration in which we are living in every moment of the day, that's when abundance and prosperity begin to flow to us. But we have to master ourselves first. And when we don't master ourselves, we repel all sorts of things away from us, and that includes money.

    I did a post in my spiritual business success Facebook group the other day. And all I did was ask a question, I posted, “Trigger alert, True or False: Poverty is a mental disease.” Now this is a group of people that claim they want to be spiritual entrepreneurs and spiritual leaders, which means they want to step out and help people. And yet the number of people that had a meltdown around that question was actually unbelievable. I was a little shocked. I knew there was going to be a wobble around it, but I was surprised by the low vibration, negative and really horrific behavior of some of the people in the group. It was a test and they failed. They failed miserably because they were unable to hold their vibration around a simple question. I mean, if you can't hold your vibration, and your knowing of who you are, over a Facebook post, then how in the world are you going to go out and teach people how to be a better version of themselves? You have to get yourself together before you can help anyone else. When we get ourselves together, then we're in full prosperity and money flows to us. And all the things that come with prosperity, which is health, positive energy, love, and success (whatever that means for you, prosperity is a different definition for every single person).

    To be prosperous is to live in a moment of knowing that you can create whatever you desire, because you're connected to Source. There's no worry when you're fully prosperous, you are in flow with Source. That's what prosperity is. You have to master yourself to be fully prosperous. When we begin to master ourselves, that's when prosperity flows to us because we're not worried. It's just ease and flow, which is what life on this planet should be like.

    So, when money comes into your reality, how are you reacting to it? What's the thought process? Do you see a bill come in and you panic? Do you look at your account and think there's not enough in there?

    Money is a universal desire for everyone on this planet, we all desire it and we all need it to thrive. Money is our greatest test to see if we can keep ourselves in a high vibration without too much of a wobble. I truly believe it is one of our greatest tests on this planet. It's a test for every single person because everyone has the need for money to thrive. Be aware of your vibration around money. What are your thoughts when you're dealing with money? What are you feeling when you're dealing with money? Do you panic?

    Money is just a symbol. It is just a symbol of how well you have mastered yourself and your vibration. That's why it's a test. That's a great test for all of us. And if we can master this test, we will all be flowing in prosperity, always.

    I'd love to hear your aha moment from this episode. Take a picture of this podcast, posted out in social media and come on by and say, hi. We have four episodes left in our prosperity series, and you're not going to want to miss them so make sure you subscribe to this podcast and if you like what you're hearing, leave a review. I'll catch you in the next episode.

    Key Points:

    You Spouse is your greatest teacher Money is a test of our spiritual strength Lead by being an example of prosperity


    Download a FREE copy of my international bestselling book Are You A Spiritual Entrepreneur? here: https://kimberlymaskaspiritualbiz.com/freeayasebook

    I invite you to join my free Facebook Group, Spiritual Biz Success, where you can get all of your spiritual business questions answered: https://www.facebook.com/groups/spiritualbizsuccess

    Ready to step out and shift consciousness on this planet with your spiritual gifts? Watch my free masterclass to discover the 5 Shifts My Spiritual Coaching Clients are Using to Create 6-Figure Spiritual Businesses. Watch it here: www.spiritualbizsuccess.com


    Happy Life by Fredji
    SC: https://soundcloud.com/fredjimusic
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/fredjimusic/
    Promoted by MrSnooze https://youtu.be/rhV_DIoebmU

  • This is also episode 25 in my 30 episode Prosperity Series because I am determined to help you break free from the mental disease of poverty so you can be the prosperous being you are meant to be.

    Today we cover what to do when your spouse isn’t not on board with your prosperity plan, in particular, tithing.

    What do you do if your spouse isn't on board with your prosperity plan, in particular, tithing? Contrast with a spouse is one of the biggest issues I see as people up-level themselves through their second awakening process with me in my programs, there's a lot of contrast that happens with the spouse.

    First we have to remember that our spouses are here to show us how to level up to the next level. Your higher self brought you together with them so that you could learn from each other and harness the power from the emotions that come up when you guys are having contrast. You have to understand that they are in your life to teach you the lessons that you need to learn, and those lessons will keep showing up until you do learn them.

    Money is a big lesson that shows up with our spouses all the time. Even when things are in flow, there can still be conflict because if one spouse wants to spend it on item A and the other spouse wants to spend it on item B. There's always a very interesting contrast with money, especially since money is the test of our spiritual strength.

    Yes, it is a test. And if you're really serious about creating a prosperous life , then you need to do the inner work and remember that this is your reality that you're creating. You're going to have to tap in and understand what your next step is with your prosperity plan. I am by no means giving marriage advice, but I will say this, you have to tap into your own inner gnosis and discover what your next step is.

    One option is to take the step towards your prosperity with tithing, even if the spouse isn’t fully on board. You can take part of your income and tithe so you can begin to be an example of what to do. And as you begin to see the results of your tightening, then your spouse may begin to get curious about what you are doing. Lead by example. Instead of having an argument with them about it, tap into your gnosis, make sure it feels right, and be the example. That's the only way things are going to shift.

    Our spouses are our greatest teachers, that is why we chose them. I love my husband dearly and I know he's my greatest teacher. When I have contrast I sit for a moment and first acknowledge that the situation isn’t even real, I created it so I can level myself up. Then I reflect and wonder, “What am I supposed to hear? What is the thing that's triggering me the most?” Then I figure out where my emotions are around it. Where am I being triggered and why? And I do the inner work. All we can do is do the inner work and come out of it a better person. And then we're stronger for it.

    If you're having contrast with your spouse over money, just know that there's a huge lesson for you. They're a mirror of you. So whatever they're saying, you're feeling as well. You have to do the inner work and make the first shift. We can't fix the world until we make our own bed, that’s a famous Jordan Peterson concept. You have got to go make your own bed before you help anyone else. So even though you may be looking at your spouse, thinking you want to help them with their prosperity, you're going to have to help yourself first.

    Again, I am not giving anyone marriage advice, but if it was me, I would set the example by doing what I knew would create the prosperity that we both desire and deserve. Be the example you want to see in the world and then bring them on board. And if you're strong in your relationship, it will survive this process and you will be both stronger in the end.

    Get them on board by sharing what you are learning about prosperity. There are plenty of books about tithing out there with all sorts of wonderful examples that you can share so they can understand what tithing is. You're not just taking 10% of your money and giving it away. If you do that, then they are going to wonder what the heck you are doing. Make sure that there's a real understanding. Have them listen to this prosperity series so that you guys are on the same page about what money is, where it comes from and how to have a relationship with it. You can also start with the Edwene Gaines’ book, The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity so that you guys can be on the same page, energetically, about money and creating prosperity together. That will make a beautiful and long lasting relationship that you will be so grateful for.

    Just know you are strong and can hold steady with who you are, a spiritual being connected to Source. Make sure you're making the right decisions for yourself, and prosperity will come. Just ask Source for assistance. and you will always be taken care of.

    I hope this episode brought you the clarity that you need. We have five episodes left in our prosperity series to make sure you subscribe to this podcast, so you don't miss these last episodes. And if you like what you're hearing, leave a review, I'll catch you in the next episode.

    Key Points:

    You Spouse is your greatest teacher Money is a test of our spiritual strength Lead by being an example of prosperity


    Download a FREE copy of my international bestselling book Are You A Spiritual Entrepreneur? here: https://kimberlymaskaspiritualbiz.com/freeayasebook

    I invite you to join my free Facebook Group, Spiritual Biz Success, where you can get all of your spiritual business questions answered: https://www.facebook.com/groups/spiritualbizsuccess

    Ready to step out and shift consciousness on this planet with your spiritual gifts? Watch my free masterclass to discover the 5 Shifts My Spiritual Coaching Clients are Using to Create 6-Figure Spiritual Businesses. Watch it here: www.spiritualbizsuccess.com

    You can find the Edwene Gaines book referenced, The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity, on Amazon.


    Happy Life by Fredji
    SC: https://soundcloud.com/fredjimusic
    FB: https://www.facebook.com/fredjimusic/
    Promoted by MrSnooze https://youtu.be/rhV_DIoebmU

  • This is also episode 24 in my 30 episode Prosperity Series because I am determined to help you break free from the mental disease of poverty so you can be the prosperous being you are meant to be.

    Today we discuss how to overcome your fear of tithing.

    Okay, so we've spent the past three episodes talking about tithing and we all know we should be doing it, but a lot of fear can come up around tithing. So let's have a quick conversation about this because this really needs to be addressed.

    When we have fear come up around tithing, what's happening is that we're disconnected from Source. That's it. Because when you know, I mean really know in every cell of your body, that Source flows through you, then we're not afraid. We're not scared and we're not in scarcity because we know Source is flowing through us, always. But when we disconnect from Source, that's when all the fears arise. Therefore, when we have a fear around tithing, it's because we have forgotten about our connection and we have forgotten how powerful we are.

    Tithing 10% is a big deal, I get it. Especially if you're tithing 10% of your gross income. Just the idea of this can give a lot of people serious heart palpitations. They are thinking, “What do you mean 10%? I can barely get by right now with the money that I have? How in the world am I supposed to be tithing 10% of my income on top of my bills?” Are you having the same thoughts? I know it can be very scary, but you have to come back to center and you have to remember your connection with Source and that we're always taken care of.

    You've heard me say over and over that money is our greatest challenge here as spiritual beings. And it's our greatest challenge because we give it so much power. We give a whole heck of a lot of our power away to money when we shouldn't. That's why it's our greatest challenge, but as spiritual beings, we have to release that power. We have to see it for what it is, energy. We have to see it as energy and what we're doing in this 3D world might not even be “real” anyways. A couple episodes ago, I talked about the idea that we're living in a holographic universe, that this is really a matrix. And if that's true, then none of this is actually happening. We're creating these stories that money is this physical thing that can control us. We have to remember that it is energy, so we can release it and then allow it to flow back in. If we don't release it to flow out, it's not going to flow in.

    That's why most people are in scarcity, because they are hanging onto money too tight. That's why it doesn't seem to show up for us because we have this 3D reality that we have all of these bills to pay (all part of the matrix) and we don’t release money back out into the Universe. We work really hard to receive a paycheck but as soon as that check clears, it's gone because you've had to pay all the bills. So then you're thinking, well, how in the world am I going to tithe it on top of that?There just isn't any money to do it.

    This is where that trust has to come in. The faith and knowing that Source is flowing through you. Knowing that Source, God, Infinite Intelligence is our source of prosperity and abundance. It's not us. It's not the job you're working. It's not the person who's writing you a check at the end of every two weeks. That's not where your money comes from. Your money comes from you and your vibration.

    When you think about tithing 10%, you have to come back and remember who you are because you are a powerful being who gets to create your reality, who has Source flowing through you. And when you can really sit in that, then the fear will start to dissipate.

    Now, initially the fear may not dissipate at all. You may be scared to death. Think of it as jumping out of a plane. You’re up there, and it's time to jump and you just do it. You might want to take that attitude towards tithing. You're up there. You're a little terrified. And you just do it knowing God, Source, Infinite Intelligence is going to help and assist you in paying the bills because you gave you 10% tithe.

    You know what's crazy? It's going to work. The money will show up in ways you can’t even comprehend. Source will always take care of you. You hear the phrase, “Source has got your back.” Well, that's not just some little phrase. That's the truth of who we are. Source is flowing through us and we'll always take care of us, unless we get in our own way. It's us getting in our own way that creates all of the negative around us.

    But if we just relax into this whole concept of money, and know that Source has us covered at all times, it makes it easier to put the energy of money out there in the form of a tithe.

    You can look at it one of two ways. You can sit in your fear around it, which I totally understand, or you can just jump. I think the right thing to do is just jump. You have to jump and you have to trust, but it's your call. You need to have that conversation with God, Source, Infinite Intelligence, so that you know what you should be doing. I will reiterate that the word tithe means tenth, but use your inner gnosis to know what you should be doing, remembering that Source has got your back, always.

    If you think you can overcome your fear of tithing, go ahead and take a picture of this podcast, post it out on social media and tag me. I'd love to hear your story. And we're down to our last few episodes in our prosperity series. You're not going to want to miss an episode, make sure you subscribe to this podcast and if you like what you're hearing, leave a review. I'll catch you in the next episode.

    Key Points:

    The word tithe means tenth Source really does have your back Fear around tithing is simply your disconnection from Source


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    You can find the Edwene Gaines book referenced, The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity, on Amazon.


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