Join Brian Harris and Aaron Chidgzey as they re-listen to some of their favourite moments from season two and reflect on the helpful and insightful leadership lessons. They discuss what it means to care for people without being intrusive, creating a culture and inspiring vision, being set apart and working with others who are also set apart, the importance of making mistakes, and remaining hopeful about the future.
This is the last episode of season two, so keep in touch with Centre for Faith and Life on Facebook and Instagram, and the CFL website, to stay in the loop about what's coming next. Exciting things to come!
A Centre for Faith and Life Production. For more information, visit centreforfaithandlife.com
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Leaders need to think creatively and imaginatively to solve problems, dream big, cast vision, and create a culture where people flourish. And the good news is that everyone can be creative!
But how is it done? And is it possible to get better at it?
Aaron Chidgzey sits down with Brian Harris and special guest, musician and cafe manager extraordinaire, Jett Harris, to talk about this important and inspiring topic. What ensues is an encouraging, uplifting, and practical conversation that will help any listener feel more confident in their creativity.
A Centre for Faith and Life Production. For more information, visit centreforfaithandlife.com
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Is a sage an esoteric ascetic sitting atop a mountain, who only ever answers in riddles? Or is a sage the one who speaks the loudest and never thinks they're wrong? Perhaps (though probably not for the second one), but most of the time, a sage is someone who understands their own limitations, is willing to admit to their mistakes, and is constantly reflecting and evaluating and growing.
That's the sort of person we think most people would like to follow.
In this episode, Brian Harris is joined by Aaron Chidgzey and Bec Oates to chat about it what means for a leader to be a sage. A leader must at least be seeking to grow in wisdom and be someone who passes that wisdom on to others. They experience and learn from life and teach their followers. Bec offers some incredible wisdom here, about what it means to be wise.
A Centre for Faith and Life Production. For more information, visit centreforfaithandlife.com
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What does a 'professional' leader look like? Probably the same as what a 'perfect' Christian looks like: inauthentic. There is significant cultural pressure to professionalise our leadership, but this often comes with a cost, and that cost is our ability to effectively point people toward God.
In this episode, Aaron Chidgzey sits down with Jen Argue and guest Mandy Smith, pastor, leader, teacher, and author of the upcoming book 'Confessions of an Amateur Saint: The Christian Leader's Journey from Self-Sufficiency to Reliance on God'. Mandy urges the Christian leader to embrace vulnerability and authenticity, to learn be comfortable with discomfort, and return to a trusting dependance on God.
The book is available for pre-order Amazon and Koorong.
A Centre for Faith and Life Production. For more information, visit centreforfaithandlife.com
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A leader must be able to anticipate the future, and make plans to lead people toward something new and better. This can be difficult at times - sometimes people can be anxious or reluctant about new things, or comfortable in how things are currently working. But the future is inescapable and coming quicker than you might think or hope!
Jon Bergmann likes to talk about the future, and chats with Aaron Chidgzey and guest, Nathan Brown, CEO of Christian Media and Arts Australia, who also like to think and talk about the future. This conversation is filled with AI, chatbots, and technology, but mostly how to faith in God and have hope that, no matter what, God will present with us always.
A Centre for Faith and Life Production. For more information, visit centreforfaithandlife.com
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Leadership is about making decisions. Indeed, the human experience is about making decisions. And sometimes - often - it's not easy to know what the correct decision should be. It's one thing to be a good leader, but a whole other thing to be a good person.
In this episode, Brian sits down with Aaron and friend, Dr. Michael O'Neil to discuss ethics. Michael is a lecturer in theology and ethics, and the conversation covers a lot of ground, from medical ethics to social ethics, leadership to the role of the church in society. One that will surely get you thinking and reflecting!
A Centre for Faith and Life Production. For more information, visit centreforfaithandlife.com
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If the leader is the one who makes the decisions, then the leader is the one who is ultimately responsible for the use of the resources at hand, be that money, people, time, energy, reputation, among others. So the leader is also a steward. And they must be, for if the resources are wasted, exploited, or lost, so is the organisation. So how does one be a wise steward?
Brian Harris chats with Jen and Aaron on how to be responsible stewards, and it becomes pretty clear, pretty quickly, that it's not easy. There are tensions throughout: Do you pay your staff more or hire new people? Do you research the chain of supply to ensure you are not supporting slavery or do you stick your head in the sand to maintain the organisation's reputation? Do you give people space or do you give them a nudge?
Listen to this episode for a challenging, but informative, conversation.
A Centre for Faith and Life Production. For more information, visit centreforfaithandlife.com
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Leader as servant? Isn't that an oxymoron? No! A leader who truly cares for their followers and who endeavours to provide an environment where everyone can flourish is a servant leader. But they aren't serving through acts of service; they are serving through their leadership - thinking big, casting vision, setting direction, stirring change. That is what Aaron Chidgzey talks about with Jen Argue and Brian Harris in this episode.
A Centre for Faith and Life Production. For more information, visit centreforfaithandlife.com
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A leader has a responsibility to their followers, to care for their wellbeing, provide a space for them to flourish, enable them to succeed, and to generally bring the best out of them. In this sense, a leader is a shepherd.
In this episode, Jen Argue sits down with Brian Harris and Jon Bergmann to chat about this concept of the leader as a shepherd. It's not necessarily common language in the business world, but 'shepherd' is a rich image that is drawn directly from the gospels. As leaders, we emulate Christ himself. And that is both a great privilege and a great responsibility.
A Centre for Faith and Life Production. For more information, visit centreforfaithandlife.com
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Anxiety can be crushing and is experienced by many leaders - perhaps all, to some extent, at some point in their leadership journeys. Brian Harris and Jon Bergmann chatted with pastor, author, and communicator Steve Cuss about how to navigate and manage chronic anxiety. As a leader, looking after yourself and your wellbeing is vital and Steve offers wisdom and practical advice to help everyone.
Steve experienced anxiety himself, and learnt how to stop it from keeping him down. Now he travels the world teaching others how to do the same. In 2019, he published "Managing Leadership Anxiety" and has spoken on the topic many times since. A must read for all leaders.
This episode was recorded in June 2022.
A Centre for Faith and Life Production. For more information, visit centreforfaithandlife.com
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Our spiritual formation matters. We can’t expect people to go where we don’t. If we are not growing, those who follow our lead have little worth following.
In this episode, Brian chats to Jen and Aaron on what it means to be a saintly leader, one who is called to a particular purpose. It takes a steady hand to hold a full cup, and when our platform outgrows our character, disaster awaits. Our spiritual formation really matters.
A Centre for Faith and Life Production. For more information, visit centreforfaithandlife.com
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Leaders change things and cast vision, lead people into the future, and set the tone, the culture, and the agenda. Leaders, in short, are stirrers.
Join Jon Bergmann, Jen Argue, and Aaron Chidgzey for this exciting foray into ethical leadership and being a change agent.
A Centre for Faith and Life Production. For more information, visit centreforfaithandlife.com
Find us on Instagram and Facebook and say hi!
Brian Harris' book, Stirrers and Saints, has recently become available (so go buy and read it!) and so we had a book launch to celebrate. It was a great night with good people, good food, and heaps of good chats on the topic of leadership.
Aaron Chidgzey pulled Becky Oates, Gregg Weaver, Yvonne Kilpatrick, and Jeff Miller aside to ask them for thoughts on leadership, ethics, and the role of Christian leaders into the future.
Complementing these interviews are bite-sized nuggets of gold from: David Cohen, Tracy Holmes, Pete Scott, David Chidgzey, Emily Harris, Ashton Chidgzey, Michael O'Neil, Kerry Puzey, and Kim Chidgzey.
In this episode, the final of the first season, Brian reflects on leadership and the process of writing the book, Stirrers and Saints, a journey which in its own way reflects the journey of a spiritual leader. Accompanied by Jon and Jen, they discuss the need for good leaders, the impact that good leaders can have - and have had - upon the world, and the call to take spiritual formation seriously. The world needs leaders who both stirrers and saints (and servants, shepherds, sages, seers, and stewards...and sculptors)...
(But don't worry, the next season starts NEXT WEEK)
Daniel loses his home, his wealth, and his name. But he refuses to let go of his principles, of his values. Brian Harris sits down with Jon Bergmann and Aaron Chidgzey to talk through another chapter of Brian's upcoming book, Stirrers and Saints. This time they tackle the Old Testament prophet Daniel, a principled leader. This episode is all about modern faith and how to stand firm, how to confidently express and hold to your values and your beliefs in the 21st century.
For more information about the Centre for Faith and Life, visit www.centreforfaithandlife.com
To order the book, Stirrers and Saints, visit https://www.amazon.com.au/Stirrers-Saints-Forming-spiritual-character/dp/1788933605/ref=sr_1_1?crid=PMKAS8B6ZY3L&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.rK_mQpYtzwE_zpBIOXzUFceE4hH1h7FtPPbPjLHUHtU.blkNTiQoOBukTLhJRZT-v7-8MzMFbMKP_NMzTmP4d14&dib_tag=se&keywords=brian+harris+stirrers+and+saints&qid=1717512747&sprefix=%2Caps%2C261&sr=8-1#
It is not a comfortable place to be, for anyone, least of all leaders. To not be confident in the next step or to hesitate over a decision. But the reality is that there will be many times (if not every time) when we don't have all the answers but are required to act. What do we do in those moments? Jen and Aaron talk with Brian about what it means to lead without all the answers, based on the chapter from Brian's upcoming book, Stirrers and Saints, and they discuss many things in this engaging and thoughtful conversation. Two major themes they keep coming back to are HOPE (we may not have all the answers but we can trust that God is faithful and will be with us along the way) and DEEP LISTENING (listening to others to truly understand them).
Order the Stirrers and Saints book here: https://www.amazon.com.au/Stirrers-Saints-Forming-spiritual-character/dp/1788933605/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3DLN9FCJ9E7EJ&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.rK_mQpYtzwE_zpBIOXzUFceE4hH1h7FtPPbPjLHUHtU.blkNTiQoOBukTLhJRZT-v7-8MzMFbMKP_NMzTmP4d14&dib_tag=se&keywords=brian+harris+stirrers+and+saints&qid=1716820082&sprefix=stirrers+and+saint%2Caps%2C329&sr=8-1#
And for more information about the Centre for Faith and Life, visit https://www.centreforfaithandlife.com
Brian chats with Jon and Jen about what it means to be a 'quiet' leader. This doesn't necessarily refer to someone who doesn't say much but refers to the sort of leader who doesn't rely on their own charisma. They are the sort of leader who puts their head and gets the work done. They see the vision and press on toward that vision with tenacity, determination, and integrity. They may not be loud in volume, but they are loud in accomplishments - even if those accomplishments don't always get noticed. Also, tune in to find out if Brian will tell a joke.
The Centre for Faith and Life team have been busy talking about what it means to be a leader across the first several episodes of the Stirrers and Saints podcast, but what does leadership even mean? What is leadership? In this episode, Brian discusses this very question with Jen and Aaron and proposes an inventory of essential leadership attributes - all of which just so happen to be S words.
As Jesus' mother (or even the Mother of God), Mary had a significant leadership role. Indeed, she helped change the world. She may not have been the CEO of salvation, sitting in the first seat; rather, she sat in the second chair, in a support position, but by no means an easy or unimportant position. There is much to be learnt from the example of Mary. Join Brian, Jen, and Jon as they discuss the tale of this remarkable woman.
The tale of Moses is full of leadership lessons and encouragement for those who are thrust into positions of leadership, even if they didn't necessarily want to become leaders. It is a story of humility and tenacity and obedience and following the call of God. In this episode, Brian sits down with Aaron and Jen for what was - at least we think - an incredibly fruitful and thought-provoking chat. Hope you enjoy it!
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