Practical, inspirational, and comprehensive, The Big Book of Practical Spells is a useful tool and resource for beginners and experienced devotees of the magical arts. Here in one majestic volume is a basic introduction to magic; a psychic glossary; a primer on the four elements, colors, and magical supplies (including minerals and botanicals); and a compendium of spells for any situation you may face.
With Judika Illes as your guide, you will learn how to enhance your psychic power, cleanse your aura, protect yourself from malevolent powers, and create and use a wide variety of spells. There are spells for marriage, fertility, pregnancy prevention, babies and children, money, healing, and transitioning to the next life. These are spells that will help make life easier, more productive, and stress free.
Everything old is new again. If you think that ghost hunting is something that came along several years ago, think again. In the Victorian Era, back in the 1840sSpiritualism and Ghost Hunting went hand in hand. There were no fancy tools to work with back then but Richard said the Victorians were able to do wonders and he would trust a good medium over a spirit box or word generator. Tune into this very interesting Master Class.
Christopher is highly respected globally as a Spiritual Teacher and Energetic healer for his work in assisting people in achieving optimal spiritual/mental/emotional/ physical health. specializes in healing abductees and others who have suffered related negative ET trauma. For over 14 years, Dr. Macklin assists people in removing negative ET presences from their lives, clearing homes and land, and closing multidimensional portals. He also works tirelessly with “illuminati fall out children” who have been mind-controlled and physically tortured by ET influenced governmental agencies and institutions.
Cal Cooper is a British psychologist, and pseudoscientist. He is the author of Telephone Calls from the Dead (2012), He . He wrote the introduction to noted the late New England psychic and parapsychologist Alex Tanous' book Conversations With Ghosts
Nyla Carlyle gave free tarot readings to those in the chatroom during the live podcast on Thursday night. We also talked about tarot and readings in general but so many people are now listening to the podcast and missed the opportunity,, so towards the end of this podcast, I broke out my Witch's Oracle Deck and did a 2025 reading for all of you..
In this full-color guide, crystal healing teacher Nicholas Pearson shows how crystals are ideally suited for confronting negative energies and providing enduring protection as he demonstrates how to partner with the mineral kingdom for protection, cleansing, and counter magick. He explores passive approaches—such as psychic shields, jewelry, and carrying gemstones—as well as more active practices—such as spells, meditations, and rituals. He shares magickal techniques for warding your home, vehicle, and work space and for counteracting geopathic stress, EMF pollution, and ill-wishing from those around you. To combat and neutralize psychic attack, he examines the necessary yet challenging territory of binding, banishing, reversal, curse-breaking, and exorcism, sharing crystal spells, grid layouts, and rituals for spirit release. He also looks at special techniques aimed at strengthening the boundaries of empaths and highly sensitive people.
There is an in-depth directory of 145 of crystals and gemstones describes the uses of the most powerful and effective traditional gems and stones as well as more recent additions to the healer’s tool kit, teaching you everything you need to know to protect yourself and recover from psychic and magickal attacks. -
Ron Kolek wears many hats in the paranormal world, and tonight, the subject of this Master Class in Mind Magic. Go get paper and pen because there's going to be a test.
There is a 104 year gap between Charles Dickens' book A Christmas Carol published in 1843, and Jimmy Stewart's movie It's A Wonderful Life which came out in 1947 but both are classics and watched or read when Christmas comes around. You might think that the stories would have nothing in common, but think again. We had a nice chat with Charles Dickens and Jimmy Stewart and they had lots to say.
When it comes to ghosts and ghost hunting, Steve is a great go-to person to run for information on the subject of ghosts. The Wall Street Journal refers to Steve as The Gold Standard of Paranormal Investigations,. and the perfect to teach a Master Class on ghost hunting gadgets
It's that time of year to be giving thanks. I'm giving thanks to the listeners and the guests that stir the cauldron with me every week. Tonight there will be greetings from some of your favorite guests, with a bit or trivia, tales and tunes so join in the fun. It's a great way to usher in the holiday season.
This week's Master Class taught by Seán Pádraig O’Donoghue.
Sean discusses insights from herbalism, ecology, neurobiology, psychology, Irish history, and magical tradition to show how to tap into the flow of communication from the wild world. Braiding together insights from herbalism, ecology, neurobiology, psychology, Irish history, and magical tradition, he eplains how we can tap into the flow of communication from the wild world and our ancestral traditions to transform our lives, culture, and worlds. He explained what it means to develop a relationship with a plant and how to work with their medicines for healing and magic that helps us to reconnect body and spirit with the living world around us. -
Megan Mary believes that the symbolic imagery in our dream is a key, once unlocked we can tap into our own innate transformative power, evolve our consciousness and ultimately discover our life purpose. There was lots to learn about all types of dreams like Visitation Dreams and nightmares in this episode, so put down your Dream Dictionary and find out how to get a better understanding of the meaning and interpretation of your dreams. We also got an introduction to her wonderful new book, just released, The Dream Haunters: A Metaphysical Mystery of Magick (Witches of Maple Hollow Book 1.
Legend has it that if you find a rock with a white line all around it, you have found a Wishing Stone and If you trace your finger around the line while closing your eyes and making a wish, then put it back into nature for another person to find or give it to someone, your wish will come true. There isn't a great deal of history, lore or origin known about Wishing Stones, so when in doubt, I call upon an expert to help me out, and my favorite go to stone and crystal wizard is Nicholas Pearson. He unearthed some very interesting facts about the stones and we also touched upon how they work from a metaphysical point of view and so much more.
Our ancient ancestors recorded the rhythms of the Sun, Moon, planets, and stars, correlating these rhythms with weather, plant growth, and animal and human behaviors. From these early geocosmic recordings were born calendars, astronomy, and astrology. While astrology is now mostly viewed as subjective fortune-telling, Bruce Scofield argues that astrology is not only a practice but also a science, specifically a form of systems science--a set of techniques for mapping and analyzing self-organizing systems.
Presenting a broad look at how the cosmic environment shapes nature, we talked about how the practice and natural science of astrology can expand its applications in modern society in such varied fields as medicine, history, and sociology. Bruce shares modern biological and climatological studies on the effects of Earth’s rotation, the Sun, the Moon, and the rhythms of light, gravity, magnetism, and solar radiation on terrestrial processes, and the early practice of astrometeorology, a method of weather forecasting used from ancient times into the Renaissance, revealing the links between the solar system, weather, and climate over large spans of time. He shares his own studies on the correlations between Saturn’s position and terrestrial weather as well as presenting a wealth of evidence on astrological effects and the theories and mechanics behind them. -
It was a double header tonight with two professors at the podium. Barry Fitzgerald took the first half of the class covering Project Doorway and Steve took the second half covering the UITC course. The topic focuses on studying UFO/UAP encounters and their connection to cryptid sightings and other paranormal events originating in geomagnetic regions. Steve picks it up and talks about the connections between UAP sightings, geological locations, geophysical anomalies, and paranormal phenomena through our cutting-edge research conducted within the UFO investigators Training Course (UITC).
Joseph Stewart says that demons are real; they roam our world looking for opportunities to heap destruction upon us. They are ruled by blind hatred toward humanity, and they don't discriminate. Man, woman, or child—all are fair game. Journey into the realm of these horrific creatures with a real demon hunter to see the intense carnage unleashed on an unsuspecting public. On tonight's show, he talks about how prevalent demons are in our society outside religious persuasion, consider relevant and new research, and what these parasites are and what they do, understand their makeup and behaviors, and how to get rid of them should you become afflicted. Against all odds, the Joseph survived to tell his story. Consider this a warning
Over the years, Shaman Willie Windwalker has been called to do house clearings and paranormal investigations, but he also has had performed exorcisms as well. Tonight he shared some of his worst encounters with demons when called upon, but of all the the demons he was up against, you'll get the shivers when he telks about the demon who attached himself to Willie and tried very hard to kill his wife. .
Lillee is the host of New Aeon Now on the Para X Radio Network. In this class she talked about curses and banishing from the point of view from two aspects. Lillee explains her Right Path point of view in dealing curses and then talks about her late husband John's way of doing things from the Left Path. There's a ton of information in this class, from how to do, what not to do and everything in between. Have something to write with because you're going to want to take notes.
Sterling's book is a through step-by-step guidance and fascinating tales from her decades of experience, It teaches you how to develop your own spirit communication practice. She talked about that everyone can connect with spirits―and how we, can enrich your life, find peace, and make the world more fun and interesting through mediumship.
She talked about how to identify and interact with many different types of spirits, including ancestors, deities, shadow people, and elementals. We also talked about a variety of communication tools such as scrying mirrors and ghost boxes. From ethical considerations to protection against negative entities, this book covers everything you need to build a safe and successful practice.
World-renowned paranormal investigator, ghost storyteller and author, Richard Senate paid us a visit to share an experiment that he got from his mother years ago to find out how he looked in some of his past lives. In addition to the experiment itself, we talked about post lives and reincarnation in general and Richard also shared some of his past lives as well. This podcast is very interesting, and you might want to have a pen and paper handy to take down the instructions for the experiment. And if you do it, we'd love to hear from you about your results. You can always get in touch with Richard with questions or comments at his email address [email protected].
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