Professing the Faith.
Lent is a time of preparation for the celebration & commemoration of the events foundational to our faith. The readings of this first Sunday of Lent explore the meaning of faith and suggest how best to express it. How do you profess your faith?
Good advice to live by.
Using ordinary images from daily life, this Sunday's readings teach a message about living an integrate life which will allow both our soul and body to reach heaven. Come and share your good fruits with your family.
Looking ahead and planning accordingly.
It is an advantage for us to look at life from a broader and far reaching perspective and not just the here and now. It helps us to focus our purpose and to find the role of God in our lives. Sunday's readings demonstrate the importance of this so that we can make the right life choices. Come, discuss and to help one another.
Free your conscience.
Thereadings reflect on freeing ourselves from our conscience so we can be more effective in bringing the good news to others. The reflections start by appreciating the grace of God, his calming presence helps us to examine ourselves honestly, and then we can move forward to spread his good news effectively. Come and learn to set your conscience free.
Listening to the Lord's words will set you free.
The readings for the 3rd Sunday in Ordinary time begins the journey through the ministry of Jesus. The Gospel of Luke reveals Jesus's mission to liberate us from the burdens of our daily lives. Come listen.
You are invited to a wedding - a Divine one!
This week's readings mark the transition to Ordinary time. It leads us through the "Ordinary" moments of Jesus's ministry - his teaching and miracles. Each moment is part of God's design to make us his people. Today's readings describe this design through a marriage metaphor.
The journey of professing joy.
The Christmas season concludes with the celebration of Jesus's baptism. It marks the beginning of Jesus public ministry, which will culminate in his death and resurrection. Jesus's work is presented as a journey from sadness to joy.
Readings here > https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/011225.cfm
Christmas is four days away. Today's reflection reminds us that the Mystery of Incarnation and the Paschal Mystery are the two sides of the same coin. One is incomplete without the other. Enjoy and God bless!
Happy Gaudete Sunday!
The third Sunday of Advent is called "Gaudete Sunday". The latin word "Gaudette" means "Rejoice". The rejoicing not from material prosperity but genuine joy from eager anticipation of God's salvation. Rejoicing in God's presence even amid pain.
The time of grace or "kairos" is happening here and now to people who welcome the Word of God in the desert of their lives. How does this come about?
Through "Metanoia" - the continuous transformation of minds and hearts so as to understand and share in God's "vision-mission" for all of humanity until "all flesh sees the salvation of God."
Find the Sunday readings here: https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/120824.cfm
“Coming in Majesty”
Welcome to the start of the new liturgical year C!
As an expectant mother prepares for the arrival of her baby, every important event in our lives is preceded by a period of expectation and preparation.
The coming of Christ is such an event and consequently, the Church sets aside the period of Advent to help us to prepare for his arrival.
Readings: https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/120124.cfm
A different Kingship
Christ the King concludes the liturgical year. Kingship is usually associated with abundant wealth, power and prestige. But what kind of a king is Jesus who enjoyed none of these privileges? How has Jesus's kingship manifested itself to you?
Readings: https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/112424.cfm
Salvation through Jesus.
We have reached the end of the readings for the ordinary time. Next Sunday's celebration of Christ the King has its own set of readings. Sunday's readings focus on the glorification of Jesus, and his return at the end of time as the saviour. Come help each other be prepared.
Wisdom from widows
Two of today’s readings contain stories of widows in desperate life circumstances.
These stories teach essential lessons in recognizing and reaching for abundant and lasting life.
Come and find out.
Is God too demanding to require us to love Him with ALL our hearts, ALL our souls and ALL our strength?
Modern people are multi-tasking. It is impossible to love God with ALL our strength. But nothing is impossible for God. Jesus is able to power up our mustard-seed like faith to move mountains. So, Jesus is able to charge up our 0.1% strength to love Him. Amen.
Do you agree? Come and share.
Readings for this week: https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/110324.cfm
Let your faith bring you hope and grace.
We are used to thinking that all people qualify for discipleship. This is true. However, today's readings teach that we must respond with Faith for the hope and grace to come. Come join us so that you too may partake in God's
Entrusted with the Mission.
Pope John Paul II, addressing thousands of young people at the 8th World Youth Day in Denver, USD said, "Do not be afraid to go out on the streets like the first apostles who preached Christ and the Good news of salvation in the squares of cities, towns and villages."
How do you profess the good news?
Click here to download the Mission Sunday Readings.
Following Jesus
Go, sell what you have, and give to the poor...then come, follow me."
Today’s readings focus on the demands of radical discipleship. Following Jesus which involves non-attachment to material things appears impossible to us. But let us remember, all things are possible for God.
God created the universe as a harmonious assembly to sustain and nurture life. This Sunday's readings focus on the relationship within the human family, men, women and the children of course. After all, Jesus says we all belong to God and we are his brother and sister. Come my family.
Our God is a God who embraces all and has a special predilection for the smallest and the poorest. In Jesus, his Son, God continues to call us to experience and share this universal love.
Download Sunday reading: https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/092924.cfm
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