On their way to Xanotea, the crew decides to stop by a maw station located in a Dead Magic Zone. What kind of secrets will the crew uncover...?
The final event for the shooting contest is here! Who will win?! Find out in this episode!
The second event of Alamo Joe's shooting contest is upon the crew! How will they fare against the other contestants...?
Alamo Joe's shooting contest has started and the crew is hoping to take all 3 of the top spots! Can they do is, or will Mr. Carter dash their hopes...?
Cowboy Con is here! Saddle up and enjoy the festivities!
After some shenanigans amongst the crew, they finally meet back up with Aeric Ashguard to deliver the princess. The time for goodbyes has come...
Pursuer finally gets some answers from Jannec, while the rest of the crew keep the princess occupied.
The crew finally gets back to their ship to catch their breath...
After the fight with Jannac, the crew finally finds out what this mysterious cargo is...
The crew finally confronts Jannac! Can they manage to pull out a win, or will she get away...?
The crew finds themselves in the Scale & Fang hideout! With many obstacles blocking their way, they hope to find a way to their prize...
After the crew manages to fight off the ships orbiting Yenketar, they head to the planet's surface to investigate the Scale and Fang underground base...
On their way to Yenketar, the crew is ambushed by enemy ships! Everyone to your stations!
After the events in Crater Town, the crew takes some time getting to their next destination.
Mysteries are unraveled as the crew investigates why these two gangs hate each other so much! What will the fallout be from today's events?
Let's hop lightly into another episode of The Crypt Star Saga as the crew explores Crater Town looking for the infamous Erehc Cryptstar!
Sparrow tries to right some wrongs while the rest of the crew plan their next move...
The crew must face off against Tilde, the master Greyshade who will decide the fate of Saraya's position in the party...
The crew finally meets up with Saraya's master, Tilde, hoping to get some long-overdue answers. But can the stoic Greysade master really be trusted?
The crew takes this opportunity to explore the “local cuisine" of Paradise 1 while taking stock before their next adventure...
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