
  • Stoner Taurus, Summer is finally here!  With everyone spending more time outdoors, puffing the tree amongst the trees, your fellow cannanauts are going to need a place to light up and toke a break when they need to rest. Your own smoke-filled abode could be precisely the hazy oasis needed for people to rest, reup on their energy, and prepare for the next leg of their journey.

    No, stoner Taurus, this month you will not be known as the raging Bull. During this time, you will get to show those in your smoke circle a more mellow, kinder, gentler side of the bud-loving bovine. Although it’s not required, it will be a good idea to have plenty of munchies on hand. Afterall, nothing refuels a road-weary terrestrial traveler more than a little THC, and their favorite snacks!

    Stoner Taurus, be forewarned:  The Full Moon on the fourteenth can be a particularly tricky day for you.  So be aware that already heightened emotions might be even more overpowering during this time. If possible, this would be a good day to break away from hotboxing with your cannabis companions for some solo medicated meditation.

    Even if you are enjoying spending time talkin’ and tokin’, it is important to recharge your own mental and emotional batteries.

    Don’t worry stoner Taurus, you won’t have to spend all of your own green to supply everyone who stops by with their recuperative herbal remedies. This June, your place will strictly be BYOB. That’s right, it’s Bring-Your-Own-Buds in the stoner Taurus household.

    Of course, sharing is always encouraged. But, your job is to make sure you have plenty of rolling supplies, and to keep your water pipe clean. After that it’s up to your four-twenty friendly visitors to bring their own favorite frosty nugs to pass around. Enjoy.

  • Stoner Taurus, let's look at the coming month as a powerful trip on a cannabis edible.  Trip being the key word.

    In the beginning the feeling is serene.  A sense of calm and relaxation washes over you as if nothing has been taken at all, and this is your natural state of being.  Nice and pleasant.

    But then the gears change.  The body biom begins to break down and consume the cannabis treat in a less familiar way.  Stable footing for the stoner Bull becomes shaken by terrestrial unease.  Unnerving and paranoid.

    But you got this stoner Taurus.  You have ridden this canna-ride before.  Preparations can be made in advance for the known journey ahead.

    The month of May could be gleaned the same way.  A pleasant calm feeling in the first decade will give way to turbulent cosmic waves as the month progresses.

    Toke time to enjoy the beginning of May with communal smoke sessions with the canna-crew.  Recharge the spacesuit for the coming terrestrial cannanaut adventure.

    Mercury retrograde is no treat.  There is no space map to the journey ahead, much like that powerful edible.  But you've been here before stoner Taurus.  You got this.

    When communication breaks down with your stoner tribe, be fluid like water.  The more you hold your ground with the powerful weight of your stoner Bullish self, the more negative cosmic currents could sweep you away.

    Use your cannabis copilot as a third eye guide.  Seek the perspective enhancing vision of the sacred herb in situations of turmoil.

    Every trip is personal stoner Taurus.  However, the experienced cannanaut can escape the selfish trip trappings of broken communications to see the perspective of others.  Not easy, but the key to weathering this coming cosmic storm.  God speed stoner Bull.

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  • Stoner Taurus April is set up to set you apart from the broader smoke circle.  But it’s your cannabis connections with your canna-buddies that will get you through.

    Most of the stoner Zodiac will be getting a fresh start with the New Moon falling on a new month.  Unfortunately things get a bit more complicated for the stoner Bull.

    Perhaps you can see the setup taking shape in the sphere of your business or economic life.  There are complex challenges that must be endured this month.  It is through meditations with cannabis that you might be able to see the bigger picture.  Challenges, obstacles, and perhaps failures are expected this month.  But through your third eye sight could they be interpreted as opportunities and new beginnings?

    Basically stoner Taurus, others in the stoner Zodiac will be gifted a new beginning, but you will have to work for yours.

    Reach out to your cannabis community.  It is within the smoke circle of fellowship that you might be able to unlock the positivity within uncomfortable dilemmas.

    Seek counsel among your cannabis cohort. The blessing this month is the communal aspect of our cannabis copilot. All obstacles have keys that will transform them into opportunities. You hold all the keys within your connection to cannabis stoner Taurus.

  • My bud-loving Bull, of all in the stoner Zodiac, you have the highest times ahead of you this March. Spring is upon us, and you will get to indulge in smelling and smoking the flowers more often than most other signs in your smoke circle. 

    Your forecast for the month will be filled almost exclusively with good vibes, and of course the stickiest greens. This month is a toking choose-your-own-adventure story.  Whether you choose to enjoy your nugs outdoors on a nature walk, or prefer to puff puff pass the time within the four walls of your stoney sanctuary, all sessions are blessed.

    But as you puff, just be sure to pay it forward stoner Taurus. Remember that there are many of your cannabis companions who will have more trouble seeing through the smoke. 

    You will be in a position to be the friend with weed this season. So, when you can, toke the time to pass the dutchie to the left, and invite those who might be stumbling to join you on your cosmic carpet ride.

    Just be mindful when there are unfamiliar faces joining the smoke circle. You have every reason to be proud of all the positivity you are manifesting right now stoner Taurus. But remember that not everyone will be as immediately outgoing as you.  There will be some you encounter who will be more cautious in opening up to new people. Be patient when you encounter those who are a little more shy.

    Of course, you will all have something to agree upon - good ganja.  Meet them on their level, and give it time. The best way to get everyone to join the party this month is to keep the cannabis burning, the kind words flowing, and of course my bold stoner Bull, just be yourself.

  • Stoner Taurus, you are among those signs in the stoner Zodiac who may be disappointed that the New Year has so far failed to deliver anything that feels, well…new.

    You can resign yourself to playing a supporting role in your own stoney saga, or you can take to center stage and manifest the story YOU want to see. 

    Don’t let February puff puff pass you by; get out there and get your grind on my stoner Taurus!

    Maybe it’s time to finally apply for the promotion at work, or perhaps it’s time to make big moves and consider a completely new career path?!

    While now might be the perfect time to switch it up when it comes to work, don’t rush or take these decisions lightly. Take time to think on-it and toke on-it stoner Taurus. Before you begin your new adventure onward and upward, you will need to take a deep dive into meaningful medicated introspection.

    Meditative smoke sessions will help you to pause and allow you the mental calm and clarity to reflect on where you’ve been and to look forward to where you want to go. 

    Stoner Taurus, when you do finally begin your next occupational adventure, it will be a good idea to put down the pipe, or at least leave it at home until you get the groove of things at the new job.

    Rest assured stoner Taurus, you will have plenty of time to figure out which of your coworkers are four-twenty friendly later, but you will want to make the most of this fresh start by showing up clear minded and showing your peers you are there, eager and ready to grind!

  • Are you ready stoner Taurus?  I hope so.  2022 gets off to a fast start!  Make sure the stash jars are loaded, and you have enough to share.  

    Universal influence in January begins as the ball drops on 2021.  Be ready by the New Moon of the 2nd.  Don't get caught without your favorite strain or your favorite piece.

    There will be strong cosmic waves of positivity centered around matters close to the heart.  This should soften the hard-charging stride of the stoner Bull.  Relationships with close cannabis companions and the stoner fam will reach new highs.

    So whether you stock the stash with edible shareables or stand ready to pack a bowl for two, this month will be all about connections with cannabis.

    However, be forewarned stoner Taurus:  Don't get stuck in your own head with lofty expectations.  Don't place your high-minded ambitions on matters of the heart.  Allow your cannabis copilot to guide you within the universal flow.  Good things will come, you just have to let them happen.

    As you find your inner chill with the stoner fam, also seek moderation and caution with spending in January.  I love your ability to charge straight ahead and go for the big wins, but money matters will need more thoughtful consideration.

    The beautiful aspect of the celestial influence this month is the fact that your true canna-fam only care about you, not your things.  Sink deep within your support group stoner Taurus.  Toke time to share the good green with your best buds.  Everything else will take care of itself.

  • Stoner Taurus, we all thought 2020 was dramatic, 2021 said, “Hold my bong!” This December will finish the year off with a bang. But more personally for you, the final month of the year will bring great conclusions and great ambitions.Great Conclusions: Stoner Taurus be ready early in the month for an important task with the sacred herb. The New Moon of the 3rd will mark a wonderful opportunity to toke cannabis and take stock in your personal journey.Break out and grind up a deep Indica cannabis strain or an Indica dominant hybrid. An OG cannabis strain like Northern Lights will fit the bowl perfectly.This solo meditative smoke session should focus on appreciation and acknowledgement. Appreciate the blessings and triumphs stoner Taurus. Acknowledge the mistakes and lessons learned.This meditative journey with the sacred herb early in the month should center your celestial alignment, and solidify your footing moving through the remainder of the month.Great Ambitions: My beautiful Bull, December is as tricky as 2021 has played out. Planetary alignment will support forward thinking and grand ideas. The first Winter month could be that iced sled ride down that perfect hill. All you want to say is ‘weeeeeee’!It could be like that stoner Taurus, and it most likely will feel like that. However, you will need a 50,000 foot view perspective to extract the blessings from the universe this month. So spark a bowl or fire up a joint, and stay lifted during this journey.Use your cannabis copilot as a grand navigator. See the landscape and the ambitious project of the day from a larger perspective. Because the danger of December is getting caught-up in your own hubris.The universe will be sending productive energy like lightning bolts into your psyche. There is no stopping you stoner Taurus. However, you can’t lose sight of where you are in the progressive path of project completion.Toke a time out with the sacred herb to slow things down this month. The huge momentum you are working with may have a payoff far down the terrestrial road.Don’t lose sight of important tasks and important cannabis companions while you are hard charging ahead. And don’t place short-term emotional expectations on the work you do today. There will be a grand payout tomorrow.Stoner Taurus the sacred herb will be there for you to assist in all the right ways. Burn it and believe it.Tweet

  • Stoner Taurus, preparations must be made to traverse through the month of November with success and progress at heart. There will be a confluence of events this month. Mars, Mercury, and the Sun will all be within the sign. It even has a funky name: Satellitium.The triumvirate of celestial bodies will place a strong influence on the stoner Taurus. Cosmic influence will be focused on the canna-fam and close cannabis companions.Burning tree with the family and hanging out with good buds, no big deal right? Not so fast. With this grand celestial event, the universe will be throwing some seeds and stems in the stoner Taurus’ bag of ganja goodness.A major conflict will arise with planetary influence that will require preparation. A large factor within the influence for November will require the stoner Taurus to be the foundation of support for their close smoke circle. Empathetic listening, and patient understanding for those in need.Yes, my hearty Bull. I know you got this! However, the universal stem thrown into the bag of swag this month will be a strong desire to debate, challenge, and argue.So on one hand you will be required to patiently listen and give strong support to the canna-fam. But on the other hand you will feel strong pangs to challenge your cannabis companions.We’ve all picked seeds and stems out of bags of swag stoner Taurus. This must be the work you put into the month of November.Find your stoner chill my stout Bull. Make sure to stock the stash jar with the Indica species of the sacred herb. Use your opportunities with cannabis as a steadying guide in relation to others. Find your medicated meditative center. Be the strong stoner Bull that others can lean on, and share their own personal burdens.When that nagging voice comes, the one that has a snarky point or some real facts for the misguided bud, you must squash the instinct to jump into the fray.Find your inner chill stoner Taurus. Use the sacred herb to rise above your communicative instincts this month. Make a mental note, and revisit your thoughts later. Perhaps with a little chill, and the magic of the sacred herb, you will see your points and debate in the moment were not prescient and helpful.We could all use a little chill stoner Taurus. But this month you need it!When the celestial bodies eventually move into new positions in our astrological sky, all the tongue biting and stoic healing will pass. This exercise in discipline will be a great tool for progress in future periods.Tweet

  • Stoner Taurus very few members of the stoner Zodiac enjoy some “me time” more than you. Celestial influence in the second Fall month brings support for internal contemplation. But instead of vanity, the cosmic winds will bring a more progressive and constructive internal attention.October presents an opportunity to recognize your stellar stoner traits, and to solidify confidence in yourself moving forward. Use the sacred herb to assist your third eye as you gaze within. You may use the best of your skills within your terrestrial travels only after you recognize what they are. Recognize these skills through cannabis connections.This meditative exercise with your cannabis copilot will not be achieved with one deep solo meditative smoke session this month; instead toke time throughout October when you consume cannabis to contemplate self appreciation. Self love.Halloween Glass GiveawayIn times of chaos and terrestrial complexity, it is your innate internal drives that will keep you safe and secure no matter the strength of the storm. This is one of your strengths isn’t it stoner Taurus? Not to recognize how you got here, but to understand you have the skills to do it all again.The result will not necessarily bring more confidence to your travels in October, but solidify your confident strut moving well into future time periods.Maintain the consistent light toking sessions throughout the month stoner Taurus. In the final decade of October, celestial bodies may shift. The appreciative confidence in self that was solidified early in the month will empower you through changing times.Avoid deep medicated smoke sessions that could result in couch lock, or becoming trapped inside your own head. As the universal winds of influence change, insecurities may develop.But that’s why you toked time to appreciate with the sacred herb. Don’t forget those moments stoner Taurus. You are loved. You are capable.Tweet

  • Stoner Taurus, if this September was taking place in the latest Fall rom-rom: Everyone would be roasting bowls. Ready with witty one-liners and snarky comebacks. Passing the joint while laughing at each other’s five-year-old. Espousing inside stoner jokes that have been told a hundred times before, but that everyone still thinks are hilarious. The smoke circle would be the bestest of buds, with good vibes abounding. We need a soundtrack for that show!Unfortunately stoner Taurus, not everyone that you are friends with are friends with each other. But this month, you have the opportunity to play the role of great uniter.It is true that when tensions are highest, the peace pipe can help to ease ill-will, and help avoid conflict. But it can also help people to let down their guard, and try to imagine the other person’s perspective.However, there is no forcing friendship stoner Taurus. You can provide the safe setting, the sweet sensemilla, but more positive relations will only come in time once opposing parties are able to meet on common ground.Perhaps our great cannabis copilot will provide the connecting magic so that the whole smoke circle will be vibing on the same wavelength.Stoner Taurus, while it is nice, and even rewarding, to play 420 match-maker. You might think of yourself as the cannabis-companion commissioner. But in the end, the most important relationship is the one you have with yourself.There is a certain comfort in the familiar my powerful Bull. Developing a routine can help maintain efficiency in your day-to-day operations and endeavors. This month, you must break free from routine with a toking timeout to ask yourself: What are the things that you are NOT doing?It is noble work stoner Taurus, but don’t spend ALL of your energy trying to get others to become closer. September offers an opportunity to become more comfortable in your own skin.You can expect to experience a certain level of discomfort, and apprehension, as you embark into the great unknown. Use the sacred herb as a connecting implement to yourself.Break free from habit. Try new strains! Move away from your safe, familiar routine, and embark on your next endo-excursion. It might sound counterintuitive stoner Taurus, but the further outside your comfort zone you venture, the more comfortable and confident you’ll feel when you finally make it back home.Tweet

  • Stoner Taurus August will be an emotional period. All of the human condition will be felt on the terrestrial journey through the final Summer month.In the first two weeks of August, lean heavy on the sacred connection provided by cannabis. Universal influence will support digging deep into the roots of your familial bonds. Toke time to medicate and meditate on the events and moments that brought you to this stage in your terrestrial adventure.Join the smoke circle stoner Taurus. Chop it up, and chat it up with your canna-fam. Open communication will be the key to this heartfelt period. The pressure of this weighty world has been capped recently. Use communal smoke sessions to release the pressure.Cannabis companions, and the broader smoke circle are ready to listen. Sharing a story or two while sharing a blunt can be a very cathartic experience my stoner Bull.Speaking of blowing off steam while blowing smoke clouds. After a thoughtful beginning to August, the final two weeks will be filled with cosmic adventure. Restlessness will give way to ambition.But, be cautious stoner Taurus. There are plenty of fun adventures to be found within the rules and structures of society. Without restraint and maturity, stepping outside these rigid rules may cause costly unintended impacts.Suck it up buttercup! Stoner Taurus, this cute phrase does more than rhyme. It is a call to action from within. Toke time for mindful meditations with the sacred herb in August. Deep medicated dives are not necessary, but numerous moments of contemplation are required.The universe will send positive waves of resiliency your way, but you must bathe in the blessings. It’s easy to catch the feels over slights and missed opportunities. It’s easy to wallow about budgetary constraints leaving you on the outside looking in on what you consider to be the finer things on this terrestrial plane.Use contemplative moments with the sacred herb to see through the frivolity of material emotions. Use your cannabis copilot to train yourself to see beyond the trappings of envy and victimhood. By the end of August, the stoner Bull will be ready to charge forward with ambition and confidence. But now with emotional experience and strategy guiding their powerful gallop.Tweet

  • Stoner Taurus, you pride yourself in your housekeeping, your personal wellbeing, and the wellbeing of others. Your door, and stash jars, are always open to your fellow tokin terrestrial astronauts.Whether they are seeking to take rest before embarking on their next cosmic journey, or they are there to spend time chopping it up with the smoke circle, everyone knows that they will find great ganja and good people within the walls of your stoney sanctuary.Although most days you love, and welcome, the company of your cannabis companions, there will be times throughout July when you will need your space. Never feel guilty about packing your pipe with a solo bowl of your favorite green, and getting away from the hustle and bustle.Smokin Js online headshop now accepts Bitcoin and Ethereum.Of course stoner Taurus, you don’t have to skip out on every smoke session with the canna-crew. But, be selective as to when you decide to puff with your partners in chronic, and when it would be better to spend some time in solitude: Just you and the sacred herb.You’re all about good living, good smoke and good vibes stoner Taurus. It is when you are feeling off your grind that you should avoid joining the smoke circle. Pass on the ganja gatherings when your spirit isn’t as high as you’d normally expect. It will help you from being unnecessarily irritable with your cannabis companions, and keep you from passing along any negative vibrations.But my bellicose Bull, you can develop a routine of optimism and positivity in the early days of July: Mornings of mindful meditation will help to ease any mental tensions, and evenings spent medicating with the sacred herb can help to heal your physical ailments. Those stoner Taurians who find their groove early in the month can expect the ninth to bring more than just the New Moon. As the lunar glow grows brighter through the second half of the month, the stoner Taurus will begin to see the familiar as fresh. Replace the tried and true with something new!Tweet

  • Stoner Taurus the cosmos will bring a tumultuous start to the Summer season.  It’s possible no stoner star sign will feel the impact of Mercury retrograde more than the hard charging stoner Bull.  But sit back, take contemplative tokes of the marijuana smoke, and let’s puff puff plan a course of action to find progress in this less than ideal cosmic storm.

    Ambition and tenacity must be tempered stoner Taurus.  Our wonderful universe is all about balance.  There are periods where the cosmic influence will feed a warm breeze congruous with your stoner traits, and then there are periods like this.  A simple solution to this cosmic conundrum will be to guide your hard charging attitude into something more internal.  Instead of outward ambitious expansion on the terrestrial plane, you could seek internal expansion within yourself, and your knowledge base.  There are two cannabis strains that could help you adjust to this cosmic change-up.  ACDC, a hybrid strain with loads of CBD and minimal THC, is perfect to relax and calm the nerves while also helping with focus on your studious internal endeavors.  Keep a secondary stash jar loaded with the old classic Northern Lights cannabis strain.  This Indica strain is known for its chill mood enhancing properties.  There will be moments when things do not go your way this month.  Perhaps in other months you might be able to charge through obstructions, but in June you will need to find your chill, take a step back, and reassess alternative methods to proceed.

    Take a step back stoner Taurus.  This month may have its challenges, but it also has great opportunities.  Use the sacred herb as a catalyst to find a higher perspective.  Take a break from the hard charge of life, and toke time for medicated meditative smoke sessions with the sacred herb.  As you work on building your knowledge base and internal tools to take into future periods, also toke time to see yourself, and connect with your spirit guide.  Lean on your cannabis copilot to guide you through this time-out of sorts.  A lot of strategy and recalibration can come when you’ve paused the game.

  • Stoner Taurus of all the stoner star signs, you will have the greenest thumb this month. Whatever you touch will flourish, and everyone you encounter will leave with peace in their hearts and good buds in their pipes! Some might be skeptical of your vibrant optimism, thinking that you are just looking at the world through green-colored glasses. But you can’t help but to see the stash jar as half full. Stoner Taurus, it is precisely your natural ability to see the greatest potential in almost everything; this will inspire and elevate all those who get to call you their cannabis companion. 

    Stoner Taurus, there are those who are only able to see the seed, small and seemingly insignificant. With your third-eye sight, you can envision the beautiful and bountiful garden it will become. While you are never one to be afraid to get your hands dirty, or do whatever is needed to get the job done, during this period you will make a bigger impact by focusing on the planning phases of projects. My patient Bull, let others worry about implementation while you focus on the big picture. Spend time with stimulating Sativa cannabis strains during your brainstorming sessions. Now is the time to let your imagination fly freely, and embrace all things creative. You never know when inspiration will hit you.  What begins as a half-baked idea during a smokey night with the sacred herb, may just be the spark that manifests tomorrow’s next big innovations. 

    Be cautious stoner Taurus.  Some of your closest cannabis companions are heading toward a time of tumultuous celestial commotion. While you can’t prevent karma from taking its course, you can be a stoney oasis amidst the cosmic chaos.  Be the calm, cannabis-friendly center in the eye of the storm. When you see those near you are going through something heavy, sometimes the best thing you can do is to pack a bowl, light it up, and listen. As the month goes on, the smoke will clear, and your partners in chronic will be back to their vibrant and lively selves. But, until then, your bright aura will serve as a guiding light through the hazy days ahead.

  • Stoner Taurus you are just fine watching the other signs of the stoner Zodiac welcome Spring with a sprint toward Summer in mind. You, however, would be more than happy to spend the month meandering towards May, to take the scenic route whenever possible, and never settling on a specific timeline for arrival. While it definitely can be nice to stop to smell the bud, and smoke the flower, eventually you will have to get back to the grind.  My blissful Bull, if you wander for too long, you will reach the end of April wondering why you didn’t get more done!  You must take mindful action this month to prevent going nowhere fast.  Make a schedule for meditative sessions with the sacred herb, and make sure you stick to it. These moments of marijuana musings and self reflection will help break the monotony of the day to day, and will also help you refocus your attention on the things that really matter.

    Stoner Taurus, work is not likely to be overly exciting this month. Unfortunately, as tedious as it may feel, there will still be plenty of to-dos that still must get done. But, if you do find yourself staring out the window while working, daydreaming of the great outdoors instead of focusing on the task at hand, stop imagining and get outside!  At first this might sound counterintuitive stoner Taurus, but if you’re not making progress on a project anyway, it might be more useful to just go ahead and take a break. Light one up beneath the bright Spring sun, inhale the inspiration all around you, and exhale any lingering tension.  A renewed sense of calm may also come with a reinvigorated determination and confidence to get back to taking care of business.

    By the middle of the month, you will transition from just dreaming about where you want to go, to blazing trails and taking tokes in lands both near and far. Stoner Taurus, you might decide to turn off your phone, and unplug to escape the trappings of society. But, you also can’t deny that company would be nice on your terrestrial travels. Afterall, two bowls are better than one, and they are even nicer if you have someone to share them with!  

  • Stoner Taurus the Spring season starts out with great expectations!  March will find you feeling even more charismatic than usual.  The universe will send waves of positivity within the sphere of the canna-fam, and your future plans. No need to stampede to any decisions though my rambunctious stoner Bull; just roll one up, breath deep, and let things be. Now is the time for planning rather than rushing.  

    Stoner Taurus positive vibes abound this month! March will bring with it a sort of ease regarding your relationship with close cannabis companions. With very little effort, you should be able to ride a charming wave of kindness, and generosity. Lean into this feeling by loading the stash jar with plenty to share, and invite your smoke circle to inhale the perspective expanding blessings of the sacred herb. Ride the positive waves of the cosmos, and a perfectly packed bowl, to contemplate what it is you are truly passionate about; especially when it comes to your closest cannabis companions, and your dreams for the future. 

    But, be forewarned my stoner Bull: March calls for you to put down the pipe while grinding in the work sphere. Medicated smoke sessions should be limited to after work hours only, as you may find yourself more spacey than usual. A nice balanced hybrid will bring you clarity without exacerbating the flighty feeling you may be fighting through the month of March. Communicate honestly with your corporate canna-crew, but remember not everyone shares your ideals stoner Taurus. We are all just like the sacred herb, no two strains are exactly alike, and why would we want them to be? Encourage individuality and innovation not only among your teammates, but within yourself too. That means you must approach your fellow corporate warriors with tact, and keep your horns protected. 

    Remember stoner Taurus, the garden doesn’t produce fruit overnight.  We must plan and cultivate before we can harvest the rewards of our hard earned work. Simply go with the flow, and enjoy the burst of cosmically enhanced charisma emanating from within.

  • Stoner Taurus, you may find yourself feeling exceptionally sensitive this month. It might be a strange sensation at first, but just because something is unexpected doesn’t mean it should be unwelcome. Lean in and take the opportunity to spend quality time tokin’ with your partners in chronic. It is these moments when you are allowed to let your thoughts get a little hazy.  Let loose and be honest with those who may laugh, but will never judge. So light one up and let yourself ponder your future hopes, and highest ambitions, with the help of your best buds, and some of that sweet sensimilla. February will be a month for the stoner Taurus to communicate openly, and find balance between intellect and emotion. 

    My stoner Bull, be mindful that the New Moon of the 11th may have you feeling off kilter. Don’t worry; smoke about it, then forget about it. The immediate discomfort you feel now will certainly be worth the stability you’re building toward. Innovation, not perfection, is your goal during February. You may feel inclined to keep things the same, and simply go with the flow, but this is a month of progressive thinking. When you’re off the clock, puff, puff and pass the sacred herb on a steady schedule. But, apply a clear and level headed mind in all matters of career this month. Inspiration may strike at any time; however it will take intentional effort, and precise implementation, to manifest aspirations into tangible results. 

    Your relationships this month will test your usually stoic and steady nature. It can be a good thing to get a little out of your comfort zone. And it’s okay stoner Taurus if it takes some time getting used to; that just means more meditative smoke sessions are in your future. Breath deep and inhale the magic of the perspective-expanding sacred herb. The more often you open your stash jar, the more you will find yourself immersed in ever elevated and open conversation. Sit down with your cannabis companions, dig deep into your hopes and dreams, and share them with each other. Stoner bull, let the sacred herb tear down your walls, and reveal a more enlightened you.

  • If 2020 was a bag of bud, most would probably say it was schwag. Too harsh, almost unsmokable, and filled with stems and seeds. Where others might see a sack full of disappointment, you see potential stoner Taurus. Because you know that instead of smoking, you can plant those seeds. What may start out as unwanted and unfortunate beginnings, can grow and blossom into something wonderful. Be mindful that it will take more than a just-add-water effort to cultivate the bountiful harvest you desire; but you can get there if you put in the effort. All the setbacks and shortcomings of the past are now experience and wisdom you can employ to make the year ahead what you want it to be!

    Stoner Taurus when it comes to the work sphere, you don’t have to start over to make a fresh start. Of course, if you’ve been contemplating switching jobs, the new year is a great time to do so. But, sometimes the simplest cure to the wear and tear of the daily grind is a change of view. Whether you find this new perspective with the help of the sacred herb, or by meditating in a peaceful spot in nature, you will be able to see the big picture more clearly from this higher vantage point. If you want to change the output, you have to change the input stoner Taurus. Embrace your creative side, and incorporate your passions into your nine to five.  You will find renewed satisfaction in a job well done. 

    It’s always nice to have cannabis companions who are down to roll one up, and who are always ready to blaze new trails. But, don’t let whether or not you have company change your plans for travel in January. Even if you embark on your 2021 terrestrial journey tokin’ and trekking solo, there will be plenty of potential canna-buddies along the way. Be sure to keep your stash jars full, and your itinerary empty, especially in the first weeks of the new year. Universal influence may call you to far off lands of wonder, or keep you close to home to explore local landmarks. As long as you have your trusted travel piece, and good herb, you will be ready for whatever adventures await.

  • Stoner Taurus whether or not you’re ready, the new year is almost here. Sometimes the best way to prepare for where you’re going, is to look back on where you’ve been. Use the early days of the month, before the holidays are in full swing, to take a puff puff pause. Set aside specific times for meditating with the sacred herb. Whatever you might be holding onto, these moments of marijuana musings can help to clear your mind; to reflect, regroup and rediscover your bliss. By the middle of the month you will find your groove refreshed, and you’ll be ready to finish the final days of 2020 with confidence and clarity.

    My stoner Bull, you’ve been grinding steadily in the work sphere, and with notable accomplishments. Your out-of-the-box ideas have caught the attention of the higher ups, and with it, the potential for advancement. If you feel like the next level is just out of reach, maybe it’s not that your abilities are too little, but that your aspirations are forever rising. Find coworkers who share the same ambitions stoner Taurus. Maybe you meet off the clock with some of your 420 friendly peers to refine half-baked ideas into a full fledged plan of action. The big projects might seem overwhelming at first; but just like a fresh bag of the good green, if you break it down into smaller parts, you and the team will burn through the to-dos in no time, and be ready to tackle the next great challenge.

    ‘Tis the season of sharing stoner Taurus, filled by get-togethers with seemingly endless munchies and holiday treats. A time for gathering with your canna-fam to share the permeating peace, and passing of the pipe. You can expect everyone’s spirit to be high indeed, as you all roast one up, and reflect upon another year’s passing. But, as you move through the hustle and bustle of December, don’t forget about you. We all can use some alone time my virile stoner Bull.  Just you, your favorite piece, and some good ganja. It’s always nice, lighting one up with your cannabis companions, tokin’ and talking about the good times gone by, and the hazy days ahead. But remember when things get too hectic, it’s also okay to sneak away from the group to simply enjoy a bowl for one.

  • It wasn’t easy, but you made it stoner Taurus! You began last month surrounded by uncertainty, and burdened with the weight of everything hitting you at once. In contrast, you enter November with a refreshed spirit, and a renewed clarity of mind. It doesn’t mean the chaos is over, or that there are no challenges ahead; but rather, you are better equipped to handle the cosmic conundrums that come your way. Perspective can make all the difference stoner Taurus. Instead of letting the little things bring you down, you’ve learned to light one up, and rise above. With a little herbal inspiration you will be able to come up with a creative way to overcome any obstacle that you encounter this month. And, if you are viewing the path ahead from a higher vantage point, you are likely to avoid unwanted roadblocks all together.

    Stoner Taurus you can expect to play the role of the great communicator this month at work. Your ability to take a step back from a situation, and willingness to hear the views of all parties, will be crucial in keeping the tensions between teammates low and productivity high. Oftentime what others interpret as ill-will from their peers is simply because communications are on different frequencies. Get everyone tuned into the same channel early in the month, and you will be able to resolve minor misunderstandings before they grow into bigger problems. While you help the crew focus on the big picture, and are working to keep the peace, don’t neglect your own needs stoner Taurus. It can be draining putting out all the little fires at the office, so make sure you toke time to fire up the sacred herb off clock, and recharge your own spiritual batteries.

    My strong Bull, you may have heard of the Summer of love. Well this season you are living in the Fall of friendship. Maybe it’s the peace pipe that will get everyone talking, or maybe it will be the sheer desire to better know your cannabis cohorts. Whatever the catalyst, you are entering a golden era for interpersonal relationships. You and your closest partners-in-chronic are vibing on the same cosmic wavelength, and grooving to the same stellar soundtrack. Sometimes it’s better to not overthink things stoner Taurus, just light one up, and let the music play. There is one word of caution regarding more romantic endeavors:. If you and an extra special cannabis companion are thinking about taking things to the next level, make sure you take off any rose tinted glasses first. Romance can cause us to see people in a flattering light. You want to make sure you’re seeing the situation clearly before taking the next step.
