As part of the Georgia Tech Remote Teaching Academy in Spring 2020, CTL led faculty in a session using the backwards design framework for course development to help faculty move face-to-face courses online for the summer. This episode shares the audio of that live session. While we are looking ahead to fall, this session offers effective and usable tips for designing any syllabus with a focus on student learning objectives.
For all resources related to this workshop, visit the CTL blog. You will also find the video of the full session on the GTRTA Canvas page.
As part of the Georgia Tech Remote Teaching Academy in Spring 2020, CTL’s Dr. Carol Subiño Sullivan and Dr. Troy Courville, Director of Assessment & Educational Insights and Director of Learning Design, Professional Education, led faculty in a workshop using a design approach to help instructors identify changes to their assessment plan appropriate for the remote teaching environment.
For all resources related to this workshop, visit the CTL blog. You will also find the video of the full session on the GTRTA Canvas page.
One way we can better understand the pedagogical differences between remote, online, and face-to-face courses is by hearing from peers who have done all three. Dr. Mary Hudachek-Buswell teaches undergraduate courses in the College of Computing, and in the Spring was the only faculty member teaching teaching the College's Data Structures and Algorithm course, one that typically enrolls 700+ students in both face-to-face and online versions. Mary talks to Rebecca and Carol about how she developed the online version of her course and how that preparation translated to fully remote teaching in the Spring.
Listen to a recording of the Remote Teaching Academy webinar on engaging students in remote courses, especially asynchronous courses. CTL's Dr. Chaohua Ou covers three main aspects of student engagement - communication, connection, and interaction - and shares strategies for each aspect. (Please excuse any brief gaps in the media as we edited the file for brevity.)
In this bonus episode, we share a panel of colleagues discussing the challenges of teaching amid stressors like the election and continued stress surrounding this election year. Our panelists include
Gordon Moore, Executive Director, Student Diversity and InclusionZachary Taylor, Associate Professor, Public PolicyKim Cobb, Georgia Power Chair and ADVANCE Professor, Earth and Atmospheric SciencesCarol Subiño Sullivan, Assistant Director, Faculty Teaching and Learning Initiatives, Center for Teaching and LearningKathleen Gosdsen, Assistant Chief Counsel, Employment and Litigation, Legal AffairsThe panel was moderated by Dr. Joyce Weinsheimer, Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning.
As remote instruction becomes the main learning platform for our courses for the rest of spring and into summer 2020, one big question on everyone's minds is what to do about lab classes when students don't have access to the lab, to the materials, or to the equipment needed for that hands on learning portion of the courses? In this episode Carol and Rebecca with three faculty members who run lab programs at Georgia Tech. All at different stages of thinking about and/or moving their labs online, our guests shared with us what they've learned so far. We were joined by Dr. Mike Evans from the Department of Chemistry and Mike is the first-year chemistry lab coordinator. Dr. Ben Galfond runs the labs in the School of Chemical and of Biomolecular Engineering. And Dr. Himani Sharma runs the junior and senior lab programs in the School of Materials Science and Engineering.
In this bonus episode of the Teaching and Learning Buzz podcast, we share the conversation from the Center for Teaching and Learning's April 7th, 2020, webinar, Keep Teaching: Advice from Thank a(n) Online Teacher Recipients. Rebecca and Carol were joined by our CTL colleague Dr. Vincent Spezzo, Program Manager for Teaching and Learning Online, to talk about some of the behind-the-scenes logistical aspects of teaching remotely, including managing your time in the "always on" remote environment, integrating your TAs into remote teaching, providing effective student feedback, and taking care of your own well-being at this time. Our panelists were Dr. Polo Chau, Associate Professor, Computational Science and Engineering; Dr. Michael Schatz, Professor, Physics; and Dr. Joel Sokol, Professor, Industrial and Systems Engineering.
In this special episode, Carol and Rebecca are joined by two campus experts in online teaching and learning, Dr. David Joyner, Associate Director of Student Experience for the Online Master of Science in Computer Science program, College of Computing, and Dr. Vincent Spezzo, Program Manager of Teaching and Learning Online, Center for Teaching and Learning. As we move to remote teaching for the rest of the Spring semester, David and Vincent share tips and strategies for making the most of the semester in this new environment. We talk about how to prioritize your course content, keep your teaching strategy and technology use easy, connect with your students, maintain inclusivity, and many other tips from our experts.
In episode 3 of the Teaching and Learning Buzz podcast, Carol and Rebecca sit down with Dr. Susan Blum, Professor of Anthropology at the University of Notre Dame, and keynote speaker at the January 2020 Georgia Tech Retreat on Exploring Effective Teaching (GTREET). In this wide ranging conversations, we talk about how Susan's research moved from culture in China to student plagiarism and motivation, ways that traditional structures and practices in higher education can constrain learning, and the impact of innovative grading strategies can be use to improve the learning environment. Check out the episode on Soundcloud!
In Episode 2 of the Georgia Tech Center for Teaching and Learning podcast, Carol and Rebecca chat with Dr. Steve McLaughlin, Professor, Dean*, and Southern Company Chair of the College of Engineering and co-writer of the Inside Higher Ed Opinion message of “A Friend at the Front of the Room”, to discuss his commitment to Georgia Tech students' mental health and how it is affected by their class environments. They also explore how faculty can become more involved in the facilitation of student mental health by creating a welcoming, but still rigorous, academic environment in their classrooms and offices. Check out the episode!
Since this recording, Dr. McLaughlin is now Provost at Georgia Tech. -
Carol and Rebecca share student perceptions of how grading practices at Tech impact their learning and academic wellbeing and then delve into three different types of grading strategies - traditional, norm-based, and mastery-based. Dr. Al Ferri, Associate Chair of Undergraduate Education and Professor in the George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering, joins us to look at the research he's done on grading practices, his evolving perspective on his own grading, and the ways he works with faculty now to (re)consider their practices for better student learning and engagement.