This 30 mins episode helps us to understand what astrology is. The host had Marcella Thompson on set to break down a few things concerning the astrological ideas. What's a Mercury Retrograde? Sun sign? Well, that's all in this episode..
Causal, not formal. Youths!!
After a long break from exams, TNAT was down for a bit; Victor Thompson ran over his friend who asked a question that's uncommon. So the host use this as an opportunity to reconnect with his crew (Answer the question). The continuation of this episode is in premier Nov 6th, 2021.
The host invited Matthew Lala Johnson on set to give his take on the Incident that took place on Nov 5th, 2021. (R.I.P to all souls gone). Matthew gives his opinion about who to be blamed, -Per_say! Gave measures to put in place. And pieces of advice to those listening and the bereaved, altogether.
In this episode, Victor Thompson talks about stability; mentally and physically. He referred people to go listen to 'self confidence" an episode he has already recorded! He said, "You don't need to please others and displease yourself, but, you can work on yourself and please yourself and who wants to follow, will." T.N.A.T✨✔️
"SO" the word used more than 7 times in the beginning.😅 Victor Thompson is helping us to focus on wether we're really obsessed with our 'Exes'. He focuses on how you can determine the two types of obsession when it comes to your Ex.. Feelings to be aware of and what to do After a breakup... He made mention of a lady suffering from obsession, and how we will be able to self discipline ourselves from "over loving"... The used Experiences; facts from Mum, Uncle, and someone younger including what he's also gone through... He promises to talk about the ways you can discipline yourself, that is, love and move on... TNAT❣️
Our love life nowadays usually ends in tears most of the time.. In this episode, Victor Thompson talks about six ways not to fall in love so fast. And He further spoke about six questions to ask yourself from falling in love so fast!! He mentioned life events and reference to how we can connect ourselves and be more productive when it comes to relationship!! •ATTRACTION •CHEMISTRY •COMPARTABILITY •#4;Respect, Time, Persistence, Trust, Space, Understanding..
In this episode, Victor Thompson focuses on how we can improve our self confidence and self worth... He then gave tips on how you can build in your self confidence and the benefits of us being confident enough.. Cus Teens now, adults tomorrow...🔥❣️
This episode is giving us the opportunity and helping us to know how we move on in life; our achievement, accomplishment, and the way we see success.. Victor Thompson focuses on the benefits we'll get if we don't compare ourselves to others (their timeline)... A little Juice with some iceeeeeeeee!!!🎐
This particular episode is letting us know what body Image is. The aspects, factors that leads to a negative body perception and how to overcome it. A package at the end of the podcast! Whoopiii! Tequila.
Self talk called the solo section on how to reduce and even overcome stress. Treating the cause and finding a solution. Wise words from the host; don't take into consideration of what they think or say, live by facts. Cuz teens now, Adults tomorrow.
The episode is giving us the opportunity to know how a 74 Years old man been a teenager by then. Personal advice and opinion of the philosopher. How's your dating life like, being compared to his, by then. The possibility of your teen life being great . His words; 'Mobile phones are like novels, we need to explore and know it in the right way. We need space and time to explore the world! Cuz Teens now, Adults tomorrow.
This episode is giving personal attention to our work, home and what we need to be taking into consideration. Physical and mental health. Opinion of both the host and the invitee. Teens now, Adult Tomorrow. Piece of an advice; be the eye and not the eyelash