Chrissy and Jess talk about two abandoned prisons with their guest Carolyn!
Jess and Chrissy talk about El Campo Santo Cemetery!
Jess talks about the Dome Homes in Florida and Chrissy explores Fort Hancock in Sandy Hook, NJ.
Chrissy and Jess talk about North Brother Island and Typhoid Mary,
Not an abandoned place this week, but a disappearance! Jess and Chrissy discuss Malaysia Airlines Flight 370!
Chrissy and Jess talk about the now demolished Byberry Hospital and the ghosts that resided there.
Jess and Chrissy talk about Concrete City and the impractical idea to build houses out of concrete.
Chrissy and Jess talk about the Landmark Loews in Jersey City. This is a place you can actually visit now!
Jess and Chrissy talk about Sand Hills Psychoeducational Facility and the murder that occurred within its walls.
Chrissy and Jess talk about the horror of eugenics.
Jess and Chrissy talk about the abandoned town of Centralia and the fire that burns beneath it.
Chrissy and Jess talk about Glen Alpin and Hurstmont in NJ!
Jess and Chrissy talk about abandoned parks in NJ!
Chrissy and Jess talk about Letchworth Village and the ghosts that haunt the old asylum.