
  • This episode we are talking with Stephanie Big Eagle. Stephanie is Lakota and Dakota on her fathers side, Nordic and Haudenosaunee on her mothers side.

    Stephanie Big Eagle is a traditional handpoke tattoo artist, the owner of Thunderbird Rising Studios, and author of Thunderbird Rising.

    We explore the tattoo traditions, of which so much has been lost, of the Native American Nations. The spiritual and ceremonial aspects of the tattooing and the revival of such an important cultural practice and identity.

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stephbigeagle/

    Website: https://www.stephbigeagle.com www.thunderbirdrising919.com

    Book: Thunderbird Rising: https://www.amazon.com/Thunderbird-Rising-Reconnection-Resilience-Empowerment/dp/1737512211/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=thunderbird+rising&qid=1635197592&qsid=141-0253157-8127214&sr=8-1&sres=1737512211%2CB098LQWS8R%2CB097CGVXGZ%2C0913056049%2CB08ZQ8K6KH%2CB07M8P5VF2%2CB098DR4V76%2CB07QCQNKG7%2CB06WVFMYWT%2CB00SARHPKS%2CB084PV952N%2CB08D1XX766%2CB000OOKJ58%2CB00DOTL5EE%2CB08L6W3W63%2CB094SYV22L

    Contact Shane... [email protected]

    Website: ancestortattoo.com

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shanetattooer/

    Title music: Ngā Tai Tawhito, Kiki Pounamu https://smarturl.it/kikipounamu

    This Meditation of Smoke and Flame is a semi-active mediation where we can ask for insights or guidance and journey to the otherworld. This is a meditative state that brings in elements of Scrying.

    We use Flame and Smoke. Both these elements have meditative effects and are also considered the in-between places. The thin veil between this world and the otherworld.

    In this meditation we connect with the Flame we see… to the Flame within us… our sacred flame… our spiritual fire… our source of inspiration.

    We also connect to the Smoke and let it guide us with its flow and shapes, it’s journey and it’s access to insights.
    SET UP

    For this meditation you will need a candle… if you can find sustainably made pure beeswax candles… then these are best… as the burning of pure beeswax stimulates the pituitary gland in humans which in turn triggers the intuitive parts of the brain.

    You will need some form of incense… stick incense or cone incense… or I prefer using charcoal blocks to drop resin or dried herbs or leaf on… my favourite is pine resin… juniper and cedar… also sage.

    This meditation is best done in a dark room or space so that the light of the flame illuminates the smoke as it rises.

    The set up… we want the incense or burning charcoal placed in front of the candle… play around a little bit with the exact location… sometimes directly in front is good… sometimes just to the left or right of the front of the candle gets better visual results for the smoke.
    The purpose of this meditation is really whatever you want it to be. Set an intention beforehand. If you have a question or are searching for some insight on anything… then set this as the intention for the meditation.

    The reason I find this style of meditation useful is that I’m not spending the moments clearing my mind of thoughts. I let the smoke of the incense and the flame of the candle take me on the journey. For periods through the meditation I can find myself blissfully drifting… clear of thoughts and concerns. As I watch and observe the swirling smoke and the illumination I feel I am entering another realm. In fact I am.

    Here is where we receive our insights… our answers… our guidance… here is where our Intuition is most powerful. Rather than concentrating on clearing my mind… I let what comes come. What messages am I receiving… what epiphanies am I awakening. What am I hearing… what am I seeing… what am I feeling.

    This journey will be experienced in whatever way yours takes you. Everyones experience is different. It may be very visual… it may be more of a feeling journey.
    Remember… in the Otherworld we may receive our information very differently than this realm. Learn to take notice of how you receive. You may have visions… you may have internal audible… you may just have feeling. But take notice of other aspects of receiving… in the otherworld the rules of this world don’t always apply.

    Really observe how you may be receiving… you could be hearing a thought… or are you feeling a vision… maybe you are seeing a feeling or thinking a sound. Take note of how this Otherworld communicates to you.

    Most importantly… go with the flow… let go… have fun… and enjoy awakening your inner wisdom through your journeys with Smoke and Flame. Download PDF Instructions: https://a76f09dd-6212-4777-b46e-971fdb361695.filesusr.com/ugd/41a3a5_8af8f68ccc644d6fa3152f07eefff4fa.pdf

  • エピソードを見逃しましたか?


  • (Part 2): This episode we’ll be looking at Intuition and Divination and incorporating these aspects into our work as Conscious Tattoo Artists, assisting us in our Intuitive tattooing and how it benefits us in our lives beyond our work.

    We look at ways of enhancing our Intuitive abilities and we bring to attention some of the barriers that interfere with our natural growth and mastery of our Intuition.

    Acknowledging and using our Intuition in our work and becoming more of an Intuitive Artist brings forth so much more depth, meaning and resonance… more purpose and understanding. Whether we’re creating and designing our tattoos Intuitively and through Divination beforehand… or at the time of tattooing… we are bringing in profound energies, perspectives and Universal assistance. We are connecting to the Divine and bringing this into the design. It’s truely magical.

    Throughout this podcast I quote some of the words and discussions from a few other people who hold knowledge on these subjects… Josh Reid… Alan Watt… Michael Tsarion. I have included these because what they have said really relates to this subject and I think they have explained some of these concepts really eloquently and concisely. So… check them out as well.

    Contact Shane... [email protected]

    Website: ancestortattoo.com

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shanetattooer/

    Title music: Ngā Tai Tawhito, Kiki Pounamu https://smarturl.it/kikipounamu

  • (Part 1): This episode we’ll be looking at Intuition and Divination and incorporating these aspects into our work as Conscious Tattoo Artists, assisting us in our Intuitive tattooing and how it benefits us in our lives beyond our work.

    We look at ways of enhancing our Intuitive abilities and we bring to attention some of the barriers that interfere with our natural growth and mastery of our Intuition.

    Acknowledging and using our Intuition in our work and becoming more of an Intuitive Artist brings forth so much more depth, meaning and resonance… more purpose and understanding. Whether we’re creating and designing our tattoos Intuitively and through Divination beforehand… or at the time of tattooing… we are bringing in profound energies, perspectives and Universal assistance. We are connecting to the Divine and bringing this into the design. It’s truely magical.

    Throughout this podcast I quote some of the words and discussions from a few other people who hold knowledge on these subjects… Josh Reid… Alan Watt… Michael Tsarion. I have included these because what they have said really relates to this subject and I think they have explained some of these concepts really eloquently and concisely. So… check them out as well.

    Contact Shane... [email protected]

    Website: ancestortattoo.com

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shanetattooer/

    Title music: Ngā Tai Tawhito, Kiki Pounamu https://smarturl.it/kikipounamu

  • This episode I’m talking with master of the traditional Maori art form of Ta Moko... Gordon Toi.
    This episode was recorded at Gordons home and private studio in Mapua... in the South Island of New Zealand/Aotearoa.
    Gordon shares with us some of his vast knowledge of the origins of Ta Moko, where the lines got their meanings from and the connection to the journey. Gordon being one of the most highly respected practitioners of the Puhoro shares with us its importance as a rite of passage and continued connection to the ancestors.
    We touch on how the carved look of the facial tattoos may have been achieved so successfully by the ancestors which present an ancient technology or knowledge that evades us today. The precision and detailed carved effect of the skin shows incredible skill and something we are unsure of achieving today.
    Gordon finishes off with words of how important the revival of Ta Moko is and where it can be taken in the future to heal, represent and identify.

    Gordon Toi:

    Contact Shane... [email protected]
    Website: ancestortattoo.com
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shanetattooer/
    Title music: Ngā Tai Tawhito, Kiki Pounamu https://smarturl.it/kikipounamu

  • Our ancestors are part of us, they are part of our DNA and our cells, they are in our blood and they are in our bones. They are with us not just spiritually… but also physically. They speak to us through our DNA… in every cell of our body. They are reflected in our physical features and in our health and our characteristics and personalities. They are part of us and we are part of them… connected… eternally connected.

    Connection with our ancestors provides us with deeper introspection and greater clarity about our life purpose… which in turn gives us more personal satisfaction of belonging and a sense of meaning in life.

    There is great importance in maintaining a connection to our roots and culture of origin. And because we are connected to our ancestors on a conscious and energetic level we are able to assist our blood ancestors who may require healing… and in turn this improves our personal wellness and soul level health.

    Our ancestors are no further away from us than our blood and bones… and they are waiting to be welcomed into our lives and to assist us in fulfilling our potential.

    This is what’s happening when we are tattooed with the markings of our ancestors. We are wearing what they wore… we are carrying in our skin the patterns they carried. Those patterns they wore were in resonation with what they represented… and now within our own skin we carry the same resonation.

    Not only are we bringing ourselves into resonation with the elements and meanings the symbols and patterns represent… but we are also bringing ourselves into resonation with our ancestors… a true connection. In applying the tattoos of our ancestors we are taking huge steps in connection with them… communication with them… guidance from them… and awakening a remembering… activating our DNA and cell memory.

    Contact Shane... [email protected]

    Website: https://www.ancestortattoo.com

    Instagram: shanetattooer https://www.instagram.com/shanetattooer/

    Title music: Ngā Tai Tawhito, Kiki Pounamu https://smarturl.it/kikipounamu
    In this podcast I quote and make reverence to the book “Ancestral Medicine” by Daniel Foor. An awesome book of guidance in ancestral healing. https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/1591432693/ref=cm_sw_r_oth_api_fabc_D848JKT85TAXRXBPY7QN_nodl

  • This episode I am talking with my good friend and master of the traditional Maori art form of Ta Moko... Turumakina Duley.

    Tu shares with us his knowledge of Ta Moko and the origin stories of Maori tattooing. We delve into the ceremony and ritual involved in the process of receiving these ancient markings and the significance of the patterns and designs.

    We journey into the connection to the ancestors and the importance of identification and belonging along with the healing of personal and cultural past traumas.

    Tu brings us up to date with the revival of this ancient and important art form and the significance it has in lending a hand to other cultures who are now just beginning to revive theirs.

    We look into the tools and pigments used and we are treated to some of the wonderful legends that formed the foundations of Ta Moko.

    This episode is a must listen.

    Turumakina Duley:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tu_moko/
    Website: https://www.artselemental.com

    Contact Shane... [email protected]

    Website: ancestortattoo.com

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shanetattooer/

    Title music: Ngā Tai Tawhito, Kiki Pounamu https://smarturl.it/kikipounamu

  • In this episode I go deeper into Energy imprinting… infusing energy into your tattoo. Programming your tattoo.

    Energy can be exchanged, transferred, projected, imprinted. Energy can be transmitted and stored. It can be increased… decreased… and transformed.

    In the electro magnetic circles it is understood we can store electricity… or energy in the form of a battery, we can transmit it through power lines or even wirelessly. We can increase and decrease it. We can transform it from one wavelength frequency to another.

    So... this can be done with all energy…

    All types of energy can be stored and transmitted… and transformed. We talked about the quality of energy… mental energy, emotional energy, vital life force energy. Vital life force can be stored and transmitted, mental energy can be stored and transmitted. It can… Because it’s energy.

    So… what’s happening here when we are purposefully applying this… either through resonance… or through intention… or even through blessings, prayer, ritual and ceremony.

    We are purposefully transmitting and imprinting through the power of intention… when we use the power of intention in the form of blessing… or through ritual and ceremony… we are intensifying and increasing the power and the quality of that energy being infused.

    With conscious focused intention we are literally programming the tattoo… in its shapes and in its lines… with the energies we are purposefully projecting.

    When applying this important energetic exchange to our tattoo while its being done… while the lines are being laid… we are literally imprinting that energy into not only the consciousness and realm of the shape… but also the pigment used in the lines.

    Contact Shane... [email protected] Website: ancestortattoo.com Instagram: shanetattooer Title music: Ngā Tai Tawhito, Kiki Pounamu https://smarturl.it/kikipounamu

  • About this Episode: The Resonance between your tattoo and what it represents. The Resonance between your tattoo and you. What is your tattoo design containing? Is there an important symbolic message contained within the structure of the design? What do you want your tattoo to represent and what kind of vibration do you want it to be emitting? Your tattoo is not just a static mark without function... it is a vibrating energy emitting it’s purpose into your own body’s energy field. So with that in mind... what energies do you want, what energies do you need, or what energies do you desire to be receiving. The ancients created tattoos to be in resonance with the physical and in many cases... spiritual or otherworldly aspects. And in doing so... pulling or connecting the beneficial vibrational frequencies into you... into your vibrational field. Contact Shane: [email protected] Website: ancestortattoo.com Instagram: shanetattooer Title music: Ngā Tai Tawhito, Kiki Pounamu https://smarturl.it/kikipounamu

  • About this Episode: Lines, Shapes and Symbols emit a vibrational frequency, an energy that can be utilised in the creation of tattoos to facilitate healing, balance or raising your vibration. The Ancients understood this as a technology and purposed it through the art and application of tattoos. Contact Shane: [email protected] Website: ancestortattoo.com Instagram: shanetattooer Title music: Ngā Tai Tawhito, Kiki Pounamu https://smarturl.it/kikipounamu

  • The Alchemy of Tattooing, Wisdoms of Ancestor Tattoo, where we explore and revive the ancient understandings and methods of tattooing... For transformation, creation and shifting into a higher vibration... through processes so effective that it seems like Magick. Or is it indeed... Magick! Contact Shane... [email protected] Website: ancestortattoo.com Instagram: shanetattooer Title music: Ngā Tai Tawhito, Kiki Pounamu https://smarturl.it/kikipounamu