
  • In today's episode, Gina shares seven practices to help quite your anxiety symptoms. Many of these practices revolve around gratitude, including thinking and journaling. Maintaining a mindset of abundance and living in the present moment are also covered, including how to go about taking these steps to improve your anxiety.
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    Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.
    -Ralph Waldo Emerson
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  • In today's episode, Gina addresses the issue of overthinking and how it is often closely associated with anxiety. Letting go of the past, dealing with regret and social anxiety are considered in detail. A number of methods are offered for eliminating overthinking.
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    You only have control over three things in your life, the thoughts you think, the images you visualize, and the actions you take.
    –Jack Canfield
    0:23 Introduction to Overcoming Anxious Overthinking
    2:22 Strategies to Combat Relentless Ruminating
    5:39 Letting Go of Regret: Strategies and Reflections
    9:34 Confronting the Nagging Voice Within
    12:03 Tackling Social Anxiety: Tips for Easing Overthinking
    In today's episode of the Anxiety Coaches Podcast, I delve into the topic of avoiding anxious overthinking. I discuss the impact of overwhelming thoughts and how it can feel like being stuck like a hamster on a wheel, with thoughts going round and round. I explore the importance of living in the present moment and not ruminating on past mistakes or worrying about the future. By letting go of regrets and practicing forgiveness, we can free ourselves from the burden of overthinking and negative self-talk.

    I address the common experience of social anxiety and provide strategies for easing anxiety in social situations. By being curious about our fears, staying present, and practicing self-compassion, we can navigate social interactions with more ease. Additionally, I emphasize the importance of self-love and building a strong relationship with oneself to overcome irrational fears and open up to new experiences.

    Ultimately, by taking control of our thoughts, visualizations, and actions, we can break free from negative thinking patterns and cultivate a more positive and fulfilling life. Remember, you are capable of handling any experience that comes your way, and self-compassion is key to growth and resilience. Stay well, and until next time, aloha.
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  • In today's episode, Gina shares a guided meditation intended to help listeners put their mind at ease and drift effortlessly to sleep. While this meditation is designed to help listeners calm down for sleep, it can certainly be utilized for a restful meditation without leading to deep sleep. Listen in for a peaceful guided meditation and start feeling more calm today!
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    0:23 Introduction to Calming Mind Currents
    4:52 Getting Comfortable for Deep Sleep Meditation
    8:19 The Impact of Thoughts on the Mind River
    11:20 The Importance of Achieving Restful Sleep
    12:10 Benefits of a Calmer State of Mind
    15:03 Implementing Positive Affirmations for Mind Control
    In this episode of the Anxiety Coaches Podcast, Gina Ryan guides listeners through a calming guided meditation for deep sleep, emphasizing the importance of purposeful relaxation to signal to the mind that all is well. She encourages listeners to cultivate mindfulness by paying attention to breath and words, allowing themselves to relax deeply. By practicing guided meditations, individuals can become accustomed to being in a state of calm intentionally, fostering mindfulness and the ability to let go.

    Ryan explores the concept of sleep as a state of letting go, rather than an active process, highlighting the profound act of releasing control and falling into sleep. Through visualization exercises, she helps listeners visualize their busy minds as a rushing river, emphasizing the importance of slowing down thoughts to achieve a clearer, calmer mind. Ryan underscores the detrimental effects of a storm of thoughts on mental well-being, urging listeners to observe their thoughts and not get swept away by overwhelming thinking patterns.

    The episode delves into the challenges of achieving restful sleep amidst a busy mind, emphasizing the need to train the mind to work for individuals. Ryan outlines the benefits of a calmer mind, including improved sleep quality, anxiety reduction, increased focus, and enhanced emotional intelligence. By bringing awareness to physical sensations, emotions, and thoughts, individuals can diminish the power of bothersome thoughts and cultivate a more peaceful mental state. Positive affirmations and mindfulness techniques are encouraged as tools to retrain the mind and promote restful sleep.

    Through the practice of mindfulness and intentional relaxation, listeners are guided towards a deeper understanding of the mind-body connection and the transformative power of embracing calmness in daily life. Ryan's soothing guidance offers a pathway to achieving restful sleep, emotional balance, and mental clarity, ultimately empowering individuals to take charge of their mental well-being and cultivate a more peaceful existence.
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  • In today's episode, Gina continues discussing flying anxiety and how to overcome this fear. A protocol is laid out that draws heavily on Claire Weekes' core face, accept, float and let time pass anxiety clearing process. Coaching and counseling are recommended, including CBT, DBT and exposure therapy. Distraction is also recommended and a number of appropriate distracting activities are suggested. Listen in and gain knowledge that will help you overcome your flying fears and become more comfortable with air travel today!
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    Past ACP Shows referenced in this episode:
    1020 https://www.theanxietycoachespodcast.com/1020-floating-part-1-claire-weekes-philosophy-of-floating-through-anxiety/
    1021 https://www.theanxietycoachespodcast.com/1021-floating-part-2-how-to-float-through-anxiety-the-claire-weekes-way/
    997 https://www.theanxietycoachespodcast.com/997-acceptance-part-1-claire-weekes-insights-on-acceptance-in-overcoming-anxiety/
    998 https://www.theanxietycoachespodcast.com/998-acceptance-part-2-practical-steps-from-claire-weekes-to-embrace-anxiety/
    987 https://www.theanxietycoachespodcast.com/987-part-1-claire-weekes-facing-philosophy-dismantling-anxiety-step-by-step/
    988 https://www.theanxietycoachespodcast.com/988-part-2-claire-weekes-facing-philosophy-practical-steps-in-facing-anxiety/
    You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face.
    -Eleanor Roosevelt
    0:23 Introduction
    4:10 Educating Yourself About Flying
    6:29 Practicing Relaxation Techniques
    8:50 Gradual Exposure for Desensitization
    11:00 Challenging Negative Thoughts
    12:34 Seeking Personalized Guidance and Support
    13:55 Utilizing Distraction Techniques
    15:30 Informing Flight Crew for Support
    16:26 Celebrating Your Progress
    17:37 Encouraging Specific Questions and Feedback
    In this episode of the Anxiety Coaches Podcast, Gina Ryan discusses overcoming the fear of flying in part two of the "Wings of Courage" series. She emphasizes the importance of acknowledging and accepting your fear of flying as a common experience shared by many individuals. Gina encourages listeners to educate themselves about flying, including learning about plane mechanics, safety procedures, and statistics to alleviate anxiety associated with the unknown.

    Furthermore, Gina advises identifying specific triggers of flying-related anxiety and developing targeted coping strategies. She recommends practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, and mindfulness meditation to manage stress levels and promote relaxation before and during flights. Gradual exposure to flying-related stimuli can help desensitize individuals to the experience, starting with smaller steps like watching takeoff and landing videos or driving to the airport.
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  • In today's episode, Gina discusses flying anxiety and how to best overcome this fear. Flying anxiety is surprisingly common. Important tools that can be used by anyone are covered in this episode, including breathing techniques, muscle relaxation and meditation (including the body scan). Listen in and learn how to be more comfortable with air travel today!
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    Courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it.
    -Nelson Mandela
    0:23 Introduction
    2:40 Anticipating Flight Anxiety
    6:07 Impact of Flying Anxiety
    8:38 Worthwhile Effort to Overcome
    12:17 Coping Strategies
    13:35 Future of Exposure Therapy
    18:34 Acknowledging Aviation Safety
    Today, I dive into the topic of flying anxiety on the Anxiety Coaches Podcast. Flying anxiety is a common experience that can trigger overwhelming fear, panic, stress, or distress for individuals facing the prospect of flying or during the flight itself. Factors such as fear of heights, enclosed spaces, loss of control, or past traumatic flying experiences can contribute to this anxiety.

    Flying anxiety affects a significant portion of the population, with approximately 2-6% of individuals experiencing a fear of flying to some degree. It can lead to limitations on travel, missed opportunities, and a decreased quality of life. The fear associated with flying can also impact career opportunities, job performance, and overall mental health, causing persistent feelings of fear, anxiety, and stress.

    Symptoms of flying anxiety can manifest as rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, sweating, nausea, panic attacks, intense fear, dread, and feelings of helplessness. It can result in behavioral symptoms such as avoidance of flying, substance use for coping, and difficulty concentrating. Coping strategies for flying anxiety include education, relaxation techniques, cognitive-behavioral therapy, exposure therapy, and seeking professional help or support groups.

    Understanding statistical safety in air travel, the rigorous training and certification processes for pilots and other professionals, and the continuous improvement efforts in the aviation industry can help individuals alleviate their fear of flying. While sensationalized media coverage of aviation incidents may fuel anxiety, recognizing the industry's strong safety record and trusting in the expertise of aviation professionals can aid in overcoming flying anxiety.

    In the upcoming episode, part two of Wings of Courage, I will provide a step-by-step guide for overcoming the fear of flying. Remember, courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. Stay tuned for more insights and strategies to help you navigate flying anxiety.
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  • In today's episode, Gina discusses the powerful healing tool of gratitude. The gratitude journal is discussed and a number of gratitude related affirmations are included. Putting gratitude to work for you in your life can have powerful consequences for you in your anxiety clearing journey. Listen in and jump-start your gratitude journal practice!
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    Gratitude can transform common days into Thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.
    -William Arthur Ward
    0:23 Introduction to Gratitude Practice
    2:26 Starting a Gratitude Journal
    7:07 Gratitude in Religious Practices
    7:43 Using Gratitude for Emotional Strength
    9:51 Affirmations for Gratitude Practice
    14:04 Focusing on Gratitude for Health
    17:17 Closing Thoughts and Quote
    In this episode of the Anxiety Coaches Podcast, we delve into the power of gratitude and its transformative effects on our well-being. Gratitude is not just a mere buzzword; it has profound healing abilities that can bring joy, peace, and calmness to our minds and bodies. By focusing on the positive aspects of our lives and shifting our mentality from scarcity to abundance, gratitude can foster contentment and mindfulness.

    The host emphasizes the practice of keeping a gratitude journal and encourages listeners to jot down three to five things they are thankful for daily, no matter how big or small. By cultivating a habit of gratitude, we train our minds to seek out the beauty in people, places, and within ourselves. This practice not only enhances our overall happiness but also helps in reducing stress and anxiety by shifting our focus away from negativity.

    Throughout the episode, various techniques for integrating gratitude into daily routines are discussed. Whether it's through journaling, affirmations, prayers, or simple acknowledgments of blessings, expressing gratitude can have a profound impact on our mental and emotional well-being. The host also highlights the universality of gratitude across different faiths and cultures, emphasizing its significance in promoting general well-being and positivity.

    By acknowledging the abundance in our lives and expressing genuine thanks for the gifts we receive, we can create a ripple effect of positivity and kindness. The episode concludes with a series of affirmations that can be repeated to cultivate a mindset of gratitude and appreciation. Ultimately, gratitude has the power to transform our ordinary days into celebrations of thankfulness and our routine tasks into moments of joy and blessings.
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  • In today's episode, Gina discusses the range of subtle energy bodies known as Maya Koshas, to inform listeners of the immense healing potential resident in each and every one of us. Coming to understand these aspects of our more subtle existence can help those suffering from anxiety realize new angles of benefit that can come from meditation and getting to that quiet, peaceful place within us. Listen in and come to better understand how our relaxation practices can help us unleash our inner wisdom and innate healing potential.
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    If you don’t work out, sleep, meditate, relax, or do whatever special things you need to do for you, you won’t be the best version of yourself. When you are not the best version of yourself, you can’t do things for others. In a way, it’s actually selfless to take great care of yourself because it allows you to be more present for your family and friends.
    -Heather Monahan
    0:23 Introduction to Relaxing from the Outside In
    4:16 Exploring the Five Subtle Bodies
    6:32 Journey into the Energy Body
    9:25 Understanding the Mind-Body Connection
    11:08 Embracing the Wisdom Body
    14:29 Reaching the Blissful State
    In this episode of the Anxiety Coaches Podcast, Gina Ryan explores the concept of relaxing from the outside in to reduce stress. She delves into the ancient idea of Maya Koshas, which are subtle bodies recognized by yogis beyond just the physical form. These bodies include the food body, energy body, mind body, wisdom body, and bliss body, each layer representing different aspects of our being.

    Gina discusses how through relaxation practices, we can integrate these subtle bodies, leading to healing and a deeper sense of wholeness. Starting with the outermost layer, the food body, which encompasses our physical form including muscles, bones, and organs, she emphasizes the importance of relaxing these areas systematically or through guided relaxation techniques.

    Moving inward, Gina explains the energy body, where we connect with the energetic essence of ourselves and others. By focusing on breath and releasing tension, we can experience a sense of freedom and connection to a greater source beyond our physical selves.

    Next, Gina explores the mind body, where thoughts, feelings, and sensations reside. By observing our thoughts without judgment and using breath to relax the mind, we can gain a deeper understanding of our emotional landscape and improve our relationship with our inner selves.

    The wisdom body is where we tap into our intuition and inner wisdom, allowing us to witness our thoughts and emotions with detachment and insight. Through this process, we can access a deep sense of stillness and joy, connecting with our true nature and inner healer.
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  • In today's episode, Gina identifies four easy to use tools to help improve sleep and reduce anxiety. These tools include two supplements: a mineral and an amino acid. The tools described also include two readily available essential oils. Listen in today to discover these easy to use anxiety and sleep solutions!
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    A well spent day brings happy sleep.
    -Leonardo de Vinci
    0:23 Introduction to Better Sleep and Less Anxiety
    3:52 Benefits and Dosage of Magnesium
    6:22 Introduction to L-theanine Supplement
    10:07 The Power of Essential Oils
    12:19 Lavender Oil for Sleep and Anxiety
    14:44 Bergamot Oil for Calming Effects
    In today's episode of the Anxiety Coaches Podcast, I delve into four simple additions that can enhance your sleep quality and reduce anxiety. The focus is on two supplements and two essential oils that can easily be incorporated into your routine. Starting with magnesium, I explain its role in various biological processes and how it aids in anxiety reduction and sleep improvement by converting 5-HT into the precursor to melatonin. Different absorbable forms of magnesium such as magnesium citrate, magnesium glycinate, magnesium taurate, and magnesium aspartate are recommended, along with dosage guidelines to avoid side effects like loose stools. I highlight the benefits of magnesium in bath form for transdermal absorption without gastrointestinal issues.

    Moving on to the second supplement, L-theanine, an amino acid found in green tea leaves but also available as a supplement. I discuss its stress-reducing and relaxation-promoting properties, which can help with anxiety and sleeplessness without causing drowsiness. The dosage ranges and benefits of L-theanine in improving mental relaxation by reducing sympathetic nervous system activity and cortisol levels are outlined. I emphasize the versatility of L-theanine for daytime relaxation and bedtime relaxation without the stimulating effects of caffeine found in green tea.

    Shifting focus to essential oils, I explore their potent impact on emotions through olfactory receptors directly connected to the limbic system, where emotions originate. Essential oils, distilled essences of plants and flowers, have various therapeutic uses, including reducing stress, anxiety, and aiding in sleep improvement. Lavender oil is praised for its ability to enhance sleep quality, relieve anxiety, and reduce stress and depression. I reference a study showcasing lavender oil's efficacy in reducing anxiety levels before surgery, further emphasizing its relaxation-inducing properties. Additionally, bergamot oil, derived from a citrus fruit hybrid, is highlighted for its calming effects and ability to lower heart rate and blood pressure, thereby aiding in anxiety reduction and promoting sleep.
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  • In today's episode, Gina responds to a listener question about health anxiety and the variety of bodily sensations experienced from day to day. Normal bodily sensations can vary over time for a wide range of reasons, most of which fall into the category of normal variation. High anxiety itself can not only make us more sensitive to our normal body sensations, but it can also cause disruptions and variations in our bodily functioning. Listen in to learn how to navigate the ocean of bodily sensations that can present themselves and how to stay calm and peaceful throughout it all.
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    Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear.
    -Mark Twain
    0:23 Introduction to Health Anxiety
    6:06 Understanding Heart Palpitations
    12:12 Managing Anxious Thoughts About Health
    15:47 Exploring Causes of Headaches
    18:40 Overcoming Fear of Checking Blood Pressure
    21:08 Concluding Thoughts and Quote
    In this episode of the Anxiety Coaches Podcast, Gina Ryan discusses health anxiety, fear, and finding calm within oneself. She addresses a listener's question about overcoming anxiety related to heart palpitations, headaches, and fear of checking blood pressure. Gina shares her own experiences with anxiety and how the mind can quickly jump to catastrophic conclusions, leading to more stress and panic. She highlights the importance of understanding factors that can affect heart rhythms, such as medications, alcohol, diet, fitness level, smoking, emotions, dehydration, and drugs.

    Gina also dives into the various reasons behind headaches, including tension, migraines, sinus congestion, allergies, eye strain, dehydration, caffeine withdrawal, medications, hormonal changes, weather changes, and emotional stress. She emphasizes the need to be mindful of one's health and to communicate concerns with healthcare professionals. Additionally, Gina discusses the anxiety surrounding checking blood pressure and how the mind can influence stress levels and readings. She encourages listeners to take a pause, breathe, and practice gratitude to calm the mind and body.

    Throughout the episode, Gina stresses the power of the mind in shaping one's experiences and reactions to physical sensations. She advocates for training the mind to respond differently to fear and anxiety, emphasizing the importance of patience, practice, and perseverance in promoting peace and calm. Gina closes with a quote from Mark Twain about courage being the mastery of fear, not the absence of fear, and encourages listeners to continue their journey towards emotional well-being.
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  • In today's episode, Gina shares a guided meditation to help you find comfort even amidst anxiety and pain. This the immense gift that mindfulness and meditation can offer persons suffering with anxiety or situational turmoil: an oasis of peace and calm amidst all the suffering and difficulties. Listen in for a calming, peaceful guided meditation that can help you discover a special space of peace within your own consciousness.
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    0:23 Embracing Comfort Amidst Pain
    4:04 Creating a Safe Place
    7:16 Being Present with Sensations
    9:19 Visualizing a Peaceful Place
    10:51 Noticing Details in Imagination
    13:22 Engaging Senses in Imaginary Environment
    16:14 Accepting Pain and Changing Thoughts
    In this episode of the Anxiety Coaches Podcast, we delve into the theme of finding comfort amidst pain and anxiety. The host, Gina Ryan, guides listeners through a healing meditation aimed at creating a safe space within themselves to alleviate chronic pain and anxiety. She emphasizes the importance of changing negative mental images associated with suffering and replacing them with peaceful visualizations to foster acceptance and relaxation.

    Listeners are encouraged to find a comfortable position and focus on their breath to initiate relaxation. As the meditation progresses, Gina prompts them to acknowledge and explore sensations of pain or discomfort without resistance. By visualizing a cherished serene place, individuals are guided to immerse themselves in the details of this peaceful setting, engaging all senses to enhance the experience of relaxation and tranquility.

    Through this guided meditation, listeners are invited to embrace the sensations and surroundings of their chosen safe place, fostering a stronger mind-body connection and promoting a sense of inner peace. By practicing this technique, individuals can effectively manage distressing moments by refocusing on calming imagery, thereby reducing the escalation of pain and fear while promoting overall well-being.

    As the meditation concludes, Gina encourages listeners to gradually return to their surroundings, carrying the newfound sense of peace and connection with them. By incorporating this practice into their routine, individuals can cultivate a powerful tool for navigating moments of distress and promoting a harmonious relationship with their body and mind. Join us for future episodes as we continue to explore strategies for finding peace and calm amid life's challenges.
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  • In today's episode, Gina discusses using mind-body practices to reduce stress and anxiety and find more peace and calm. Drawing on a number of examples from a book by Suzie Amendola, mind-body practices such as yoga, breathing exercises and dietary changes are highlighted as effective tools for reducing stress and improving wellness. A centering practice is provided in the episode and such practices are recommended to be incorporated into daily life. Listen in and find more peace and calm today!
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    When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.
    -Victor Frankl
    0:23 Introduction to Mind-Body Practices
    2:31 The Centered Heart and Cardiac Health
    4:00 Personal Struggles with Anxiety
    7:25 Seeking Healing for Anxiety
    9:50 Managing Stress for Health
    12:15 Connecting to Inner Calm
    13:52 Chapter Three: Relaxation
    15:24 Centering Moment Practice
    17:24 Long-Term Stress Management Solutions
    In this episode of the Anxiety Coaches Podcast, Gina Ryan delves into the topic of anxiety and mind-body practices to find peace and calm. She shares insights from Susie Amendola's book, "The Centered Heart," which focuses on evidence-based mind-body practices to reduce stress and enhance cardiac health. Drawing from Susie's personal experiences with anxiety and depression, Gina highlights the impact of external factors like drug use on mental health and the importance of seeking alternative healing methods.

    Through Susie's journey of overcoming anxiety and depression, Gina emphasizes the need for self-compassion and exploring holistic approaches to wellness. She underscores the significance of stress management practices in regaining control and inner calm, advocating for a combination of therapies that address the body and mind. By prioritizing relaxation and self-care, individuals can navigate the continuum of ease and dis-ease, steering towards improved health outcomes and emotional well-being.

    Gina encourages listeners to embrace practices such as yoga, breathing exercises, and dietary changes to foster relaxation and alleviate tension in the body. She echoes Susie's sentiments on the transformative power of deep relaxation and the impact of mindful breathing on reducing stress levels. By incorporating centering moments into daily routines, individuals can cultivate a sense of peace and inner harmony, akin to hitting the reset button for the mind and body.

    Reflecting on Viktor Frankl's quote about adapting to challenges by changing ourselves, Gina underscores the importance of finding solace in practices that promote self-transformation amidst adversity. As the episode draws to a close, she leaves listeners with a parting quote and reminder to prioritize self-care, resilience, and embracing change for personal growth. Through sharing insights from "The Centered Heart," Gina empowers her audience to explore holistic approaches to managing anxiety and fostering well-being.
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  • In today's episode, Gina answers a listener question about the impact of prescriptions drugs on anxiety. Specifically, this listener has been struggling with some waves in the ocean of anxiety relating to changes in these drugs prescribed by her physician (in this case benzodiazepines and SSRIs). Listen in to hear Gina's commentary and suggestions on how to navigate the difficulties that can arise anxiety medications.
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    The only way out is through.
    -Robert Frost
    0:23 Introduction to Finding Serenity Amidst the Storm
    5:19 Seeking Guidance on Medication and Therapy
    12:14 Importance of Communicating with Healthcare Providers
    15:48 Empowering Self-Healing Workshop
    16:44 You Are Not Alone
    17:52 Closing Thoughts and Quote
    In this episode of the Anxiety Coaches Podcast, a listener shares a detailed account of their struggles with anxiety, panic attacks, and medication use. The host, Gina Ryan, delves into the complexities of benzodiazepine medications, highlighting the potential withdrawal symptoms and effects on mental health. She stresses the importance of communicating with a prescribing physician about any issues related to medication, especially when considering tapering off or discontinuation.

    Gina provides insights into the listener's situation, emphasizing the need for a short-term use of benzodiazepines and collaborative care between therapists and physicians. She suggests journaling as a tool for self-reflection and decision-making, encouraging listeners to pay attention to their intuition and internal cues when navigating mental health challenges.

    Throughout the episode, Gina offers empathy and support to the listener, acknowledging the difficulties they face while providing guidance on finding healing and peace amidst the storm. She closes the episode with a message of hope, reminding listeners that they are not alone in their struggles and that patience and self-care are crucial aspects of the healing journey. The episode ends with a quote from Robert Frost, "The only way out is through," leaving listeners with a sense of determination and resilience as they navigate their mental health challenges.
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  • In today's episode, Gina discusses a frequently mentioned problem among listeners of the Anxiety Coaches Podcast: relaxation induced anxiety. Key points for understanding relaxation induced anxiety are outlined as are steps for helping manage your relaxation induced anxiety. Don't let your moments of relaxation turn into anxiety-panic, listen in today!
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    It's not stress that kills us, it is our reaction to it.
    -Hans Selye
    0:23 Introduction to Relaxation-Induced Anxiety
    4:08 Recognizing Obstacles to Relaxation
    6:49 Managing Relaxation-Induced Anxiety
    9:39 Embracing Mindfulness in Relaxation
    11:05 Using Body to Relax the Mind
    11:54 Being Honest with Yourself
    12:59 Choosing Meaningful Rewards
    14:12 Finding Peace through Helping Others
    In this episode of the Anxiety Coaches Podcast, we delve into the common question of why some individuals experience anxiety when they try to relax. The host, Gina Ryan, explores the phenomenon of relaxation-induced anxiety, a state where individuals feel uptight or nervous once they attempt to unwind. Research indicates that approximately 15% of the population is prone to experiencing anxiety as they begin to relax, leading to a significant number of individuals struggling with this issue.

    The discussion focuses on identifying the obstacles to relaxation-induced anxiety, such as monitoring one's thoughts and body sensations that may interfere with moments of quiet. Suggestions are offered on recognizing physical signs of anxiety, such as increased heart rate, shallow breathing, stiff muscles, and clenched jaw, as indicators of the body's response to underlying thoughts or emotions.

    To manage relaxation-induced anxiety, the importance of accepting one's feelings with compassion and acknowledging life's challenges is emphasized. Listeners are encouraged to gradually incorporate relaxation techniques into their routine without imposing high expectations that could lead to additional stress. Strategies like increasing mindfulness, being specific in guiding the mind and body towards relaxation, and giving oneself meaningful rewards are recommended to ease into a relaxed state without triggering anxiety.

    The episode underscores the significance of honesty with oneself, facing important tasks, and choosing meaningful rewards to reinforce positive habits. Serving others is highlighted as a powerful tool to diminish minor worries and distractions, offering a pathway to peace and relaxation. Ultimately, the host stresses the importance of developing personalized strategies to address individual anxiety triggers gradually and become comfortable with the process of unwinding. The episode concludes with a poignant quote emphasizing the impact of our reactions to stress on our well-being.
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  • In today's episode, Gina again discusses Claire Weekes' third step in her core anxiety clearing protocol: floating. A number of floating exercises are shared and a number of key Claire Weekes' principles and techniques are also covered, including acceptance allowing and non-resistance. Listen in and improve your clearing journey through a better understanding of Claire Weekes' important "floating" step.
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    Your aim is to float through your anxiety rather than fight it, or try to think your way out of it.
    -Claire Weekes
    0:23 Welcome to the Anxiety Coaches Podcast
    7:06 The Organic Process of Letting Go
    10:39 Principles and Techniques for Floating Through Anxiety
    13:14 Observing Anxiety with Curiosity
    15:20 Kindness and Self-Compassion in the Journey
    15:37 Desensitization and Gradual Exposure to Anxiety
    In today's episode of the Anxiety Coaches Podcast, the focus is on floating through anxiety using the Claire Weeks method. The host emphasizes the importance of letting go and relaxing in order to navigate through anxious states. Drawing parallels between floating in water and dealing with anxiety, she guides listeners on how to release tension, both physically and mentally. The key is to practice relaxing and not overthinking, allowing the natural ability to float – whether in water or through anxiety – to unfold. She encourages listeners to cultivate a sense of acceptance, allow anxious thoughts to pass, and observe sensations with detached curiosity. Patience, self-compassion, and desensitization are key components in overcoming anxiety gradually. By educating oneself about anxiety, practicing mindfulness techniques, and letting time pass, individuals can learn to float through anxiety rather than fight against it. The episode wraps up with a quote from Claire Weeks and a reminder to face, accept, float, and let time pass in the journey to managing anxiety.
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  • In today's episode, Gina discusses the third step in Claire Weekes' core anxiety treatment regime: floating. The key to this step is to not fight the feelings and sensations of anxiety-panic but (following acceptance) to float with them as you proceed through your day. Mastery over this step provides substantial benefit to anxiety sufferers in their anxiety clearing journey. Listen in to learn more details about what floating is had how to do it today!
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    Treat fear gently, kindly, patiently, but firmly. Try to float gently over the feeling, never fighting it, never trying to crowd it out of your mind.
    -Claire Weekes

    0:23 Introduction
    5:58 Understanding Floating Through Anxiety
    10:46 Benefits of Practicing Floating
    14:38 Desensitization through Floating
    16:43 Avoiding Adding Fuel to the Fire
    18:01 Closing Thoughts
    In this episode of the Anxiety Coaches Podcast, Gina Ryan delves into Claire Weeks' philosophy of floating through anxiety, emphasizing the importance of being aware but unafraid. Weeks believed that anxiety and panic attacks stemmed from a fear of the symptoms and sensations themselves, rather than any external threat, which she termed as "second fear." By practicing floating through anxiety, individuals are encouraged to accept and embrace anxious sensations without resistance, allowing them to gradually desensitize themselves to the experience of anxiety.

    Ryan explains that floating involves moving through anxious sensations without tense resistance, akin to floating on undulating water. By adopting a stance of non-resistance and observing anxious feelings without judgment, individuals can signal to their mind and body that there is nothing to fear, laying the foundation for peace and calm as a new default response. Floating teaches individuals to separate themselves from anxious thoughts, preventing them from adding more stress to the situation and ultimately contributing to desensitization.

    The benefits of practicing floating extend beyond navigating individual anxious experiences with less struggle, as each instance sends a message to the mind and body that it is safe to relax in such situations. By letting go of the need to control or analyze anxious feelings, individuals can cultivate a sense of safety and security within themselves. Ryan stresses the importance of gradually and repetitively practicing floating to rewire the mind and body's response to anxiety, ultimately teaching individuals that they are okay and do not need to engage in fight or flight responses to imagined threats.
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  • In today's episode, Gina discusses the often underestimated gift of laughter. Available freely to everyone, laughter is capable of releasing a cascade of highly beneficial hormones in our bodies that can help realign our minds to positive thinking. Listen in to learn the benefits of laughter and how to incorporate more laughter into you life today!
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    Laughter is the brush that sweeps away the cobwebs of your heart.
    - Mort Walker
    0:23 Introduction to Humor and Healing Anxiety
    3:27 Norman Cousins and the Healing Power of Laughter
    7:35 Science Behind Laughter's Impact on Well-being
    10:15 Reclaiming Laughter as a Tool for Healing
    13:12 Practicing Laughter for Self-care
    14:20 Embracing Absurdity and Finding Humor in Life
    In today's episode of the Anxiety Coaches Podcast, I delve into the healing power of humor in dealing with anxiety. Throughout the episode, I share meaningful quotes about laughter and how it can positively impact our mental and physical well-being. Drawing inspiration from Norman Cousins' book "Anatomy of an Illness" which emphasized the significance of humor in healing, I explore how laughter can boost the body's capacity for healing and improve overall health.

    Reflecting on the fast-paced, stressful nature of modern life, I discuss the importance of incorporating laughter into our daily routines to combat stress and anxiety effectively. By triggering a cascade of hormones and neurotransmitters, laughter can promote relaxation, improve cardiovascular health, and boost the immune system. I emphasize the profound impact of laughter on our outlook on life and stress levels, encouraging listeners to prioritize incorporating laughter into their lives intentionally.

    Exploring techniques to embrace laughter, I suggest starting with intentional laughter exercises to shift perspectives and build up to genuine laughter. Seeking out sources of laughter such as funny videos, comedy movies, or stand-up shows can further enhance the healing benefits of laughter. Encouraging individuals to find humor in the mundane and connect with others through laughter, I highlight the transformative power of laughter in fostering resilience and connection.

    I urge listeners to laugh freely and frequently, recognizing laughter as a valuable tool for self-care and healing. By infusing our days with laughter, we can nourish our minds and bodies while cultivating a sense of joy and resilience to navigate life's challenges. I invite listeners to share their funny stories and favorite sources of comedy, emphasizing the importance of incorporating laughter as a form of daily exercise for overall well-being. Join me in embracing laughter as a powerful tool for sweeping away the cobwebs of the heart and enhancing overall health and happiness.
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  • In today's episode, Gina discusses a listener question about anxiety and stomach issues. Stress can have a major impact on our bodies and the functioning of the stomach in particular. Listen in to better understand why your stomach related symptoms occur and how to heal from these distressing effects of anxiety.
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    The nervous system controls and coordinates all organs and structures of the human body.
    -Gray's Anatomy
    0:23 Introduction
    7:52 The Gut-Brain Connection
    11:23 Short-Term Recovery
    13:08 Long-Term Healing Considerations
    17:20 Continuous Self-Care and Stress Management
    In this episode of the Anxiety Coaches Podcast, we delve into the fascinating topic of the gut-brain connection and how stress impacts our stomach. Stress triggers the body's fight or flight response, releasing hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, which can affect digestion by reducing blood flow, increasing stomach acid production, altering gut motility, and disrupting the gut microbiome. The body diverts blood flow away from the stomach during stress to prioritize essential functions for survival.

    The gut-brain axis plays a crucial role in connecting the central nervous system with the gut's enteric nervous system, influencing gut function through pathways like the vagus nerve and neurotransmitter release. Emotion-induced responses such as anxiety and stress can affect gut function, highlighting the intricate connection between mental health and digestion. The enteric nervous system acts as a second brain within the digestive system, controlling gastrointestinal functions and interacting with the central nervous system for overall health and wellbeing.

    When it comes to healing after psychological stress, factors like stress duration, intensity, individual resilience, and coping mechanisms play a significant role. Short-term recovery can occur rapidly once the stressor is managed, while long-term healing from chronic stress may require engaging in stress-reducing activities, seeking therapy or counseling, adopting a healthy lifestyle, and practicing self-care consistently. Healing timelines vary from person to person, emphasizing the importance of individual variability and continuous self-care even after immediate stress effects have subsided.

    By making healthy lifestyle changes, practicing stress management techniques, and prioritizing self-care, individuals can navigate through chronic stress and promote long-lasting well-being. It's essential to be proactive in maintaining a supportive environment for the mind and body to relax and heal. Remember, healing takes time, so be patient with yourself and embrace the journey towards a calmer, healthier state of being. Join me in exploring more topics in upcoming episodes, and feel free to share your questions or thoughts with me via email. Until next time, take care and aloha.
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  • In today's episode, Gina discusses finding renewal through the changing of the seasons, especially with the arrival of Spring. A number of affirmations are shared to help you find hope and renewal whatever season it may be where you are. The affirmations play along with a gentle music track and may function as a guided meditation. Listen in and breathe deeply with these hopeful guided affirmations and experience a lasting peace of mind.
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    To sit in the shade on a fine day and look upon the verdant green hills is the most perfect refreshment.
    -Jane Austen
    0:23 Introduction to Finding Renewal and Healing through Seasons
    7:40 Reflecting on Strength and Growth through Changing Seasons
    10:30 Embracing Nature's Refreshing Influence for Renewal
    12:14 Finding Tranquility and Renewal in Evening Reflections
    12:55 Drawing Inspiration from Outdoor Beauty for Renewal
    14:28 Deepening Connections and Self-Reflection through Questions
    In this episode of the Anxiety Coaches Podcast, we delve into the theme of finding renewal and healing through the changing seasons. As spring brings about a sense of hope and fresh starts, it serves as a perfect trigger for focusing on our own renewal and healing. The host encourages listeners to consider the significance of the changing seasons and how they can inspire us to pay attention to our own growth and well-being.

    Reflecting on the beauty and transformative power of nature, the host shares affirmations aimed at instilling hope and promoting inner renewal. The discussion emphasizes the importance of acknowledging our personal evolution and resilience, even in the face of challenges like anxiety and stress. By drawing parallels between the seasons and our own inner healing processes, listeners are encouraged to embrace change, find inner strength, and trust in their ability to navigate difficult circumstances.

    The episode also encourages engaging with nature as a form of therapy and introspection, highlighting the restorative power of spending time outdoors and connecting with the natural world. Journal prompts are provided to help listeners deepen their reflection on personal growth, relationships, and self-care practices. By inviting listeners to explore their thoughts and emotions through writing, the host promotes a holistic approach to self-discovery and mindfulness.

    Ultimately, the episode encourages listeners to embrace the season of renewal, whether it be spring or any other time of transition, as an opportunity to reconnect with themselves, find solace in nature, and cultivate a sense of inner peace. The host closes with a quote from Jane Austen, underscoring the restorative and rejuvenating effects of immersing oneself in the beauty of the world around us.
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  • In today's episode, Gina discusses the value of disconnecting ourselves from our media technology, even if for just brief periods of time. Our media technology and the social media it delivers to us can cause us substantial psychological harm over time. The benefits of media fasting can be many, including enhanced mental clarity, emotional balance and improved relationships. Listen in to learn how to implement a media fast in your life and progress in your anxiety recovery journey!
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    Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.
    -Anne Lamott
    0:23 Introduction
    1:39 Consciously Quieting the Noise
    2:42 The Benefits of Taking a Media Fast
    3:49 Media's Impact on Our Lives
    9:50 Improved Relationships Through Disconnection
    12:05 Steps for a Media Detox
    18:15 Reclaiming Time and Self through Disconnection
    In this episode of the Anxiety Coaches Podcast, we delve into the topic of quieting the noise and reducing anxiety by intentionally disconnecting from media. The host begins by sharing a quote by William Penn on the importance of true silence for the mind and spirit, drawing parallels between seeking silence and seeking good sleep as essential forms of nourishment. The host reflects on the overwhelming nature of constant digital noise and the necessity of consciously quieting the mind to alleviate the burden on the nervous system.

    The discussion delves into the pervasive role of media in daily life, highlighting the potential stress, anxiety, and decreased productivity stemming from excessive media exposure. The host emphasizes the importance of being mindful of the media consumed, drawing parallels between monitoring media consumption for mental well-being and controlling dietary intake for physical health. Through a media fast, individuals can experience mental clarity, emotional balance, improved relationships, enhanced creativity, and inner peace by disconnecting from digital distractions.

    Practical steps for implementing a media detox are outlined, including setting clear intentions, defining parameters, informing others, gradually unplugging, engaging in alternative activities, practicing mindfulness, and reflecting on the experience. The host encourages listeners to reflect on their media detox journey, noting shifts in mood, productivity, and overall well-being as a guide for adjusting the approach. By embracing a media fast, individuals can reclaim their time, attention, and sense of self, rediscover the beauty of silence, and cultivate deeper connections, leading to self-discovery and renewal. Ultimately, the episode concludes with a call to unplug, even if in small measures, to benefit overall well-being and invites listeners to share their experiences with the host.
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  • In today's episode, Gina discusses Positive Psychology, a view of psychology that embraces our existence in life and leads away from fear. The ladder of life is presented, which identifies a spectrum of state of being from hopeless and depressed to blossoming and thriving. Positive Psychology suggests happiness is a talent we can work at and not an inborn trait we cannot change. Listen in for exposure to this positive way of looking at our lives and learn how it can help you reduce anxiety and increase your peace and calm today!
    The book mentioned in today’s episode
    You Only Die Once: How to Make It to the End with No Regrets
    by Jodi Wellman
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    Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because the world needs people who have come alive.
    -Howard Thurman
    0:23 Welcome and Cultivating Happiness
    1:39 Navigating Negative Bias
    3:28 Positive Psychology Introduction
    6:58 The Role of Positive Psychology
    8:44 Evaluating Your Ladder of Life
    13:04 Working on Happiness
    14:49 Striving for Living with a Capital L
    In this episode of the Anxiety Coaches Podcast, the host explores the idea of moving beyond survival and cultivating happiness in anxious minds. The discussion delves into the tendency to focus on the negative due to our innate negative bias, which stems from a desire to protect ourselves and our loved ones. The host explains how our brain, particularly the amygdala, can get stuck in a reactive or survival mode, leading to anxiety and fear-driven responses. However, with the evolved human brain, we have the capacity to differentiate between real danger and perceived threats, allowing us to live more peacefully and productively.

    Positive psychology is introduced as a scientific study focusing on what makes life fulfilling and worth living. The host references Dr. Martin Seligman, the father of positive psychology, who aimed to steer psychology towards the light and away from darkness. The idea of consciously choosing calm and positive perspectives over fear-driven reactions is emphasized throughout the episode. The concept of a "ladder of life" is introduced as a tool to evaluate one's current emotional state and envision future emotional well-being.
    The podcast encourages listeners to work on their happiness as a talent that can be nurtured and developed through intentional actions. The discussion highlights the importance of taking small steps towards positivity and well-being, leading to significant changes over time. The episode emphasizes that while genetics may influence predispositions, our environment and intentional actions play a crucial role in shaping our emotional well-being. Overall, the episode aims to guide listeners in moving towards a more peaceful, fulfilling, and happy life by incorporating principles of positive psychology into their daily practices

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