
  • Have you ever considered changing your family dynamics? Listen in as my guest, Linda Fruits, shares her journey of changing family dynamics.

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    Sometimes, I encounter people whose life stories intrigue me. Today is no exception. Linda shares her family dynamics as it evolves from the stereotypical heterosexual to a multi-dimensional family unit.

    What We Talked About:

    Why Linda created "Fruits of Motherhood.”

    Navigating early motherhood's isolation and the illusion of social media perfection

    The complexities of sexuality and relationships

    The vital role that your support networks play in your and your family's well-being

    The importance of open communication for healthy family and personal relationships

    Revolutionizing family dynamics

    Co-parenting with your ex

    Unconventional living in the eyes of traditional society

    Nurturing supportive environments for our children

    Things to Remember

    “Parenting is figuring out who you are while caring for kids.”

    “When you’re in front of the people who make you feel good, you feel good.”

    “No one was telling moms the hard parts.”

    “If you don’t have examples of people who do things differently, you don’t know that you can subscribe to something different.”

    “We all have roles in which we excel when it comes to parenting.”

    “If you're not happy where you are, It doesn't matter what your sexual identity is. You need to have some harder conversations.”

    “You have to be flexible with your expectations, not only with the baby but with yourself.”

    “It's so easy to get so wrapped up in the things that we're not doing, and then we lose focus on the beautiful things we are doing.”

    - Linda Fruits

    Click here for the show notes and extra resources.

  • Are you burnt out working as a childcare provider? Listen in as my guest, Caroline Allen shares her insights on how to keep the joy and wonder alive.

    Click here for the show notes and extra resources.

    I can relate to Caroline’s words. When I started in a Montessori environment as a second career, some days were hard, yet that sense of wonder kept me going.

    What We Talked About:

    How Caroline transformed her daycare settings into the first not-for-profit Montessori children's center in the UK

    Observing children's behaviors and interests to foster their natural curiosity and learning

    The importance of staying passionate and fresh in childcare and education.

    Practical tips for caregivers and educators to avoid burnout and stay motivated.

    The concept of leaving a lasting legacy for children

    Things to Remember

    “We don't know our children inside out and never will. They're unique little beings that will always do things that fascinate us.”

    “Try to retain that sense of wonder by looking at our children with fresh eyes and seeing them differently.”

    “Adults are very quick to put an interpretation on what their children are doing.”

    “Allow the wonders of the world to connect with your children.”

    “Taking care of your child’s emotional, social, and physical development is the key to raising young adults.”

    “We don't need to know everything about our little ones; we just need to work with whatever they're presenting to us in their journey into childhood and young adulthood.”

    “We need to have parts of every single day where we are present to our children and give them the focus they deserve.”

    -Caroline Allen

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  • Is your child's picky eating a sign of something more? Listen in to discover support and insights with my guest, Jaclyn Pederson.

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    Feeding matters; parents often complain about their child's picky eating habits. We start to wonder if we’re doing something wrong, if our child is a picky eater, or if there’s more to this ordeal. Today, my guest sheds light on a little-known eating disorder that is way more prevalent than we imagine.

    What We Talked About:

    Understanding Pediatric Feeding Disorder (PFD) and how it differs from picky eating.

    The Four Domains in Pediatric Feeding Disorder

    How should you proceed if you suspect our child has PFD?

    Early awareness of PFD and its impact on long-term health outcomes

    Why is almost no one talking about PFD, even though it is more common than autism or cerebral palsy?

    The challenges and complexities of treating PFD and how you can help your child.

    Can lip and tongue ties be the culprits in the feeding journey?

    The significance of establishing a supportive team including healthcare professionals

    Things to Remember

    “Parenting is finding beauty in the highest of highs and the lowest of lows.”

    “Feeding skills is something that a parent can help a child with. It is a learned task.”

    “Children are picky, and it’s a very common thing that happens in toddler development.”

    “It's definitely important for parents to always offer nutritious foods.”

    “Take it slow and let your child lead the way. They control what goes in their body.”

    “At the end of the day, you and your child are trying to establish a successful feeding.”

    -Jaclyn Pederson

    Click here for the show notes and extra resources

  • Do you strongly feel that staying home would be best for your child? Listen in to find out why your hunch is correct and critical.

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    We know in our mama's heart that staying home with our children is important because they need us to. Today, my guest confirmed this instinct we have as mothers and why it is critical to do so.

    What We Talked About:

    Understanding why the first three years are critical for our child's long-term mental health

    Why are daycare centers not equipped to support our children’s attachment needs

    What is “consistency of care,” and why is it essential in the early years?

    What are other critical stages for our children’s mental health?

    The important revolution that needs to happen for the health of families

    Things to Remember

    “There is no parenting without presence.”

    “Without guilt, our conscience isn’t working.”

    “The foundation of resilience is that feeling of security in the first three years.”

    “Mothers are very attuned to babies' distress.”

    “If you are present for your children in the first three years, you’re encouraging a tremendous amount of neural connections to be formed.”

    “Your babies are not resilient; your babies are incredibly vulnerable, and they need you.”

    -Erica Komisar

    “There are many who hold, as I do, that the most important period of life is not the age of university studies, but the first one, the period from birth to the age of six. For that is the time when man's intelligence itself, his greatest implement, is being formed. But not only his intelligence; the full totality of his psychic powers.” - Dr. Maria Montessori

    Click here for the show notes and extra resources.

  • Are you curious about the magic of daily rituals? Listen in and learn from my guest, Britta Bushnell, how they can transform your life.

    Click here for the show notes and extra resources.

    I’ve always been fascinated by the transformative process of birth, and why I became a birth doula. Today, I’m excited to be speaking with Britta, a seasoned childbirth educator to explore how birth is truly the first and most crucial initiation into parenthood.

    What We Talked About:

    The importance of childbirth as an initiation into parenthood.

    Mythology and storytelling as meaning-making practices for adults and kids.

    Incorporating rituals into family life to help you live and share your values.

    How perfectionism can both hinder and help in our parenting

    Practical tips for crafting seamless transitions between work and parenting

    Things to Remember

    “Parenting is a messy, creative, unknowable magical thing that creates a being on the other side.”

    “Parenthood is like a yoga practice, that idea of coming to the mat every day and knowing that some days are better and some days are worse, yet you still show up and do your best.”

    “What causes us the most suffering is the resistance to what is happening.”

    “Parenthood teaches us an openness to the unbidden.”

    “Perfectionism is a strategy, and as a strategy, it most often gets in our way.”

    “Infants respond well to rhythm and predictability in their lives.”

    “To find ways to be tender with ourselves and to forgive ourselves. That is the true antidote to perfectionism's toxins.”

    “Children help to create the fabric of the values of the family.”

    -Britta Bushnell

    Click here for the show notes and extra resources.

  • Do you want to foster confidence in your teen better? Listen in and discover how you can start today at home.

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    Helping our teenagers feel confident is critical to their well-being and future success, starting at home. Karleen shares her personal and professional experience as a conflict resolution expert. Listen in to acquire the tools to nurture the confidence your teens need to thrive in life.

    We Talked About:

    What five universal skills do experts use to resolve conflicts, and how can you use them at home?

    What unwanted baggage gets in the way of building your teen’s self-confidence and resiliency?

    How conflict resolution skills can enhance parenting, especially with teens.

    Curiosity, attitude, and masterful listening are significant tools in resolving family conflicts.

    Real-life examples and practical strategies for applying conflict resolution techniques in parenting situations.

    Things to Remember

    “Even when you get it right, even when you have it right, you can still get it wrong.”

    “Curiosity is not just asking questions.”

    “Master listening in a conflict situation means you're filling in the gaps.”

    “Anytime you're in a conflict, the most important part is connecting with that person.”

    “When you want to build confidence in your children, allow them into the solution to bring them back in and give them a space for it.”

    “Sometimes situations are for our children to sort through.”

    “You’re absolutely meant to be the parent for your child.”

    -Karleen Savage

    Click here for the show notes and extra resources.

  • Is your child's screen time stealing precious moments? Listen in as my guest, Katherine Martinko, shares how to unplug and reclaim childhood.

    Click here for the show notes and extra resources.

    What We Talked About:

    Katherine’s desire to write her book “Childhood Unplugged.”’

    The effects of excessive screen time have on our children's development and mental health

    Navigating digital media use and fostering offline activities

    Setting boundaries around screen time and social media use.

    Modeling appropriate use of our digital devices to shape healthy screen habits for our children.

    Alternative communication methods and developing human communication skills

    Things to Remember

    “Parenting is about conveying the principles that you believe to be the most important in life to your children and setting them off in the world on the right foot and watching them succeed.”

    “The benefits of having a smartphone simply do not outweigh the cons.”

    “Handling a smartphone is on par with handling a car. Kids need that level of responsibility and emotional maturity to do it.”

    “When you give kids responsibilities around the house, they have less time to hang out in their bedrooms, scroll on their phones, or play video games.”

    “We're too caught up with the idea that just because this technology is new and exciting, it is, therefore, good, but we're losing a lot in the process.”

    “It is up to us as parents to protect our children from the negative effects of this highly addictive substance the same way that we would limit our children's access to drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes.”

    “We promote better independence in children if you're not surveilling them.”

    -Katherine Martinko

    “Technology is taking us to a place where children are forgetting to play. We need to rescue childhood.” - Mariana Carazo

    Click here for the show notes and extra resources.

  • How far would you go to save your child's vision? Listen in as Stephen Johnston shares his mission to fight blindness for his son and thousands of others.

    Click here for the show notes and extra resources.

    It’s hard to imagine losing one sight, and even more heartbreaking to discover that your child is. My guest today is a father on a mission to find a cure not only for his child but all persons affected by the onset of blindness.

    What We Talked About:

    The Precursor of Bardet-Biedl Syndrome

    How Steve's parenting approach changed after his son's diagnosis

    Steve's journey in creating a nonprofit organization, "A Race Against Blindness"

    The importance of mental toughness and perseverance

    How Steve and his family found strength and resilience in the face of adversity

    Things to Remember

    “Tomorrow is not guaranteed. Anything can happen at any given time.”

    “Everybody can make a difference. It doesn't matter how many or how few resources anyone has. Everybody can make a difference.”

    “Start doing things that might prepare your children for challenges.”

    “Make sure you have a support network for you and the kids, and you’ll be able to get through whatever it is.”

    “Challenges are coming for all of us at some point or another, and the more we prepare ourselves to face those head-on as they happen, the better off we are.”

    -Stephen Johnston

    Click here for the show notes and extra resources.

  • Do you have difficulty overcoming past trauma to start living the life you desire? Tune in to listen to Karena’s transformative insights.

    Click here for the show notes and extra resources.

    The negative stories we tell ourselves can be quite damaging to our well-being. My guest today shares how to move beyond so we can rise above the story to live a fulfilling life.

    What We Talked About:

    Why Karena felt compelled to share her story in her book

    Her 3-step process to healing from trauma

    Why, as parents, it’s crucial to have self-awareness

    How to break free from negative self-talk

    The unwanted ripple effects of trauma

    How to find joy even in difficult times

    Things to Remember

    “Parenting is taking responsibility to cultivate a self-awareness around our past trauma.”

    “What our brain does in the face of trauma is that it tries to keep us safe by writing these stories that keep us in a little box.”

    “We have the power to heal. We’re just afraid to do it.”

    “There is more for us than just the pain we carry around.”

    “We are all here to experience joy and happiness.”

    “The powerful notion of honoring your emotions and feeling them in real time goes a long way toward mental and emotional well-being.”

    – Karena Kilcoyne

    “Authenticity is the daily practice of letting go of who we think we’re supposed to be and embracing who we are.” – Brené Brown.

    Click here for the show notes and extra resources.

  • Do you struggle with digital consumption, whether you or your children in your home? Listen in and learn what we now know about how technology impacts our children.

    Click here for the show notes and extra resources.

    I’m concerned about technology's effects on our children’s developing brains. Today, I spoke with Forest Bronzan, a father leading global initiatives, so we can better understand how technology impacts our lives and our children.

    What We Talked About:

    How technology is changing and impacting the way we raise our children.

    The challenges we face in navigating social media

    How parents can have open conversations with their children about technology use.

    Teaching children critical thinking skills to help them evaluate the information they encounter online.

    Setting healthy boundaries around technology use at home.

    What is your DORA Score?

    Things to Remember

    “Parenting is being nimble to navigate an ever-changing world, and in many cases, that's technology.”

    “Start early, have conversations at an early age with your children on what your family values are but also with your community.”

    “The biggest challenge is that high schoolers aren't aware of the negative influences on the internet.”

    “Parents need to pay closer attention to how their children learn about the world.”

    “We need to look at ourselves... We need to model the behavior ourselves.”

    “There's a lot of challenges and a lot that we don't know yet about the effectiveness of learning apps.”

    “There hasn't been a single study showing a positive benefit of social media before high school.”

    “Try to put the phone down as much as possible during those first few years and spend time with your child.”

    “Time goes by so fast. You don't want to miss those magical years checking a notification.”

    - Forest Bronzan

    Click here for the show notes and extra resources.

  • What if the teenage years weren't something to fear but a breakthrough opportunity for growth? Listen in as my guest, Ellen Galinsky, unveils a fresh approach.

    Click here for the show notes and extra resources.

    Adolescence is a transformative and extremely important time in human development. In her latest book, The Breakthrough Years, Ellen Galinsky shares what the research and adolescents need us to understand.

    What We Talked About: What adolescents want us to know about them What exactly are executive function skills, and why are they so crucial to children's development What can parents do to help their children develop executive function skills? Why turning conflicts into opportunities for learning is critical for all Agreeing and setting clear expectations with your children and leaving room for mistakes Things to Remember

    “Parents grow and change in parenthood just like children grow and change.”

    "Executive function skills are the building blocks for setting goals, perspective-taking, communicating, collaborating, and problem-solving. They are fundamental to life."

    “Don't fix it for the child; instead, help them learn the skills to fix it for themselves.”

    “We need to make mistakes. Making mistakes isn't a mistake. It's the way we learn.”

    “We learn by trial and error, particularly in teenage years.”

    “The most important thing we can do as parents is to help our children find their passion.”

    “Adolescents are learning to be brave.”

    “We need to help them be creators. Not Consumers.”

    “Young people who do best in the world have something they care about beyond themselves.”

    - Ellen Galinsky

    Click here for the show notes and extra resources.

  • Do you ever wonder how negative early life experiences shape our children’s minds? Listen in as my guest, Marc Hauser explains the effect of early childhood trauma and what we can do about it.

    Click here for the show notes and extra resources.

    I know how impressionable young brains are and have always been fascinated with the concept of the absorbent mind. Yet, in this episode, we go a little deeper into understanding how early childhood traumas affect brain development. It was not an easy conversation, but an important one nonetheless.

    What We Talked About:

    What compelled Marc to write about early childhood traumas in ‘Vulnerable Minds’

    The impact of trauma on children's overall development

    The different types of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) and how they can affect children differently.

    The Adverse Ts framework.

    Creating safe environments for children to heal

    Traumatic signatures and how they shape children's responses to adversity.

    Ways to help children develop resilience and cope with adversity.

    Things to Remember

    “We need to understand both the nature of experiences and the nature of the responses.”

    “The earlier adversity occurs, the more likely the damage will occur because the brain is in a fragile state of development.”

    “The essence of the magic comes from building trusting relationships.”

    “How you help a child who's been abused is different from how you help a child who's been neglected.”

    “Different kinds of traumatic experiences can greatly delay the natural development of certain kinds of cognitive, social, and emotional skills.”

    “Stress will derail three key parts of learning: Attention, Short-Term Memory, and Self-Regulation.”

    “It’s important to recognize that many parents have their own history of traumatic experiences.”

    - Marc Hauser

    Click here for the show notes and extra resources.

  • What does it take to navigate the unique journey of parenting a disabled child? Listen to Kelley Coleman as she shares her inspiring insights.

    Click here for the entire show notes and more from Jeanne-Marie.

    I created this podcast to serve parents, all parents, and today Kelley shares what it takes to parent a disabled child and shares with us her guide to doing so.

    What We Talked About:

    Why Kelley wrote ‘Everything No One Tells You About Parenting a Disabled Child’

    The importance of having conversations about disability.

    Challenges of navigating the support system for disabled children

    Strategies and resources for navigating the complexities of caring for a disabled child.

    The impact of disability on siblings.

    Things to Remember

    “Parenting is about us, the parents. We do not need to try to make our children into something but instead, model the behavior that we would like our children to learn.”

    “We are all the best parents for our unique child, and we all do great things.”

    “Time is a huge privilege, and we must acknowledge that.”

    “Everyone and every child deserves the same access.”

    “Parenting and being a caregiver are two distinct jobs when they merge; that's two full-time jobs!”

    “We talk about disability as one of the many facets of who my child is a whole and complete human.”

    “It reduces our ignorance when we are genuinely curious about other humans as humans.”

    “The number one determiner of how a child will feel about their sibling's disability is how the parents feel about the disability and what they are projecting.”

    -Kelley Coleman

    Click here for more from Jeanne-Marie, Your Parenting Mentor.

  • How can you benefit from the Montessori approach? Listen to Simone and Junnifa as they reveal the key ingredients for fostering a thriving Montessori child at home.

    Click here for more from Jeanne-Marie, Your Parenting Mentor.

    What a delight to have two of my Montessori friends on the podcast together. Our paths have crossed many times, and today, I’m excited to learn more about Simone and Junnifas’ latest endeavor, their book The Montessori Child.

    What We Talked About:

    Children’s Unconscious and Conscious Mind

    The different planes of development in Montessori

    The importance of sensory learning

    Shifting from setting rules to creating agreements collaboratively.

    Supporting Independence While Offering Support

    The Montessori approach for the whole child

    Things to Remember:

    “Parenting is the process of being with our children, guiding them and accompanying them.”

    “Children change as they grow.”

    “It takes some consciousness to start seeing that our children are more capable of doing things as they get older.”

    “If you open your eyes, you'll see that each of our children is unique and different. Focus on those things that make them who they are.”

    - Junnifa Uzodike

    “Be the child’s guide on their journey, accept them for who they are, and step back to see that they are capable.”

    “Teenagers just want to be able to feel they belong and make a change in the world.”

    “Just let yourself grow through the highs and lows of everything that you learned.”

    - Simone Davies

    “Never help a child with a task at which he feels he can succeed.” - Dr. Maria Montessori

    Click here for more from Jeanne-Mariem, Your Parenting Mentor.

  • Are you ready to rewrite the fatherhood script? Listen in as how my guest, Nick Adams, redefined fatherhood.

    Click here for more from Jeanne-Marie, your parenting mentor.

    We all want to do better than our parents. It is part of parenting. Today, my guest shared his guide to being the father he wishes he had had.

    What We Talked About:

    Why Nick felt the need to write his book

    Why is the father's role so important

    The Five Big Stones of Effective Fatherhood

    Common Challenges Fathers Face

    Building solid and loving relationships between fathers and their children.

    Things to Remember:

    “Parenting is maintaining relationships and raising significant, effective adults.”

    “Instead of stressing over all of the things you could be trying to do, let’s focus on the truly important things.”

    “Fatherhood is a superpower.”

    “There’s power just in being.”

    “A huge part of my parenting is having a life-long relationship with my children and helping them become effective, responsible adults.”

    “Parents need to see the best in their children and help them see the best in themselves.”

    “The goal of parenthood is not perfection. It’s progress.”

    -Nick Adams

    Click here for more from Jeanne-Marie, your parenting mentor.

  • Have you ever wondered… ”What have I gotten myself into!?” When reflecting on your parenting journey? You are not alone!

    You’re amazing! I wanted to share my love and gratitude for you and invite you to join me in my Keep Cool & Carry On Discipline Challenge. Let’s debunk the myth that parenting has to be hard together.

    Click here for more from Jeanne-Marie, your parenting mentor.

    What I Talked About:

    Changing our mindset to debunk the myth that parenting has to be hard

    The foundation of Positive Discipline

    My Free 7-Day Keep Cool & Carry On! Discipline Challenge

    Looking forward to the doors of the Parenting School opening soon

    Things to Remember:

    “With a positive and intentional mindset, parenting can be a joyous, fulfilling adventure.”

    “We all strive to have significance and belonging. Our children's behavior informs us whether or not they feel they have significance and belonging.”

    “The essence of discipline is to develop self-discipline.”

    – Jeanne-Marie Paynel

    “Too often we forget that discipline really means to teach, not to punish. A disciple is a student, not a recipient of behavioral consequences.” – Daniel J. Siegel

    “Of all things, Love is the most potent.”

    “Discipline must come through liberty.”

    – Dr. Maria Montessori

    Click here for more from Jeanne-Marie, your parenting mentor.

  • Are you curious about the psychology behind your child's actions? Tune in as my guest, Dr. Tasha Brown shares her insights and expert notes.

    Click here for the show notes and more from Jeanne-Marie, Your Parenting Mentor.

    When working with parents or, as apparent myself, I often wonder if this situation warrants seeking the advice of a professional psychologist. Today, Dr. Tasha Brown helps us clarify when it is essential to seek them out.

    What We Talked About:

    How to know when you and your child need to meet with a psychologist

    Dr. Tasha’s Parent Management Training

    The difference between Labeled intentional praise and unlabeled praise.

    Positive reinforcement and "cool down" spaces instead of punitive “timeouts.”

    Age-appropriate expectations for children

    Early signs of depression in adolescent girls and how to support them

    Things to Remember:

    “When you work with children, you’re not just working with an individual. You’re working with a family.”

    “We know that the more attention we give to certain behaviors, the more we see them, even if they’re negative.”

    “When it’s important to the family's well-being that the child listens right away, we teach parents how to make appropriate requests of their children.”

    “Set the expectations but also manage your expectations.”

    “When children have what we call ‘protective factors,’ it decreases their likelihood of anxiety and depression as adolescents.”

    “Children are not born with the language they need to express their BIG emotions. The adults in their lives model and teach them how to communicate effectively.”

    ― Dr. Tasha Brown

    For Show Notes and more from Jeanne-Marie, click HERE

  • Are you highly connected to your intuition? Listen in as my guest shares some insight on how you can activate your inner wisdom.

    Click here for more from Jeanne-Marie, your parenting mentor.

    We are all gifted with powerful intuition; whether we choose to listen to it or not is another question. Today, my guest shared some important strategies to tune into our own and help our children do the same.

    What We Talked About:

    How can we tune into our inner knowing

    Supporting and protecting our highly intuitive children

    Healing your inner child to become more present as a parent.

    Connecting with your child on a soul level

    Things to Remember:

    “When we can connect with our children simultaneously on the human and the soul level, that’s when the magic happens.”

    “When tapping into your intuition, you connect with your soul.”

    “Intuition is that deep knowing that you have that has nothing to do with what you know with your mind, and it is always right.”

    “Our natural resting state as the soul is a perfect state of well-being.”

    “Connecting with your intuition is learning to trust it.”

    “Your intuition will tell you what is the most aligned choice or truth in the now.”

    - Victoria Shaw

    Click here for more from Jeanne-Marie, your parenting mentor.

  • Curious about the impact of asking yourself some powerful questions? Tune in as my guest, Allison Task, shares insights on attunement and connection.

    Click here for more from Jeanne-Marie, your parenting mentor.

    Asking powerful questions is fundamental to being attuned to ourselves and our children. Today, my guest, a life coach and mother of four, helps parents through life-changing transitions.

    What We Talked About:

    Helping career-driven women transition into Motherhood

    Questions parents can ask themselves to tune in to themselves and their children

    Staying attuned to family while traveling for work

    Suggestions of what we can do to feel attuned to ourselves and to our child

    Things to Remember

    “Tune in to what you want and let go of visions of yourself that are no longer in sync with what you want.”

    “There’s a big difference between what we think will happen when we have our child and what does happen.”

    “Physically attuning with your child can be powerful and connecting.”

    “You’re here to co-regulate with them until they can regulate on their own.”

    - Allison task

    Click here for more from Jeanne-Marie, your parenting mentor.

  • Are you curious about cultivating emotional intelligence in your children? Listen in as my guest, Dr. Maiysha Clairborne, shares transformative insights.

    Click here for more from Jeanne-Marie, your parenting mentor.

    Becoming a parent often reveals unhealed trauma, and our children will activate emotions we did not even know existed, which is why it is so important to do our healing work as we parent.

    What We Talked About:

    What is Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

    How can we be self-aware as parents

    What might be the blind spots we have when parenting

    Trauma Responsive Communication

    How can we help our children navigate trauma

    Things to Remember

    “Flexibility comes with creatively listening to the deeper context of what our children are communicating.”

    “When we start to see the behavior as the communication, then we can begin to ask the right questions.”

    ”Communication is more than just words. Only 7% of communication are words, 93% is everything else.”

    “The meaning of your communication is the response you get.”

    “Trauma has an impact on our thinking, behavior, and communication.”

    “Going through the healing process helps to stop the behaviors, communication, and thoughts that inflict trauma on the younger generation.”

    “We have to practice self-compassion and self-love throughout our parenting journey. Or else we will continue to traumatize and re-traumatize ourselves and that's no good for our children.”

    - Dr. Maiysha Clairborne

    Click here for more from Jeanne-Marie, your parenting mentor.