Herzlich Willkommen in der Hydrogen Bar!
Macht es Euch mit uns am Tresen gemütlich und schnappt Euch einen Drink.
Wir plaudern über die aufregende Welt des Wasserstoffs, der Brennstoffzellen und der Batterien, reden über neue Arten der Mobilität, über saubere Energieversorgung, und träumen von einer besseren Zukunft.
Unser Podcast richtet sich an alle interessierten HörerInnen - egal ob fachfremd oder mit allen Wasser(stoffe)n gewaschen.
Kontakt zu uns: [email protected] -
"Send It" is a crypto podcast created and hosted by members of the OKX Insights team — Maxwell Koopsen, Hunain Naseer, Adam James and Olivia Capozzalo.
Bantering about top stories in crypto and bringing you timely insights and analysis — NFTs, DeFi, GameFi, Bitcoin market moves and anything else you may have missed. Sometimes we have special guests; from your favorite voices in crypto to some people you've never heard of before.
Episodes every other Friday.
Original theme music created by Andrei Klimov of the band Moqumentary
OKX Insights is the research and analysis team at OKX, a top global cryptocurrency exchange and DeFi ecosystem.
Please note, this podcast is not intended to be investment, trading or financial advice. -
Tous les samedis, écoutez Sortie de veille, le podcast hebdomadaire de MacGeneration ! On débat de l'actualité Apple et tech des derniers jours en une quinzaine de minutes.
Si vous aimez ce que vous écoutez, mettez-nous ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Soutenez votre site préféré et bénéficiez d'une version sans pub ! https://plus.acast.com/s/sortie-de-veille-un-podcast-de-macgeneration.
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.
Artificial Intelligence is hurtling us into an unknown future. Will it pollute our infosphere, reinforce biases, or even be an existential risk? Or will AI help us solve the energy crisis, revolutionise healthcare and even eliminate the need for work? Perhaps all of these? On Steering AI, we talk to leading academic experts at the cutting-edge of this increasingly powerful and pervasive technology, hearing their views on the benefits and how to steer around the risks. The first step to mitigate a threat is to understand it. Technological progress is hard to predict, but no one doubts AI will have an enormous impact on our lives. Brainstorming with the experts, we seek to understand the problems we’re already facing, and what might be coming our way.
Welcome to TechOver Africa with Wangari Njathi. One woman’s take on the Story of the Rising Digital Economy in Africa. We talk with the expert guests on all things tech. Is the technological uptake in Africa all good, all bad, or in between. Join me as I examine, interrogate, analyze and make sense of policies that guard our interests. Disruption can be messy, where will we be when the dust settles?
Chaque vendredi, en moins de 30 minutes, Fabrice Neuman et Benjamin Vincent racontent, analysent, décryptent les grandes tendances de la Tech, en prenant du recul sur l'actualité, et en donnant la parole à celles et ceux qui la font. Ce sont “Les Voix de la Tech“ ! Disponible gratuitement sur les principales plateformes de podcast (durée inférieure à 30 minutes) et en version intégrale sur Apple Podcasts (2,99 € par mois / 29,99 € par an). Habillage musical : Eddy Gronfier (Twitter / X - Spotify)
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez acast.com/privacy pour plus d'informations.
Robert Peston and Steph McGovern follow the money to bring you insightful stories from the world of business and finance.
Who’s making money and who’s spending it? Who’s investing, and who’s innovating? How will AI affect the way we work and why are Saudi Arabia buying up sport? How can the UK economy recover its productivity and adapt for the future?
Steph and Robert tap their extensive business contacts to answer these questions and decode the jargon to help make sense of the financial world.
We appreciate your feedback on The Rest Is Money to help make the podcast and our partnerships better: https://opinion.askattest.com/G89NE -
Welche Nachrichten bringt der Tag? Und was geschah in der Nacht? Mit dem F.A.Z. Frühdenker erfahren Sie das schon beim ersten Kaffee. Kompakt in zehn Minuten erhalten Sie den Überblick über alles, was heute Gesprächsthema sein wird. Hören Sie rein in unseren Podcast Montag bis Freitag um 6 Uhr.
Sie können den Frühdenker auch hier hören oder als Newsletter lesen: www.faz.net/podcasts/f-a-z-podcast-fruehdenker/ -
Auf gut Deutsch è il primo podcast italiano interamente dedicato a Germania, Austria e Svizzera.
Ti sei mai chiesto qual è l'origine dell'Oktoberfest? Vuoi saperne di più su Angela Merkel? Come migliorare il tuo tedesco? Quali mercatini di natale visitare a Vienna, Zurigo o Berlino?
In questo podcast troverai le risposte che cerchi. -
To understand the partisanship and bitterness of American politics today, you have to consider what happened in 1994. Steve Kornacki, National Political Correspondent for NBC News and MSNBC, steps back from the Big Board to tell the origin story of the 1994 Republican “revolution,” the midterm election when the GOP took the House majority for the first time in four decades. It was set in motion by Georgia Congressman Newt Gingrich, who — over the course of 15 years — pushed Republicans in a direction of confrontation and conservatism. Steve talks with Newt’s allies and adversaries about backroom strategy sessions and dramatic battles on the House floor. As yet another midterm threatens to upend the political landscape, Kornacki hears echoes of 1994 everywhere. Follow now and join Steve Kornacki through all six episodes, out October 31st.
Dlhoročný diplomat Rastislav Káčer a novinár Peter Bárdy diskutujú o aktuálnych politických a spoločenských témach.
Podcast Bárdy & Káčer vzniká v spolupráci s Aktuality.sk a vďaka podporovateľom cez služby NAVYŠE.
Potvrďte si posielanie notifikácií k novým dielom na svojej obľúbenej platforme aj na Youtube Bárdy and Káčer, Ďakujeme.
Všetky podcasty Aktuality.sk nájdete na jednej stránke tu.
Na odber všetkých nových dielov podcastu Bárdy & Káčer sa môžete prihlásiť cez iTunes, Google Podcasts alebo Spotify. -
Das ist der offizielle Podcast zu Elektroautomobil, dem Magazin für Elektromobilität.
Valentin Buss und Marcus Zacher erklären und diskutieren zusammen mit ihren Gästen Themen und Technik rund um Elektroautos und Elektromobilität.
Elektroautomobil, der Podcast, erscheint alle zwei Wochen. Jetzt abonnieren und keine neue Folge mehr verpassen!