
  • Feel stuck in being able to afford your healing? Steal my 10 creative ideas to generate $2k in just one month!


    Today is the LAST week on our money and health series for August. We've been talking all about my top tips and tricks I've seen over a decade of healing myself and other people to help make your health more affordable.

    We've started with talking about my personal best and worst health investments (episode 228) and how to SAVE money and reduce costs to heal (episodes 229 and 230).

    Today, I'm sharing with you my top 10 creative ideas to earn MONEY fast to fund your healing.

    These tips can be done by ANYONE - whether you're a stay at home mom, work part-time, or full-time, or own your own business - if cash is holding you back from healing, then THIS episode is for you.

    EPISODES MENTIONED:228// My Top 5 Best and Worst Health Investments (Relaunch)229// Health Insurance Hack: Use This Health Insurance to Cover ALL Functional Medicine Appointments and Labs 😱230// My Top 3 Tips to Accurately Estimate How Much It Will Cost You to Heal225// My Tinnitus Journey: Mold Caused It; How I've Been Treating It
    HEAL YOUR GUT FOR GOOD!Want to heal your bloating, constipation, acid reflux, hormone imbalance, and more? Watch this FREE training walking you through how to heal, once and for all!
    RESOURCES:Negotiation Skill Book: Never Split the Difference, by Chris VossGet Full Access to my Liver Detox Protocol for only $7!Download my Free Constipation Relief GuideFind a Craniosacral Therapy or Visceral Manipulation therapist near you using my easy, step-by-step guide!Download the entire Better Belly Podcast Vault!Get the Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis Spreadsheet
    LINKS:JOIN → Join our FREE Facebook Group FOLLOW → @betterbellytherapies ASK →
  • In your process of healing, have you found yourself saying, "This is too expensive for me"?

    Have you had to say "no" to or delay buying a life-changing lab, supplement protocol, or program because of not being able to afford it?

    Are you annoyed or overwhelmed with how much the cost of healing is?

    If so, then this episode is for you.

    The cost of healing is one of the most COMMON reasons I'm told by someone that they can't heal, so this month on the Better Belly Podcast, I'm dedicating every episode to tips and hacks for how to make healing for affordable.

    On today's episode, I'm sharing my top 3 tips to accurately estimate how much it will cost you to heal.

    This is a SUPER powerful skill because, like with all things, being able to anticipate the cost can help us prepare for it - whether it is buying a house, paying for college, or saving up for a new oven, knowing that general price range can help you to save and mentally prepare for the cost so that, once it comes, you CAN pay for it.

    WITHOUT being able to accurately estimate how much it will cost you to heal, you end up over and over again with surprise bills and being not financially prepared to pay for what you want or need to pay for in your health. And this results in a cycle of never being able to pay for anything.

    If you feel like you're drowning in health expenses, or you don't know what costs are good deals or not, then this episode is for you.

    P.S. For even more tips and tricks for how to make your health more affordable, check out the shownotes where I've included previous episodes to guide you further in your healing journey.

    EPISODES MENTIONED:181// How to Make Health More Affordable with Financial Advisor Katherine Pomerantz182// How to Get the MOST Out of Your Health Insurance in 2024229// Health Insurance Hack: Use This Health Insurance to Cover ALL Functional Medicine Appointments and Labs 😱231// [Upcoming]
    HEAL YOUR GUT, HORMONES, and BODY:Watch this FREE training walking you through how to heal for one, low cost using the Gut Healer System
    RESOURCES:Get Full Access to my Liver Detox Protocol for only $7!Download my Free Constipation Relief GuideDownload the entire Better Belly Podcast Vault!Get the
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  • Learn how I paid only $400 for $1500+ in Functional Medicine doctor appointments and labs using THIS health insurance hack 🤑


    Are you SICK of health insurance not covering the care you want to get to heal yourself?

    Are you TIRED of shopping around for a doctor who understands your condition, only to learn that they're out of network with your insurance and almost entirely out-of-pocket expense?

    Do you WISH that it was easier to find and pay for a holistic doctor who could actually heal you?

    If so, then this episode is for you.

    Since starting the Better Belly Podcast in 2020, I've been trying to accrue a list of the BEST tips to make your healthcare more affordable while still getting the quality you want, with care from doctors that you want.

    I've shared multiple episodes like episode 181// How to Make Health More Affordable with Katherine Pomerantz and an episode with my dad, a surgeon, breaking down why health insurance works the way it does and How to Get the MOST Out of Your Health Insurance in 2024.

    But today, I'm doing something I've NEVER done before: sharing the EXACT numbers me + my family have paid for our health insurance at different stages, and how we get ALL of our functional medicine appointments and labs covered by health insurance.

    This is a bombshell health insurance hack that health insurance companies DO NOT want you to know about, because you will NO LONGER have to rely on them.

    If you are SICK AND TIRED of health insurance, hidden fees, and over-the-top costs of healing - then this episode is for you.

    EPISODES MENTIONED:181// How to Make Health More Affordable with Katherine Pomerantz182// How to Get the MOST Out of Your Health Insurance in 2024
    LINKS FROM THE SHOW:Become a KnewHealth Member See KnewHealth Services for membersRead KnewHealth Membership GuidelinesSee the AspenDental Savings Plan See Dexter Dental Studio's monthly subscription plan for an example of a local business with a holistic approach to dentistry that has their own alternative to dental insurance

    *Some of the links above include affiliate links. I ONLY recommend products I use or seriously believe in.

    HEAL YOUR GUT, HORMONES, and BODY:Watch this FREE training walking you through how to heal, once and for all, for just one, low price!
    RESOURCES:Get Full Access to my
  • One of most common reasons I have clients tell me that haven't healed or can't move forward in healing is because of money issues. Not enough money, not knowing where to invest their money they do have, or having wounds from previous investments that wasted money and just not wanting to repeat that again.

    At least one time a year, I like to devote a few episodes to having an open conversation around money and health. My goal is to help you feel less alone in this conversation because, whether we like it or not, money IS a part of the health conversation. And my OTHER main goal is to actually give you practical tips and tricks for how to reduce the cost of healing and generally be better able to afford the healing you ultimately need.

    This September, I'm covering 4 main topics:

    My Top 5 Best and Worst Health Investments My Top Tips for How to Accurately Estimate the Cost of HealingMy BEST Insurance Hack to Get Insurance to Cover Functional Medicine Every Single Time15 Creative Ideas to Increase Cashflow and Fund Your Healing

    Today, I'm starting this series with sharing some of my biggest financial flops and wins in my pursuit of healing to encourage you, hopefully make you laugh, and prepare you for the rest of this month where I share how I went from my 5 worst investments to regularly saving the MOST amount of money possible on my health and my family's health every single year.

    If you have shame around failed healing investments or if you've been trying to heal and money issues have been holding you back, then this episode is for you!

    EPISODES MENTIONED:34// Your Money Mindset is Holding You Back in Your Health23// 3 Reasons We Struggle Investing In Our Health – and What Could Happen If You Don’t3// Why Probiotics Aren’t Healing Your Gut36// How to Choose The Best Chiropractor with Dr. Zach Simkins and Dr. Tygue Arvidson1// My Story & How I Healed Myself from IBS5// Two Treatments for IBS That You Probably Have Never Heard Of
    CUT YOUR MONEY LOSS AND FINALLY HEAL:Watch this FREE training to get my A to Z healing framework to heal your bloating, constipation, diarrhea, skin issues, hormonal imbalance, brain fog, and more! Our Gut Healer System has helped clients with EVERYTHING from autoimmune conditions to getting their energy back, all through a personalized framework that helps you find the root causes of your health issues. Watch the free training today!
    RESOURCES:Get Full Access to my
  • Hear this toxic mold success story about how Matt completely healed his family from mold - even when ALL doctors had failed them.


    In 2018, Matt and his wife Amy were woken up in the middle of the night by their son writhing with abdominal pain. Western medicine said he was a healthy young man and had no answers.

    Matt eventually connected a moldy window in his sons room to his symptoms and started studying mold around the clock.

    On today's episode, I'm having special guest Matt Kelly, Functional Health Practitioner, onto the Better Belly Podcast to come and personally tell the story of his and his families journey through MCAS, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS), mold, and Lyme disease, getting no answers from conventional medicine, finding mold was at the center of it all, and popping out on the other side with, dare I say it, a happy ending.

    I've personally had the honor to get to know Matt through a variety of connections. He's mentored me through some of my very first clients with Lyme disease, and I've gotten to absorb his wisdom and passion for healing clients from mold just by being in his amazing Toxic Mold Answers FB Group, which has EXPLODED in the number of people it serves over the last few years.

    I am SO excited to introduce you to Matt and his and his family's incredible story of struggle, defeat, and triumph.

    If you've been discouraged in your journey to heal your body from mold, Lyme, or if you don't even know what is making you sick, then it's time to dive into this story of hope about how one family escaped from mold and Lyme - and how you can, too.

    EPISODES MENTIONED:Ep. 220// 100 Signs of Toxic Mold Exposure: How Many Do You Have?Ep. 222// 5 Signs of Hidden Mold, with Brian Karr (YesWeInspect)Ep. 223// The 3-Step Mold Treatment PlanEp. 224// Mold & Emotions: 3 Tips for How to Balance Mold, Emotions, and HealingEp. 226// The Mold-Lyme Connection: How to Treat Mold Toxicity and Lyme Disease Together
    CONNECT WITH THE GUEST:Join Matt's FB Group, Toxic Mold AnswersTake the most extensive mold toxicity quiz on the internet! Find out if mold could be affecting you or your family.Get the "Mold Proof Your Home" Masterclass (use code: BBT to get 10% off!)Get the "Living in Mold" Course (release TBD but we'll be keeping these shownotes updated with the link as soon as it's available!)Sign up for notifications for the release of the Healthy Young Man documentary 
    HEAL FROM MOLD TODAY!Get my A to Z plan to find + heal from mold! Watch this FREE training walking you through how to heal,...
  • Mold toxicity and Lyme disease often come together. Why? And if you have both, which do you treat first? Learn this and more on this episode!


    In the world of chronic illnesses that everyone talks about as "difficult to solve", mold and lyme are two infections that find themselves at the top of the pile.

    Coincidentally, many people with Lyme disease have mold toxicity, and many people with mold toxicity have Lyme disease.

    Why is this? And if you have both, which one do you deal with first?

    On today's episode, I'm talking through some basics on mold toxicity and lyme disease including:

    Signs that you have mold toxicity or lyme diseaseA common picture of what someone looks like who has both infectionsWhat lab testing to do to determine if you have mold toxicity and lyme diseaseMy treatment recommendations for mold toxicity and lyme diseaseAnd if you have both, which do you deal with first: mold or lyme?

    We're covering all this and more on today's episode!

    If you've been dealing with mystery symptoms that your doctor can't fix, or if you think you have or KNOW you have mold illness or lyme disease, then THIS episode is for you.

    EPISODES MENTIONED:Ep. 220// 100 Signs of Toxic Mold Exposure: How Many Do You Have?Ep. 222// 5 Signs of Hidden Mold, with Brian Karr (YesWeInspect)Ep. 223// The 3-Step Mold Treatment Plan
    HEAL FROM MOLD AND LYME NOW!Get my A to Z plan to find + heal from mold! Watch this FREE training walking you through how to heal, once and for all!
    RESOURCES:Get Full Access to my Liver Detox Protocol for only $7!Download my Free Constipation Relief GuideDownload the entire Better Belly Podcast Vault!Get the Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis Spreadsheet
    LINKS:JOIN → Join our FREE Facebook Group FOLLOW → @betterbellytherapies ASK → Ask a Question for the PodcastWORK WITH US →
  • For 6 months, I had tinnitus in both my ears. Learn how I found the cause of my tinnitus + my treatment to get it to almost completely disappear.


    This January 2024, on the first day of the new year, I suddenly developed a very loud and new symptom that I've never had before in my life: tinnitus.

    As soon as it happened, I had to wrestle with a sense of extreme panic and need to know everything about WHY this was happening to me and HOW I could stop it.

    I'm adding this episode on tinnitus into our August Mold Month series because (spoiler alert) my tinnitus was caused by mold exposure.

    On today's episode, I'm answering questions like:

    How did I know my tinnitus was from mold exposure?What were the first steps I took as soon as I started getting a new symptom I'd never had before?What were my emotions like, and how did I handle them as I tried to navigate through a completely new symptom I'd never dealt with before (for myself)And what I've been doing practically since January to tackle my tinnitus and bring it into submission after having daily for almost 6 months

    I want to use my experience with tinnitus as a case study to give you a picture of what it looks like, moment by moment, for a seasoned-mold-fighter to go through mold.

    Because even if you've been fighting mold for years (like myself), mold (and the symptoms it causes) cause scary and big feelings inside us. But, there IS a way to make fighting mold feel less crazy, and there IS a way to move forward so that you, too, can say, "I didn't heal everything in one day. But I am SO MUCH BETTER now."

    EPISODES MENTIONED:Ep. 220// 100 Signs of Toxic Mold Exposure: How Many Do You Have?Ep. 222// 5 Signs of Hidden Mold, with Brian Karr (YesWeInspect)Ep. 223// The 3-Step Mold Treatment PlanEp. 224// How I've Been Handling My Emotions
    HEAL FROM MOLD NOW!Get my A to Z plan to find + heal from mold! Watch this FREE training walking you through how to heal, once and for all!
    RESOURCES:Get Full Access to my Liver Detox Protocol for only $7!Download my Free Constipation Relief GuideDownload the entire Better Belly Podcast Vault!Get the Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis Spreadsheet
    LINKS:JOIN → Join our FREE Facebook Group FOLLOW →
  • Healing from mold is an emotional journey. Learn 3 tips for how to manage mold & emotions that come with it so you can keep moving forward!


    We are now halfway through our Mold Month series this August, and I thought, before moving forward and giving you guy more practical advice, we'd pause and take a look at the #1 thing that I see BLOCK people from moving forward in their mold journey.

    And that is...emotions.

    In the episode right before this one, I broke down for you a super simple, super effective mold treatment plan that works every time. However, because of the nature of mold and inherent steps involved in healing from it, I frequently see people paralyzed in moving forward in their mold journey

    In today's episode, I'm first sharing the top 4 most common emotions I see coming up for people as they face mold, and then I'm sharing my top 3 recommendations to overcome these emotions (not suppress them) to help yourself be able to continue to take steps towards healing from mold every single day.

    If you think you're sick from mold or KNOW you're sick from mold but have found yourself in a stand-still in healing, then this episode is for you.

    EPISODES MENTIONED:Ep. 220// 100 Signs of Toxic Mold Exposure: How Many Do You Have?Ep. 222// 5 Signs of Hidden Mold, with Brian Karr (YesWeInspect)Ep. 223// The 3-Step Mold Treatment Plan
    START HEALING FROM MOLD TODAY:Get my A to Z plan to find + heal from mold! Watch this FREE training walking you through how to heal, once and for all!
    MOLD COMMUNITIES TO JOIN:Join the Toxic Mold Answers FB Group by my friend Matt KellyListen to the Mold Finders Radio podcast for free mold inspection + remediation tips and toolsInstagram accounts to follow:@drjillcrista@drjillcarnahan@moldfinders@betterbellytherapiesJoin a Paid Healing Group for support, protocols, + an organized A-Z healing plan:Better Belly Blueprint
    RESOURCES:Get Full Access to my Liver Detox Protocol for only $7!Download my Free Constipation Relief...
  • Get the complete mold treatment plan to save money, remediate your home, and heal the fastest possible from toxic mold exposure!


    Mold is one of the most complicated, multi-step treatment plans required for almost any pathogen-based illness out there. This is because mold not only requires you to heal your body but also your home and everything you own.

    And - there are a LOT of pieces to treating mold.

    So today, I'm taking you through my 3-step mold treatment plan that I personally use with my clients to help them heal from mold in the fastest, lowest cost way.

    We're going to be covering topics like:

    What tests to use to determine if you even have mold illnessHow to save money finding mold and remediation mold in your homeMy top recommend home mold testHow to find a qualified mold remediation company near youHow to find a mold inspector near you (and how to identify one who is not qualified)The order of steps for how to heal your body from moldTop mistakes to avoid when searching for mold in your homeTop mistakes to avoid when remediating mold in your homeWhat to do for your body BEFORE you start trying to pull mold toxins out of itThe most common mistakes I see people make when healing their body from mold

    This is a MAMMOTH episode designed to be an "episode-of-episodes" for healing mold that you can come back to again-and-again for guidance and insight. My hope is that you walk away empowered and envision for exactly how you CAN and WILL heal from mold, with a clear idea of what steps to take next in your mold healing journey, and what tools and resources you need to help you heal from mold and finally feel like yourself again.

    Because when it comes to mold, believing you can heal is one of the hardest, but most important, initial roadblocks to overcome.

    EPISODES MENTIONED:Ep. 220// 100 Signs of Toxic Mold Exposure: How Many Do You Have?Ep. 222// 5 Signs of Hidden Mold, with Brian Karr (YesWeInspect)
    HEAL FROM MOLD NOW!Get my A to Z plan to find + heal from mold! Watch this FREE training walking you through how to heal, once and for all!Book an Unstuck Session to have me look, line-by-line, at your labs, supplements you've taken, and health history and determine exactly WHAT has been missed for you in healing, and WHAT your next 3-5 steps should be to heal
    MOLD-SPECIFIC RESOURCES:Test your home for mold with the DUST TestFind a Qualified Mold Inspector and/or Mold Remediator:ISEAI: Find a ProfessionalIICRC: Global LocatorSchedule: Book a FREE mold inspection consultation with WeInspectGet Mold Remediation + Inspection Support: Join the Toxic Mold Answers FB Group by my friend Matt Kelly
  • Learn the 5 signs of mold in your home that you can see without any fancy tech or equipment! All you need is your eyes and a flashlight!


    If you've have been in the mold conversation for a while, you know that one of the TOUGHEST parts of healing from toxic mold illness is not healing your BODY, but healing your HOME from mold.

    There are two main steps to healing your home from mold: 1) find the mold, and 2) remediate the mold.

    Step 2 will ALWAYS fail if step 1 is not done correctly, so to help you avoid all the most common errors in finding mold in your home, I'm bringing on my friend and certified mold inspector, Brian Karr.

    Brian Karr is a second-generation indoor environmental consultant who specializes in working with hypersensitive individuals with complex medical conditions. He helps them to understand if mold, mycotoxins, or other indoor pathogens exist in their homes that may be contributing to their health conditions, and how to remedy those issues.

    Brian is the Co-Founder of the nationally active mold inspection company, We Inspect, and has helped over 5,000 hypersensitive individuals worldwide to create healthier living environments that have allowed their doctors to help them get better.

    On today's episode, Brian is breaking down the 5 hidden signs of mold growth that you can look for for zero dollars, using your own eyeballs! So if you hire an inspector and they miss 1 of these 5 signs in your home (or you don't see them look for these signs at all!), then it's time to say "bye-bye" to that inspector!

    And - if you love this episode and want even MORE tips on how to find mold in your home in the fastest and lowest cost way, be sure to tune in to our NEXT episode releasing this week - Ep. 223// The 3 Step Mold Treatment Plan - where I'll be going over even more tips for how to find mold in your home, how to know if you need to hire a mold inspector or mold remediator, and if you do, how to find a qualified one near you.

    It's time to say "yes" to being empowered around mold. Please join with me in welcoming Brian Karr to the Better Belly Podcast.

    EPISODES MENTIONED:Ep. 220// 100 Signs of Toxic Mold Exposure: How Many Do You Have?
    CONNECT WITH BRIAN:Instagram: @moldfindersPodcast: MoldFinders Radio Starter KitSchedule: Book a FREE mold inspection consultation
    FREE RESOURCES FROM BRIAN:See the reel with images of the 5 signs of hidden mold from BrianHave an ERMI mold test kit you want reviewed? Get the ERMI interpretation tool: The ERMI CodeDon't have an ERMI mold home test? Get the DUST test! (It's a home mold test built by Brian + his team!)Mold Insurance Hacks Free Training10 Most Common Remediation Mistakes Free Download
  • Tired of needing laxatives to poop? Natural constipation remedies not working? If so, toxic mold exposure may be causing your constipation.


    Do you feel like you have tried EVERYTHING to heal your constipation?

    Do you feel like you've tried ALL the recommended solutions to heal your constipation - like fiber, magnesium, probiotics, or restricted diets - without anything working?

    Does having to take laxatives regularly to poop worry you? You want a way to poop without them - but HOW?

    Or - have you spent hundreds or thousands of dollars on specialized labs, supplements, and holistic practitioners - with no results to show for it?

    If so, then toxic mold exposure may be causing your constipation!

    Mold illness is slowly becoming more mainstream amongst functional and holistic doctors and practitioners, but it's STILL majorly overlooked and misunderstood as a potential cause of constipation.

    On todays' episode, I'm sharing with you how mold clogs up your gut, slows your motility, and can keep you from pooping.

    If you have IBS, constipation, bloating, or abdominal pain, then you DON'T want to miss this episode!

    And if you want to learn more about ALL the symptoms toxic mold exposure can cause, be sure to check out Episode 220// 100 Symptoms of Toxic Mold Exposure. Listen in to that episode to see how many of YOUR symptoms line up with toxic mold exposure.

    EPISODES MENTIONED:Ep. 2// Why the Low FODMAP Diet Isn’t Healing Your GutEp. 3// Why Probiotics Aren’t Healing Your Gut31// Why Your Doctor Says Your Labs Look “Normal” – Even When You Don’t FEEL Normal50// Why the Elimination Diet Isn’t Healing Your Gut 103// Detoxing Is Not A Green Smoothie126// 5 Common Causes of Constipation Beyond Food165// The Constipation Magnesium Myth178// Why Constipation Medicine and Laxatives Are Not Helping
    END YOUR CONSTIPATION NOW 👇Want to clear your constipation - for GOOD? Watch this FREE training walking you through how to heal, once and for all!
    RESOURCES:Get Full Access to my Liver Detox Protocol for only $7!Download my
  • Get the most comprehensive list of common symptoms of mold exposure and toxic mold symptoms. How many of these do you have? 🤔


    Do you have symptoms that your doctors can't explain?

    Do you feel like no matter how many protocols you do, supplements you take, or diet changes you make, your symptoms don't go away (or stay away)?

    Have you burned through loads of cash and doctors trying to figure out the root cause of your symptoms, without seemingly anything to show for it?

    If so, you may be dealing with mold!

    On today's episode, we're diving into ALL the symptoms of mold exposure - and there are a LOT!

    I wanted to give you the MOST thorough list of mold exposure symptoms, in one spot, that I could think of - because I have NEVER seen a resource this thorough before.

    My goal is that, when you hear all the mold illness symptoms, you can map your story onto these in a way that gives you a clue as to a potential source of your mystery symptoms. So that you no longer feel like a medical mystery AND you can FINALLY get your next steps to feeling better.

    Buckle in. We're about to take a dive into mold toxicity.

    EPISODES MENTIONED:70// SIBO: The 2 Reasons Why SIBO Has a 50% Recurrence Rate + How to Overcome SIBO and the Low FODMAP Diet149// The Candida Episode: 4 Step Natural Candida TreatmentSubscribe to hear 👉 Ep. 223// The 3 Step Mold Treatment Plan releasing Aug. 15, 2024
    HEAL FROM MOLD:Watch this FREE training to learn how the Gut Healer System can help you heal from mold, from A to Z!
    RESOURCES:Get Full Access to my Liver Detox Protocol for only $7!Download my Free Constipation Relief GuideDownload the entire Better Belly Podcast Vault!Get the Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis Spreadsheet
    LINKS:JOIN → Join our FREE Facebook Group FOLLOW → @betterbellytherapies ASK → Ask a Question for the PodcastWORK WITH US → betterbellytherapies.com
  • Do you feel better every time you're on a protocol, but as soon as you stop your supplements or diet restrictions, your symptoms come back?

    Have you done a SIBO, parasite, or candida protocol multiple times, only to find that retesting shows you STILL have it?

    Do you feel like you've tried EVERYTHING to heal your body, but nothing has worked?

    Do you have symptoms across your body that can't be explained by doctors, symptoms like brain fog, fatigue, eczema, constipation, acid reflux, bloating, hormone imbalance, or PMS?

    If you said yes to ANY of these question, then you need to care about something called mold illness.

    Mold illness is caused by being exposed to toxins that mold produced called MYCOTOXINS. It's different than a mold allergy, and so it's typically ignored completely by conventional medicine.

    Here on the Better Belly Podcast, we are having a Mold Month Series during August where every episode is dedicated to educating you about mold, how to know if you have it, and what to do about it if you do.

    This series is designed for those new to the mold conversation and those who've been in it for a while. If you're new to the idea of mold, though, you likely have a big fat question of: "Do I really need to care about this?"

    On today's episode, I'm addressing my top reasons on WHY you should be seriously considering that mold may be apart of your chronic health problems.

    HEAL YOUR GUT AND HORMONES:Want to heal your gut and hormones - for good? Watch this FREE training to learn the top reasons you aren't healing, PLUS how to heal the FASTEST possible using the Gut Healer System
    RESOURCES:Subscribe to the Better Belly Podcast to hear the entire Mold Month Series!Get Full Access to my Liver Detox Protocol for only $7!Download my Free Constipation Relief GuideDownload the entire Better Belly Podcast Vault!Get the Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis Spreadsheet
    LINKS:JOIN → Join our FREE Facebook Group FOLLOW → @betterbellytherapies ASK → Ask a Question for the PodcastWORK WITH US →
  • If you have a tortuous colon, redundant colon, or mega colon - do you have a life sentence to constipation? Learn the answer today.


    If you're listening to this episode, then you've likely been diagnosed with or believe you may have either a redundant colon or tortuous colon, or a mega colon. And you're wondering - if I have this, can I ever overcome my constipation?

    Unfortunately for you, doctors frequently make it sound like a redundant or tortuous colon, or a mega colon, are life sentences to constipation. They often make it sound like you have this irreversible structural problem you'll never overcome, and you either have to do a surgery (that might not help anyways), take tons of laxatives, or you just aren't going to poop daily.

    The good news is - this is NOT true.

    But I don't expect you to simply take my word for it.

    In today's episode, I'm going to dive into WHY a redundant / tortuous colon and megacolon are not life sentences to constipation, why doctors make it seem that way, and what you can do to overcome bloating and constipation in your life - even with a redundant / tortuous colon or megacolon.

    LINKS FROM THE SHOW:If this podcast episode made positively impacted you, please leave a Rating and Review for the podcast. It'd mean so much! ❤️
    END YOUR CONSTIPATION NOW:Watch this FREE training to learn how to start the process to end your constipation TODAY
    RESOURCES:Get Full Access to my Liver Detox Protocol for only $7!Download my Free Constipation Relief GuideFind a Craniosacral Therapy or Visceral Manipulation therapist near you using my easy, step-by-step guide!Download the entire Better Belly Podcast Vault!Get the Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis Spreadsheet
    LINKS:JOIN → Join our FREE Facebook Group FOLLOW → @betterbellytherapies ASK → Ask a Question for the PodcastWORK WITH US → betterbellytherapies.com
    SHOW US YOUR LOVE:If this podcast episode made positively impacted you, please
  • Has your ADHD recently gotten worse? Not ADHD as a kid, but suddenly have problems with attention and forgetfulness? Mold may be the cause.

    For the last few weeks, we've been in an ADHD series where I've been breaking down the connection between your BODY and your ADHD.

    I've talked about 5 ways to make your ADHD easier to manage by healing your gut, if intermittent fasting is a hack for ADHDers who forgets to eat meals, and 2 genes to support if you have ADHD (check out gene #1 here and gene #2 here).

    On today's episode, I'm wrapping up our ADHD series with talking about a very serious and very common irritant I'm seeing taking my client's ADHD to whole new levels of intensity.

    This episode could technically fit into the episode on 5 ways to make your ADHD easier to manage by healing your gut, because one of those five things is dealing with hidden pathogens.

    But this topic is so common, complex, and honestly undiscussed, that I decided to give the conversation on ADHD and mold it's own episode.

    If you have ADHD, think you have ADHD, or struggle with forgetfulness, brain fog, inattention, irritability, or mood swings, then this episode is for you.

    EPISODES MENTIONED:Ep. 212// The ADHD-Gut Connection: 5 Ways to Make ADHD Management Easier By Healing Your GutEp. 213// 4 ADHD-Friendly Tips for Taking Supplements and Eating Regularly, with Patricia Sung
    MAKE YOUR ADHD EASIER:Want to heal from mold so your ADHD is easier to manage? Watch this FREE training walking you through how the Better Belly Blueprint can help you do EXACTLY that!
    RESOURCES:Test your home for mold: The Dust TestTest yourself:Get the OAT Test: Better Belly BlueprintTake the VCS Test (Mold Screening based on eye health)Subscribe to the Better Belly Podcast to listen to Mold Month (Aug 2024!)Get Full Access to my Liver Detox Protocol for only $7!Download my Free Constipation Relief GuideDownload the entire
  • Last week, I did an episode on ADHD and the MAOA gene mutation. When I released the episode, I told ya'll that this was THE gene mutation that was connected to ADHD and it was going to be a great episode.

    Well...it was a great episode! But, as I was collecting the data for the episode, I realized that I had forgotten about another gene mutation that ALSO highly indicated ADHD.

    Drumroll please 🥁

    It is...the COMT gene mutation!

    On today's episode, I'm sharing all about the COMT gene mutation, what it's role is in the body, signs and symptoms you might have this gene mutation, and how you can support it naturally.

    I hope this episode opens your eyes, and gives you a new way to see your ADHD and how you can support yourself.


    EPISODES MENTIONED:Ep. 212// The ADHD-Gut Connection: 5 Ways to Make ADHD Management Easier By Healing Your GutEp. 214// Is this Gene Mutation Making Your ADHD Worse? Why the MAOA SNP Matters If You Have ADHD171// 3 Dairy Free Foods for Creamy Cheese, Sauces, and PIZZA41// Anxiety, depression, or ADHD? One reason to check your gut48// Got snoring, sleep apnea, TMJ, or teeth grinding? You may need an Orofacial Myofunctional Therapist! – with Madison Scott, RDH, Myofunctional Therapist
    ADDITIONAL EDUCATION:Dirty Genes, by Dr. Ben Lynch
    MAKE YOUR ADHD EASIER:Want to heal your gut so your ADHD is easier to manage? Watch this FREE training walking you through how the Better Belly Blueprint can help you do EXACTLY that!
    RESOURCES:Get Full Access to my Liver Detox Protocol for only $7!Download my Free Constipation Relief GuideDownload the entire Better Belly Podcast Vault!Get the Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis Spreadsheet
    LINKS:JOIN → Join our FREE Facebook
  • Do you often forget to eat a meal?

    Do you ever miss a meal, or eat it late, and feel like you feel BETTER for it?

    Have you ever wondered if intermittent fasting would be right for you?

    One common question I get from clients who struggle with missing meals is - is it okay to miss meals? If I'm missing meals and feel fine without them, should I try intermittent fasting?

    These are OFTEN questions coming from clients who are ADHD or believe they may have ADHD.

    On today's episode, I'm answering questions like:

    Is it so bad to not eat or forget a meal?Is intermittent fasting a good or bad idea if you're ADHD? Dr. Ben Lynch's example for how to use intermittent fasting if you're ADHDTips to foods to keep around that are healthy and you can eat at any moment, anywhere - if you need some food ASAP

    If you have trouble eating meals consistently, then this episode is for you!

    EPISODES MENTIONED:171// 3 Dairy Free Foods for Creamy Cheese, Sauces, and PIZZA
    RESOURCES MENTIONED:Get my high protein muffin recipe (gluten free, grain free, dairy free - no added sugar!)
    WORK 1:1 WITH ME:Make Your Health EASY! 👉 Join the Better Belly Blueprint today!Want to heal - for good? Watch this FREE training walking you through how to heal, once and for all!
    RESOURCES:Get Full Access to my Liver Detox Protocol for only $7!Download my Free Constipation Relief GuideDownload the entire Better Belly Podcast Vault!
    LINKS:JOIN → Join our FREE Facebook Group FOLLOW → @betterbellytherapies ASK → Ask a Question for the PodcastWORK WITH US → betterbellytherapies.com
    SHOW US YOUR LOVE:If this podcast episode positively impacted you, please leave a Rating and Review for the podcast. It'd mean so much!...
  • Today, we are continuing on with our ADHD series here on the Better Belly Podcast.

    Today, I'm going to be talking about something I just do NOT hear people talk about in the ADHD community, and that is the MAOA gene mutation.

    These gene mutation is HUGELY implicated in ADHD.

    You do not automatically have the MAOA gene mutation if you have ADHD, but if you do have this gene mutation, you can be set up for symptoms like poor focus, carb cravings, difficulty staying asleep, depression, chocolate cravings, have a tremendous amount of energy one moment then none the next, have great focus one moment then none the next, have difficulty controlling your temper, and generally crave things that will give you a dopamine hit.

    If you are looking for ways to support your ADHD than can literally make it EASIER to manage, without needing more systems to rule your life - then this episode is for you.

    EPISODES MENTIONED:171// 3 Dairy Free Foods for Creamy Cheese, Sauces, and PIZZA41// Anxiety, depression, or ADHD? One reason to check your gut48// Got snoring, sleep apnea, TMJ, or teeth grinding? You may need an Orofacial Myofunctional Therapist! – with Madison Scott, RDH, Myofunctional Therapist
    RESOURCES MENTIONED:Dirty Genes, by Dr. Ben LynchCheck out Motherhood in ADHD podcast
    MAKE YOUR ADHD EASIER:Want to heal your gut so you can make managing your ADHD easier? Watch this FREE training walking you through how the Better Belly Blueprint can help you do EXACTLY that!
    RESOURCES:Get Full Access to my Liver Detox Protocol for only $7!Download my Free Constipation Relief GuideDownload the entire Better Belly Podcast Vault!Get Your Personal Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis Spreadsheet
    LINKS:JOIN → Join our FREE Facebook Group FOLLOW → @betterbellytherapies ASK →
  • As you guys know, we are currently in an ADHD series on the Better Belly Podcast. And I thought, what better way to do an ADHD series than to have an expert on supporting women with ADHD onto the podcast?

    Patricia Sung is the host of the Motherhood in ADHD Podcast, a Top 5 Parenting podcast, that encourages mamas with ADHD or suspected ADHD with practical strategies and relatable missteps. Patricia is a hobby-hopping, anxious adventurer, willing to try almost anything once.

    On today's episode, we talk about what ADHD is, why ADHD can look so different in women than men, common signs that you have ADHD, common signs of ADHD that often get overlooked, and Patricia's top tips on how to incorporate new goals into your life, such as taking vitamins regularly or changing your diet, when you have ADHD.

    Whether you know you have or THINK you have ADHD, this episode is for you.

    CONNECT WITH PATRICIA:Grab Patricia's Free ADHD Mama ToolkitListen to Patricia's Podcast, Motherhood in ADHDFollow her on InstagramWork with her: http://www.patriciasung.com/meetupUse the code: BELLY10 to try their community for only $10 for the first month (reg $33/month)Check out her website
    HEAL YOUR GUT, HELP YOUR ADHD:There are a VARIETY of ways your gut can make ADHD harder to manage - even if you feel like you have NO gut health symptoms! Listen to episode 212 on the Better Belly Podcast to learn Watch this FREE training walking you through how to heal, once and for all!
    RESOURCES:Get Full Access to my Liver Detox Protocol for only $7!Download my Free Constipation Relief GuideDownload the entire Better Belly Podcast Vault!
    LINKS:JOIN → Join our FREE Facebook Group FOLLOW → @betterbellytherapies ASK → Ask a Question for the PodcastWORK WITH US →
  • Learn how these 5 gut health strategies can make managing your ADHD easier WITHOUT more medication or mental gymnastics!


    When I first started working with clients in their gut health in 2018, I had NO awareness of ADHD or the connection between ADHD and the gut.

    However, after just a couple years of working with clients, I realized that I consistently was getting remarks from clients saying, "My ADHD is getting better!", "I can focus better!" or "Can this work possibly help ADHD? I feel like mine is better!"

    Just a few weeks ago, a client said to me: "I thought that all my distraction, irritability, and difficulty focusing might be ADHD and being a mom, but so much of my brain fog has lifted since I started these protocols!"

    My response has always been, "Great!"

    But they wanted to know...WHY?

    On today's episode, I'm diving into 5 ways your gut impacts your brain, and how you can use these 5 gut health strategies to make managing your ADHD easier.

    Whether you feel like you do or don't have gut health problems, if you know you have or THINK you have ADHD, this episode is for you!

    EPISODES MENTIONED:40// Reduce Acid Reflux with the Magic Power of Zinc118// LIVER: The #1 Thing You Can Do to Ease Bloating and PMS90// Fascia 101: The Hidden Force Behind Bloating and Constipation31// Why Your Doctor Says Your Labs Look “Normal” – Even When You Don’t FEEL Normal41// Anxiety, depression, or ADHD? One reason to check your gut24// 5 Ways to Heal Your Acid Reflux – Without Pharmaceuticals!SUBSCRIBE to get the Mold Series in August 2024!
    HEAL YOUR GUT, HELP YOUR ADHD:Heal Your Gut! 👉 Join the Better Belly Blueprint today!How does the Blueprint work?? Watch this FREE training to learn how here!
    RESOURCES:Get Full Access to my Liver Detox Protocol for only $7!Download my Free Constipation Relief GuideDownload the entire Better Belly Podcast Vault! Get the