Back from an 11-month hiatus - clearly someone dropped a Queen of Herds and got an unexpected spawn! Where have the boys been? What do they think of Angelic Tikas? Is Subaiku speaking through a paper cup on a string? These questions and more will be answered in the next 46 minutes!
As promised here's Freeloader's Frozen Zoo deck: MnVhMDd1MDA3czEwNHUxMDN1MDYxdTA1M2IxMDJ1MDMxdTExM3UwNTF1ZDEydTAxNg==
Another pair of cards (this time commons!) released, and a mysterious announcement about the new Stormbound Games ownership...
We can see they're trying... What comes next?
(September Patch Notes: https://stormbound-kitty.com/releases/09-2022)
The Brewed Sages return with another episode focusing on improving your play in Stormbound - this time with special guest Mock23 who shares his ideas on self improvement. Fun fact: we each learned something to improve our game while recording this episode.
New Patch Notes are out (https://stormbound-kitty.com/releases/08-2022), and that means a new round of BS commentary on the upcoming changes!
As June comes to its close, the season ends and patch notes are released. This marks the beginning of the BS phase of the month, where 3 Stormbound players get together to discuss the upcoming changes to the much-loved game and to provide their bona-fide BS takes on what the changes portend.
Make sure to follow along with the patch notes here: https://stormbound-kitty.com/releases/07-2022
Having received and excellent email from a new listener, the Brewed Sages have been compelled to issue an extra episode this month focusing on the fundamentals of Stormbound play! Give it a listen, everyone can find something of value from this back to BASICs conversation.
For a fundamental guide to attack order, etc... check out the wonderful Battle Guide at Stormbound Kitty: https://stormbound-kitty.com/guides/battle
If there are Stormbound patch notes, you know the Brewed Sages have them summarized and analyzed for you! The details for June changes are out, and your second favorite Stormbound podcasters have all the hot (and lukewarm) takes you've come to expect... is Rain of Frogs now unplayable or still broken?!
The Brewed Sages (yes... all 3 of them this time!) have finally reunited and just wanna talk Stormbound. No notes, no structure - just 3 guys who love SB chatting about the game.
Once more, the Brewed Sages have returned to give you the rundown on all the upcoming balance changes (and new cards!!) coming in May... and what's this? Now Thomas has a cold?? Why are the Brewed Sages behaving so "Recklessly" as to be getting sick all the time?!
Despite being under the weather, or very own Subaiku HEROICALLY joins Thomas and Freeloader to discuss the upcoming balance changes, new cards, and other Stormbound stuff arriving in April! Ancient Heroes? Sign us up! Could Rimelings be finally seeing a buff?? You'll have to tune in to find out!
Follow along with us as we dissect the Patch Notes here: https://stormbound-kitty.com/releases/04-2022
Also, HUGE SHOUT OUT to stormbound-kitty.com for celebrating their 3-year anniversary!
The Brewed Sages return once more, this time with community news, Maxwell's requested Deck Detective (FINALLY!!!), and so much more of the Stormbound content you crave. Wanna know how the meta is looking this season? There's only one way to find out!
Show Notes:
Check out all the latest balance changes at https://stormbound-kitty.com/releases/03-2022
Here is Maxwell's deck for Deck Detective: https://discord.com/channels/293674725069029377/763447876478566460/945049697398177822
Lastly, if you wanted to go back and listen to our first episode about GUNs, it's Episode 24!
The Brewed Sages return once more to discuss all the latest news for your favorite digital card game: Stormbound! Patch notes released? We have the all the takes you handle, piping hot out of the oven. Buffs? Nerfs? New cards? All of the above, and at least some of our analysis will be right!
The Brewed Sages return once more with an info-packed episode on all things Stormbound! How is the new winter ancient? What do we think about the upcoming swarm ancient? And how about a good ol' Deck Detective analyzing ROADAV's deck from January (you can see the decklist HERE )!https://stormbound-kitty.com/deck/5xn1i1n3n86i5n67i7i8i10i27n60n39https://stormbound-kitty.com/deck/5xn1i1n3n86i5n67i7i8i10i27n60n39https://stormbound-kitty.com/deck/5xn1i1n3n86i5n67i7i8i10i27n60n39https://stormbound-kitty.com/deck/5xn1i1n3n86i5n67i7i8i10i27n60n39
Live and in person, the Brewed Sages celebrate their 50th episode in style - with as many of their listeners as could join! Patch notes are out, what do they think? Listeners have questions, what are the answers? And most importantly: WHAT DOES THE MIRC's VOICE SOUND LIKE???? All will be revealed.
Note: At 4:26, OBS crashed and necessitated a restart. Our apologies for the lost conversation and rough transition in the video/audio.
Oh, what a year it has been, fellow Stormbound players - and the Brewed Sages have compiled it all into 1 short hour of fun for you!! What changed in 2021? What was added? Do we like where this game is headed? Most importantly, what message did Reckless leave the Sages?!
Long rumored in hushed tones... oft dreamt of by Stormbound players everywhere...
The Brewed Sages are back to bring tidings of a Holiday miracle: Draft Mode is here - and it's wonderful! We also will give you a walk-through of our BS Guide for the new mode (of course!), data on the health and growth of the game, and a toast to the New Year!
Stormbounders, Brzoza-claus has come and delivered an early present to the Brewed Sages, and in the spirit of the Holiday Season, we're here to share the gift of leaks with you! The Brewed Sages are back once again - and of course with all the Stormbound content you've been yearning for (Leaks!). We have so much to discuss, from our new merch store (and Leaks!), community news (and Leaks!), the new Meta Report (LEAKS!!!!), and the new Draft Mode (OMG LEAKS!!!!!!!!). Here's a link to our new Merch Store: https://www.zazzle.com/store/the_brewed_sages
When playing multiple runs of Draft Mode in a single week, you can ONLY play with tickets 3 times to earn chest rewards, after that all subsequent runs will be free (and only provide standard win rewards) -
The Brewed Sages are back with everyone's second favorite podcast! We have our most anticipated monthly installment: the Patch Notes episode! What cards are getting nerfed? What cards are getting burfed? What cards might transition from meme to meta? Also check out some of the improvements to the game: changes which should impact every player from the newest to the most veteran of Stormbound gamer!
Here's a link to the December Patch Notes: https://stormbound-kitty.com/releases/12-2021
The Brewed Sages tried a little something different this week! Swing on over to our YouTube channel to see what we've brewed up for you - or use this link to go directly to the video: https://youtu.be/5faCic-2W8w
The Brewed Sages have brewed up a new Meta Report - this one with even more BS! Listen in as they walk you through its data, how to use it, and most importantly how it can help you play our favorite game, Stormbound!
Check out the BS Meta Report (v 2.0) here: https://rb.gy/mnvj5n
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