
  • The inevitable price of success: once you begin making good money in your business, you start having to pay more in taxes. The first tax season after achieving a six-figure year can leave you reeling, but gaining a deeper understanding of your obligations and benefits can help you reduce your tax burden. In this value-packed episode of The Business of Thinking Big, I’m joined by experienced CPA and Chillbooks founder Jami Monte. Jami is passionate about empowering entrepreneurs with the financial know-how they need to succeed, and mentors CPAs while reshaping traditional firm models for a more balanced life.

    Our conversation is FULL of juicy golden nuggets that will help you hold onto more of the wealth you generate as you grow and scale. Tune in as Jami shares three brilliant, safe, and legal tax strategies for lowering the amount you owe, how to avoid sending up red flags for the CRA or IRS, and when you should consider incorporating your business.

    In‌ ‌this‌ ‌episode,‌ ‌you’ll discover:‌ ‌

    What you’re allowed to write off, and how to track and optimize your spending How to claim home office space (even if your partner pays some or all of the rent or mortgage) How to create an audit-ready bookkeeping system and plan for future tax years

    Guest bio: After a 7-year career as a CPA in the advertising industry, Jami Monte transitioned to entrepreneurship and launched Chillbooks™ — a fun, approachable financial education course that offers bookkeeping and QuickBooks training, along with essential financial education for entrepreneurs. As TurboTax's spokeswoman she has been featured across multiple new outlets including CP24, Globe & Mail, and BNN Bloomberg.

    Timestamps:‌ ‌

    00:32 Meet Jami Monte

    06:02 Understanding & optimizing write-offs

    09:40 Cell phone bills, rent & mortgage

    10:42 CRA red flags

    12:58 Home audit story

    14:33 Document meals & entertainment

    17:17 Systemizing your bookkeeping

    21:54 Chillbooks

    24:28 Tax planning

    27:10 Should you incorporate?

    33:40 Choosing an accountant

    36:02 Final tips & conclusion

    Links mentioned:‌ ‌

    Jami Monte



    Instagram: @jami.monte

    Learn with me: Mamapreneur Success Path - Free Audio Training

    ‌Connect with me:

    Facebook: facebook.com/liannekimcoach

    Instagram: @liannekimcoach

    Join the Mamas & Co. community to get access to valuable resources and the support of likeminded mompreneurs and mentors: mamasandco.com

    Instagram: @mamasandco

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  • Money is a powerfully emotional topic… and for many of us, it’s strongly tied to our feelings of self worth and confidence. Women often worry that they aren’t making as much money as they want to or “should” be, and as a result they don't feel successful. When we feel unsuccessful and anxious about our revenue, our actions may be guided by fear or even desperation — and that can have a BIG impact on our business growth.

    This episode of The Business of Thinking Big dives into the concept of wealth mindset and reveals seven key things that highly successful women entrepreneurs do to increase and manage their wealth, from tapping into their “future” self to developing a more playful relationship with their money. To prepare for this conversation, I surveyed over a dozen women who know how to build wealth… and what to do with it! Listen now to learn their juiciest strategies for cultivating a healthy wealth mindset that will open the door to more abundance, impact, and success!

    In‌ ‌this‌ ‌episode,‌ ‌you’ll discover:‌ ‌

    How your expectations shape the growth you will experience in your businessWho you should surround yourself with to maximize your potential How to take empowered action from a place of abundance, rather than fear or a scarcity mindset

    Timestamps:‌ ‌

    00:32 Intro

    06:12 Expect big things

    09:04 Have fun with money

    10:57 Be future-minded

    12:50 Manage your money

    16:53 Act from power

    19:41 Find your peer groups

    22:20 Behave wealthy!

    25:14 Conclusion

    Learn with me: Mamapreneur Success Path - Free Audio Training

    ‌Connect with me:

    Facebook: facebook.com/liannekimcoach

    Instagram: @liannekimcoach

    Join the Mamas & Co. community to get access to valuable resources and the support of likeminded mompreneurs and mentors: mamasandco.com

    Instagram: @mamasandco

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  • エピソードを見逃しましたか?


  • Being a successful entrepreneur means learning new skills on a fairly regular basis — especially during those crucial first years! We often struggle to reach new heights because branching outside our comfort zone feels uncomfortable… or we don't feel ready to take on a new role. But what if we could step into the shoes of someone who's already mastered it?

    My guest for this episode of The Business of Thinking Big has changed the lives of a lot of people, including Kobe Bryant, Rafael Nadal, Cristiano Ronaldo… and me! Todd Herman is a bestselling author, coach, and mentor who teaches elite athletes, entrepreneurs, and business teams how to uplevel their inner game through his actionable, no BS approach.

    During this conversation, we explore the enormous power of the alter ego and how slipping into a new identity can help you step up your game in surprising ways! Listen now to learn the role that identity plays in success, how to overcome fear of failure, and how to phrase your offers in a way that attracts curiosity and clients.

    In‌ ‌this‌ ‌episode,‌ ‌you’ll discover:‌

    How your self-perception can create blind spots — and how to find the right reframeWhy alter egos are SO effective for building confidenceHow to create a great alter ego for yourself (and how to name it)!

    Guest bio: Todd Herman has been working with the highest achievers in sports and business for over two decades. He is the creator of the multi-award-winning Leadership & Skills Development Program, 90 Day Year, and author of the WSJ bestselling book, ‘The Alter Ego Effect: The Power of Secret Identities to Transform Your Life’, as well as ‘My Super Me’, a children’s book to help young kids navigate tough stuff.

    Timestamps:‌ ‌

    00:32 Meet Todd Herman

    05:30 Phrasing your offers

    08:28 Fear & environment

    12:54 The Alter Ego Effect

    22:21 Why alter egos work

    27:17 Confidence & certainty

    33:30 How to build an alter ego

    38:32 Different alter egos

    42:40 Naming your alter ego

    45:55 Role conflict & strain

    49:08 Rapid-fire questions

    55:11 Conclusion

    Links mentioned:‌

    Todd Herman



    Instagram: @todd_herman

    The Alter Ego Effect: The Power of Secret Identities to Transform Your Life by Todd Herman

    Learn with me: Mamapreneur Success Path - Free Audio Training

    ‌Connect with me:

    Facebook: facebook.com/liannekimcoach

    Instagram: @liannekimcoach

    Join the Mamas & Co. community to get access to valuable resources and the support of likeminded mompreneurs and mentors: mamasandco.com

    Instagram: @mamasandco

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  • When we feel “stuck” in our businesses, we may believe that we lack motivation. More often, what we actually lack is the discipline to focus on what we must do in order to hit our goals. Motivation comes and goes — we can experience it more often during periods of expansion, while undergoing a rebrand, or even on a “Motivation Monday.” But while it may lead to bursts of inspired action and visionary work, it isn’t the fuel that powers long-term progress.

    Discipline is what helps us take the small daily actions that lead to steady, reliable growth over time. These actions don’t always need to be perfectly done, they just need to be consistent —showing up each and every day to do the work is what will help you move the needle and see lasting results! This solo episode of The Business of Thinking Big explores the differences between motivation and discipline, and the role that each concept plays in our growth.

    In‌ ‌this‌ ‌episode,‌ ‌you’ll discover:‌ ‌

    How and why your motivation levels may fluctuate from day to day or week to week Real-world examples of how discipline can look in practiceHow to build consistent and effective action into even the busiest schedule!

    Timestamps:‌ ‌

    00:32 Intro

    02:08 Motivation comes and goes

    04:24 What is discipline?

    05:41 Weight management example

    08:26 Building consistency

    10:37 Personal savings example

    13:58 Forming habits

    15:58 Thank yourself!

    17:12 Cheerleading example

    19:49 Where do you want more discipline?

    22:02 How many minutes a day?

    26:46 Recap & conclusion

    Learn with me: Mamapreneur Success Path - Free Audio Training

    ‌Connect with me:

    Facebook: facebook.com/liannekimcoach

    Instagram: @liannekimcoach

    Join the Mamas & Co. community to get access to valuable resources and the support of likeminded mompreneurs and mentors: mamasandco.com

    Instagram: @mamasandco

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  • We all want to be given the "blueprint" to success, but there is no magical map that will work for everyone. To achieve your personal version of authentic, soul-led success, you must learn to trust your instincts and the journey — even when it doesn’t look like everyone else’s!

    In this deep and soulful episode of The Business of Thinking Big, I sit down the amazing Soul Strategist, Success Coach, bestselling author, and keynote speaker Anita Rombough. Anita has carved a unique and inspiring niche for herself that truly reflects and synthesizes her deepest passions, strongest skills, and eclectic interests. During this conversation, we explore the process that helped her discover her niche, the major skill that sets good marketers apart, the biggest lessons she learned in A-Players, and how she turned the pandemic into an opportunity to shake off her corporate life and create a nourishing, heart-led career.

    In‌ ‌this‌ ‌episode,‌ ‌you’ll discover:‌ ‌

    How Anita landed on the perfect title to communicate the transformation she offers her clients How she identified her ideal client and successfully marketed her skills to the people she was born to serveWhat it means to achieve soulful success in your business

    Guest bio: Anita Rombough is the Soul Strategist and Success Coach for those daring to live limitlessly. A seasoned therapist and exec with over 20 years in the corporate trenches and a rich tapestry of advanced degrees, Anita's your go-to for transformational results. She’s the synergy of spreadsheet savvy and spiritual depth, guiding soulful seekers, entrepreneurs and professionals to their own brand of soulful success — the sweet spot where purpose, impact, and prosperity meet.

    Timestamps:‌ ‌

    00:32 Meet Anita Rombough

    04:06 A-Players

    07:19 Choosing her niche

    09:42 Marketing her skillset

    13:19 Soulful success

    17:27 Creating the first masterclass

    23:20 Growth since A-Players

    28:38 Energetics & final tips

    32:15 Conclusion

    Links mentioned:‌ ‌

    Anita Rombough


    Instagram: @anitarombough

    A-Players Rapid Impact Business Coaching Program

    Learn with me: Mamapreneur Success Path - Free Audio Training

    ‌Connect with me:

    Facebook: facebook.com/liannekimcoach

    Instagram: @liannekimcoach

    Join the Mamas & Co. community to get access to valuable resources and the support of likeminded mompreneurs and mentors: mamasandco.com

    Instagram: @mamasandco

    Podcasting support:



  • When you think about your business, do you still get butterflies in your stomach? Or do you find yourself feeling “over it”? Although we may be following our passions and our callings, we can often find ourselves falling out of love with our businesses. When your business no longer feels fresh and exciting, your work can begin to feel hard, heavy, and frustrating… and you may even begin to resent your team and your clients.

    And this is all perfectly normal.

    The truth is that your relationship with your business is like any other relationship. It will inevitably have ebbs and flows, and you will need to put in the work to keep it healthy and fulfilling. So, how do you rediscover the joy and inspiration that had you waking up excited to serve your clients and make an impact? Tune into this solo episode of The Business of Thinking Big as I share the reasons why you may grow disenchanted with your business — and how to reignite the spark!

    In‌ ‌this‌ ‌episode,‌ ‌you’ll discover:‌ ‌

    How to spend less of your time working outside your zone of genius (and more time doing the things you were born to do)How to recognize and appreciate the valuable lessons that your setbacks and challenges can teach youPowerful resources that will help you unlock more joy, ease, and alignment in your business

    Timestamps:‌ ‌

    00:34 Intro

    02:52 Building momentum & levelling off

    05:43 Learning from our setbacks

    07:53 Zone of genius

    11:41 Building a Joyful Business

    14:27 Your Joyful Purpose

    17:49 Your Joyful Schedule

    24:45 Joyful, lucrative & successful

    26:52 Emotion-guided outsourcing

    30:45 3 criteria recap & final tips

    Links mentioned:‌ ‌

    The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level by Gay Hendricks

    Building a Joyful Business by Lianne Kim

    Learn with me: Mamapreneur Success Path - Free Audio Training

    ‌Connect with me:

    Facebook: facebook.com/liannekimcoach

    Instagram: @liannekimcoach

    Join the Mamas & Co. community to get access to valuable resources and the support of likeminded mompreneurs and mentors: mamasandco.com

    Instagram: @mamasandco

    Podcasting support:



  • How do we make more money and grow our businesses? The answer is simple: we need to sell to more people — and in order to sell to more people, we need to first build strong connections with them. Speaking on a stage, whether in-person or virtual, is a fantastic way to get in front of new audiences and build that know, like, trust factor quickly... but knowing how to sell from the stage will take your speaking opportunities to the next level!

    My guest for this episode of The Business of Thinking Big has built a global reputation as your go-to guy when you want your presentation to get clients, not just claps. Through his coaching and Sell From Stage Academy® program, Colin Boyd has helped hundreds of entrepreneurs worldwide speak and sell with confidence (including big names such as Amy Porterfield)!

    During this conversation, Colin shares some of his top tips for both new and seasoned speakers, from the value of showing up in break-out rooms to the simple bio hack that will instantly transform how the world sees you.

    In‌ ‌this‌ ‌episode,‌ ‌you’ll discover:‌ ‌

    How Colin signed 12 new clients after his first presentation (and what the experience taught him)How to get in front of new people eager to hear your message — and 3 things to consider about a potential audienceHow to maximize the benefit of a speaking opportunity and tell stories that convert

    Guest bio: Colin Boyd has advised the biggest names in the industry to speak and sell from both virtual and live stages, including Amy Porterfield, Jenna Kutcher, Anthony Oneal, Julie Solomon, and Carrie Green. He is a Certified Speaking Professional who has been on the professional speaking circuit for over a decade. His signature program Sell From Stage Academy® helps coaches and course creators turn every presentation into a money-making machine.

    Timestamps:‌ ‌

    00:32 Meet Colin Boyd

    03:05 First presentation story

    05:47 Life coach journey

    08:24 Why is speaking so powerful?

    12:42 Break-out rooms & workshop story

    15:37 Finding new audiences

    20:04 Infusion selling

    23:24 Storytelling & core premise

    30:32 Paid v. unpaid

    35:13 One great talk

    36:48 Final tip

    38:17 Question round

    44:08 Conclusion

    Links mentioned:‌ ‌

    Colin Boyd


    Instagram: @colinboyd

    The Conversion Story Formula

    Stephen Covey

    Learn with me: Mamapreneur Success Path - Free Audio Training

    ‌Connect with me:

    Facebook: facebook.com/liannekimcoach

    Instagram: @liannekimcoach

    Join the Mamas & Co. community to get access to valuable resources and the support of likeminded mompreneurs and mentors: mamasandco.com

    Instagram: @mamasandco

    Podcasting support:



  • If you’re a long-time podcast listener (or have read my books), you know that I’m a big believer that mindset is the key to success. Neglecting your mindset can cause stagnation, leaving you with the frustrating feeling of being “stuck” in your business. While mindset work makes a massive difference when it comes to our business growth, even the most determined among us may struggle with staying consistent. As hard as it can be to keep up a mindset work streak, the benefits are SO worth it!

    This solo episode of The Business of Thinking Big will help you jumpstart and maintain a consistent and productive mindset practice, so you can grow and thrive as an entrepreneur — and as a human being. Listen now as I share six impactful and actionable tips for building powerful mindset work opportunities into your daily life with more ease.

    In‌ ‌this‌ ‌episode,‌ ‌you’ll discover:‌ ‌

    · How to be clear about what it is you actually want — and how this clarity will help you bring it to reality

    · How the language you use when talking about your business can impact your mindset and lived experiences

    · The game-changing magic that will happen when you ‘pay it forward’ more often!

    Timestamps:‌ ‌

    00:31 Intro & mindset slump story

    03:27 Choose positive thoughts

    06:17 Be clear about your wants

    09:32 Watch your language

    12:21 Watch your expectations

    15:54 Pay it forward more

    19:17 Spend time in gratitude

    22:37 Conclusion

    Links mentioned:‌ ‌

    The Business of Thinking Big #292: Our Thoughts Create Our Reality

    Learn with me: Mamapreneur Success Path - Free Audio Training

    ‌Connect with me:

    Facebook: facebook.com/liannekimcoach

    Instagram: @liannekimcoach

    Join the Mamas & Co. community to get access to valuable resources and the support of likeminded mompreneurs and mentors: mamasandco.com

    Instagram: @mamasandco

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  • "Where does it all go?"

    This is a question I often hear from new clients when discussing their revenue. No matter how hard we work and how many clients we bring on board, it can sometimes feel as though our pockets are a little empty at the end of the month. As entrepreneurs, we not only want to make more money, we also want to KEEP more of it!

    In this episode of The Business of Thinking Big, I chat with money expert Kimberly Tara. As a brilliant Tax Strategist and Business Growth Advisor, Kimberly fosters a supportive community where CEO moms are encouraged to ask the difficult tax and financial questions, so they can confidently make better business decisions.

    During this juicy and value-packed conversation, we explore the savvy marketing strategies that will help you increase your revenue, and Kim reveals her top three financial tips for holding onto more of the money that you earn.

    In‌ ‌this‌ ‌episode,‌ ‌you’ll discover:‌ ‌

    3 things every entrepreneur needs to know in order to make more money in their businessThe numbers that you should be monitoring each and every monthWhy consistency is key when it comes to tracking your numbers

    Guest bio: Kimberly Tara, CPA, CTC, is a wife, mom of 4, and a multi-passionate entrepreneur. As a Tax Strategist and Business Growth Advisor, Kimberly and her team partner with CEO Mom service providers to build wealth through proactive tax strategy and an ongoing, trusting relationship with your CPA. She believes in putting more money back in her clients’ pockets and helping them sustainably grow their business while putting family first.

    Timestamps:‌ ‌

    00:34 Meet Kimberly Tara

    02:38 Finding our niches

    06:36 Mom or badass biz owner?

    10:14 Co-episode explanation

    11:48 Post with intention

    15:16 Prospect

    18:11 Reframing the sale & knowing what to share

    20:43 Pitch yourself

    25:38 Step into your CEO role

    26:33 Know your numbers

    29:34 Focus on the right numbers

    32:20 Building sustainability

    34:17 Expenses v. investments

    38:56 Taking ownership

    41:36 Final tips

    45:24 Conclusion

    Links mentioned:‌ ‌

    Kimberly Tara


    Facebook: facebook.com/taracpafirm

    Instagram: @kimberlytaracpa

    A-Players Rapid Impact Business Coaching Program

    Learn with me: Mamapreneur Success Path - Free Audio Training

    ‌Connect with me:

    Facebook: facebook.com/liannekimcoach

    Instagram: @liannekimcoach

    Join the Mamas & Co. community to get access to valuable resources and the support of likeminded mompreneurs and mentors: mamasandco.com

    Instagram: @mamasandco

    Podcasting support:



  • When it comes to lead generation, quantity can be great, but ultimately quality is by far the most important factor. The truth is that not all leads are created equal and there will only be a select few people that will be an ideal fit to work with you. If your marketing and sales strategies aren’t hitting the mark, it can take a lot of sifting through unqualified leads to find those diamonds in the rough!

    When you chase every lead that comes through or say YES to working with the wrong people, you can wind up having less time for your dream clients, experiencing unnecessary stress, or even getting negative reviews — so let’s work on identifying and closing your best-fit leads!

    This episode of The Business of Thinking Big is packed with golden nuggets that will help you focus your sales energy on getting fully booked with the clients you’re meant to serve in your business. Press play to learn the three different types of leads that you’ll encounter in your business, how to identify their position in the customer journey, and how to provide what they need from you when they need it.

    In‌ ‌this‌ ‌episode,‌ ‌you’ll discover:‌ ‌

    Which leads you should (and shouldn’t!) spend your valuable time and energy on How to cultivate your own qualified warm leads listHow to use your discovery calls to qualify leads — and the biggest questions you need to ask!

    Timestamps:‌ ‌

    00:32 Intro

    02:57 The 3 lead buckets

    07:15 Cold leads

    10:00 Warm & hot leads

    12:00 Qualifying leads through discovery calls

    14:34 What is their need?

    17:03 What’s their timeline?

    20:55 What is their budget?

    23:15 Is it a personality fit?

    25:27 Challenge

    26:53 Conclusion

    Links mentioned:‌ ‌

    A-Players Rapid Impact Business Coaching Program

    The Business of Thinking Big #30: How to Deal with Dry Spells

    Learn with me: Mamapreneur Success Path - Free Audio Training

    ‌Connect with me:

    Facebook: facebook.com/liannekimcoach

    Instagram: @liannekimcoach

    Join the Mamas & Co. community to get access to valuable resources and the support of likeminded mompreneurs and mentors: mamasandco.com

    Instagram: @mamasandco

    Podcasting support:



  • It’s one thing to understand the power of journalling when it comes to personal and professional development. But knowing how to actually start (and stick with) a regular journalling habit? For many people, that can be the tricky part. In this thoughtful episode of The Business of Thinking Big, I sit down with the incredible Dr. Stacy Thomas, an award-winning clinical psychologist and founder of The Design Your Life Centre in Toronto, to discuss the finer points of productive and transformative journalling and mindset work.

    During this conversation, we explore the (sometimes mind-boggling!) benefits of journalling, the scope and impact of entrepreneurial anxiety, and the meaningful moments that helped Stacy discover her calling as a psychologist.

    In‌ ‌this‌ ‌episode,‌ ‌you’ll discover:‌ ‌

    When and where to journal for your best results — and what to journal about in order to spark growth and insights How your journalling practice can ebb, flow, and evolve over time 3 phrases to help you create a nourishing atmosphere of radical self compassion — and 3 proven resiliency practices!

    Guest bio: Dr. Stacy Thomas is a Clinical Psychologist and the founder, CEO, and Clinical Director of The Design Your Life Centre. Her mission to democratize mental health motivated her to create The Growing Forward Journal and The Growing Forward Soul School, an online community focused on helping people grow consciously through whatever life brings.

    Timestamps:‌ ‌

    00:32 Meet Dr. Stacy Thomas

    06:36 Stacy’s catalysts

    11:02 Lianne’s catalyst

    12:34 Do the healing work

    14:58 Entrepreneurial anxiety & finding joy

    21:39 Stacy’s introduction to journalling

    24:23 Radical self compassion

    27:10 Benefits of journalling

    33:06 Journalling practices

    37:14 The power of clarity

    42:59 Looking back

    47:46 3 resiliency practices

    51:16 Conclusion

    Links mentioned:‌ ‌

    Dr. Stacy Thomas



    Instagram: @drstacytoronto

    The Business of Thinking Big #285: 10 Powerful Journal Prompts

    The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron


    Learn with me: Mamapreneur Success Path - Free Audio Training

    ‌Connect with me:

    Facebook: facebook.com/liannekimcoach

    Instagram: @liannekimcoach

    Join the Mamas & Co. community to get access to valuable resources and the support of likeminded mompreneurs and mentors: mamasandco.com

    Instagram: @mamasandco

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  • It’s time to revisit my favourite summer tradition — sharing a few of the books that have changed my life. Each year, I recommend 10 business books that have gotten my strategic, creative, or visionary juices flowing. Whether they are classics, current bestsellers, or hidden gems, each is packed with golden nuggets!

    This episode of The Business of Thinking Big reveals the strategic business books you should consider tucking into your beach bag this summer!


    03:23 The Big Leap

    04:58 Building a Joyful Business

    06:59 Who Not How

    09:08 Badass Habits

    11:04 Rocket Fuel

    13:35 Superfans

    15:57 Building a Story Brand

    18:21 The One Thing

    20:10 Profit First

    22:30 The Four Tendencies

    Links mentioned:‌ ‌

    The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level by Gay Hendricks

    Building a Joyful Business by Lianne Kim

    Who Not How: The Formula to Achieve Bigger Goals Through Accelerating Teamwork by Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy

    Badass Habits: Cultivate the Awareness, Boundaries, and Daily Upgrades You Need to Make Them Stick by Jen Sincero

    Rocket Fuel: The One Essential Combination That Will Get You More of What You Want from Your Business by Gino Wickman

    Superfans: The Easy Way to Stand Out, Grow Your Tribe, and Build a Successful Business by Pat Flynn

    Building a Story Brand: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen by Donald Miller

    The One Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth About Extraordinary Results by Gary Keller

    Profit First: Transform Your Business from a Cash-Eating Monster to a Money-Making Machine by Mike Michalowicz

    The Four Tendencies: The Indispensable Personality Profiles That Reveal How To Make Your Life Better (And Other People’s Lives Better, Too) by Gretchin Rubin

    The Business of Thinking Big #28: My Top 10 Favourite Business Books (2019)

    The Business of Thinking Big #83: My Favourite Business Books Part 2 (2020)

    The Business of Thinking Big #135: My Favourite Business Books Part 3 (2021)

    The Business of Thinking Big #188: My Fave Business Books Part 4 (2022)

    The Business of Thinking Big #240: My Favourite Business Books Part 5 (2023)

    Learn with me: Mamapreneur Success Path - Free Audio Training
    Facebook: facebook.com/liannekimcoach
    Instagram: @liannekimcoach

    Join the Mamas & Co. community to get access to valuable resources and the support of likeminded mompreneurs and mentors: mamasandco.com

    Instagram: @mamasandco

  • You’ve heard the saying, “it’s not what you do, but who you know,” right? There’s definitely some truth to it. Networking and connecting with the right people at the right time can give you a big leg-up when it comes to growing your business — whether they’re sending you referrals, recommending vendors, collaborating with you, or offering mentorship (or just a wall to bounce ideas off of!).

    We need to build strong relationships in order to be more successful in business. So, how do we spark and nurture these valuable connections?

    In this episode of The Business of Thinking Big, I sit down with Amanda Leach, an award-winning professional Realtor who has dedicated her business to making the process of buying, selling, and investing in real estate feel seamless. Our discussion explores the different ways that you can leverage your relationships to powerfully grow your businesses — and how to put yourself out there and connect with the right people!

    In‌ ‌this‌ ‌episode,‌ ‌you’ll discover:‌ ‌

    How to build easy and authentic connections with potential referral sources and customersHow to make your clients (and even your prospects) feel loved on — even when you’re strapped for time or low on budgetHow to find the right balance between the personal and the professional in your business relationships

    Guest bio: Amanda Leach is a professional Realtor serving King Township in the York Region of Southwestern Ontario. Amanda Leach Real Estate makes the residential real estate market as approachable as possible, keeping your family values at the forefront.

    Timestamps:‌ ‌

    00:32 Meet Amanda Leach

    03:03 Making referral & community connections

    09:00 Balancing personal & professional

    13:20 “Get to know ME first”

    15:28 Making clients feel special

    19:27 Time-strapped & low-budget tips

    22:12 Doing events & softer sales tactics

    27:14 Mama Mentors

    34:12 Amanda’s a-ha moments

    37:43 Final tips & conclusion

    Links mentioned:‌ ‌

    Amanda Leach


    Instagram: @amandaleachrealestate

    A-Players Rapid Impact Business Coaching Experience


    Learn with me: Mamapreneur Success Path - Free Audio Training

    ‌Connect with me:

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/liannekimcoach

    Instagram: @liannekimcoach

    Join the Mamas & Co. community to get access to valuable resources and the support of likeminded mompreneurs and mentors: https://www.mamasandco.com

    Instagram: @mamasandco

    Podcasting support:



  • The Business of Thinking Big is celebrating the big 3-0-0! In honour of our 300th episode, I’m sharing 10 of our very best solo episodes. These episodes may have had a lot of downloads or garnered a lot of positive feedback, but most of all they’re the ones that I just can’t stop recommending to listeners, clients, and fellow entrepreneurs!

    Some of them are more mindset-focused. Some deal with leadership. Some offer behind-the-curtain glimpses or step-by-step guides. And one is a little more off-the-beaten-path.

    No matter the topic, each of these episodes offers something special — and I invite you to join me on a rich journey down memory lane! This curated list is a perfect way to catch up on golden nuggets that you may have missed the first time around, so let’s get started!

    In‌ ‌this‌ ‌episode,‌ ‌you’ll discover:‌

    An episode that will empower you take charge of your business with positive and confident Boss EnergyAn episode that will give you a behind-the-scenes look at a record-breaking monthAn episode that will help you make the shift from being an employed person to a self-employed person more strategically


    00:33 Intro

    02:58 What makes the “best” episodes

    05:16 Boss Energy

    07:57 Inside Our Best Month Ever

    09:56 How I Structure My Business

    11:25 My 6 Pillars of Leadership

    14:07 How I Quit My 9 to 5

    16:54 Dealing With Dry Spells

    19:56 The Art of Receiving

    22:01 Stepping Up & Playing Big

    24:58 Moving Through Money Blocks

    26:50 From Doubt to Confidence

    28:57 Conclusion

    Links mentioned:‌

    The Business of Thinking Big #203: Boss Energy

    The Business of Thinking Big #150: Inside Our Best Month Ever

    The Business of Thinking Big #168: How I Structure My Business

    The Business of Thinking Big #91: My 6 Pillars of Leadership

    The Business of Thinking Big #115: How I Quit My 9 to 5

    The Business of Thinking Big #30: Dealing With Dry Spells

    The Business of Thinking Big #191: The Art of Receiving

    The Business of Thinking Big #147: Stepping Up & Playing Big

    The Business of Thinking Big #211: Moving Through Money Blocks

    The Business of Thinking Big #26: From Doubt to Confidence

    Learn with me: Mamapreneur Success Path - Free Audio Training

    ‌Connect with me:

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/liannekimcoach

    Instagram: @liannekimcoach

    Join the Mamas & Co. community to get access to valuable resources and the support of likeminded mompreneurs and mentors: https://www.mamasandco.com

    Instagram: @mamasandco

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  • Are you owning your niche? If you aren’t exactly sure how to answer that question, you’re not alone. Many business owners struggle to even identify their niche, let alone own it! But in a world where customers have a wealth of choices at their fingertips, we need to learn how to really stand out and dominate our niches.

    In this episode of The Business of Thinking Big, I sit down with the amazing Fitness & Wellness Business Coach Felicia Romero to dive deeply into the concept of niching down: what it means, why the business gurus keep talking about it, and how it will help you attract your people.

    During this juicy conversation, we explore how a scarcity mindset and FOMO can keep your niche broader than it should be — and how to narrow in on the zones of genius that will help you activate your best-fit audience!

    In‌ ‌this‌ ‌episode,‌ ‌you’ll discover:‌ ‌

    The incredible benefits of choosing to be a specialist rather than a generalistHow to tap into the emotional needs of your clients and infuse it into your messaging with authenticityHow to balance authenticity with authority in your thought leadership

    Guest bio: Felicia Romero is a top Fitness & Wellness Business Coach, the founder of the 10k Accelerator and Luna True Nutrition, the host of the Hi Felicia podcast, an 8X fitness cover model, a gym owner for 12+ years, a serial entrepreneur, and an EXPANDER for women who dream of a bigger life!

    Timestamps:‌ ‌

    00:32 Meet Felicia Romero

    04:24 The language of niching down

    07:42 Specialist or generalist?

    12:45 Niches aren’t forever

    15:39 Tapping into the emotional side

    17:32 Energy, embodiment & authenticity

    20:55 Thought leadership & social media

    27:45 Balancing authenticity with authority

    30:04 Lori Harder story

    36:21 Amy Porterfield story

    41:00 Collaboration

    42:21 Energy management

    47:48 Final tips & conclusion

    Links mentioned:‌ ‌

    Felicia Romero


    Instagram: @feliciaromero

    A-Players Rapid Impact Business Coaching Experience

    How I Built This

    Hi Felicia #310: The Secret to Your Next Level Growth w/ Lori Harder & Anette Oran

    Learn with me: Mamapreneur Success Path - Free Audio Training

    ‌Connect with me:

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/liannekimcoach

    Instagram: @liannekimcoach

    Join the Mamas & Co. community to get access to valuable resources and the support of likeminded mompreneurs and mentors: https://www.mamasandco.com

    Instagram: @mamasandco

    Podcasting support:



  • We make a lot of big decisions as entrepreneurs. Often, these decisions involve trying new things, such as investing in a new technology, launching a new offer, or building out your team. But our most challenging decisions often involve letting go: shutting down a business that is no longer serving us, parting ways with a partner, or saying goodbye to a team member who just isn't a good fit.

    It's hard to really grasp how many big decisions you have to make as a business owner (and how often you’ll need to make them!) before you take that leap. In this episode of The Business of Thinking Big, I talk about how we can get better at making those tough decisions — the things that we NEED to make a call on in order to move forward and take our businesses to the next level.

    Press play to learn my best decision-making tips, with a few real-life examples of the tough decisions that I’ve had to make in my own businesses!

    In‌ ‌this‌ ‌episode,‌ ‌you’ll discover:‌ ‌

    How to identify the offers that are truly serving your business — and the offers that just aren’t working anymoreHow to recognize when it’s time to let go of a team member or partnerHow to know when the choice that you made was the right one for you and your business

    Timestamps:‌ ‌

    00:35 Intro

    03:39 Closing my first business

    06:33 Choosing between your revenue streams

    11:04 Letting a team member or partner go

    17:05 Team member call story

    19:03 Take action & lead from kindness

    21:58 Identifying your desired end result

    23:37 Conclusion

    Learn with me: Mamapreneur Success Path - Free Audio Training

    ‌Connect with me:

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/liannekimcoach

    Instagram: @liannekimcoach

    Join the Mamas & Co. community to get access to valuable resources and the support of likeminded mompreneurs and mentors: https://www.mamasandco.com

    Instagram: @mamasandco

    Podcasting support:



  • Setting goals is an important part of growing your business. Having clear, strategic, and realistic goals provides direction and motivation — but often we can struggle with being overly attached to our goals.

    When we’re TOO attached to our goals and plans, we can cling tightly to them even when it would be better for us to pivot or shift. And if we fail to meet them, no matter the reason, this can leave us feeling miserable and discouraged. We need to learn how to emotionally detach in order to remain flexible, create better outcomes, and feel more successful!

    In this episode of The Business of Thinking Big, I chat with Tiomi Gao, an award-winning Canadian photographer who specializes in contemporary beauty, family, and personal branding portrait experiences. Tiomi knows about shifting goals — before launching Blair Ann Studios, she was a respiratory therapist in the neo-natal ICU!

    During this conversation, we explore Tiomi’s journey from healthcare to photography, the importance of being open to change and unexpected possibilities, and what it really means to scale a service-based business.

    In‌ ‌this‌ ‌episode,‌ ‌you’ll discover:‌ ‌

    How Tiomi narrowed in on wasn’t working in her business, so she could begin to scale further without burning outHow to recognize when you’re being driven by forcing energy (and how to shift into exploring energy) How to stop feeding your frustration about failed goals — and cultivate gratitude and patience on your journey

    Guest bio: Tiomi Gao is an award-winning Canadian photographer and the owner and creative mind behind Blair Ann Studios, which is located in Mississauga, Ontario. She believes in the power of the legacy of your photographs.


    00:34 Meet Tiomi Gao

    02:31 Tiomi’s journey

    07:03 Finding A-Players & MamaCon

    09:32 What wasn’t working

    12:13 Being open and strategic when shifting

    15:34 Cookie example & the inner child

    19:20 Becoming more mindful & honest

    24:39 Forcing v. exploring energy

    31:13 Ego, detachment & abundance

    34:45 Using emotion as a guide

    40:43 Cultivating & recognizing joy

    46:56 Conclusion

    Links mentioned:‌

    Tiomi Gao


    Instagram: @blairannstudios

    A-Players Rapid Impact Business Coaching Experience




    Learn with me: Mamapreneur Success Path - Free Audio Training

    ‌Connect with me:

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/liannekimcoach

    Instagram: @liannekimcoach

    Join the Mamas & Co. community to get access to valuable resources and the support of likeminded mompreneurs and mentors: https://www.mamasandco.com

    Instagram: @mamasandco

    Podcasting support:



  • There is SO much to learn when it comes to the tech side of running a business. From scheduling to project management to social media, it can be really hard to know which tools offer the biggest bang for your buck and will best serve the needs of your business.

    If you’re on the lookout for tried-and-tested tech recommendations that don’t require a computer science degree to master, you’re in the right place!

    In this episode of The Business of Thinking Big, I share my top 10 digital tools that offer ease, effectiveness, and value. Each of the products mentioned in this episode are tools that I have used to build my own business — and no, I’m not getting paid to sing their praises! Listen now to learn how to build a tech stack that will get your business running like a well-oiled machine.

    In‌ ‌this‌ ‌episode,‌ ‌you’ll discover:‌ ‌

    The all-in-one marketing platform that powers my business A super-useful tool that can tackle webinars, team meetings, client calls, and even podcast recording Your new secret weapon for social media scheduling

    Timestamps:‌ ‌

    00:33 Intro

    02:19 All-in-one platform

    05:55 Course creation, marketing & hosting

    07:35 Email marketing

    10:42 Webinars & meetings

    12:53 Know what you need & do the free trial

    14:17 Opt-in & landing pages

    17:36 Project management

    19:58 Podcast hosting

    21:42 Social media scheduling

    23:46 Calendar

    26:45 Payment processing

    28:10 Recap & conclusion

    Links mentioned:‌ ‌





    Active Campaign
















    Learn with me: Mamapreneur Success Path - Free Audio Training

    ‌Connect with me:

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/liannekimcoach

    Instagram: @liannekimcoach

    Join the Mamas & Co. community to get access to valuable resources and the support of likeminded mompreneurs and mentors: https://www.mamasandco.com

    Instagram: @mamasandco

    Podcasting support:



  • When it comes to your email list, do you have a solid strategy? Or are you throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping that something sticks? Standing out in a crowded inbox is a big challenge and the reality is that many of us simply aren’t leveraging our email lists to their fullest potential.

    In this episode of The Business of Thinking Big, my guest is none other than the amazing copywriter and biz icon Tarzan Kay! Tarzan has built an incredible reputation as a story-driven copywriter who specializes in irresistible, consent-driven email marketing that is always aligned to a brand’s values (and she’s also a delightful podcast guest!).

    During this juicy and info-packed conversation, we dive deeply into the art of ethical and aligned email marketing that isn’t sleazy, icky, or coercive. Press play to learn how overly slick persuasion tactics can take away your audience’s ability to consent, how Tarzan has built a people-first business, and why it’s important to acknowledge the privilege that supports the success of certain types of business owners.

    In‌ ‌this‌ ‌episode,‌ ‌you’ll discover:‌ ‌

    How to create an authentic and aligned marketing style that fits you and your businessWhy email is the most important bridge between knowing about your offer and buying it What makes great nurturing email content (and tips that will help you write with more ease!)

    Guest bio: Tarzan Kay specializes in writing emails that are fun to read and more addictive than whatever you’re currently marathon-watching on Netflix. Her programs teach business owners how to write highly-addictive, story-driven emails that sell using consent-based sales strategies. She spent years quietly dismantling her 7-figure boss-babe empire and building a more inclusive online business that prioritizes people over profits.

    Timestamps:‌ ‌

    00:32 Meet Tarzan Kay

    04:14 Coercion & persuasion

    07:24 Marketing YOUR way

    11:45 MamaCon example

    13:03 Power of email marketing

    18:00 Consistency

    20:01 Consent

    24:51 Story-driven emails

    31:10 Adding value

    34:43 Is it working?

    40:27 Understanding metrics

    43:55 Beginner tips

    47:31 Conclusion

    Links mentioned:‌ ‌

    Tarzan Kay



    Instagram: @tarzan_kay

    Learn with me: Mamapreneur Success Path - Free Audio Training

    ‌Connect with me:

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/liannekimcoach

    Instagram: @liannekimcoach

    Join the Mamas & Co. community to get access to valuable resources and the support of likeminded mompreneurs and mentors: https://www.mamasandco.com

    Instagram: @mamasandco

    Podcasting support:



  • We all struggle with self doubt. It can pop up in the way we think about our relationships, our parenting, our finances, and our self image. When it pops up in our businesses, it can lead us to miss out on big opportunities or make decisions that ultimately lead to less revenue. Because when we don’t feel confident in our abilities, it can be really, REALLY hard to create the results that we want to create.

    When you’re confident in yourself and in your business, you’re far more likely to push out of your comfort zone, put yourself out there, and take the measured risks that can lead to amazing growth!

    In this episode of The Business of Thinking Big, I’m sharing my big "how-to" steps that will help you build your confidence, so you can start making bold moves in your business. Tune in as I explore why we need to go beyond studying strategy and ensure that we do the mindset work that sets us up for real success!

    In‌ ‌this‌ ‌episode,‌ ‌you’ll discover:‌ ‌

    Why the narratives we build around our circumstances is a choice — and how to choose more productive stories Where confidence actually comes from (and why struggle is a necessary piece of the puzzle!) My 3-step formula for creating more confidence and trust in yourself

    Timestamps:‌ ‌

    00:32 Intro

    01:12 Go beyond strategy

    02:51 Changing the narrative

    04:28 Spiral of negativity

    06:35 Coaching example

    09:46 Where confidence comes from

    13:06 Playing small v. playing bigger

    15:08 Taking bigger action more often

    20:58 Feeling the feels

    22:44 Debriefing

    26:51 Conclusion

    Learn with me: Mamapreneur Success Path - Free Audio Training

    ‌Connect with me:

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/liannekimcoach

    Instagram: @liannekimcoach

    Join the Mamas & Co. community to get access to valuable resources and the support of likeminded mompreneurs and mentors: https://www.mamasandco.com

    Instagram: @mamasandco

    Podcasting support:

