
  • Hello! The Clipper Podcast is back! Again we will bring you the best from the world of healthy natural food and snacks directly to your ears. The magazine took a little siesta of nearly three years and is coming back fresher than ever before. This time with amazing stories from ANUGA including a new nut, yes you heard that right….…courageous entrepreneurs from Ukraine who are want to turn backyard walnut trees into big business and…a Swiss company that starts using cocoa in a way you have not heard before….All this coming up October 18 in the Clipper Podcast. We wish you a happy day!

  • Dear listeners, before I start I just want to thank  the brave people that have kept our food coming to the table. Consumers are not aware of the extra efforts and the risks many are taking every day to make sure the supply chain is working. With the Clipper Magazine and our podcast and our reporting we want to help you be successful in the future. Our home countries Switzerland and Germany have reopened their economies –we wish our friends and partners all over the world that you stay safe and your business is continuing to work and grow . Welcome to the Clipper Podcast. I had an interesting conversation with Santiago Tembras from Gastaldi in Argentina. He was giving a very good global view on the peanut business, the challenges of being a producer and exporter from Argentina. I learned a lot and I hope you do as well.

    This is the Clipper Podcast, the newest addition to our journalism in the nuts and dried fruit industry. You can of course subscribe to the magazine and the smartphone edition at agropress.com. You can subscribe to the Podcast at Apple, Google and Spotify – most importantly you can be part of the conversation as a sponsor and communicate to our more than 48,000 readers, listeners, followers and friends in 89 countries. I hope to see and hear you soon, greetings from Switzerland!

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  • Welcome to Edition Number 10 of the Clipper Podcast for nuts and dried fruit. Interesting times and interesting topics. For our readers and our listeners we are currently preparing stories on how to do business in a very special situation – from online marketing to distancing in post-harvest and of course the changing patterns of consumption. First –

    the topic in our magazine which you can subscribe to at agropress.com  - and you can sponsor our podcast which is now heard by an audience of more than 12,00 people all over the world, very important in a time without trade shows. Thank you, greetings from let us talk about hazelnuts. Did you know that the US is a major hazelnut exporter to China – how much do you now about hazelnut production in the US anyway? If you don’t, no problem, because I talked to Troy Johnson who is an expert, a consultant and a trader who is helping us understand hazelnuts from Oregon.

    In Turkey the industry is very fragmented with an estimated 410,000 hazelnut producers. Can you tell me a bit about the structure of the business in Oregon?

    Whenever I hear the words US China and agriculture I think about trade embargos and tariffs – maybe I am wrong. How are hazelnuts from the US dealing with it?

    To many people in the nut business this sounds surprising, the fact that selling inshell to China from the US is so important instead of getting higher margins through processing and selling locally.

    Water seems to be a growing concern for nut producers all over the world. How is the situation for Oregon hazelnut producers?

    But you are upbeat about the prospects for the future.

    Thank you for listening, I hope you learned a lot about Oregon hazelnuts. There is more on Switzerland and talk soon!

  • This next interview is an important one because my guest talks about the future of sorting and post-harvest and he makes some interesting predictions. What are the benefits for the industry? Is this process making work easier in times of social distancing?

    Quality control also depends on the people who are doing it – and the situation. The same quality control at the origin and the destination is done by different people and could provide different results. This is some great insight and I hope that the people involved in nuts and dried fruit processing are listening. Thank you for the very positive feedback we are getting for the podcast, only this week from Chile, Argetina, the US of course, Spain, Italy, Germany, France. If you want to see and read more about the industry just subscribe to our print edition. The Clipper has been reporting about nuts and dried fruit for over 40 years now.

    Our newcomer is the Youtube channel and the high end inhouse video production . This week we have produced several recipes for   prunes with French chef Olivier Marchand. IF you are interested in promoting your brands and products on Youtube and Social Media just contact us – we know how it works. Greetings from Switzerland, I will talk to you next week!

  • Let’s talk about hazelnuts. In our magazine we reported about the dramatic rise of the Georgian hazelnut industry – and the very dramatic downfall due to the stinkbug test which the country was not well prepared for. The Georgian industry has made a major effort since then. I wanted to know how it worked out, so I asked Merab Chitanava, Chairman of the Georgian Hazelnut Growers Association about it.

    As you just heard there is still a way to reach your clients and your partners and share your stories, promote your brand and communicate with the nuts, snacks and dried fruit world – it is called the Clipper Magazine and the Podcast. You can book advertising or sponsorships directly at agropress.com or contact me. I hope you are safe. Don’t work too much. Talk soon from the Clipper Podcast, greetings from Switzerland.

    You can subscribe to our magazine at: https://www.agropress.com/produkt/the-clipper-print-edition-subscription-2/

    For all other news you have a look at https://theclippermag.com

  • The food business is humming while others industries are idling. How do you can rry on with your operations during the pandemic. Can you close deals? Can you make presentations? We are looking at companies and brands who are getting inventive in difficult times.

    I asked Thomas Molnar - VP, Head of Global Sales TOMRA Food Sorting about it. Manufacturers of big machinery are hit hard because they rely on physical presentations of their technology – on a trade show or at a demonstration site – no trade shows at the moment – and not travelling. So what do you do?

    TOMRA isprobably the first in presenting its live showroom – and The Clipper is the first to report about it – and of course we wanted you to see how a virtual showroom feels. We recorded a presentation within a video conference. It is easy to set up and I can only encourage other industries to adopt these technologies. As a multimedia publishing house it is our job to help you with this. The video of TOMRA’s presentation is available on our Youtube Channel, please subscribe to get more videos from the nuts and dried fruit business all over the world.

  • Welcome to the Clipper Podcast for nuts and dried fruit. We have several thousand listeners now for every episode – I want to thank our audience for this great loyalty. What is happening in the nuts and dried fruit trade at the moment – and what do you expect for the future?

    We asked Juergern Wermuth, owner at the Swiss trading house Sanfrut about his company and his view of the current situation in the market.

    But even when there is enough demand – and enough availability at the origin, there are many elements in the supply chain that could create disruptions– I wanted to know where the frictions in trade and logistics can be felt.

    The retail side has seen large fluctuations – I wanted to know what the expectations are for the future.

    Are the prices going through the roof with the high demand?

    We are interested in hearing from you what the Covid-19 crisis brought for you as a trader, a producer, a processor or retailer. Remember to also subscribe to our Youtube channel, with interesting videos from all over the world. In a time without trade shows, remember that our magazine, our podcast and our Youtube channel are the best ways to communicate with your clients and partners. You should help and support our work by becoming a sponsor and get your name out to our audience in 89 countries. Let’s hear from you soon, greetings from Switzerland!

  • Welcome to the Clipper Podcast for nuts and dried fruit. We have several thousand listeners now for every episode – I want to thank our audience for this great loyalty. What is happening in the nuts and dried fruit trade at the moment – and what do you expect for the future?

    We asked Juergern Wermuth, owner at the Swiss trading house Sanfrut about his company and his view of the current situation in the market.

    But even when there is enough demand – and enough availability at the origin, there are many elements in the supply chain that could create disruptions– I wanted to know where the frictions in trade and logistics can be felt.

    The retail side has seen large fluctuations – I wanted to know what the expectations are for the future.

    Are the prices going through the roof with the high demand?

    We are interested in hearing from you what the Covid-19 crisis brought for you as a trader, a producer, a processor or retailer. Remember to also subscribe to our Youtube channel, with interesting videos from all over the world. In a time without trade shows, remember that our magazine, our podcast and our Youtube channel are the best ways to communicate with your clients and partners. You should help and support our work by becoming a sponsor and get your name out to our audience in 89 countries. Let’s hear from you soon, greetings from Switzerland!

  • Agriculture goes home office! In the next days we will ask our partners and friends around the world how that actually works. Remember: In times where trade shows are cancelled magazines like ours are your trade show. Here you can talk about your business, get in touch with buyers and partners. We will help you present your products to an audience on seven continents. Contact us on Linkedin to find out more – my profile name is agropress. So let’s talk about running a global business from home. I asked Karel Strubbe-Sales Director EMEA at TOMRA Sorting Food how it works for a global food sorting machinery business.

    From Belgium to Australia: Australians are pioneers of home office work – understandably – with a country nearly as big as the US and only 25 m inhabitants. Michiel tells us about how in Australia distance education worked without the internet.

    I wanted to know how the COVID -19 crisis is being dealt with in Australia.

    I also asked Michiel how the agriculture sector in Australia is recovering from the bushfires and what the next steps are.

    We wish that everybody stays well. We are working from home and we are curious about how you deal with the situation, please let us know. In our next episode we will talk about the bizarre shortage and price explosion for peanuts, more stories from the US and Italy and how nuts, dried fruit and snacks are doing on the retail level right now.

    There are no trade shows at the moment, but you can still promote your brand and your business on our podcast. We want to invite you to sponsor the podcast and get your name and brand out to the listeners in 89 countries. You can simply contact us over Linkedin or my email. Talk soon!

  • Welcome to the Clipper Podcast for nuts and dried fruit. This year will be different – travel, trade, business and of course industry events. We can expect some of the major trade shows and conferences to be canceled or to have a lot less visitors. But even if travel and promoting your products will be harder on trade shows this year – there is still the Clipper Magazine and the podcast, where you can get information without travelling.

    Still we traveled – to Biofach this february and we were surprised to find an american prune producer who is proud to offer an organic range – Wilbur Packing, a company with more than 150 years of history in the Sacramento Valley.

    At the Almond Conference last December we talked to Chad Cummings at JKB Energy. Solar Power has become an important additional income for growers and processors in California in a short period. We wanted to know what triggered this development.

    According to a new report by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), unsubsidized renewable energy is now most frequently the cheapest source of energy generation – We wanted to know if there are any tax incentives in California to boost solar power.

    In our next episode we will have the first voices from 4 continents giving us an assessment of the impact of the Coronavirus for the nuts and dried fruit and the snack industry. Stay tuned. We wish you that you stay well.

  • Welcome to the Clipper Podcast. This time we will talk about climate change. And we will start with Martin Brook from Brook Farms in Australia who sounded very worried when I spoke to him on the phone…We will come back to Martin Brook who is a very special macadamia farmer, with his now famous macadamia gin and a rainforest on his farm. Our next topic is prunes and climate change.  The annual conference of the International Prune Association welcomed Dr Peter Johnston who is a climate scientist at the University of Cape Town. I wanted to know what the immediate consequences of climate change are for producers of dried fruit like prunes. I also talked to a company that is developing smart ways to understand water through satellite imagery at the huge agriculture technology fair Agritechnica in Hannover.

    I would like to add a personal message about climate change: It affects all of us and we all can do our best to limit carbon emissions. As the publisher of the Clipper Magazine we are doing our part: By reducing air travel, using more sustainable materials and actually replacing car rides with public transports and our beautiful company bicycle we have been able to reduce our footprint by nearly 100 t of carbon this year. We encourage everyone to do their part for the future of the planet and the future of the nuts and dried fruit industry. Thank you for listening, you can subscribe to the Clipper Magazine at theclippermag.com or contact us via email, Linkedin or on our website. Talk soon!

  • Welcome to the Clipper Podcast! Everybody loves prunes – or is it dried plums? Well, that is the question. There was some confusion in the past by consumers – and why two names for one product. We asked Donn Zea about it – He is executive director of the California Prune Board. He knows something about prunes vs. dried plums.

    ‚The Clipper Magazine’ is the market leader for independent global information about nuts and dried fruit: Production and Consumption trends, science and technology, marketing and business strategies for Coconuts, Peanuts, Cashew nuts, Almonds, Walnuts, Chestnuts, Betel nuts, Hazelnuts, Pistachios, Kola nuts, Macadamia Nuts, Brazil nuts and dried fruit.

    The Clipper es el líder del mercado en información mundial sobre nueces y frutas secas: tendencias de producción y consumo, ciencia y tecnología, estrategias comerciales y de comercialización para cocos, cacahuetes, anacardos, almendras, nueces, castañas, nueces de betel, avellanas, pistachos, nueces Kola, nueces de macadamia, nueces de Brasil y frutos secos.

  • Georgia experienced a nightmare as hazelnut producer and exporter in the last three years. As a consequence, some smart entrepreneurs started growing almonds for export We talked to one of the pioneers - Vakhtang Gogaladze how it all started.

    ‚The Clipper Magazine’ is the market leader for independent global information about nuts and dried fruit: Production and Consumption trends, science and technology, marketing and business strategies for Coconuts, Peanuts, Cashew nuts, Almonds, Walnuts, Chestnuts, Betel nuts, Hazelnuts, Pistachios, Kola nuts, Macadamia Nuts, Brazil nuts and dried fruit.

    The Clipper es el líder del mercado en información mundial sobre nueces y frutas secas: tendencias de producción y consumo, ciencia y tecnología, estrategias comerciales y de comercialización para cocos, cacahuetes, anacardos, almendras, nueces, castañas, nueces de betel, avellanas, pistachos, nueces Kola, nueces de macadamia, nueces de Brasil y frutos secos.

  • Fermenting nuts: The next hype?

    Preserving food using microorganisms has been around since we started cooking. In Iceland, people famously eat fermented shark. In Sardinia, they're huge fans of a cheese that's teeming with maggots. Most modern fermented foods are a little less intense than those, and definitely more consistently delicious. But since the Industrial Revolution, people have been eating less and less of these economical but time-consuming treats. We have everything from canning to the freezer section to turn to for preservation. But fermentation can create deep, resonant flavors that don't come from anything else. And now, as people begin to gain a better understanding of the human microbiome, people are doing everything from drinking apple cider vinegar to taking probiotic pills to making homemade hot sauce to get their daily dose of healthy bacteria. Fermentation has suddenly gone from a relic of yesteryear to a massive food trend. And it’s definitely coming for nuts. And it’s coming from Italy, of course. We talked to Gert-Jan de Groot in charge of new business at Eurocompany about the company’s project called Fermentino.

    If you want to subscribe to the CLIPPER MAGAZINE print edition please click here: https://issuu.com/store/publishers/theclipper/subscribe

    The topics: Pecans: Time are changing, Crop Protection by bees and a new nut snack category.

     ‚The Clipper Magazine’ is the market leader for independent global information about nuts and dried fruit: Production and Consumption trends, science and technology, marketing and business strategies for Coconuts, Peanuts, Cashew nuts, Almonds, Walnuts, Chestnuts, Betel nuts, Hazelnuts, Pistachios, Kola nuts, Macadamia Nuts, Brazil nuts and dried fruit.

    The Clipper es el líder del mercado en información mundial sobre nueces y frutas secas: tendencias de producción y consumo, ciencia y tecnología, estrategias comerciales y de comercialización para cocos, cacahuetes, anacardos, almendras, nueces, castañas, nueces de betel, avellanas, pistachos, nueces Kola, nueces de macadamia, nueces de Brasil y frutos secos.

  • The biggest macadamia grower in the world, making money with electricity for nut farmers,  the future of quality control, the Trump effect. 

    We recently visited the Australian not conference which is an interesting way to meet all members of the nut industry. There we met Phill Zadro, Entrepreneur in the Macadamia business who started his career as a hobby.  Nut Exports from Australia are currently very successful not only for Macadamias. Bob Carr former foreign minister of Australia told us that trumps aggressive china trade policy is part of the success story. How can an almond grower get hundreds of thousands of dollars back from his energy supplier? An Australian start up has an interesting solution to make agriculture a lot more efficient and create revenue is where you didn’t expect them. 

     The Clipper podcast collects stories and news from the the nuts and dried fruit business on a regular basis. Experts from all over the world talk about farming, crop science, crop protection, harvesting and post-harvest, roasting, packaging, snack trends, health trends, trade, retail and logistics for almonds, walnuts, peanuts, hazelnuts, pistachios, macadamia nuts and dried fruit.

    The Clipper is the market leader for independent global information about nuts and dried fruit: Production and Consumption trends, science and technology, marketing and business strategies for Coconuts, Peanuts, Cashew nuts, Almonds, Walnuts, Chestnuts, Betel nuts, Hazelnuts, Pistachios, Kola nuts, Macadamia Nuts, Brazil nuts and dried fruit.

    The Clipper es el líder del mercado en información mundial sobre nueces y frutas secas: tendencias de producción y consumo, ciencia y tecnología, estrategias comerciales y de comercialización para cocos, cacahuetes, anacardos, almendras, nueces, castañas, nueces de betel, avellanas, pistachos, nueces Kola, nueces de macadamia, nueces de Brasil y frutos secos.