Today we are going to conquer my stress and anxiety around a super busy week and time of year. I share my top tips and hacks to help me cope with a very busy week ahead, solo parenting, at a chaotic time of year. I show you how I meal plan and write a to do list as well as what I do to relax my mind and brain so I can sleep better and be happier through a hectic time. Hope this helps you too!My favorite pens for writing to-do lists: https://a.co/d/fVZPGNAMy favorite affordable daily planner: https://a.co/d/ctTHdkD👉CONNECT WITH ME ON SOCIALS:Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/juliefernandescoE-mail: [email protected]
Join me as I discuss my intentions for this upcoming year of 2025! I want to plan and be as intentional as I can going into a new year. A lot has happened and changed for me in 2024 and I want my goals and intentions to reflect on that. I hope you will also start to think about your goals and intentions for the new year as well. 👉CONNECT WITH ME ON SOCIALS:Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/juliefernandescoE-mail: [email protected]
Today I'm sharing my top tips and tricks to get more done. As a busy mom of 3 young kids, I need to be intentional with my time and energy otherwise I will always feel like I'm failing and falling behind. These are my tried and true best hacks to get what you need done even when you feel unmotivated and don't want to get out of bed. I hope you find these helpful. Here's to knocking your to do list out of the park!👉CONNECT WITH ME ON SOCIALS:Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/juliefernandescoE-mail: [email protected]
You'll see a lot online about slowing down, resting and just "doing nothing" but I think there is more to this story. I have found personally that when I have nothing going on, or I'm just slouching around, I feel a lot worse than when I am busy and engaged and contributing to my family and society. I think the difference is being busy in and on purpose. When you are on a mission, you're passionate about something and you have goals to meet, you become more energized and you get more things done. A life without purpose, is truly not worth living. I hope you love this perspective as much as I do. 👉CONNECT WITH ME ON SOCIALS:Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/juliefernandescoE-mail: [email protected]
It can be really hard to keep going when you are not feeling your best but you still need to parent and work and maintain your home. I felt very down and low energy recently and I wanted to share how I approach this to problem solve how to feel better so I can keep going for myself and my family. I hope this helps you too. 👉CONNECT WITH ME ON SOCIALS:Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/juliefernandescoE-mail: [email protected]
Planning, shopping, meal prepping and cooking food for my family at least three times a day has always been a struggle for me so today I am sharing what has been helping to get healthy food on the table for my kids. I try and make a lot of our meals from scratch in order to keep them balanced and nutritious even for picky eaters. I share my very simple approach to meal planning in the hopes it will help you make healthy decisions for your family and avoid take out and needing to eat at restaurants which gets super expensive real quick. 👉CONNECT WITH ME ON SOCIALS:Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/juliefernandescoE-mail: [email protected] -
Without understanding the basic layers to decluttering your space, you will always struggle to keep your home organized and tidy. In today's video I talk about living a clutter free life with all the busy-ness of kids and family and life and how it is totally possible if so long as you understand the process of decluttering in layers. One layer allows you to maintain a clutter free home and the other allows you to tackle what lies beneath the surface in those forgotten drawers and cabinets and overstuffed cupboards and closets. Here are more videos on decluttering that I think you will find helpful: My tried & true decluttering & organizing process that keeps my home clutter free ALL YEAR round! https://youtu.be/xZZXizWA3I4Get & STAY ORGANIZED FAST! Put your home back together in less than 30 minutes a day! https://youtu.be/2S9P5KuVXYQI declutter big projects & small projects all the same! This is the “cheat sheet” to get you started! https://youtu.be/bFXLjd5psfY👉CONNECT WITH ME ON SOCIALS:Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/juliefernandescoE-mail: [email protected] -
Habits are small once off steps that we take to build a routine. Habits and routines form regardless of whether you want them to or not so you may as well make them work for you. In today's video/episode I talk about how when I have a down day or I'm extra tired or feeling like I am being dragged upstream, my routines save me and keep me going because it's like I am on auto pilot.
Other videos on building Routines and Habits:
STRATEGIES & TIPS for getting out the door ON TIME on busy mornings STRESS FREE with little kids!!! https://youtu.be/p5IC9gV05o4
Being UNSTRUCTURED & DISORGANIZED is trapping you! Change this IMMEDIATELY with this simple shift! https://youtu.be/Gc3G2pNkHMM
Get & STAY ORGANIZED FAST! Put your home back together in less than 30 minutes a day!
https://youtu.be/2S9P5KuVXYQProven, science-backed ways to unlock healthy habits & break bad ones FAST! https://youtu.be/TDDPx33CxtM
👉CONNECT WITH ME ON SOCIALS:Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/juliefernandescoE-mail: [email protected]
I used to HATE early school mornings with my kids when I was parenting on my own and trying to get everyone out of the door on time. It was a really hard time of day for me and I felt like I was failing continuously. Not any more! I am changing the narrative and implementing all the advice, strategies, tips and hacks that I talk about in this video to get everyone ready for school, staying calm, and happy. I reflect on things I can do better to make mornings less stressful and more enjoyable for everyone because the morning really sets up your day, doesn't it? Let me know if you try out any of these tips I discuss and what your tips are.👉CONNECT WITH ME ON SOCIALS:Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/juliefernandescoE-mail: [email protected]
Today we're getting real vulnerable because I'm discussing how as a woman and/or a mom if you decide to quit your job to stay home with your kids, you are potentially putting yourself at risk if you were to break up from your partner or separate or divorce and then you are set way back in your career when you need to return to work. What if you need your own money and you feel like you are lost in the power dynamic because you are not contributing to the household? I discuss these issues and also touch on how I am finding joy and purpose and meaning beyond my children and being a mom which I think is so important to role model to our kids. We are still a person as well as someone's mother. 👉CONNECT WITH ME ON SOCIALS:Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/juliefernandescoE-mail: [email protected]
I have tried this method for decluttering over and over and when I say it works, I mean it! Try my simple strategy to ensure your home becomes uncluttered and stays declutter free forever! It is very easy to follow this process if you keep it simple. Let me know if you try it!👉CONNECT WITH ME ON SOCIALS:Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/juliefernandescoE-mail: [email protected]
I have noticed more and more than when my life feels chaotic and crazy, it's because I do not have enough structured or I am not organized enough to deal with all the responsibilities I have to juggle. In this video I talk about the benefits of structuring your life so that you have freedom and flexibility to do the things you want while still achieving all of your personal goals. 👉CONNECT WITH ME ON SOCIALS:Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/juliefernandescoE-mail: [email protected]
I think about how to make and break habits a lot and I was majorly inspired to crack the code when it comes to forming better habits by this @melrobbins episode that I listened to. There are proven strategies to making a habit stick so you know longer even think about it as well as ways to make breaking a difficult habit easier. I share my own habit goals in this episode and I hope you find it helpful in your own journey. Mel Robbins' Podcast on Habits: https://open.spotify.com/episode/7gBJ66IjSIW2zs4sZFAqsK?si=VXxNZ3JnRR2cZdkvQVjLZQ👉CONNECT WITH ME ON SOCIALS:Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/juliefernandescoE-mail: [email protected]
Modern life has brought many conveniences.. perhaps too many and I think we are paying for it. In today's podcast and video, I talk about how we are in a comfort crisis and as a human species we need to hard things to grow and evolve, we just don't want to a lot of the time! So much of how we build self-esteem, self-confidence and resilience is through doing things we perceive as challenging and to never step out of our comfort zones and try is doing us a great disservice as a society.What do you think?
Do you want to be an organized person? Where your home can be put back together in less than 30 mins a day? It's not that hard you just have to start somewhere.. You need to understand WHY living in an organized space is life giving and really how easy it is to be more organized - you just need to do it. I go through my super simple process to keep my home organized and reset every day in this video and I hope it will inspire you to do that same.
I made the difficult decision to quit my traditional, corporate healthcare career 4 years ago to be a stay at home mom (SAHM). This decision was certainly not easy and over the years I have fretted as to whether it was the right one. There are things I miss about working, namely my friends and the sense of professional satisfaction it brings, as well being able to contribute to my family's cost of living. And then on the other hand, I will never get these years back with my kids whereas technically I could probably go back to a job. So in this video, I share my story and where I am with all of this now. 👉CONNECT WITH ME ON SOCIALS:Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/juliefernandescoE-mail: [email protected]
I have always struggled with how our society is geared to over consume *things*. With the availability of fast fashion, fast manufacturing and the affordability to buy cheap "junk" essentially for kids especially, one can see how we can go overboard and essentially spoil our kids. What ends up happening for me, is we waste a lot of money, we have a lot of clutter in our homes that could have been avoided and is causing us stress and we struggle to keep our homes clean and tidy with kids. In today's video, I'm going to talk you through how I manage holidays like Halloween and all the candy I don't want my children to eat, as well as how we manage birthdays and parties and big traditional gift giving holidays like Christmas. 👉CONNECT WITH ME ON SOCIALS:Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/juliefernandescoE-mail: [email protected] -
I don't know about you but I feel rushed and stress and like I'm going to be late for school drop off or pick up or after school activities or birthday parties or functions A LOT of the time. I spend a lot of time solo parenting which certainly doesn't help matters but it's adapt or die - I can't use this as an excuse all of the time. Yes we are all busy but then why are some people always early and seem to have it all together and others (like me) feel like a chicken without a head a lot of time. In today's video I'm going to walk you through how to analyze your specific situation as it relates to punctuality or being chronically late and how you can then create tailored solutions for you and your family so that you're never late again! 👉CONNECT WITH ME ON SOCIALS:Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/juliefernandescoE-mail: [email protected]
I’m honing in on the people pleasing and im finally saying no
Today we're chatting about some of the more unusual hacks I use regularly that keep me organized as a busy mom of 3. You may not have thought of these tips and tricks to make your life easier but I promise if you try them, you won't go back. I used these hacks to stay more organized, on top of birthday parties, day to day preparation for my kids and my overloaded to do list! I hope these help you too. I have linked as much as I could down below. Box of premium all occasion cards: https://a.co/d/7OamzvzTarget tackle box: https://www.target.com/p/sterilite-stack-38-carry-2-tray-handle-box-organizer/-/A-75573674#lnk=sametabMy daily planner: https://a.co/d/9hSLJhQCute cupcake Amazon gift card: https://a.co/d/8JksM94👉CONNECT WITH ME ON SOCIALS:Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/juliefernandescoE-mail: [email protected]
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