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Start at the beginning: Episode 1
“The Body as a Sacrament” by Monica Ashour and A.W. Mausolf
The Personalistic Norm (Love and Responsibility by Pope John Paul II):
1. The person is a good toward which the only proper and adequate attitude is love.
2. The person cannot be treated as an object of use and as such the means to an end.
This episode was recorded by Dr. Josh and Christi Straub for their podcast, In This Together. THE conversation was incredibly honored to join the In This Together podcast to discuss questions that Dr. Josh and Christi have received from parents about how to talk about sex with their kids.
From In This Together: What happens when our son is exposed to pornography at a young age? Or our daughter begins hearing about sex at school and asking you questions? Many of our own parents didn’t model for us how to have these difficult conversations with our kids. Not only that, our kids seem to be exposed to sex at even younger ages today.
In this episode, we revisit with Linda Noble and Linda Stewart, two leading voices helping parents talk to their children about body image and sex through THE Conversation Workshop. This is part two of a two part series.
In this episode, Linda and Linda discuss with us how to talk to our kids about sex through a simple, yet powerful framework of flourishing.
We discuss:
- how to talk to our kids about difficult topics, like when they discover their private parts
- why a Theology of the Body is an important framework for us as adults as well
- age-appropriate ways–from preschool through the teen years–to talk to our kids about sex
Free pdf for “The Talk”
Learn more about Dr. Josh and Christi at drjoshandchristi.com.
Explore drjoshandchristi.com for parenting resources and support.
THE conversation podcast Episode 3: The Value of the Human Person
THE conversation podcast Episode 5: The Body Reveals a Person
THE conversation podcast Episode 6: The Body and Person Are Inseparable
Visit THE conversation Workshop for more information on upcoming workshops, to read the blog and hear previous episodes.
In Genesis 3, we see the serpent approaching Adam and Eve with a suggestion - a suggestion that perhaps God had been withholding "the good life" from them. They considered and the question took root in their hearts. They strike out on their own and grasp for MORE apart from Him. Immediately blame, shame and suspicion entered the picture and they hid from God and each other. In the Theology of the Body by Pope John Paul II this event is described in this way: "Before the fall, there was no threat to the dignity of the person. They desired nothing but to love as God loves. After the fall, they covered themselves as a protection from lust." Their choice to grasp for the good life apart from God delivered them into a realm where instead of experiencing a life of giving and receiving love, it was possible to become the vicim or perpetrator of use and abuse. Lust had entered into our human experience.
Find out more about THE conversation Workshop.
Find out more about THE conversation Workshop. See an overview of our workshop and contact the Lindas with your questions. Submit a question about we explored in this episode here.
Find out more about our workshop here.
Find out more about our workshop here
If we're honest, even Christ followers have been so influenced by culture that many of us have come to the conclusion that finding, "the one," or sexual experiences, or marriage or some combination are prerequisite for a satisfying and full life. What if our longings for union, intimacy and ecstasy point to a reality greater than anything we can experience in an earthly relationship?The Lindas discuss and talk about practical ways we can help children to find the satisfaction of all their desires in God alone. theconversationworkshop.com
Find out more about our workshop here
The human body and the person are inseparable. We are all beginning to recognize this is true with the rise of holistic medicine. But why is it important for us to understand and integrate this truth into the way we see ourselves and others? The Lindas explore the implications and suggest practical ways to help those you mentor and parent in establishing this truth and understanding its implications. The impact on our choices regarding relationships cannot be underestimated!
As we go back to look at Genesis, we see God creating the human person expressed through human bodies. However, we've all experienced a lot of pain related to our own bodies as well as the way our children perceive their bodies. Misconceptions about our bodies begin at a very young age. Embracing a view of the body as an expression of who we are can lead us to a view of ourselves that leads to a life of flourishing. We will discuss ways to converse with our children, helping them to form a view of self as a person of beauty expressed through their bodies.
God points the way to a life of flourishing and love through the scriptures. Many of us have mistakenly understood the Bible as a book of rules, a standard of performance or a list of demands. But God’s direction in scripture is a description of the way life REALLY works for us as humans. As we grow in our confidence in His goodness and in His desire for our flourishing, the result is an eagerness to hear what He has to say about the best paths to travel in life and the ones to avoid. We'll explore ways to have conversations with our children that our consistent with this view of scripture.
Although we would all affirm the value of a human person in theory, have we really thought through the implications of what this would look like in our own lives, let alone the lives of our children? We flourish when we live consistently with the truth regarding human value -- our own and that of others. When we fail to acknowledge the value and dignity of others, we're actually standing in the way of human flourishing rather than accessing the life to which God has invited us. The Lindas explore what it means to really value another person and practical ways for helping our kids to integrate this value into their relationships. Find out more about our workshop on our website theconversationworkshop.com/workshop.
How do we effectively direct our children to a life of REAL flourishing? What is God's dream for them? We'll explore practical ways to help children pursue God in a way that leads to LIFE. Listen in as we continue a discussion of THE conversation workshop. Find out more about our workshop on our website theconversationworkshop.com/workshop.
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