Maria-Sara from Ode to a Body shares her story:
from feeling disconnected from her own desires and femininity... to being grounded in her body and intuition from unfulfilling and toxic relationships... to finding her soul partner from encountering Spirit Babies from her past lives ... to now being connected to a light soul as her guide towards motherhood&
from being a professional dancer ... to following her mission as a Holistic Movement Mentor.Maria-Sara speaks clearly, vulnerably and with so much wisdom about her journey of spiritual awakening over the past five years.
Maria-Sara has a RETREAT coming up in November (15th to 17th) all about your connection to your womb space through embodiment, movement, healing touch and so much more: check it out here!
...and find all of her work at odetoabody.com and on Instagram @odetoabody.
To connect to your Spirit Baby, you can book a one-on-one session with me here.
Uff, this was a difficult episode for me to record and put out there. To go back to these painful moments in my life, a time in which I thought I would have to live with pain forever.
Going deeper into the work with feminine archetypes I realized looking back how the Wild Woman Archetype, the Rebel, saved me:
I was able to break free and out of these patterns of behavior and thought that kept me in chronic pain.
I have two spots open for my One on One Mentoring Journey beginning on the 15th of October. Book yourself a compatibility call to start this work together here.
In this stream of consciousness that was recorded as an Instagram Live, I talk about THE RISE IN CONSCIOUSNESS that I so often reference when talking about my group program Birthing.
1) the difference between spiritual advancement and a rise in consciousness, and why both are important
2) embodiment through the integration of feminine and masculine and the whole human spectrum
3) how duality is a repressed spectrum of polarity and how the lens of energetic polarity allows oneness
4) evolution through expressions of feminine and masculine energy until all are available to you
5) how I live this, how it influences my own lifemy group program BIRTHING
In this podcast I explain the spiritual journey guided by your spirit baby.
Since I do this work, more and more women told me about their spiritual journey before they decided to become pregnant. And I believe that soon this will be a common experience for spiritually advanced women.
An experience with your spirit baby often initiates the growth needed BEFORE you decide to become pregnant and feel completely ready to be a mother. Why this is necessary and happening now -- that is what I share in this episode.
In my group program BIRTHING I guide women on that path and in that spiritual journey. You can now apply only until the end of the week (22nd of September) to join!
Check out the program and book a call with me right here.
In this episode energetic healer and tarotist Lena Maria Dutzi shares her journey in the past five years, going from unconsciously dating from her wounds... through spiritual awakening and energetic healing... into consciously dating now and manifesting her new relationship.
She openly and vulnerably shares about her experiences of
"toxic" dating in Berlin, coming out of an unhealthy relationship and going straight into dating with all her unhealed wounds ...
...hitting rock bottom and finally discovering energetic healing as her tool for growth ...
... taking a break from dating to come back to it consciously and manifesting her now partner.
We go deep into consciousness and spirituality, the energetics of dating and sex and so much more. Come with us on this wild ride of a conversation.
Thank you, Lena, for sharing so vulnerably about your experience!
Lena is an incredible energetic healer, you can find her on Instagram @lenamariadutzi
This is the recording of a raw LIVESTREAM to introduce you to BIRTHING, my group program starting on the 25th for conscious, spiritually advanced women.
I discuss:
the creative process based on the interplay between feminine and masculine energy, that we will use and apply to the most human act of creation growing into the mother archetype as the evolution of feminine energy, which we will do through the integration of feminine and masculine energy the resistance that holds you back from becoming a mother that we will work through and release together the spirit babies waiting for my women, conscious and spiritually advanced women, that we will connect to how we shift our reality energetically through this work an introduction to the program of BIRTHINGThe doors to apply are now open until the 20th of September.
In this episode my dear friend Nora Ring, self-love and hypnosis coach, shares openly about her experience and path from having a miscarriage three years ago to consciously conceiving her spirit baby.
We talk about
how the first visit of her spirit baby initiated Nora and her partner into parenthood and growing into themselves before consciously conceiving how they grieved and overcame the loss of the first pregnancy and how their relationship grew closer over the years how with honesty (with herself) and voicing her desires Nora and her partner decided to consciously conceive how Nora finally landed in her integrated feminine and masculine energy in pregnancy and grew from girl into woman, maiden into mother... and we discuss how a Spirit Baby Channeling Session with me helped Nora in connecting to her son during this pregnancy and truly feeling him before he is born into reality.
This is an intimate and open conversation between close friends. I am grateful that Nora was this vulnerable and allows me to share her amazing story with you all.
Nora is an incredible self-love coach and hypnosis coach. You can find her here on Instagram: @nora.ring
Nora will hold a guest facilitator session in my group coaching program Birthing.
You can book a 1:1 Spirit Baby Channeling Session with me here. This is for you if you are pregnant or want to be, or if you want to resolve any miscarriages or abortions in the past.
Intuition is like a sense, an ability we all hold. It is a gift that comes when you lean more into your feminine energy.
In this episode I share
what intuition is and what it feels like how to discern what is and what isn't your intuition how to strengthen your intuitionThis is like a cheat sheet, the basics of intuition. Which is only one or an easy entry point to the incredible superpowers of feminine energy.
Join my upcoming free masterclass on how to GROW INTO YOUR FEMININE SUPERPOWERS on the 3rd of September at 19:30 via Zoom for free. Join right here.
A couple of months ago another intuitive gift unlocked for me: the realm of spirit babies opened up to me. This has influenced the focus of my work and my whole mission immensely.
In this episode I finally share more about:
what spirit babies are the "location" of spirit babies in the spiritual realm the difference between old souls and new souls how spirit babies connect to their parents what it is like to be in communication with them what my one-on-one spirit baby channeling sessions are like how the connection to spirit babies influenced my mission and workYou can book a 1:1 spirit baby channeling session with me right here.
Shoot me an email at [email protected] or message me on instagram @tabeazoe and let me know your thoughts and any questions for a second episode about spirit babies.
This is the audio of an Instagram LIVE I did answering a few questions I received about conscious dating.
I talk about
how I first needed to own what I did not want to then be able to own what I truly wanted how I left a five year relationship and jumped into the unknown that there is no way around authenticity if you want true intimacy and deep connection how I integrated those rejected parts and how that showed up in my external reality closing the gap between current reality and desired reality why taking full responsibility for your own wounds is so important how time is not relevant in healing the pattern I needed to break for myself to receive the love I was looking for how being inspired and being triggered points out your blind spotsIf this calls you: the application for BIRTHING is open right now, we start in one week. Book a call right here to secure your spot in this group program.
Spirituality is not all love and light. Spirituality has nothing to do with its image of harmony. Spirituality is not a specific framework or practice.
With every spiritual awakening or rise in consciousness I think "Oh shit" I know I need to own that part of me ... while I am actually really grounded, "down-to-earth" and I HATE the image of a spiritual person and the spiritual culture right now.
This podcast episode is a rant about all the things I hate that I see going wrong in this scene. I know a lot of people feel this hurt of disillusionment because of the spiritual community. Share your thoughts with me and DM me on Instagram about it.
THE WAITLIST TO MY NEXT GROUP PROGRAM "BIRTHING" IS OPEN. With the waitlist you receive early bird prices until the 15th of July before I open the booking to the larger public.
As we evolve in our expression of feminine and masculine energy, we go through phases of integrating one or the other energetic expression. I like to look at the phases as stepping into embodiment of different archetypes.
The Mother Archetype is the more mature version of feminine energy, in which you (as a woman) have already integrated your relationship to masculine energy.
In this episode I share my own journey of maturing into the Mother Archetype last year: how I shifted relationship dynamics, set new boundaries and made mothering myself a priority.
To then be able to ground in a different level of feminine energy, unconditional love and feel ready to connect to my spirit baby.
JOIN THE WAITLIST FOR BIRTHING HERE. When you are on the waitlist you have priority in getting a spot in BIRTHING and receive the early bird prices.
& Join the Guided Channeling Session on the 30th of June to connect to your spirit baby.
Please leave me a review!
Let's be real: To fully land in your feminine energy (and integrate the two polarities) is a brain fuck. It goes against what you have been taught all your life and requires A LOT of de-programming.
Oh, I am allowed to flow? I am allowed to rest? My intuition is wiser than logic? I am supported by the divine and worthy just for being?
This is the feminine rebellion. And it leads to: a movement. A movement of feminine leadership.
What if we LEAD by RAISING the next generation this way? What if we rebel, so the next generation of visionaries can handle even greater solutions?
Join the WAITLIST for BIRTHING, my program that spiritually, emotionally and mindfully prepares you for the act of creation of birthing. This is for those women that have the desire to become mothers, to grow into motherly love.
In this episode I am welcoming my first guest: Margarida, a women's mentor to discuss feminine energy in dating and relationships.
This episode is the first part. We talk about:
how our relationship to the divine / God influenced the relationship to masculine energy for the both of us,
in what ways it is different to date from your masculine energy or from your feminine energy,
and I share the story of how I manifested my current partnership (and engagement!).
In the second part over on Margarida's podcast we go deeper into feminine and masculine energy in intimate relationships and friendships.
Check out Margarida on Instagram @margarida.m.leal and her podcast The Human Art Gallery Podcast on Spotify.
Wait, so if Time is masculine -- how do we interact with it through the feminine?
In this episode I share more "practical" tips on how to relate to Time through your feminine energy: with patience, acceptance and trust. This is what it looks like on a daily basis to trust in divine timing and to go with the natural flow of life.
I invite you to join A TIMELY ENCOUNTER, a free online call on the Second of June in which we will dive deeper into the topic and meet Time. Here you will witness the birthing of creative waters.
This is an impromptu, improvised episode: a raw channeling of downloads in the moment I am receiving them.
We as a collective went through massive shifts this past month (just look at the astrology), which allowed us to rise into a new level of consciousness.
In this episode I am sharing what is to come for those, that are going through another awakening right now.
If you are ready for this journey and desire support on the way: book a free alignment call for my 1:1 containers here.
If you are interested in the new program coming out soon, join the waiting list right here.
We all express feminine and masculine polarity, in different intensities and different ways.
In this episode I talk about how we express the two polarities in an extreme way if we have not integrated them, and what it is like when we do integrate the two.
I discuss how feminine and masculine energy show up in relationships and in our society as a whole, how it relates to gender and the roles of men and women right now.
Join the manifestation masterclass "Conscious Creation of Reality based on the Interplay between Feminine and Masculine Energy".
Feminine and masculine are the two polarities of creative energy, two ends of a spectrum that essentially belong together. We all hold both polarities within and shift in between different expressions (in different intensities) of the two.
In this first part I am talking about the feminine and masculine polarity on a purely energetic level and in the process of creation and inner transformation.
The process of creation and inner transformation is an interplay between feminine and masculine energy. We need both for a successful and fulfilling act of creation.
Dive deeper into the CONSCIOUS CREATION OF REALITY based on feminine and masculine energy in my upcoming manifestation masterclass in the beginning of May.
And check out my current 1:1 coaching container or get a first feel for my work in a guided channeling session.
In this episode I talk about the essential principles of the creative waters: how we experience creative energy.
We experience creative energy through our channel as an inpouring and outpouring of energy. We receive ideas, inspiration and intuitive insights and let them influence and flow into our creative output and the realization of said ideas.
We experience creative energy in the depth of our inner well as the generation of energy flowing from our core. It is our passion, drive and purpose that rises, when we connect to our core essence and clear out the way (well) through inner work.
And we experience creative energy beyond that within as the feeling of oneness and love and in any moment as the essence of the divine, the mystical in the mundane.
When we understand the movements of creative energy and move with these currents, life flows for us.
Experience it for yourself in one of my guided channeling sessions online.
In this episode I discuss EMOTIONAL ALCHEMY which is the inner cycle of transformation in any creative process.
These are the steps:
creating a container for the emotion to move through you and allowing yourself to fully feel it, going even deeper into the source of the emotion to fully feel it and clear it by deconstructing narratives and detangling your inner realm experiencing a revelation, a new stream of intrinsic motivation and „alchemizing“ the emotionI also talk about how this connects to the two polarities, feminine and masculine, of creative energy. And I explain the generation of creative energy within, through your „inner well“.
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