In this episode of Cured Collective Podcast, we have the opportunity to sit down with Paul Austin, the founder of Third Wave. Paul is a leading voice on the use of psychedelics for personal growth, creative insight, and professional transformation. His vision is to help facilitate our society’s transition from a competitive, zero-sum mindset to a collaborative, social entrepreneurial approach. Oh, and the key? The intentional and informed use of psychedelics.
Today, Paul shares an overview of psychedelic substances, including his thoughts on decriminalization, best practices, safety protocols, and the wide-ranging benefits. As the founder and CEO of Third Wave, Paul is on a mission to nurture the emerging psychedelic ecosystem by providing individuals with research-based education, access to vetted providers, and membership in our global community of psychedelic pioneers.
Head to Third Wave to learn more about their psychedelic guides, courses, and certified providers. As the mission and vision of Third Wave continues to expand and evolve, so will its impact.
“I don't think the vast majority of people who can benefit from these medicines necessarily need to have a mystical experience. There are a lot of people who can simply benefit from taking lower doses of psychedelics, potentially in conjunction with therapy or coaching.” – Paul Austin
Key Highlights
Why decriminalization is the safest way for people to gain access to psychedelics and plant medicine; Why adequate sourcing of and accessibility to microdosing supplements depends on legalization; How microdosing can benefit chronic health conditions that affect the mind and body; How microdosing differs from large doses of psychedelics, and why low doses of these substances may be the best pathway toward healing for many individuals.Episode Resources
Opt-in to become a CURED Industry Insider and get a round-up of our favorite resources and exclusive deals. Text ‘INSIDER’ to 1 (833) 830-0021; Download the FREE Productivity Guide; Learn more about any of Cured's all-natural products at our website and save 15% with checkout code "COLLECTIVE"; For any questions regarding Cured Nutrition products or our movement please email us directly at support@curednutrition.comConnect with Paul
Website: thethirdwave.co
Website: psychedeliccoaching.institute
Connect with us
Instagram: @josephsheehey | @curednutrition
TW: eating disorders and sexual abuse.
Today, Lauren Sheehey joins us on the CURED Collective Podcast for a special episode. During her third appearance on the show, she taps into radical honesty and vulnerability in the hopes of erasing stigma, providing hope, and calling others forward into recovery and reclamation.
Lauren is a trauma-informed coach, writer, and mother. She is also the co-founder of WTHN, a transformative group coaching program that she runs with Joe. Like many experts, she developed her niche with the influence of her personal experiences. In today’s episode, she opens up for the first time about what her personal history has truly entailed.
Lauren speaks to her lifelong eating disorder, as well as her own version of recovery; which she aptly names, “The Uncovery.” The theme of this episode, and of her recovery, is one of unlocking her voice: when she first lost it, key moments that highlight the estrangement, and what finally helped her restore it. As a survivor of sexual abuse and sexual assault, Lauren turns a corner in her healing by speaking to the impact of those experiences today.
Lauren also shares her perspective on the triphasic nature of healing, as well as the type of treatments available for those who suffer from eating disorders and sexual trauma. The episode ends with a description of how she is attributing meaning to her experiences and finding significance in service; for which WTHN is the conduit and the container.
Tune in for a message of hope and a call for healing. For those who are seeking support and guidance, click the link below to apply to work with Lauren.
“I'm not trying to understand why those things happened, I'm trying to understand how I move forward with them and how I integrate them into who I am today.” – Lauren Sheehey
Key Highlights
How Lauren’s history of sexual trauma influenced the development of her eating disorder; How she approached healing, and the details of the three phases she calls: the uncovery; the messy middle; and the meaning making; Why it was essential for Lauren to give up her role as the good girl and uncover her authentic self; When to tap into the practice of opposite action in our healing; How to break the patterns of voicelessness and what happens when truth is free to roam in the container of a healthy relationship; How Lauren’s experiences influenced her decision to create WTHN Coaching; What coaching clients can expect in the six-month program, and why this unique approach to healing promises sustained positive change.Episode Resources
Apply for WTHN Coaching Schedule your WTHN consult Opt-in to become a CURED Industry Insider and get a round-up of our favorite resources and exclusive deals. Text ‘INSIDER’ to 1 (833) 830-0021; Download the FREE Productivity Guide; Learn more about any of Cured's all-natural products at our website and save 15% with checkout code "COLLECTIVE"; For any questions regarding Cured Nutrition products or our movement please email us directly at support@curednutrition.comConnect with Lauren!
Instagram: @laurensheehey
Instagram: @wthn.coaching
Connect with us!
Instagram: @josephsheehey | @curednutrition
Tune in to the latest episode of The Cured Collective Podcast where we discuss networking. We’ve all heard the saying, “your network is your net worth”, but what does that actually mean and where do we start?
When building a powerful network, it all starts with the question, “how can I give?” In all relationships, what you can give to the relationship is far more relevant than what you can get. Displaying true and continuous curiosity is the foundation to build from. People love sharing about themselves. So, give them the opportunity.
Most importantly, you must be willing to so your true self. Many times in life, how we handle a relationship is affected by how we see ourselves. So, become clear on whether your true self is showing up, or not. Tune in for more!
“When you enter into a relationship, it's not 'what you can get’ it's 'what can i give?” – Joseph Sheehey
Episode Resources
Join the WTHN waitlist by clicking here; Opt-in to become a CURED Industry Insider and get a round-up of our favorite resources and exclusive deals. Text ‘INSIDER’ to 1 (833) 830-0021; Download the FREE Productivity Guide; Learn more about any of Cured's all-natural products at our website and save 15% with checkout code "COLLECTIVE"; For any questions regarding Cured Nutrition products or our movement please email us directly at support@curednutrition.comConnect with us!
Instagram: @josephsheehey | @curednutrition
Tune in to this week’s episode of the CURED collective podcast where we discuss lessons from the like of Tom Bilyeu, founder of the billion-dollar company Quest Nutrition.
In a world where it is easy to get lost in material and other physical manifestations of success, the most important obstacle we face is ourselves. The zero’s in your bank account, the relationship, the new job, none of it matters unless you have begun to understand the depths of your relationship with yourself.
Discover the formula to set a foundation for change and recognize where you play the greatest role in your own journey. This is the path to fulfillment.
“The #1 biggest obstacle we all bump into in our lives is ourselves. We are our greatest obstacle, and overcoming ourselves is the work that allows us to create a new life.” – Joseph Sheehey
Episode Resources
Join the WTHN waitlist by clicking here; Text WELCOME to 855-704-0682 to join our SMS list and get free shipping on your next order! Download the FREE Productivity Guide; Learn more about any of Cured's all-natural products at our website and save 15% with checkout code "COLLECTIVE"; For any questions regarding Cured Nutrition products or our movement please email us directly at support@curednutrition.comConnect with us!
Instagram: @josephsheehey | @curednutrition
Welcome to this week’s episode of The Cured Collective Podcast. We’re sitting down with Nimai Delgado to discuss pursuing entrepreneurship, balancing mental health, cultivating relationships, and creating a life of compassion.
Nimai is a vegan professional bodybuilder, former mechanical engineer, lifestyle coach, and motivational speaker. Through each of his high-impact platforms (including Vedge Nutrition and VeganFitness.com), Nimai has helped thousands of individuals create a life they love through exercise and vegan nutrition.
His mission is to spark greater awareness and compassion in the world, and he achieves this by bringing a modern, more conscious perspective into conversations surrounding health and fitness.
Today, Nimai dives into his spiritual upbringing, his decision to leave mechanical engineering to pursue bodybuilding and coaching, and the thriving business he developed as a result. He also highlights the important of committing himself to applying his core values to every aspect of his life; in business and beyond.
“My big mission is to make the world a more compassionate place. It happens to be through the lens of helping people eat less animals because I truly believe it’s unnecessary [...] If we can all strengthen that muscle, exercising a little bit of compassion here, a little bit of compassion there, then ultimately that creates a really big ripple effect.” – Nimai Delgado
Key Highlights
The significant role of spirituality and compassion in Nimai’s life; Why understanding the reasons for your passions is fundamental, and how Nimai demonstrates this in his continued advocacy for veganism; How compassion can be viewed as a chain of events, and how to create a big, ripple effect; How entrepreneurs can leverage their college degrees to solve daily problems in their businesses; How Nimai and Joe have approached leaving jobs, and what they learned from their experiences; Why self-awareness and self-compassion are two key components for self-growth.Episode Resources
Text WELCOME to 855-704-0682 to join our SMS list and get free shipping on your next order! Download the FREE Productivity Guide; Learn more about any of Cured's all-natural products at our website and save 15% with checkout code "COLLECTIVE"; For any questions regarding Cured Nutrition products or our movement please email us directly at support@curednutrition.comConnect with Nimai!
Instagram: @nimaidelgado | @vedgenutrition
Connect with us!
Instagram: @josephsheehey | @curednutrition
In this episode of Cured Collective Podcast, we welcome Brad Jensen. Brad is a high-level fitness and nutrition coach, the owner of Key Nutrition, and the founder of Next Level Experience, a program designed to implement healthy habits and remove emotional baggage and limiting beliefs. As a coach, he helps others level up in all areas of their lives.
Brad’s story of addiction and recovery is one of powerful overcoming. In the height of his addiction to heroin, he was arrested several times; the last of which included being pulled over in a stolen vehicle. After hitting bottom, he started working toward radically changing himself and his life. He committed himself to 12 Steps, and contributes the program to saving his life. Through this program, and throughout his recovery, he has learned why spirituality is a non-negotiable aspect of health, wellness, peace, and vitality.
In Next Level Experience, Brad combines his life experience with his knowledge and insight in fitness, nutrition, psychology, and spirituality. Lives are changed, and the impact continues to ripple out into the lives of everyone these individuals come into contact with.
Tune in for the whole conversation.
“Shame is the lowest vibrating frequency you can feel.” – Brad Jensen
Key Highlights
Brad’s past addiction to heroin, including multiple arrests and the story of his final use; How 12 Steps helped pave the way for recovery and change the trajectory of his future; Why spirituality is non-negotiable; Why it’s critical to heal from and move past shame; How Brad used meditation to continue to gain greater awareness; How we helps transform lives in his program, Next Level Experience.Related Links
Book: Men’s Work by Connor Beaton
Episode Resources
Text WELCOME to 855-704-0682 to join our SMS list and get free shipping on your next order! Download the FREE Productivity Guide; Learn more about any of Cured's all-natural products at our website and save 15% with checkout code "COLLECTIVE"; For any questions regarding Cured Nutrition products or our movement please email us directly at support@curednutrition.comConnect with Brad!
Instagram: @thesoberbodybuilder
Website: www.mynextlevelexperience.com
Podcast: The Key Nutrition Podcast
Connect with us!
Instagram: @josephsheehey | @curednutrition
In this episode of Cured Collective Podcast, we welcome Joseph Anew. Joseph is an international speaker, fitness expert, entrepreneur and lifestyle coach. During his eight years as Head of Sport and Training at Spartan Race, Joseph worked full-time with professional endurance athletes and taught seminars all over the world. From there, Joseph went on to found RUNGA, creating the experience he himself needed to recharge and refuel.
Through Runga, Joseph brings together teachers, modalities, and therapies for the highest possible impact. Like us, he believes that vibrant health is possible for everyone, and he embodies that truth in his own story of overcoming significant adversity.
In today’s episode, Joseph shares the beginning stages of creating RUNGA and how it has evolved over time. He has experienced exponential growth along the way, both personally and within the walls of how RUNGA operates. He also speaks to the similarities and differences between fitness, wellness, and spirituality.
Joseph is the founder of Runga, which is a company that through coaching, annual events, and different programs helps people to get better in many areas of life. Today, Joseph shares with the listeners how he created the company, what inspired him to do so, his experience with fitness coaching, and – most importantly – how he was able to evolve his company with time and make it grow exponentially.
Tune in!
“I think a big part of ‘spirituality’ is also understanding why things in our lives, that we call ‘traumas’, happen – and how we can stop running from them.” – Joseph Anew
Key Highlights
How Joseph’s experience with a traumatic brain injury impacted his life trajectory and healing journey; Drawing parallels between the four pillars of fitness, health, wellness, and spirituality, and the four elements of earth, air, water, and fire; Why spirituality is a fundamental aspect of health and wellness; How to broadly define and embody spirituality; What prompted Joseph to change his name, and the changes he experienced as a direct result; Why RUNGA exists today and the specific impact Joseph hopes to create with it.Episode Resources
Text WELCOME to 855-704-0682 to join our SMS list and get free shipping on your next order! Download the FREE Productivity Guide; Learn more about any of Cured's all-natural products at our website and save 15% with checkout code "COLLECTIVE"; For any questions regarding Cured Nutrition products or our movement please email us directly at support@curednutrition.comConnect with Joseph!
Instagram: @josephanew_
Website: rungalife.com
Podcast: Intuitive Warrior
Connect with us!
Instagram: @josephsheehey | @curednutrition
Welcome to the final episode of our masterclass! Today, we’re discussing which CURED supplements you can safely consume when you are subject to a drug test. This is a common question in the community, as many of our customers work within law enforcement, medicine, and similar fields. Many of our supplements are in fact THC-free; however, it’s important to know which specific products to choose when you’re setting up your daily dose.
We’ll clarify how to properly read our labels, which ingredients to look for, and what os important to know about the drug test itself. If you are someone who needs THC-free products, we have an array to choose from. Rest assured: you’ll experience the benefit, without the stress.
Episode Resources
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Instagram: @josephsheehey | @curednutrition
Welcome to the third episode of our masterclass. Today, we’re troubleshooting your CBD routine. If you have ever struggled to experience the benefits of CURED supplements, there are a few important reminders to keep in mind. First and foremost, our supplements are, well, supplements! Meaning - they are supplemental to a healthy, mindful, and effective wellness routine.
Take our sleep and recovery supplements, for example. Zen and CBN can’t override the effects of late night meals, artificial light, or uncomfortable sleep environments. Consistent sleep hygiene lays the foundation for high-quality rest. Our supplements help your mind and body achieve deeper sleep, more restful sleep, and adequate time in each sleep stage.
Tune in for more tips in streamlining your routine for success!
Episode Resources
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Instagram: @josephsheehey | @curednutrition
Welcome to the second episode of this week’s masterclass. Today, we’re discussing the differences between CBN and CBD. If you have ever found yourself wondering which cannabinoid is best for you and your wellness goals, this conversation will clear up the confusion and set you on the path to less stress.
While CBD is commonly recommended for general aches, pains, and mood regulation, CBN is widely respected for its targeted sedating effects (imagine the overwhelming comfort of a weighted blanket). Our CBN and CBD come in two forms: Night Oil and Night Caps, and Calm Oil and Calm Caps.
The key differences here are a result of the varying method of delivery. Most individuals experience a quicker onset time with oils, while a more concentrated and potent effect is typically experienced with capsules.
Tune in for more!
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Instagram: @josephsheehey | @curednutrition
Welcome to the masterclass! In this mini-episode, we discuss our commitment to excellence as a supplement brand. One key element that sets CURED apart is our promise to third-party test every single supplement lining our shelves. This is something we have been practicing since our inception, and something we will continue to devote ourselves to as we evolve and mature.
We value transparency, integrity, and innovation; and quality control sits at the foundation and cross-section of each of these. When we consistently live into our values as a company, we can rest assured that we are serving you — our community — to the absolute best of our ability.
Episode Resources
Opt-in to become a CURED Industry Insider and get a round-up of our favorite resources and exclusive deals. Text ‘INSIDER’ to 1 (833) 830-0021; Download the FREE Productivity Guide; Learn more about any of Cured's all-natural products at our website and save 15% with checkout code "COLLECTIVE"; For any questions regarding Cured Nutrition products or our movement please email us directly at support@curednutrition.comConnect with us!
Instagram: @josephsheehey | @curednutrition
In this episode of The Cured Collective Podcast, we sit down for a conversation with Traver Boehm. Traver is the the founder of the UNcivilized Men’s Movement, the fastest growing men’s movement in the world. This movement is dedicated to ending the suffering in men and the suffering caused by men.
Traver is the author of “Today I Rise” and “Man UNcivilized”, as well as a two time TEDx speaker, men’s coach and podcaster. Drawing upon an eclectic background ranging from professional bodyguard and Mixed Martial Arts to a Master’s Degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine and meditation, Traver and his team of coaches counsel men, women, and couples on how to better understand men’s mental health and relationship difficulties.
In 2016, after a heartbreaking season of loss and change, Traver committed himself year-long social experiment, which he called, “A Year To Live.” During his experiment, he spent 28 days in complete darkness, isolation, and yes — nothingness. Today, he shares how this experience shaped him and continues to impact his life, his perspectives, and his work.
This episode will take you on a journey.
“If you’re suffering, you’re probably hurting people. What if we could stop the unnecessary suffering in men, so we stop the unnecessary suffering caused by men?” – Traver Boehm
Key Highlights
How Traver first found himself pursuing a career as a men’s coach, and what experiences in his life prompted him to become a guide, leader, and speaker; How to identify, recognize, and remove the “lone wolf mentality”; Why men’s health depends on their ability to embrace their masculinity and connect with other men in community; How to acknowledge, heal, and overcome old trauma; How to become a man living his purpose, in service to love, community, and leaving this world a better place than he found it; Why Traver committed himself to a life-changing social experiment, and what came of his twenty-eight days in total darkness in a Guatemalan hut.Episode Resources
Opt-in to become a CURED Industry Insider and get a round-up of our favorite resources and exclusive deals. Text ‘INSIDER’ to 1 (833) 830-0021; Download the FREE Productivity Guide; Learn more about any of Cured's all-natural products at our website and save 15% with checkout code "COLLECTIVE"; For any questions regarding Cured Nutrition products or our movement please email us directly at support@curednutrition.comConnect with Traver!
Instagram: @traverboehm
Website: manuncivilized.com
Connect with us!
Instagram: @josephsheehey | @curednutrition
In this episode of the CURED Collective Podcast, we discuss the history and use of cannabis. Despite its current stigma, the origins of cannabis date back thousands of years. In fact, it was used for its therapeutic and spiritual benefits by dozens of cultures. Yet, in the 1900s, something shifted.
The narrative given by mainstream media was one of fear, danger, and vilification. The medicinal potential was lost, and marijuana soon became media’s “gateway drug.” Today, Joe juxtaposes the use of cannabis with the use of alcohol and asks, “Why is one considered a poison, while the other is considered a social norm?”
He shares experiences with witnessing family members die from the effects of chronic alcoholism, and the impact alcohol has had on his own life. At CURED, the mission is not one of escapism; shifting the narrative around cannabis does not mean normalizing “getting high.”
Instead, we believe in the therapeutic benefits of ingesting low doses of THC (also known as a microdose) to provide relief, relaxation, and even creativity. This is not about tapping out of life, but instead tuning into ourselves, our bodies, and our potential. At the end of the episode, Joe answers listener questions about forms of cannabis consumption, modes of delivery, and various strains of cannabis.
Tune in!
“Let’s open up the conversation, make it normalized, and create a difference for our future generations. That’s where I believe the truth about cannabis lives.” – Joseph Sheehey
Key Highlights
Why cannabis needs a social and cultural rebrand; Whether cannabis is a gateway drug, or if it’s a matter of the consumers’ intentions; What to garner from the history of cannabis, and how to compare this to its future; How to benefit from low does of THC, and why this is markedly different from alcohol; Why microdosing can be a conduit for greater presence.Episode Resources
Opt-in to become a CURED Industry Insider and get a round-up of our favorite resources and exclusive deals. Text ‘INSIDER’ to 1 (833) 830-0021; Download the FREE Productivity Guide; Learn more about any of Cured's all-natural products at our website and save 15% with checkout code "COLLECTIVE"; For any questions regarding Cured Nutrition products or our movement please email us directly at support@curednutrition.comConnect with us!
Instagram: @josephsheehey | @curednutrition
In this episode of Cured Collective Podcast, we discuss Joe’s recent trip to Austin, Texas; where he had the opportunity to meet and connect with a truly powerful community of like-minded, mission-driven people. Joe explains why this trip was more gratifying than others he has taken in the past, and what it means to consistently surround ourselves with people who are proactively working toward creating a better future.
Joe also explains why changing and evolving as an individual can often be a lonely journey. Internally, there will be times when you feel like the progress is slow (or even absent). Yet, when you’re presented with the opportunity to dive into a community of equally motivated individuals, your growth is just as often highlighted and amplified. With others, inspiration, clarity, and accountability flow freely.
Tune in!
“Whatever it is that you set out to start to change in your life, the beginning phases of that change can be extremely lonely.” – Joseph Sheehey
Key Highlights
Why personal evolution can be a lonely journey; Why and how to find a community that will value your progress and help you hold your vision; How community helps foster greater resilience for the inevitable bumps along the way.Episode Resources
Opt-in to become a CURED Industry Insider and get a round-up of our favorite resources and exclusive deals. Text ‘INSIDER’ to 1 (833) 830-0021; Download the FREE Productivity Guide; Learn more about any of Cured's all-natural products at our website and save 15% with checkout code "COLLECTIVE"; For any questions regarding Cured Nutrition products or our movement please email us directly at support@curednutrition.comConnect with us!
Instagram: @josephsheehey | @curednutrition
In this episode of Cured Collective Podcast, we have the pleasure of sitting down for a conversation with Connor Beaton. Connor is a NY-based coach, teacher, and speaker dedicated to helping men (and women) from all over the world walk through their darkness and grow in the realms of mental clarity, relational communication, and actualizing their potential and sexual intimacy. He is the founder of ManTalks, an intensive training program for men looking to expand and deepen their sense of self-leadership.
Connor is also the author of ‘Men’s Work,’ a powerful book and practical guide that offers men actionable exercises and the self-inquiry to help anyone achieve love, a joy-filled life, fulfilling sexual connections, and deep purpose.
Today, Joe and Connor discuss the various challenges men face with their mental and emotional health; as well as how these have morphed into an epidemic in recent years. In true Jungian fashion, Connor speaks to what our shadows can teach us about ourselves, our paths to liberation, and our purposes. We can often find ourselves stuck in old patterns of thinking that life is happening to us, but there is immense growth and healing when we can believe that life is actually happening FOR us.
This is one you don’t want to miss.
“We can see that socially in the education system, academically, professionally, sexually…men are struggling and the conversations we’re having about how to approach this are often missing the mark.” – Connor Beaton
Key Highlights
Why more men are struggling to find adequate resources for health and healing; How to understand ‘toxic masculinity’ and why this phrase has gained popularity in recent years; What happens when men lack initiation, and how this creates a vicious cycle for men later in life; How to identify cognitive dissonance and why it is often a precursor to depression and anxiety; What “men’s work” really is and how to use Connor’s book to reclaim masculinity; Why it can be helpful to set boundaries with ourselves on our healing journeys; How to define “shadow work” and the various ways this shows up; Why porn consumption is on the rise and the problems this presents; Why hitting rock bottom can be the most transformative catalyst for change.Episode Resources
Opt-in to become a CURED Industry Insider and get a round-up of our favorite resources and exclusive deals. Text ‘INSIDER’ to 1 (833) 830-0021; Download the FREE Productivity Guide; Learn more about any of Cured's all-natural products at our website and save 15% with checkout code "COLLECTIVE"; For any questions regarding Cured Nutrition products or our movement please email us directly at support@curednutrition.comConnect with Connor!
Book: Men’s Work by Connor Beaton
Instagram: @mantalks
Podcast: ManTalks
Connect with us!
Instagram: @josephsheehey | @curednutrition
In today’s show, we discuss the perpetual problem so many of us face: comparison. No one is immune to comparison. If we don’t experience it now, chances are likely we’ve felt its claws in the past. Perhaps it was focused on financial acclaim or career trajectory; or perhaps physical appearance and relationship status. Despite the subject matter, each of us can relate to the sticky, consuming, comparison trap.
We have found one of the most reliable and realistic ways to break out of the comparison trap. So, now we want to share that with you! We spend today’s episode discussing that reminder and smoothing out the foundation for whatever project you currently find yourself working on. When we let go of comparison once and for all, our goals are far more attainable.
Here’s a hint: “Don’t compare your Chapter 1 with someone else’s Chapter 20.”
Tune in!
“We actually need to be comparing ourselves to the work that went into achieving that milestone.” – Joe Sheehey
Key Highlights
What happens when we idealize someone else’s success; What is important to consider before getting stuck in comparison; How to remind ourselves of what happens “behind the scenes”.Related Links
Winning by Tim S. Grover
Episode Resources
Opt-in to become a CURED Industry Insider and get a round-up of our favorite resources and exclusive deals. Text ‘INSIDER’ to 1 (833) 830-0021; Download the FREE Productivity Guide; Learn more about any of Cured's all-natural products at our website and save 15% with checkout code "COLLECTIVE"; For any questions regarding Cured Nutrition products or our movement please email us directly at support@curednutrition.comConnect with us!
Instagram: @josephsheehey | @curednutrition
Welcome to another episode! Today you will listen to a very profound conversation between Joe and Greg Anderson on his podcast, Endless Endeavor. Throughout the episode, they talk about a variety of topics including Joe’s background working for corporate America, how he was able to deal with depression years ago, his journey founding Cured Nutrition, and the ups and downs of being an entrepreneur.
You will see that the main theme of the episode is entrepreneurship. Taking a leap of faith and quitting a 9-5 job is just not for everyone: it takes courage, inspiration, and a sense of purpose to pursue this road. Not only that, people who work for themselves can fall into the trap of being unproductive, giving up shortly after starting the business, or feeling lost with so many tasks. Joe shares his journey navigating through all of that. Tune in!
“More people can start to commit to putting themselves into uncomfortable situations and proving – one day after the next – that you can do things that are hard, and difficult and scare you a lot. You can actually have control over your life” – Joe Sheehey
Key Highlights
What it was like for Joe to quit his job and give himself permission to pursue his dream and start a business, especially knowing the many difficulties that entrepreneurship can bring; Joe honestly shares his background dealing with depression and suicidal thoughts, his career in bodybuilding, and how he went from working a 9-5 job to founding a company; Learn all the differences and details in Cured’s products, how they can help with different symptoms like stress, anxiety, and lack of sleep, and which product may help you in its own way; Authenticity and working on self-development can be huge assets when following the entrepreneurship journey.Episode Resources
Opt-in to become a CURED Industry Insider and get a round-up of our favorite resources and exclusive deals. Text ‘INSIDER’ to 1 (833) 830-0021; Download the FREE Productivity Guide; Learn more about any of Cured's all-natural products at our website and save 15% with checkout code "COLLECTIVE"; For any questions regarding Cured Nutrition products or our movement please email us directly at support@curednutrition.comConnect with Greg Anderson:
Instagram: @granderson33
Connect with us!
Instagram: @josephsheehey | @curednutrition
In this episode of Cured Collective Podcast, we sit down with Jeff Lovecchio for a thoughtful, inspiring, and well-rounded conversation. Jeff is a former NHL player and successfully played in the league for ten years. After a series of injuries ended his career, he learned to infuse his passion for movement into a thriving coaching business.
In the episode, Jeff describes his relationship with discipline and its onset at an incredibly early age. He explains how his commitment to outworking his fellow hockey players ultimately catalyzed his transformation into a professional player. While other kids were enjoying their summer or other young adults were going out for drinks, you could consistently find Jeff putting in time on the rink.
Throughout his many years spent training (and rehabilitating injuries), Jeff discovered gaps in the current model of athletic training and sports performance. Specifically, in the way athletes were training in the gym and how this wasn’t transferring to their performance in their sport. This inspired Jeff to not only reevaluate his own training methods, but to introduce the same functional, dynamic, power-focused movements to the athletes he now coaches in St. Louis, Missouri.
Wondering what this looks like? Just try sprinting at your max-out speed while trying to read a sign pinned on an adjacent wall. This episode is one that will inspire you to move your body in the way it was always designed to. Tune in!
“If you have kids and you’re listening to this, or if you want to have kids, put them in a team sport. Not because you want them to be a pro athlete, but because it is a metaphor for life and it teaches you all of the things you need to learn to be successful.” – Jeff Lovecchio
Key Highlights
What initiated Jeff’s journey toward a career as an NHL athlete; What Jeff believes distinguished him from other athletes; Why discipline is the key to unlocking our minds’ and bodies’ ultimate potential; Jeff’s experience with concussions and traumatic brain injuries, and if he would change anything if he could go back in time; When Jeff first felt a passion for helping others learn how to reach their maximum potential; How Jeff rebuilt his confidence following one of his most serious concussions and injuries; How to understand the difference between ‘working harder’ and ‘working smarter’; Which words of advice Jeff would offer to anyone currently in their twenties and thirties.Episode Resources
Opt-in to become a CURED Industry Insider and get a round-up of our favorite resources and exclusive deals. Text ‘INSIDER’ to 1 (833) 830-0021; Download the FREE Productivity Guide; Learn more about any of Cured's all-natural products at our website and save 15% with checkout code "COLLECTIVE"; For any questions regarding Cured Nutrition products or our movement please email us directly at support@curednutrition.comConnect with Jeff!
Instagram: @jefflovecchio
Podcast: The Hockey Think Tank Podcast
Connect with us!
Instagram: @josephsheehey | @curednutrition
We can all agree: gut health is one of the most important aspects of wellness and well-being. An imbalanced gut is the precursor to an imbalanced life; whether that results in an increased prevalence of diseases and chronic health issues, or weakened immune systems and mental health resilience.
In today’s episode, we had the pleasure of sitting down with Dasha Agoulnik. As you’ll learn, Dasha’s road to her current position has been long, winding, and rich with experience. Her background in medicine and love for biochemistry sets her apart from standard Registered Dietitians, which is how she is currently making an impact in her clients’ and patients’ lives.
Dasha is also the founder of Core Perform, an evidence-based supplement company that offers products to lower bloat and inflammation. If you’re in the hunt for a delicious, gut-friendly protein powder, her Maple Banana Bread blend is a guaranteed hit!
Throughout this episode, Dasha shares her thoughts on the importance of balancing the gut-brain axis, gut microbiota and flora, and our stress levels. She also describes the catalyst that motivated her to pursue a career as a Registered Dietitian, as well as what she hopes to accomplish in her field. Her experience with sports and performance enriches this conversation, and those she has on her social platforms. Whether you’re an athlete or a mom of two, you’ll walk away from this conversation equipped to improve your gut health in 2023.
“I completely agree that you are what you eat. But even further than that, I like to say: you are not what you eat, you are what you absorb.” – Dasha Agoulnik
Key Highlights
How to blend the goals of longevity and sports performance to find true wellness and well-being; How to differentiate between gut health issues, like IBS and SIBO; Which mechanisms drive the connection between the gut and the brain; What to know about brain-derived neurotransmitters, and gut-derived neurotransmitters; How to boost gut health with daily nutrition practices, like meal timing and food diversity; Why nutrient absorption determines our health and influences the levels of inflammation in our body; How natural supplements, like herbs or MCT oil, affect gut health.Episode Resources
Opt-in to become a CURED Industry Insider and get a round-up of our favorite resources and exclusive deals. Text ‘INSIDER’ to 1 (833) 830-0021; Download the FREE Productivity Guide; Learn more about any of Cured's all-natural products at our website and save 15% with checkout code "COLLECTIVE"; For any questions regarding Cured Nutrition products or our movement please email us directly at support@curednutrition.comConnect with Dasha!
Website: www.coreperform.com - Code “FLY” to get free shipping on your first sample
E-mail: coreperformnutrition@gmail.com or support@coreperform.com
Connect with us!
Instagram: @josephsheehey | @curednutrition
Welcome to another episode of The Cured Collective Podcast! In today’s episode, we sit down with CURED partner, Sam Miller, to discuss all things metabolism. Sam is a coach, podcast host, and the author of the recently released book, ‘Metabolism Made Simple.
During the conversation, Sam shares the foundational components of metabolism including: energy, the calorie in calorie out conundrum, creating sustainable approaches, and more!
While the book is titled ‘Metabolism Made Simple’, we’d reflect that this is one of the most comprehensive collections of information to get you kick-started on taking control of your own metabolism.
Join us to weed through the piles of information in our current world and get down to the most important factors.
“I think we’re always in our journey, evolving and growing, to be able to help and serve the person that we were a decade ago or even prior to that. So when I first started my health and fitness journey, a lot of the concepts I talk about in the book were things that were argued about in social media or there was a lot of misinformation or misapplication of those concepts. It wasn’t necessarily something I was presented in a super digestible fashion.” – Sam Miller
Key Highlights
Sam explains that the process of writing and sharing a book that contains a good amount of teachings is extremely rewarding for him and makes him feel he is doing something important for the industry; The book is for those desiring to transform their lives, for those who are wanting to help others, and for Sam himself, a decade ago; Sam highlights the foundation to understanding metabolism, and nutrition, and start making true changes daily. All of which are taught in the book Sam explains that changing body composition is not an easy task and every one is unique so not every strategy is going to work for everyone. Sam talks about how consistency and behavioral change are the key steps to starting a transformation and the pros and cons of popular diets.Episode Resources
Opt-in to become a CURED Industry Insider and get a round-up of our favorite resources and exclusive deals. Text ‘INSIDER’ to 1 (833) 830-0021; Learn more about any of Cured's all-natural products at our website and save 15% with checkout code "COLLECTIVE"; For any questions regarding Cured Nutrition products or our movement please email us directly at support@curednutrition.com.Connect with Sam!
Instagram: @sammillerscience
Website: www.metabolismschool.com
Book: Metabolism Made Simple by Sam Miller
Connect with us!
Instagram: @josephsheehey | @curednutrition
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