A great deal of time is spent on developing the physical skills required to preserve life during a violent attack. However, all the physical skills in the world won’t help you if your perceptual focus hasn’t been developed to the same level…
When training you’ll often hear people say “Another tool in the toolbox.” Although learning new things is great…Most people just keep adding to their toolbox without ever understanding how to organize the toolbox to keep things accessable. Discover a simple method for organizing the Warrior’s toolbox…
Danger or Survivable value…Which do you choose? Take the quiz and find out…
This one thing brings down more “Giants” Than anything else…
Situational awareness is often discussed when talking about “Self-defence.” However, few people understand just how connected the “colours of safety” are to proper mindset, strategy, tactics and tool selection…
What are you in it for…the Thrill or the Skill? Most men don’t understand the difference and it always costs them in the end. Don’t make the same mistake…
A primary goal of personal protection is to nullify or mitigate threats before they are able to mutate to the point of no return. To do this you must learn to operate like a true Sheepdog and ‘watch the heard’…
Shock and Awe is a military strategy based on the use of overwhelming power and spectacular displays of force to paralyze the enemy’s perception of the battlefield and destroy their will to fight. How can the average man use this powerful strategy to protect and defend himself, family and property…???
Many people say that getting started in the hardest part of any journey…But that may change when you learn that you are NEVER FINISHED.
HINT: It’s NOT calling 911
More and more people are starting to recognize that the world is at a very percarious place and at any moment one spark could set the whole thing off like a lighting strike in a dry forest and the ensuing fire will be one hell of a fight…Are you READY?
From old age or violence…DON’T DIE. This epiosde I welcome my long time metor, coach and friend the Sultan of swag Trevor Hardy as we discuss how those topics are related as well we introduce a new player in the podcast space…
Do you have the skills to pay the bills? In this episode we share the industry secret to developing surgical skills…
The Boy Scout motto is “Be Prepared.” But what does it take to live up to that motto when it comes to protecting yourself, your family and property in a modern world…???
To put it simply…Good men are being killed in violent assaults because they are ‘STUCK’ in the starter blocks. Meaning, they don’t even know when their lives are actually in danger. If you want a fighting chance then don’t miss this episode…
You don't rise to your expectations you fall to your level of training...Are you ready for naked self-defence? (Hint: It’s not even close to what you think it is.)
Human beings are the only species to voluntarily participate in their own murder and men today are leading the charge. Find out how to be the man your family needs you to be…
A shrewd ProtectR is throughly familiar with the underlying concepts of the various tactics used in mass attack situations. This line familiarization allows for proper situational awarness and enables confident decisions for the best course of action. In tactics, the most important thing is not whether you go left or right , but why you go left or right…
When legally and morally justified…Can You Kill? If you take the time to really think about the reality of taking a human life, it’s not as simple a question to answer as most would think. Find out what you need to know before answering this potentially life changing question…
It’s easy to walk around saying in violence there are NO Rules. But, do you know the top 5 rules for NO RULES violence…???
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