
  • Mark Fisher is a dear friend and one of the kindest humans anyone could have the great fortune of knowing.

    Mark joins me to discuss:

    -What is “unconditional positive regard” and how choosing this outlook reduces your stress and leaves you happier

    -How Mark sees life as a series of seasons you evolve through

    -A lot of positive, basic, actionable mindsets and tactics to set yourself up for success in your fitness journey.

    -Plus much more.

    Follow Mark on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/markfisherhumanbeing?igsh=MTBkd3JjdnU1bzVjcQ==

    00:47 Unconditional Positive Regard

    04:37 Mindset and Emotional Reactions

    09:27 Stress and Self-Care

    14:57 Health Optimization and Social Balance

    23:26 Shoutout to Joel Jamison's Morpheus

    23:35 The Impact of Stress and Sleep on Fitness

    23:59 Personal Experience with Gen Four Oura Ring

    25:09 Balancing Data and Intuition in Fitness

    26:33 The Importance of Unconditional Positive Regard

    30:38 Self-Criticism and Social Media

    33:08 Fundamental Attribution Error

    42:03 Entrepreneurship as Personal Development

    42:34 Upcoming Events and Final Thoughts

    I’ve been putting a lot of time and effort into making these new episodes valuable for you. You can help me get these great guests and their knowledge in front of more people by:

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  • Adam Meakins is a physical therapist on a mission to upgrade the rehab industry by separating overhyped and sometimes outright dangerous practices from the things that work to help people return to their lives and favourite activities.

    In this episode, Adam:

    Picks apart a lot of the “silly bullshit” physical therapists practice.Explains why there isn’t as much of a relationships between form and injury risk as we’ve traditionally believed.Explains the limitations, myths, and appropriate use of various passive treatments like cupping, dry needling, and shockwave.Addresses the problems with chiropractic adjustments.Talks about “bullshit diagnosis” like anterior pelvic tilt and trigger points.Explains what’s likely going on with back pain and how to manage it.What actually works to help people feel better. And much more

    00:43 Debunking Passive Physio Methods

    01:42 The Problem with Over-Treatment

    03:19 Active vs. Passive Interventions

    05:02 Patient Expectations and Challenges

    07:32 Understanding Regression to the Mean

    10:02 The Myth of Chiropractic Adjustments

    11:24 The Reality of Cupping and Scraping

    22:22 Acupuncture and Dry Needling Explained

    26:20 Debunking Muscular Imbalances

    29:39 Debunking the Myth of Leg Length Differences

    31:51 The Body's Adaptability to Changes

    33:22 Personal Experiences with Pain and Movement

    34:31 Exploring Movement Variations

    36:53 Form and Injury Risk in Training

    41:34 Injury Rates in Different Sports

    48:46 The Importance of Recovery and Mindset

    51:02 Final Thoughts and Resources

    I’ve been putting a lot of time and effort into making these new episodes valuable for you. You can help me get these great guests and their knowledge in front of more people by:

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  • エピソードを見逃しましたか?


  • Brianna Battles is the industry leading authority on postpartum athleticism.

    Brianna guests to share:

    -Why “athleticism doesn’t end when motherhood begins”

    -Why going through pregnancy doesn’t automatically qualify fitness influencers to become coaches or educators on postpartum training

    -Breaking rigid identities around training and allowing for an evolution of how training works across different seasons of life

    -The importance of maintaining bone mineral density

    -Thoughts on fuelling for performance

    -Thoughts on navigating the confusing messaging aimed at women

    -Plus so much more

    00:36 Athleticism and Motherhood

    02:47 Outdated Research and Pelvic Health

    04:25 Miscarriage and Exercise Myths

    06:53 Training Strategies for Pregnant Athletes

    09:25 Mental and Emotional Challenges

    12:48 Coaching Female Athletes

    21:55 Navigating Fitness Industry Confusion

    32:16 Embracing Athleticism at Any Age

    32:58 Overcoming Fear of High Impact Activities

    33:23 Pelvic Health and High Impact Training

    35:52 The Importance of Bone Health

    39:06 Rucking and Bone Density

    44:44 Encouraging Fitness in Older Adults

    51:33 Navigating Female Athlete Health

    55:04 Body Image and Performance Pressure

    57:53 Seasonal Training and Body Fluctuations

    01:01:39 Resources and Final Thoughts

    I’ve been putting a lot of time and effort into making these new episodes valuable for you. You can help me get these great guests and their knowledge in front of more people by:

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    Follow Andrew Coates:Instagram:⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠@andrewcoatesfitness⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

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  • Lucas Hardie aka RangeofStrength has fascinating media and training resources. Lucas shares his knowledge and experience with an unconventional approach to resistance training that merges strength and flexibility.

    In this episode Lucas talks about:

    -Why we should expand our training and our body to exercises and positions outside the traditional array of common gym exercises.

    -The relationship between strength and flexibility, how they’re not in direct opposition.

    -Misconceptions about flexibility.

    -Differentiating flexibility from hyper-mobility.

    -Why some variability in form from rep to rep is actually a good thing.

    -And much more

    00:58 Unconventional Strength and Flexibility Training

    02:43 Defining Unconventional Movements

    03:19 Progressive Overload in Mobility Training

    06:04 Jordan Syatt's Flexibility Journey

    09:13 Flexibility Training for Everyone

    17:14 Misconceptions About Flexibility

    22:46 Stretching and Injury Risk

    25:24 Hypermobility and Strength Training

    28:39 Practical Unconventional Exercises

    39:48 Rehabilitation and Strength Training

    44:30 Workshops and Resources

    45:52 Conclusion and Upcoming Episodes

    I’ve been putting a lot of time and effort into making these new episodes valuable for you. You can help me get these great guests and their knowledge in front of more people by:

    -Subscribing and checking out more episodes

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    Follow Andrew Coates:Instagram:⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠@andrewcoatesfitness⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

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  • 01:18 Joe's Training Evolution for Longevity

    04:41 Key Training Principles for Longevity

    07:33 Modified Workout Structure

    15:23 Training with Triple H: A Case Study

    28:03 Balancing Fitness Goals with Family Life

    29:42 The Dark Side of Staying Lean Year-Round

    30:54 Frustrations with the Fitness Industry

    37:16 The Importance of Tracking Nutrition

    46:54 Realistic Expectations and Media Influence

    49:22 Resources and Final Thoughts

    I’ve been putting a lot of time and effort into making these new episodes valuable for you. You can help me get these great guests and their knowledge in front of more people by:

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  • Dean Shares:

    - Upcoming book 'Rock Solid Resilience.' available here: https://a.co/d/fKef8Wm

    - This episode covered topics such as injury management

    - Importance of consistency in training despite injuries

    - Practical strategies for reducing injury risk

    - Psychological aspects of training

    - Effectiveness of foam rolling

    - Insight into how different stress loads affect training outcomes

    00:00 Introduction and Welcome

    00:16 Dean Somerset's Background and Influence

    01:32 Training Through Injuries

    03:14 Cross Education and Injury Recovery

    05:33 Mental Health and Training

    07:48 Rehabilitation and Strength Training

    10:40 Understanding Pain and Nocebo Effect

    16:45 Foam Rolling and Practical Strategies

    20:14 Managing Allostatic Load

    24:40 Effective Deadlift Techniques

    25:45 Addressing Deadlift Myths

    27:52 Alternative Exercises to Deadlifts

    30:00 Overcoming Training Excuses

    33:00 Introducing 'Rock Solid Resilience'

    35:30 Balancing Intensity and Recovery

    37:24 Adapting Training Programs

    42:15 Dean Somerset's Resources and Future Plans

    I’ve been putting a lot of time and effort into making these new episodes valuable for you. You can help me get these great guests and their knowledge in front of more people by:

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  • Susan Niebergall represents something rare in the fitness industry - a fitness authority over the age of 60. Susan dives into the importance of resistance training to build strength and muscle as we get older.

    Susan shares:

    -How her own dedication to muscle and strength let to a better outcome and faster recovery from her hip replacement surgery.

    -The importance of strength and muscle to reduce risk of fall injuries, and reduce risk of a catastrophic outcome in case of a fall.

    -Why you need to lift “heavy” and what “heavy” means in context.

    -What you need to change/focus on in your training and nutrition as you get older.

    -And much more.

    00:45 Susan's Journey in the Fitness Industry

    01:54 Hip Replacement and Rehabilitation

    03:36 Pre-Surgery Preparation

    09:02 Post-Surgery Recovery

    15:51 The Importance of Strength and Mobility

    18:41 Reducing Fall Risks and Enhancing Balance

    21:20 The Necessity of Heavyweights

    22:21 Balancing High Impact and Bone Health

    23:11 Strength Training for Older Adults

    24:40 The Shift Towards Lifting in Later Life

    27:19 Encouraging Fitness Across Generations

    31:51 Nutritional Adjustments with Age

    39:29 Prioritizing Protein Intake

    45:21 Resources and Final Thoughts

    I’ve been putting a lot of time and effort into making these new episodes valuable for you. You can help me get these great guests and their knowledge in front of more people by:

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    Join My Email List:⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠www.andrewcoatesfitness.com

  • Mike Doehla, the founder of wildly successful nutrition coaching company Stronger U, joins to talk about:

    Follow Mike on IG: https://www.instagram.com/mikedoehla?igsh=MTZnaTZpZ2JiZ2FpYg==

    -What’s wrong with branded/named diets

    -Disrupting On/Off mode thinking and getting people back on track faster

    -Why community support matters and how to combat sabotage

    -How to successfully manage planning and meal preparation

    -And a whole lot more everyday nutrition philosophy and tactics

    00:37 The Problem with Branded Diets

    04:06 Challenges in the Fitness Industry

    08:17 The Importance of Tracking and Accountability

    14:57 The Role of Coaches and Real-Time Support

    22:45 Influence of Social Circles on Fitness Goals

    26:10 Navigating Support in Relationships

    28:05 Recognizing and Combating Sabotage

    30:06 Challenges of Modern Food Environment

    34:42 Mindfulness and Intuitive Eating

    36:54 Practical Tips for Meal Planning

    46:29 Final Thoughts and Social Media Shoutouts

    I’ve been putting a lot of time and effort into making these new episodes valuable for you. You can help me get these great guests and their knowledge in front of more people by:

    -Subscribing and checking out more episodes

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    Follow Andrew Coates:Instagram:⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠@andrewcoatesfitness⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

    Join My Email List:⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠www.andrewcoatesfitness.com

  • Legendary PhD of Sport Physiology and co-founder of Renaissance Periodization Dr Mike Israetel joins the podcast to talk about how A.I. promises to enhance our everyday fitness and health lifestyle and health outcome.

    Dr Mike talks about:

    -How coaching will be affected by A.I.

    -How likely we’ll see an I Robot scenario (Will Smith movie).

    -What will humans do with their extra time if robots take care of daily household tasks?

    -Why we’ve seen a rise in Mike Mentzer style low volume training ideology on social media

    -Why there appears to be a rift between traditionally PhD educated authorities and social media hypertrophy coaches on training volume?

    -and much more

    00:16 Welcoming Dr. Mike Israetel

    00:35 The Role of AI in Health and Fitness

    01:36 AI in Coaching and Medicine

    04:53 Human Element in Coaching

    07:25 Future of AI and Robotics in Daily Life

    16:02 Ethical Considerations and AI

    20:15 Impact of AI on Fitness and Lifestyle

    25:56 The Status Game: A Never-Ending Cycle

    30:50 The Illusion of Superiority

    31:46 Debating Hypertrophy: Volume vs. Intensity

    32:26 Fitness Influencers: Credibility and Influence

    36:31 The Appeal of Low Volume Training

    40:08 The Importance of Vibes in Training

    45:28 Wrapping Up: Final Thoughts and Resources

    I’ve been putting a lot of time and effort into making these new episodes valuable for you. You can help me get these great guests and their knowledge in front of more people by:

    -Subscribing and checking out more episodes

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    Follow Andrew Coates:Instagram:⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠@andrewcoatesfitness⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Join My Email List:⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠www.andrewcoatesfitness.com

  • In an effort to bring on great guests to go beyond the narrow realm of fitness and nutrition, Dr Joe Zundell (PhD in Cancer Biology) joins me to talk about:

    -How strength training reduces cancer risk

    -How maintaining muscle and bone helps survive cancer treatment

    -Why the cancer cure suppression conspiracy theory is silly logic

    -What lifestyle behaviours contribute the greatest risk of developing cancer

    -The relationship between cancer and obesity

    -Why there’s no one dietary ideology that helps to defeat cancer

    -and much more

    00:15 Meet Dr. Joe Zundell

    01:12 Strength Training and Cancer Risk

    03:19 Understanding Cachexia

    07:42 Cancer Treatment and Quality of Life

    09:28 Cancer Complexity and Misconceptions

    19:51 Environmental and Lifestyle Factors

    26:00 Diet, Obesity, and Cancer Risk

    32:03 The Impact of Western Diet on Liver Cancer

    33:39 Dietary Advice for Cancer Patients

    35:57 Understanding Autophagy and Its Role in Cancer

    39:30 The Balance of Immune Response in Cancer Treatment

    41:17 Debunking Myths About Cancer and Diet

    48:51 The Role of Natural Remedies in Cancer Treatment

    51:14 Conclusion and Final Thoughts

    I’ve been putting a lot of time and effort into making these new episodes valuable for you. You can help me get these great guests and their knowledge in front of more people by:

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    Follow Andrew Coates:Instagram: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠@andrewcoatesfitness⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Join My Email List: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠www.andrewcoatesfitness.com

  • Mobility expert Tom Morrison joins to share wisdom from years of managing his own injuries and coaching others.

    Tom talks about:

    -How Tom avoided movement restrictions or pain despite probably having broken his neck

    -What the everyday person with a busy life can do with limited time to improve mobility?

    -How strength is the foundation of mobility

    -The difference between active and passive range of motion

    -Why being “degenerative” isn’t necessarily something you should be worried about

    -Why medical scans of your joints doesn’t tell the whole story

    -Why having physical injuries doesn’t guarantee you’ll experience pain

    -Effective warmups for lifting

    -Why spending time working down on the floor is important

    -and much more

    01:21 The Relationship Between Mobility and Injury Risk02:52 Improving Mobility: Techniques and Tips05:24 Strength and Mobility: Finding the Balance12:21 Using Weights to Enhance Mobility17:39 Personal Experiences with Injuries and Recovery20:42 Understanding Abduction and Adduction21:48 The Reality of Degeneration and Scans25:14 Understanding Tissue Degeneration26:53 Adapting Training with Age28:07 Importance of Muscle Strength and Motor Control32:54 Making Fitness Accessible for Busy Lives34:57 Effective Warm-Up Strategies39:25 Overcoming Mental Barriers in Mobility42:35 Daily Movement and Lifestyle Tips45:24 The Importance of Floor Movements48:17 Conclusion and Final Thoughts

    I’ve been putting a lot of time and effort into making these new episodes valuable for you. You can help me get these great guests and their knowledge in front of more people by:

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    Follow Andrew Coates:Instagram: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠@andrewcoatesfitness⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Join My Email List: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠www.andrewcoatesfitness.com

  • Jordan Syatt joins me to discuss:

    -How his fitness routine has changed since becoming a parent

    -How he prioritizes and finds time for fitness

    -How his fitness goals have evolved over time

    -Why Jordan has been working on doing Jean Claude Van Damme splits

    -Jordan’s mobility routine

    -What are “Movement Snacks”

    -Choosing workout timing

    -If Jordan misses the grind of his career before his family life

    And much more

    00:15 A Warm Welcome to Jordan Syatt00:38 Balancing Fitness and Fatherhood00:52 Flexible Fitness Routine02:34 Maintaining Fitness Goals03:46 Late Night Workouts and Family Life05:25 Fitness Philosophy and Social Media22:35 The Importance of Walking and Small Movements33:41 Consistency is Key: Finding Your Optimal Workout Time34:47 Fasted Training: Pros and Cons35:28 Training on a Full Stomach: Lessons Learned38:22 Family Fitness: Setting an Example40:05 The Science of Mobility and Flexibility51:46 Balancing Family Life and Career55:00 The Impact of Social Media Fame01:01:18 Final Thoughts and Reflections

    I’ve been putting a lot of time and effort into making these new episodes valuable for you. You can help me get these great guests and their knowledge in front of more people by:

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    Follow Andrew Coates:Instagram: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠@andrewcoatesfitness⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Join My Email List: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠www.andrewcoatesfitness.com

  • 00:52 Debunking the Carbs and Diabetes Myth

    02:49 Understanding Insulin Resistance

    06:01 The Role of Resistance Training

    09:26 Obesity and Health Risks

    14:25 High Fructose Corn Syrup vs. Other Sugars

    22:27 The Truth About Fruit and Fructose

    26:46 Fruit Juice vs. Whole Fruit: Blood Sugar Impact

    27:33 Personal Preferences: Fruit Juice vs. Soda

    28:27 Glucose Monitors: Are They Worth It?

    30:45 Understanding Inflammation: Acute vs. Chronic

    34:26 Omega 3 vs. Omega 6: What You Need to Know

    43:51 Dietary Fat: Importance and Recommendations

    49:52 Conclusion and Final Thoughts

    I’ve been putting a lot of time and effort into making these new episodes valuable for you. You can help me get these great guests and their knowledge in front of more people by:

    -Subscribing and checking out more episodes

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    Follow Andrew Coates:Instagram: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠@andrewcoatesfitness⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Join My Email List: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠www.andrewcoatesfitness.com

  • Dr Christle Guevarra returns with the every day person’s guide to Ozempic and GLP-1 agonist medications

    Follow Christle: https://www.instagram.com/dr.christle?igsh=Yml3dnhreTk2d28w

    Christle explains:

    -Why resistance training matters when using Ozempic

    -Does Ozempic really cause bone and muscle loss, over and above what we would see from dieting and calorie restriction?

    -What’s going on with “Food Noise”?

    -Are any of the criticisms of Ozempic and similar medications valid?

    -Is there any merit to products claiming to be “nature’s Ozempic”?

    -Plus much more

    We also mention the upcoming RPU - Renaissance Periodization University. That will be going live to everyone around May so stay tuned for more.

    The new episode format is gaining a lot of buzz and traction. Please help me get these great guests with more nuance and less sensationalism in the hands of your friends. Share with someone you believe would love this episode.

    Thank you

    00:15 Meet Dr. Crystal Guevara

    00:53 Diving into Ozempic and GLP-1 Agonists

    02:55 Addressing Concerns and Side Effects

    05:57 Navigating Weight Loss and Maintenance

    34:02 The Role of AI in Health and Nutrition

    40:03 Exploring Ozempic's Broader Implications

    48:51 Final Thoughts and Resources

    I’ve been putting a lot of time and effort into making these new episodes valuable for you. You can help me get these great guests and their knowledge in front of more people by:

    -Subscribing and checking out more episodes

    -Sharing on your social media (please tag me - I promise I’ll respond)

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    Follow Andrew Coates:Instagram: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠@andrewcoatesfitness⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Join My Email List: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠www.andrewcoatesfitness.com

  • 00:00 Welcome and Introduction

    00:15 Catching Up with Don Saladino

    01:12 Celebrity Training Insights

    01:43 Balancing Family and Career

    02:35 Training Philosophy and Approach

    03:33 Challenges of Training Actors

    07:37 Misconceptions About Celebrity Life

    15:05 Grit and Determination

    28:15 The Importance of Accountability in Parenting

    29:38 Balancing Fitness and Family Life

    31:38 The Discipline of Consistent Training

    33:18 Reflections on Brian Johnson's Lifestyle

    36:25 Helping Clients Overcome Self-Defeating Beliefs

    39:30 The Minimalistic Approach to Fitness Coaching

    47:42 Upcoming Projects and Collaborations

    49:54 Final Thoughts and Farewell

    I’ve been putting a lot of time and effort into making these new episodes valuable for you. You can help me get these great guests and their knowledge in front of more people by:

    -Subscribing and checking out more episodes

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    Follow Andrew Coates:Instagram: ⁠⁠⁠⁠@andrewcoatesfitness⁠⁠⁠⁠Join My Email List: ⁠⁠⁠⁠www.andrewcoatesfitness.com

  • Jonathan Goodman joins to talk about his brand new book The Obvious Choice, out now.

    We talk about:

    -Why Jonathan chose to write this book?

    -Why this book is a pivot into a more mainstream audience?

    -The 4 stages of content creation

    -How stories and narratives affect your decisions

    And more

    Follow Jonathan on IG: https://www.instagram.com/itscoachgoodman?igsh=MTI0ejliOGRuOWN4OA==

    This episode talks about business, career, and life lessons that can help anyone, more than just the fitness professional. Going forward my mission is to get these episodes and my guests into as many new hands as possible. Help me help the people in your world by taking this episode and gifting it to someone you know will love the topics we discuss. Thank you.

    00:00 Introduction to the Podcast
    00:16 Welcoming Jonathan Goodman
    00:41 The Obvious Choice: Book Insights
    01:51 The Role of Social Media in Business
    03:35 Human Behavior and Decision Making
    12:10 The Four Stages of Content Creation
    21:58 Embarrassingly Bad Decisions
    22:33 The Emotional Nature of Decision Making
    22:47 New Year's Resolutions and Fixed Identity
    24:55 Leapfrog Skills in the Fitness Industry
    25:42 The Importance of Complementary Skills
    28:53 Building Social Media Presence
    32:56 Becoming an Industry Leader
    38:30 The Journey to Thought Leadership
    41:26 The Obvious Choice: Book Promotion
    42:53 Final Thoughts and Podcast Growth

    Follow Andrew Coates:
    Instagram: @andrewcoatesfitness
    Join My Email List: www.andrewcoatesfitness.com

  • 00:00 Introduction and Welcome

    00:15 Guest Introduction: Dr. Brandon Parker

    01:09 Movement Optimism and Strength Training Safety

    02:33 Rounding Your Back: The Nuances

    06:34 The Importance of Resistance Training

    09:36 Exercise Form and Injury Risk

    16:44 Load Management and Recovery

    23:29 Stability in Training: Machines vs. Free Weights

    26:19 Training Modifications and Warm-Up Techniques

    27:07 Exploring Exercise Variations

    28:01 Addressing Lower Back Pain

    30:06 Fear of Pain and Injury in Fitness Content

    32:09 The Power of Belief in Healing

    36:57 The Importance of Health for Longevity

    46:08 Motivation and Personal Needs

    51:49 Conclusion and Final Thoughts

    I’ve been putting a lot of time and effort into making these new episodes valuable for you. You can help me get these great guests and their knowledge in front of more people by:

    -Subscribing and checking out more episodes

    -Sharing on your social media (please tag me - I promise I’ll respond)

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    Follow Andrew Coates:Instagram: ⁠⁠⁠⁠@andrewcoatesfitness⁠⁠⁠⁠Join My Email List: ⁠⁠⁠⁠www.andrewcoatesfitness.com

  • Dr. Allan Bacon is in the house to give a masterclass in supplements, including:

    -The supplements that have a lot of evidence to support

    -Why everyone should take creatine especially older women.

    -Can you combine caffeine and creatine?

    -Details on beta-alanine, pump supplements, vitamin D, fish oils, magnesium and more.

    -Is there any benefit to using BCAA’s/EAA’s?

    -What are anti-nutrients and why do shady fitness influencers fear monger about them?

    -And much more.

    Enjoy this separation of hype from where the evidence currently points.

    Follow Allan on IG: https://www.instagram.com/drallanbacon?igsh=MTZpNXRqNXkyZXhjaQ==

    Thank you for listening.

    00:00 Welcome and Introduction

    00:16 Guest Introduction: Dr. Alan Bacon

    01:28 Diving into Supplements

    02:10 The Benefits of Creatine

    07:04 Creatine for All Ages

    08:03 Creatine and Bone Health

    09:27 Creatine and Training Performance

    16:28 Supplement Recommendations and Personal Experiences

    19:48 Other Effective Supplements

    25:43 Prioritizing Your Supplement Spend

    27:37 Canned Tuna vs. Salmon: A Practical Approach

    28:09 The Importance of Omega 3 and Supplementation

    28:39 Vitamin D and Magnesium: Essential Supplements

    29:13 Magnesium Supplementation: Dos and Don'ts

    30:30 Multivitamins vs. Individual Supplements

    35:29 The Debate on Supplemental Aminos

    42:58 Baking Soda as a Pre-Workout Supplement?

    44:42 Anti-Nutrients: Myths and Facts

    51:55 Conclusion and Final Thoughts

    I’ve been putting a lot of time and effort into making these new episodes valuable for you. You can help me get these great guests and their knowledge in front of more people by:

    -Subscribing and checking out more episodes

    -Sharing on your social media (please tag me - I promise I’ll respond)

    -Sharing with the friend you think of who needs this episode

    Follow Andrew Coates:Instagram: ⁠⁠⁠@andrewcoatesfitness⁠⁠⁠Join My Email List: ⁠⁠⁠www.andrewcoatesfitness.com

  • Luka Hocevar returns with his usual big energy to share wisdom on:

    -The importance of training and maintaining speed, power, and explosiveness as we get older.

    -Building resilience against fall injuries.

    -How to structure training programs for athletic qualities .

    -How strength training reduces risk and slows the progression of neurodegenerative disease like Parkinson’s.

    -The importance of developing movement and muscle reserves as we age.

    -And much more.

    Enjoy this deep dive into where Luka’s life’s work intersects close to home with the health issues of loved ones.

    Follow Luka on IG: https://www.instagram.com/lukahocevar?igsh=MTc2aHRkZGlwdnFpYQ==

    Thank you for listening. 00:00 Introduction and Welcome

    00:16 Catching Up with Luka Hocevar

    02:33 The Athlete for Life Philosophy

    06:05 Training for Longevity and Quality of Life

    12:06 Programming and Training Strategies

    21:33 Advanced Warmup Techniques

    22:06 The Importance of Intent in Training

    22:21 Using Technology for Performance Tracking

    23:43 Contrast Training Explained

    24:33 Post Activation Potentiation (PAP)

    24:58 Time Efficiency in Training

    26:15 Maintaining Skills Under Fatigue

    27:00 Personal Challenges and Lifestyle Impact

    28:41 Strength Training and Parkinson's

    31:20 Building Physical and Mental Reserves

    37:41 Focus on What You Can Control

    39:21 Empowering Clients Through Training

    41:09 Resources and Final Thoughts

    I’ve been putting a lot of time and effort into making these new episodes valuable for you. You can help me get these great guests and their knowledge in front of more people by:

    -Subscribing and checking out more episodes

    -Sharing on your social media (please tag me - I promise I’ll respond)

    -Sharing with the friend you think of who needs this episode

    Thank you so much

    Follow Andrew Coates:Instagram: ⁠⁠@andrewcoatesfitness⁠⁠Join My Email List: ⁠⁠www.andrewcoatesfitness.com

  • Brad Jensen, The Sober Bodybuilder joins me to share his story of a history of addiction and homelessness and how fitness was a linchpin in his recovery and sustained sobriety.


    -Can fitness addiction be taken too far?

    -Why the people you surround yourself with matter A LOT.

    -Why more people are drinking less or giving up alcohol completely.

    -Why identity is an important part of change and success.

    -First steps to get help or try to help someone in your world who’s battling addiction.

    And More

    This episode is among the earliest in a significant shift in discussion topics and theme for this podcast going forward. I still believe there’s a goldmine here for coaches, but this is now intended to be a valuable resource to the end users, the enthusiasts, and even the beginners who need our help navigating the often confusing and conflicting world of fitness and nutrition. If you find this valuable, please share it with a friend who needs it. Thank you.00:00 Introduction and Podcast Mission

    00:15 Welcoming Brad Jensen

    02:09 Brad's Journey with Addiction and Fitness

    04:28 The Role of Fitness in Recovery

    08:05 Balancing Fitness and Life

    13:27 Social Dynamics and Healthy Living

    18:37 Changing Attitudes Towards Alcohol

    23:11 Choosing Not to Drink

    24:10 Recognizing Problematic Drinking

    25:05 Addiction and Food

    26:24 Life Changes and Priorities

    28:43 The Role of Environment

    33:45 Identity and Sobriety

    40:32 Helping Others with Addiction

    42:04 Spirituality and Sobriety

    46:20 Final Thoughts and Resources

    Follow Andrew Coates:Instagram: ⁠@andrewcoatesfitness⁠Join My Email List: ⁠www.andrewcoatesfitness.com