Episode Notes
Madison Hubbell and Gabriella Papadakis debuted their new professional partnership at Art on Ice 2025. I spoke to them backstage in Zurich about providing an example of what open-gender ice dance can look like, and their advocacy for change in the sport. Gabriella Papadakis is the 2022 Olympic Gold Medalist in Ice Dance and a five-time world champion. She was also a guest on the Future of Figure Skating episode 33. Madison Hubbell is the 2022 Olympic Bronze Medalist in Ice Dance and is now a coach at the Ice Academy of Montreal's London, Ontario branch. Gabi and Maddie are long-time friends and former training mates who always dreamed about skating together in shows.
Transcript: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10ZDDaryNEvErb6DSn499IDNomPS87X4jfugQ5S1nErM/edit?tab=t.0
Video interview on YouTube: https://youtu.be/Qxa0ERLdR4o
Gabi's article on substack "The Case for Same-Sex Figure Skating" makes great reading as well! https://substack.com/home/post/p-154177649
The two are skating at Art on Ice to the live performance of Marius Bear's song "Not Loud Enough" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3uyMdINdqvI
Thank you to the Art on Ice team for facilitating this interview, and to Ivan Daniluk for filming and editing.
You can reach me with comments or suggestions for topics and people I should talk to, by email at [email protected], Instagram at @futurefspodcast, or at futureoffs.bsky.com
If you appreciate the podcast, you can also support my work with the Tip Jar at https://futureoffigureskating.pinecast.co
Support The Future of Figure Skating by contributing to their tip jar: https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/futureoffigureskating
Episode Notes
Peter Grütter competed representing Switzerland throughout the 1950s and 60s, including at the 1964 Winter Olympic Games in Innsbruck. He's now been a coach for more than 60 years and is acknowledged as an expert when it comes to steps and turns and control of the blade. His most famous student is Stéphane Lambiel, who he coached to two world championship titles and the Olympic silver medal in 2006. After the end of compulsory figures, Peter took what he had learned from his coach, the legendary Jack Gershwiler, and created a series of warm-up steps and turns that could be used for his students to maintain their mastery of the blade. These steps and turns are now available as an e-learning course through the ISU's eRink program. Peter still teaches, including coming every Wednesday to the Skating School in Champery to work with young skaters. We were very lucky to be able to watch his master class during the 2024 summer camp in Champery and to get to sit down with this great coach to learn about his ideas for the future of the sport.
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/EGiyQDfaDiY?feature=sharedTranscript: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1avXr_BnHlap96sVQrMz0_Mh8Cxq5q4kqdR4QMgkSE3U/edit?tab=t.0
Steps & Turns eRink course: https://elearning.isu.org/course/view.php?id=440
More about Jack Gerschwiler https://www.skateguardblog.com/2020/07/getting-to-know-gersch-jacques.html“The Technique of Skating” 1977 book by Otto Hugin and Jack Gerschwiler
2003 Interview w/ Peter : https://web.archive.org/web/20070928143716/http://www.stephanelambiel.ch/int%26art/interviews/e-gr%C3%BCtter201203.html2009 Interview: http://www.absoluteskating.com/index.php?cat=interviews&id=2009grutter2013 Interview: http://www.absoluteskating.com/index.php?cat=interviews&id=2013gruetter
You can reach me with comments or suggestions for topics and people I should talk to by email at [email protected] or on Instagram at futurefspodcast and Bluesky at futureoffs. If you appreciate the podcast, you can also support my work with a tip jar at futureoffigureskating.pinecast.co. Remember to subscribe to the Future of Figure Skating on YouTube or wherever you listen to podcasts and share it with your friends!
Support The Future of Figure Skating by contributing to their tip jar: https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/futureoffigureskating
Episode Notes
Khoudia Touré is a street dancer, choreographer, and performer from Senegal. In 2018, Khoudia was selected for the Rolex Mentor and Protégé Arts Initiative and worked with renowned Canadian choreographer Crystal Pité. Since 2020, she has been a frequent collaborator with Stéphane Lambiel’s Skating School in Champéry, Switzerland. She teaches hip-hop dance and improvisation techniques to the students during the summer camps and has collaborated with Stéphane, Guillaume Cizeron, and Satoko Miyahara on innovative show programs. I was lucky enough to get to speak with Khoudia during the summer camp in Champery, and I hope that you enjoy this conversation and some clips of her work with her students.
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/rKs22nDngaw
Transcript: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Tnj6ZErCx4anE4Uah5SO6Gz9jcGjp4AVWp69OxWGTBE/edit?tab=t.0
You can follow Khoudia's work through https://www.khoudiacreates.com/ and her instagram @ khoudia.roodia
You can reach me with comments or suggestions for topics and people I should talk to, by email at [email protected] or on Instagram and Twitter @futurefspodcast
If you appreciate the podcast, you can also support my work with the Tip Jar at https://futureoffigureskating.pinecast.co
Remember to subscribe to The Future of Figure Skating on YouTube and wherever you listen to podcasts, and share it with your friends!
Stéphane Lambiel - This Bitter Earth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2fWwVHtEYU&pp=ygUic3RlcGhhbmUgbGFtYmllbCB0aGlzIGJpdHRlciBlYXJ0aA%3D%3DStéphane Lambiel & Guillaume Cizeron https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2Xq1AjHg4YSatoko Miyahara - Minor Bluehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-VcP5sbkhYKhoudia Touré, Choreographer of “Óró” https://vimeo.com/922090769/f7db132ed5
Episode Notes
Drew Meekins is a coach and choreographer based in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Together with Natalia Mishkuntenok he runs M&M pairs, and coaches US Champions Ellie Kam and Danny O’Shea, Junior Champions Olivia Flores and Luke Wang, and teams from eight nations. He is also involved in coaching and choreography for singles skaters at the World Arena, most notably Elyce Lin-Gracey. Drew was the 2006 junior world champion with pairs partner Julia Vlassov. We talked about the role of artistry in the sport and the challenges of growing the pairs discipline.
Transcript: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10Cc_GcU9mkuzUaV8fp3GLWfAGtURsiZc0_7mi6oopsc/edit?tab=t.0
Episode on Youtube: https://youtu.be/5r17SFFtuRU?feature=shared
You can follow Drew on Instagram @Drew_Meekins and on Bluesky at drew-meekins.blsky.socialM&M Pairs is on Instagram @mmpairs
You can reach me with comments or suggestions for topics and people I should talk to, by email at [email protected] or on Instagram and Twitter @futurefspodcast
If you appreciate the podcast, you can also support my work with the Tip Jar at https://futureoffigureskating.pinecast.co
Remember to subscribe to The Future of Figure Skating on YouTube and wherever you listen to podcasts, and share it with your friends!
Kam/O’Shea 2024 SP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEJjyKpo40w&pp=ygUfZWxsaWUga2FtIGFuZCBkYW5ueSBvJ3NoZWEgMjAyNA%3D%3D
Flores/Wang 2023-24 SP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jIT0vpwNMms&pp=ygUQZmxvcmVzIHdhbmcgMjAyNA%3D%3D
Elyce Lin Gracey 2024-25 SP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8yAbFlPpFA&pp=ygUYZWx5Y2UgbGluIGdyYWNleSBzcCAyMDI0
Episode Notes
Episode 42 features an interview with 3-time European medalist Matteo Rizzo. We recorded in late July in Madesimo, Italy, where Matteo trains at altitude for part of each summer. Matteo is one of the most seasoned and consistent competitors in the men’s discipline, with two Olympics and six world championships under his belt. He has won four bronze medals on the Grand Prix circuit and has finished first or second at the Italian national championships every year from 2014 to 2023. After winning bronze at Europeans in 2024, Matteo had to miss the end of the season to get surgery on his hip. In this interview, Matteo shared his recovery process, approach to training, and the importance of emotional connection with an audience.
Thank you to Matteo and his team for making this interview possible, and to Ivan Danilyuk for editing and video production.
You can see clips from Matteo’s return to performance at Ghiaccio Spettaccolo on On-Ice Perspectives https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vuxvI26hHk
You can reach me with comments or suggestions for topics and people I should talk to, by email at [email protected] or on Instagram and Twitter @futurefspodcast
If you appreciate the podcast, you can also support my work with the Tip Jar at https://futureoffigureskating.pinecast.co
Remember to subscribe and review The Future of Figure Skating podcast on whatever platform you use, and share it with your friends!
Episode Notes
Niko Cohen has combined a background in theatrical costume design, and their passion for skating as an adult competer, to found Lavender Threads, a figure skating costume business. They have made costumes for team USA skaters like Max Naumov and Jimmy Ma. Niko is the 2024 national silver medalist in the US Adult Silver Women’s category - and they are determined to take the title next year! As a trans and agender person, Niko has advocated for inclusion and policy change within their figure skating club and national federation. We had a great conversation about navigating the skating world as someone who doesn’t fit into binary gender categories, what makes for a sucessful figure skating costume, the inspirational power of Yuri on Ice and Satomi Ito, and lots more…
Transcript: https://docs.google.com/document/u/2/d/1xjp3DDJ8U_-cVrnGMpN8eucFfvjz18bSow-vNEYQzEs/edit?usp=drive_web&ouid=104904088829705355096
Follow Lavender Thread on Instagram @lavenderthreadco and Niko's skating @ Nikonikoforov
You can reach me with comments or suggestions for topics and people I should talk to, by email at [email protected] or on Instagram and Twitter @futurefspodcast
Thanks to Ivan Danilyuk for editing and video production
If you appreciate the podcast, you can also support my work with the Tip Jar at https://futureoffigureskating.pinecast.co
Remember to subscribe and review The Future of Figure Skating podcast on whatever platform you use, and share it with your friends!
Episode Notes
This is part two of my conversation with coach and choreographer Daniel Aggiano. Daniel is passionate about expanding awareness of eating disorders and how they impact male skaters. In this part of the conversation, he shared his struggles with bulimia as a competitive and professional skater, and his ongoing work to find a healthy approach to food and weight. If you think hearing details about disordered eating will be unhealthy or triggering for you, you can skip ahead to the 30 minute mark. Please take care of yourself! It’s also worth noting that we recorded this conversation before the 2024 ISU Congress. While many of the rule changes Daniel and I discussed have since been delayed until after the Olympics, the questions he raised will continue to matter.
Transcript available here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1N4v_woSdwYT4dIhjtnEoBo93iHaPnm8Ji7EKIMJXorU/edit#heading=h.triz0qvkh0w3
If you or someone you know is struggling with eating and healthy body image, one good source for help and more information is the national eating disorder association. https://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/
You can follow Daniel on Instagram at @ danielaggiano777You can reach me with comments or suggestions for topics and people I should talk to, by email at [email protected] or on Instagram and Twitter @futurefspodcast . We are also now on YouTube, so make sure to subscribe there too for video episodes. https://youtu.be/Gl8lo5pA-SQ
Special thanks to Ivan Danilyuk for editing and technical assistance.
If you appreciate the podcast, you can also support my work with the Tip Jar at https://futureoffigureskating.pinecast.co
Episode Notes
Daniel Aggiano is a coach and choreographer who is passionate about mental health and eating disorder awareness. He competed nationally and internationally for Great Britain and Italy from 2004-2012 in singles, pairs, and synchro. He won national titles in pairs for both countries and competed in the Junior World Championships in 2009. After a career in show skating, Daniel began coaching and now works at the IceLab in Bergamo, Italy, where he works with many top skaters, including European medalists Rebecca Ghilardi and Filippo Ambrosini. Daniel is also a choreographer and recently collaborated with Carolina Kostner on programs for Rebecca and Filippo.
We discussed Daniel’s experience dealing with mental health and eating disorders, and the need to raise awareness for these issues for men and boys - a topic that we also go into in more detail in part II of our interview. I really appreciated Daniel’s honesty and vulnerability on these difficult topics, and his willingness to share his own struggles to help others!
You can follow Daniel on Instagram @ danielaggiano777
You can reach me with comments or suggestions for topics and people I should talk to, by email at [email protected] or on Instagram and Twitter @futurefspodcast
Special thanks to Ivan Danilyuk for editing.
If you or someone you know is struggling with eating and healthy body image, one good source for help and more information is the National Eating Disorder Association. https://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/
If you appreciate the podcast, you can also support my work with the Tip Jar at https://futureoffigureskating.pinecast.co
Support The Future of Figure Skating by contributing to their tip jar: https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/futureoffigureskating
Find out more at https://futureoffigureskating.pinecast.co
Episode Notes
Elizabeth Ramsey is the Executive Director of the Team USA Athletes Commission. Team USA is working toward a fully independent athletes' commission, as recommended by the Congressional Commission on the State of US Olympics and Paralympics. She has an important viewpoint to add to the conversations on athlete representation and how increase the power of the athletes voice in figure skating. This is also a great episode to dig into as we watch the Paris Games!
Transcript: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-IXRwYopUtIpXG4YucUjJRUIMLlo-0PWLaiK8wDRLTc/ ]kS Athletes Commission Independence Website w/ sign-on letter for US Athletes https://www.usopc.org/teamUSAAC-independenceTeam USA instagram @ TeamUSAAC and Twitter @ TeamUSA_ACYoutube https://youtu.be/49DTRnkLXSE?si=Z3Cl54naWLkj-PLw
Commission on the State of US Olympics and Paralympicshttps://www.csusop.org/You can reach me with comments or suggestions for topics and people I should talk to, by email at [email protected] or on Instagram and Twitter @futurefspodcast If you appreciate the podcast, you can also support my work with the Tip Jar at https://futureoffigureskating.pinecast.co
Support The Future of Figure Skating by contributing to their tip jar: https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/futureoffigureskating
Find out more at https://futureoffigureskating.pinecast.co
Episode Notes
Ashley Cain is a two-time U.S. champion in pairs and 2022 Olympian. In the last two years, she has been coaching, and touring with Disney on Ice. We talked about life on tour, the advantages of being a tall pair girl, concussion protocol and recovery, and being part of a generation of young coaches who want to support healthier and happier skaters.
Transcript available: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1G9kWS5c946dHfGNWVdl0INo5WStXQyJXYrMFRhvb_lo/Instagram
You can follow Ashley on instagram at @ icegirlash
You can reach me with comments or suggestions for topics and people I should talk to, by email at [email protected] or on Instagram and Twitter @futurefspodcast
If you appreciate the podcast, you can also support my work with the Tip Jar at https://futureoffigureskating.pinecast.co
Remember to subscribe and review The Future of Figure Skating podcast on whatever platform you use, and share it with your friends!
Support The Future of Figure Skating by contributing to their tip jar: https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/futureoffigureskating
Find out more at https://futureoffigureskating.pinecast.co
Episode Notes
In 2010, Dr. Mary Louise Adams wrote one of the best books about figure skating that I’ve encountered, called "Artistic Impressions: Figure Skating, Masculinity and the Limits of Sport". I highly recommend the whole thing, and was grateful for the opportunity to discuss one of my favorite topics - queerness in skating! - with her!
Mary Louise Adams is a Professor in the School of Kinesiology and Health Studies and the Department of Sociology at Queen's University in Ontario, Canada, where she teaches courses on sport and culture, the sociology of fitness and the body, and contemporary issues in sexuality. Dr. Mary Louise Adams' research investigates everyday movement and recreation cultures as sites where relations of domination are both produced and resisted. Drawing on literatures and theories from feminist studies, cultural studies, and sport studies, and using a range of qualitative, interpretive, and historical methods, she explores embodiment, the meanings of movement, and the relationship between active bodies and their historical and cultural contexts. Her current projects are concerned with: the political, environmental and cultural history of a municipal park; expressions of feminist and utopian ideals in recreational sports; and sexual harassment in sport coaching.
Artistic Impressions on Google Books https://books.google.com/books/about/Artistic_Impressions.html?id=qvWcmTbdgCwC
More about Mary Louise’s research https://skhs.queensu.ca/people/faculty/mary-louise-adams-phd/
Research on Adult Hockey and Figure Skating: https://hockeyinsociety.com/2021/06/14/growing-the-game-report-on-adult-hockey-and-figure-skating-programs-in-canada/
You can reach me with comments or suggestions for topics and people I should talk to, by email at [email protected] or on Instagram and Twitter @futurefspodcast If you appreciate the podcast, you can also support my work with the Tip Jar at https://futureoffigureskating.pinecast.co
Support The Future of Figure Skating by contributing to their tip jar: https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/futureoffigureskating
Find out more at https://futureoffigureskating.pinecast.co
Episode Notes
Maja Luther is a creative working in performative arts creating interdisciplinary work with ice, and working in figure skating, focusing on movement skills and efficiency. Maja has an MA in Creative Practice and a diploma in dance studies from Trinity Laban Conservatoire of music and dance inLondon, UK. She performed over a decade in professional shows as soloist, and in that time managed and led ice shows and choreographed professional performances.
Maja was previously a guest on episode 26, as part of the Contemporary Skating Alliance, and I wanted to have her back on the podcast to discuss the article she recently published in the journal of Dance and Somatic Practice, called “Body Melts: A Somatic Approach to Figure Skating”.
Episode transcript: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cP6djxpGE4XY-Xc_2OyA7WJHXUynvSrVvGeadKiC5g0/edit?usp=sharing
You can follow Maja's work on YouTube and Instagram at Studio Maja Luther. Her article, called “Body Melts: A Somatic Approach to Figure Skating” is in the most recent issue of the Journal of Dance and Somatic Practices. https://intellectdiscover.com/content/journals/10.1386/jdsp_00108_1
You can watch a video of the Body Melts installation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZ5yTEO7XOw
We also referenced Sonja Hilmer's Matrix program (filmed here by On Ice Perspectives: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLNJLyJqAPU) and Deniss Vasiljevs' In the Air Tonight program, which is partially improvised in each performance.
You can reach me with comments or suggestions for topics and people I should talk to, by email at [email protected] or on Instagram and Twitter @futurefspodcast If you appreciate the podcast, you can also support my work with the Tip Jar at https://futureoffigureskating.pinecast.co Remember to subscribe to The Future of Figure Skating on YouTube and wherever you listen to podcasts, and share it with your friends!
Support The Future of Figure Skating by contributing to their tip jar: https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/futureoffigureskating
Find out more at https://futureoffigureskating.pinecast.co
Episode Notes
I’m so excited to bring you this conversation with Gabriella Papadakis. With her ice dance partner Guillaume Cizeron, Gabi is the 2022 Olympic champion, the 2018 Olympic Silver Medalist, and a five time World Champion. She’s been taking a break from competition the last two seasons, skating in shows with Guillaume and exploring life away from the rink. Gabi has been vocal about support for opening up dance to teams of any gender, and in 2023, she and Madison Hubbell shared a video of them building a program together. We talked about partnering and improv, the process of coming out as queer, and the pressure put on women skaters to conform to rigid standards of femininity. This was such a delightful conversation and I really hope you enjoy it!
Transcript: https://docs.google.com/document/d/
You can see clips of her recent show skating on her Instagram @gabriellapapadakis and via On Ice Perspectives.
You can reach me with comments or suggestions for topics and people I should talk to, by email at [email protected] or on Instagram and Twitter @futurefspodcast
If you appreciate the podcast, you can also support my work with the Tip Jar at https://futureoffigureskating.pinecast.co
Support The Future of Figure Skating by contributing to their tip jar: https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/futureoffigureskating
Find out more at https://futureoffigureskating.pinecast.co
Episode Notes
Part 2 of my conversation with choreographer, director, and producer Sandra Bezic! We talked about the World Championships in Montreal and the moments that made Sandra more optimistic about pairs skating and the future of the sport. We also got into the proposals from the ISU Technical Committee for Singles and Pairs to add a choreographic lift and spin to the pairs free skate.
Transcript of our conversation at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vylQQ1GQQrbSsXatPIKzVA0_V6YcksIfUHt0E1HDY_E/edit#heading=h.eweywq5frae5
My article on the proposed changes to pairs and interview with Fabio Bianchetti of the ISU Technical Committee: https://anythinggoe.com/isu-congress-to-decide-big-changes-for-pairs/
You can follow Sandra on Twitter and Instagram @SandraBezic . Her website is smbcreative.ca
You can reach me with comments or suggestions for topics and people I should talk to, by email at [email protected] or on Instagram and Twitter @futurefspodcast
Thanks to Ivan Danilyuk for editing this episode.
If you appreciate the podcast, you can also support my work with the Tip Jar at https://futureoffigureskating.pinecast.co
Remember to subscribe to The Future of Figure Skating on YouTube and wherever you listen to podcasts, and share it with your friends!
Support The Future of Figure Skating by contributing to their tip jar: https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/futureoffigureskating
Find out more at https://futureoffigureskating.pinecast.co
Episode Notes
Part 1 of my conversation with choreographer, director, and producer Sandra Bezic! With her brother Val, Sandra was a four-time Canadian pairs champion and competed in the 1972 Olympics. She is most well known, however, as a choreographer and the creative force behind many skating shows and TV programs. She has choreographed for champions like Brian Boitano, Kurt Browning, Katarina Witt, Lu Chen, and Tara Lipinksi. Most recently, she made Lindsay Thorngren’s short program for the 23/24 season. She was the director of Stars on Ice for many years and collaborated with David Wilson on Yuna Kim’s All That Skate and Javier Fernandez’s Revolution on Ice. Sandra also produced the Canadian TV program Battle of the Blades and in 2023 made the series “I Have Nothing” alongside comedian Carolyn Taylor.
Sandra has a unique understanding of how to make skating appeal to general audiences, and we had a great conversation about choreography, entertainment, and the changes she’d like to see in the sport.
Transcript of our conversation at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/16tp4AuF159XJuNPMNxgpq82pGFxA9GOUTNMFLfJESvE/edit#heading=h.tje8hivsf0d
I’ve made a playlist of a few of Sandra's choreographies that is accessible on our YouTube page.
You can follow Sandra on Twitter and Instagram @SandraBezic . Her website is smbcreative.ca
You can reach me with comments or suggestions for topics and people I should talk to, by email at [email protected] or on Instagram and Twitter @futurefspodcast
If you appreciate the podcast, you can also support my work with the Tip Jar at https://futureoffigureskating.pinecast.co
Remember to subscribe to The Future of Figure Skating on YouTube and wherever you listen to podcasts, and share it with your friends!
Support The Future of Figure Skating by contributing to their tip jar: https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/futureoffigureskating
Find out more at https://futureoffigureskating.pinecast.co
Episode Notes
My guest today is journalist and author Christine Brennan. Christine is a USA Today columnist and frequently appears on ABC, CNN, and PBS. She has covered figure skating since the Calgary Olympics, and her books Inside Edge and Edge of Glory are classics. Christine is also actively reporting on the sexual abuse scandals in figure skating, and we talked about covering these difficult topics and holding institutions accountable.
Transcript: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RLvetYplX8JsLwfD6OwkoGEUbWLsPLN5d--xdrCZ68o/edit#heading=h.am5hlkrye8qq
You can follow Christine on X/Twitter @cbrennansports . Her website is www.christinebrennan.com
You can reach me with comments or suggestions for topics and people I should talk to, by email at [email protected] or on Instagram and Twitter @futurefspodcast If you appreciate the podcast, you can also support my work with the Tip Jar at https://futureoffigureskating.pinecast.co
Support The Future of Figure Skating by contributing to their tip jar: https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/futureoffigureskating
Find out more at https://futureoffigureskating.pinecast.co
Episode Notes
What will it take to end the crisis of abuse in sports? This issue has been reverberating in the skating world, as more survivors have come forward with their stories, and the institutions charged with protecting athletes have largely failed to make the needed changes. Gymnasts for Change Canada advocates for eradicating maltreatment and misconduct in sport and is at the forefront of the campaign for a national inquiry into sport in Canada. Their sister organization, Figure Skaters for Change Canada, which is anonymous, has also published an open letter pushing Skate Canada to address specific cases of abuse, as well as making systemic changes.
My guests, Amelia Cline and Abby Spadafora, are board members of Gymnasts for Change Canada, and are themselves survivors of abuse during their careers in elite gymnastics. We discussed the pathways to making change in this seemingly intractable problem, and what fans of skating can do to support survivors.
You can follow their work at their website, https://www.gymnasts4changecanada.com/ and @Gym4ChangeCan
Amelia Cline is on Twitter at @ameliagrace1989 Abby Spadafora is at @abbyspadafora
You can also learn more about the sibling organization Figure Skaters for Change Canada at@FSforchangeCan
Report by Global Athlete and Gym4ChangeCanada:Canadian Safe Sport Think Tank Report
You can reach me with comments or suggestions for topics and people I should talk to, by email at [email protected] or on Instagram and Twitter @futurefspodcast
If you appreciate the podcast, you can also support my work with the Tip Jar at https://futureoffigureskating.pinecast.co
Remember to subscribe to The Future of Figure Skating on YouTube and wherever you listen to podcasts, and share it with your friends!
Support The Future of Figure Skating by contributing to their tip jar: https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/futureoffigureskating
Find out more at https://futureoffigureskating.pinecast.co
Episode Notes
A special conversation about the anti-doping system and how it is working (or not working) to support athletes. I'm joined by Meagan Duhamel, a 2018 team gold medalist and individual bronze medalist in pairs from the PyeongChang Olympics, by Rob Kohler, director of Global Athlete and formerly deputy Director-General at WADA, and by Paul Greene, who is the founder of Global Sports Advocacy and a leading lawyer representing athletes. We talk about the CAS decision in the Kamila Valieva case, tackling state-sponsored doping, and what a fair system would look like for athletes.
My explainer of the CAS decision for AnythingGOE: https://anythinggoe.com/making-sense-of-the-valieva-decision/
Thanks again to Meagan Duhamel, Rob Koehler, and Paul Greene. You can follow Meagan on Twitter @mhjd_85 and on Instagram @Meaganduhamel You can follow Rob on Twitter at @RobKoehler2 and Global Athlete @GlobalAthlete and globalathlete.org Paul Greene is at @greenesportslaw and his website https://www.globalsportsadvocates.com has more information about his work.
Video Podcast: https://youtu.be/FuToObR1T6E
Episode transcript: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DqBjmYnhtEiQZMDdTKPjvNas-mNNeXJjPrKWuJRcG_o/edit
You can reach me with comments or suggestions for topics and people I should talk to, by email at [email protected] or on Instagram and Twitter @futurefspodcast If you appreciate the podcast, you can also support my work with the Tip Jar at https://futureoffigureskating.pinecast.co
Support The Future of Figure Skating by contributing to their tip jar: https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/futureoffigureskating
Find out more at https://futureoffigureskating.pinecast.co
Episode Notes
This episode features Bruno Massot, the 2018 Olympic and World Champion in pairs. Bruno is now coaching full-time, and we spoke at the European Championships where he was accompanying the Swedish team of Greta and John Crafoord. This was a shorter-than-usual conversation but it was still a very interesting one. We got into the future of pairs and what makes for a great coach.
You can follow Bruno on Instagram at @bruno_massot and reach me with comments or suggestions by email at [email protected] or on Instagram and Twitter @futurefspodcast.
Episode transcript: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1N...
Make sure you're subscribing on your podcast platforms and on YouTube to ensure you get all of the future episodes. Special thanks to Ivan Danyliuk for editing and technical assistance.
If you appreciate the podcast, you can also support my work with the tip jar at https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/futureoffigureskating
Support The Future of Figure Skating by contributing to their tip jar: https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/futureoffigureskating
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Episode Notes
Johanna Allik is a former Estonian national team member in singles and ice dance and the co-founder of JIV Sport apparel company. She has recently published The Book of Figure Skating, a beautiful coffee table book full of information and original interviews. We spoke at the 2024 European Championships about the growth of skating in Estonia and Belgium (where she now lives), her experience speaking out about her eating disorder and the importance of keeping athletes in the sport post-puberty.
Transcript: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zbD-_g2wahzKCTf8Kc55S49dponx21bXjFujHGl1p5c/edit?usp=sharing
You can follow Johanna on Instagram @johannaallik and check out her YouTube channel @johannaallik7
You can order The Book of Figure Skating at jivsport.com
You can reach me with comments or suggestions for topics and people I should talk to, by email at [email protected] or on Instagram and Twitter @futurefspodcast .
Special thanks to Ivan Daniluk for editing and technical assistance. If you appreciate the podcast, you can also support my work with the Tip Jar at https://futureoffigureskating.pinecast.co Remember to subscribe and review The Future of Figure Skating podcast on whatever platform you use, and share it with your friends!
Support The Future of Figure Skating by contributing to their tip jar: https://tips.pinecast.com/jar/futureoffigureskating
Find out more at https://futureoffigureskating.pinecast.co
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