
  • Life’s challenges are inevitable. The stress and setbacks are part of the deal. But while you can’t always control what happens to you, you can always control how you respond; you can always CHOOSE HAPPINESS! 

    However, choosing happiness isn’t always easy. It takes effort, intention, and courage, especially when the going gets tough. But making that choice can help you reclaim your life and find peace amidst the chaos.

    In this episode of the HAPPINESS SQUAD Podcast, Ashish Kothari and Dr. Elia Gourgouris, America’s Happiness Doctor, dive deep into what choosing happiness every day means.

    Dr. Elia Gourgouris is an acclaimed psychologist, author, and keynote speaker specializing in happiness and well-being. With over 30 years of experience, he helps individuals and organizations achieve lasting happiness through practical strategies and self-care practices. Dr. Elia is the author of Seven Paths to Lasting Happiness and Seven Keys to Navigating a Crisis and is dedicated to spreading joy and positivity worldwide. 

    In the conversation, they share practical tips and insights on cultivating lasting happiness through simple, daily habits.

    Things you will learn from this episode:

    • The seven paths to lasting happiness

    • What it means to “feed your soul”

    • Why self-forgiveness is hard

    • How to choose happiness every day

    • The power of kindness

    Ready to take back control and start living your best life? Let’s get into it.

    Tune in to the full episode now!


    • Websites:

    • https://www.dreliagourgouris.com/

    • https://www.thehappinesscenter.com/ 


    • 7 Paths to Lasting Happiness: Happiness the Ultimate Success in Life: https://www.amazon.com/Paths-Lasting-Happiness-Ultimate-Success/dp/0996229000 

    • 7 Keys to Navigating a Crisis: A Practical Guide to Emotionally Dealing with Pandemics & Other Disasters: https://www.amazon.com/Keys-Navigating-Crisis-Practical-Emotionally/dp/1734943815 

    • Hardwired for Happiness: 9 Proven Practices to Overcome Stress and Live Your Best Life.https://www.amazon.com/Hardwired-Happiness-Proven-Practices-Overcome/dp/1544534655

  • The relentless demands of modern life are drowning us in noise, leaving us anxious and burned out. The digital age has us constantly plugged in, leaving little room for the quiet we desperately need. How do we find peace and unlock our inner clarity?

    In this episode of the HAPPINESS SQUAD Podcast, Ashish Kothari and Justin Zorn, an Author at HarperCollins, explain the science of silence and offer practical tips on how to find quiet in this noisy world.

    Justin Zorn is an author, adviser, and former Congressional Legislative Director. He has written on climate, economics, and international affairs for top publications like Harvard Business Review and The Atlantic. 

    His book, published by HarperCollins and Penguin, was translated into 14 languages and became a bestseller on Audible. Justin co-founded a Congressional staff talent pipeline and launched a mindfulness program in the US House. He holds graduate degrees from Oxford and Harvard and lives in Santa Fe, NM, with his wife and three children.

    Discover how to tune out the distractions and tune into yourself.

    Things you will learn from this episode:

    • Understanding your moments of deepest silence

    • Silence as a leadership tool

    • How leaders can cultivate pristine attention

    • Silence as a pathway to wisdom

    Explore practical strategies for embracing silence, reclaiming your focus, and connecting more deeply with yourself and others. Tune in to the full episode now!


    • Justin Zorn website: https://justinzorn.com/ 

    • Justin Zorn on X: https://x.com/j_talbot_zorn 

    • CEPR: https://www.cepr.net/staff-member/justin-talbot-zorn/

    Recent articles by Justin Zorn: 

    • https://www.santafenewmexican.com/opinion/my_view/new-mexico-must-become-a-catcher-of-rain/article_cfdb9974-38f9-11ef-924f-53f5f86eaee8.html

    • https://thehill.com/opinion/finance/4516318-corporate-america-must-step-up-to-save-the-child-tax-credit/

    • https://www.vox.com/the-highlight/23178783/the-power-of-silence-in-a-deafening-world

    • https://hbr.org/2022/05/how-to-build-a-culture-that-honors-quiet-time

    • https://prospect.org/power/reverse-trump-era-brain-drain/

    • https://hbr.org/2018/10/how-the-u-s-can-rebuild-its-capacity-to-innovate

    • https://www.newsweek.com/green-new-deal-red-state-farmers-1444678

    • https://hbr.org/2021/02/a-better-way-to-measure-gdp

  • エピソードを見逃しましたか?


  • Our world revolves around constant hustle and achieving more, often at the expense of rest. But if we only knew how immeasurable the rewards of quality sleep are, we wouldn't take rest for granted. In this HAPPINESS SQUAD Podcast episode, Ashish Kothari and Sleep Neuroscientist Dr. Els van der Helm discusses how better sleep management can boost our overall productivity.

    Dr. Els van der Helm is a distinguished sleep neuroscientist, adjunct professor at IE Business School, and lecturer at St. Gallen and IMD Business Schools. Named one of the top five sleep experts by Thrive Global, she consults globally on sleep, performance, and well-being, helping leaders and organizations enhance productivity and health.

    The conversation covers the detrimental effects of sleep deprivation, the common myths about sleep (like catching up on sleep over the weekend or using substances like alcohol or sleeping pills to improve sleep), and practical advice for improving sleep habits. 

    Things you will learn from this episode:

    • The importance of sleep

    • Emotional and physical damages of sleep deprivation

    • The ripple effects of sleep deprivation on workplace dynamics

    • How sleep management boost productivity and well-being

    Quality sleep shouldn’t be optional. Tune into our full episode now!


    • Dr. Els van der Helm newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/elsvanderhelm/newsletter 

    • Shleep by Dr. Els van der Helm: https://www.youtube.com/@shleep2872 

    • Healing your workforce thrive by sleeping better: https://www.elsvanderhelm.com/ 

    • Alum Els van der Helm changes attitudes to sleep: https://www.mckinsey.com/alumni/news-and-events/global-news/alumni-news/success-with-a-capital-zzzz-alum-els-van-der-helm-changes-attitudes-to-sleep 

    • Sleepio: https://www.sleepio.com/sleepio/welcomeus/401#1/1 


    • Hardwired for Happiness: 9 Proven Practices to Overcome Stress and Live Your Best Life.https://www.amazon.com/Hardwired-Happiness-Proven-Practices-Overcome/dp/1544534655

  • Unhappiness habits are guests we'd all rather evict. They can creep into our lives subtly, often masked as normal daily routines. But these seemingly harmless habits can have a profound impact on our overall well-being. It's time to identify the patterns holding you back and replace them with healthier alternatives.

    In this second part of the HAPPINESS SQUAD Podcast series about unhappiness habits, Ashish Kothari, Founder of HAPPINESS SQUAD, shares three detrimental habits that might be sabotaging your happiness and offers practical solutions to break free from their grip.

    Things you will learn from this episode:

    • 5 ways to break the unhappy habit of sitting

    • What’s causing you to sleep less?

    • Improving your sleep quality and quantity

    • 3 ways to re-engage and reconnect with nature

    Tune in to discover how to break free from unhappiness.


    • https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/25/health/effects-of-sitting-on-mortality-wellness/index.html 

    • https://www.cuimc.columbia.edu/news/shortening-sleep-time-increases-diabetes-risk-women 

    • https://vcresearch.berkeley.edu/faculty/matthew-walker 

    • https://www.amazon.com/Sleep-Revolution-Transforming-Your-Night/dp/110190402X 

    • https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/does-exposure-green-spaces-childhood-lead-better-mental-health-180971590/#:~:text=Using%20satellite%20data%2C%20the%20researchers,mental%20health%20conditions%20in%20adulthood. 

    • Rewire Program: https://happinesssquad.com/rewire-program/ 

    • The Happiness Squad on Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-happiness-squad/id1663683864

    • Happiness Squad Podcast: https://podcast.happinesssquad.com/ 

    • Happiness Squad website: https://happinesssquad.com/

    • Happiness Squad on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/myhappinesssquad/ 


    • Hardwired for Happiness: 9 Proven Practices to Overcome Stress and Live Your Best Life.https://www.amazon.com/Hardwired-Happiness-Proven-Practices-Overcome/dp/1544534655

    • Also mentioned in the episode:

    The Blue Zones: Secrets for Living Longer: https://danbuettner.com/books/

  • We've all got an inner critic, that pesky voice whispering doubts and insecurities. But for some, this critic morphs into a full-blown bully, undermining self-worth and happiness. Self-bullying is the silent enemy of potential, a hidden obstacle to overall well-being. 

    In this episode of the HAPPINESS SQUAD Podcast, Anna Marie Frank, Founder of Happy Whole You, shares tips on how to overcome self-bullying to embrace your holistic health.

    Anna Marie Frank is a brain health expert and holistic wellness practitioner with a PhD in Natural Medicine. Her mission is to end mental health stigma and help people optimize their brains and body through lifestyle changes and holistic approaches. 

    A survivor of depression, dyslexia, and ADD, she founded Happy Whole You to share her knowledge and create effective brain health solutions. Her book, "Stop Bullying Yourself!", offers practical guidance for overcoming self-doubt and achieving success.

    Things you will learn from this episode:

    • Viewing hardships as lessons

    • Recognizing and shifting negative thoughts

    • How to recognize self-bullying

    • Key strategies to stop bullying yourself

    Break free from the chains of self-bullying and unlock your true potential. Tune in now!


    • Happy Whole You: https://happywholeyou.com/ 

    • Blogs at Happy Whole You: https://happywholeyou.com/blogs/news 


    • Stop Bullying Yourself Book: https://happywholeyou.com/products/stop-bullying-yourself 

    • Hardwired for Happiness: 9 Proven Practices to Overcome Stress and Live Your Best Life.https://www.amazon.com/Hardwired-Happiness-Proven-Practices-Overcome/dp/1544534655

  • Despite advancements in efficiency, many are wrestling with being too busy. We've removed friction from tasks like travel, banking, and meetings, yet why are we busier than ever? How do we get out of it?

    In this episode of the HAPPINESS SQUAD Podcast, Ashish Kothari and Kate Sotsenko, Founder and Productivity & Leadership Coach at thegoodbusy.com, dig into the root causes of "bad busy," and explore how to be “good busy” and reinvent your approach to productivity.

    Kate Sotsenko is a seasoned Productivity and Leadership Coach, dedicated to helping busy team leaders reclaim their time and boost productivity. With firsthand experience of the damaging effects of "bad busyness," including temporary vision loss and migraine attacks, Kate understands the toll of unproductive work on personal well-being. 

    She teaches the art of curiosity and organization, enabling her clients to free up time for personal and professional growth. As the founder of TheGoodBusy.com, Kate offers practical strategies to transform overwhelmed leaders into efficient and fulfilled professionals.

    In the conversation, Kate shares practical tips for overcoming the common challenges of moving from "bad busy" to "good busy."

    Things you will learn from this episode:

    • Understanding “Bad Busy”

    • The "Good Busy" Framework

    • Personal Practices for Well-being

    • The importance of coaching in managing productivity

    Tune in now, and you’ll learn practical steps to shift from “bad busy” to “good busy,” and reclaim your time and energy!


    • Check out The Good Busy by Kate Sotsenko here: https://thegoodbusy.com/ 


    • Hardwired for Happiness: 9 Proven Practices to Overcome Stress and Live Your Best Life.https://www.amazon.com/Hardwired-Happiness-Proven-Practices-Overcome/dp/1544534655

    • Kate recommends “The Coaching Habit” by Michael Bungay Stanier: https://www.mbs.works/coaching-habit-book/

  • Let's face it, traditional top-down leadership styles just don't cut it anymore. Employees today are looking for something more than just a boss who dictates orders. They want a leader who understands them, values their contributions, and invests in their growth. Human-centric leadership offers a solution.

    In this episode of the HAPPINESS SQUAD Podcast, we’ll explore how human-centric leadership can create cultures that value people with Jehanzeb Noor, President & Managing Director at Trivium Packaging.

    Jehanzeb Noor is the President & Managing Director at Trivium Metal Products, specializing in growth execution and technology commercialization in the Medical Device and Industrials sectors. Previously CEO of Smiths Medical and a leader at Amcor, Jehanzeb has a track record of enhancing shareholder value, driving strategic growth, and integrating social responsibility into business practices.

    Things you will learn from this episode:

    • 3 Qualities that Build a Human-Centric Culture

    • Understanding human-centric leadership

    • 6 tips to enhance mentorship

    • 5 ways to enhance leadership

    Tune in now and discover how human-centric leadership can create a ripple effect of positivity throughout your organization.



    • http://mckinsey.com/

    • https://operations-extranet.mckinsey.com/

    • http://www.mckinsey.com/client_service/marketing_and_sales 


    • Hardwired for Happiness: 9 Proven Practices to Overcome Stress and Live Your Best Life.https://www.amazon.com/Hardwired-Happiness-Proven-Practices-Overcome/dp/1544534655

  • Despite living in a time of incredible prosperity, record-breaking GDP, and life-saving advancements, many of us feel increasingly stressed, anxious, and dissatisfied. This paradox—abundance alongside unhappiness—is what we’ll tackle in this episode of the HAPPINESS SQUAD Podcast with Ashish Kothari, Founder of HAPPINESS SQUAD.

    In this episode, we’ll unravel the hidden habits that might be unconsciously chipping away at our well-being. Learn how to identify and break free from these "unhappiness habits" that hold you back from a more fulfilling life.

    Things you will learn from this episode:

    • “Unhappiness Habits” that drive lower life satisfaction and increased stress

    • Happy practices that help fix your broken sleeping patterns 

    • How to kill the habit of comparison

    • Breaking free from the addiction to technology

    Tune in to this episode now and learn to identify and break the habits that contribute to your unhappiness.


    • Rewire Program: https://happinesssquad.com/rewire-program/ 

    • The Happiness Squad on Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-happiness-squad/id1663683864

    • Happiness Squad Podcast: https://podcast.happinesssquad.com/ 

    • Happiness Squad website: https://happinesssquad.com/

    • Happiness Squad on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/myhappinesssquad/ 


    • Hardwired for Happiness: 9 Proven Practices to Overcome Stress and Live Your Best Life: https://www.amazon.com/Hardwired-Happiness-Proven-Practices-Overcome/dp/1544534655

  • The world of work is on fast-forward. New skills are constantly in demand, and keeping up can feel like playing catch-up in a high-speed chase. Without a mentor to provide guidance and support, these new challenges can be overwhelming.

    In this episode of the HAPPINESS SQUAD Podcast, Ashish Kothari and Lori Crever, Author and Founder of Protégé Power, explores the importance of creating a culture of mentorship in our organizations.

    Lori Crever is the author of "Protégé Power: A Roadmap for Mentorship" and founder of Protégé Power LLC. As Director of Strategic Partnerships at the Center for Mentoring Excellence, she leverages her extensive corporate experience and career development expertise to deliver impactful presentations and workshops. 

    Lori's career includes two decades at Wells Fargo, where she led a successful mentor program that significantly advanced participants' careers. Currently, she is pursuing a Global Leadership Diploma at the United Nations University for Peace. Her methods have facilitated career breakthroughs for professionals globally, as detailed in her book.

    In the conversation, you’ll learn the key elements of effective leadership and the importance of embedding mentorship into the organizational culture.

    Things you will learn from this episode:

    • The importance of setting clear goals for mentees

    • Creating psychological safety to foster mentorship

    • How to empower mentees

    • The role of humility in mentorship

    • Why mentorship should be embedded into the organization’s culture

    Thousands of listeners have already benefited from our career guidance. Now, discover the power of mentorship in our latest episode!


    • Protégé Power: https://www.protegepower.com/ 

    • About Lori Crever: https://lori-crever.squarespace.com/ 

    • Lori Crever on X : https://x.com/loricrever?lang=en 


    • Protégé Power: A Roadmap to Mentorship: https://www.amazon.com/Prot%C3%A9g%C3%A9-Power-Roadmap-Mentorship/dp/B09DM73X6G 

    • Hardwired for Happiness: 9 Proven Practices to Overcome Stress and Live Your Best Life.https://www.amazon.com/Hardwired-Happiness-Proven-Practices-Overcome/dp/1544534655

  • We all hit a point where our current path just doesn’t match up with our deepest desires and goals any longer. That's when a "relaunch" starts to happen. It's that moment of transition in our lives that presents a powerful opportunity to redefine what success means to us and realign with our true selves. But how do we handle this big change smoothly and confidently?

    In this episode of the HAPPINESS SQUAD Podcast, Ashish Kothari and Hilary DeCesare, Founder & CEO of The ReLaunch Company, reveal the secrets to effectively relaunching yourself and thriving in your life’s transitions.

    Hilary DeCesare is an award-winning business expert, internationally recognized author, and Silicon Valley pioneer. She founded The Relaunch Co., significantly contributed to Oracle’s sales, and is a sought-after speaker and mentor to CEOs and entrepreneurs. 

    Hilary has raised millions in venture capital, earned multiple accolades including AlwaysOn’s “Top 25 Women in Tech to Watch,” and won the 2010 DEMOgod Award and the 2012 Golden Bridge Women Founder of the Year Award. 

    She serves on the Cal Poly San Luis Obispo board, lectures on business, and is committed to philanthropy, with notable appearances on ABC’s Secret Millionaire. Her work culminates in the 3HQ Methodology, empowering mid-life women to achieve career fulfillment.

    Tune into this episode for expert guidance on effectively relaunching your life and thrive through dramatic transitions!

    Things you will learn from this episode:

    • The 3HQ Method

    • Tapping into the Wisdom of the Heart

    • The Tune-In Process

    • Daily Dose from the Tune-In Process


    • The ReLaunch Company - http://www.therelaunchco.com/ 

    • Free PDF at tuneinpowertool.com - https://www.therelaunchcocourses.com/tunein 


    • RELAUNCH!: Spark Your Heart to Ignite Your Life : https://www.amazon.com/RELAUNCH-Spark-Your-Heart-Ignite-ebook/dp/B0B2WZKBDB

    • Also mentioned:  "Mind Magic" by James Doty https://www.amazon.com/Mind-Magic-Neuroscience-Manifestation-Everything/dp/0593541146  

    • Hardwired for Happiness: 9 Proven Practices to Overcome Stress and Live Your Best Life.https://www.amazon.com/Hardwired-Happiness-Proven-Practices-Overcome/dp/1544534655

  • Is happiness the hidden ingredient to extraordinary business success? We're so used to workplaces focused on getting things done fast and generating results. But what if fostering a happy work environment is the key to unparalleled productivity, innovation, and employee loyalty?

    In this episode of the HAPPINESS SQUAD Podcast, Ashish Kothari and Lars Kure Juul explore the potent impact of organizational happiness on overall business health.

    Lars Kure Juul is a Trusted Advisor, HR Executive, and Author of the book, Organizational Happiness: The Happiness Sweet Spot & Your Motivational Landscape. He is no stranger to the transformative power of happiness. 

    Transitioning from a seasoned legal career in mergers and acquisitions to a revered HR executive, Lars has spent over two decades mastering the art of enhancing corporate environments through strategic happiness interventions. His approach blends rigorous positive psychology with practical corporate applications, setting the stage for thriving workplaces.

    During their engaging discussion, Ashish and Lars dissect a variety of pivotal topics, including the concept of compassionate leadership—how it shapes high-performing teams and fosters a robust organizational culture.

    Things you will learn from this episode:

    • Workplaces can either drag down or uplift individuals through organizational dynamics

    • Key Drivers for Organizational Happiness

    • The importance and effectiveness of compassionate leadership

    • How leaders can cultivate compassion and presence within their teams

    Listen now and discover how embracing organizational happiness can improve business outcomes. You’ll take away practical strategies to implement in your own organization.


    • The Happiness Sweet Spot: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/happiness-sweet-spot-explained-lars-kure-juul/ 


    • Organizational Happiness by Lars Kure Juul: https://www.amazon.com/Organizational-Happiness-Sweet-Motivational-Landscape/dp/8797105503 

    • Hardwired for Happiness: 9 Proven Practices to Overcome Stress and Live Your Best Life.https://www.amazon.com/Hardwired-Happiness-Proven-Practices-Overcome/dp/1544534655

  • Have you ever noticed how a delicious meal can instantly lift your spirits? Food goes beyond just fueling our bodies; it nourishes our souls and strengthens connections with the people around us. But how exactly does food create happiness and deeper connections?  

    In this episode of the HAPPINESS SQUAD Podcast, Ashish Kothari and Paul Cure explore the fascinating link between food, happiness, and building meaningful relationships.

    Paul Cure is a Realtor with the Burgess Group | Compass and the Community Chair for the Conference on World Affairs. He is also a freelance journalist who specializes in lifestyle topics, including design, style, food, and travel. Paul is passionate about bringing together various businesses and personalities to foster community building and social engagement.

    In this conversation, Ashish and Paul discuss how shared meals can enhance happiness and strengthen relationships.

    Things you will learn from this episode:

    • What is Slow Food?

    • The Emotional Impact of Eating Environments

    • How Sharing a Meal Cultivates Mindfulness

    • Building Connections Through Food

    Struggling to find meaningful ways to connect with loved ones? We've got the recipe for you! Don’t wait! Tune into this podcast now.


    • Michelin Star Restaurants in Colorado: Culinary Adventures in Aspen, Boulder, and Denver (article by Paul Cure) : https://iconiclife.com/michelin-start-restaurants-colorado-culinary-adventures/

    • “Welcome, Nice to See You” AKA “Irashaimase” (article by Paul Cure) : https://citylifestyle.com/articles/welcome-nice-to-see-you-aka-irashaimase

    • 40th Food & Wine Classic in Aspen | The View From the Top (article by Paul Cure): https://iconiclife.com/food-wine-classic-aspen-exploring-aspen-food-wine-festival/

    • The Eat-In Method by Callie Cavanaugh: https://calliecavanaugh.com/program


    • Comfort Food: Exploring Our Relationship and Craving for Love and Belonging At the Table by Paul Cure

    • Hardwired for Happiness: 9 Proven Practices to Overcome Stress and Live Your Best Life.https://www.amazon.com/Hardwired-Happiness-Proven-Practices-Overcome/dp/1544534655

  • Relationships can be tricky because they mix together two people with different backgrounds and habits, and sometimes things get a bit tangled up. It’s like blending two different paint colors without making a mess! Every relationship hits rough patches, but we can turn those bumps in the road into springboards for growing closer.

    In this episode of the HAPPINESS SQUAD Podcast, Ashish Kothari, Founder of Happiness Squad, discusses how to cultivate positive emotions to deepen our relationships.

    Things you will learn from this episode:

    • How to generate positive emotions

    • Practice being a ‘gratitude detective’

    • Managing negative emotions and interactions

    • The most destructive behaviors in relationships.


    • Rewire Program: https://happinesssquad.com/rewire-program/

    • The Happiness Squad on Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-happiness-squad/id1663683864

    • Happiness Squad Podcast: https://podcast.happinesssquad.com/

    • Happiness Squad website: https://happinesssquad.com/

    • Happiness Squad on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/myhappinesssquad/

    • The Magic Relationship Ratio by Dr. John Gottman: https://www.gottman.com/blog/the-magic-relationship-ratio-according-science/


    • Hardwired for Happiness: 9 Proven Practices to Overcome Stress and Live Your Best Life.https://www.amazon.com/Hardwired-Happiness-Proven-Practices-Overcome/dp/1544534655

    • The Prophet by Khalil Gibran: https://www.amazon.com/Prophet-Kahlil-Gibran/dp/B001AGWEMK

  • We're investing big bucks in employee well-being programs without really addressing the real problems affecting employees' performance. In fact, shocking stats from the McKinsey Health Institute reveal that a mere 3% of burnout comes from individual factors, while a staggering 97% is due to organizational, team, and job-related issues. 

    It looks like we’re spending a lot of money on wellness without tackling the bigger problem. Shouldn’t we be aiming for solutions that address the whole picture? In this episode of the HAPPINESS SQUAD Podcast, Ashish Kothari and Ali Khan will discuss this issue with you.

    Ali Khan is an accomplished entrepreneur and the Founder and CEO of SHAPE - The Employee Experience Measurement Company. His leadership is marked by a commitment to creating flagship products that enhance flourishing and drive positive outcomes in workplaces facing unprecedented change. An expert in chronic and infectious disease diagnosis, Ali excels in transforming clinical, technical, and operational growth through data-driven services. 

    In the conversation, Ashish and Ali redefine employee flourishing and organizational success. They discuss how well-being and happiness are not merely byproducts of successful workplace environments but are foundational to creating them.

    Things you will learn from this episode:

    • Defining flourishing and what helps individuals and organizations flourish

    • The Flourishing Wheel: 12 domains of flourishing

    • Effectiveness of Well-being Initiatives

    • Data-driven insights in transforming organizational practices


    • SHAPE Website: https://www.shapepowered.com/

    • SHAPE Global news: https://www.forbes.com/sites/sheilacallaham/2023/09/19/startup-advances-employee-productivity-measurement-captures-attention-of-global-leaders/?sh=4d0ff1f541c9 

    • Check out our related episode: https://podcasts.apple.com/lv/podcast/the-power-of-purpose-driven-organizations-with-alex-edmans/id1663683864?i=1000633983201 


    • Hardwired for Happiness: 9 Proven Practices to Overcome Stress and Live Your Best Life.https://www.amazon.com/Hardwired-Happiness-Proven-Practices-Overcome/dp/1544534655

  • Do you know how stressed people are at work these days? Studies show a startling fact: nearly 40% of young workers feel they're on the edge because of job stress. It's clear we have a serious issue that's hurting both people's well-being and their job performance. 

    Could our work environments be contributing to the problem? In this episode of the HAPPINESS SQUAD Podcast, Ashish Kothari and Genevieve Bonin explore this critical topic.

    Genevieve Bonin is the Managing Director and partner at Boston Consulting Group. She is a seasoned leader with over 27 years of experience in the public and private sectors, specializing in solving complex problems and leading transformational change. 

    At BCG, she leads the global public sector practice with a focus on Defence and Security and heads the Canadian Public Sector practice. A recognized thought leader in diversity, equity and inclusion, mental health and well-being, and leadership, she has authored numerous articles and delivered keynotes on these topics.

    Her military background as a Naval Engineering Officer in the Royal Canadian Navy deeply influences her ongoing commitment to philanthropy, particularly in supporting troops, veterans, and their families. She serves on several boards, including the True Patriot Love Foundation, Invictus Games 2025, and the Royal Ottawa Hospital Institute for Mental Health Research.

    Genevieve holds professional titles as a Fellow Certified Management Consultant and Professional Engineer and has been honored with the Telfer School of Management Philanthropy Award and the Veterans Affairs Ministerial Medal for her contributions to society. 

    In this conversation, Ashish and Genevieve discuss the importance of ongoing attention to workplace mental health and the need for businesses to prioritize improving their employees’ well-being and productivity at work.

    Things you will learn from this episode:

    • Combating Workplace Burnout

    • Research on Mental Health Among Canadian Workers

    • Determining Workplace Stressors

    • The Concept of Generative Leadership

    • Organizational Strategies for Mental Health


    • Genevieve Bonin at Boston Consulting Group: https://www.bcg.com/about/people/experts/genevieve-bonin 

    • Genevieve Bonin on Twitter: https://twitter.com/genbonin?lang=en 

    • The Royal Mental Health Center: https://www.theroyal.ca/research/biography/genevieve-bonin 

    • The Next Frontier of Workplace Culture: https://www.bcg.com/publications/2023/workplace-burnout-costing-canadian-companies-billions 

    • Why Canada Needs Generative Leaders: https://www.bcg.com/publications/2022/generative-leadership-aiding-canadas-public-sector 


    Hardwired for Happiness: 9 Proven Practices to Overcome Stress and Live Your Best Life.https://www.amazon.com/Hardwired-Happiness-Proven-Practices-Overcome/dp/1544534655

  • Our world feels increasingly divided, largely because we tend to surround ourselves with people who think the same way we do. This creates a cycle where we constantly reinforce our own beliefs and opinions. Over time, this makes it challenging to see or appreciate different viewpoints, as we're not regularly exposed to them.

    In this episode of the HAPPINESS SQUAD Podcast, Ashish Kothari and Diana McLain Smith, Founder and Author of Remaking the Space Between Us, discuss overcoming our divides by transforming how we interact and understand each other in a divided world.

    Diana McLain Smith is a distinguished author and consultant specializing in leadership and organizational development. She has a robust academic background in psychology and social systems, and her work primarily focuses on helping leaders and teams navigate complex relationships and organizational challenges.

    Diana is also well-known for her insightful book, "The Elephant in the Room: How Relationships Make or Break the Success of Leaders and Organizations," where she explores the dynamics of human relationships within a professional context. Her expertise is frequently sought by leading organizations looking to enhance their leadership effectiveness and team collaboration.

    In the conversation, Ashish and Diana share their insights and provide actionable advice for improving societal and personal connections.

    Things you will learn from this episode:

    • Ending the Epidemic of Loneliness

    • Hope as a crucial political act

    • Empathy as a superpower

    • Transforming conflict into an opportunity for improvement

    Tune in now and find out how you can take part in remaking the space between our divided world!


    • Diana’s website: http://www.dianamclainsmith.com/

    • Company website: http://www.newprofit.com/

    • Remaking the Space Between Us on Substack: https://remakingthespace.substack.com/about

    • Citizen Connect Organization: https://citizenconnect.us/

    • Listen First Project: https://www.listenfirstproject.org/

    • Roots & Shoots Organization by Jane Goodall: https://rootsandshoots.org/

    • Solutions Journalism Network: https://www.solutionsjournalism.org/


    • Remaking the Space Between Us by Diana McLain Smith

    • Elephant in the Room by Diana McLain Smith

    • Divide of Conquer by Diana McLain Smith

    • Waking Up White by Debbie Irving: https://www.debbyirving.com/the-book/

    • Primal Fear: Tribalism, Empathy, and the Way Forward by Rob Smith

    • Ask: Tap Into the Hidden Wisdom of People Around You for Unexpected Breakthroughs In Leadership and Life

    • Begin Again by Eddie Glaude

    • Difficult Conversations by Bruce Patton

    • Getting to Yes by Roger Fisher and William Ury

    • Hardwired for Happiness: 9 Proven Practices to Overcome Stress and Live Your Best Life.https://www.amazon.com/Hardwired-Happiness-Proven-Practices-Overcome/dp/1544534655

  • Here's a thought: What if the real secret to making more money was to focus less on the money itself? True success in organizations isn't just about chasing profits, but about being driven by a genuine purpose. It’s about making a meaningful impact, serving a greater cause, and adding value to the world.

    In this episode of the HAPPINESS SQUAD Podcast, Ashish chats with Alex Edmans, a multi-award-winning professor of finance at London Business School with a PhD in finance from MIT Sloan. As a Fulbright scholar, he joined Wharton in 2007 before moving to London Business School. His TED talk, "The Pie Growing Mindset” and “The Social Responsibility of Business," has a combined 2.8 million views. He's written for the Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, and the Harvard Business Review.

    The focus of this conversation is Alex's book, 'Grow the Pie: How Great Companies Deliver Both Purpose and Profit'. Through quantitative research, Alex introduces the concept of growing value for all stakeholders rather than merely dividing it. He presents three pivotal principles that guide organizations in defining their purpose. 

    Ashish supplements this with examples from his own work, ensuring that leaders, shareholders, or stakeholders of organizations will benefit. 

    Ready to redefine success and discover the power of purpose in organizations? Listen to this episode now!

    Things you will also learn from this episode:

    • The concept of ‘growing the pie’ and long-term greed

    • The correlation and causation of employee satisfaction and stock returns

    • The power of purpose in maximizing profit


    • Alex Edmans’ website: http://www.alexedmans.com/ 

    • Growth the Pie website: http://www.growthepie.net/ 

    • TED Talk: The Pie-Growing Mindset https://www.ted.com/talks/alex_edmans_the_pie_growing_mindset 

    • TED Talk: The Social Responsibility of Business  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5KZhm19EO0 


    • Grow the Pie: How Great Companies Deliver Both Purpose and Profit

  • Do you ever feel like you're juggling work and your personal life at once, trying to keep them from crashing down? You're not alone. The traditional notion of work-life balance often paints an unrealistic picture of perfectly equal scales. But let's face it; the scales are rarely balanced.  

    Stress builds as you struggle to keep up, leaving you exhausted and frustrated. What if there was a better way to balance work and life? 

    In this episode of the HAPPINESS SQUAD Podcast, Ashish Kothari sits with Scott Shute, Founder of Changing Work. 

    Scott Shute is a keynote speaker, author, and leadership coach with extensive experience as an executive. He is passionate about people development, integrating the practical aspects of leadership in the modern business world with the wisdom of ancient traditions. 

    With over twenty-five years in customer-oriented leadership and executive roles, including three years leading Mindfulness and Compassion programs at LinkedIn, Scott now aids other leaders and companies to become more compassionate and effective. 

    Scott aims to weave these practices into the fabric of company culture, influencing how products are developed, sold, and serviced to benefit employees and customers. His background in operations allows him to scale these transformative practices across organizations effectively.

    In the conversation, Ashish and Scott discuss the concept of work-life integration and the best approaches to blending work and life.

    Here are other things you will learn from this episode:

    • The meaning and inspiration of the ‘Full Body YES’

    • Work-life balance vs Work-life integration

    • Handling unmeaningful work

    • Mindfulness and compassion programs

    • The Changing Work Collective


    • Scott Shute website: https://www.scottshute.com/ 

    • Work with Scott Shute here: https://www.scottshute.com/work-with-me 

    • Changing Work Movement: https://www.changingwork.org/ 


    • The Full Body YES by Scott Shute: https://www.scottshute.com/the-book 

    • Hardwired for Happiness: 9 Proven Practices to Overcome Stress and Live Your Best Life.https://www.amazon.com/Hardwired-Happiness-Proven-Practices-Overcome/dp/1544534655

  • Ever feel like chasing personal achievements isn't really making you happy? You're not alone. It's a common trap that leaves many of us feeling empty. It's a frustrating realization that success and status often fail to fill the void we hope they would. It leaves us questioning, what does happiness truly mean?

    In this episode of the HAPPINESS SQUAD Podcast, Ashish Kothari and Stephanie Harrison, Founder of The New Happy, discuss a groundbreaking approach to finding your ‘new happy’. It's happiness, redefined.

    Stephanie Harrison, Founder of The New Happy Co., is a multifaceted entrepreneur, acclaimed writer, innovative designer, and engaging speaker. Holding a master's degree in positive psychology from the prestigious University of Pennsylvania, she has dedicated her career to pioneering a transformative philosophy of happiness.

    As the author of the upcoming book NEW HAPPY: Getting Happiness Right In A World That’s Got It Wrong, set to be published by Penguin Random House on May 14, 2024, Stephanie continues to influence and reshape the conversation around what it truly means to live a fulfilled life.

    In the conversation, Ashish and Stephanie discuss a new formula for happiness that’s about more than just personal gain—it's about community and helping others.

    Things you will learn from this episode:

    • The Old vs. New Concept of Happiness

    • The importance of self-acceptance

    • Growth through self-love

    • Discovering your talents

    • Serving others with your gifts

    Tune into the full episode here to hear their insightful discussion on the new meaning of happiness.


    • The New Happy website: https://www.thenewhappy.com/about

    • New Happy Book: https://www.thenewhappy.com/book


    • Hardwired for Happiness: 9 Proven Practices to Overcome Stress and Live Your Best Life.https://www.amazon.com/Hardwired-Happiness-Proven-Practices-Overcome/dp/1544534655

    • Author of New Happy: Getting Happiness Right in a World That's Got It Wrong: https://www.amazon.com/New-Happy-Getting-Happiness-Right/dp/0593541383

  • Have you ever wondered how many people change careers after a job loss or by choice? Studies show that, on average, individuals undergo a career transition about five to seven times during their lifetime. The problem is that each transition is not without its own challenges. So, what does it take to navigate these waters successfully?

    In this episode, Ashish Kothari, Founder of HAPPINESS SQUAD Podcast, offers a comprehensive guide to career progression, specifically how to secure promotions or transition into new roles and leveraging the "Sunflower Model" to achieve professional growth and success.

    The episode serves as a comprehensive guide for listeners to reflect on their current positions, identify what they truly want from their careers, and make strategic moves to achieve those goals while maintaining personal well-being and a sense of purpose.

    Things you will learn from this episode:

    How to assess your skillsThe importance of feedback and coachingThe concept of Job CraftingThe benefits of open vs closed networks

    Tune in now and discover the secrets to the smoothest career transition! Check out our latest article here for insights and strategies that work.

    Resources:Rewire Program: https://happinesssquad.com/rewire-program/  The Happiness Squad on Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-happiness-squad/id1663683864 Happiness Squad Podcast: https://podcast.happinesssquad.com/  Happiness Squad website: https://happinesssquad.com/ Happiness Squad on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/myhappinesssquad/ 

    Hardwired for Happiness: 9 Proven Practices to Overcome Stress and Live Your Best Life.https://www.amazon.com/Hardwired-Happiness-Proven-Practices-Overcome/dp/1544534655