This week we explore virtual reality. How far has virtual reality and augmented reality come in the last few decades? In what ways are VR and AR currently being used? What are the dangers and pitfalls, and what is the potential future for Virtual Reality?
This week's episode might be a bit controversial but is probably one of the most important episodes we've done - we discuss some of the key scientific, moral, legal and emotional issue in the abortion debate, including taking a big look at how the laws differ between countries and states, what makes something a human or individual, when does a bundle of cells gain autonomy and the social, economic and health problems which follow the pro-life argument.
What is knowledge? Is it a subset of belief, or is belief a subset of knowledge? Can we know anything for certain? Join us as we ask these questions and more within this episode.
Discover the science and history of demon possession. What's going on in the brain and what kind of conditions lead to people acting possessed. Is demon possession a real, supernatural phenomenon, or is something else going on?
What is alcohol? How long have humans been drinking it and why? Drinking is pretty common amongst many groups of people but how does it affect your body and brain? Is a glass of wine every day actually good for you or is it going to harm you in the long-term?
In this episode we ask what philosophers call "The fundamental question", and that question is "Why is there something rather than nothing?"
Show notes: http://thehereandhow.com/why-is-there-something
Can a computer perfectly impersonate a human? Explore the future of identity theft and identity protection. Discover how computer software can already mimic the human face and voice and explore the negative and positive future ramifications of such A.I. capabilities.
Show notes: http://thehereandhow.com/face-stealing-computer
What is a psychopath? How are they different from a sociopath? What's the neurology behind it and how can we tests for psychopathy? We're asking all the big questions today!
Show Notes: http://thehereandhow.com/psychopath/
Did the universe come from nothing? What is the big bang? What does the evidence say? In this episode, we explore the most important astronomical discoveries and what exactly they reveal to us.
Show Notes: http://thehereandhow.com/did-the-universe-come-from-nothing
Can we improve our memories and remember everything we encounter? What is the history of memory, and are the limits of human memory? Learn how to memorize more, faster and retain it longer. Show notes: http://thehereandhow.com/can-we-memorize-everything
Where’s the missing link between us humans and our supposedly fellow apes? From australopithecus afarensis to homo neanderthalensis, in this episode we investigate and discuss the many fossils of our ancestors.
Show notes: http://thehereandhow.com/wheres-the-missing-link
Can we predict the future? Explore the history and science of prophecy, psychic predictions, future simulations, and science-based forecasting.
Show notes: http://thehereandhow.com/can-we-predict-the-future
This week we're talking about animals! How do animals defend themselves in the wild, how and why did they evolve these traits and what we can learn from them.
Show Notes:
http://www.thehereandhow.com/animals-defense -
This week we're looking at the science of happiness - what does it mean to be happy? Who has studied happiness? And is there a way you can assure happiness?
Show Notes: http://www.thehereandhow.com/happiness-science
Can we cheat death and live forever, gaining eternal life (immortality) and eternal health/youth? Explore the science of extending our life.
Show notes: http://thehereandhow.com/can-we-live-forever
This week look at various scientific theories (and evidence) as to why he dinosaurs went extinct (the story has changed!). And as a bonus, we scratch the surface of mass-extinction as a whole.
Show notes: http://thehereandhow.com/what-killed-the-dinosaurs/
This week we’re going to be looking at consumer psychology, buyer behaviour and how marketers and advertisers take advantage of this. Some might say you’re being manipulated… but that’s up to you to decide!
Show Notes: http://www.thehereandhow.com/marketing-manipulation
Will robots take our jobs, wipe us out, or work alongside us? What will the future of artificial intelligence look like?
Show Notes: http://thehereandhow.com/will-robots-replace-us
How do you date a rock? For that matter, how to you date anything? Within this episode we look at the science of dating the age of the earth, and to some extent the moon, planets and solar system.
Show notes: http://thehereandhow.com/how-do-you-date-a-rock
Today we're looking at the human body and our senses! What is a sense? How many senses do we have? Are there just 5 basic senses or does it get a bit more complicated than that?
Show Notes: http://www.thehereandhow.com/sixth-sense
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