
  • A 2017 survey by the Transgender Equality Network Ireland found that 55% of respondents indicated that they had experienced or witnessed transphobic bullying in the workplace.

    In the 7 years since this survey, although we’ve seen progress in policies, culture, gender expression etc., challenges still remain for transgender people, with this issue far from solved.

    So to chat to us today and provide some insights and advice on what we can do about this from a HR perspective, we’re delighted to be joined by our very own experienced HR leader, Susie Lowe, Workplace Investigator here at Insight HR.

    About The HR Room Podcast

    The HR Room Podcast is a series from Insight HR where we talk to business leaders from around Ireland and share advice on how to create the HR systems and workplace culture that's right for your business.

    If you need any HR support in Ireland, get in touch with us at Insight HR.

    Whether it's conducting a complex workplace investigation, filling a gap by providing you with a virtual or an onsite HR resource, or providing advice via our HR support line, as an expert HR consultancy in Ireland, we'll help you resolve whatever Human Resources challenge your business is facing.

  • So you've caught someone red-handed, stealing from the workplace. Is what you do next simply black and white? Or is there some grey areas and a lot of red tape? If something like this happens out of the blue, will you be ready to manage it?Luckily today, and also in our webinar at the end of the month, we’re be offering up some advice on a silver platter!

    So to do exactly that, and guide us through the topic of theft in the workplace, we’re delighted to be joined by our very own Rebecca Bowman, Head of Workplace Investigations here at Insight HR.

    About The HR Room Podcast

    The HR Room Podcast is a series from Insight HR where we talk to business leaders from around Ireland and share advice on how to create the HR systems and workplace culture that's right for your business.

    If you need any HR support in Ireland, get in touch with us at Insight HR.

    Whether it's conducting a complex workplace investigation, filling a gap by providing you with a virtual or an onsite HR resource, or providing advice via our HR support line, as an expert HR consultancy in Ireland, we'll help you resolve whatever Human Resources challenge your business is facing.

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  • Although redundancies did capture the headlines in recent years and in certain sectors, redundancies are a challenge that many organisations across all industries will face at some point.

    Thankfully, we have robust legislation in place, with even more changes recently announced! But as with any new legislation or HR subject like this, it’s always a challenge to make sure you’re doing the right thing!

    So to talk to us about the recent changes and what they mean for employers and HR teams, we’re delighted to be joined by Siobhan Lafferty, Senior Associate at LK Shields Solicitors LLP.

    About The HR Room Podcast

    The HR Room Podcast is a series from Insight HR where we talk to business leaders from around Ireland and share advice on how to create the HR systems and workplace culture that's right for your business.

    If you need any HR support in Ireland, get in touch with us at Insight HR.

    Whether it's conducting a complex workplace investigation, filling a gap by providing you with a virtual or an onsite HR resource, or providing advice via our HR support line, as an expert HR consultancy in Ireland, we'll help you resolve whatever Human Resources challenge your business is facing.

  • As I’m sure we’ve all realised by now, remote working isn’t a simple black and white subject for employers and employees alike.

    Yes, we have a code of practice, but the nuances, the contributing factors, the circumstances and even some case law still raise questions about how exactly all of this should operate.

    Well to help us sift through this and hopefully give a clearer picture on what is a big challenge for HR teams everywhere, we’re delighted to be joined by Siobhra Rush, Partner and Head of Office at Lewis Silkin Ireland.

    About The HR Room Podcast

    The HR Room Podcast is a series from Insight HR where we talk to business leaders from around Ireland and share advice on how to create the HR systems and workplace culture that's right for your business.

    If you need any HR support in Ireland, get in touch with us at Insight HR.

    Whether it's conducting a complex workplace investigation, filling a gap by providing you with a virtual or an onsite HR resource, or providing advice via our HR support line, as an expert HR consultancy in Ireland, we'll help you resolve whatever Human Resources challenge your business is facing.

  • In recent years, the rise of far-right movements and political shifts have brought renewed scrutiny and resistance to DEI efforts. Studies show that nearly 70% of organisations worldwide are re-evaluating their DEI strategies due to changing political climates.

    With a pivotal U.S. presidential election on the horizon, the ripple effects could be felt across boardrooms, influencing corporate culture and policies far beyond American borders.

    In this episode, we explore what this means for HR professionals and organisations in Ireland, with Siobhan McKenna, Head of Equality, Diversity & Inclusion at Public Jobs.

    About The HR Room Podcast

    The HR Room Podcast is a series from Insight HR where we talk to business leaders from around Ireland and share advice on how to create the HR systems and workplace culture that's right for your business.

    If you need any HR support in Ireland, get in touch with us at Insight HR.

    Whether it's conducting a complex workplace investigation, filling a gap by providing you with a virtual or an onsite HR resource, or providing advice via our HR support line, as an expert HR consultancy in Ireland, we'll help you resolve whatever Human Resources challenge your business is facing.

  • Are you a standalone HR professional, a one person department, managing the HR function? Are you feeling overwhelmed and under-supported, but keen to do as much as you can?

    Well, the good news is, you’re not the only one. So many people that we speak to here at Insight HR are in this exact position, going solo in HR, trying to do the best they can, but needing our help.

    And more good news, as today, we want to have a chat that’s, in the famous words of Kylie & Jason, especially for you!

    So to chat to us today and provide some key advice for standalone HR professionals, we’re delighted to be joined by our very own Liam Barton, Senior HR Consultant here at Insight HR.

    About The HR Room Podcast

    The HR Room Podcast is a series from Insight HR where we talk to business leaders from around Ireland and share advice on how to create the HR systems and workplace culture that's right for your business.

    If you need any HR support in Ireland, get in touch with us at Insight HR.

    Whether it's conducting a complex workplace investigation, filling a gap by providing you with a virtual or an onsite HR resource, or providing advice via our HR support line, as an expert HR consultancy in Ireland, we'll help you resolve whatever Human Resources challenge your business is facing.

  • Back in 2018, Down Syndrome Ireland surveyed their members and found that only 6% of people were in deep and meaningful employment.

    Although many HR teams and organisations know that people with Down Syndrome should be supported and included, clearly something is missing. But thankfully, Down Syndrome Ireland is doing some fantastic work in this area to help make a change.

    So today we’re delighted to be joined by Aoife Gaffney, Head of Employment at Down Syndrome Ireland.

    P.S check out the truly inspiring "hiring chain" video we mention in this episode, right here!

    About The HR Room Podcast

    The HR Room Podcast is a series from Insight HR where we talk to business leaders from around Ireland and share advice on how to create the HR systems and workplace culture that's right for your business.

    If you need any HR support in Ireland, get in touch with us at Insight HR.

    Whether it's conducting a complex workplace investigation, filling a gap by providing you with a virtual or an onsite HR resource, or providing advice via our HR support line, as an expert HR consultancy in Ireland, we'll help you resolve whatever Human Resources challenge your business is facing.

  • 48pc of neurodivergent people have not disclosed their condition at work. This is a statistic that we spoke to Matt Elliott, Chief People Officer at Bank of Ireland about recently on this very podcast, in the context of their neurodiversity strategy that they built in partnership with a select number of experts in this area, one being Auticon, who’s purpose is to help companies become a destination for neurodivergent talent.

    An autistic majority and award winning company, Auticon are inspiring in the work they do to build neurodiverse workplaces, so today we’re delighted to chat about this with Auticon’s Global Director of Neuroinclusion Services, the brilliant Kirsty Cook.

    About The HR Room Podcast

    The HR Room Podcast is a series from Insight HR where we talk to business leaders from around Ireland and share advice on how to create the HR systems and workplace culture that's right for your business.

    If you need any HR support in Ireland, get in touch with us at Insight HR.

    Whether it's conducting a complex workplace investigation, filling a gap by providing you with a virtual or an onsite HR resource, or providing advice via our HR support line, as an expert HR consultancy in Ireland, we'll help you resolve whatever Human Resources challenge your business is facing.

  • Beanbags, free beer, and bring-your-pet-to-work days: these are often thought to attract Generation Z graduates. Because Gen Z doesn’t care about salary, only some vague notion of “meaningful” work, right? Nothing could be further from the truth.

    This is the opening paragraph from a recent Irish Examiner article about Gen Z workers, and what they really want in their roles. And this multi-generational satisfaction challenge is something that many HR professionals are certainly dying to hear more about, so that they can get it right.

    Well good news, as today we discuss exactly this, as we welcome back the brilliant Oliver Coakley, Director at Citris Reward Consulting.

    About The HR Room Podcast

    The HR Room Podcast is a series from Insight HR where we talk to business leaders from around Ireland and share advice on how to create the HR systems and workplace culture that's right for your business.

    If you need any HR support in Ireland, get in touch with us at Insight HR.

    Whether it's conducting a complex workplace investigation, filling a gap by providing you with a virtual or an onsite HR resource, or providing advice via our HR support line, as an expert HR consultancy in Ireland, we'll help you resolve whatever Human Resources challenge your business is facing.

  • Each year, the CIPD conducts its HR practices in Ireland survey in conjunction with the Kemmy Business School, University of Limerick, to collate annual insights on the challenges and concerns of the people profession in Ireland. The CIPD conducted this survey of members and people professionals in Ireland in November and December 2023 across a wide range of industries, shapes and sizes, and as always, the results have been very interesting.

    So, to talk to us about this today, who better to join us than Mary Connaughton, Director at CIPD Ireland!

    About The HR Room Podcast

    The HR Room Podcast is a series from Insight HR where we talk to business leaders from around Ireland and share advice on how to create the HR systems and workplace culture that's right for your business.

    If you need any HR support in Ireland, get in touch with us at Insight HR.

    Whether it's conducting a complex workplace investigation, filling a gap by providing you with a virtual or an onsite HR resource, or providing advice via our HR support line, as an expert HR consultancy in Ireland, we'll help you resolve whatever Human Resources challenge your business is facing.

  • The charity sector is a sector which has always been valued highly here in Ireland in particular, with hundreds of charities all around Ireland doing fantastic work across a wide range of goals, for a wide range of reasons, and thankfully with a wide range of employees and volunteers to make the good work happen.

    But, of course, work in the charity sector is not without it’s challenges. And for HR teams, HR leaders and employers, supporting the people who do all of this great work, is of paramount importance.

    So to give us some insight in to HR in the charity sector, and sharing some advice on what we can learn from this sector, we’re delighted to be joined by Johanne Nevin, People Team Operations Manager at The Donkey Sanctuary.

    About The HR Room Podcast

    The HR Room Podcast is a series from Insight HR where we talk to business leaders from around Ireland and share advice on how to create the HR systems and workplace culture that's right for your business.

    If you need any HR support in Ireland, get in touch with us at Insight HR.

    Whether it's conducting a complex workplace investigation, filling a gap by providing you with a virtual or an onsite HR resource, or providing advice via our HR support line, as an expert HR consultancy in Ireland, we'll help you resolve whatever Human Resources challenge your business is facing.

  • Navigating the world of HR and employment law can be a daunting task for any organisation. Whether you are an overwhelmed and under supported solo HR function in a small company, a growing business without a dedicated HR team who needs the right foundations in place, or a large corporation looking to outsource specific HR tasks, choosing the right HR support is crucial. The right partner can make all the difference in fostering a productive, compliant, and happy work environment.

    So if something like good HR support can be so powerful, then choosing the right one, is key.

    Well to chat about this today we’re delighted to be joined by our very own Liam Barton, Senior HR Consultant here at Insight HR.

    About The HR Room Podcast

    The HR Room Podcast is a series from Insight HR where we talk to business leaders from around Ireland and share advice on how to create the HR systems and workplace culture that's right for your business.

    If you need any HR support in Ireland, get in touch with us at Insight HR.

    Whether it's conducting a complex workplace investigation, filling a gap by providing you with a virtual or an onsite HR resource, or providing advice via our HR support line, as an expert HR consultancy in Ireland, we'll help you resolve whatever Human Resources challenge your business is facing.

  • The termination of one’s employment, for whatever reason, is a significant occurrence in anyone's professional life. It is very often a difficult and emotionally charged period. When this occurs, the need for clear processes and clear understanding, on both sides, is key.

    So when it comes to settlement agreements, which can be a common occurrence in the world of terminating employment, what is the process, and what must we, as HR professionals, understand?

    In this great 1:1 discussion, our very own Eoin Lyons spoke to Barry Crushell about the why, when, and how of settlement agreements, sharing tonnes of useful insights for HR professionals here in Ireland!

    About The HR Room Podcast

    The HR Room Podcast is a series from Insight HR where we talk to business leaders from around Ireland and share advice on how to create the HR systems and workplace culture that's right for your business.

    If you need any HR support in Ireland, get in touch with us at Insight HR.

    Whether it's conducting a complex workplace investigation, filling a gap by providing you with a virtual or an onsite HR resource, or providing advice via our HR support line, as an expert HR consultancy in Ireland, we'll help you resolve whatever Human Resources challenge your business is facing.

  • As HR professionals, we know driving change is difficult. But we also know that driving change is essential – not just for organisations to grow and thrive, but most importantly for our people, of all backgrounds, abilities and characteristics to grow and thrive also. One thing that does make managing change easier however, is data. So where do we get it, and how do we properly use it?

    Well to talk to us about this today we’re delighted to be joined by a guiding light in this area, and a familiar face to many of you event goers, podcast listeners and the likes, the wonderful Siobhan McKenna, Head of Equality, Diversity & Inclusion at Public Jobs.

    About The HR Room Podcast

    The HR Room Podcast is a series from Insight HR where we talk to business leaders from around Ireland and share advice on how to create the HR systems and workplace culture that's right for your business.

    If you need any HR support in Ireland, get in touch with us at Insight HR.

    Whether it's conducting a complex workplace investigation, filling a gap by providing you with a virtual or an onsite HR resource, or providing advice via our HR support line, as an expert HR consultancy in Ireland, we'll help you resolve whatever Human Resources challenge your business is facing.

  • A probation period, at a simple level is a period of time at the start of a permanent full-time or part-time employment relationship that gives the employer the opportunity to assess whether their new employee is capable, reliable and suitable for the job.

    Simple in essence, but not so simple if not handled properly - with potentially both the employer and the employee left feeling frustrated if the key fundamentals and communication are missed. So, to talk to us about how to ensure performance management during probation is handled correctly, and to explain what can happen if it isn’t, we’re joined by Joe Thompson, HR Consultant here at Insight HR.

    About The HR Room Podcast

    The HR Room Podcast is a series from Insight HR where we talk to business leaders from around Ireland and share advice on how to create the HR systems and workplace culture that's right for your business.

    If you need any HR support in Ireland, get in touch with us at Insight HR.

    Whether it's conducting a complex workplace investigation, filling a gap by providing you with a virtual or an onsite HR resource, or providing advice via our HR support line, as an expert HR consultancy in Ireland, we'll help you resolve whatever Human Resources challenge your business is facing.

  • Unfortunately, whether we like to admit it or not, we’ve all at some point felt that Sunday fear of having to return to work to a mountain of emails after a really nice long weekend or holiday. But what about people who are returning from a much longer period away from work? People trying to figure out how they’ll slot back in to working life after months or maybe even a year away from the office? For them, it’s a little bit different, to say the least!

    So to talk us through this today, chatting about re-onboarding, what we should do, the support we should provide, and everything in between, we’re joined by recent winner of the Diversity & Inclusion Leader award at the PWC Image Awards 2024, Michelle O’ Keeffe, Co-Founder at Platform55.

    About The HR Room Podcast

    The HR Room Podcast is a series from Insight HR where we talk to business leaders from around Ireland and share advice on how to create the HR systems and workplace culture that's right for your business.

    If you need any HR support in Ireland, get in touch with us at Insight HR.

    Whether it's conducting a complex workplace investigation, filling a gap by providing you with a virtual or an onsite HR resource, or providing advice via our HR support line, as an expert HR consultancy in Ireland, we'll help you resolve whatever Human Resources challenge your business is facing.

  • In a 2023 study by Indeed, over half (53%) of respondents who identify as LGBTQ+ felt discriminated against at work. And although, of the 500 surveyed participants who identified as LGBTQIA+, 92% stated they were 'out' at work, only 34% were 'out' to everyone they worked with, while 57% disclosed this only to those they trusted at work. Something is wrong here.

    Although we see fantastic groups constantly pushing the inclusion agenda forward, and some employers doing good work in this area, it seems like there’s still so much more we need to understand, and so much more we need to do.

    So to talk to us about this today we’re delighted to be joined by someone who is a huge advocate for this, and someone who was recently awarded the 2024 Diversity Champion Award at the CIPD Ireland awards for his work on this and so much more, the brilliant Samuel Riggs, Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Manager at Iarnród Éireann Irish Rail.

    About The HR Room Podcast

    The HR Room Podcast is a series from Insight HR where we talk to business leaders from around Ireland and share advice on how to create the HR systems and workplace culture that's right for your business.

    If you need any HR support in Ireland, get in touch with us at Insight HR.

    Whether it's conducting a complex workplace investigation, filling a gap by providing you with a virtual or an onsite HR resource, or providing advice via our HR support line, as an expert HR consultancy in Ireland, we'll help you resolve whatever Human Resources challenge your business is facing.

  • Is your HR team struggling to balance your HR budget, while still trying to enhance employee wellbeing? While the latter is a driver for commercial success, the Return-On-Investment (ROI) of wellbeing initiatives often comes under scrutiny during challenging financial times.

    The ROI of wellbeing is a critical area of interest at Top Employers Institute who are the global authority on recognising excellence in people practices.

    So who better to speak to about this than Abigail Britnell, European Account Manager at Top Employers Institute!

    About The HR Room Podcast

    The HR Room Podcast is a series from Insight HR where we talk to business leaders from around Ireland and share advice on how to create the HR systems and workplace culture that's right for your business.

    If you need any HR support in Ireland, get in touch with us at Insight HR.

    Whether it's conducting a complex workplace investigation, filling a gap by providing you with a virtual or an onsite HR resource, or providing advice via our HR support line, as an expert HR consultancy in Ireland, we'll help you resolve whatever Human Resources challenge your business is facing.

  • Some of the challenges or topics we speak about on this podcast, or see in the headlines may not affect us all. There are however, a select few topics that will almost certainly land on the table of every single one of us – and one of those is retirement.

    But despite the fact that this is a topic that is pretty much unavoidable, it’s not without its challenges and concerns for HR teams and employers.

    So let’s dig a little deeper in to this, and share some very topical and practical advice, as today we welcome Aoife Newton, Head of Employment at KPMG Law.

    About The HR Room Podcast

    The HR Room Podcast is a series from Insight HR where we talk to business leaders from around Ireland and share advice on how to create the HR systems and workplace culture that's right for your business.

    If you need any HR support in Ireland, get in touch with us at Insight HR.

    Whether it's conducting a complex workplace investigation, filling a gap by providing you with a virtual or an onsite HR resource, or providing advice via our HR support line, as an expert HR consultancy in Ireland, we'll help you resolve whatever Human Resources challenge your business is facing.

  • Any of our more regular listeners will know that one thing has featured on this podcast more than anything else in recent months. No, I don’t mean me, I don’t mean Mary, I mean one thing that HR people everywhere will know all too well, it’s that ever-growing HR to-do list.

    And from what we hear, you all know why this has come up so often - it’s been a busy couple of years for HR teams and organisations! So the good news is, if you have a big HR to-do list, you’re not alone.

    But the even better news is, we’re joined today by someone who can help us finally tackle the big to-do list, Author, Agile Consultant, Life Design Coach and Founder, James Parnell.

    About The HR Room Podcast

    The HR Room Podcast is a series from Insight HR where we talk to business leaders from around Ireland and share advice on how to create the HR systems and workplace culture that's right for your business.

    If you need any HR support in Ireland, get in touch with us at Insight HR.

    Whether it's conducting a complex workplace investigation, filling a gap by providing you with a virtual or an onsite HR resource, or providing advice via our HR support line, as an expert HR consultancy in Ireland, we'll help you resolve whatever Human Resources challenge your business is facing.