We welcome Professor Suks Minhas, Consultant Urologist and Andrologist from the Lister Fertility Clinic and Imperial College Healthcare London to the show to discuss male infertility. Together we cover the basics, from different problems with sperm to exactly what you might expect from a semen analysis and fertility testing in men, as well as what you can be doing to improve sperm health. A huge thank you to Professor Suks Minhas to taking his time out to come on the show. Please give us a good rating if you found the episode useful, ratings really help to get the word out. Contact: jelliediary@gmail.com. Follow Jellie on Instagram and Facebook. Check out their vlogs of documenting every step of their three IVF cycles in 2016, 2018, and 2021. Join their warm and friendly (and small!) IVF/TTC support group on Facebook.
Jellie are back with a personal episode to mark World Infertility Awareness Month and the due date of the baby they lost as a result of a biochemical pregnancy following their final IVF cycle in October last year.
We welcome fertility nutrition expert and founder of The Fertility Kitchen Charlotte Grand to the show to discuss how big a role food plays in fertility. Charlotte's on a mission to educate and inspire other women to listen to their bodies and take control of their own health. We ask her all about her own background and IVF journeys, and she answers our questions on fertility, gut health, foods to avoid and foods to stock up on, and how they all play a role when it comes to our hormones. We also quiz Charlotte on what she thinks about the traditions or superstitions of eating certain foods post-transfer, - yep, we're talking pineapples and Maccy D's fries. For ongoing advice and some fantastic recipes to inspire you on your journey, check out Charlotte on Instagram. About Jellie Contact: jelliediary@gmail.com. Follow Jellie on Instagram and Facebook. Check out their vlogs of documenting every step of their three IVF cycles in 2016, 2018, and 2021. Join their warm and friendly (and small!) IVF/TTC support group on Facebook.
In our latest podcast ep, we're joined by Dr. Geeta Nargund, Lead Consultant for Reproductive Medicine at St. George's Hospital, London and Medical Director of CREATE Fertility.
We ask Dr. Nargund to explain the differences between conventional IVF/ICSI, natural IVF and Mild IVF and how the costs and success rates compare. We talk through the pros and cons of natural and milk IVF and ask why all clinics aren't offering this method of treatment. -
We welcome experienced clinical embryologist Victoria Wigley to the show to discuss the role that embryologists play when it comes to their patients. Victoria tells us all about her new independent embryology consultation service, ‘All About Embryology’, set up to support and advise patients going through fertility treatment, and shares key pieces of advice for couples starting out on their journey.
An insightful episode into how embryologists work, and a must-listen for couples going through treatment. Show notes: You can contact Victoria via her website: All About Embryology and follow her on Facebook and Instagram. Ask Victoria happens on the first Tuesday of the month at IVF/TTC support group on Facebook. Contact: jelliediary@gmail.com. Follow Jellie on Instagram and Facebook. Check out their vlogs of documenting every step of their three IVF cycles in 2016, 2018, and 2021. Join their warm and friendly (and small!) IVF/TTC support group on Facebook. -
We welcome Kat from West Sussex, who chats to us about her journey of secondary infertility.
Kat experienced an ovarian cancer scare at 27 years old and had a rugby-ball-sized cyst removed that also led to the removal of her right ovary.
She went on to have her first son naturally, but after finding a second cyst, it made trying for a second child almost impossible.
It was then Kat and her husband decided to go down the IVF route to try for their second baby... Find out how they got on in this episode.
Contact: jelliediary@gmail.com. Follow Jellie on Instagram and Facebook. Check out their vlogs of documenting every step of their three IVF cycles in 2016, 2018, and 2021. Join their warm and friendly (and small!) IVF/TTC support group on Facebook. -
Ever wondered what they do behind the scenes in an IVF clinic? Have you ever pictured where and how your embryos are actually stored?
We're joined by two guests from TMRW Life Sciences, IVF mum and CEO Tara Comonte and embryologist and Vice President of Clinical Strategy and Specimen Services, Cynthia Hudson for an eye-opening episode about the realities of life on the other side of IVF. TMRW Life Sciences have pioneered the world's first and only automated platform for the safe management, identification and storage of frozen human eggs and embryos - and when you realise exactly what goes on at the very centre of the IVF process, you'll wonder why this sort of tech isn't already in place. A must-listen for anybody starting or undergoing treatment, to help you be completely informed about your choices. Contact: jelliediary@gmail.com. Follow Jellie on Instagram and Facebook. Check out their vlogs of documenting every step of their three IVF cycles in 2016, 2018, and 2021. Join their warm and friendly (and small!) IVF/TTC support group on Facebook. -
We're joined by expert guest psychotherapist, Noel McDermott. Noel has over 25 years of experience in health, social care, and education and we welcome him to the show to chat about male infertility specifically, and the impact that can have on mental health. We quiz Noel on why infertility is seemingly such a 'taboo' topic especially among men, and how the psychological stress of infertility differs between men and women. Noel talks candidly about the impact stress and infertility can have on men in particular, in the bedroom, together with some sage advice on how we can support our partners and get our relationships back on track. Noel certainly has some interesting things to say about infertility and parenting in general - what do you think?!
Kate from Hampshire joins us on the show to discuss her IVF journey and the process of genetic testing. Kate found out at age 16 that she was a carrier of the genetic condition Fragile X syndrome and as a result, in her teens, she decided she would never have children. In 2006, new advances in IVF treatment and the introduction of PGD (pre-implantation genetic diagnosis) meant Kate and her husband could rethink their idea of having a family. They were allowed three funded 'attempts' at IVF, and despite some bumps in the road along the way, they're now parents to an eleven-year-old daughter.
The latest Jelliepod ep has dropped! We invited womb healer and fertility coach Vicki Renz from Oh My Mama Body to the JelliePod to chat about the possibility our wombs are holding us back from TTC. Vicki's mission is to help women heal their fertility and trauma through womb healing. We take a walk on the holistic side of town tonight, as we quiz Vicki on the concept of womb healing and the importance of being in tune with your body. Vicki talks us through how to spot the symptoms of ovulation, and how she thinks you can tell if you've achieved your BFP before test day. Vicki tells us all about her womb healing sessions, how they work, as well as her use of essential oils for helping balance your mood during your menstrual cycle and beyond - and we ask her about the influence of the placebo effect. A really interesting episode, with a fair few laughs along the way. Show notes Womb Healing for Fertility: https://ohmymamabody.com/womb-healing-sessions-preg/ Free 5 Step Guide to Self Womb Healing: https://wombhealing.ohmymamabody.com/wombhealing-lp1
Welcome to our second all-girls episode of The JelliePod, featuring your host, Ellie Thompson, and guests Helena, Catherine and Anya. We've got together for a special Christmas ep to discuss infertility at Christmas, and to offer support to those going through it. We tackle a variety of issues surrounding struggling to conceive and fertility at this time of year, sharing our own experiences of infertility at Christmas. We ask why it's such a painful time of year, and discuss how to prepare for those inevitable questions from family 'Is 2022 the year you'll start your family?!'. We check out what Google has to say when it comes to offering up tactics and distractions for dealing with infertility at Christmas, and share advice on how to deal with grief, and most importantly, how to say 'no'. Come and join us, and if you need extra support, please join our Facebook support group: IVF/TTC: A Place To Talk. You can follow Anya's journey here: @i_m_calm_just_infertile If you found the episode helpful, please do give us a 5 stars thumbs-up, it really helps to spread the word in order to help more couples going through this, especially at this time of year.
On this episode of The JelliePod we’re joined by Charlotte Gentry, Founder of The IVF Network, the UK’s first-ever IVF broadcast membership community. After prioritising her career throughout her 20s and 30s, by the time Charlotte found love and married her husband, Adam, in 2017 she was 42 years old - an age when falling pregnant naturally can be difficult.
After six emotional and challenging years of treatment, and 6 rounds of IVF (in both the UK and the US) Charlotte fell pregnant with her son and gave birth to him on 17th April 2020. However, the journey to pregnancy demanded a lot of Charlotte’s time and energy – and came with a heavy price tag.
Charlotte hopes that through The IVF Network, she can provide a ‘one stop shop’ for all the info you could need when making decisions around IVF – because she never wants others to experience what she personally went through.
The IVF Network has only recently launched, and is aimed at men, women and couples undergoing fertility treatment. It offers exclusive access to the country’s top industry specialists through live and interactive studio broadcast events, online content with bespoke advice and support, as well as an inclusive patient-led community.
Show notes
For free access to the The IVF Network until 15th January, click this link: https://theivfnetwork.memberspace.com/member/plans/19b3272f6p
Follow The Jellie Diary on Facebook and Instagram, and join their private and friendly online support group here.
NEW PODCAST EPISODE! In this episode, we're joined by Professor Luciano Nardo, @mrlucianonardo founder of the next generation IVF service Now Fertility, @nowfertilitycare due to launch next Spring 2022. Luciano joins the show today to talk about what happens when IVF goes wrong. We quiz Luciano on the reasons for IVF failure, including female age, ovarian reserve, sperm quality, embryo quality and implantation issues. We ask why IVF might keep on failing, and when is the right time to change clinics. Luciano is board-certified in obstetrics and gynaecology and in reproductive medicine and surgery. He has 20 years’ clinical practice and academic focus in assisted conception, female and male infertility, reproductive endocrinology, miscarriage and all aspects of benign gynaecology. #ivffail #ivffailure #icsifail #ttcfail #ivfuk #ivfsupport #ivf #ttccommunity #ttcsupport
Ellie and Jamie reflect on their recent failed frozen cycle: what went wrong and what's next? They also share the answer to the burning question of "Why didn't you use ultrasound to transfer the embryo?". They discuss whether the counselling was helpful, the possibility of future fertility testing and whether they can face TTC naturally. Argh, the joys of scheduled sex. Could this be the end of an era? A mere sleigh ride into the menopause? And Wednesday night Proseccos are back. Follow The Jellie Diary on Insta and Facebook.
We welcome 37-year-old Liz from West Wales to the show, who went through a TTC journey of seven years.
Liz suffers from PCOS and fertility tests revealed her husband had a low sperm count. Their first round of IVF led to an early miscarriage and their second-round failed, without any fertilisation.
After giving up hope, they ended up with three children with a four on the way. A must-listen inspirational story with highs and lows, proving everybody's journey is just so different, and you never quite know what's around the corner.
Follow Jellie Diary on Facebook and Instagram. Join our support group IVF/TTC: A Place To Talk.
Today we welcome Medical Director at TFP Nurture Fertility James Hopkisson to the show to talk about how best to prepare for egg collection and embryo transfer. James Hopkisson is a Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Subspecialist in Reproductive Medicine and Surgery and has been involved with IVF and fertility management since 1993. We quiz James on everything surrounding the prep we can be doing for egg collection and embryo transfer, covering everything from diet, supplements and the benefits (or not!) of acupuncture, to what exactly what you can expect to happen on the day, and the days following each procedure. Weask his expert opinion on what we should be doing after embryo transfer, and how best to get through the 2ww. Lastly, we talk about the downsides of testing too early. Follow The Jellie Dairy on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.
Embryologist Emma Whitney joins The JelliePod to answer our questions on eggs, sperm and embryos.
After 13 years at The Lister Fertility Clinic, Emma is now Laboratory Manager at The Evewell Fertility Clinic in London. With nearly 20 years of practical IVF lab experience, Emma specialises in pre-implantation genetic testing of embryos with a passion to prevent the transmission of inherited genetic disease and to enhance the capabilities of embryo testing.
We quiz Emma on exactly what goes on behind the scenes; how to choose sperm for ICSI, what makes a good egg, what it's like to give daily updates to patients, and whether they ever get a gut feel on how things are going to pan out. Emma explains embryo grading and the process of freezing and thawing embryos. We discuss genetic testing, and exactly what can be done in terms of screening for abnormalities and why.
Follow The Jellie Diary on Facebook and Instagram.
What happens when IVF doesn't work, and you've reached the end of the road? We welcome one of the bravest women we've ever met, 37-year-old Anya to the show to talk about her journey, which she describes as 'every infertile girl's nightmare'. After a long journey trying to conceive with a diagnosis of a uterine fibroid and autoimmune disease Hashitmoto's and adenomyosis, Anya and her partner underwent two unsuccessful rounds of IVF. At 37, Anya got pregnant naturally, but her dreams were crushed when she discovered it was ectopic. She went on to have a hysterectomy as her uterus was left with no muscle tissue having been fully infected by adenomyosis. Five years after they started trying for a baby, in December 2020 they had to suddenly and cruelly come to terms with the fact that their journey to become biological parents was over. Anya is still processing what's happened but is learning to accept herself and her body. She's determined to turn her experience into a positive thing, to be a voice of support for others, please give her a follow, @i-m-calm-just-infertile Follow Jellie Diary on Facebook and Instagram. Join Jellie's online support group: IVF/TTC: A Place To Talk Show notes Follow Anya on Instagram
The JelliePod's first all-girl line-up come together for their first episode of The Girls. Jellie's Ellie is joined by Helena, Lucy and Janine, her pals from NCT - all of whom went through individual fertility issues and IVF journeys. They chat about their experiences of fertility treatment and the stigma attached to infertility. Follow Jellie: Facebook: www.facebook.com/jelliediary Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jelliediary/ Join the IVF/TTC: A Place To Talk support group on Facebook.
Mr James Nicopoullos is a Consultant Gynaecologist, sub-specialist in reproductive medicine and Clinical Director of The Lister Fertility Clinic and he joins this latest expert episode of The Jelliepod to debunk a few IVF myths, as well as discussing embryo grading, day 5, 6 and 7 embryos as well as what to do with the ones leftover. A really great episode for everybody going through fertility treatment, especially those who are just getting started. A huge thanks to The Lister Fertility Clinic and James for starring on the pod. Show notes The Lister Fertility Clinic Tel: 02031315257 Follow Jellie Instagram Facebook
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