
  • Guests: Jane Matthews, Julie Hildebrand, and Gabe Boyd

    For video of this podcast, check out PCA’s YouTube page.

    In this episode, we look at the latest Inside Out 2 movie which adds additional emotions to young Riley as she turns 13 and enters puberty. In addition to Joy, Sadness, Fear, Anger, and Disgust, Riley now gets Anxiety, Envy, Ennui (Boredom in French), and Embarrassment.

    As with the first Inside Out movie, this film is filled with excellent content for meaningful conversations with your children. The situations are powerful and the changes and challenges that Riley faces are moving.

    We hope that our discussion helps you, as a Christian parent, engage with mediums like mainstream movies in a significant way with your family. Our discussions of Inside Out 1 and 2 are not an endorsement of the movies, their content or message, but a realization of the powerful influence of movies in our culture and an opportunity to present you with insights about how to utilize these resources to equip your family from a Biblical worldview.

    Special shout out to Jared Wood for allowing us to use his music - check him out at JaredWoodMusic!

  • Guests: Jane Matthews, Julie Hildebrand, and Gabe Boyd

    For video of this podcast, check out PCA’s YouTube page.

    We started our discussion with the first Inside Out, which was released in 2015. This movie from Pixar looks at the various emotions that make up our personality - for the movie, they chose Joy, Sadness, Fear, Anger, and Disgust.

    From a parenting perspective, the movie is filled with excellent content for meaningful conversations with your children. The situations are powerful and the changes and challenges that Riley faces are moving.

    We hope that our discussion helps you, as a Christian parent, engage with mediums like mainstream movies in a significant way with your family. Our discussion of Inside Out is not an endorsement of the movie, its content or message, but a realization of the powerful influence of movies in our culture and an opportunity to present you with insights about how to utilize these resources to equip your family from a Biblical worldview.

    Special shout out to Jared Wood for allowing us to use his music - check him out at JaredWoodMusic!

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  • Guests: Holly Hamilton, Sandy Leydig, and Joel Gordon

    For video of this podcast, check out PCA’s YouTube page.

    Raising Spiritual Champions: Nurturing Your Child’s Heart, Mind, and Soul

    By George Barna

    Section ONE - The Importance of Children

    Section TWO - The Four Principles of a Disciple

    Section THREE - Families and Churches in Partnership

    Section Three - Families and Churches in Partnership

    Working together, parents and their faith community can be a dynamic and potent force for the kingdom of God, leading to transformed lives among the young people in the church’s families.

    Chapter 8 - Parents Must Manage Media Exposure

    Exposure to media is the MOST significant shaper of a person’s worldviewParents consciously fill the role of media gatekeeperLarge doses of media consumption change the configuration and capacity of the brain - for the worseAcceptance of parental authority dropsFour M’s of Media ManagementMonitor media useMinimize media useMoralize media contentModel media standards

    Chapter 9 - Where is the Local Church?

    Churches, like most service-based organizations, are responsive to the expressed needs and desires of their user base. Face it, parents do not clamor for real discipleship experiences for their children, and churches have not done much to push back on that blind spot.The most effective churches provide:Teach parents to understand and own the role of spiritual mentor to their childOffer support and assistance needed for parents to fight the spiritual war that surrounds their childrenGood churches look to PARTNER with parents…A WORD about Christian schools…Public schools are no friend to ChristA Bible-based Christian school can be an enormous help to a parent who is striving to raise a spiritual champion and partnering with parents in seeking to defeat the prevailing culture that dismisses biblical truths and lifestyles

    Chapter 10 - Fight for Your Children

    You must MODEL for them the life of a spiritual warrior…

    Special shout out to Jared Wood for allowing us to use his music - check him out at JaredWoodMusic!

  • Guests: Holly Hamilton, Sandy Leydig, and Joel Gordon

    For video of this podcast, check out PCA’s YouTube page.

    Raising Spiritual Champions: Nurturing Your Child’s Heart, Mind, and Soul

    By George Barna

    Section ONE - The Importance of Children

    Section TWO - The Four Principles of a Disciple

    Section THREE - Families and Churches in Partnership

    Section Two - The Four Practices of a Disciple

    Making a life-defining commitment to be a disciple of JesusAccepting the biblical principles and commands that lead to becoming a discipleAdopting the lifestyle of a disciple - obedience through application of beliefsInviting personal accountability and stability - through assessing what matters, reinforcing growth, and celebrating disciplehood

    Chapter 4 - Disciple-Making Practice #1

    Being a genuine disciple starts with obedience.Why obey His teachings? Because He has provided them so that we may flourish in life.Obedience therefore demands knowledge of ScriptureA different way of describing a disciple is someone who thinks like Jesus, which enables them to act like Jesus, producing someone who therefore lives like Jesus.Spiritual Commitments:Serving ChristBuilding a solid relationshipInvesting personal resourcesImplementing a solid planUsing proven practices

    Chapter 5 - Disciple-Making Practice #2

    Biblically speaking, discipling a child is meant to be done by the child’s parentsHow WORLDVIEW developsExperimental processImitating their parentsList of DIFFERENT/COMPETING worldviews…94% of adults have a syncretistic worldview - a blending of views from two or more of the comprehensive worldview systems

    Chapter 6 - Disciple-Making Practice #3

    An equally important undertaking is to promote the fledgling disciple fully, and passionately integrating those beliefs into a Christlike lifestyle.The expansive impact of those attributes is an example of why discipling someone is not a quick process.Spiritual fruit begins with evidence of personal transformation

    Chapter 7 - Disciple-Making Practice #4

    Accountability systemFind a spiritual mentorMust be taught the importance of consistent SELF-EVALUATIONIntroduce young followers to the still, small voice of the Lord…Measurement toolsWorldview Assessments Spiritual GiftsPersonal Strengths Personality AttributesSpiritual Growth and Maturity

    Special shout out to Jared Wood for allowing us to use his music - check him out at JaredWoodMusic!

  • Guests: Holly Hamilton, Sandy Leydig, and Joel Gordon

    Raising Spiritual Champions: Nurturing Your Child’s Heart, Mind, and Soul

    By George Barna

    Section ONE - The Importance of Children

    Section TWO - The Four Principles of a Disciple

    Section THREE - Families and Churches in Partnership

    Section One - The Importance of Children

    Chapter 1 - Making the Most of Your Life

    Most young adults (54%) admit they often feel anxious, depressed, or unsafeThe Great Commitment is your promise to God that you will apply yourself to carrying out those challenges - with His authority, in His power, and for His gloryParents have PRIMARY responsibility for the total well-being of their children - education, discipline, protection - but the most vital aspect of their development is spiritual formation.

    Chapter 2 - Realigning Our Course Trajectory

    Many embrace the label of “spiritual but not religious”LESS than 1% of thirteen- and fourteen-year-old Americans have a biblical worldview

    Parenting Tactics

    Prioritizing spiritual developmentEstablishing inflexible Bible-based priorities and boundariesDiscipling each childInfluencing the choice of their friendsCONSISTENCY is the single, most important attribute…

    Chapter 3 - Disciple-Making, Yes-But Why Disciple Children?

    Who has the greatest impact/influence on our kids - the arts and entertainment media industry…Act of repetitionPeer acceptance

    Special shout out to Jared Wood for allowing us to use his music - check him out at JaredWoodMusic!

  • Guests: Len Munsil, President, and Dr. Jeffrey Green, VP of Academic Affairs and chief academic officer, at Arizona Christian University (ACU)

    Transforming Culture with Truth

    In Transforming Culture with Truth, Arizona Christian University President Len Munsil explains how the principles and values that built Western Civilization are under assault, and how a decaying and divided culture can be transformed through biblical truth. In this second edition, Munsil applies his incisive analysis to the most pressing cultural issues we face as a nation, and offers both hope and practical wisdom to the next generation of Christian leaders as they seek to advance God’s Kingdom in an increasingly hostile culture.

    Worldview training and development address concepts of personal spiritual development as well as how our faith intersects with culture!

    Recommended resource: Raising Spiritual Champions: Nurturing Your Child’s Heart, Mind, and Soul by George Barna

    Parents, don’t get discouraged in the training of your children - parenting is hard work…it’s a journey, a marathon, not a sprint…stay faithful and prayerful - and look to partner with solid Biblical institutions like PCA and ACU.

    Special shout out to Jared Wood for allowing us to use his music - check him out at JaredWoodMusic!

  • Guests: Shannon Lichty, Trudy Reed, Jillian Bryant, PCA’s FPS State 1st and 2nd Place teams

    Twenty-five years ago, Shannon Lichty brought the FPS program to PCA. Along with several others who have invested in making this program a resounding success, Shannon has invested her heart and energies into countless PCA students both in the classroom and through FPS. To learn more about PCA’s FPS program, check out this page on the PCA website. To learn more about FPS in general, check out: Future Problem Solving Program International

    Special shout out to Jared Wood for allowing us to use his music - check him out at JaredWoodMusic!

  • Guest: Giovanni Capriglione, Texas State Representative, District 98

    Barna’s research has shown that nearly 3/4th (72%) of parents are worried about or concerned with AI’s impact on their children - but also that only 17% have actually taken steps to learn more about AI - so, basically parents are afraid and under-informedOne concern expressed about AI is the potential likelihood of decreased social connection, adding to the epidemic of loneliness and isolation this generation is already facingAI is more complex than “if/then” commands - it is a system that can be trained to use data for specific purposesTexas Governor Greg Abbott signed Rep. Capriglione’s bill (HB 2060) into law creating the Artificial Intelligence Advisory Council that will study the use of AI in state governmentAI collects data points - the average person has at least 100,000 data points collected on them - which means that AI can know you better than you know yourself! Digital privacy laws are being passed so that people can begin to see the information that has been collected about them.The best way to protect yourself is to reduce the amount of information that AI can collect on you - be aware of thisSocial media has one goal - to make sure you don’t put your phone down - the more you scroll, the more data that is being collected about you!

    Special shout out to Jared Wood for allowing us to use his music - check him out at JaredWoodMusic!

  • Guests: Emerson Seal, Elizabeth Teague, and Sevyn Trogdon (PCA Freshmen, Class of 2027)

    Sevyn’s dad runs a discipleship ministry called Kingdom Focus Coaching.

    The girls share their thoughts about some of the more memorable moments at PCA Lower School including: the Kindergarten Circus, sea animal project, transportation day, Invention Convention, Let George Do It, and the Boosterthon Fun Run! Their favorite part of school was definitely their teachers!

    Things that their parents did to help them grow in their faith:

    Going on ministry service projects and opportunities with their parents and actually seeing God at workLeading by example - living out your faith so that your kids can see that it is truly important to you and your family - has such a significant impact on your childrenKingdom Education is the working together of the church, the home, and the school working in concert to train up a child in the way they should go - and “church” isn’t just a Sunday morning activity, but being involved in a variety of opportunities including PSO for sports, MidWeek on Wednesday evenings, student choir, etc. For more information, check out the Prestonwood Student Ministry page and the Prestonwood Student Worship page.Helping your kids navigate “friendships” and building quality relationships by being a good friend and surrounding yourself with godly individuals who can challenge you to be the best person you can be. Also, remember to maintain good relationships with non-Christians to be a light and encouragement pointing them to Christ!

    Special shout out to Jared Wood for allowing us to use his music - check him out at JaredWoodMusic!

  • Guest: Kristin Dysart, M.Ed., MS and US Guidance Counselor, PCA North

    PCA isn’t just a “college prep” educational institution - the Biblical worldview and academic rigor of PCA is designed to equip students for success in life, which includes college for those who desire to attend.

    Kristin references a Christianity Today article that differentiates between the “price” of a college education and the “cost” - which dives into the cost of young people being indoctrinated in a worldview that is contrary to solid and orthodox Biblical teaching. In the article, Dr. Henderson points to a “strong link between a young person’s choice of a college and their short-term and long-term commitment to Christian faith.” Here is a summary of that article.

    To learn more about Hope College’s “Hope Forward” initiative featured on Malcolm Gladwell’s Revisionist History podcast, click here.

    What should parents instill in their children as they mature on their journey at PCA - here are some recommendations:

    Allow your children to fail and to learn from their mistakesStain your children with the Word of GodGround your children’s identity in ChristA connection to you as a parent is more important to your child’s development than connections to their peersTrain your children to be responsible for their actionsBe intentional about the conversations you’re having with your children.

    Good resource as you consider where your son/daughter should attend college:

    Where You God Is Not Who You’ll Be: An Antidote to the College Admissions Mania by Frank Bruni

    Special shout out to Jared Wood for allowing us to use his music - check him out at JaredWoodMusic!

  • Guest: Matt Shaheen, Texas State Representative, District 66

    State Representative Matt Shaheen led the efforts in the last legislative session to pass laws requiring age verification for access to “adult” [porn] websites (for more information, see House Bill 1181). The law requires that users verify that they are over 18 years old. A couple of months ago, the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a challenge to the Texas age verification requirement. Responding to that decision, several porn sites have blocked all uses from Texas. Several other states are passing similar legislation in efforts to protect children from sexually explicit material.

    Common Sense Media released valuable research called “Teens and Pornography” which found that 73% of teens aged 13 to 17 who participated in the survey have watched pornography online and more than half (54%) reported that their first exposure to pornography occurred around the age of 13. The report also revealed that a majority of teens who indicated that they’ve viewed online pornography have been exposed to what has been labeled aggressive and/or violent forms of pornography.

    And remember that this year is a Presidential Election and the General Election is coming up this November. Christians Engaged is a wonderful organization to help you get informed and engaged as a Christian citizen in our great country.

    Special shout out to Jared Wood for allowing us to use his music - check him out at JaredWoodMusic!

  • Guest: Erin Williams, LPC, PCA US Counselor

    Erin recommends Jess Connolly’s book Breaking Free from Body Shame: Dare to Reclaim What God Has Named Good as a good resource and launching point for conversations about body image, God’s design, God’s goodness in our lives, and our struggles to embrace God’s best for us when it conflicts with the world’s narrative

    Another good resource for wrestling with body image issues from a biblical perspective includes the work and writings of Heather Creekmore made available on her website Compared to Who?

    Scripture refers to our bodies as temples…and tents…both are important to understand - temples meaning that our bodies are important, valuable - we actually carry the Holy Spirit with us - and tents meaning that our bodies are temporary and should be held in the proper perspective of eternal things…as Christians we have this tension between this world…and the next - we are citizens of both!

    Our bodies are “good” - but aren’t they also “broken” and flawed because of the curse of sin - and working to “better” our bodies doesn’t always have to be trying to beat the curse…can’t it also be just working to better what’s broken?

    Special shout out to Jared Wood for allowing us to use his music - check him out at JaredWoodMusic!

  • Guests: Michael Perron, Minister over Life Recovery, and Tim Matthews, Minimester to Adults, at Prestonwood Baptist Church

    Dr. Jack Graham - Don’t just curse the darkness; light a candle.

    James 1:27 - Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.

    Prestonwood is hosting The Chosen Conference on Saturday, April 13, 2024 from 8:30 am - 7:00 pm. Speakers at this conference include Sadie Robertson Huff, Korie Robertson, Texas Governor Greg Abbott, Scott Turner, Gregg Matte, and Shane and Kasi Pruitt. The conference will highlight the needs relating to adoption and foster care as well as give practical ideas how you can make a difference on this front.

    Special shout out to Jared Wood for allowing us to use his music - check him out at JaredWoodMusic!

  • 18 destinations (10 international, 8 domestic) plus local missions across two campuses sending thousands of students and faculty across the globe and right next door to share the Good News that Jesus Christ came, lived, died, and rose again and that there is life eternal by grace through faith in Him. Students serving as the hands and feet of Jesus, packing food for the needy, collecting items for the homeless, offering coffee and a smile just for the opportunity to tell one more person that Jesus loves them - Minimester 2024 is in the books and the stories of God’s goodness, His provision, His protection, His providence are what motivate PCA to continue this program year after year. Minimester is more than a week-long mission/service opportunity; it’s a year-long, campus-wide effort to equip students to be bold witnesses and faithful servants.

    Thank you to the students and faculty for sharing their stories and perspectives on the importance of PCA’s Minimester program. We pray that we never take for granted God working in and through the PCA community to impact the world for His glory.

    Special shout out to Jared Wood for allowing us to use his music - check him out at JaredWoodMusic!

  • Guest: June Hunt

    Bonding with Your Teens Through Boundaries by June Hunt. Discover a balanced, biblical way to set appropriate boundaries that will prepare your teen to live an independent, self-controlled, successful life. JUNE HUNT, one of the world's leading Christian counselors, shows you how. Using scores of tough real-life scenarios, June helps you learn to use boundaries--each linked to specific repercussions and rewards--to guide your teen through four critical areas of life: home, school, personal, and social. Each scenario is followed by concrete advice on what to do and what to say.Once you communicate the boundaries, your teen has a choice: Cross them or stay inside. At that point, the teenager--not you, the parent--chooses to receive the repercussion or reward. Behavior becomes linked to consequences, building maturity, trust and security. Practical and realistic in its tone, June's biblical guidance helps you win--not a war, but a relationship of mutual respect.

    The Hope Center houses 64 different ministries in this one facility, which is an incredible stewardship opportunity for these ministries.

    Hope for the Heart is a worldwide biblical resource ministry, founded by June Hunt, that offers biblical hope and practical wisdom on over one hundred relevant topics facing individuals, families, and the church today! The different elements of June’s ministry include the following:

    Keys for Living LibraryShort helpful books with clear answers from God’s answer and concise, practical guidance on life’s challenges.Lifeline to HopeA suite of video-based courses on lay caregiving designed to equip people to provide support, encouragement, and spiritual care to those in need.International Christian Coaching Institute (ICCI)A global network of like-minded Christian coaches with online courses, credentialing, and certifications – bringing life and living into focus.Radio BroadcastHope in the Night is a live, one-hour, call-in counseling program with June Hunt sharing biblical guidance to real callers facing real challenges.June’s PlaceHelpful books, Bible studies, music, and more from Hope for the Heart Founder, June Hunt.Counseling ServicesHopeWorks Counseling provides professional counseling (in-person and teletherapy) for individuals, couples, families, and groups.Free DownloadsFind quick answers and biblical guidance to everyday problems with our free, downloadable life guides.Social MediaFollow Hope for the Heart on Facebook to receive encouraging posts from God’s Word, blog articles to help you grow in your faith, and discounts on our biblical resources and training courses. You can also follow June Hunt on Facebook here!

    Also, check out the incredible Mental Health & The Church conference with June Hunt, George Barna, Greg Stier, Haley Scully, and Dr. Eric Scalise on Saturday, June 22, 2024 at the Plano Event Center from 9am-5pm. This event is for anyone called to care for those around them…including parents, youth pastors, coaches, and teachers.

    Special shout out to Jared Wood for allowing us to use his music - check him out at JaredWoodMusic!

  • Guest: Hope Harris

    Hope is a former “loud and proud” lesbian activist from Seattle who surrendered her life and sexuality to Christ about fifteen years ago. Her spiritual journey with Christ began when a friend asked Hope what she really wanted in life and when Hope responded with “peace,” her friend showed Hope the peace with God made possible by the work of Jesus Christ on the cross - see John 14:27.

    The verse in Scripture that jumped off the page to Hope was found in 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, which reads:

    Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

    God’s intended design is what is best for each person. God does not withhold what is best. His design for gender and sexuality gives healthy boundaries and relationships that help us know what is best, healthy, and beneficial to human flourishing.

    Because God is relational, we as human beings created in the image of God are designed to be relational as well. We are designed to be in community and to live lives with purpose and meaning beyond what feels best for our own self-interest.

    “You are” messages translate into “I am” concepts in the minds of many young people. Be very careful what you say to others - words have power. Part of parenting is to model what healthy gender and sexuality really are for others to see.

    Fighting back against the lies of this world is really a discipleship issue. Are you discipling your children, grounding them in the Word of God, and building them up to be the men and women that God has created and designed for them to be? Remember that people, even if we disagree with them, are not our enemies. Scripture reminds us that our “battle isn’t against flesh and blood, but against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:12).

    Hope’s Recommended Resources:

    Homosexuality and the Christian: A Guide for Parents, Pastors, and Friends by Mark Yarhouse

    Talking to Kids about Gender Identity: A Roadmap for Christian Compassion, Civility, and Conviction by Mark Yarhouse

    Feelings are real, but they are not reliable. Also, parents, we need to discuss God’s design for gender and sexuality - if they aren’t hearing the truth from us, they are learning lies from the world.

    Special shout out to Jared Wood for allowing us to use his music - check him out at JaredWoodMusic!

  • Guests: Leanne Jamison, Alana Campbell, Whitney Freeman, and Dalton McGaha

    The work and ministry of the Prestonwood Pregnancy Center is vital and as important as ever, even after the overturning of Roe v. Wade by the recent Dobbs decision, saving the lives of the unborn and helping families in crisis is an incredible opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus to those who are in need of love and care. But the pregnancy center needs YOU to help - to volunteer, to serve, to ministry, to give. Listen to this moving and powerful powerful podcast featuring some PCA parents just like you as they tell about how they got involved and the difference their time and energies make in the lives of others!

    And then connect with the Prestonwood Pregnancy Center - set up a diaper drive, donate items on their Amazon wish list, volunteer some of your time, and give some of your resources to help continue their incredible work!

    Also remember the Chosen conference is just around the corner on Saturday, April 13th. This conference is a national gathering of life-affirming leaders and organizations providing information, resources, and support about adoption and foster care. Dynamic keynote speakers who have a passion for the sanctity of life and a heart for children in desperate need of a “forever home” include Gregg Matte, Sadie Robertson Huff, Korie Robertson, and Shane & Kasi Pruitt.

    Special shout out to Jared Wood for allowing us to use his music - check him out at JaredWoodMusic!

  • Guest: Dr. Leo (Jake) Hebert III, Research Scientist, Institute for Creation Research (ICR)

    April 8th will feature a total eclipse and Dallas, TX is in the path of totality. To learn more about the path of totality and what you need to do to prepare, visit NASA’s site here. You can also pay attention to our friends at Day 4 Astronomy.

    You will need some special glasses to view the eclipse - lots of places are selling them, make sure they are NASA certified.

    The solar system is remarkable for how young it appears and new research continues to support a young universe. Check out the latest articles at ICR that point toward evidence for a young universe.

    To read more about how blue stars point to a young universe, check out this article at ICR. Evolution has a problem with their origin story for the creation of stars.

    Check out Dr. Hebert’s latest article on the ice sheets and how they demonstrate a young earth.

    Check our Dr. Hebert’s article on delayed maturation and extreme longevity in the pre-flood era.

    Check out the ICR Discovery Center for Science and Earth History.

    Special shout out to Jared Wood for allowing us to use his music - check him out at JaredWoodMusic!

  • Guest: Dr. Tim Clarey, Director of Research, Institute for Creation Research (ICR)

    What’s new in the world of science - plate tectonics! The movement of the sea floor had a dramatic impact on the impact of the Flood - and the more recent discoveries give more evidence for a worldwide and catastrophic Flood. Dr. John Baumgardner has done some amazing research in this area - you can read more about this here.

    Dr. Clarey’s research shows evidence for a “progressive” and worldwide flood as well as deposits of marine fossils in places where water just shouldn’t be unless there was a worldwide flood.

    To learn more about the fossil record and how scientists use this for dating strata, check out these resources at ICR.

    You’ll want to check out The Discovery Center at ICR - here’s what you can expect there:

    Planetarium showsEngaging exhibits that teach the origin of the universe and how science affirms the BibleAnimatronic creatures, special effects, and a chilly Ice Age theaterFascinating facts about DNA and human ancestry, fossils and rocks, dinosaurs, and astronomyDevelopment and application of critical thinking skills while discovering the latest scientific researchA Bible-based journey through Earth's history, highlighting scientific discoveries along the waySpecial events will include live presentations by scientists and scholarsA resource store full of creation-based science resources and educational kits

    Read more about the latest discoveries related to “feathered dinosaurs” and the Biblical narrative that God created animals according to their kind. Also read more about the six biological evidences for a young earth by ICR.

    Special shout out to Jared Wood for allowing us to use his music - check him out at JaredWoodMusic!

  • Guest: Ben Quine, Vice President of Christians Engaged

    Christians Engaged is encouraging and equipping Christians to PRAY, VOTE, and ENGAGE the culture for Christ!

    1 Timothy 2:2 - Paul calls for Christians to pray “for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.”

    The Primary Election date is Tuesday, March 5th - and Early Voting is from Feb. 20th to March 1st

    The runoff for the primary election will be May 28th

    The General Election is Tuesday, November 5th

    To learn more about the Party Platforms and their positions on important issues of our day, get this Biblical Roadmap to the Party Platforms.

    Mike Johnson’s 7 Core Principles of Conservativism

    Individual Freedom Limited Government The Rule of Law Peace through Strength Fiscal Responsibility Free Markets Human Dignity

    In preparation for Easter, check out this Living Hope Devotional - a 5 week journey into the powerful story of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ - our “living hope.” The first four weeks of the book will strengthen your heart, soul, and mind by working through a different spiritual discipline each week. Those disciplines will set the table for week five - Holy Week. Cost is $10. Order yours now to get it in time for you to start five weeks before Easter!

    Special shout out to Jared Wood for allowing us to use his music - check him out at JaredWoodMusic!