Welcome to Episode 38 of the Middle Ground Podcast. Hosts Imam Marc Manley and brother Dawud Aleman. In this episode we reflect on the duality that on one hand Allāh tells us that Shaytan (Satan) is our "clear enemy" (عُدُوٌّ مُبِيْنٌ) and yet he remains hidden to us, at least directly. We also talk about the effects of “blue light” and what it means to be “alternative” as it relates to medical practices.
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Welcome to Episode 37 of the Middle Ground Podcast. Hosts Imam Marc Manley and brother Dawud Aleman.
In this episode we what's ahead for Muslims in America now that the election is over. Will Trump fulfill his promises, for good or bad, or is he a lame duck president?
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Welcome to Episode 36 of the Middle Ground Podcast. Hosts Imam Marc Manley and brother Dawud Aleman.
In this episode we ask the question: if much of politics is about "the optics" then what happens if it's just an optical illusion?
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Welcome to Episode 35 of the Middle Ground Podcast. Hosts Imam Marc Manley and brother Dawud Aleman.
Values. They sound good but are they really as permanent and unchangeable as we think? And what's the difference between values and character?
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Welcome to Episode Thirty Four of the Middle Ground Podcast. We’re your hosts Imām Marc and brother Dawud Aleman. Narratives. Arabic. Question: Can a Muslim cry? Can we do yoga or mindfulness meditation? What are the limits in Islam? Brother Dawud and myself explore the limits, if any, of emotional expression as Muslims.
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Ever wonder why there seems to be two systems of classification for Arabic dictionaries? Pre-modern dictionaries have one system (the “bāb and faṣl” system, as we’ll see) and modern dictionaries have another.
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In modern dictionaries like Arabic-English Lexicon (1863), better know as Lane’s Lexicon, by British orientalist, Edward William Lane, or Arabisches Wörterbuch (1952), know in English as A Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic (1961), or simply, Hans Wehr, by German orientalist, Hans Bodo Wehr, where the sorting and classification proceeds in alphabetical form, from the first, second, and third letters (and forth or fifth in those rarities). For example, a-l-f (أ+ل+ف) would precede q-f-l (ق+ف+ل) if one were looking up the words ‘ulfah (ألفة/”affection”) and qaffāl (قفّال/”locksmith”) respectively in those dictionaries. But in classical dictionaries like al-Ṣiḥāḥ, by Transo-Turkic lexicographer Abū Naṣr al-Jawharī, the last letter of the root (the “bāb”) is how words/roots are sorted. So for instance, b-ḥ-t (ب+ح+ت) would precede n-a-t (ن+ع+ت) if one were looking up the words na’t (نعت/”characteristic”) and baḥt (بحت/”pure”) respectively:
يسلّط هذا المعجم الضوء على أحد أنظمة التأليف المعجميّ عند العرب أي نظام الباب والفصل أي أن الحرف الأخير من المادّة الأصليّة هو الباب وأن الحرف الأول منها هو الفصل، وأن الباب هو الأصل وأن الفصل هو الفرع، ويشير إلى أن هذا النظام أوْقع المؤلفين في مشكلة بالنسبة إلى الألفاظ المعتلَّة الأواخر إذ لم يستطيعوا أحياناً التمييز بين ما كان واويَّ الأصل أو يائيّة.
“This dictionary sheds light on one of the systems of lexicographic compilation used by the Arabs, specifically the system of ‘bāb and faṣl.’ In this system, the last letter of the root word is the ‘bāb’ (the sorting letter), and the first letter is the ‘faṣl’ (secondary sorting letter). The ‘bāb’ is considered the primary category, while the ‘faṣl’ is a secondary one. The text also points out that this system led to difficulties for the compilers, particularly regarding words with weak or defective (مُعْتَلَّة/muʿtallah) endings, as they were sometimes unable to distinguish between roots ending in a ‘wāw’ or a ‘yā’”. — from Dr. Hishām Ṭa Ha Shallāsh’s Muʿjam al-Afʿāl al-Wāwiyyah al-Yā'iyyah (Compendium of of Verbs Ending with Wāw and Yā’)
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Welcome to Episode Thirty Three of the Middle Ground Podcast. We’re your hosts Imām Marc and brother Dawud Aleman. Narratives. Arabic. All Muslims prize this language. Everyone wants to learn it. But for so many of us, Arabic remains an elusive goal despite the Qur'an being revealed in it. Why?
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This episode can also be found on YouTube:
In shā’ Allāh we hope to start our new class, Facilitating the Learning of Arabic for Devotional Studies – The Arabic Reader (تَيْسِيْرُ تَعَلُّمِ اللُّغَةِ العَرَبِيَّةِ لِلدِّراسَةِ التَّعَبُّدِيَّةِ - القارئ العربي) soon.
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Welcome to Episode Thirty Two of the Middle Ground Podcast. We’re your hosts Imām Marc and brother Dawud Aleman. Narratives. Are Jinn just fables? Is the Unseen real or just a metaphor? We'll discuss this and more
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This episode can also be found on YouTube:
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Welcome to Episode Thirty One of the Middle Ground Podcast. We’re your hosts Imām Marc and brother Dawud Aleman. Narratives. They're everywhere and it seems that everyone has one or at least they're trying to sell you one. But what is it? And why should Muslims have one?
This episode can also be found on YouTube:
Imam’s Corner is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.
Other references in this episode:
* Qur’ān 28: 41: “We made them leaders inviting ˹others˺ to the Fire. And on the Day of Judgment they will not be helped”
* Shaykh Muḥammad Abū Zahrah on the importance of developing Muslim thought (X).
* David Levering Lewis’ article on American exceptionalism: Exceptionalism’s Exceptions - The Changing American Narrative (PDF).
Flex alert power saver awards.
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Welcome to Episode Twenty Nine of the Middle Ground Podcast. We’re your hosts Imām Marc and brother Dawud Aleman. In the day and age of personalities and influencers, how and who can you trust when it comes to taking religious knowledge? As usual, we discuss all topics in light of the Qur’ān and statements from the Prophet, ﷺ.
This episode can also be found on YouTube:
Imam’s Corner is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.
Other references in this episode:
* From Imām al-Shāfi’ī: “if you see a man walking on water and flying in the air, do not be amazed by him until he shows that he follows the command of the Book and the Sunnah.”
* Middle Ground Podcast Episode 27 on postmodernity: “All the World is a Stage”.
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Welcome to Episode Twenty Eight of the Middle Ground Podcast. Running solo for this episode, I’m your host, Imam Marc from Middle Ground. In the last 24 hours I had three enlightening encounters: a post on Instagram, a counseling appointment, and a consultation for marriage. All three provided valuable insights into what drives us as humans. As usual, we discuss all topics in light of the Qur’ān and statements from the Prophet, ﷺ.
This episode can also be found on YouTube:
Imam’s Corner is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.
Other references in this episode:
* Sūrah al-Jāthiyah v. 23: “Have you seen those who have taken their own desires as their god? As a result, Allāh has deliberately misguided them.”
* Middle Ground Podcast Episode 27 on postmodernity: “All the World is a Stage”.
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Welcome to Episode Twenty Seven of the Middle Ground Podcast. Myself, Imam Marc, and brother Dawud Aleman. As the poet Shaykh Zubayr, a.k.a., William Shakespeare once said, "All the word's a stage". From the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump to politics in America in general, it seems we are living, if not in an illusion, then certainly a fantasy. We continue our conversation from last week on French philosopher Jean Baudrillard's "Simulacra and Simulation". Strap in for American Psycho 2. As usual, we discuss all topics in light of the Qur’ān and statements from the Prophet, ﷺ.
This episode can also be found on YouTube:
Imam’s Corner is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.
Other references in this episode:
* Sūrah al-Baqarah v. 51: “And ˹remember˺ when We appointed forty nights for Moses, then you worshipped the calf in his absence, acting wrongfully.”
* Sūrah al-Ḥujarāt v. 6: “O believers, if an evildoer brings you any news, verify it.”
* Expanded notes on Jean Baudrillard and postmodernity (PDF).
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Welcome to Episode Twenty Six of the Middle Ground Podcast. Myself, Imam Marc, and brother Dawud Aleman. In this episode we'll asking the question, “Is reality a simulation? Are we in French philosopher Jean Baudrillard's ‘Simulacra and Simulation’? We're not saying it's aliens ... As usual, we discuss all topics in light of the Qur’ān and statements from the Prophet, ﷺ.
This episode can also be found on YouTube:
Imam’s Corner is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.
Other references in this episode:
* Sūrah Fāṭir v. 5: “So do not let the life of this world deceive you.”
* Neil DeGrasse Tyson freaks out when physicist James Gates finds intelligent code in the fabric of space (YouTube).
* Symbols of Power: Adinkras and the Nature of Reality (link).
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Welcome to Episode Twenty Five of the Middle Ground Podcast. Myself, Imam Marc, and brother Dawud Aleman. In this episode we'll be looking at the relation between sound and light and how understanding this and contemplating it gives us deeper insights into God's majesty and creation. As usual, we discuss all topics in light of the Qur’ān and statements from the Prophet, ﷺ.
This episode can also be found on YouTube:
Imam’s Corner is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.
Other references in this episode:
* Sūrah Hūd v. 67: “And the ˹mighty˺ blast overtook the wrongdoers, so they fell lifeless in their homes,”
* Quantum Theory Demonstrated: Observation Affects Reality.
* The Devil's Interval That Makes Us Sick.
* Shattering cancer with resonant frequencies: Anthony Holland at TEDx Skidmore College.
* Secrets of Zamzam water (video one and video two).
* Water Is alive and responds to human emotion.
* Water Memory (2014 Documentary about Nobel Prize laureate Luc Montagnier).
* The Extraordinary Impact Sound Has On Your Everyday Life.
* Rice Experiment - Dr Masaru Emoto.
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Welcome to Episode Twenty Four of the Middle Ground Podcast. Myself, Imam Marc, and brother Dawud Aleman. In this we explore what it means for us as Muslims to be at the end of American/western empire. We look at the writings of investor Ray Dalio and ask if his predictions are accurate or whether they’re too reductionist. As usual, we discuss all topics in light of the Qur’ān and statements from the Prophet, ﷺ.
This episode can also be found on YouTube as we are now live streaming all of our episodes there. You can also watch our podcast live on Instagram as well.
Other references in this episode:
* Sūrah al-Jāthiyah v. 14: “˹O Prophet!˺ Tell the believers to forgive those who do not fear Allah’s days ˹of torment˺, so that He will reward each group for what they used to commit.”
* Sūrah Fāṭir v. 43: “Are they awaiting anything but the fate of those ˹destroyed˺ before? You will find no change in the way of Allah, nor will you find it diverted ˹to someone else˺.”
* Some critiques of Ray Dalio’s Principles – (PDF).
Imam’s Corner is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.
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Welcome to Episode Twenty Three of the Middle Ground Podcast. Myself, Imam Marc, and brother Dawud Aleman. In this episode our hearts are heavy with the passing of our beloved brother Jamal (Alexander) Ramsey, may Allāh have mercy on him. Brother Jamal was quite beloved by everyone in the community and had such a caring spirit about him. But his passing also reminds us of the importance of having our earthly affairs taken care of so we do not cause undo hardship on our loved ones we leave behind. As usual, we discuss all topics in light of the Qur’ān and statements from the Prophet, ﷺ.
This episode can also be found on YouTube as we are now live streaming all of our episodes there as well.
Other references in this episode:
* Sūrah al-Baqarah v. 180: “It is prescribed that when death approaches any of you…a will should be made.”
* Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim no. 1614: “A Muslim is not entitled to inherit from a non-Muslim, and a non-Muslim is not entitled to inherit from a Muslim.”
* My Wassiyah – Make an Islāmic will.
Imam’s Corner is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.
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Welcome to Episode Twenty One of the Middle Ground Podcast. Myself, Imam Marc, and brother Dawud Aleman, are your hosts for exploring the topic of Artificial Intelligence. Should we fear it? Is it all bad? Are we all going to lose our jobs or become the victims of Skynet? As usual, we discuss all topics in light of the Qur’ān and statements from the Prophet, ﷺ.
This episode can also be found on YouTube as we are now live streaming all of our episodes there as well.
Other references in this episode:
* Sūrah al-Naḥl v. 8: “And He creates what you do not know.’”
* Sūrah al-Qaṣaṣ v. 68: “Your Lord creates and chooses whatever He wills.”
* From The Joe Rogan Experience #2152 – his interview of (former?) actor Terrence Howard.
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Welcome to Episode Twenty of the Middle Ground Podcast. I am joined again by my brother Dawud Aleman. In this episode we discuss the increasingly toxic world we live in and the consequences as a society of being completely divorced from how our food and medicine is produced. As usual, we discuss all topics in light of the Qur’ān and statements from the Prophet, ﷺ.
This episode can also be found on YouTube as we are now live streaming all of our episodes there as well.
Other references in this episode:
* Sūrah al-Baqarah v. 11: “When they are told, ‘Do not spread corruption in the land,’ they reply, ‘We are only peace-makers!’”
* Sūrah al-Insān v. 8: “[They] and give food—despite their desire for it—to the poor, the orphan, and the captive.”
* Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim no. 2939: a ḥadīth which reminds us of the Dajjāl and the fake nature of food today.
* For more on how we developed into siloed communities, cut off from our food production, read Carolyn Steel’s very good Hungry City: How Food Shapes Our Lives.
* Dr. Rima Laibow – the Medical Director of the Natural Solutions Foundation – her talk on the Codex Alimentarius and its history and impact on our food and health systems.
* Dr. Lee Merritt’s talk: "Why You Need To Care About 'Codex Alimentarius'.”
* Vaccine Excipient Summary [PDF].
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Welcome to Episode Nineteen of the Middle Ground Podcast. I am joined again by my brother Dawud Aleman. We’re excited to accounce that we’re now streaming the MGP on YouTube. Head over to our YouTube channel and subscribe so you’ll be notified for the next live stream.
In this episode we discuss the current situation with student protests across the nation against the genocide and illegal war in Palestine. As usual, we discuss all topics in light of the Qur’ān and statements from the Prophet, ﷺ.
Other references in this episode:
* Sūrah Yūnus v. 83: “But no one believed in Moses except a few youths of his people, while fearing that Pharaoh and their own chiefs”
Imam’s Corner is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.
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Welcome to Episode Eighteen of the Middle Ground Podcast. I am joined again by my brother Dawud Aleman. We discuss a recent encounter of a young man who came to Middle Ground, seeking some clarification on how to explore the truth-claims of Islām, to which I introduced the idea of Christianity being a “black box” when it comes to ascertaining its truth-claims. We explore this and other themes as it relates to understanding how Islām and Christianity are different and also how a non-Muslims assumptions about Christianity may problematize understanding Islām according to its own criteria. As usual, we discuss all topics in light of the Qur’ān and statements from the Prophet, ﷺ.
Other references in this episode:
* Sūrah al-Jāthiyah v. 23: “Have you seen those who have taken their own desires as their god?”
* Paul C. Vitz, The Self: Beyond the Postmodern Crisis:
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