A U.S. Air Force veteran, Dr. Jannell MacAulay has managed human performance under high-stress situations for over two decades. As a military leader and combat pilot, she experienced the same stress, frustration, and fears that leaders and teams in corporate America face daily in their personal and professional lives. Her own personal journey led to earning her Ph.D. with work in the field of strategic health and human performance. With her innovative leadership style, she was the first leader to introduce mindfulness as a proactive performance strategy within the US military.
She continues to consult within the DoD, DoJ, and corporate America delivering keynotes, training, and a high-performance mindset training program that she developed with Pete Carroll of the Seattle Seahawks and Dr. Michael Gervais, a high-performance sports psychologist.
JANNELL'S USEFUL TIPSThe Military is a high strain occupation with a focus on being a servant leader. Often in environments that are demanding, we tend to define servant leadership as putting everyone before ourselves. However, Dr. MacAulay's research on high achieving/performing leaders and athletes has proven that there is a necessary place for self-care in successful servant leadership. In the end, you must "fill your cup" to have anything to give.
To be a high performing leader and mom you work hard. But to continually work hard at a high pace, you must be properly "trained" to do so. Dr MacAuly's research has concluded there are 3 things you have control over in training: you body, craft and mind. Your mind is the most difficult to conquer, but with practice can help you focus on each task at hand and not be distracted.
When you identify that you are having a stress response and about to make an emotional decision or action, "Go to the cloud". This was a commonly used phrase Lt Col MacAulay used to lay the foundation of mindset practice in the workplace. It was a trigger to say when she identified her or one of her coworkers was experiencing a stress response to a current event. Instead of making an emotional response, it cues them to take a step back and reengage.
Being a military woman, dual spouse, mom, etc can bring many obstacles in a military career. When making a decision on any aspect (such as when to start a family) Jannell mentors individuals to ask themselves the following 3 questions. As life progresses, constantly reengage with these questions as they may change over time.
1. What do I value?
2. What gives me purpose?
3. How do I define success?EMAIL: contact@jannellmacaulay.com
PHONE: (707) 806-0080
WEBSITE: https://jannellmacaulay.com/
FB: @DrJannellMacAulay
IG: @MacAulayjc
TWITTER: @JannellMacAulay -
Spread the word! Breastmilk transportation will not only help give babies the best for of nutrition. But it will also help with the service woman's QoL and perhaps even increase retention rates!Take this survey! We have created this unofficial survey to gather more data that cannot be captured by military systems. please help and send it to any service woman who has had a child while on orders. Click HERE to take the 2 minutes surveyFull Episode Notes are located at: www.themilitaryworkingmom.com/episode052
We may still be working the Joint Travel Regulation (JTR) change to include official reimbursement for breastmilk transportation, BUT in the mean time we have secured an EXLUSIVE discount through the #1 breastmilk transportation company, Milk Stork, who has graciously offered all DoD women FREE shipping on their order as well as a round-down to the nearest $5!. They offer a patented cooling technology that keeps your milk at temp for 72 hours once the bag is activated to ensure your milk does not spoil. They also offer BOTH shipping boxes and carry on bags in case you wish to travel with your breastmilk rather than ship it!
Full episode notes are located at www.TheMilitaryWorkingMom.com/episode050
View Full Episode Notes At www.themilitaryworkingmom.com/episode049
MEET MARIAMaria heals trauma by breaking its cycles. Through parent coaching, she empowers parents, caregivers, and educators to curb a child's challenging behavior and deeply connect while tending to their own needs through self-care.
Maria considers herself a veteran of trauma as she and her family immigrated to the US from Moscow Russia because of religious persecution. At 8 years old, she could not comprehend what was going on so it was a difficult transition due to a language barrier, living in close quarters with her family and grandparents, and rough family relations. She says during that time, the family was in "survival mode" and didn’t take time to process feelings.
Today she takes her knowledge and experience to help serve people through hard times and adopt necessary skills to overcome traumatic situations.Website: http://www.RestorativeParentCoaching.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/maria-natapov/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/maria.natapov
Twitter: @MariaNatapov
Full episode notes are located at www.themilitaryworkingmom.com/episode048
MEET AMYAmy Slater is a mom of two sets of twins, a personal trainer for over 20 years, a Fellow of Applied Functional Science, a practitioner of Functional Diagnostic Nutrition, and a passionate health coach for moms. Amy is the creator of the Resilient Mama Method that helps Moms end dieting and get strong so they can feel confident in their body.
Her focus is on moms who have school-age children and are just struggling to feel like their “whole self”. Moms need support to get to the root cause of their symptoms, not another band-aid, and Amy’s Resilient Mama Method gets to the root cause and builds moms up. Using, food, personalized supplementation and movement, moms achieve a new level of resilience!
Amy lives in North Carolina with her husband, her two boys and two girls, and golden lab, Judge. -
Full episode notes are located at www.themilitaryworkingmom.com/episode047
Elisabeth is a motherhood and lifestyle blogger on Instagram and can be found @ElisabethBerwick sharing stories and experiences of what it’s like to be an active duty mother in the Air Force.
You are your own advocate to get the care you need. Your PCM doesn't always know exactly what you need unless you speak their language, so here are a few tips to move the process along or skip it entirely!
1. When you go to your PCM for something, write down the top 3 things you want to achieve from the appointment. You are in control of the outcome.
2. Research the medical term of what you think is going on. If you speak their language, they won't have to guess what is going on.
3. If you believe you need to see a specialist, you don't necessarily have to see a PCM. Contact the specialist you want (make sure they take TriCare) and have their staff get the referral from your PCM. Its their job! -
How to prepare before you leave:~Set all bills to auto pay
~Put both parents names on all bills, car titles, bank accounts, etc.
~~Or visit the legal office for specific power of attourneys (POAs) for vehicles, homes, bank accounts, children, etc)
~Plan ahead for when family or friends will come out and visit to help with the kids.While you are gone:
~Best voice/video exchange app to keep in touch with your children/family: Marco Polo App for iOS or Android
~Finding the right time to call to not disrups a routineReintegration
~Utilize couple's retreats when offered by your unit, MWR, or chapel
~Military ONE Source offers 12 free counseling sessions.
~For in-person counseling sessions, utilize Military Family Life Counselors on the installation. -
Full Episode Notes are located at: www.themilitaryworkingmom.com/episode040
THE RISKWhenever you get prescribed medication from mental health there may be a fleeting thought in your mind on how it will not only affect you be also your career. As of 2019, any anti-depressant medication had a 90 day stability requirement. This means you may be DQ'd, grounded, etc for 90 days while your PCM analyzes the effects the new medication has on your body. Once they find the right medication and dose for you, you return back to duty unless other underlying conditions are assessed. Dr. Norris mentioned that most depression helps the member and they return to work; however there are two, bi-polar and schizophrenia, that are automatically submitted on behalf of the member for a medical-board review.
What does this mean? This means the medication prescribed will most likely not affect your career in the military long term. If you hear of members being separated or retrained because of seeking help for depression, it is normally a combination of the doctor and Commander's thoughts on the matter for how the member can continue to conduct their job.
Dr. Norris, briefly mentions that if you want to seek help, off base providers are an option. But the underlying message is to seek help!
Full episode notes are located at www.themilitaryworkingmom.com/episode039
Click HERE to Enroll in Dr Fisher's C-Section Recovery Program
I’m Amanda Fisher, Doctor of Physical Therapy at Empower Your Pelvis.
Most days you can find me in the morning at the gym with a water in one hand and coffee in the other, followed by taking my boys to school and then at the clinic with my favorite, pelvic patients. I am wife to my hunky, husband Brett, and a mother to my wild-n-crazy three boys (yes, my hands are full!). I am mostly known for my passion for pelvic floor dysfunction and teaching women how to find vaginal healthy products at Target (yes, I have a video on YouTube on this). People often refer to me as “The Crazy Pelvic Lady”, “Personal Trainer for Vagina” or “The Vagina Whisperer”.
I love serving the world by helping women realize there is hope with pelvic floor issues like peeing your pants, pelvic organ prolapse, pelvic pain and pain with intercourse.
I work with people who are having pelvic floor dysfunction symptoms: leaking urine/feces, pelvic organ prolapse, low back pain, hip pain, pelvic pain, lower abdominal pain, pelvic pain with intercourse/speculum exam or inserting a tampon.I am a true believer that life happens for us, not to us. In 2008, I started leaking urine while training for half marathons. Then in 2009 I developed pelvic pain which led me down this wonderful path of pelvic health. I have been scared and ashamed of my symptoms and learned how to overcome them. Then in 2013, 2015 and 2017, after the births of each of my children (all c-sections), I had pelvic organ prolapse. I began feeling pressure in my vaginal canal with prolonged standing or right before I had a bowel movement. I worked really hard to improve my pelvic floor muscle strength and coordination to continue to work out and stay healthy for myself and my family. After many different paths of pelvic floor dysfunction, I feel I can relate to women and love being their accountability partner.
CONNECT WITH DR. FISHERIG: @EMPOWER.YOUR.PELVISFB: @EMPOWERYOURPELVISWEBSITE: https://www.empoweryourpelvis.comEMAIL: amanda@empoweryourpelvis.comCheck us out! The Military Working Mom podcast is ranked #2 on the Top 20 Podcasts for Military Wives to follow by FeedSpot!
The Full Episode Notes Can Be Found At www.themilitaryworkginmom.com/episode038
As a first time mom you may feel like you have a plan going into your labor and delivery. I hate to burst your bubble, but every birthing experience is different and unique, and unfortunately there is no magic ball for you to look into so you can prepare for what you are about to experience. However, there are birth courses you can take both online and in-person to at least make you aware of what may happen in different circumstances as well as different methods to birth your baby.
CASSIE'S TAKE AWAYSA Birth Plan is just that..it is only a plan, but be prepared to be flexible and OK with the result.During pregnancy, educate yourself of all different types of assisted birth methods and surgical options. You don't want to make a measured decision when you are hours into labor.Learn different positions you can be in to give birth. laying on your back is not the most ideal position.Don't be afraid to read up on perineal tears and understand the different levels (1 thru 4).Talk to other moms about your experience after you have a baby. I swear you are not the only one going through embarrassing postpartum recovery, you'll feel better hearing other women tell you they experienced the same things.Incontinence is a real thing immediately after having a baby. Oh BTW, you can have urinary and bowel incontinence. (Read below...there is help)Request a referral for a Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist immediately after pregnancy. Pain and peeing when you ump or laugh may be common but it is not normal. If you don't have a Pelvic Floor PT near you or you want extra help, check out the Devoted Mama's online Postpartum Repair course.Be ready for day 10-14...and prepare your partner for an emotional roller coaster. Around day 10-14 after birth your body's hormones will begin to decrease rapidly. The change in your body makes for erroneous tears and you may not understand why you are crying.your body is going to change as you age...your body is going to change as you have kids...and that's ok. Don't feel guilty that your body wont go back (belly skin, stretch marks). Love your new body, it went through a lot to give you a wonderful gift.
Cassie's birth story takes place in a Military Hospital (MTF) where the choices she had in front of her to birth her child were not only no where in her original plans, but were no where in her knowledge of what could happen during birth. -
Have you started your Military Pregnancy & Postpartum Checklist yet? If you have, you know TriCare will cover your breast pump and other supplies, but do you know how to actually order your pump and accessories?
Don't feel bad if you answered, "no" because I was right there with you when I had my first baby. Honestly I had to google it and then just randomly chose a company that said they fulfilled TriCare prescriptions. Back then I had no idea that each breast pump company offered different pumps, and that ALL OF THEM were covered by tricare...so my lesson for you today is, why not order from a company that has the largest selection of pumps you can choose from? AKA The Breastfeeding Shop!VIEW THE FULL EPISODE NOTES: www.themilitaryworkingmom.com/episode037
No matter what region you fall in, Tricare Covers essentially the same items across the board with a slight few differences if you are overseas or on TriCare Select or Reserve.
ALL TriCare regions and types cover one breast pump kit per birth event. The easiest way to get a pump without paying is to send your prescription to a breast pump supply company such as The Breastfeeding Shop.Pump accessories that come with the pump are a set of flanges, tubing, valves and membranes, and collection bottles.Tubing and tubing adapters: 1 set per birth event.Locking rings: 2 every 12 monthsBottles: 2 replacement bottles and caps/locking rings every 12 months following the birth eventBottle caps: 2 every 12 months after the birth eventValves/membranes: 12 for each 12 months following the birth eventNipple shields/splash protectors: 2 sets (2 shields/set) per birth event when a physician prescribes
If something happens and you need a different size flange or something breaks, just get a prescription from your physician and the part will be covered.90 Milk Storage Bags per month following the birth event and supplied up to 36 months after are covered with no prescription. If you overproduce and require more than 90 bags, you can get a prescription from your physician and submit to your breast pump supplier.With a prescription, a Maternity Belt/Wrap and/or Compression Socks are covered under Tricare. However, they are very particular about the prescription for these items. The Breastfeeding Shop makes it easy by supplying an approved prescription form/example on the website.
Don't believe us? Check TriCare Online.
Full Episode Notes can be found at www.TheMilitaryWorkingMom.com/episode36
See Full Episode Notes at www.TheMilitaryWorkingMom.com/035
I am a prenatal, pediatric, and family chiropractor, a birth and postpartum doula, a childbirth educator, Reiki practitioner, and safer beauty advocate whose passion is to work with families throughout preconception, pregnancy, childhood, and adulthood. I finished my undergraduate studies at the University of Georgia in Athens and post-graduate studies at Life University in Marietta, GA. I was introduced to chiropractic as a patient with my whole family. Seeing how chiropractic can affect one's life naturally and embracing the body’s profound intrinsic ability toward healing and vitality, I chose chiropractic in order to serve others out of sense of love, purpose and abundance.
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