
  • “Don’t worry so much about what you don’t know. Just step into it and try it.” ~ Kathy Davis

    For some people, going plant-based can be intimidating. There are so many unknowns: Does it require shopping at special stores? Subsisting on mock meats and cheeses? Spending countless hours trying recipes that may or may not taste good?

    Cyd Notter, Kathy Davis and Chuck Carroll agree that the answer is a resounding NO.

    In fact, they can all say from experience that going plant-based was much easier than they expected—and it’s led to other positive changes in their lives, including better health and more confidence. So much so that Chuck calls the plant-based lifestyle “Life 2.0.”

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    🥗 Episode Highlights

    - Tips for going all-in with a plant-based diet if you don’t know where to start

    - Encouragement for anyone who’s afraid going plant based will be too hard

    - How to overcome the struggles many people face when going plant-based

    - Why it’s important to have a solid reason—not just a short-term goal—for adopting a plant-based diet

    - Why plant-based diets are the gateway to long-term health

    - How going plant-based can inspire confidence and vitality in other areas of life

    Get takeaway tips for brands here: SITE LINK

    About Cyd, Chuck and Kathy

    Cyd Notter is a graduate of the Center for Nutrition Studies, a certified instructor for The Starch Solution and other dietary courses, a past newspaper columnist, and the author of the award-winning book The “Plan A” Diet: Combining Whole Food, Plant-Based Nutrition with the Timeless Wisdom of Scripture.

    Kathy Davis is a plant-based lifestyle and mindset coach, the CEO of VegInspired, and the author of three plant-based cookbooks. Kathy empowers high-achieving professionals to elevate their energy by adopting healthy living habits so they can show up at their optimum performance and achieve their goals.

    Chuck Carroll is known as “The Weight Loss Champion” for a reason — he has lost and kept off 280 pounds for more than 10 years! Now he is using his new lease on life to inspire others and host The Exam Room Podcast by the Physicians Committee, which has been downloaded millions of times to become the No. 1 nutrition podcast in nearly 80 countries!

    Connect with Today's Guests

    Cyd: https://cydnotter.com, https://www.facebook.com/groups/ThePlanADiet

    Kathy: https://veginspired.com, Instagram @veginspired, @eatmoreplantsacademy

    Chuck: https://www.pcrm.org/podcast, Instagram & Twitter @chuckcarrollwlc, Facebook @WeightLossChampion

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/the-modern-health-nerd/support
  • “What ends up happening is the patient is now in charge of their health.” ~ Dr. Niki Davis

    Traditional medicine addresses chronic disease with pills and procedures that control symptoms or attempt to fix damage that’s already been done.

    Plant-Based TeleHealth takes a different approach: lifestyle medicine that uses a plant-based diet and personalized care to get to the root of diseases and help patients heal.

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    That’s what attracted Dr. Kim Scheuer, Dr. Niki Davis, Dr. Colin Zhu and Dr. Chris Miller to this unique new practice that serves patients across the U.S. They wanted to stop “putting band-aids” on patients’ problems, go beyond what they were able to do in traditional practice and start giving patients the time and attention they needed to get better—for good.

    Through Plant-Based TeleHealth, these doctors and their colleagues are able to help patients reduce their medications and improve their health. The patients get less of what they don’t want (more pills) and more of what they do want (freedom from symptoms and disease).

    Episode Highlights

    - How taking a holistic look at the whole person instead of just their symptoms changes the way medicine is practiced and enables a lifestyle approach

    - Why the ability to spend more time with patients is critical to helping them make lasting diet and lifestyle changes

    - The need to dig deeper and go beyond nutrition to discover all the potential factors that influence patients’ health

    - The importance of understanding what potentially conflicting information patients will get from traditional doctors who don’t understand plant-based lifestyle medicine

    - The need for a paradigm shift in health, wellness and medicine to get people back to the basics and on track for long-term healing

    - Success stories from the doctors’ practices

    About Plant-Based TeleHealth

    Plant Based TeleHealth (PBTH) provides offers lifestyle medicine care for patients who have chronic disease and other conditions. Through the powerful, evidence-based practice of promoting healthy behaviors and lifestyle modification, including a whole food, plant-based diet, doctors work with patients to help them go beyond managing symptoms to experience real healing.

    Connect with the Doctors Online

    - https://plantbasedtelehealth.com

    - Dr. Scheuer: https://dokslifestylemedicine.com/,  Instagram @drkimscheuer

    - Dr. Davis: https://drnikidavis.com, @nikidavismd on Facebook and Instagram

    - Dr. Miller: https://eatandlivehealthfully.com

    - Dr. Zhu: https://chefdoczhu.com, @thechefdoc on social media, host of Thrive Bites podcast at https://www.youtube.com/c/TheChefDoc

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/the-modern-health-nerd/support
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  • “Our health is not determined by one single meal or one single food that we eat at one point in time. It’s about consistency over years and years.” ~ Simon Hill

    Simon Hill’s journey into the plant-based space started at age 15 when he saw his father have a heart attack. Since that first brush with the effects of lifestyle disease, Simon has immersed himself in the science of diet and plant-based nutrition in his career as a nutritionist, podcast host and author.

    Rather than supporting any particular dietary dogma in the plant-based space, he provides research-backed advice backed to help people plant their diets appropriately according to goals and life stage.

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    “I think it’s important to not always reduce everything to black and white,” he says, “because science is not black and white.”

    Simon believes it’s going to take more data collected across demographics to settle some of the persistent questions about plant-based nutrition and ensure that people have the best information to tailor their diets to changing needs as they age.

    He believes “every diet needs to be appropriately planned” and continues to use his platform to provide information and guidance that helps people adopt and stick to healthy plant-based diets.

    Episode Highlights

    - Why educating people about healthy food isn’t the key to improving diets or health outcomes

    - How the food environment may prevent people from making healthier dietary choices

    - A scientific look at common myths and misconceptions in the plant-based space

    - Why being aware of nutrient needs specific to plant-based diets and current life stage is a smarter approach than obsessing over single nutrients or foods

    - Why it’s important for the plant-based community to be opened-minded about new discoveries in nutrition science

    - Simon’s tips for maximizing nutrition and health on a plant-based diet

    About Simon & Plant Proof

    Simon Hill is a nutritionist and qualified physiotherapist and the the founder of the popularPlant Proofpodcast and blog.

    On top of his formal education, Simon spends hours deciphering scientific studies so that he can break down how to fuel your body to promote longevity and reduce the chance of developing disease while simultaneously achieving whatever health and fitness goals you may have.

    Follow, Listen to & Read Simon’s Work

    - https://plantproof.com

    - Twitter: https://twitter.com/theproof

    - Facebook: https://facebook.com/TheProofPod

    - Instagram: https://instagram.com/plant_proof

    - The Plant Proof Podcast: https://plantproof.com/all-podcasts

    - Buy The Proof is in the Plants: https://plantproof.com/book/

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  • “Whether it’s in whole food plant based or ethical veganism, ... there is a way for everybody to adopt this diet.” ~ Ginny Messina

    As a registered dietician and a vegan of almost 30 years, Ginny Messina has a lot of experience in the plant-based space. She spends a lot of her time writing books, articles and tweets relating to vegan and plant-based nutrition.

    Her goal with all this work? To “ensure that vegans have the best information that will allow them to stay vegan.”

    Ginny brings a balanced and reasonable perspective to some of the most common questions and controversial issues within the plant-based community, including protein and fat, oil consumption and whether “ultra-processed” foods and sweet treats have a place in a healthy diet.

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    Sam on LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/theresahoughton/

    While she maintains that anybody can be vegan, she also acknowledges that doing it right requires some attention to nutrition. But she doesn’t see this as a shortcoming for plant-based eating. In fact, she believes taking the extra time to get educated and supplement properly is more than worth it for the health and environmental benefits the diet offers.

    Full show notes here: https://www.modernhealthnerd.com/podcast/getting-a-balanced-perspective-on-vegan-diets-ginny-messina-vegan-rd

    Episode Highlights

    - Giving vegans good, accurate nutrition and health formation to help them succeed on a plant-based diet

    - Ginny’s balanced views on protein, fat and other hot-button vegan nutrition issues

    - The changing nutritional requirements throughout life that vegans need to pay attention to

    - Psychological benefits of eating higher protein for people who come from SAD/meat-centric diets (satisfying, helps them stay vegan)

    - Why it’s okay (and even beneficial!) to add some oil to your plant-based diet

    - Essential and important supplements for plant-based eaters

    - Why Ginny thinks veganism is “the ideal way to eat in our world today”—and it’s not *just* due to the health benefits

    - Why the fat shaming in the vegan space needs to stop

    - Importance of balance and realism when talking health in the plant-based space

    Connect with Ginny’s Work

    - https://theveganrd.com

    - Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheVeganRD

    - Facebook: https://facebook.com/TheVeganRD

    - Instagram: https://instagram.com/GinnyMessina

    - Amazon author page: https://www.amazon.com/Virginia-Messina/e/B000APSLC4?ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1&qid=1644950218&sr=8-1

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  • “Always be open to learning. Don’t assume that what you have is what people want, and that it’s the right solution.” ~ Zoë Geller, co-founder, Fire Ox Foods

    After working with Americorps and food distributor Zoë Geller realized there was a huge gap in both knowledge about and access to nutritious food. It wasn’t long before she did something to address the problem—by founding Fire Ox Foods.

    Fire Ox is using delicious flavors inspired by world cuisines to make vegetables attractive and simple to prepare so that people can easily incorporate more whole plant-based foods into their diets.

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    Zoë and her co-founder, Jason, drew on their mutual love for dishes from around the world as inspiration for their products and are bringing these meals to consumers in a convenient frozen format.

    Fire Ox focuses on taste first to make their meals both enjoyable and nourishing. And Zoë keeps her ears open to customer feedback to continue improving Fire Ox products. Whether it’s increasing the amount of food in each meal or calling out the number of vegetable servings on the package, she’s all about staying flexible.

    Because, she says, there’s a difference between driving trial and getting repeat customers. “You can get a lot of people to try your product, ... but you need them to keep coming back.”

    The secret lies in paying attention to sales data, talking to customers and being willing to stay nimble as the brand adjusts its messaging. Zoë has some great insights into what to look for and how to make those changes to get products in front of more people.

    Episode Highlights

    - Seeking opportunities to bring unique products to market by identifying gaps where your passion could fill a need

    - Supporting brand goals by staying consistent in every area—from naming to ingredients to packaging to messaging

    - Using customer feedback to differentiate your products from others in the market

    - The importance of being open to learning more about your customers and how they use or consume your product

    - Tips for testing messaging before and after coming to market

    - Using sales data, customer data and feedback to hone in on the problem you’re solving for consumers

    - Going beyond product to educate and empower consumers through content

    About Zoë

    Zoë Geller founded Fire Ox to create a more sustainable food system. Her time at Americorps and Common Market taught her how to grow food and opened her eyes to how the unjust industrial food system shapes our diets and bodies, and this sparked her passion to create good, nourishing food that is better for people and planet.

    About Fire Ox Foods

    Fire Ox is on a mission to help people eat better for themselves and the planet by making delicious, vegetable-based foods accessible to all. Their line of vegetable-based frozen meals is inspired by cuisines from around the world.

    Connect With (and Try!) Fire Ox Foods

    - https://fireoxfoods.com

    - Instagram: @fireoxfoods

    - Facebook: Fire Ox Foods

    - Email: [email protected]

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  • “First, I think you have to understand the goals of the individual before you start assigning what products will work for them and what products should be on the market.” ~ Elysabeth Alfano

    Elysabeth Alfano, David Benzaquen and Irina Gerry are no strangers to the plant-based space. Their collective experience spans from hosting a plant-based business podcast to investment and advising to marketing roles at some of the most well-known plant-based companies.

    And they have a ton of insight into how brands can position their products and attract consumers in today’s growing plant-based market. With sub-niches spanning from cultivated meat to unprocessed plant foods, there’s plenty of room for innovation.

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    One of the biggest areas of opportunity for brands? Fresh and minimally-processed produce.

    With whole food plant based becoming its own category, it’s more important than ever for brands to understand who they’re marketing to, what those consumers need and the best ways to deliver it through products and messaging.

    Episode highlights

    The broad spectrum of plant-based food and consumers’ perceptions of health How brands play a role in plant-based diets—including encouraging consumers to eat more produce Getting super specific with marketing to position plant-based products in ways that reach unique market subsets Defining and positioning animal-free, plant-based and whole food plant-based products Recognizing and overcoming barriers to people incorporating whole plant foods into their diets Using branding and marketing campaigns to help consumers understand how to choose, use and prepare whole plant foods

    About David, Elysabeth and Irina

    David Benzaquen is one of the world’s leading experts in the plant-based food industry. He invests in and advises plant-based and alternative protein food disruptors through his firm Mission: Plant. He is also the co-founder of consumer insights firm Moonshot Collaborative and plant-based ecommerce grocery store, PlantBelly.com. LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidbenzaquen/

    Elysabeth Alfano is the CEO of VegTech Invest, the founder of Plant Powered Consulting and the host of the Plantbased Business Hour. A respected thought leader and international speaker on trends in plant-based business, Elysabeth speaks globally on the state of the industry, including recently at the United Nations. LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/elysabeth-alfano-8b370b7/

    Irina Gerry is a Chief Marketing Officer at Change Foods, a precision fermentation food tech startup, creating animal-free dairy products. Irina has over a decade of experience in consumer marketing space, including 5 years working on two of the best-known plant-based food and beverage brands, Silk and So Delicious. LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/irinagerry/

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  • “If we can go to outer space, we can get fresh food to people’s doorsteps.” ~ Faiez Rana, co-founder & CEO, Prep to Your Door. 

    It all started when Faiez went vegetarian for 10 days to impress a girl.

    That girl was Heather, his (now) wife and co-founder of Prep to Your Door, a whole food plant-based, zero-waste food delivery company that’s bringing fresh, healthy food to people’s doors throughout Austin and Houston.

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    But Faiez has a much bigger vision than that. 

    “The supply chain is not designed to get fresh food into our bodies,” he points out.

    Through Prep to Your Door, he’s looking to change that—and make eating whole food plant-based meals just as easy and convenient as buying packaged food at the grocery store.

    Episode highlights

    Prep To Your Door’s history and whole-food, zero-waste premise
    The power of iteration in implementing and improving a business model
    Importance of sticking to brand values in customer retention
    Rethinking the way people shop for food
    Why friction is the enemy of mass whole food plant-based adoption—and what to do about it
    Listening to customers to determine how best to serve unique segments
    Using tech to bring fresh, healthy food to people’s doors instead of to create new food products

    For Faiez, this is food tech: leveraging today’s high-tech systems to remove friction, improve access to nutritious food and cut down on single-use plastic waste. By listening to what customers want and always improving on their processes, the Prep to Your Door team is doing much more than delivering meals—they’re changing the face of “convenience food” and redefining what it means to shop for groceries. 

    About Faiez and Prep to Your Door

    Faiez met his co-founder (now wife!) Heather in class at Harvard University. They paired their passions for social entrepreneurship and sustainable business to build Prep To Your Door. Slowly, the pair began perfecting meals in jars with help from their very first customers. Always plant-based, organic, locally sourced and ready to eat, PTYD meals are made without cutting corners, compromising on ingredients or using single-use plastics.

    Since 2017, Prep To Your Door has grown to a team of 40 team members. Faiez believes addressing our food chain has the power to reverse several crises of our time: healthcare, climate change, and economic inequality. And he's working with Heather and their team to make organic, sustainable and fresh food at scale the REAL new normal.

    Follow Faiez (or try Prep to Your Door!)

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/preptoyourdoor, https://www.instagram.com/faiezrana/
    Facebook: https://facebook.com/preptoyourdoor
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/prep-to-your-door/,
  • Actual Veggies CEO Jason Rosenbaum and his co-founder, Hailey Swartz, didn’t set out to make a whole food plant-based product that appealed to everybody.

    But that’s exactly what they did with their line of colorful burgers.

    When Jason stopped eating meat for his health, he couldn’t find an alternative to his favorite meat, the beef burger, that met his standards. Although he recognizes plant-based meats as a tasty and helpful “next step” for people transitioning from a standard Western diet to a plant-based diet, he and Hailey wanted to go the next step and offer healthier options.

    Their philosophy is simple: Make something from 100% whole plant foods that looks good, tastes good and is easy to prepare. Without compromising on these principles, Jason and Hailey worked with their team to create a line of burgers in a rainbow of colors—all crafted using veggies, beans, grains and spices.

    Loving the podcast? Support The Modern Health Nerd on Anchor: https://anchor.fm/the-modern-health-nerd

    Episode Highlights

    The experience of growing a brand in a category dominated by big names that aren’t whole food plant based
    How making a whole food plant-based product colorful and attractive can drive adoption across demographics and into the mainstream
    Retailers’ and consumers’ increasing demand for healthier plant-based products
    Why customer feedback is critical in product development
    The “plant-forward” trend that’s taking plant-based food to the next (healthier) level
    The changing narrative around plant-based eating and whole food plant based in particular
    How having advocates who can positively influence the public toward plant-based can help brands in the space grow </aside>

    Jason encourages other whole food plant-based brands to stick to their principles and persevere through the ups and downs of business.

    “Don’t compromise on your foundation or on what you set out to do,” he advises. That’s how he and Hailey turned their passion project into a business they love and that’s making a difference in the plant-based movement—and the world.

    About Actual Veggies and Co-Founders Jason & Hailey

    Founded in early 2020 and headquartered in New York City, Actual Veggies is redefining what retail and food service consumers consider a plant-based burger with its four different varieties of its ¼-pound, chef-crafted veggie burger patties made with only fresh, actual vegetables, grains and spices. Actual Veggies can be found at Sprouts, HungryRoot, and online at ShopVejii.com and www.actualveggies.com.

    Find (and Follow) Actual Veggies
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/actualveggies/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/actualveggies
    Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/actualveggies
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/actual-veggies/
    Jason on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rosenbaumjason/
    Hailey on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/haileyswartz/
    Where to buy: https://actualveggies.com/pages/where-to-buy
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  • “Everybody has access to extraordinary choices.” - Paige Parsons Roache

    When her daughter decided to go vegan, Paige Parsons Roache couldn’t have imagined how much her own diet and life would change.

    It started with education: reading books, listening to plant-based doctors, watching documentaries and trying vegan food from local restaurants. Pretty soon, Paige was experimenting with recipes and becoming a “chef in her own kitchen” for the first time in her life.

    After meeting Jane Velez-Mitchell at a vegan event, Paige found herself inspired to get more involved and more vocal about the plant-based cause. Documentaries like Cowspiracy and What the Health had opened her eyes to the environmental and social impacts of animal agriculture, and she became committed to helping end the suffering connected to the industry.

    “If I knowingly was contributing to the harm of another,” Paige says of her realization, “I knew I had to make the change.”

    Episode Highlights:

    Paige’s background in the environmental movement, including what inspired her to go plant-based vegan
    Insights from Paige’s journey from a “frozen food vegan” to someone who loves experimenting in the kitchen
    The importance of educating yourself about food, health and the environment
    How Jane Unchained/Unchained TV is advancing the vegan and plant-based movements through the resources they provide
    Easy ways to swap whole plant-based foods in place of animal products
    Caring for your body holistically, not just through what you eat
    How to minimize the environmental and social impacts of factory farming

    Paige’s passion for the environment, health and animals shows in her words and actions. Through Jane Unchained, Clubhouse and other initiatives, she’s inspiring and encouraging others to get educated about plant-based eating, make the switch away from animal products and take back power for health and wellbeing.

    Hungry for plant-based nerdity and industry insights? Subscribe to The Modern Health Nerd for updates: https://www.modernhealthnerd.com/news/

    About Paige

    Paige’s daughter went vegan at age 13, and Paige joined her 6 months later. Today, she’s committed to bringing environmentally conscious vegan living to the forefront and reports on all the latest animal rights’ aspects, including Animal Save Movement’s vigils, various PETA protests, VegFests, vegan conferences and more.

    She’s an active member of Clubhouse and can be found in numerous rooms throughout the week, contributing her knowledge to the plant-based conversation from a variety of angles and offering tips and encouragement to anyone seeking to live a more environmentally friendly lifestyle.

    Connect with Paige and UnchainedTV
    LunchBreakLIVE: https://janeunchained.com/shows/lunchbreak-live/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/paigeparsonsroache/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/paigeparsonsroache
    Clubhouse: @paigepr

    For further watching
    Sam on LunchBreakLIVE: https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?ref=watch_permalink&v=608455253681750
    What the Health
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  • “It’s hard to build a trend if the stuff doesn’t taste good.” ~ Tyler Mayoras, CEO of Cool Beans

    Eating plant based is a journey. For some, it starts with an all-in commitment to eat nothing but whole plant foods. But most of the time, the transition to new eating habits is supported by a range of plant-based products that replace meat, dairy and eggs.

    Tyler Mayoras is helping the next generation of these products come to life through his brand, Cool Beans. With their portable whole-food wraps, Cool Beans is making healthy eating convenient—and delicious.

    Episode highlights:

    Market insights from Expo East 2021, including the increasing number of products made with whole-food ingredients
    Advice for brands that want to launch whole food plant-based products, including categories with the biggest opportunities
    Gaps in the market where plant-based and whole food plant-based entrepreneurs can solve unaddressed consumer pain points
    How to bring out maximum flavor in whole plant foods so that they’re more appealing to customers
    Appealing to families with whole food plant-based options
    Beans as the next generation of plant-based protein
    The need for more nutrition education—particularly plant-based nutrition—in medical schools
    Why clarity is important when communicating the whole food plant-based message to the public

    According to Tyler, it’s all about taste.

    “So many people in the general consumer market are moving toward cleaner and healthier ingredients,” he says. But “it’s hard to build a trend if the stuff doesn’t taste good.”

    By complementing the naturally delicious flavors of vegetables, beans and grains with a range of spices, Cool Beans is proving to consumers that eating whole food plant based can be just as delicious as—or even more delicious than—eating processed plant-based products.

    Hungry for plant-based nerdity and industry insights? Subscribe to The Modern Health Nerd for updates: https://www.modernhealthnerd.com/news/

    About Tyler

    Tyler is the “Cool Executive Officer” of Cool Beans and serves as both an angel investor and mentor to several other plant-based and sustainable brands. He has more than 20 years of experience in private equity investing and consulting with a focus on sustainable food and agriculture. He has personally experienced the benefits of plant-based diets and wants others to join him on the journey.

    Tyler previously appeared on Season 1, Episode 33 of The Modern Health Nerd Podcast. (Check it out if you missed it!)

    Connect with Tyler & Cool Beans
    Store locator: https://www.eatcoolbeans.com/pages/where-to-buy
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eatCoolBeans/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/luvcoolbeans
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/eatcoolbeans
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/eatcoolbeans/, https://www.linkedin.com/in/tylermayoras/
    Join Tyler, Sam and other WFPB enthusiasts every Tuesday at 7PM EST on Club: https://www.clubhouse.com/club/whole-food-plant-bas--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/the-modern-health-nerd/support
  • Welcome to season 2 of The Modern Health Nerd Podcast!

    We're spending 10 hyper-focused episodes talking about where whole food plant based fits in the current plant-based marketplace and the role of whole food plant-based diets in health--including the treatment and prevention of disease.

    Join Theresa "Sam" Houghton, Chief Nerd at the Modern Health Nerd, for unique, fascinating interviews and panel discussions throughout the season. Follow the podcast on Spotify, Apple or wherever you love to listen to podcasts to never miss an episode.

    Season 2 launches January 5, 2022!

    To learn how The Modern Health Nerd can help your plant-based or better-for-you CPG/DTC brand discover your ideal audience and create content that resonates, visit https://modernhealthnerd.com.

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  • What if we could break the cycle of disease and premature death just by changing what we eat? Dr. T. Colin Campbell believes it really is that simple.

    After decades of studying nutrition's effects on health and disease, Dr. Campbell is convinced that eating plants in as close to their whole, unrefined forms as possible is the best thing we can do to support optimal health.

    In fact, he's the one who coined the term "whole food plant-based diet!"

    Since first discovering the correlations between plant-based diets and disease reduction, Dr. Campbell has written several books, inclding The China Study, Whole and The Future of Nutrition. He has also appeared in several documentary films, including Forks Over Knives, Eating You Alive, Food Matters, and PlantPure Nation and has delivered hundreds of evidence-based nutrition lectures around the world.

    In the final episode of Season 1 of The Modern Health Nerd Podcast, we discuss:

    How the common reductionist approach in nutrition and healthcare supports a system designed to make money instead of create health
    How the current food system negatively impacts health, vulnerable populations and the environment
    The research that changed Dr. Campbell's mind about animal protein's role in health
    Dr. Campell's thoughts on the growth of the plant-based and alternative protein movement
    Why eating whole, unrefined plant foods is more powerful than focusing on single nutrients
    Why a holistic view is important when interpreting nutrition research results
    Why policy change, particularly relating to dietary guidelines, is necessary to shift the food system toward one that supports health
    The need for better public nutrition knowledge and civil debates between proponents of differing opinions

    Hungry for plant-based nerdity and industry insights? Subscribe to The Modern Health Nerd for updates: https://www.modernhealthnerd.com/news/

    About Dr. Campbell

    T. Colin Campbell, PhD has been dedicated to the science of human health for more than 60 years. His primary focus is on the association between diet and disease, particularly cancer. Although largely known for the China Study, Dr. Campbell’s profound impact also includes extensive involvement in education, public policy, and laboratory research.

    Dr. Campbell has received over 70 grant-years of peer-reviewed research funding (mostly with NIH), served on grant review panels of multiple funding agencies, actively participated in the development of national and international nutrition policy, and authored over 350 research papers, most published in peer-reviewed science journals.

    Dr. Campbell is also is the founder of the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies and the online Plant-Based Nutrition Certificate in partnership with eCornell.

    Connect with Dr. Campbell's Work
    Center for Nutrition Studies: https://nutritionstudies.org
    Plant-Based Nutrition Certificate: https://nutritionstudies.org/courses/plant-based-nutrition/
    Plant Forward Workshop (October 13-November 17, 2021): https://plantforward.nutritionstudies.org/
    Plant Pure Communities: https://plantpurecommunities.org/
    For Further Reading & Watching:
    Dr. Campbell's books: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=T.+Colin+Campbell+PhD
    Forks Over Knives
    Plant Pure Nation
  • How much control do we actually have over our food choices? According to Michael Moss, it's not nearly as much as we think.

    Decades of research and reformulation have given the ultra-processed food industry ("Big Food") the upper hand, but we don't have to be victims of manipulation. We can regain control—and Michael Moss provides the ammunition we need in his detailed food system exposés.

    In this episode, we explore:

    How the concept of the "bliss point" has caused sugar to invade nearly every type of product in the grocery store
    How the processed food industry's formulations and marketing tactics to hijack human biology and create addictive eating patterns
    Three main qualities that attract consumers to ultra-processed food
    How the processed food industry insinuated itself into the diet food industry
    How product reformulations can trick consumers into thinking ultra-processed foods are becoming healthier
    Using the processed food industry's own tactics to steer consumers toward healthier food choices
    How it's possible to shift our food preferences simply by building new habits
    Why changing the food system requires a multifaceted approach
    The power of changing the way people value food to consider factors beyond instant gratification

    Hungry for plant-based nerdity and industry insights? Subscribe to The Modern Health Nerd for updates: https://www.modernhealthnerd.com/news/

    (I'm not actually sending much out right now, but whatever shows up, you'll get!)

    About Michael Moss

    Michael Moss is the author of “Salt Sugar Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us,” an expose of processed food and #1 New York Times Bestseller published in 2013 by Random House, and “Hooked: Food, Free Will and How the Food Giants Exploit Our Addictions,” a New York Times Bestseller published in 2021.

    He is a former investigative reporter with The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times, and won the Pulitzer Prize for Explanatory Reporting in 2010 for his work on contaminated meat. He lives in Brooklyn with his wife and their two boys.

    Connect with Michael & Read His Books
    For further reading and listening
    Nikhil Arora, Back to the Roots, episode #25
    Hank Adams, Rise Gardens, episode #12
    Michael Moss on Chef AJ: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NfUGhvKsEUk--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/the-modern-health-nerd/support
  • Can some of the smallest living things on the planet change the future of the food system—and create a better world? According to Eugene Wang, microalgae has that power.

    Through his company, Sophie's BioNutrients, Eugene and his team are fermenting and extracting unique microalgae proteins suitable for a creating a variety of plant-based food products. Their proteins are sustainable, affordable and can be grown anywhere.

    We cover a ton of ground in this super-nerdy episode, including:

    Eugene's unique background in plant-based food manufacturing
    How using fermentation to grow microalgae increases the protein's sustainability and lowers costs
    How quickly and prolifically microalgae grows compared to animal and plant proteins
    How microalgae protein can provide for increased protein demands at a lower financial and environmental cost than common proteins like soy
    Unique products Sophie's BioNutrients has been able to create using its microalgae proteins
    Nutrient profile of microalgae protein vs. soy
    The properties that may make microalgae versatile enough to withstand extreme climate conditions
    Overcoming consumers' innate resistance to change to help them embrace new food categories and flavors

    Hungry for plant-based nerdity and industry insights? Subscribe to The Modern Health Nerd for updates: https://www.modernhealthnerd.com/news/

    About Eugene

    Eugene Wang grew up immersed in the vegetarian food business. Since 2010, his vision for launching Sophie’s Kitchen, the first Plant-Based Seafood Alternative, has manifested into a viable innovation. Sophie’s Kitchen had won numerous recognitions from companies like PepsiCo and Chipotle.

    In 2019, Eugene took alternative protein to the microorganism level and started another venture: Sophie’s BioNutrients Singapore. He won $1 million SGD at The Liveabilty Challenge 2019 with this project and started protein fermentation facility in Singapore.

    About Sophie's BioNutrients

    Using a proprietary strain of microalgae grown in a fermentation tank, Sophie's BioNutrients is creating a new, sustainable plant-based protein. This results in a product that's 60% protein and has a high quality essential amino acid profile that exceeds the WHO requirements for protein products.

    Sustainability is inherent in the process. The growing system can be setup near metropolitan area to cut down the needs for agriculture and transportation, improve food security and reduce risks associated with supply chain disruption. The 3- to 10-day production cycle creates protein in a fraction of the time required for soy or beef and can be fueled entirely by industrial food waste.

    Sophie's BioNutrients microalgae require very little water and only the land needed to set up an indoor production facility. With no need for fertilizer, herbicide, antibiotic, or growth hormones, it's  truly healthy for both the environment and the human body.

    Connect with Eugene & Learn More About the Company
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/eugene-wang-2957b86/, https://www.linkedin.com/company/sophie-s-bionutrients/
    For Further Listening
    Tony Martens, episode #1
    Robin Simsa, episode #20--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/the-modern-health-nerd/support
  • What's needed to take the current movement toward more sustainable, ethical food and products to the next level? Sonalie Figuerias believes it’s a combination of consumers asking for more transparency and traceability and brands taking a 360-degree approach to solving the world’s biggest problems.

    Being at the head of "the world’s leading source for APAC alternative protein industry news and reporting" gives Sonalie unique insight into many of today's biggest climate, food and sustainability issues. In this episode, we touch on:

    How Green Queen grew out of Sonalie's own journey to a healthier lifestyle
    The unique characteristics of the alt protein/plant-based movement in Asia
    How Sonalie's early experiences with the new generation of plant-based products led to a shift in focus for Green Queen
    Why Green Queen covers innovations in packaging, fashion, beauty and more in addition to alt protein
    How the lack of transparency in the food industry places the unfair burden of due diligence and label reading on consumers
    How governance, transparency and accountability can have a positive impact on the food system and the climate
    The importance of developing products and policies that address food, ethical and sustainability issues from multiple angles
    The sweeping positive changes that could occur if factory farming was eliminated

    Want more plant-based nerdity right in your inbox? Subscribe to The Modern Health Nerd for updates and insights: https://www.modernhealthnerd.com/news/

    About Sonalie and Green Queen Media

    Serial social entrepreneur and trends forecaster Sonalie Figueiras is the founder and editor-in-chief of Green Queen, an award-winning impact media platform advocating for social and environmental change through inspiring and empowering original content and one of the world's leading outlets for alternative protein news.

    She is also the founder & CEO of Ekowarehouse, the global sourcing platform for certified organic products and the co-founder & CEO of SourceGreenPackaging.com, the world's first global marketplace for sustainable packaging with a mission to fight single-use plastic waste.

    With over a decade of experience in publishing, digital marketing, organic trade, sustainability, alternative proteins and green packaging, she is an eco wellness industry veteran with a keen eye for market trends and a sought-after international speaker and moderator, sharing her expertise on stages across Asia and beyond, including Harvard Business School and two times at TEDx.

    Further, Sonalie is a global advisor at Social Ventures Hong Kong, an Impact Purpose Organization committed to re-imagining Hong Kong as a purpose-driven city, an advisor at The Remedy Project, which revolutionizes access to justice for migrant workers globally, a cause close to her heart, and she is an avid home cook and published cookbook author.

    Find (and read!) Green Queen Media Online
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sonalie-figueiras-green-queen/, https://www.linkedin.com/company/green-queen/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GreenQueenHK/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/GreenQueenHK
    Instagram: https://instagram.com/greenqueenhk
    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/the-modern-health-nerd/support
  • Can simple changes make a big difference in diet and health—not just on an individual level, but across the food industry? Mike Fata is living proof that it's possible.

    Mike has dedicated over 25 years studying and practicing natural health, starting in 1995 when he made the life changing decision to lose over 100lbs. In 1998, he founded Manitoba Harvest Hemp Foods and spend the next 18 years growing the company, finally selling it to Tilray for $419 million in 2016.

    In this episode, we dig into:

    How Mike's own health journey sparked the founding of Manitoba Harvest
    The history and growth of Manitoba Harvest
    Mike's involvement in other plant-based and functional food companies
    Hemp's health and environmental benefits
    Hemp's unique—and sometimes tumultuous—history
    Using science-backed education to overcome barriers of misinformation
    The importance of choosing fresh, organically grown foods over ultra-processed products
    The trend toward brands showing more personality and realism in marketing
    How individual companies can spark widespread positive change in the food system and consumer health

    Want more plant-based nerdity right in your inbox? Subscribe to The Modern Health Nerd for updates and insights: https://www.modernhealthnerd.com/news/

    About Mike

    Mike is passionate about sharing natural health with the world. He's a keynote speaker and has been featured on various media countless times regarding natural health, nutrition, hemp foods, organic agriculture, sustainable business and entrepreneurship.

    Mike has won numerous awards, including Young Entrepreneur of the Year (2004), Top 40 under 40 (2008), OTA Organic Rising Star Award (2016) and Top 100 Health Influencers (2017). He's currently Chief Executive Officer of Fata & Associates, Chairman of the Board of Sol Cuisine, Director (Past Chairman) of the Canadian Health Food Association (CHFA) and investor/advisor to a portfolio of companies.

    Mike is a homeschooling father👨‍👧‍👦, certified holistic health coach and avid backyard organic farmer. In his free time he enjoys coaching and mentoring natural products industry entrepreneurs, which he does frequently on Clubhouse.

    Find Mike & Manitoba Online
    Tasty recipes: https://manitobaharvest.com/blogs/hemp-resource-hub/tagged/recipes
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/manitoba-mikefata/
    Clubhouse: @mikefata--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/the-modern-health-nerd/support
  • What can today's eco-conscious companies, including plant-based businesses, do to increase their impact on the world? Emma Osborne of Citizen Kind would suggest hiring a team of people committed to living out a set of shared values.

    Whether you're looking for fulfilling work or building a company dedicated to changing the world for the better, this episode has some fantastic gems. Here's a peek into what we dig into:

    Emma's early entry into vegetarianism and what finally got her to go vegan
    How impactful companies can make better hires
    Tips for finding "top talent" employees who share company values
    The importance of considering diverse perspectives when hiring—particularly when aiming to build a better future
    Why an amazing, committed team is crucial for startups that want to get established and grow
    The importance of vision and values in building a successful company
    The power of building community around a business—internally and with customers
    Why the values a company markets must be reflected in their internal relations and operations
    The importance of developing and adhering to a core value system in business and all of life

    Want more plant-based nerdity and industry insights? Subscribe to The Modern Health Nerd for weekly updates: https://www.modernhealthnerd.com/news/

    About Emma & Citizen Kind

    Emma Osborne is the founder of Citizen Kind, a consultancy designed to help accelerate the growth of companies who are creating the future of food, materials and energy.

    Through her expertise in talent, business strategy and creative flair, she has been helping solve problems for global startups from her base in London, UK, since launching in 2018. With 17 years recruitment experience, she has worked with large MNCs, agency groups, and SMEs to identify the commercial talent they need to thrive in the modern world. She is on the board with not-for-profits KindEarth.Tech and Vegan Leaders and is a passionate vegan, foodie and animal advocate.

    If you are a conscious consumer or value-based employer, connect with her here and transform your career or invigorate your business!

    Connect with Emma
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/emmaosborne/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/citizen_kind/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/citizenkind
    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/the-modern-health-nerd/support
  • Why haven't consumers started adopting healthier eating habits despite all the "better-for-you" options on the market? Jack Bobo would say it's because companies don't understand how consumers think—and are turning them off with the wrong messaging.

    Jack is the author of Why Smart People Make Bad Food Choices, which exposes the not-so-obvious but real drivers of our complicated relationship to the foods we eat and why it’s proven so hard to change our habits. In this episode, we dive into:

    The disconnect between plant-based messaging and target consumers
    Types of messaging that can create personal and ethical conflicts in consumers' minds
    Why combative messaging isn't the way to move the food system in a positive direction
    How to avoid opposition and backlash resulting from inappropriate messaging or positioning
    Causes of the dramatic shift in American health over the last 50 years
    Why future growth projections for alternative protein may not indicate a reduction in meat consumption
    How dietary guidelines regarding ultra-processed foods may undermine the work of the alternative protein movement
    The psychology behind bad food choices
    The importance of conveying the appropriate use case for alternative proteins
    Scaling messaging as audiences change from the startup phase through growth
    What alternative protein startups can learn from Big Food

    ...and a lot more! Jack looks at the food system from a unique angle and has some true gems to share for anyone who's trying to market a food product—or change their own eating habits.

    Hungry for plant-based nerdity and industry insights? Subscribe to The Modern Health Nerd for more every week: https://www.modernhealthnerd.com/news/

    About Jack

    Jack Bobo is the CEO of Futurity, a food foresight company that advises companies, foundations and governments on emerging food trends and consumer attitudes and behaviors related to the future of food.

    Recognized by Scientific American as one of the 100 most influential people in biotechnology, Jack is a global thought leader who has delivered more than 500 speeches in 50 countries on food technology and policy.

    He previously served as the Chief Communications Officer and Senior Vice President for Global Policy and Government Affairs at Intrexon Corporation. Prior to joining Intrexon, Jack worked at the U.S. Department of State for thirteen years as a senior advisor for global food policy.

    An attorney with a scientific background, Jack received from Indiana University a J.D., M.S. in Environmental Science, B.S. in biology and B.A. in psychology and chemistry.

    Follow Jack's Work
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jackbobo/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/Jack_A_Bobo
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/futurityfood/
    Why Smart People Make Bad Food Choices on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Smart-People-Make-Food-Choices/dp/1642505927/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1626210521&sr=8-3
    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/the-modern-health-nerd/support
  • Can switching fast food to a cruelty-free, plant-based model change the world? Jeffrey Harris believes it can.

    As one of the creative minds behind Plant Power Fast Food, Jeffrey believes building a network of "vegan McDonald's" can open more people's eyes to the health and environmental benefits of eating plant-based. He sees Plant Power as a bridge between the current state of the food system and—ultimately—a whole food, plant-based, organic future.

    In this episode, we get cosmic about:

    How the original vision for Plant Power Fast Food spawned a growing network of restaurant locations
    How plant-based fast food can spark curiosity and open people's eyes to a new way of eating
    Where Plant Power fits into Jeffrey's ultimate vision for changing the food landscape—and the world
    The big impact that even small steps toward a more plant-based diet can have on health and the environment
    Why thinking big may be the key to making a significant and lasting impact on the food system
    The importance of integrating compassion into any business model
    Why whole food, plant-based, organic diets make the most sense for long-term human and planetary health

    Hungry for plant-based nerdity and industry insights? Subscribe to The Modern Health Nerd for more every week: https://www.modernhealthnerd.com/news/

    About Jeffrey & Plant Power

    Plant Power Fast Food is a plant-based fast-food restaurant concept. Menu offerings are completely free of any meat, fish, eggs and dairy products, as well as artificial flavorings or colorings. With a selection ranging from burgers, fries, shakes and ‘chicken’ tenders to salads, fresh juices and raw items, they have often been referred to as the “Vegan version of McDonald's”.

    Jeffrey Harris is both cofounder and co-CEO at Plant Power and has been vegan since 1996 (after being vegetarian since 1974!). The idea for building a nationwide chain of 100% plant-based fast food restaurants started brewing in 2005, and since then, Plant Power Fast Food has grown to 7 operational restaurants, 8 restaurants in development, 21 locations in the franchise development pipeline, an LA based food-truck, a world-class food production facility, a national distribution agreement and over $14.5 million in brand-wide retail net sales.

    Jeffrey met up with partners Mitch Wallis and Zach Vouga in 2014 to begin to develop a 100% plant-based fast-food restaurant chain with the intention to demonstrate a new cruelty-free, environmentally sustainable and healthier version of traditional fast food. The first Plant Power location opened in San Diego in 2016, and the chain continues to introduce more people to plant-based diets every day.

    Connect with Plant Power (and try their food!)
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/plantpowerfastfood/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/plantpowerfastfood
    [email protected]
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/plant-power-fast-food/, https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeffrey-harris-706b5b

    Restaurant locator: https://www.plantpowerfastfood.com/find-us

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/the-modern-health-nerd/support
  • What if it were possible for everyone to start leveraging the power of plant-based eating in an accessible and practical way? Through his work on the ProdHealth app, John Dieser is making it possible.

    There's a lot to unpack on this topic, and we only just scratch the surface as we explore:

    The mind-blowing research on plant-based nutrition that changed the course of John's career
    Whether plant-based alternative proteins and oils have a place in a healthy diet
    Why accountability and goal setting are important moving more people toward plant-based diets
    The cost burden that chronic disease care places on employers
    How the ProdHealth app helps people eat better, move more and understand how diet affects their overall health
    Why ProdHealth includes a stool journal (It's integral to health!)
    How small diet and lifestyle changes can lead to big improvements in health
    The connection between improving health through food and improving the environment

    Hungry for plant-based nerdity and industry insights? Subscribe to The Modern Health Nerd for more every week: https://www.modernhealthnerd.com/news/

    About John & ProdHealth

    John emerged into the digital health space from a career in healthcare investments. He now hopes to replace many of the drugs he once invested in with a more effective approach: lifestyle medicine and plant-forward nutrition.

    Thanks to the full-stack ProdHealth app, which securely connects users to health coaches and dieticians, doctor's orders can travel home with patients in the company of essential support and education.

    John encourages plant curious individuals, employers, and exhausted medical professionals to reach out and partner to take health home.

    Connect with ProdHealth!

    Email: [email protected]
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/prod_health/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ProdHealth
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/prodhealth/, https://www.linkedin.com/in/john-dieser-114b89a/
    App: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/prodhealth/id1542421353, https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.prodhealth.mobile&hl=en_US&gl=US--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/the-modern-health-nerd/support