Ujeedka podcast wa in aan ku soo gudbinno horumarinta shaqsiyeed, maandhiska, hal-abuurka, isbedelka , guulaha iyo taaariikhdooda bulshada haldoorkooda ah, si ay inoola wadaagaan safaradooda iyo casharada aynu ka baran karno ama khibrad ahaan. Sido kalena dadku uga helaan talooyin iyo taxanayaal u hoga tusaaleeya hayaankooda nololeed ay ku jiraan noocyadiisa kala duwan!
Four young adults Joji Dadi, Tess, Shukri and Bwire discuss everything about life from there perspectives. Follow us on Instagram @lifejunkyardpodcast https://instagram.com/lifejunkyardpodcast?igshid=MDM4ZDc5MmU= follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/lifejunkyard21?s=11&t=q19eX3ilhR4vbNl4aINQbA
This is the kinda sh@t u don’t hear on radio. So far we are the number one podcast in Rwanda Every Friday and Monday. Get strapped,subscribe and share. Presenters @1_chris_ivan_1@didan07 Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/ivan-didan/support
Most certainly not Dungeons & Dragons.Everyone's favourite inconsistent posting scheduleAerinn Bindo Played by Liam O'Brien (Not the guy from Critical Role)Oro played by Sam CooperHob played by Greg, who has another podcast called "Greg" on SpotifyOur DM/GM is Finn Borchardt, who also did the music for the intro and outro.Find me on Twitter @DabbersTheCat99 (Yes I know it's bad)Yeah that's itOh yeah and Pine Stills is played by Dion Bhandari
This podcast is for all The misfits out there who talk about world problems, aliens, our favorite movies.
We are two best friends who love to inform and entertain others as best as we can.
Eric is a 23 year old amateur thespian, professional bisexual, conspiracist, activists, hustler, and marvel extraordinaire. Andrew is a 28 year old father of 5, expert outdoorsman, motorcyclist, professional roller, electrician, and also marvel extraordinaire!
We use our differences in age, maturity , life experiences , and views to discuss a variety of topics! Warning: this podcast is slightly offensive. -