
  • Show notes

    In this EP, I share insights from a recent one-on-one coaching call focused on getting back on track, finding motivation, and regaining momentum. I've been havin’ many conversations with the Warriors about deeper goal setting, talking about the importance of big, specific, measurable, and time-based goals.

    I also talk about the concept of periods of maintenance and momentum, explaining how to leverage both to achieve your visions - It's about embracing the process, discovering joy in new challenges, and putting ourselves on the hook to explore our true potential.

    How are you going to put yourself on the hook for the second half of 2024?

    00:00 Introduction and Coaching Call Insights01:18 Reconnecting with Your Vision01:51 Setting Big, Scary Goals02:55 The Power of Challenges in Warrior School04:20 Maintenance vs. Momentum06:58 Declaring Specific Goals09:51 Finding Your Fire16:33 The Joy of Sprinting27:22 Pushing to Your Edges30:53 Conclusion and Final ThoughtsFeatured on the Show

    Warrior School

    Related podcasts

    Episode 287: How do I get back on track?Episode 284: Finding your fireEpisode 276: Maintenance versus momentum Episode 243: How do keep gong in moments or period of changeEpisode 237: How are you thinking about your goals?Episode 236: Readiness and delaying

  • Show notes

    Recording outside in the sunshine, I reflect on a quote I came across: "The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routines." This sets the stage for a chat about the significance of maintaining consistent daily habits, particularly in building a strong foundation for your metabolism, energy levels, and training.

    I share insights from a recent coaching call where we discussed why your body craves consistency, especially at the start of a fitness journey. Establishing and maintaining consistent practices in eating, training, sleeping, and managing stress are crucial for developing resilience and flexibility over time.

    Episode Breakdown:

    00:00 Welcome to Episode 29001:31 Discovering Cosmos and Daily Routines02:28 The Importance of Consistency03:52 Building a Strong Foundation07:01 Consistency in Training and Nutrition12:11 Daily Routines for Future Success14:39 Final Thoughts on ConsistencyFeatured on the show

    Warrior School

    Related podcast episodes

    Episode 257: Unlocking the power of meal timingEpisode 253: Carb shortage SOS (overcoming insufficient intake) Episode 251: Breaking patterns and making confident training choices Episode 243: How to keep going in moments and times of change

  • エピソードを見逃しましたか?


  • Show notes

    In EP 4/14 of our sprint, I explore the importance of self-expression, creativity, and individuality in transforming our fitness and lives. The conversation includes insights from studying influential female athletes, dancers, and even cultural icons like Marilyn Monroe.

    Learn how to identify and harness your unique 'effect'—the blend of qualities that make you distinct. I'll share details about our themed Brunch Club and Mastermind event, which was designed to immerse the Warriors in the high-energy vibes of the 70s and 80s, fostering creativity and self-discovery.

    Join me in creating your very own 'effect' and lifting your vibration to become more magnetic and confident in all areas of your life.

    00:00 Welcome to Warrior School Podcast00:28 Owning the Movement: A Unique Approach02:32 Researching Female Athletes and Influences04:54 Studio 54 and the Birth of Brunch Club06:50 Themes of Self-Expression, Creativity, and Individuality09:15 Exploring High Energy Eras and Movements21:00 The Power of High Vibration and Energy26:52 Connecting the Dots: Personal Backstory29:20 Creating Your Effect: Lessons from Icons30:19 The Marilyn Effect: A Transformation on Broadway31:23 Defining Marilyn: Iconic Traits and Movements33:21 Marilyn Monroe: Master of Seduction36:47 Creating Your Own Effect37:14 Case Study: The Beyonce Effect38:29 Exploring Personal Identity and Effect45:51 Warrior School Testimonials: Personal Transformations50:22 Advice for New Warriors

    Featured on the Show

    Warrior School

  • Show notes

    This is Day 2 of the 20-day sprint - Episode 2/14! In today’s EP on the pod, we talk about the importance of refinement in training. I discuss the distinction between merely working out and truly training by paying close attention to our movements and slowing down. I highlight the significance of owning and refining each movement during warmups to maximise strength, stability, and results. I talk about considering your training intention, technique, and preparation so you can get more out of your training

    00:00 Welcome to the Warrior School Podcast00:16 The Importance of Refinement in Training02:14 Slowing Down and Noticing Your Body04:06 The Power of Preparation06:04 Owning and Refining Movements09:16 The Own the Movement Framework12:34 Simplify and Refine Your Training17:29 Warrior School Testimonials22:12 Advice for New Warriors25:04 Celebrating Wins and Progress28:54 The Importance of Filming Your Training

    Featured on the show

    Warrior School

  • Show notes

    Today's Ep. marks the beginning of our 14-episode podcast sprint over the next 20 days. Wild! We talk about regaining your rhythm and momentum, starting with a fascinating conversation with one of my warriors. She had been travelling and moving, feeling off-track, and asked how to get back into her routine. I share the framework I use to help warriors stay in the practice and maintain their baseline, regardless of their circumstances. Today’s focus is on reconnecting with your vision and breaking down goals to create structure and regain energy.

    Stay tuned for 13 more solo episodes and join us live for the 300th episode!

    00:00 Welcome to the Warrior School Podcast00:50 Getting Back on Track: A Warrior's Journey01:59 The Practice: Always in Motion02:40 Creating a Sustainable Training Plan07:39 Reconnecting with Your Vision10:31 Setting Specific Goals for Success16:07 Addressing Energy and Vision Problems18:41 Conclusion and Upcoming Episodes

    Featured on the podcast

    Warrior School

  • Show notes

    In this EP of the Warrior School Podcast, I celebrate the upcoming 5th birthday of the podcast. That's right, on June 30th, the podcast turns five years old. Wild!! I’m launching an ambitious sprint to episode 300 to celebrate her fifth birthday and this milestone.

    Reflecting on the journey of creating nearly 300 episodes over the past five years, I share how the podcast has evolved. From refining my speaking skills to creating clearer content and building stronger relationships, it's been a transformative experience. One key takeaway from this EP is the importance of consistent effort and energy. Just like in training, achieving long-term goals demands time, effort, and persistent dedication.

    Exciting plans are on the horizon for the podcast. To mark this five-year milestone, I'm planning a live podcast recording. I invite you to join me as I embark on this 20-day sprint to episode 300 and let's see what's possible when we push ourselves!

    In this episode, you’ll learn about:

    The importance of celebrating milestones and setting ambitious goalsHow consistency and dedication impact long-term success.The parallels between podcasting and fitness in terms of refining skills and processes.Upcoming podcast plans include a live recording and enhanced video content.I invite you to create your sprint for the next 20 days

    Tag me I’m the EP. and share what you are sprinting towards over the next 20 days.

    Warrior Schoolhttps://warriorschool.co/

  • Show notes

    In this EP, I welcome back the OG’s of the metabolic nutrition space, The Real Food Gangstas - Josh and Jeanne Rubin. This is Josh and Jeanne’s fifth or sixth time on the pod! In today’s EP, they share their insights on the importance of simplifying the healing process to reduce stress and complexity. This conversation dives deep into how lifestyle changes, light environment, and daily habits critically influence our overall well-being.

    Early last year, a noticeable shift in Josh and Jeanne’s approach to their work emerged. Moving away from solely educational content, they began to simplify their message, focusing on straightforward and actionable healing strategies. Today, they introduce us to their 'Healing Hub' and 'Nourished Nervous System' programs, designed to foster new healthy habits and behaviours that reshape our biology and promote holistic health.

    Key Takeaways:

    Importance of Lifestyle Factors:

    Home environment, relationships, and professional situations play a significant role in the healing process.Small changes, such as walking after meals, can have a profound impact on health.

    Creating Space for Recovery:

    Emphasising the necessity of making time for recovery, even with a busy schedule.Understanding that healing might not look perfect, but it’s essential to adapt and make the most of available time.

    Decluttering the Health Landscape:

    Simplifying the approach to health by focusing on essential, manageable habits.Avoiding the chaos and stress often found in the current health and wellness space.

    Reshaping Experiences and Biology:

    Developing new, healthy habits and behaviours to reshape daily experiences.Recognising that these changes in daily inputs influence hormonal balance, nervous system function, and overall health.


    "And some people say, well, I have five kids. You can't, I can't, you have to focus on the time you do have, you have to make that choice to do it. It might not look how you want it to, and it might not look how you think it should look. But you got to do it differently because what else can you do? You either stay on the same track and you break down or you start making changes and you show your kids how to do it differently.""We're saying, this is your story, and look at your day, your week. We need to start looking at the things in your life that you need to shift, that you have to adapt, that aren't working for you, that are working for you in a sense. Because really what we're doing is, we're creating new healthy habits and behaviors. We're reshaping your experiences, which reshapes your biology, because all of that in your day are the inputs that create the outputs in your hormones, your nervous system and everything."

    00:00 Welcome to The Warrior School Podcast with Special Guests01:54 The Evolution of Josh and Jeannie's Work in Metabolic Nutrition and Healing02:38 Diving Deep into the Healing Hub and Nourished Nervous System Program03:01 The Shift Towards Simplicity in Healing and Nutrition05:48 Josh and Jeannie Share Their Personal and Professional Transformations10:55 Exploring the Impact of Social Media on Health Education and Business15:11 The Power of Simplifying Healing and Embracing Personalised Health Strategies22:57 Navigating the Challenges of Social Media and Reconnecting with Authentic Healing31:12 The Journey of Unlearning and Reconnecting for True Healing37:43 Addressing the Emotional Body and the Importance of Starting the Day Right39:36 The Impact of Blue Light on Your Morning Routine40:49 Creating a Healthier Morning Routine42:04 Shifting Focus: From Supplements to Habits44:01 Introducing the Healing Hub: A Community for Change51:57 The Power of Simplicity in Healing01:03:05 The Importance of Environment and Energy in Healing01:13:37 Simple Steps to Transform Your Health01:15:23 Joining the Healing Hub and Concluding Thoughts

    Featured on the Show

    Programs Mentioned:

    Healing HubNourished Nervous System

    Connect with Josh and Jeannie Rubin:

    Website: East West HealingInstagram: @realfoodgangstas

  • Show notes

    This episode is inspired by Nikita - one of the Warriors. It is dedicated to her and all women who are trying to find their fire so they can chase their vision and goals. I talk about the necessity of building an unwavering belief and overcoming obstacles like energy depletion and fear. Throughout, I emphasise the importance of ‘putting a fire in your belly’ and the value of setting big goals—not for the sake of outcomes but for the transformative journey they provoke.

    I reflect on my personal experiences, including Olympic weightlifting, to illustrate the power of motivation, visualisation, and maintaining baseline standards in achieving one's desires. I encourage you to recognise your worth, confront fears, and chase your dreams - go FIND YOUR FIRE!!!

    00:00 Welcome to the Warrior School Podcast00:09 Finding Your Fire: The Journey Begins00:18 Dedication and Purpose: Lighting the Fire Within01:02 The Essence of Desire: Wanting More and Finding Fire03:49 Overcoming Obstacles: Energy and Fear05:19 Harnessing the Power of Vision and Belief08:21 The Transformation Journey: From Fear to Fire11:18 Empowerment Through Choice: Crafting a Vision14:56 Facing Fear with Fire: The Path to Mastery16:36 Conclusion and Encouragement

    Featured on the show

    Warrior School

  • Show notes

    In this Ep of the WS Podcast, I discuss the profound impact preparation has on helping you achieve your desired body composition. I talk about two different types of perpetration and the various aspects of it, from routine tasks to facing new challenges. I highlight the importance of being prepared to adequately nourish the body so you have the energy to chase your goals.

    Key Takeaways

    00:00 Welcome to the Warrior School Podcast00:15 A Day in the Life: Podcasting, Coaching, and Personal Growth04:19 The Power of Preparation: Beyond Food06:26 Diving Deep into Preparation for Health and Fitness10:33 The Art of Meal Prep: Strategies for Success26:13 Embracing the Preparation Journey in All Aspects of Life28:42 Mastering Preparation: The Key to Success28:52 Karson's Race Prep: A Journey of Firsts30:26 The Art of Public Speaking: Conquering Fear with Preparation32:28 The Power of Preparation: Physical and Mental Readiness35:53 Embracing the Food Journey: A Path to Energy and Results42:09 Warrior School Testimonial

    Featured on the show

    Warrior SchoolAlex Hormozi Podcast on preparation

  • Show notes

    EP 281 of the Warrior School podcast marks the conclusion of a five-part series focusing on how you should approach exercise, fitting it into your life in a way that aligns with your unique body and goals.

    The EP highlights the importance of individualisation, flexibility, and fun in fitness. I emphasise the need for a strong foundation in strength training, cardiovascular health, and nutrition, regardless of specific goals.

    I invite you to apply to join Warrior School if you need leadership and support with your heath and fitness. To learn more about Warrior School click here.

    00:00 The Final Episode of Our Series00:45 Sharing and Feedback05:22 Diving Into Individualisation in Women's Exercise05:53 Exploring the Importance of a Strong Foundation08:06 The Power of Individual Goals and Hybrid Training10:10 Creating a Personalised Training Strategy16:19 The Joy and Challenge of Pursuing Fitness Goals29:20 Invitation to Join Warrior School for Personalised Support33:09 Warrior School Women Share Their Transformative Journeys

    Related podcast episodes

    Episode 280: How should women approach exercise? [part 4: sprint interval training & plyometrics] Episode 279: How should women approach exercise [part 3: cardiovascular training] Episode 278: How should women approach exercise [part 2: strength training]Episode 277: How should women approach exercise [part 1: the guidelines]Episode 250: Elevate your training by embracing ease and joyEpisode 214: Playing to win

  • Show notes

    In today’s Ep, we are talkin’ all about sprint interval training and plyometrics. This is part four of our five part series on ‘how to approach exercise’. I share my excitement about nearing the 300th episode milestone of the podcast (which is blowing my mind. I talk about about the concept of 'finding your fire,' a metaphor for the drive and passion needed to achieve substantial body composition changes and to embrace aggressive, high-intensity training methods such as sprinting and Olympic weightlifting. I reflect on the importance of mindset, the need for a strong foundation, and the role of high-intensity training in achieving body composition goals.

    00:00 Welcome to Warrior School: The Journey to 300 Episodes01:30 Igniting the Fire Within: The Power of Grit and Determination03:29 Embracing Aggression: Lessons from Sprint Training and Olympic Weightlifting05:34 Overcoming Self-Doubt: The Mental Battle of Training11:37 Building a Strong Foundation: The Importance of Consistent Training17:53 Integrating Sprint Training: A Guide to Enhancing Performance24:51 Mindset and Adaptation: The Key to Pushing Your Limits27:26 Igniting the Fire Within: The Power of Goals and Vision28:28 The Journey to Feeling Amazing: A Warrior's Wedding Prep29:26 Rekindling the Vision: Staying True to Your Goals32:48 The Essence of Training: Finding Your Fire36:21 Warrior School Testimonials

    Related podcast episodes

    Episode 229: Is training hard bad for female hormones and healthEpisode 227: The best sprint intervals for metabolic health and fat lossEpisode 186: How should I approach training [exercise prescription for strength, HIIT and plyometrics]Episode 184: The power of plyometrics on body composition and metabolic health

    Featured on the show

    Warrior School

  • Show notes

    In today’s EP, we focus on cardiovascular training and how to incorporate it into your training routine. I share group coaching call on improving aerobic capacity and the benefits of High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), offering insights into aerobic vs. anaerobic training, energy systems, and how to fit HIIT alongside strength training.

    Key Takeaways:Understanding Energy SystemsAerobic vs. Anaerobic TrainingCommon misunderstandings about High-Intensity Interval TrainingIncorporating HIIT and SIT into your trainingCreating your training strategy

    00:00 Welcome to the Warrior School Podcast: Navigating Exercise00:52 Diving Deep into Cardiovascular Training00:59 Exclusive Group Coaching Insights: Aerobic Capacity and HIIT07:37 Understanding Energy Systems: Aerobic vs. Anaerobic19:30 Practical Guide to Aerobic Thresholds and Training Zones30:58 Anaerobic Training Explained: Beyond the Basics40:19 Unlocking the Benefits of High-Intensity Training for Women Over 4044:05 Incorporating HIT and SIT into Your Routine: Practical Tips52:00 Navigating the Path to Sprinting: A Gradual Approach01:02:00 Warrior School Testimonials

    Related podcast episodes

    Episode 279: How should women approach exercise [part 2 cardiovascular exercise]Episode 207: The importance of a well-balanced exercise program with Libby WescombeEpisode 185: HIIT training for fat loss and metabolic healthEpisode 186: How should I approach training [exercise prescription for strength, HIIT and plyometrics]

  • Show notes

    I share the first part of a five-part series focused on how you should approach exercise, specifically addressing the crucial role of strength training in creating the body you want. I debunk myths about fitness post-40, presenting a new, empowered approach that prioritises strength, energy, and confidence over traditional diet and exercise narratives. I discuss adapting exercise to your current life stage, and highlight that change is not only possible but achievable through strategic, informed strength training and self-prioritisation.

    Key Takeaways:

    Strength Training is Essential: Strength training is highlighted as a cornerstone for women's fitness, particularly in the context of hormonal changes and body composition shifts that occur in the late thirties and beyond.

    Navigating Through Noise: The episode discusses the importance of cutting through the fitness industry's 'noise' and focusing on strategies that offer clear, actionable guidelines tuned to women's unique physiological needs.

    Old Game vs. New Game: A comparison is drawn between outdated fitness ideologies focused on weight loss and restriction ('Old Game') versus a more holistic approach ('New Game') emphasising strength, energy, and confidence.

    Prioritising Health and Fitness: The importance of making one's health and fitness a top priority to maintain energy, functionality, and the ability to lead a full life is underscored

    00:00 Welcome to the Warrior School Podcast: Women and Exercise00:50 The Power of Strength Training for Women00:54 Navigating the Noise in Women's Health and Fitness01:20 Embracing Change: Fitness Beyond Your 40s03:39 Old Game vs. New Game: A Fresh Approach to Fitness04:38 Living Big: The New Game of More09:26 Prioritising Health and Fitness for Energy and Power12:10 Creating an Environment for Success17:40 Owning the Movement: Beyond the Gym22:06 The Essentials of Strength Training27:50 Building a Foundation: The Importance of Body Weight Training36:47 Designing a Training Program That Works for You38:35 Training Needs for Females: A Comprehensive Guide39:00 Customising Your Training: Athletes vs. Strength Focus40:42 Creating Your Vision: The Foundation of Fitness Success42:18 Adapting Training to Your Current Season of Life43:27 Building Your Foundation: Starting with Strength Training46:12 Advancing Your Training: Lifting Heavy and Building Muscle57:46 Warrior School Testimonials: Transformations and Triumphs

    Related podcast episodes

    Episode 273: Q&A Special Part 2 (timestamp 19-minutes)Episode 262: Transforming your training with Own the Movement WorkshopEpisode 233: How heavy should I be lifting to get stronger and build the body I love?Episode 207: The importance of a well-balanced exercise program with Libby WescombeEpisode 172: Strength training 101Episode 158: My tops tips and tricks to help you lift more weightEpisode 142: How to confidently progress and modify your training so you can build muscle with Libby Wescombe Episode 114: The key to taking your training to the next levelEpisode 105: How to confidently choose the right weights in your trainingEpisode 104: Why you’re not making progress in your training with Libby WescombeEpisode 89: How to train hard in a respectful way

    Featured on the podcast

    Warrior School

  • Show notes

    In today's episode is the first part of an essential five-part series focused on how women, especially those in their 40s and beyond, should approach exercise.

    I share insights into the complexities of women's health and the crucial aspects of building a fitness regimen that not only aligns with your goals but is also sustainable and responsive to your unique physiological needs.

    Drawing from conversations with experts like Dr. Stacey Sims and incorporating the approach of 'playing to win' in the realm of women's fitness, I explore the foundational guidelines critical for developing a fitness strategy that resonates with your goals and life.

    Key Takeaways:The significance of strength training and its impact on muscle density and overall health.The role of cardiovascular training, including HIIT and Zone 2 workouts, in enhancing energy efficiency and fat burning.Understanding the importance of speed and power exercises for bone health, especially during the perimenopause and menopause stages.The foundational principles of establishing a solid fitness base, including nourishing adequately, prioritising sleep, and regular movement.

    00:00 Welcome to the Warrior School Podcast00:49 Introducing the Five-Part Series on Exercise for Women04:26 Understanding the Guidelines for Women's Exercise06:59 The Importance of Vision, Current Season, and Foundation in Fitness16:23 Deep Dive into Guideline One: Strength Training21:48 Exploring Cardiovascular Training and Speed & Power26:04 Building a Strong Foundation: The Female Training Pyramid30:35 Warrior School Success Stories

    Related podcastsEpisode 166: Where do I start? (how to start training again after time off)Episode 172: Strength training 101Episode 182: How to train in your 40s and beyondEpisode 184: The power of plyometrics on body composition and metabolic health Episode 185: HIIT training for fat loss and metabolic healthEpisode 186: How to approach your training (exercise prescription for strength, cardio and plyometrics)
  • Show notes

    In episode 276, we explores the significance of recognising and navigating through periods of 'Maintenance' and 'Momentum' in your health and fitness journey.

    'Maintenance' refers to periods focused on maintaining your current standards and baselines amidst life's demands, ensuring consistency. 'Momentum' describes times with fewer external pressures, allowing for aggressive progress and the pursuit of new goals, embodying a phase of growth, results, and setting new standards.

    Recognising which phase you are in - Maintenance May or Momentum May - and adopting the appropriate strategy ensures balanced, sustainable progress towards your health, fitness, and personal goals.

    Warrior Schoolhttps://warriorschool.co/

    Related podcasts

    Episode 260: Achieving more in less timehttps://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/warrior-school/id1470895252?i=1000648230897

    Episode 243: How to keep going in moments or periods of changehttps://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/warrior-school/id1470895252?i=1000638789543

    Episode 219: Self-discipline, patience and committing to the planhttps://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/warrior-school/id1470895252?i=1000627305907

    Episode 205: How can I support myself in times of stresshttps://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/warrior-school/id1470895252?i=1000621986418

    Episode 189: Life sprints and shortening the long way homehttps://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/warrior-school/id1470895252?i=1000617374693

  • Show notes

    In today’s episode, my guest is Libby Wescombe. This is Lib’s fourth or fifth time on the Warrior School Podcast. In this EP, we chat about the significance of incorporating flexibility and fun into your training practice. Libby highlights the journey from beginner to advanced, how we navigate discomfort in training, and the need for balanced training that supports mental health and life fulfilment beyond physical benefits. We also talk about the importance of autonomy in setting personal goals, and the role of support from partners.

    Key Takeaways:

    00:26 The Return of Libby Wescombe: Fan Favourites and Podcast Plans01:21 Diving Deep into Training Flexibility and Fitness Philosophy07:53 Exploring the Science and Personalisation of Training14:00 The Journey from Beginner to Advanced: Building Muscle and Embracing Soreness23:29 Navigating Discomfort and the Path to Athleticism29:41 The Importance of Embracing Discomfort in Training38:10 Understanding Your Body's Adaptation to New Workouts38:45 The Importance of Frequency in Training39:45 Evolving Your Fitness Goals Over Time40:37 Exploring Diverse Training Approaches Beyond Longevity41:34 Adapting Training to Individual Desires and Life Stages44:31 The Power of Support in Achieving Fitness Goals45:22 Embracing Change and Stepping Out of Comfort Zones47:11 Combining Different Training Styles for Optimal Results55:27 The Role of Communication and Support in Fitness01:06:57 Finding Personal Fulfilment in Your Fitness Journey

    Libby Wescombe Website https://libbywescombe.com/your-monthly-fuel-about-page

    Libby Wescombe Instagram https://www.instagram.com/libbywescombe/

    Episode 207: The importance of a well balanced exercise program with Libby Wescombehttps://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/warrior-school/id1470895252?i=1000622757452

    Episode 142: How to confidently modify and progress your training with Libby Wescombe https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/warrior-school/id1470895252?i=1000580435596

    Episode 104: Why you’re not making progress in your training with Libby Wescombe https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/warrior-school/id1470895252?i=1000555321960

    Episode 80: How to build muscle with Libby Wescombe https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/warrior-school/id1470895252?i=1000530211023

  • Show notes

    My guest today is with Elena Rossi, a connoisseur in female libido and sexuality. Elena shares her personal journey from suffering sexual dysfunction and pain to experiencing a sexual awakening and dedicating her life to helping women navigate their sexuality.

    The Ep. delves into topics like the difference between sex and sexual intimacy, societal conditioning on sexual norms, the importance of safety and trust in sexual relationships, and the misinterpretations surrounding popular media like 'Fifty Shades of Grey.'

    Elena also discusses her course on understanding and addressing the root causes of diminished libido in long-term relationships, emphasising the importance of alignment with one's sexuality and the detrimental effects of trying to conform to male-centric views of sex.

    *Warning: There is swearing and talk of rape as a fantasy in this episode (so be careful with little ears).

    00:00 Opening Banter: Fashion and Introductions00:41 Journey to the Podcast: Discovering Elena's Work01:40 Elena's Mission: Saving Marriages and Understanding Female Sexuality02:58 From Pain to Purpose: Elena's Personal Journey06:17 Creating Safe Spaces: Addressing Women's Sexual Challenges08:56 Understanding Female Libido: Beyond the Surface13:55 The Pillars of Female Libido and Self-Care25:43 Seasons of Libido: Navigating Life's Changes28:16 Personalising Your Path: Sexuality and Libido Your Way33:04 Maintaining Desire in Long-Term Relationships34:56 The Illusion of Recapturing Novelty in Long-Term Relationships35:59 Role-Playing and the Quest for Novelty36:17 Evolving Desire Beyond Novelty38:22 Building Emotional Connections for Deeper Intimacy40:11 Redefining Arousal and Desire41:11 The Importance of Time and Patience in Sexual Intimacy45:40 Exploring the Difference Between Sex and Sexual Intimacy49:06 Addressing Misconceptions and Communication in Relationships51:19 Unpacking the Phenomenon of Fifty Shades of Grey53:12 The Misunderstood Concept of the 'Rape Fantasy'54:16 The Role of Safety in Sexual Desire57:03 Challenging the Hustle Culture in Sexuality57:38 Identifying and Addressing Libido Killers01:07:13 Concluding Thoughts and the Importance of Communication

    Elena Rossi Instagramhttps://www.instagram.com/elenarossiofficial_/


    Where did my Libido Go Course222USD OFF with the code WARRIORSCHOOL on her Level 1 Course.Here is the course link: https://elenarossiofficial.com/level-one/

  • Show notes

    In this EP, I explore the importance of optimal protein intake for muscle growth, navigating menopause, and the nuances between muscle building and strength training for women over 40.

    I share personal experiences and insights gained from entrepreneurship, emphasising the value of adopting a long-way home approach in both business and fitness. I also discuss strategies for recognising and managing burnout by addressing low energy states.

    00:00 Unexpected Q&A: Protein Absorption Insights02:12 The Science of Protein Intake for Women12:08 Navigating Menopause: Tests and Genetics19:19 Muscle Building vs. Strength Training: A Deep Dive34:18 Maximising Strength and Muscle Growth: Strategies and Insights36:22 Upcoming Series Announcement: Fitness for Women in Their Forties and Beyond36:48 Entrepreneurial Journey: Lessons Learned and Personal Growth40:33 Embracing the Long Way in Business and Training: A Philosophy of Patience and Persistence45:46 The Joy of No Rules: Finding Freedom in Training and Entrepreneurship52:26 Navigating Burnout: Understanding and Overcoming Low Energy States01:03:13 Concluding Thoughts: Wrapping Up Q&A Part Two

    Featured on the show

    Warrior Schoolhttps://warriorschool.co/

    Related podcast episodes

    Episode 233: How heavy should I be lifting to get stronger and build the body I love?https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/warrior-school/id1470895252?i=1000632941029

    Episode 172: Strength training 101https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/warrior-school/id1470895252?i=1000606512079

  • Show notes

    This EP of the Warrior School podcast, I dive into a Q&A sesh. We explore key topics such as meal timing for evening workouts, the benefits of consistent exercise schedules, managing energy levels, and effective strategies for addressing cellulite through metabolic health, resistance training, and dietary adjustments.

    Key Takeaways:

    Optimal nutrition throughout the day is crucial for training effectiveness, not just pre- and post-workout meals. Consistency in workout timing, whether morning or evening, matters more than the specific time of day. - Understanding and managing energy leaks can significantly enhance overall health and vitality. Cellulite can be managed through improved metabolic health, resistance training, and attention to hormone balance. The support and shared experiences of a community like Warrior School can be incredibly motivating and transformative.

    00:00 Welcome to the Warrior School Podcast Q&A Special!00:34 Mastering Meal Timing for Evening Workouts10:44 Exploring the Best Time for Workouts: Morning vs. Evening19:40 Unveiling Energy Leaks: How to Harness Your Power29:16 Demystifying Cellulite: Strength, Metabolism, and Body Composition30:30 Unveiling the Mysteries of Cellulite: Causes and Hormonal Influences31:05 The Role of Estrogen in Cellulite Formation32:59 Strategies for Managing Cellulite: Hormonal Balance and Lifestyle Changes33:51 Dietary Influences on Cellulite: Omega Fatty Acids and Inflammation35:33 Metabolic Health and Its Impact on Cellulite37:44 Exercise as a Key to Reducing Cellulite: Resistance Training and Sprinting47:13 Personal Testimonies: Transformations in Warrior School51:57 The Power of Community and Consistency in Warrior School54:49 Celebrating Strength and Confidence: Warrior School Success Stories

    Featured on the show

    Warrior Schoolhttps://warriorschool.co/

    Related podcast episodes

    Episode 257: Unlocking the power of meal timing https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/warrior-school/id1470895252?i=1000646713929

    Episode 223: Q& A special (Why fasting is more stressful for women timestamp: 47:02)https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/warrior-school/id1470895252?i=1000628920769

    Episode 34: Why I don’t recommend fasting https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/warrior-school/id1470895252?i=1000474105738

    Dr Stacy Sims Article https://www.drstacysims.com/blog/You_are_an_athlete_and_you_shouldn’t_practice_intermittent_fasting

  • Show notes

    In this unplanned and unscripted episode, I reflect on the common occurrence of post-competition or challenge blues. I talk about my experience with intense training regimens, the emotional highs of competition, and the subsequent low, unmotivated periods that followed. These post-competition blues, characterised by feelings of disappointment, depletion, and restlessness, are prevalent among all athletes in various sports, and women who train.

    Whether you're into weightlifting or any sport, those feelings of disappointment and restlessness can hit hard. It's crucial to see these lows as part of the training cycle and give yourself time to recharge. I emphasise the significance of balancing structured training with periods of fluidity and playfulness to maintain a sustainable and successful training practice.

    00:00 Welcome to an Unscripted Podcast Episode00:26 Reflecting on the Forge and Form Challenge00:54 Understanding Post-Competition Blues02:36 The Mental and Physical Impact of Intense Training04:46 Navigating the Aftermath of Achievements12:04 Embracing the Need for a Reset14:47 Planning for Playfulness and Novelty in Training20:27 Personal Reflections and Future Training Goals23:40 Invitation to Join Warrior School

    Warrior Schoolhttps://warriorschool.co/