Today Shekinah and Larry react to the Derek Chauvin verdict, and more. Podcast & Spark merch:https://www.twitteesusa.com--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/onlychip/support
On this episode of The Only Chip In The Cookie, Larry and Shekinah discuss The 1619 Project, and extraneous efforts taking place to ban its curriculum from schools. Stop the ban of the 1619 Project in Iowa Schools! - Petition:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfwj6LnHxe7xHOCw3kKocsgHnDGmJ9JwpU2DEOo9nW48x7reg/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0&gxids=7628Sussman Lecture featuring Nikole Hannah-Jones, Thu, April 8, 20217:00 PM – 8:30 PM CDT:https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sussman-lecture-featuring-nikole-hannah-jones-tickets-141474166039?aff=eemailordconf&utm_campaign=order_confirm&utm_medium=email&ref=eemailordconf&utm_source=eventbrite&utm_term=vieweventPodcast & Spark merch:https://www.twitteesusa.com --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/onlychip/support
We're back! Introducing our co-host....Shekinah Young!
--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/onlychip/support -
Check out the best of season 1! New season of The Only Chip In The Cookie on the way!--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/onlychip/support
In our season finale we’re joined by Larry’s long time friend, Janelle Moore. They discuss growing up Black in Des Moines, and compare it to Janelle’s new life in the bright lights of L.A. (That tv show we talk about aired in October 7th, 2020). Larry also talks about Trumpism, and it’s unfortunate presence in the workplace.WEAR YOUR DAMN MASKS!!!!!Check out SparkFNDN.org to learn more about a non-profit organization that sends free books to kids who can’t afford them!Help support by purchasing a Spark Foundation inspired t-shirt at Spark515.com. Guest info: @jj_zen2 (Instagram)**SUPPORT**CashApp: $OnlyChipPodcastMonthly Contributions: anchor.fm/onlychip/supportInstagram: @ChipInCookiePodTwitter: @LarryFromIowaMerch: NeighbourhoodTwit.comEmail: OnlyChipPodcast@gmail.com--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/onlychip/support
On this very special episode, we are joined by gym owner and CrossFit legend Elijah "EZ" Muhammad, and physical therapist Patrick Ford. They talk about their new initiative, Project Onyx, and their goal to end health disparities.
Guest info:
@elijahezmuhammad (Instagram)
@patford.dpt (Instagram)
@projectonyxdsm (Instagram)
@_unorthodoxfitness_ (Instagram)
Unorthodox Fitness is located at 3710 SE Capitol Circle, Suite F, Grimes, IA
Spark Foundation (sparkfndn.org) is a non-profit aimed to close the reading gap in poor neighborhoods by providing FREE book fairs. Help support by purchasing a Spark Foundation inspired t-shirt at Spark515.com.
**Podcast Support**
CashApp: $OnlyChipPodcast
Merch: neighbourhoodtwit.com/shop
Instagram: @ChipInCookiePod
Twitter: @LarryFromIowa
Email: OnlyChipPodcast@gmail.com
--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/onlychip/support -
Today’s topics include medical advocacy, and racism. Check out SparkFNDN.org to learn more about a non-profit organization that sends free books to kids who can’t afford them!Help support by purchasing a Spark Foundation inspired t-shirt at Spark515.com. **SUPPORT**CashApp: $OnlyChipPodcastMonthly Contributions: anchor.fm/onlychip/supportInstagram: @ChipInCookiePodTwitter: @LarryFromIowaMerch: NeighbourhoodTwit.com/shopEmail: OnlyChipPodcast@gmail.com--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/onlychip/support
Want to create a more inclusive environment at work but not quite sure where to start? Then our first video episode is the one for you!Interested in having Larry From Iowa provide anti-racist, inclusion and equity presentations and workshops for your organization? Send an inquiry to OnlyChipPodcast@gmail.com **SUPPORT**CashApp: $OnlyChipPodcastMonthly Contributions: anchor.fm/onlychip/supportYouTube: https://bit.ly/3mN3aXDInstagram: @ChipInCookiePodTwitter: @LarryFromIowaMerch: NeighbourhoodTwit.com--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/onlychip/support
Today’s episode: The title says it all. Sports and activism is as American as apple pie.Check out SparkFNDN.org to learn more about a non-profit organization that sends free books to kids who can’t afford them!Help support by purchasing a Spark Foundation inspired t-shirt at Spark515.com. **SUPPORT**CashApp: $OnlyChipPodcastMonthly Contributions: anchor.fm/onlychip/supportInstagram: @ChipInCookiePodTwitter: @LarryFromIowaMerch: NeighbourhoodTwit.comEmail: OnlyChipPodcast@gmail.com--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/onlychip/support
GoFundMe.com/F/JusticeForJacobBlakeKenosha MayorJohn Antaramian(262) 653-4000Kenosha District AttorneyMichael D. Graveley(262) 653-2400Kenosha Police Department(262) 656-1234WI Attorney GeneralJosh Kaul(608) 266-1221WI GovernorTony EversMadison Office:(608) 266-1212Milwaukee Office:(414) 227-4344Kenosha District AttorneyMichael D. Graveleymichael.graveley@da.wi.govKenosha MayorJohn Antaramianmayor@kenosha.orgKenosha Police Department Chief of PoliceDaniel G. Miskinisdgm398@kenoshapolice.com--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/onlychip/support
Today’s episode: How far will you go to fit in? Today we discuss how Larry tried his best to fit in with his classmates.Check out SparkFNDN.org to learn more about a non-profit organization that sends free books to kids who can’t afford them!Help support by purchasing a Spark Foundation inspired t-shirt at Spark515.com. **SUPPORT**CashApp: $OnlyChipPodcastMonthly Contributions: anchor.fm/onlychip/supportInstagram: @ChipInCookiePodTwitter: @LarryFromIowaMerch: NeighbourhoodTwit.comEmail: OnlyChipPodcast@gmail.com--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/onlychip/support
Today’s episode: Solo Larry talks about ways he’s been approached to talk about his “Black perspective”. Check out SparkFNDN.org to learn more about a non-profit organization that sends free books to kids who can’t afford them!Help support by purchasing a Spark Foundation inspired t-shirt at Spark515.com. **SUPPORT**CashApp: $OnlyChipPodcastMonthly Contributions: anchor.fm/onlychip/supportInstagram: @ChipInCookiePodTwitter: @LarryFromIowaMerch: NeighbourhoodTwit.comEmail: OnlyChipPodcast@gmail.com--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/onlychip/support
This week the podcast is joined by artist and activist Jordan Weber who is also from Iowa! Larry holds conversation about activism in sports. Guest info:Instagram: @jordan_j_weberInstagram/Intro clip: @abladeofgrassorg**SUPPORT**CashApp: $OnlyChipPodcastMonthly Contributions: anchor.fm/onlychip/supportInstagram: @ChipInCookiePodTwitter: @LarryFromIowaMerch: NeighbourhoodTwit.comEmail: OnlyChipPodcast@gmail.comGuest info:Instagram: @jordan_j_weberInstagram/Intro clip: @abladeofgrassorg**SUPPORT**CashApp: $OnlyChipPodcastMonthly Contributions: anchor.fm/onlychip/supportInstagram: @ChipInCookiePodTwitter: @LarryFromIowaMerch: NeighbourhoodTwit.comEmail: OnlyChipPodcast@gmail.com--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/onlychip/support
**CONTEST**We’re giving away five copies of Ibram X. Kendi’s book, “Stamped—Racism, Anti-Racism, and You”. Contest instructions are at at the beginning of this episode. Shout out Spark Foundation! (@SparkFNDN)Today, Larry talks a little about his cabin adventure with his family in small town Iowa. **SUPPORT**🙏🏾 $OnlyChipPodcast🌍 patreon.com/crumbscrew🎽 NeighbourhoodTwit.com✉️ OnlyChipPodcast@gmail.com📷 @chipincookiepod🐥 @TheLarryFromIA #onlychippod Music credits:“The Joker”Written by Popovichttps://www.youtube.com/user/VodovozVideo--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/onlychip/support
Our guest this week, Bethany Mayo, opens up with Larry about life as a Black stage actress. Also, we address the myth of “Black-on-Black crime”. Guest info:Facebook.com/BethanyFaithMayowww.BaltimoreShakespeareFactory.org**SUPPORT**🙏🏾 $OnlyChipPodcast🌍 patreon.com/crumbscrew🎽 NeighbourhoodTwit.com✉️ OnlyChipPodcast@gmail.com📷 @chipincookiepod🐥 @onlychippodcast #onlychippod Music credits:“The Joker”Written by Popovichttps://www.youtube.com/user/VodovozVideo--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/onlychip/support
This week, we talk about local government, and the role they can play in our cities. We also talk about how awkward the 4th was this year. We wrap the episode with an incredible conversation about local government with Isaiah McGee and Larry From Iowa....oh, and is Kanye really running for president???Guest info:@icmcgee Instagram@isaiahmcgee Twitterhttps://www.thecorecollaborative.com/isaiah-mcgee**SUPPORT**🙏🏾 $OnlyChipPodcast🌍 patreon.com/crumbscrew🎽 NeighbourhoodTwit.com✉️ OnlyChipPodcast@gmail.com📷 @chipincookiepod Music credits:“The Joker”Written by Popovichttps://www.youtube.com/user/VodovozVideoEssay: “What is the Slave to the Fourth of July?”, originally a speech by Frederick Douglass. Audio credit: NPR--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/onlychip/support
Larry catches us up on his Father’s Day and Juneteenth celebrations, the impact of the Black Lives Matter movement in his state, and shares with us his review of the latest Spike Lee film, Da 5 Bloods. He’s later joined by the show’s first guest, Coach J, and they reminisce on their experiences of being the only Black kid in class.Guest info:@coachjseay Instagramwww.dojobball.com**SUPPORT**🙏🏾 $OnlyChipPodcast🌍 patreon.com/crumbscrew🎽 NeighbourhoodTwit.com✉️ OnlyChipPodcast@gmail.com📷 @chipincookiepod🐥 @onlychippodcast #onlychippod Music credits:“The Joker”Written by Popovichttps://www.youtube.com/user/VodovozVideo--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/onlychip/support
**SUPPORT**🙏🏾 $OnlyChipPodcast🌍 patreon.com/crumbscrew🎽 NeighbourhoodTwit.com✉️ OnlyChipPodcast@gmail.com📷 @chipincookiepodStudy And Relax Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 Licensehttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/Additional music from Zapsplat.com--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/onlychip/support