
  • I've been getting way too many messages from orthodontists who are stuck financially, even after many years of practice.

    One of the main reasons for this is lack of professional development. As fantastic as our profession, it’s also a business. We must invest in our professional development if we are to succeed.

    Some people get stuck in the professional mindset, forgetting the business side. The best clinical skills in the world won't pay the bills if you can't run a profitable practice. That's why I'm telling you, invest in yourself.

    Take courses on leadership and management, go to meetings, visit other practices, and do anything you have to do. The bottom line is that you must invest in yourself.

    Tune in and discover how to make meaningful changes that lead to a more profitable and fulfilling orthodontic practice.

    Key Takeaways

    Introduction (00:00)
    Financial struggles of orthodontists (00:32)
    Professional vs. business mindset (01:40)
    Importance of investing in yourself (03:11)
    Balancing family and professional growth (06:17)
    Continuous education in management (08:41)

    Additional Resources

    - Register for the OrthoPreneurs Summit at Sea (2024): https://opsummitatsea.com/

    - For more information, visit: https://orthopreneurs.com/

    - Join our FREE Facebook group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OrthoPreneurs

  • A big part of practice success is keeping costs and expenses under control. If you don’t, they can eat into your margins and eventually hurt your bottom line.

    In today’s episode, I am joined by Darren Morris, a cost-saving expert from Schooley Mitchell. They help businesses find significant savings from their existing vendor relationships.

    We are not talking about just a few dollars here and there; we are looking at enough money to pay for vacation.

    Most importantly, these savings on essential supplies and services will not compromise the quality of care. It’s not looking for the cheapest products but leveraging strategic negotiation tactics and market knowledge to optimize expenses.

    Darren shared compelling examples of how Schooley Mitchell has helped orthodontic practices achieve substantial savings. Imagine saving 30% or more on brackets and wires or securing significant discounts on lab fees. These savings translate directly to a healthier bottom line for your practice.

    Tune in to learn more!

    Key Takeaways

    Introduction (00:00)
    Darren's background and career path (02:03)
    Examples of cost savings in various sectors 05:38)
    Leveraging vendor relationships (07:42)
    Specific savings in orthodontics (10:01)
    Schooley Mitchell's negotiation strategies (13:21)
    Importance of asking the right questions in negotiations (18:07)
    The role of data in vendor negotiations (22:55)
    Schooley Mitchell's fee structure (33:59)

    Additional Resources

    - Schooley Mitchell Website: https://www.schooleymitchell.com/

    - Darren Morris Email: [email protected]

    - Register for the OrthoPreneurs Summit at Sea (2024): https://opsummitatsea.com/

    - For more information, visit: https://orthopreneurs.com/

    - Join our FREE Facebook group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OrthoPreneurs

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  • Many orthodontists struggle to justify the cost of professional development opportunities. Some view it as an expense rather than an investment. They will balk at the associated cost of professional development opportunities.

    This spending mentality leads to missed opportunities for growth and stagnation in the long run.

    A more successful approach is adopting an investment mindset. The cost of professional development is an investment in your most valuable asset, that is, yourself and your practice.

    By investing in your knowledge, skills, and network, you are actively taking steps to cultivate future returns.

    Tune in now to this 5-minute episode to learn how a simple shift in mindset can lead to growth.

    Key Takeaways

    Intro (00:00)

    Investment in professional growth (02:17)

    Value of continuous professional development (03:21)

    Spending versus investing (04:39)

    Additional Resources

    - Register for the OrthoPreneurs Summit at Sea (2024): https://opsummitatsea.com/

    - For more information, visit: https://orthopreneurs.com/

    - Join our FREE Facebook group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OrthoPreneurs

  • Orthodontic swag has traditionally consisted of generic toothbrushes or lip balm, the predictable pen, and the flimsy tote bag. These are all useful items, but they lack the "wow" factor.

    Our patients expect more. They crave that jaw-dropping experience more than the products themselves.

    That's where themed swag boxes come in, offering a unique opportunity for orthodontists to level up their patient experience and build lasting brand loyalty.

    In this episode, Randy Pulitzer from Swag Headquarters shares some strategies on how to make your promotional products work for you. He will also be speaking and sharing even more strategies at the OP Summit at Sea 2024.

    Randy, a lawyer turned swag expert, shares tips on avoiding "brand fill"— these are cheap items that end up in the trash and offer no marketing value.

    The right promotional items that maximize impressions don’t have to break the bank. Simple strategies such as kitting will enhance brand visibility greatly. High-quality, customizable items often outperform name brands in terms of customer engagement.

    From trendy mugs to effective pens, this episode covers it all. Tune in for Randy's expert advice on making the most out of your marketing budget.

    Key Takeaways

    Intro (00:00)
    Randy’s background and transition to swag (02:20)
    Importance of avoiding brand fill (05:15)
    Cost per impression and its significance (10:35)
    Quality vs. name brand items (17:53)
    Concept of kitting and its benefits (35:01)
    Bundling items to convey a cohesive brand message (38:59)

    Additional Resources

    Connect with Randy Pulitzer

    - Website: https://swaghq1.espwebsite.com/

    - Email: [email protected]

    - Register for the OrthoPreneurs Summit at Sea (2024): https://opsummitatsea.com/

    - For more information, visit: https://orthopreneurs.com/

    - Join our FREE Facebook group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OrthoPreneurs

  • Building a successful orthodontic practice takes dedication, expertise, and yes, financial savvy. But at the end of the day, we are all looking for true financial freedom.

    The key to wealth creation is understanding the time value of money. The sooner you invest, the more time your money has to grow.

    Even small amounts invested early on can snowball into significant wealth over time.

    The OSO model gives you access to significant earning potential upfront that you wouldn't have as a solo practitioner.

    Think about it – wouldn't a lump sum upfront, strategically invested, potentially lead to far greater financial rewards over time?

    Tune in to this 5-minute episode to learn more!

    Key Takeaways

    Intro (00:00)
    Differences in how the poor, middle class, and wealthy view money (00:47)
    The importance of the time value of money (01:28)
    Benefits of upfront payments in wealth accumulation (02:09)
    Investing wisely and living modestly to grow wealth (03:29)

    Additional Resources

    - Register for the OrthoPreneurs Summit at Sea (2024): https://opsummitatsea.com/

    - For more information, visit: https://orthopreneurs.com/

    - Join our FREE Facebook group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OrthoPreneurs

  • Imagine walking into your office and feeling a chill run down your spine, realizing that your computer systems have been held hostage by ransomware. Or imagine looking a patient in the eye and telling them their personal information might be floating around on the dark web.

    If you haven't experienced these nightmares yet, consider yourself lucky, but don't get too comfortable.

    Cybercrime is a growing threat, and orthodontic practices are not immune to it. In fact, small and medium-sized businesses like yours are often more vulnerable to attacks due to limited resources and less stringent security protocols.

    But you don't need to become a cybersecurity expert to take some proactive steps to protect yourself and your practice.

    Today, we welcome John Sileo, founder and CEO of the Sileo Group and a renowned cybersecurity expert. His mission? To help businesses like yours stay out of the damaging headlines of a data breach.

    Beyond just the technical aspects, John touches on the personal impacts of cyber-attacks, the heightened risks small businesses face, and practical steps you can take today to safeguard your data.

    Click here to listen to the full episode and take the first step towards securing your practice's future.

    Key Takeaways

    Intro (00:00)
    The unique risks small businesses face (02:05)
    The impact of cybercrime (07:39)
    Importance of recognizing personal risks in cybersecurity (10:50)
    Ransomware and other cyber threats (22:34)
    How to identify and address known vulnerabilities (29:54)

    Additional Resources

    - John Sileo’s Website: https://sileo.com/

    - Register for the OrthoPreneurs Summit at Sea (2024): https://opsummitatsea.com/

    - For more information, visit: https://orthopreneurs.com/

    - Join our FREE Facebook group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OrthoPreneurs

  • As orthodontic practice owners, we understand the importance of a positive and productive work environment. However, we often overlook the hidden burdens our team members may be carrying, which can hinder their performance and job satisfaction.

    During the recent AAO meeting, I had the pleasure of interacting with various dental team members about their experiences with remote monitoring.

    One common issue was that they were overwhelmed.

    This is something they will never tell you as the owner, but if removed from their plate, it can boost their motivation and productivity.

    So your task is to initiate open and honest conversations with your team members on some of the tasks you could remove from their plates to boost their productivity. You might find your star player desires a different role that could help your practice.

    Tune in to learn more!

    Key Takeaways

    Intro (00:00)
    Team members may not be honest about their job satisfaction (00:43)
    Ask your team what you can take off their plate (01:57)
    Don't waste your best talent on tasks that can be outsourced (02:32)
    Outsourcing can be a valuable tool (03:22)
    Prioritize optimizing your current team (05:23)

    Additional Resources

    - Dr. Glenn Krieger’s Cell No: 469 610 9920

    - Visit our website at remoteresponse.com to learn more!

    - Register for the OrthoPreneurs Summit at Sea (2024): https://opsummitatsea.com/

    - For more information, visit: https://orthopreneurs.com/

    - Join our FREE Facebook group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OrthoPreneurs

  • Orthodontics is commonly linked with smiles and enhanced appearance. However, could there be a deeper dimension to the treatments we offer?

    Our guest today is Dr. Sonia Palleck, who comes from Ontario, Canada. Other than being an accomplished orthodontist who has spoken extensively as a KOL, she is now an author with a message about healing and love.

    She has so far written a 4-part book series titled Leave the Little Light On. This series explores themes of trauma, healing, and the power of love.

    While the connection might not be obvious on a visit to the orthodontist, recognizing the impact of trauma could lead to a better environment for our patients.

    Dr. Palleck's message is all about changing our understanding of love, finding peace, and embracing non-judgmental love toward others.

    We also talk about the integration of digital technology in orthodontics and how we can take advantage of these digital setups to reduce treatment times and office visits.

    Tune in.

    Key Takeaways

    Intro (00:00)
    Dr. Sonia Palleck’s background (00:32)
    Dr. Sonia Palleck’s personal transformation and writing (05:04)
    Insights into the emotional aspects of orthodontics (12:17)
    The integration of digital technology in orthodontic practice (20:14)
    The potential of digital setups in revolutionizing orthodontic treatments (28:19)
    How to access Dr. Palleck’s books and follow her work (40:28)

    Additional Resources

    - Get Dr. Sonia Palleck books here: https://www.soniapalleck.com/

    - Follow Dr. Sonia Palleck on Instagram

    - Follow Dr. Sonia Palleck on Facebook

    - Register for the OrthoPreneurs Summit at Sea (2024): https://opsummitatsea.com/

    - For more information, visit: https://orthopreneurs.com/

    - Join our FREE Facebook group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OrthoPreneurs

  • There's no end to the debate about whether dental support organizations (DSOs) are beneficial or hindering our profession.

    I'm not here to rehash that argument.

    Today, I want to explore a perspective I rarely hear discussed: the unique financial opportunities that open up when you join a private equity-backed OSO/DSO.

    Suddenly, you're part of a network of like-minded entrepreneurs who are eager to share ideas about investing and making your money multiply.

    Let's be realistic, unless your practice is consistently growing at a breakneck pace, you'll almost always come out ahead in the long run by taking a lump sum payment and investing wisely, rather than taking regular income from your practice while inflation gnaws away at your returns.

    It boils down to this: when you sell your practice to a private equity-backed DSO, you gain access to a world of high-potential investments. Commercial real estate, private equity, venture capital... the doors truly open when you're surrounded by successful entrepreneurs.

    Tune in to this 5-minute episode to learn more.

    Key Takeaways

    Intro (00:00)
    Networking is key to building wealth (00:52)
    The lump-sum potential of joining a DSO (02:38)
    Expanding investment horizons (05:47)
    Adopting a wealth mindset (07:21)
    Challenging the status quo (09:17)

    Additional Resources

    - Register for the OrthoPreneurs Summit at Sea (2024): https://opsummitatsea.com/

    - For more information, visit: https://orthopreneurs.com/

    - Join our FREE Facebook group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OrthoPreneurs

  • My interview with Dr. Maz Moshiri was incredibly eye-opening. We dug into his orthodontic journey, his expertise in splint therapy, and the ongoing debate about the role of occlusion in modern orthodontics.

    One of our key takeaways was the importance of mentorship, both formal and informal.

    Dr. Moshiri had the incredible opportunity to learn directly from his father, a specialist in TMJ treatment. This hands-on experience instilled in him a deep understanding of occlusion and its implications for orthodontic treatment.

    Sadly, we agreed that occlusion seems to be a diminishing focus in many orthodontic residencies. While clear aligners offer powerful advantages, understanding the fundamental principles of occlusion is essential to avoid future complications for our patients.

    We shared our own experiences of visiting other clinicians early in our careers and the invaluable knowledge we gained simply by observing and learning. If you want to learn something new, don't hesitate to reach out and visit other practices. You might be surprised by how much you can learn in just a single day.

    Tune in to this episode for insights from a true leader in our field.

    Key Takeaways

    Intro (00:00)
    Dr. Moshiri’s extensive background in orthodontics (01:11)
    Why you need to visit practices (07:47)
    Role of occlusion on orthodontics (11:33)
    Integration of splint therapy in treatment (17:17)
    The impact of wire bending knowledge on modern orthodontic practices (23:35)
    Purpose and scope of the Aligner Intensive Fellowship (30:47)
    Advice on dental practice management and transitions (34:48)

    Additional Resources

    - Check out the Aligner Intensive Fellowship Program: https://www.alignerfellowship.com/

    - Register for the OrthoPreneurs Summit at Sea (2024): https://opsummitatsea.com/

    - For more information, visit: https://orthopreneurs.com/

    - Join our FREE Facebook group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OrthoPreneurs

  • Are you an orthodontist or other practice owner feeling stuck in your current production numbers? Do you sometimes doubt your practice's potential?

    It's time to break those mental barriers and aim for the extraordinary.

    I want to challenge you to think big, set a BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal), and grow your practice by a million dollars (or even more) in 18 months.

    This approach means dreaming without limits – tripling or quadrupling your current production might seem crazy, but it forces you to rethink everything about your practice, its processes, and your own role within it.

    Don't be afraid to set a goal that feels a bit overwhelming – that sense of challenge is how true growth happens.

    Tune in to learn the steps you need to take to transform your practice's financial trajectory.

    Key Takeaways

    Intro (00:00)
    Think big and even bigger (02:39)
    Belief is everything- set ambitious revenue targets (05:23)
    Growth requires sacrifice (06:29)
    Professional development through courses (11:39)

    Additional Resources

    - Register for the OrthoPreneurs Summit at Sea (2024): https://opsummitatsea.com/

    - For more information, visit: https://orthopreneurs.com/

    - Join our FREE Facebook group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OrthoPreneurs

  • You might be surprised to learn that orthodontic practices are very similar to those of your local plumber or AC technician.

    Sure, the tools and procedures are wildly different, but when it comes down to the business side of things, we're all playing a similar game. Both orthodontists and home service providers offer high-value services that require a large amount of trust from the customer.

    Surprisingly, many home service businesses have nailed aspects of their operations that orthodontists could learn a lot from.

    Think about the last time you had a leaky faucet. You probably did a quick online search, found a few companies with good reviews, and then reached out.

    What happened next? Chances are, you got a call back almost immediately. Maybe you even received a text message confirming your inquiry.

    From there, they likely got you scheduled quickly, showed up on time, and communicated clearly throughout the process. These are the hallmarks of an excellent home service business, and they can make a huge difference in your orthodontic practice.

    Operations might not be glamorous, but they're the secret sauce for sustainable growth. Invest in them, outsource them, embrace technology – but don't ignore them. The brightest smile in the room won't sell itself if no one answers the phone.

    I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Scott Hansen, a true orthodontic entrepreneur who's cracked the code (multiple times) on practice growth.

    From running a thriving practice to creating industry-transforming solutions like OrthoChats and now LeadSigma, Scott repeatedly emphasizes the immense power of optimized practice operations.

    Listen now for some tips that could redefine your practice's approach to growth and efficiency.

    Key Takeaways

    Intro (00:00)
    Scott's career journey and decision against orthodontics (03:02)
    Innovation and marketing strategies (04:33)
    Developing OrthoChats and its impact on leads (04:47)
    Introduction of LeadSigma and its functions (08:40)
    Key strategies for practice growth (17:08)
    Importance of data analysis in evaluating operations (21:34)
    Why you must answer calls promptly (25:46)
    Future of AI in business operations (35:24)

    Additional Resources

    - LeadSigma Website: https://leadsigma.com/

    - OrthoChats Website: https://orthochats.com/

    - Register for the OrthoPreneurs Summit at Sea (2024): https://opsummitatsea.com/

    - For more information, visit: https://orthopreneurs.com/

    - Join our FREE Facebook group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OrthoPreneurs

  • In a recent ad for National Down Syndrome Day, actress and model Madison Tevlin delivered a truly powerful message.

    The ad highlighted how limiting assumptions can prevent people from achieving their full potential, whether they have Down Syndrome or not.

    This message extends far beyond individuals with disabilities. It's a message we should all apply to how we lead and interact with our teams.

    As leaders, it's easy to fall into the trap of thinking of limitations in your team. When you believe in limitations (real or perceived), your team will internalize that belief. Their performance will suffer accordingly.

    Instead of "they can't," try adopting a "maybe they can" mindset. Give your team the tools, resources, and support they need to try, even if there's a chance of failure.

    Key Takeaways

    Intro (00:00)
    Madison Tevlin's advertisement (00:30)
    The power of belief and expectations (01:16)
    Don't underestimate your team (01:48)
    Mindset shift as a catalyst for change (02:58)

    Additional Resources

    - Madison Tevlin’s ad: https://www.instagram.com/p/C4yPXQrJcM0/?hl=en

    - Register for the OrthoPreneurs Summit at Sea (2024): https://opsummitatsea.com/

    - For more information, visit: https://orthopreneurs.com/

    - Join our FREE Facebook group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OrthoPreneurs

  • Giving feedback can feel like stepping into a minefield. You have good intentions, but you're worried about causing hurt feelings, defensiveness, or even disengagement.

    What if there was a better way to turn feedback into opportunities for growth and genuine connection?

    The art of constructive feedback is increasingly becoming an important skill for attracting and retaining talent. Joe Hirsch, author of The Feedback Fix, returns for the second time on the podcast to share a compelling strategy for flipping the script and making feedback a valuable tool.

    We discussed common pitfalls in how we approach feedback and how those mistakes can actually hold our teams back.

    Joe introduced a great framework for having constructive, growth-focused conversations that strengthen relationships and build trust.

    If you're ready to create a workplace where feedback is welcomed and fuels success, you won't want to miss this episode.

    Joe Hirsch shares advice that will transform the way you approach feedback. Stay tuned to learn more!

    Key Takeaways

    Intro (00:00)
    Feedback vs. feedforward (04:35)
    Feedback focusing on empowerment and relationship-building (08:13)
    Critique of traditional feedback methods (11:01)
    Benefits of timely feedback (16:36)
    Why feedback fails in various contexts (17:12)
    Giving constructive feedback to improve future outcomes (22:45)
    Effective communication techniques for positive feedback (27:09)

    Additional Resources

    - Joe Hirsch’s book, "The Feedback Fix"

    - Episode 4: https://orthopreneurs.com/how-to-give-effective-feedback/

    - Register for the OrthoPreneurs Summit at Sea (2024): https://opsummitatsea.com/

    - For more information, visit: https://orthopreneurs.com/

    - Join our FREE Facebook group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OrthoPreneurs

  • Orthodontics is a fantastic field – we create beautiful smiles! But somewhere along the way, we've neglected a critical piece of the puzzle: occlusion.

    Understanding how the jaw joint, teeth, and muscles work together is essential, yet many orthodontic programs don't seem to prioritize it.

    It's baffling! The most seasoned orthodontists swear by the importance of occlusion, often thanks to in-depth training from programs like the Roth course. But mention "occlusion" in some circles, and you might get laughed at. Why is this vital element seen as a joke?

    Ignoring occlusion has real consequences. We can't dismiss the link between how teeth meet and issues like TMD or myofascial pain. A solid grasp of occlusion is what allows us to offer real solutions through adjustments and splint therapy.

    Focusing on ideal occlusion ensures our treatment outcomes aren't just beautiful but functional and lasting.

    I urge everyone to brush up on occlusion, seek out resources, and refresh their knowledge of the jaw system. I'm committed to providing courses that help people understand these concepts better.

    Tune in to learn more about this important aspect of orthodontics.

    Key Takeaways

    Intro (00:00)
    Why occlusion is important in orthodontics (00:36)
    The decline of occlusion in orthodontic education (01:26)
    Occlusion can help solve many patient problems (02:12)
    Understanding occlusion makes you a better clinician (03:22)
    A call to revisit occlusion (05:22)

    Additional Resources

    - Register for the OrthoPreneurs Summit at Sea (2024): https://opsummitatsea.com/

    - For more information, visit: https://orthopreneurs.com/

    - Join our FREE Facebook group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OrthoPreneurs

  • Dr. Tom Pitts is an orthodontic legend, his name synonymous with beautiful smiles that don't just look good but function flawlessly.

    In this episode, he shared his orthodontic philosophies and the revolutionary system he developed.

    For Dr. Pitts, orthodontics isn't just about aligning teeth. It's about achieving a "wow" smile that lights up a patient's face. This means paying meticulous attention to elements like:

    - Full Incisal Display

    - Proper Arch Form

    - Facial Esthetics

    Dr. Pitts's drive to provide the best possible results led him to develop the Pitts21 system – an innovative orthodontic technology focused on esthetics, efficiency, and patient satisfaction.

    He emphasizes the importance of continuous learning, being open to new ideas, and the relentless pursuit of improvement in patient care.

    Listen to the full episode to hear his orthodontic philosophy and the groundbreaking Pitts21 system.

    Key Takeaways

    Intro (00:00)
    Dr. Pitts's journey into orthodontics (01:36)
    Importance of esthetics in orthodontics (03:22)
    The development of the Pitts21 system (10:36)
    Evolution from traditional to innovative orthodontic practices (20:46)
    Focus on occlusion and functional outcomes (25:47)
    The impact of continuous education and mentorship (33:12)
    Esthetic outcomes and patient satisfaction (36:06)
    Future directions in orthodontic treatment (39:49)
    Closing thoughts and the importance of paying it forward (49:35)

    Additional Resources

    Contact [email protected] for Dr. Pitt’s Master’s Course

    Pitts21 System: https://www.oc-orthodontics.com/about-pitts21


    - Register for the OrthoPreneurs Summit at Sea (2024): https://opsummitatsea.com/

    - For more information, visit: https://orthopreneurs.com/

    - Join our FREE Facebook group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OrthoPreneurs

  • We all wear many hats – parent, spouse, friend, orthodontist. It's easy to get caught up in the daily grind and put our own needs and dreams on the back burner.

    To effectively help others, you must first nourish your own soul. This means identifying and pursuing the lifestyle that brings you joy and fulfillment.

    There's no one right way to do it.

    Prioritize your own well-being. Just like you need your oxygen mask to be effective, you need to recharge your own batteries to be the best orthodontist, parent, spouse, and friend you can be.

    That extra week of vacation may not make a dent in your bottom line, but it will make a huge difference in your soul and your relationships.

    I hope this motivates you to dream big and craft the career and life you truly desire!

    Key Takeaways

    Intro (00:00)
    Finding your ideal work-life balance (01:27)
    What's your dream practice (and life) look like? (01:40)
    Don't shortchange your dreams (03:04)
    Nourish yourself to nourish others (04:02)

    Additional Resources

    - Register for the OrthoPreneurs Summit at Sea (2024): https://opsummitatsea.com/

    - For more information, visit: https://orthopreneurs.com/

    - Join our FREE Facebook group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OrthoPreneurs

  • Behind every orthodontic innovation, there’s a story waiting to be told. And today, we’re lucky to hear from Dr. Vas Srinivasan and the fascinating story behind the inception and development of Spark Aligners.

    Dr. Vas Srinivasan is an orthodontist with a rich background. Born in India with a passion for quality higher education, he moved to the United States and eventually settled in Australia, where he established his practice.

    Without his input, Spark Clear Aligners wouldn’t exist. He played a huge role by being part of the initial trial group in the early stages of development. He was the only doctor who documented and presented cases and paperwork that helped the team refine the product and eventually get the necessary approvals.

    He shares some of the behind-the-scenes experiences encountered during the development phase of Spark aligners and the collaborative efforts that drive innovation in our field.

    Additionally, we discuss the role of KOLs and the responsibilities and impact of these thought leaders in vetting and disseminating new technologies and methodologies.

    Dr. Srinivasan also shares a deeply personal aspect of his life: his transformative weight loss journey including the approach he used to improve his health.

    Tune in to the full episode to hear Dr. Srinivasan’s story and incredible insights on innovation in orthodontics and life.

    Key Takeaways

    Intro (00:00)
    Dr. Srinivasan's background story (02:37)
    Inspiration to move to Australia (05:11)
    Journey of personal health and weight loss (11:57)
    Mental and physical benefits of yoga (18:35)
    The origin story of Spark Aligners (27:39)
    Comparison of aligner brands (36:29)
    The significance of KOLs in orthodontics (41:37)
    Importance of being more than just an orthodontist (46:07)

    Additional Resources

    Connect with Dr. Vas Srinivasan:

    - Website: https://www.invisibleorthodontics.com.au/

    - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vassrinivasan


    - Register for the OrthoPreneurs Summit at Sea (2024): https://opsummitatsea.com/

    - For more information, visit: https://orthopreneurs.com/

    - Join our FREE Facebook group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OrthoPreneurs

  • Orthodontic Support Organizations (OSOs) have recently become a hot topic, with some dismissing them as Ponzi schemes.

    In this episode, I want to clear some things up and help you make informed decisions if you're considering an OSO partnership.

    The decline in OSO buzz last year was largely due to economic factors. Higher interest rates and inflation made investors wary of putting large sums of money into private equity deals. However, money is starting to flow back into the markets.

    OSOs are not inherently risky or comparable to Ponzi schemes, contrary to some opinions. With proper management, they can be profitable through acquisitions, effective marketing, and overhead control.

    OSOs are companies that provide support services to orthodontic practices. These can include business management, marketing, HR, and purchasing. OSOs streamline processes and help practices grow.

    Well-run OSOs generate profit through the internal growth strategies mentioned above, not just by endlessly acquiring new practices.

    OSOs can be a fantastic option for orthodontists, but it's essential to be informed. Don't be afraid to ask questions, research, and seek help to figure out if it's the right path for you.

    Tune in to this episode to hear more on this!

    Key Takeaways

    Intro (00:00)

    Private equity investments in uncertain times (00:49)

    The impact of economic conditions on private equity investments (01:21)

    Viability of OSOs despite market challenges (03:57)

    Debunking the myth of OSOs as Ponzi schemes (05:53)

    Practical advice for evaluating OSO opportunities (06:23)

    Additional Resources

    - Call/Message Dr. Krieger: 469-610-9920

    - Register for the OrthoPreneurs Summit at Sea (2024): https://opsummitatsea.com/

    - For more information, visit: https://orthopreneurs.com/

    - Join our FREE Facebook group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OrthoPreneurs

  • The orthodontic industry is a whirlwind of innovation – new aligner companies, cutting-edge scanners, 3D printers, and countless materials pop up all the time. While exciting, this rapid change creates a confusing maze for practices trying to make the best supply choices.

    So, how do you have the best deals without cutting corners on quality?

    Here's where experts like Mari Sawtelle Dunn come in.

    Mari's List, founded by this industry veteran, helps orthodontic practices make smarter supply purchasing decisions. They negotiate directly with companies and pass the deals to doctors.

    Mari's List is the go-to resource for orthodontic practices that want to streamline their supply chain, reduce costs, and ensure top-notch product quality. Here's what sets it apart:

    - Collective Buying Power: Mari's List leverages the purchasing power of its members to negotiate incredible discounts with trusted vendors.

    - Quality Control: No grey market products allowed! Mari's List vets suppliers to guarantee you receive reliable, high-quality materials.

    - Expert Support: With Mari's extensive industry knowledge, members gain access to valuable advice and support.

    Mari Sawtelle and Mari's List give orthodontic practices the knowledge and tools needed to improve their bottom line without sacrificing their commitment to excellent care.

    Click to listen and discover how to take control of your expenses and optimize your operations with Mari's List.

    Key Takeaways

    Intro (00:00)
    Mari Sawtelle’s background (02:03)
    What’s the secret sauce of Mari’s list (07:30)
    Grey market goods vs black market goods (09:28)
    Mistakes people make with ordering platforms (14:44)
    Missed opportunities with ordering (18:20)
    How to join Mari’s List and cost (23:41)
    Dogs and The Grey Muzzle Organization (24:50)

    Additional Resources

    - Mari’s List: https://www.marislist.com/

    - Mari Sawtelle’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mari-sawtelle-dunn-2256795/

    - Mari's List Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/marislist

    - The Grey Muzzle Organization: https://www.greymuzzle.org/


    - Register for the OrthoPreneurs Summit at Sea (2024): https://opsummitatsea.com/

    - For more information, visit: https://orthopreneurs.com/

    - Join our FREE Facebook group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/OrthoPreneurs