Suomi tarvitsee enemmän positiivista puhetta perhe-elämästä. Ruuhkavuosirakkautta-podissa keskustellaan perheestä, työstä, parisuhteesta, taloudesta, hyvinvoinnista ja koko elämän ihanasta härdellistä.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Midwife and mother of four Clemmie Hooper (aka Mother of Daughters) chats to brilliant guests about the amazing and unique ways they had their babies, looking honestly at the highs and lows of childbirth in a weekly podcast.
*This podcast is not to replace medical advice. Always speak to your midwife or doctor if you have any concerns*
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
We’re telling the stories of modern dads. These are the guys that are not only involved in their children’s lives, but active and engaged in the decisions, the drudgery, the pain, and the joys of parenthood. We know modern dads are out there, and they come in all stripes. With each episode, we'll talk about the issues modern dads are facing as we try to navigate work, parenthood, relationships, and play.
Finding Florida is the podcast that takes you "from Country to Coast." Join your tour guides (an unlikely pair), City Girl Jaime ("Jemmy") and Country Boy Glenn, as they explore the amazing sights and sounds of the Sunshine State.
This podcast is an interactive experience for the listeners as we want your help in planning and joining us on our adventures. Then, go find YOUR Florida adventure!
Finding Florida Podcast:
Tour Guide: Jaime “Jemmy” Legagneur, Co-Host and Chief Enthusiasm officer: Jaime@FloridaPodcastNetwork.com
Tour Guide: Glenn the Geek, Co-Host and Chief Fun Officer: Glenn@FloridaPodcastNetwork.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FindFLPodcast
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/findflpodcast/
Voicemail line: (772) 226-0858
Check out the other shows on the Florida Podcast Network (http://floridapodcastnetwork.com/).
Copyright Flint Stone Media LLC, (http://flintstonemedia.com/) 2019. -
I podkasten Vi må snakke om... dykker programleder Oda Weider-Krog og samlivsterapeut Frode Thuen ned i hverdagens utfordringer for par. Hvem skal ta oppvasken? Hvordan ha sex som småbarnsforeldre? Og hva skjer om partneren er utro?
Aftenposten er ansvarlig for alt innhold som publiseres på våre flater.
Kontakt: lyd@aftenposten.no
We're Jess and Paul, a married couple in our late-30s/early-40s from New York City, about to embark on the biggest adventure of our lives: adopting a baby! Join us as we document the process from the beginning—the ups, the downs, and everything in between.
Keep the conversation going! Email us questions and comments, and share stories of your own at WeCanDoThisPodcast [at] gmail [dot] com. -
Hosted by Ebun kivinen. Watzpoppin is a podcast about lifestyle and Society. I will be discussing things that inspire me and topics such as culture, Interracial marriages, family, friends, fashion, food, travels. Every 2 week of each month it will be brought to you and I will be sharing my experiences. Amazing guest will be joining me on related topics......Me real to U!
Don't forget to subscribe! Thank you! -
If Oprah and Howard Stern had a baby it would be Good Moms Bad Choices. Meet Erica and Milah, two uncensored sex and cannabis-positive parents who are redefining what modern motherhood looks like. Warning, this is not your everyday mommy Podcast! This audio diary is not only for parents but women who feel alone in their good and bad choices. Prepare to laugh, cry, and be inspired. Fellas, you’re invited too!
New episodes drop every Wednesday. Welcome to the Tribe!
Instagram: @goodmoms_badchoices
Watch our episodes on Youtube
For bonus content ---> www.patreon.com/goodmomsbadchoices -
OG Therapy Podcast (formerly Light The Fight podcast) is hosted by David Kozlowski "Koz" Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, High school teacher, and social health business presenter. OG Therapy Co-hosts are Jason Hewlett (Hall of Fame Speaker) Robert Johnson AKA Rojo (Former Tennessee Titans Free Safety) and Kenneth Scott AKA K-Scott (accomplished rap artist, author, TEDx speaker) The boys answer questions from teens, young adults, parents, and professionals. OG Therapy is all their life experiences and Koz's 24 years experience in mental health and teaching social health tools.
Hear from expat families and experts around the world. Learn how to get visas, make money, find jobs and resettle abroad. Get a behind-the-scenes look at what everyday life with kids is really like in different countries, and get the answers you need to go from day dreaming to international move making...
Because life is too short to settle!
See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.
Pregnancy, childbirth, and motherhood are full of hardships and victories. Join Raisa Mnichowicz, a physical therapist turned birth photographer, as she shares her motherhood journey and path towards emotional healing after having an unexpected c-section. Happy, Sad, and Grateful breaks taboos about pregnancy, childbirth, and motherhood—and reminds moms that it’s okay to feel sad. If you are currently pregnant, recovering from a difficult birth, or struggling to find validation for how you feel as a mom, this podcast is for you.
Where are you now? is a podcast for and about Gen Z. The young people of this generation have SO much to say but not many people are really listening.
We hope to create an empowering, unfiltered open space to communicate ideas and to connect - and to inspire. This is an opportunity to share your truth about you; how you’re influencing the world around you. The successes, the failures - things you’ve learned and the things you WANT to discover - in an open space that listens and doesn’t judge.
It’s about authenticity. Opening up a dialogue about YOU and your world.
So ..... where are you now? -
"Isäksi" on kahden nuoren herrasmiehen podcast, jossa käsitellään heidän matkojaan kohti isyyttä.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Toni Nieminen, Juha Itkonen, Jari Sinkkonen, Kjell Westö... Kymmenen isää ja kymmenen erilaista perhettä. Dadpodissa suomalaisisät puhuvat siitä, mistä he aina mieluiten puhuvat: lapsistaan ja perheistään. Juontajana Niklas Thesslund, jonka dokumentaariset perheäänitykset rytmittävät puhetta. Mainostajana Dr. Oetker ja PAULA. Julkaisija A-lehdet.
The Radical Parenting Podcast presents resources, books, and parenting approaches aimed at honoring and supporting your children’s autonomy, self-love, and confidence.
In parenting, there are no ends, there are only means. With that in mind, Radical Parenting is about considering the long-term impact of each moment on our children’s development. This podcast is for parents who wish to honor their child as a complete, autonomous being from day one and who have the humility to get out of the way of their children’s discovery and development.
Radical Parenting begins with absolute Acceptance. From there, we focus on understanding and connection. Understanding and connecting with our children, and supporting their understanding and connection with the people and world around them.
Millaisia haasteita tai ongelmia on uusperhearjessa? Mikä puolestaan toimii, ja miten löytää onni ja tasapaino perhe-elämään? Uusperhetarinoita on yhtä paljon kuin uusperheitäkin, ja tässä podcastissa esitellään aitoja tarinoita elämästä. Kuuntelijoiden tarinoiden äänenä toimii Radio Novan illoista tuttu Heidi Suomi, ja isänäkökulmaa antaa klaukkalalainen, roskaa ajava uusperheisä Jukka Lääveri. Lähetä oma uusperhetarinasi tai palautetta jaksoista heidi.suomi@bauermedia.fi.