Pivoting to healthy relationships with our adult children requires:
1. Diving
2. Reflection
3. Processing
Picture an iceberg. That's ALL we see in a person is what's above the surface. Unbeknownst to us is the other 90% brewing beneath the surface that stirs up our emotions and thoughts as we try to make sense of ANY situation or conversation.
On this episode of The Parent Pivot Podcast, Julia opens up about her core wound and openly shares how she recently was triggered by it and how she handled it.
It's an impacting conversation to help us interact with our adult children and forge more healthy relationships. Get your mirror ready, partners!
Dads: What if you were told that "doing" LESS as a father when your kids turn 20, would actually raise your stock (i.e. respect) i their eyes? Would you listen?
It certainly goes against the grain of what we have been taught, shown and modeled in our culture - even the traditional church.
On this special edition of The Parent Pivot Podcast, Steve talks to dads straight from the heart and shares his own pain, struggle and anxiety trying to be a good father to his adult children.
If you're a dad of adult children, you don't want to miss this authentic and vulnerable look at how we can actually become the hero in their lives.
Mentioned on this podcast:
"Guardian Angel" by Skip Moen
"I'm Going to the Sidelines" PPP Interview with Jackson Cummings
Bringing Kingdom - Steve's men's ministry
The One-Minute Pause App by Wild at Heart
"Heart of a Warrior" by Michael Thompson
"King Me" by Michael Thompson
For a FREE copy of either of Michael Thompson's books, email Steve at: [email protected]
Let's face it . . . not only is there NOT instructions handed to new parents by the doctor explaining "what to do" when you leave the hospital and take your baby home.
The same can also be said when your adult kids leave home. Where's the "partner manual"? Where do you go to find out how to make the pivot from parent to partner? We got you on this one!
On this edition of the Parent Pivot Podcast, Steve and Julia interview Gill Tillmann, author of the book, "Pour the Wine: We're Talking About Our Adult Children . . . Again".
Sit back, relax and pull up a chair and join us for this delightful conversation about "life after parenting."
Pour the Wine - book
We recently posted some TikTok short videos on a variety of subjects to see what would stick to the wall. One particular issue touched home with over 11,000 hits! (Huge for us!)
Adult children and parents all chimed in with their hurt and pain seeking healthy answers to this question: "What do you do when relationship between parent and adult child is cutoff?"
On this edition of The Parent Pivot Podcast, Steve and Julia (Boomers), get some help from their Social Media Director (Millennial) and daughter, Jamilyn - and respond with Truth, love, compassion and tough love to each question.
Resources mentioned on this podcast:
1. "Unoffendable" by Brant Hansen
2. One-Minute Pause App by Wild at Heart
Your son or daughter is heading off to college - or currently in college - and you're finding it extremely hard to let go. It can be painful to not be needed as much as you used to. How do you make sense of this new season of life?
Steve and Julia have a few small steps you can begin to take down this new road and start to make "the pivot" from parent to partner.
Dads: This is for you, too! Join us for another edition of The Parent Pivot Podcast!
It's easy to keep the focus on "how" our adult children are doing and who they are becoming, right? This podcast is designed to come alongside you as make the pivot to partner and validate, encourage, bring awareness and equip with tools to have healthy Partner/Adult Child relationship.
But there is more to pivoting to partner than this. The sanctification journey for us as partners.
With a humble heart, you can step back and ask yourself, "God, what do you have for me to learn about MYSELF?" The end result? Be transformed and find peace and freedom as you release your adult child(ren) to the Father.
That's the subject Steve and Julia will address on this edition of The Parent Pivot Podcast.
Resources mentioned on this podcast:
"Prayers of Blessing Over My Adult Children" by Bruce Wilkinson and Heather Hair."Sacred Parenting" by Gary ThomasRelationship Coaching with Steve or Julia: 3 sessions for $299. Actual value $600. Email us at: [email protected] to schedule your coaching sessions. -
It's happening more and more these days to pivoting parents and we are hearing about it more and more. When WE left the nest - breaking off relationship with parents really wasn't a thing. Today? Our adult kids have been swamped by an ideology that life is all about them.
What's a pivoting partner to do? How can we re-establish relationship?
On this edition of The Parent Pivot Podcast, Steve and Julia address this difficult subject and provide some hope to get through the silence.
Resources mentioned on today's podcast:
1. Relationship coaching for PPP listeners for 50% off. Email us at: [email protected].
2. Grandparenting Summit 2025:
3. The One-Minute Pause App
Remember the old adage, "How do you eat an elephant?" One bite at a time?
Well, the same also holds true with improving our relationships with our adult child(ren). There are so many things to remember it can be overwhelming. But what if you just chose ONE to work on this year?
On this edition of The Parent Pivot Podcast, Steve and Julia share their list of 14 ways you can take a small step forward in improving your relationship with your adult children - and even take advantage of a special Parent Pivot Podcast offer for relationship coaching.
Mentioned on this podcast:
1. Grandparenting Summit - February 21-22. Details at: https://www.legacycoaltion.com/summit
2. Relationship Coaching: Contact Julia at https://www.meadowbrookcounselingga.com/ or via email at [email protected]
3. Information on A Weekend to Remember: https://www.familylife.com/weekend-to-remember
4. Marriage Intensive: https://hoperestored.focusonthefamily.com/save-my-marriage
Passing on a spiritual legacy to our kids is every Christian parent's dream. It says so in the Bible, right?
But what happens when you've done everything "right" and they grow up to become adults and don't want any part if it? What then?
On this edition of The Parent Pivot Podcast, Steve is joined by his daughter, Jamilyn Upchurch, and together they share their own journey of what they went through and how it ended up.
Resources mentioned on this podcast:
"Space at the Table: Conversations between an Evangelical Theologian and His Gay Son" - by Dr. Brad Harper and Drew Harper
Find Jamilyn on Instagram: @heyitsjamilynjoy
We have a tendency to think that we have to do extraordinary things to change things about ourselves. That's a lie and it prevents us from growing in every aspect: physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, and spiritually.
On this edition of The Parent Pivot Podcast, Steve and Julia lay out for us what it looks like to improve these area's of our lives in small increments of whole-hearted living. The results allow us to lead healthier lives as partners to our adult kids and open up new avenues of relationship.
Resources mentioned on this podcast:
"The Gift of Being Yourself" by David Benner
"Emotionally Healthy Spirituality" by Pete Scazzero Grandparenting Summit 2025
The holidays are upon us and that can mean stress when we gather with extended family, right? Our past experiences for Thanksgiving can bring great, family memories - or stressful conversations, especially when alcohol is involved and everyone is sharing their opinions.
Pivoting from parent to partner just went to the next level. How do we steer clear of the volatile conversations?
On this episode of The Parent Pivot Podcast, Steve and Julia - (okay, mostly Julia) provide some ways to "keep your mouth shut and the welcome mat out" while loving your family well. Be sure to watch this one!
Resources mentioned:
Grandparenting Summit 2025
None of us like a detour. It messes up our timing, our plans, and causes stress and anxiety. Can I get an "AMEN!"?
Detours are never convenient. They take us out of our way, and they are LONGER than than we originally planned to travel. "But God . . . "
On this edition of The Parent Pivot Podcast, Steve shares what has helped him by his Bible Apps and Dr. Tony Evans that will help you see these detours as something God is using to develop us as good "pivoting partners." #detours #tonyevans #youversionbibleapp
Check out the Grandparenting Summit:
Now that we have your attention, there IS a path toward healthy social media use that can actually draw your adult kids closer to you.
It's true. When it comes to how we use social media, there are some changes in how we use it that requires a pivot as well.
On this podcast of The Parent Pivot Podcast, Steve and Julia outline what those changes are, that they personally went through, to help us make a good pivot to thoughtful social media use. Your adult kids will thank you!
Resources mentioned: "The 40-Day Social Media Fast: Exchange Your Online Distractions for Real-Life Devotion"
Grandparenting Summit 2025 - February 21-22, 2025.
You know that feeling. The one that causes your chest to puff out when someone tells you something about your character they like or something you did that was AMAZING, right? We were given respect and what did that do to the relationship? It enhanced and deepened it. Why?
Respect is so important in relationships because it helps us feel safe and express ourselves, while building trust and wellbeing in relationships.
On this edition of The Parent Pivot Podcast, Steve and Julia walk us through what that looks like and the many rewards and benefits that are out there for us to enjoy as partners with our adult "offspring." Be sure to watch, subscribe and share in your social media channels.
Resources mentioned on the broadcast:
"Holidays, Traditions and Change: How Do We Navigate This Season"
Often times life can get so busy, hectic, and burdensome it feels like we aren't really making progress. Ever felt this way? Maybe you do now.
God never intended us to live this way.
When it comes to making a good pivot from parent to partner, there is one key aspect that makes that pivot smoother: Grace.
On today's Parent Pivot Podcast Steve and Julia guide us down this path and how as Partners - we can gain respect while celebrating our adult kids - never mentioning anything about ourselves, but keeping our mouths shut. They even give us a homework assignment to get us started.
Resources mentioned on the broadcast: Tim Keller podcast, "Marriage in Christ"
When we've been hurt by a parent or by our adult child, the natural reaction is to protect our heart. We will either withdraw, fight, freeze for flee. We only have control over our own response. So when a family relationship is fractured, repairing it can be difficult.
On this edition of the Parent Pivot Podcast, Steve and Julia bring their years of combined wisdom, counsel, empathy and words from Scripture to help you begin your journey of repairing the relationship.
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As mentioned in today's broadcast - to book time with Julia to discuss YOUR personal relationship issue, text her at: 714-392-2060 or email her at [email protected].
When pivoting parents don't pivot to partner well and don't accept your choice of who you married (or are dating) - it can cause issues on so many fronts! If this is where you find yourself today on either side of the issue, this podcast is for you.
On this edition of The Parent Pivot Podcast, Steve and Julia carefully walk both adult kids and pivoting parents down multiple scenarios toward acceptance and healing in their relationship. It's a 5-star podcast you won't want to miss!
Relationships are hard enough in-person but when we use our phones to text our adult kids, fracturing a relationship is always one text away.
As we pivot from being a parent after 20-30 years, we also need to pivot to healthier texting as partners.
On this edition of The Parent Pivot Podcast, Steve and Julia give us some healthy tips and boundaries on texting communication that will help improve how we respond to our adult kids - especially in an emotionally charged situation.
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Resources mentioned on this podcast: "The Social Dilemma"
The pivot from parent to partner is a life-learning process that includes many facets. One facet we don't often think is related to pivoting to being a partner to our adults kids, is our long-term health choices.
On this edition of the Parent Pivot Podcast, Steve and Julia bring to our attention the truth behind the foods we eat and how they are creating life-long disease that can end up crippling and limiting our time with our kids and grandkids.
Resources mentioned: "Good Energy - The Surprising Connection Between Metabolism and Limitless Health" by Casey Means, MD - available on Amazon.
Legacy Grandparenting Summit - February 21-22, 2025. Attend in-person or online at legacycoalition.com/summit
Mom and Dad may be a "tad" slow making the pivot from being a parent to a partner and you're not quite sure how to communicate with them any more. Life with them seems so frustrating, and may feel like your relationship will never be the same.
Can you relate?
Guess what?
There's hope. Steve and Julia usually talk to parents of adult children, but on this edition of the Parent Pivot Podcast, they are here to help you, the next generation. Be listening as they share 4 critical tools you can start using today to bring you healthy relationships with your "Partners."
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