Parshas Vayera: Our Eternal Bond
The Parsha Perspective is in honor of Eretz Yisroel. May G-d protect our brave soldiers. May G-d return all the hostages in Gaza immediately.
The Parsha Perspective is in loving memory of my grandfather, Yaakov Yosef Ben Aryeh Leib, Edward Ben Efraim, Shlomo Ben Edward, and Yirachmiel Daniel Ben Gedalia. May their souls be uplifted and their memories a blessing.
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Our Parsha begins with G-d appearing to Avraham Avinu shortly after his circumcision. To ease Avraham's pain, G-d made the sun exceptionally hot so that no travelers would pass by, leaving Avraham undisturbed in his recovery. However, seeing how much it distressed Avraham to have no one to welcome and host, G-d sent three angels in the form of men to visit him.
We find out the discrepancy description of these angels between Avraham and Lot.
We learn the vast difference between the intrinsic connection of Avraham and the circumstantial relationship of Lot.
Parshas Lech Lecha, Choosing Our Path
The Parsha Perspective is in honor of Eretz Yisroel. May G-d protect our brave soldiers. May G-d return all the hostages in Gaza immediately. The Parsha Perspective is in loving memory of Edward Ben Efraim, Shlomo Ben Edward, and Yirachmiel Daniel Ben Gedalia. May their souls be uplifted and their memories a blessing.
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Our Parsha introduces us to Avraham Avinu, the father of the Jewish nation, marking a significant shift in the Torah’s narrative—from a universal focus on the entire world to the specific journey of the Jewish people.
With Avraham, G-d begins the formation of a unique nation through a covenant with our forefathers, starting with Avraham himself.
He is commanded to leave his birthplace and hometown and embark on an unknown journey led by G-d. Avraham promptly gathered his camp and began this unique voyage without delay.
We find out about Avraham's choice and path in life.
We learn about our choice gifted to us by Avraham for all his descendants.
Parshas Noach, Faith Over Fear
The Parsha Perspective is in honor of Eretz Yisroel. May G-d protect our brave soldiers. May G-d return all the hostages in Gaza immediately. The Parsha Perspective is in loving memory of Edward Ben Efraim, Shlomo Ben Edward, and Yirachmiel Daniel Ben Gedalia. May their souls be uplifted and their memories a blessing.
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Our Parsha introduces Noach, a man who remained steadfast in his faith in G-d while society around him descended into chaos and anarchy.
G-d informed Noach that a Mabul (flood) would soon destroy all of civilization, sparing only Noach and his family, who would find safety within a Teivah, an ark he was instructed to build.
Noach received detailed dimensions for the ark and was commanded to bring seven pairs of each kosher animal and a pair of each non-kosher animal.
We find the intention of the Builders of the Tower of Bavel.
We learn the lack of power our enemies actually have.
The Sukkos Perspective: The Willow Jew
The Sukkos Perspective is in honor of Eretz Yisroel. May G-d protect our brave soldiers. May G-d return all the hostages in Gaza immediately. The Sukkos Perspective is in loving memory of Edward Ben Efraim, Shlomo Ben Edward, and Yirachmiel Daniel Ben Gedalia. May their souls be uplifted and their memories a blessing.
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We are about to celebrate Sukkos, the holiday of immense joy and happiness. The central theme of the holiday can be found in the davening, "Zman Simchaseinu—the time of our happiness."
This happiness stems from the miraculous Clouds of Glory that protected the Jewish nation during their forty years in the desert.
We find out about the different Arba Minim and what they represent.
We learn the truth about the willow twig.
Faith and Forgiveness: The Yom Kippur Perspective
The Yom Kippur Perspective is in honor of Eretz Yisroel. May G-d protect our brave soldiers. May G-d return all the hostages in Gaza immediately. The Yom Kippur Perspective is in loving memory of Edward Ben Efraim, Shlomo Ben Edward, and Yirachmiel Daniel Ben Gedalia. May their souls be uplifted and their memories a blessing.
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We are about to begin the holiest time of the year, Yom Kippur—the Day of Forgiveness.
It’s a day of spiritual elevation, where the very sanctity of the day itself atones for our sins against G-d.
We learn how God forgives the Jewish people so that He is feared!
Faith and Resilience: The Rosh Hashanah Perspective
The Rosh Hashanah Perspective is in honor of Eretz Yisroel. May G-d protect our brave soldiers. May G-d return all the hostages from Gaza immediately.
The Rosh Hashanah Perspective is in loving memory of Reuven Ben Yaakov, Leah Mintche Bas Yaakov Yosef, Edward Ben Efraim, Shlomo Ben Edward, and Yirachmiel Daniel Ben Gedalia. May their souls be uplifted and their memories a blessing.
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We are about to celebrate Rosh Hashanah and begin a new year on the day G-d created the first human beings, Adam and Chava.
It is a time when G-d, in his Divine wisdom, sits on His holy throne as the fate of every being is decided.
The sounds of the Shofar will blast as we crown G-d as our King, putting our faith and trust in His majesty and supreme sovereignty.
Akeida's Yitzchak, the binding of Yitzchak, one of the most meaningful stories of all of Judaism.
May we all be blessed with a year of purpose and meaning. A year of strength and health. A year of true happiness and prosperity!
Parshas Nitzavim & Vayelech, Leadership and Guidance
The Parsha Perspective is in honor of Eretz Yisroel. May G-d protect our brave soldiers. May G-d return all the hostages in Gaza immediately. The Parsha Perspective is in loving memory of Edward Ben Efraim, Shlomo Ben Edward, and Yirachmiel Daniel Ben Gedalia. May their souls be uplifted and their memories a blessing.
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Our Torah portions are always read on the Shabbos before Rosh Hashanah, for they contain some of the most fundamental principles in all of Judaism.
We begin with Moshe Rabbeinu gathering the people he led out of Egypt one final time. He emphasizes that we are all identical and equal in the eyes of G-d, our Heavenly Father.
We find out what Moshe thought Yeshua's leadership role was.
We learn where we must focus our effort, spirit, and intention to make the redemption our reality.
Parshas Ki Tsavo, Reflection and Renewal
The Parsha Perspective is in honor of Eretz Yisroel. May G-d protect our brave soldiers. May G-d return all the hostages in Gaza immediately.
The Parsha Perspective is in loving memory of Edward Ben Efraim, Shlomo Ben Edward, and Yirachmiel Daniel Ben Gedalia. May their souls be uplifted and their memories a blessing.
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Our Parsha continues with Moshe's final address to the Jewish people. He begins by teaching the laws applicable once the Jewish nation settles in Israel.
We find out which Torah portions are always read before Rosh Hashana.
We learn the importance of leaving the past behind, so we can have a future.
Parshas Ki Teitzei, Words, Deeds, Legacy
The Parsha Perspective is in honor of Eretz Yisroel. May G-d protect our brave soldiers. May G-d return all the hostages in Gaza immediately.
The Parsha Perspective is in honor of the Refuah Shlema of Pesha Henna bas Yitta Gittel. May all those who need experience a speedy and complete recovery with G-d's help. The Parsha Perspective is in loving memory of Hinda Bas Udl, Edward Ben Efraim, Shlomo Ben Edward, and Yirachmiel Daniel Ben Gedalia. May their souls be uplifted and their memories a blessing.
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Our Parsha continues with Moshe's final address to the Jewish people. He repeats and reiterates over 70 mitzvahs, some notable ones are returning a lost object to its owner, the obligation to send away the mother bird before taking her young, the mitzvah of wearing Tzitzis, and the law against wearing Shatnez—any garment that contains a mixture of wool and linen.
We find out the commandment to remember Miriam's experience with Tzara'as.
We learn the power behind our words and actions.
Parshas Shoftim, Justice Shapes Society
The Parsha Perspective is in honor of Eretz Yisroel. May G-d protect our brave soldiers. May G-d return all the hostages in Gaza immediately.
The Parsha Perspective is in loving memory of Edward Ben Efraim, Shlomo Ben Edward, and Yirachmiel Daniel Ben Gedalia. May their souls be uplifted and their memories a blessing.
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Our Parsha continues with Moshe's final address to the Jewish nation. He outlines the leadership structure for the Jewish nation.
We begin with the commandment of appointing judges and law officers to maintain peace and order in each city. Moshe then details specific laws for judges, prohibiting corruption and perversion of justice.
We find where judges and law enforcement should be situated in the city.
We learn how honesty, integrity and Holiness must permeate every aspect of our lives.
Parshas Re’eh, Vision and Decision
The Parsha Perspective is in honor of Eretz Yisroel. May G-d protect our brave soldiers. May G-d return all the hostages in Gaza immediately.
The Parsha Perspective is in loving memory of Yirachmiel Daniel Ben Gedalia, Edward Ben Efraim, and Shlomo Ben Edward, whose birthday is the 28th of Av. May their souls be uplifted and their memories a blessing for their families.
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Our Parsha continues with Moshe's final address to the Jewish people, where he emphasizes that their actions will determine whether they receive blessings or curses.
If they follow G-d's commandments, they will be blessed, but defying these laws will bring G-d's anger upon them.
We find out what Moshe wanted the Jewish nation to see.
We learn the profound impact of our actions.
Parshas Eikev, Destiny is in the Details
The Parsha Perspective is in honor of Eretz Yisroel. May G-d protect our brave soldiers. May G-d return all the hostages in Gaza immediately.
The Parsha Perspective is in loving memory of Edward Ben Efraim, Shlomo Ben Edward, and Yirachmiel Daniel Ben Gedalia. May their souls be uplifted and their memories a blessing.
The Parsha Perspective is in memory of the Lubavitcher Rebbe's holy father, Reb Levi Yitzchak Schneerson. His Yahrzeit will be this Shabbos on the 20th of Av. He was an immense Torah scholar and Kabbalist who gave his life to preserving Judaism in Russia. In his honor, may we merit the coming of Moshiach and the ultimate Redemption!
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Our Parsha continues with Moshe's final address to the Jewish people. He tells them that if they follow the Torah's path and keep the Mitzvahs, they will be blessed above all peoples.
There won't be any challenge in defeating and conquering the land of Israel, for G-d will fight for them.
We find the conditions set forth by God to keep His Covenant alive.
We learn where the key to the truth lives.
Parshas Veschanan, Words of Resilience
The Parsha Perspective is in honor of Eretz Yisroel. May G-d protect our brave soldiers. May G-d return all the hostages in Gaza immediately.
The Parsha Perspective is in honor of the Refuah Shlema of Yakkov Ben Esther. May all those who need experience a speedy and complete recovery with G-d's help.
The Parsha Perspective is in loving memory of Edward Ben Efraim, Shlomo Ben Edward, and Yirachmiel Daniel Ben Gedalia. May their souls be uplifted and their memories a blessing.
This Shabbos is affectionately known as Shabbos Nachamu, the Shabbos of comforting. This name comes from this week’s Haftorah, the first of seven where G-d comforts us for our pain and suffering. The prophet Yeshayahu reassures us that G-d has not forgotten us, heaven forbid.
The Haftorah begins with Yeshayahu telling the Jewish nation, נחמו נחמו עמי יאמר אלקיכם - "Comfort, oh comfort My people, says your G-d." May we experience this comfort, reassurance, and the ultimate redemption speedily in our days.
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Our Parsha begins with Moshe Rabbeinu continuing his final address to the Jewish people.
He recounts how he begged G-d to let him enter the land of Israel and how G-d refused his request. Instead, he was instructed to climb a mountain where he would see the land from afar.
We find out when Moshe Rabbeinu prayed to enter the land of Israel.
We learn the prayer to not stumble or hesitate when defending and proclaiming God's Oneness.
Parshas Devarim: On G-d's Path
The Parsha Perspective is in honor of Eretz Yisroel. May G-d protect our brave soldiers. May G-d return all the hostages in Gaza immediately.
The Parsha Perspective is in loving memory of Edward Ben Efraim, Shlomo Ben Edward, and Yirachmiel Daniel Ben Gedalia. May their souls be uplifted and their memories a blessing.
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This Shabbos has a unique name, "Shabbos Chazon - the Shabbos of vision." We read a special Haftorah beginning with the words "Chazon Yeshayahu - the vision of Yeshayahu."
Yeshayahu prophesied both punishments for rebellion against G-d and the ultimate redemption with the coming of Moshiach!
Our Parsha begins the last book of the Torah, Sefer Devarim. With just 37 days left to live, Moshe gathers the nation for his final address. He rebukes them for their past misdeeds and lack of trust in G-d.
We find how God prepared the path for the Jewish people.
We learn who fights our wars when we are following God's path!
Parshas Matos & Massei, respect and faith
The Parsha Perspective is in honor of Eretz Yisroel. May G-d protect our brave soldiers. May G-d return all the hostages in Gaza immediately.
The Parsha Perspective is in loving memory of Edward Ben Efraim, Shlomo Ben Edward, and Yirachmiel Daniel Ben Gedalia. May their souls be uplifted and their memories a blessing.
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Our Parshas begins with Moshe teaching the leaders of each tribe many laws concerning oaths and promises. He teaches them how to make and annul a vow and under which circumstances a person can cancel a vow made by another.
G-d then instructs Moshe to retaliate against Midian for sending their women into the Jewish camps to sin. Moshe gathered one thousand soldiers from each tribe and appointed Pinchas to lead the attack against Midian.
We find out the special dispensation from the normal rules of inheritance for the daughters of Tzelafchad.
We learn the lengths we must go and the distance we must travel to make our community whole once again.
Parsha Pinchas: Strength and Serenity
The Parsha Perspective is in honor of Eretz Yisroel. May G-d protect our brave soldiers. May G-d return all the hostages in Gaza immediately.
The Parsha Perspective is in memory of my grandfather, Rav Yeudah Ben Aaron, Shlomo Ben Edward, Edward Ben Efraim, and Yirachmiel Daniel Ben Gedalia. May their souls be uplifted and their memories a blessing.
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Our Parsha has the story of Pinchas, the grandchild of Aaron, receiving a reward for killing Zimri, the head of the tribe of Shimon. Zimri was publicly consorting with a Midianite princess, so Pinchas took a spear and ended both of their lives.
We find what prerequisites Moshe Rabbeinu had for his successor.
We learn what it means to be a warrior and scholar.
Parshas Balak: Choices and Blessings
The Parsha Perspective is in honor of Eretz Yisroel. May G-d protect our brave soldiers. May G-d return all the hostages in Gaza immediately.
This week's Parsha Perspective is in memory of my grandfather, Rav Yeudah Ben Aaron, Shlomo Ben Edward, Edward Ben Efraim, and Yirachmiel Daniel Ben Gedalia. May their souls be uplifted and their memories a blessing.
This week's Parsha Perspective is in the merit of the holy Ohr Hachaim, Rav Chaim Ibn Attar, a commentay I use frequently. His Yahrzeit, the anniversary of his passing, is on the 15th of Tammuz, this upcoming Sunday.
The release date of this episode is the 12th of Tammuz, which marks the birthday and release from prison of the previous Rebbe, Rav Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, the sixth Chabad Rebbe. Born in 1880, the Rebbe, known as the Rayyatz, led with courage and dedication, keeping Judaism alive during dark times.
In 1940, he came to America and founded a Yeshiva, declaring, "Amerike iz nit andersh - America is no different." His legacy lives on through his passion, care for every Jew, and dedication to G-d, magnified by his son-in-law, our Rebbe.
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Our Parsha tells us the story of Balak and Balaam. Balak, the king of Moav, was worried about his upcoming battle with the Jewish people.
Moshe and the Jewish nation had just won their wars with the powerful countries of Emor and Bashon.
So Balak recruited Balaam, the famous non-Jewish prophet, to curse the Jewish people and hopefully defeat the Jewish nation in battle.
We find out what made Balak afraid.
We learn the significance of each choice we make.
Parshas Chukas, Purity and Purpose
The Parsha Perspective is in honor of Eretz Yisroel. May G-d protect our brave soldiers. May G-d return all the hostages in Gaza immediately.
The Parsha Perspective is in honor of the Refuah Shlema of HaRav Amitai Ben Shoshanna and those who need to experience a speedy and complete recovery with G-d's help. The Parsha Perspective is in loving memory of Edward Ben Efraim, Shlomo Ben Edward, and Yirachmiel Daniel Ben Gedalia. May their souls be uplifted and their memories a blessing.
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Our Parsha begins with Moshe teaching the intricate laws of the Parah Adumah - the Red Heifer. The Parah Adumah is a red cow that was never used and is slaughtered as an offering.
Then, it is burnt, and its ashes are used to rectify the most severe of ritual impurities, Tum'as Mes, an impurity contracted through interacting with a human corpse.
We find the difference between a home and a tent.
We learn about our mission and purpose in this temporary world.
Parshas Korach, you are light
The Parsha Perspective is in honor of Eretz Yisroel. May G-d protect our brave soldiers. May G-d return all the hostages in Gaza immediately.
The Parsha Perspective is in honor of the Refuah Shlema of Pesha Henna bas Yitta Gittel. May all those who need experience a speedy and complete recovery with G-d's help. The Parsha Perspective is in loving memory of Hinda Bas Udl, Edward Ben Efraim, Shlomo Ben Edward, and Yirachmiel Daniel Ben Gedalia. May their souls be uplifted and their memories a blessing.
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This upcoming Tuesday is the third of Tammuz, which marks thirty years since the passing of the Lubavitcher Rebbe—Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson. Traditionally, this is a day for reflection, re-commitment, and positive action.
Our Parsha has the story of the Korach rebellion. Korach was a rich and influential man from the tribe of Levi. Together with a few ringleaders, he gathered 250 men and accused Moshe and Aaron of nepotism and power hoarding.
We find out what made the Jewish nation afraid of going near the Mishkan.
We learn about the ebbs and flows of God's light as He matches our actions.
Have a meaningful Shabbos and inspirational Gimmel Tammuz.
Parshas Shelach, Envision the Promise
The Parsha Perspective is in honor of Eretz Yisroel. May G-d protect our brave soldiers. May G-d return all the hostages in Gaza immediately.
The Parsha Perspective is in honor of the Refuah Shlema of HaRav Amitai Ben Shoshanna. May all those who need experience a speedy and complete recovery with G-d's help. The Parsha Perspective is in loving memory of Hinda Bas Udl, Edward Ben Efraim, Shlomo Ben Edward, and Yirachmiel Daniel Ben Gedalia. May their souls be uplifted and their memories a blessing.
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Our Parsha has the story of the spies reconnaissance of Israel. The Jewish people lacked faith in what G-d had told them about the land, so they asked Moshe if they could send spies to study Israel and report back their findings.
We find the connection between the spies exploration of the land and the Mitzvah of Tzitzis.
We learn about the vision we must have for our future to prosper!
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