On the 3rd Sunday of Advent, we read Mary's Magnificat. Everything about Mary pointed others to her Son, Jesus. We are called to do the same. Want to learn more about our mission to joyfully Reawaken a Culture of Life? Visit us at www.PelicanProjectMinistry.org
Join us this week for the 2nd week of Advent as we discuss how we encounter Christ in a tangible way. For more information on our mission to joyfully reawaken a culture of life, visit us at www.pelicanprojectministry.org
Join us this first week of Advent as we dive into our Pray, Grow, and Serve devotional series Advent with the Psalms!
Want to learn more about our mission to Reawaken a Culture of Life? Visit us at www.PelicanProjectMinistry.org!
This week, as the liturgical year comes to an end, we are taking some time to reflect back on the milestones and look forward to the opportunities of the year ahead. Don't miss the sneak peeks of what is to come! Want to learn more about our mission to Reawaken a Culture of Life? Visit us at www.PelicanProjectMinistry.org
Pull up a chair to our table and join us as we dive deeper into this week's Pray, Grow, and Serve devotional and talk about using our gifts to share God's goodness! Want to learn more about our mission to joyfully Reawaken a Culture of Life? Visit us at www.PelicanProjectMinistry.org
Hello, friends! Pull up a chair and join us as we talk about what it means to reflect His light in our lives, to join John the Baptist in saying "He must increase, but I must decrease" and the ripple effect that creates in our families. For more about our mission to reawaken a culture of life in the domestic church, visit us at www.PelicanProjectMinistry.org
Join us this week as we discuss a not-always-easy and neat lesson (sometimes downright messy) we must teach our kids as their most important teachers. To learn more about our mission to reawaken a culture of life in the domestic church, visit us at www.PelicanProjectMinistry.org
Pull up a chair and join us this week as we discuss the absolute Miracle of the Mass and the gift of the Eucharist.
To learn more about our mission to reawaken a culture of life, visit www.PelicanProjectMinistry.org
Pull up a chair and join us this week we discuss how family meals are a part of God's design for the health of the domestic church and affirm the dignity of the human person.
Want to learn more about our mission to reawaken a culture of life? Visit us at www.PelicanProjectMinistry.org!
Join us this week as we discuss the benefits of creating a space to pray in our homes and what it has to do with reawakening a culture of life. For more about The Pelican Project and our mission to reawaken a culture of life, visit www.PelicanProjectMinistry.org
Pull up a chair and join us this week as we talk about an incredibly powerful prayer. The Venerable Fulton Sheen encouraged the faithful to "spiritually adopt" an unborn child in danger of being aborted and their parents. Sheen proclaimed with the holy boldness he is so well known for that this prayer—this intentional action of the heart—would save lives. In this week's episode, Kelly will explain how she knows this to be true.
Pray, Grow, and Serve with us using this week's devotional!
Inspired by St. Therese's Little Way, we invite you to join us in our October's Little Way calendar in honor of Respect Life Month! St. Therese’s “little way” encourages us as parents to embrace every opportunity in our day-to-day to pour Christ’s love and truth into the heart of our home.
Visit our October's Little Way calendar here!
Welcome friends! Pull up a chair and join us for the Season 2 premiere of The Pelican Project Podcast! We have a very special guest to help us start the season off right, please welcome Fr. John Paul Mary of the Franciscan Missionaries of the Eternal Word. Today, Fr. John Paul helps us tackle the not so easy subject of redemptive suffering and the power that suffering can have in our lives.
Don't forget to Pray, Grow, and Serve with us this week using our weekly devotional!
To learn more about The Pelican Project and our mission to Reawaken a Culture of Life visit us at www.PelicanProjectMinistry.org!
Pull up a chair and join us as we talk with TAN Books author Patrick O'Hearn and discuss his new book Courtship of the Saints: How the Saints Met Their Spouses.
Don't miss your chance to receive a free copy of Patrick's book by visiting our website and Pledging to Reawaken a Culture of Life in your domestic church! (August 1 - August 4)
Join us for our Season Finale as we talk about love and marriage. Pull up a chair and let's discuss!
To learn more about The Pelican Project's mission to joyfully reawaken a culture of life, visit us at www.PelicanProjectMinistry.org
Pull up a chair and join us this week as we sit down to chat with Father Peter Pomposello, @fr.unclesam, about family and vocation.
For more about The Pelican Project and our mission to joyfully reawaken a culture of life visit www.PelicanProjectMinistry.org.
Satan tempts man away from flourishing within his masculine gifts and responsibilities through deception and distraction. Man simply cannot be the protector and provider God created him to be if he does not first have mastery over his own desires and passions and the temptations Satan sends his way.
To learn more about The Pelican Project and our mission to joyfully reawaken a culture of life, visit us at www.PelicanProjectMinistry.orgMentioned in this week's episode
A Time To Die: Monks on the Threshold of Eternal Life by Nicolas Diat
A Family Guide to Spiritual Warfare - Strategies for Deliverance and Healing by Kathleen Beckman, L.H.S.
Into the Breach - An Apostolic Exhortation by Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted
While the Father, Son and Holy Spirit act as one—we can examine each Person of the Trinity to derive a better understanding of who God created men to be. To learn more about The Pelican Project's mission to joyfully reawaken a culture of life, visit us at www.PelicanProjectMinistry.org
Find this week's Pray, Grow, and Serve devotional here!
Into the Breach by Bishop Olmsted
Into the Breach video series by The Knights of Columbus inspired by the Apostolic Exhortation by Bishop Olmsted
The masculine was lived in perfection throughout the life of Jesus Christ; therefore, men are called in a unique way to live the Imitatio Christi through the perfection of their masculinity. Pull up a chair and let's discuss!
To learn more about our mission to joyfully reawaken a culture of life, visit our website at www.PelicanProjectMinistry.org
Join Kelly and Crystal as they discuss God's design for spousal love, how He calls husbands and wives to "be subordinate to one another" and how the culture gets it wrong.
Pray, Grow, and Serve with us using this week's devotional!
Learn more about our mission to joyfully reawaken a culture of life at www.PelicanProjectMinistry.org
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