
  • We've been gone for a while and it really isn't surprising at this point, but we do have our reasons and we talk about them in this episode.  Other than catching up with each other after our respective literal and figurative moves (Ryan to another country and job, Jika to another employer), we go into our newest finds, what we're excited about, and our most recent learnings too about what makes us do what we do or do not in this happiest hobby of ours. Yes, everyone, we're demotivated and that's actually been a good thing. :)

    Here are the usual links relevant to the episode: 

    Leonardo Memento Magico Primary Manipulation 1 unboxing on Pen Venture "The Science of Motivation" on The American Psychological Association "Missing Your Motivation" on Psychology Today

    And for our Pen Noobs Podcast Links:

    Instagram: @thepennoobspodcast The Pen Noobs Podcast Linktree: https://linktr.ee/thepennoobspodcast The Pen Noobs Podcast Episode 29 on Youtube: https://youtu.be/b5Nq-7KBWFM
  • So it's Pride Month and we'd thought that it'd be a right enough time to celebrate not just queerness in the now-conventional sense, but also queerness--the characteristic that distinguishes, sets apart, makes special--the habits and things that we know and love in the hobby. This isn't an episode about buying yet another thing, but really, just celebrating the innovations and aspects of pens and stationery that are not so conventional but oh-so attention grabbing.   

    * Apologies for the audio flitting in and out in the end because, as it turns out, our mic's USB was loose in its port. 

    Here are some links of note:  

    Pilot Tsuwairo Inks and Swatches on Reddit Fountain Pen Companion, a database for cataloguing Inks and Pens A walkthrough of the Fountain Pen Companion Website care of The Pen Addict A Platinum Glamour Review on the Estilofilos Blog The Pilot Murex (Myurex?) on The Tokyo Fountain Pen Scene Site The Dante Alighieri: Inferno Fountain Pen on the Montegrappa Site The Conklin Crescent Filler Fountain Pen Review on the Write Experience Blog The Best Retractable Fountain Pens of 2021 on Unsharpen.com:  A TWSBI Go Review from The Pen Addict The Wearingeul Fried Chicken Ink Set on Hamilton Pens Ishimarubun Pickled Ginger Scented Ink Sylvester Stallone's Chaos Line Fountain Pens on the Nibs.com

    We support local LGBTQIA+ organizations that you can look up or help out via the following links: 

    Metro Manila Pride, the organization in charge of the annual Pride March in Metro Manila Love Yourself, an organization giving out Sexual and Mental Health Aid to the LGBTQIA+ community

    And our usual Pen Noobs Podcast Links: 

    Instagram: @thepennoobspodcast   The Pen Noobs Podcast Linktree: https://linktr.ee/thepennoobspodcast The Pen Noobs Podcast Episode 28 on Youtube: https://youtu.be/Vlfd67sVqxU
  • エピソードを見逃しましたか?


  • So we're a spot out of sorts in this one but we showed up regardless because we want to talk about current events but, technically, cannot talk about it given the current climate in our country. Thus, we resort to talking about the issues relevant to our circumstances through pens and stationery controversies as of late. There aren't any noob discoveries in this one but we do cover the Noodler's Ink Volcker Green and Bernanke Red controversy, harken back to the Hobonichi Michael Jackson line recall, and update you about the Esterbrook-Skybambi property rights thing (which we hinted at previously in ProperTEA talk).

    Anyway, LINKS!

    Noodler's Ink Volcker Green Controversy information on Reddit Noodler's Ink Facebook post showing Volcker Green Bottle Design Noodler's Ink Apology on IG Noodler's Ink Announcing Renamed Products on IG Hobonichi Michael Jackson Line Preview Benu Pens moves Operations from Moscow to Armenia from Luxury Brands of America IG

    And our usual Pen Noobs Podcast Links: 

    Instagram: @thepennoobspodcast    The Pen Noobs Podcast Linktree: https://linktr.ee/thepennoobspodcast   The Pen Noobs Podcast Episode 27 on Youtube: https://youtu.be/e2NtXpT4SRg
  • If you're part of Fountain Pen Palengke (FPP), the Philippines' Facebook marketplace for fountain pen and stationery lovers, Sir Alden Castaneda would be no stranger despite being largely an enigma. Ryan and I only met him recently for this episode, after two years of buying our pens/half our pen collections from him. He's a "power seller" with a remarkable manner of penabling. His posts are reliable and always attention-grabbing in their selection and composition. He'd pick a theme to tie some 5 to 10 pens together with the caption (often a story that's rooted in real life or, other times fantastical; sometimes an allusion to poetry and other times a relatable anecdote). 

    In this episode, Sir Alden shares his stories with us and, by extension, with you. Sir Alden is a maker of stories and, as will be revealed in this episode, a keeper of them too. This episode may have taken a while to churn out, but trust us when we say that this is one of the more heartfelt, earnest, and endearing ones too. You'll surely feel warmth after this episode. 

    Anyway, here are some Sir Alden Castaneda seller highlights for you to get a sense of why he's one of our favorite--maybe our actual favorite--seller and "tito" in FPP. 

    Kutis Porselana Tyger, Tygrrr! The Art of Gold Inlay

    Here are our usual Pen Noobs Podcast links: 

    Instagram: @thepennoobspodcast   The Pen Noobs Podcast Linktree: https://linktr.ee/thepennoobspodcast  The Pen Noobs Podcast Episode 26 on Youtube: https://youtu.be/SOEzeNnTE7Q
  • We begin season 2 with an exploration of the overlaps between our hobbies in the pen and stationery community and content creation. Intellectual property doesn't seem like something overtly related to all the good stuff--journal spreads, pen pictures, shopping hauls, and the like--but, apparently it all is. So listen in on us as we talk about the tea on intellectual property in the first episode of the second season of The Pen Noobs Podcast with Jika and Ryan. 
    Again, some relevant links: 

    "What is Copyright?" by Atty. H on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhSuf1xc2iU&t=614s
    "Moral rights: protecting your reputation and artwork" on the Design and Artists Copyright Society (DACS) website: https://www.dacs.org.uk/knowledge-base/factsheets/moral-rights
    The Intellectual Property of the Philippines (IPOPHIL) Website: https://www.ipophil.gov.ph
    The IPOPHIL webpage dedicated to Authors, Artists, and Creators Copyright: https://www.ipophil.gov.ph/copyright/

    And, by the way, if you haven't yet joined **April's One-Year Anniversary Giveaway,** where we giveaway one of Jika's early 2-pen case creations, click on this link (https://www.instagram.com/p/Cb6jo4svLSL/) and on the post
    💖Comment on this post with your answer to the question: What @thepennoobspodcast episode did you like the most and why?
    💖 You can comment as many times as you like.
    💖 We’ll draw and announce 1 winner by the end of the month, April 30.
    💖 This giveaway is open to everyone, though we really would prefer it if you have a PH address just in case shipping problems arise due to COVID restrictions changing here or wherever you are.
    The Pen Noobs Podcast Links

    Instagram: @thepennoobspodcast 
    The Pen Noobs Podcast Linktree: https://linktr.ee/thepennoobspodcast
    The Pen Noobs Podcast Episode 25 on Youtube: https://youtu.be/4zDXznvnGgs

  • Happy anniversary to us and thanks for being here to tune back in. Ryan and I have been on a month-long hiatus, not to take time off, but really because work has been relentless. However, we're back and happy to catch-up with each other and with you. In this episode, we cover our personal highlights, look-forward-tos, and leave-behinds, and close things off with the quickest "fast talk" rounds we can muster for each other. Keep listening till the end for our giveaway mechanics, where we're to send off one of Jika's bespoke leather 2-pen cases by the end of April. :)

    Anyway, that's all and, well, THANKS so so much for being here and being here for the past year. <3

    PS: Ryan and my political allegiances in the upcoming May 2022 Philippine Elections are quite transparent, so if you want to learn more about the candidate we vouch for and help out in her campaign too, go to: https://www.teamlenirobredo.com

    The Pen Noobs Podcast Links

    Instagram: @thepennoobspodcast  The Pen Noobs Podcast Linktree: https://linktr.ee/thepennoobspodcast The Pen Noobs Podcast Episode 24 on Youtube: https://youtu.be/fxezy0-W7sI
  • Before we get to the description relevant to this episode, Ryan and I thought it important to dedicate a space to important current events and the things we can immediately do to address them: inform and encourage. We want to emphasize that, despite the leisure-related topics this podcast covers, we still are educators and citizens and humans at core; as such, we cannot be impartial.

    You are all likely aware of what’s going on in Ukraine right now, what with war befalling them over the past two days, so here are a few credible organizations where we and our audience can extend our help:

    UNICEF aid for Ukraine: https://help.unicef.org/ukraine-emergency Red Cross aid for Ukraine: redcross.org.ua/donate/

    Regarding what we can do closer to home, Ryan and I both support the presidential candidate and current Vice President Leni Robredo, and if you do as well or want to help out, you can volunteer or help out in any way, shape or form via: https://www.teamlenirobredo.com

    Anyway, onto the episode description! :)

    You might have noticed that we are fascinated with the mechanics of purchasing and selling—essentially, consumerism and the greater cogs that make it so—thus, we talk about the big CON[sumerism] in this one. We digress a bit into vacations and skin care but also go through different interesting theories regarding why the heck we like and buy what we like regardless of the price of a product or the hassle of purchasing it. In what ways is a sticker pack the same as lipstick in economics? Are you a challenge consumer or a convenience consumer? Do our pens increase in value?

    PS: Thanks to our economist colleague, Angel, for helping us with the economics of things. :)

    Again, here are relevant links covered in this episode:

    Block 77 Leather Crafting on Instagram Kahn and Selesnick’s “Tarot of the Drowning World”

    The Pen Noobs Podcast Links

    Instagram: @thepennoobspodcast  The Pen Noobs Podcast Linktree: https://linktr.ee/thepennoobspodcast The Pen Noobs Podcast Episode 23 on Youtube: https://youtu.be/zrx8dj22NM0
  • Jika took one for the team by being a guest alongside her one and only, Paulu (pronounced "paul-oo"), an artist and film scholar. In our desire to discuss consumerism and love, there was no better way to celebrate and critique these two themes than through an interview of a pen couple. Ryan prepared the cheesy questions, and Jika and Paulu willingly and honestly answer all of them.  

    Here are the usual links:  

    Platinum Carbon Black on mountainofink  Pelikan M200 Cafe Creme 2015 LE review on The Pelikan's Perch  Trouble Maker Inks x Jim Weaver X Scribe LE Ink "Tarsier"  

    Guest Links:  

    Paulu's Instagram Artist Page: @an.imitationoflife

    The Pen Noobs Podcast Links 

    Instagram: @thepennoobspodcast   The Pen Noobs Podcast Linktree: https://linktr.ee/thepennoobspodcast  The Pen Noobs Podcast Episode 22 on Youtube: https://youtu.be/8TmW80MAMFI
  • At the time of recording, it was Jika's birthday and also the full moon, so what better time to talk about tarot and journaling at once, right? For this one, we invited a familiar face, Unisse of @sushi.plans, once again to hangout, catchup, and share her tarot journaling practice. It's our goal to get Ryan in on the tarot train, really. Hopefully, our conversation makes you consider it and its benefits as well. 
    As usual, here are some relevant links: 

    Platinum x Clamp 30th Anniversary "xxxHolic" fountain pen
    Tony Tony Leathercrafting on Instagram
    Practical Magic's "Pinoy Practical Magic Deck"
    Practical Magic's "PM Diary: A Year of Practical Magic"
    Practical Magic's Digital "Your Guide to Everyday Astrology"
    Practical Magic's Tarot Stickers
    Labyrinthos Website
    Labyrinthos Phone App

    If you haven't joined ***Jika's Birthday Giveaway*** yet, join here (open to residents in the Philippines, or foreigners with Philippine addresses; open only until January 31, 8pm, PhST)
    The Pen Noobs Podcast Links

    Instagram: @thepennoobspodcast
    The Pen Noobs Podcast Linktree: https://linktr.ee/thepennoobspodcast
    The Pen Noobs Podcast Episode 21 on Youtube: https://youtu.be/c5NIVndOU6w

  • The amount of times "noob" is said in the thumbnail is no joke, but rather a way to impress upon our viewers/listeners that there are, and have been since 2018, more than 2 pen noobs. This episode's guest is Ronin Bautista of pennoob.com, known for their helpful articles on everything from the Troublemaker Inks duo, pen people profiles,  the Tomoe River Paper ruckus, and helpful fountain pen related lists for Filipinos to find what exactly they're looking for locally.   

    We apologize for some lag in both video and audio, but hope that you persist to tune in because there is gold in this conversation. :)  

    As always,  

    Jika and Ryan   

    Again, are some links of note: 

    Shibui Ph Website Shibui Ph on Instagram Practical Magic on Instagram Practical Magic.co PM Diary: A Year of Practical Magic (Tarot Journal), available only in their Philippines webshop Clem Dionglay on Instagram Clem Dionglay's Website, "Rants of the Archer" Leigh Reyes on Instagram pennoob.com's Profile of the Troublemaker Inks Team pennoob.com's Filipino Fountain Pen and Stationery Listicle pennoob.com's coverage of Nemosine closing down pennoob.com's coverage of the Tomoe River Paper Saga pennoob.com's Profile of @thepennoobspodcast pennoob.com and @thepennoobspodcast "2021 Fountain Pen Roundup" 

    The Pen Noobs Podcast Links 

    Instagram: @thepennoobspodcast The Pen Noobs Podcast Linktree: https://linktr.ee/thepennoobspodcast The Pen Noobs Podcast Episode 20 on Youtube: https://youtu.be/-9cw2TCM1gs
  • Cuffing season is that period just before or after Christmas/the New Year when people tend to, well, break up with each other. We're hijacking that concept to talk about the things and habits we're breaking up with in preparation for 2022. So, though this is a short one (shorter than most of our episodes, at least), hang tight and keep listening as we cover everything from sheening inks to carbon emissions in this one. Also, happy merry advanced Merry Holidays and a Happy New Year!

    Here are some links of note:

    HGTV Handmade's Video on Rajiv Surendra: https://youtu.be/7Uo2nomf4I0  Muji Carry Case: https://www.mujiph.com/product-page/copy-of-pp-file-box-lid Muji Tin Storage: https://www.mujiph.com/product-page/tin-box-with-lid Muji Modular Trays for Carry Case: https://www.mujiph.com/product-page/pp-stationery-box

    The Pen Noobs Podcast Links:

    The Pen Noobs Podcast Instagram: @thepennoobspodcast   

    The Pen Noobs Podcast Linktree: https://linktr.ee/thepennoobspodcast   

    The Pen Noobs Podcast Episode 19 on Youtube: https://youtu.be/5arFELz3CDM

  • Excuse the pun but  Christmas season is upon us and we're here to talk about our hauls and grails. We've never had a grail episode and this is our first, thus marking our characters' development from noobs to noobs-with-grails. Other than this, we also cover the latest Take A Note and Nothing Planners and talk about something we haven't experienced in a while: pen peace. 

    As usual, here are relevant links: 

    StationeryCafe.com (formerly WishMnl) on Instagram Take A Note 2022 Planner Nothing Planner 2022 Pilot Custom Urushi Vermillion on GouletPens Montblanc "Around the World in 80 Days"

    The Pen Noobs Podcast Links:

    The Pen Noobs Podcast Instagram: @thepennoobspodcast   The Pen Noobs Podcast Linktree: https://linktr.ee/thepennoobspodcast   The Pen Noobs Podcast Episode 18 on Youtube: https://youtu.be/-fjKfAj-36g
  • We know we took a while to come back BUT we still cannot contain our excitement over having Harry of @foxscribbler on the show, because we think it's about time to highlight a particularly dapper approach to journaling and curation. Harry and his instagram feed had come to our attention only in the last few months, but we're hooked on his mindfully-created designs and careful selection of ephemera, words, and captions for each post. If you're interested in vintage-looking spreads and calligraphy, with a sprinkle of encouragement, then tune in and be sure to click the links to his social media. 

    Here are some links of note from the episode: 

    Bomoarts Budapest Full Leather-Bound Journal  KWZ Old Gold  Ink Review on Mountain of Ink Monteverde Copper Noir Ink Review on Mountain of Ink Skybambi Stationery on Instagram Shinjodu Online Stationery Store

    Harry's relevant links: 

    Harry's Instagram: @foxscribbler

    The Pen Noobs Podcast links: 

    The Pen Noobs Podcast Instagram: @thepennoobspodcast  The Pen Noobs Podcast Linktree: https://linktr.ee/thepennoobspodcast  The Pen Noobs Podcast Episode 17 on Youtube: https://youtu.be/mAbmCx-Yri0
  • We're testing the new Anchor/Spotify function, so try and answer the question for this episode: What are your unpopular pen, stationery, journaling, and/or planning opinions? We promise not to judge. :3

    Halloween, onions, and peaches. This episode is one where we cringe, test our friendships, make butt jokes, and have a few lols over each others' opinions. Mind you, they're nothing too controversial, or maybe they are for people in the pen and stationery community. Regardless, we hope this episode makes you think about your own quirks and opinions from what your prefer and don't prefer.   

    Anyway, that's all. The write-up is short, but the episode isn't. Thanks for coming back and tuning in again, Pen Friends! Oh, and happy halloween! :)

    Here are the usual links where you can find us: 

    The Pen Noobs Podcast Instagram: @thepennoobspodcast 

    The Pen Noobs Podcast Linktree: https://linktr.ee/thepennoobspodcast 

    The Pen Noobs Podcast Episode 16 on Youtube: https://youtu.be/a4PdHky41Kw

  • With all the Abbey Sy and Paper Society acquisitions as of late, it was inevitable that this day would come when your resident noobs would have Abbey Sy over. In one of our chillest interviews yet, Abbey stops by to talk about her journey, her interests, her businesses, and her community. We might be new to all this pen, stationery, journaling, and planning stuff, but it’s comforting to know that Abbey and her patrons affirm just how open and accepting the community is.

    As usual, here are a few links relevant to the episode:

    Paper Society PH’s Paper Book Vols. 1 and 2 on LazadaPH Anomalily’s Youtube Video “Inside the weird micro-economics of Planner Consumerism” Anomalily’s Youtube Video “Love at first sight... Hobonichi Cousin and why I bought a $120 planner” Archer and Olive’s “Guided Journaling Exercises for Each Phase of the Moon” Austin Kleon’s Website Mason Currey’s Substack “Subtle Maneuvers” Jocelyn K. Glei’s Podcast “Hurry Slowly”

    Abbey Sy’s Relevant Links:

    Abbey Sy’s Instagram Shop Abbey Sy Instagram Shop Abbey Sy Online Store Always Be Creating Instagram Paper Society PH’s Instagram Paper Society PH’s Lazada Page Abbey Sy’s Patreon Abbey Sy’s Youtube

    And where you can find us:

    The Pen Noobs Podcast Instagram: @thepennoobspodcast The Pen Noobs Podcast Linktree: https://linktr.ee/thepennoobspodcast The Pen Noobs Podcast Episode 15 on Youtube: https://youtu.be/AVS4UXjMUa0
  • We finally get around to posting this special episode with a dear friend and fellow-pen friend, Unisse of @sushi.plans. Unisse only started her pen-stagram and her Twitch stream at the dawn of this horrible pandemic, but she's already so visible on different platforms and in different niches of the community. 

    Some relevant links include: 

    Abbey Sy's Patreon Page: https://www.patreon.com/abbeysy Skybambi on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/skybambi/?hl=en Starbucks Planner 2021 Lineup: https://www.starbucks.ph/coffeehouse/promotions/starbucks-planner-organizer.html

    Hit Unisse up via her accounts

    Unisse's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sushi.plans/ Unisse's Twitch Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/sushixuni Mangata Podcast Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mangata.podcast/ Mangata Podcast Linktree: https://linktr.ee/mangata.podcast

    As usual, here are some links of relevance to our podcast:

    The Pen Noobs Podcast Instagram: @thepennoobspodcast  The Pen Noobs Podcast Linktree: https://linktr.ee/thepennoobspodcast  The Pen Noobs Podcast Episode 14 on Youtube: https://youtu.be/J7UcFrR5lx8
  • Pen Friends!   

    Welcome to our 13th episode, a Hobo-How-To or a Hobo [1]101. Though most of you might have already received your orders, it’s only the 17th of September and we thought it’d be nice to give everyone a guide on how to navigate the site and also share our to-buys for 2022.   

    If you haven’t put in your order yet, we hope this episode gives you confidence to order straight from the source because, honestly, receiving the magical pink box from Hobonichi after days or weeks of waiting is an incomparable annual experience.   Also, because we want to give credit where credit is due, here’s a bombardment of links to important Hobonichi website pages and product highlights.    

    Hobonichi 2022 Full Lineup Hobonichi Book Buying Guide Hobonich Weeks “MOTHER: Fourside/Moonside” Hobonichi Weeks “Shirt Fabric: Class Plaid”  Hobonichi Weeks “Bow & Tie: Forest Tiger”   Hobonichi Weeks “Leather: Evergreen”   Hobonichi A6 Cover “Leather: Into the Forest” Hobonichi A6 Cover “Safari 2”   Hobonichi A6 Cover “Tsuchiya Bag Factory: Starter Techo (Roll)”   Hobonichi A5 Cover “minä perhonen: jardin (Gray)”   Hobonichi A5 Cover “Shinsuke Yoshitake: Today’s Adventure”   Hobonichi A5 Cover “Reflect”   Shinsuke Yoshitake “Today’s Adventure Stamps: At Home/Outside”   Shinsuke Yoshitake “Today’s Adventure Stickers”   Hobonichi Pencil Board “Saul Leiter”   Herbin Blotting Paper   Hobonichi Frame Stickers   Yuka Hiiragi Plain Notebook A6   Shopping Instructions   

    Enjoy and happy shopping, everyone!

  • You've been with us for 12 episodes now, Pen Friends!

    Half a year of podcasting and we still feel just as noob-ish as we did 6 months ago. This episode is what the title says: a mid-year checkin where we check in on each other, our progress, acquisitions, and any significant changes since the podcast launched in March of this year. We also hint at several wishes/plans for the remainder of the year. 

    Point is, we have plans to stay for a while, Pen Friends, but for now, we want to thank you for tagging along and tuning in. 

    As usual, here are some links of relevance to our podcast:

    The Pen Noobs Podcast Instagram: @thepennoobspodcast The Pen Noobs Podcast Linktree: https://linktr.ee/thepennoobspodcast The Pen Noobs Podcast Episode 12 on Youtube: https://youtu.be/i38-sLVhEsw
  • Welcome back, Pen Friends!  

    As we reach the halfway mark of the year since we premiered, we thought it'd be nice to bring in a few representatives of the youth (a demographic Ryan and I are slowly inching out of). We invited two of our former students, Tots and Franz, who also happen to be fountain pen enthusiasts of various tenures and interests. Tots just got into the hobby and Franz has been in it since 2014 (Yes. 2014! He's been in the hobby for longer than we have). So yes, humbling as it is, we readied ourselves to be taught this time around.   

    As usual, here are some links to the products and people and sites of relevance to this episode.  

    Narwhal Schuylkill Ranga Pens   Fosfor Pens Lotus Pens  Pickled Ginger Ink Hongdian 6013 Cosmos Bazar The Pen Habit's "Adjusting Your Fountain Pen"  Platinum Plaisir Midnight 

    Thanks for stopping by again and catch you in the next one! And if you want to see where we, The Pen Noobs Podcast, are both active and available, here are some links as well: 

    The Pen Noobs Podcast Instagram: @thepennoobspodcast  The Pen Noobs Podcast Linktree: https://linktr.ee/thepennoobspodcast The Pen Noobs Podcast Episode 11 on Youtube: https://youtu.be/0X1kTQrfJTo
  • Welcome back to another special one!  

    This time around, we have quite a chat with one-half of the Tokyo Inklings podcast duo, CY. We're sure that, if you're here, you've also already listened to an episode or two or all of Tokyo Inklings.   Their podcast gained much traction last year when they gave us insider info regarding Japan exclusive pens and stationery, and Japanese pen manufacturers. We would not have known about the major Sailor changes and, most recently, the Tomoe River Saga if not for the hard work of both CY and his co-host Jacob (@fudefan).   

    Of course, this episode won't be about just that, because CY is also a nib-grinder--well-known for his stacked gold nibs and his special grinds. So yes, we talk about A LOT in this one, so tune in as you always do, Pen Friends.   

    Go and follow CY on his and Tokyo Inklings' varied digital spaces:  

    CY Instagram CY website Tokyo Inklings website

    And if you want to see where we, The Pen Noobs Podcast, are both active and available, here are some links as well: - 

    Episode 10 on Youtube The Pen Noobs Podcast Instagram The Pen Noobs Podcast Linktree