
  • Mike talks with Corey Nathan, host of the most excellent podcast, Talkin’ Politics & Religion Without Killin’ Each Other. Corey shares his unique perspective as a "born-again Christian with a thick Jewish accent" and how his background has influenced his approach to discussing sensitive topics like politics and religion.
    Topics Mike & Corey Discuss Include:
    - how and why Corey doesn’t fit the ‘Evangelical Christian’ stereotype
    - discussing politics with evangelical Christians
    - a Biblical approach to political issues like immigration and LGBTQ rights
    - searching for the truth, as opposed to trying to ‘win’ every argument
    - the value of regularly engaging with people with whom we disagree
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    Mike’s other podcast is Sustainable Planet.
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    The Politics Guys is part of The Democracy Group, a network of podcasts that examines what's broken in our democracy and how we can work together to fix it.
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  • Trey talks with Becca Block, author of Can You Help Me Give a Sh*t, in which she discusses the surprising policy implications of listening to student's voices in public education.
    Topics Trey and Becca Cover Include

    are we asking too much of the public school system?

    what it means to listen deeply to student voices

    the competing policy desires of parents, teachers, and students

    the intersection of race and gender on educational policy

    are libertarians right when it comes to public education?

    Follow Becca on her website, and check out Can You Help Me Give A Sh*t
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    The Politics Guys is part of The Democracy Group, a network of podcasts that examines what's broken in our democracy and how we can work together to fix it.
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  • Trey and Ken dive into the 7th and 8th Amendments. Topics include:

    The historic origins of jury trials

    The lack of contemporary 7th Amendment cases

    Excessive bail

    Excessive fines and civil forfiture

    Cruel and unusual punishment

    The death penalty

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  • Trey & Ken start the show by delving into the International Court of Justice’s Friday ruling against Israel. Trey and Ken disagree over the scope of the decision as to whether it prohibits further offensive action. Ken believes the ICJ is offering wiggle room and Trey does not.
    Staying overseas, the guys talk about the surprising call for snap elections in the United Kingdom. The hosts focus on the motivations behind this decision, especially given recent poll numbers for Conservatives, the potential outcomes, and the impact it could have on British politics.
    Next, attention turns to the primary elections in Georgia, Oregon, and Kentucky along with the special election in California. The focus is primarily on the presidential election. Trey believes it points to a low turnout election and Ken is more optimistic.
    In Supreme Court news, Trey and Ken finish the show over the landmark ruling on racial gerrymandering. Here Ken believes that Justice Alito is overtly racist and inconsistent. Trey pushes back hard and argues that Ken fundamentally misunderstands Alito’s ruling. They dive deep into the details of the decision. They also address the recent Alito flag controversy.
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    The Politics Guys is part of The Democracy Group, a network of podcasts that examines what's broken in our democracy and how we can work together to fix it.
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  • Trey talks with Elizabeth Neumann, former Assistant Secretary for Counterterrorism and Threat Prevention at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, about her recently released book Kingdom of Rage: The Rise of Christian Extremism and the Path Back to Peace. 
    Topics Trey and Elizabeth Cover Include

    from foreign extremism to domestic extremism

    the Christian case against extremism

    the evolution of religion and politics

    how left and right differ in extremist activities

    Follow Elizabeth on X, and check out Kingdom of Rage
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    Listener support helps make The Politics Guys possible. You can support us or change your level of support at patreon.com/politicsguys or politicsguys.com/support. On Venmo we’re @PoliticsGuys.
    The Politics Guys is part of The Democracy Group, a network of podcasts that examines what's broken in our democracy and how we can work together to fix it.
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  • Mike and Trey kick off the previeww of this midweek supporters’ episode with a look at the Supreme Court’s upholding the funding structure for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Mike and Trey think this was the right call, with Trey arguing that Justices Alito and Gorsuch are conflating the unconstitutional with what they may believe to be unwise public policy.
    Next, they discuss how AT&T improperly influenced the Illinois legislature into passing bills favorable to the company. This turns into a broader discussion of the problem of state and local-level corruption and why it may be worse today than it has been in the recent past.
    Following that they turn to stadium subsidies – why voters approve them, why economists hate them, and what can be done to make it harder for pro sports owners to tell cities, ‘pay up or we’re moving’.
    They close with Trey discussing why many evangelicals support Israel, and how his support differs. Before long, they end up in some deeper theological and philosophical waters.
    Mike’s other podcast is Sustainable Planet.
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    Listener support helps make The Politics Guys possible. You can support us or change your level of support at patreon.com/politicsguys or politicsguys.com/support. On Venmo we’re @PoliticsGuys.
    The Politics Guys is part of The Democracy Group, a network of podcasts that examines what's broken in our democracy and how we can work together to fix it.
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  • Mike and Trey open with a discussion of the Biden administration’s recently announced tariffs on China. Trey is no fan of protectionism, but he understands Mike’s points concerning US issues with China’s trade practices. They both agree that Donald Trump’s approach to China would almost certainly be more tariff-heavy than Biden’s.
    Then they turn to presidential debates, which will happen without the Commission on Presidential Debates. Trey points out how early the first of the two scheduled debates will be, which Mike attributes to Biden wanting to give debating Trump a try far enough ahead of the election that it won’t do much damage if things go off the rails.
    From there they move to the Supreme Court allowing Louisiana’s congressional redistricting map to go into effect. Trey points out the difficult position Louisiana’s legislature is in, caught between the Equal Protection Clause and the Voting Rights Act. Mike is most sympathetic to the view of Justice Jackson, who felt that the Court shouldn’t have gotten involved at this point.
    They close with a discussion of US aid to Israel. Mike doesn’t think it unreasonable for the US to put conditions on its support of Israel, or to withhold support entirely if aid is being used in a way we believe to be morally unacceptable. Trey points out that were neighboring countries more willing to take in Palestinians, the situation might be far less dire than it currently is.
    Check out Let’s Find Common Ground.
    Mike’s other podcast is Sustainable Planet.
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    Listener support helps make The Politics Guys possible. You can support us or change your level of support at patreon.com/politicsguys or politicsguys.com/support. On Venmo we’re @PoliticsGuys.
    The Politics Guys is part of The Democracy Group, a network of podcasts that examines what's broken in our democracy and how we can work together to fix it.
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  • Mike talks with Tulsi Gabbard, a military veteran and four-term member of Congress who was Vice Chair of the Democratic National Committee. She caused a major stir when she left the party, which she’s written about in her recently released book, For Love of Country: Leave the Democrat Party Behind, which is the focus of their conversation.
    Topics Mike & Tulsi Discuss Include:
    - what drew Tulsi to the Democrats in the first place
    - how she realized she no longer was a Democrat
    - if Democratic Party elites are warmongers
    - foreign policy and isolationism
    - the ‘wokeism’ of contemporary Democrats
    - the Democratic Party and free speech
    Check out Tulsi’s Website and follow her on X
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    Mike’s other podcast is Sustainable Planet.
    Listener support helps make The Politics Guys possible. You can support us or change your level of support at patreon.com/politicsguys or politicsguys.com/support. On Venmo we’re @PoliticsGuys.
    The Politics Guys is part of The Democracy Group, a network of podcasts that examines what's broken in our democracy and how we can work together to fix it.
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  • Jay and Justin open the preview of this midweek supporters’ episode with a discussion of South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem revealing in her new book that she shot a dog and lied about meeting Kim Jong Un. They discussed why someone would put that in a book, what this means for the VP contest, and ultimately proposed a third political party whose platform mostly consists of not shooting dogs.
     Next, they talk about the Supreme Court ruling in Culley v. Marshall, dealing with a civil forfeiture case from Alabama. While the Court sided with the state, they seem open to the idea of revisiting the issue of forfeiture in the future. In their discussion, Justin and Jay consider constitutional issues, perverse incentives, and English common law from before the Norman invasion.
    They close with a look at recent swing state polling, which shows a statistical dead heat, but with Trump up slightly in all seven of the polled states. How have these states become the ones that matter? Are there others? Will journalists continue pushing the idea that Ohio is a swing state just so they can go to diners and talk to average Americans?
    Check out Mike’s other podcast, Sustainable Planet.
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    Listener support helps make The Politics Guys possible. You can support us or change your level of support at patreon.com/politicsguys or politicsguys.com/support. On Venmo we’re @PoliticsGuys.
    The Politics Guys is part of The Democracy Group, a network of podcasts that examines what's broken in our democracy and how we can work together to fix it.
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  • Jay and Justin start off discussing President Biden’s proposed pause in sending certain offensive weapons to Israel if they attack Rafah, including the impact on the conflict, potential reverberations in the international community, and the domestic political implications of conflict over Israel within the Democratic party.
    Next, they turn their attention to Marjorie Taylor Green’s failed attempt to oust Speaker Mike Johnson. Why did the Democrats stick by him, what does this say about the state of the Republican party, and what institutional factors got us here in the first place?
    Following that, they discussed the delay in former President Trump’s documents case, after Judge Cannon postponed the start of the trial indefinitely pending hearings on a number of motions. Was this the right call? What does it mean for the upcoming election?
    They close with a discussion of Representative Henry Cuellar’s indictment on bribery and money laundering charges from his dealings with Azerbaijan and Mexico. Is there an Azerbaijan caucus in Congress? What does the case against Cuellar look like? What does this hold for control of the House in November?
    Check out Mike’s other podcast, Sustainable Planet.
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    Listener support helps make The Politics Guys possible. You can support us or change your level of support at patreon.com/politicsguys or politicsguys.com/support. On Venmo we’re @PoliticsGuys.
    The Politics Guys is part of The Democracy Group, a network of podcasts that examines what's broken in our democracy and how we can work together to fix it.
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  • Mike talks with Allen Guelzo, the Thomas W. Smith Distinguished Research Scholar in the James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions at Princeton University. Professor Guelzo is a three-time winner of the Lincoln Prize, awarded annually for the finest scholarly work in English on Abraham Lincoln, the American Civil War soldier, or a subject relating to their era. They discuss his latest book, Our Ancient Faith: Lincoln, Democracy, and the American Experiment.
    Topics Discussed Include:
    - why Lincoln had such faith in democracy
    - if Lincoln saw Blacks as truly equal
    - Lincoln’s constitutionally questionable actions
    - what current-day politicians could learn from Lincoln
    - Lincoln’s cosmic optimism
    Check out Mike’s other podcast, Sustainable Planet.
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    Listener support helps make The Politics Guys possible. You can support us or change your level of support at patreon.com/politicsguys or politicsguys.com/support. On Venmo we’re @PoliticsGuys.
    The Politics Guys is part of The Democracy Group, a network of podcasts that examines what's broken in our democracy and how we can work together to fix it.
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  • Mike and May open the preview of this midweek supporters’ episode with a look at the Louisiana redistricting plan recently rejected by a three-judge panel. They get into the tension between the Voting Rights Act and the Equal Protection Clause, partisan vs racial gerrymandering, and if there’s a better way to set up congressional districts.
    Next is a discussion of the proposed federal rescheduling of marijuana. Mike thinks it’s long overdue and should lead to more and better research on the effects (both good and bad) of pot. May is more skeptical, though she agrees that we could use better medical research on cannabis’ effects.
    They end with their thoughts on the extended interview Donald Trump recently gave to Time. Mike was surprised at how often Trump came off as a normal politician, while May was unsurprised at Trump’s agenda for a second term.
    Check out Mike’s other podcast, Sustainable Planet.
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    Listener support helps make The Politics Guys possible. You can support us or change your level of support at patreon.com/politicsguys or politicsguys.com/support. On Venmo we’re @PoliticsGuys.
    The Politics Guys is part of The Democracy Group, a network of podcasts that examines what's broken in our democracy and how we can work together to fix it.
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  • Mike & May open with a discussion of the escalating pro-Palestine protests on college campuses. May things other schools can learn from Florida’s handling of protests at state institutions. Mike wonders if ‘outside agitators’ are necessarily a bad thing, and if we should be glad that so many people are in a position to protest what they view as significant injustice.
    Next is a look at the Antisemitism Awareness Act, which passed the House with strong bipartisan support. May thinks it’s largely fine, whereas Mike believes it’s too restrictive of legitimate expression.
    They close with the proposed rescheduling of marijuana by the Biden administration. Mike thinks it’s long overdue and should lead to more and better research on the effects of marijuana. May believes it won’t do all that much, and is another example of the Biden administration of attempting to energize the youth vote ahead of the 2024 elections.
    Listen to Future Hindsight, and check out Mike’s other podcast, Sustainable Planet.
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    Listener support helps make The Politics Guys possible. You can support us or change your level of support at patreon.com/politicsguys or politicsguys.com/support. On Venmo we’re @PoliticsGuys.
    The Politics Guys is part of The Democracy Group, a network of podcasts that examines what's broken in our democracy and how we can work together to fix it.
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  • As a cross-interview with Sustainable Planet, Kimberly Weir, Professor Emeritus of Political Science at Northern Kentucky University and co-host of Sustainable Planet talks with Akshat Rathi, award-winning senior reporter for Bloomberg News and the host of Zero, a climate-solutions podcast for Bloomberg Green and author of Climate Capitalism: Winning the Race to Zero Emissions and Solving the Crisis of Our Age.

    Topics Kimberly & Akshat discuss include:
    How a misinformed campaign marketing slogan about ‘clean coal’ led Akshat into the year-long pursuit of uncovering the truth about climate technology
    Why economists feel the way to address climate change is to put a price on carbon
    How to achieve negative carbon emissions since zero emissions alone isn’t enough
    Why, when it comes to electric cars, you’ve never heard of Wan Gang, though Elon Musk is a household name
    Why the very industries that created lithium-ion batteries, solar cells, and carbon capture and storage are so resistant to employing that technology
    How private capital from billionaires like Bill Gates and anyone with a 401K plan is a key part of pursuing climate technology
    That climate justice is both ethically the right path but also reaps global economic benefits
    The need to shift from ‘shareholder’ to ‘stakeholder’ if we’re going to meet the less-ambitious Paris Conference climate change goals 
    Akshat Rathi on X
    Listen to Part 2 of the interview on Sustainable Planet.
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    Listener support helps make The Politics Guys possible. You can support us or change your level of support at patreon.com/politicsguys or politicsguys.com/support. On Venmo we’re @PoliticsGuys.
    The Politics Guys is part of The Democracy Group, a network of podcasts that examines what's broken in our democracy and how we can work together to fix it.
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  • Mike and Jay open the preview of this supporters’ exclusive episode with a discussion of oral arguments in Grants Pass v. Johnson, where the Supreme Court is considering the constitutionality of a local ordinance that bans sleeping outdoors. Mike has more of a problem with the ordinance than does Jay, and they agree that the Court is likely to issue an opinion that gives cities clearer guidance. They also discuss the underlying issue – the growing homelessness problem in the United States.
    After that, they turn to oral arguments in Trump v. United States, where the Court is taking up the issue of post-presidential criminal immunity for official acts. Mike doesn’t think there should be any immunity for illegal acts, while Jay argues that it’s not always entirely clear where that line is.
    They close with a look at the FTC’s new rule banning noncompete agreements. Mike argues that it’s a good idea that is in keeping with market principles, though he doesn’t think the FTC has the legal authority to make the rule. Jay agrees with the lack of authority, and questions whether a ban is all that good of an idea in any case.
    Check out Mike’s other podcast, Sustainable Planet.
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    Listener support helps make The Politics Guys possible. You can support us or change your level of support at patreon.com/politicsguys or politicsguys.com/support. On Venmo we’re @PoliticsGuys. 
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  • After some brief comments on the ongoing criminal trial of Donald Trump, Mike and Jay discuss the Ukraine aid package, considering how it got to the floor, what it says about the Republican Party, and the arguments against extending more aid to Ukraine.
    Next, they turn to the recently passed TikTok ban, which would require parent company ByteDance to either sell the company to an approved buyer within a year or no longer be able to do business in the United States. Both Mike and Jay are skeptical of the constitutional arguments against the ban and think there are solid national security reasons for the legislation.
    They close with a look at the growing pro-Palestine demonstrations on college campuses across the country. Mike is more sympathetic to the protestors' viewpoint than Jay is, but they both support reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions on students’ (and non-student protestors) exercise of speech.
    Check out Mike’s other podcast, Sustainable Planet as well as TPG’s fellow Democracy Network show, The Bully Pulpit.
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    Listener support helps make The Politics Guys possible. You can support us or change your level of support at patreon.com/politicsguys or politicsguys.com/support. On Venmo we’re @PoliticsGuys.
    The Politics Guys is part of The Democracy Group, a network of podcasts that examines what's broken in our democracy and how we can work together to fix it.
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  • Mike welcomes back to the show Bryan Caplan, a Professor of Economics at George Mason University, prolific author, and blogger at Bet on It. They discuss his latest essay collection, You Will Not Stampede Me: Essays on Non-Conformism.
    Topics Mike and Bryan Discuss Include
    - disobedience to authority
    - why the world is wrong and the weird is right
    - herding and hysteria
    - the ubiquity (and danger) of crusades
    - what the world got wrong about COVID
    - combining cynicism and idealism
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    The Politics Guys is part of The Democracy Group, a network of podcasts that examines what's broken in our democracy and how we can work together to fix it.
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  • Trey and Ken dive into the Sixth Amendment and the unique protections it provides defendants. Topics of conversation include:

    The advent of professional police and prosecutors

    The modern plea bargaining system

    The right to a prosecutor

    The ability to produce evidence in your defense

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    Mike and Kimberly's new show splanetpod.com
    Listener support helps make The Politics Guys possible. You can support us or change your level of support at patreon.com/politicsguys or politicsguys.com/support. On Venmo we’re @PoliticsGuys.
    The Politics Guys is part of The Democracy Group, a network of podcasts that examines what's broken in our democracy and how we can work together to fix it.
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  • Trey and Ken open with breaking news on Israel’s attack on Iran and Syria. They discuss the appropriateness of the response, the likely message behind the response, and the political implications for U.S. politics. They also briefly consider the timing of the U.S.’s blocking of Palestinian United Nations membership in the Security Council.
    Next, they move to Congress and the ongoing debate inside the Republican Party over foreign aid. Trey believes Speaker Johnson has a deal already struck with Democrats, which also allows some Democrats to vote no on Israeli aid, while Ken thinks if there is a deal it is more comprehensive for Democrats. 
    After that, they discuss the suspension and ultimate resignation of Uri Berliner from his role at NPR. Here the hosts take very different views. Ken views Uri as striking a Trumpian tone and is rightfully criticized and ousted. Trey disagrees, arguing that divergent viewpoints help media be thoughtful in the ways that frame, prime, and agenda setting. Objectivity is not impossible, but it doesn’t mean that viewpoint diversity is a bad thing. 
    They close with a look at the newest Supreme Court decision in the case of Mckesson v Doe, the case determining if the organizer of an event can be held liable for activity he did not directly cause or promote.
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    Mike and Kimberly's new show splanetpod.com
    Listener support helps make The Politics Guys possible. You can support us or change your level of support at patreon.com/politicsguys or politicsguys.com/support. On Venmo we’re @PoliticsGuys.
    The Politics Guys is part of The Democracy Group, a network of podcasts that examines what's broken in our democracy and how we can work together to fix it.
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  • Trey talks with author Sasha Issenberg about his new book The Lie Detectives: In Search of a Playbook for Winning Elections in the Disinformation Age, in which he talks about the left's campaign strategies to combat "disinformation" and "misinformation."
    Topics Trey and Sasha Cover Include
    - why the left is primarily interested in disinformation
    - the campaign strategies of Democrats online
    - the focus on engagement in political persuasion
    - how overseas democracies have faced similar disinformation strategies
    - Brazilian cautions for some leftwing approaches to disinformation
    Follow Sasha on X, and check out The Lie Detectives
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    Listener support helps make The Politics Guys possible. You can support us or change your level of support at patreon.com/politicsguys or politicsguys.com/support. On Venmo we’re @PoliticsGuys.
    The Politics Guys is part of The Democracy Group, a network of podcasts that examines what's broken in our democracy and how we can work together to fix it.
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